Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Riyad-us-saliheen - Book No.1 Good Manners

2006-12-08 Thread Mahboob Shariff

Chapter 85
Secrecy of Private Matters (Guarding Secrets)
Allah, the Exalted, says:

"And fulfill (every) covenant. Verily! The covenant, will be questioned 
about.'' (17:34)

685. Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of 
Allah (PBUH) said, "The most evil of the people to Allah on the Day of 
Resurrection will be the man who consorts with his wife and then publicizes her 
secret.'' [Muslim].

Commentary: Islam treats conjugal union as a sacred and secret act, both in 
social and moral terms. Indeed, the sanctity of conjugal rights contributes to 
the consolidation of moral norms and social cohesion. Yet, what passes between 
wife and husband on the consummation night is usually taken in a light vein in 
our societies. In the morning, both of them relate their sexual experience to 
their friends respectively. This is moral indecency which is incompatible with 
human dignity and civilized behaviour. This Hadith reckons it as a grave sin 
which must be eschewed. The bed-experience must be kept private by the married 
couple to the exclusion of a third person.

686. `Abdullah bin `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: My father 
`Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) said: When (his daughter) Hafsah (May 
Allah be pleased with her) became a widow, I met `Uthman bin `Affan (May Allah 
be pleased with him) and offered Hafsah for marriage to him. `Uthman said: "I 
shall think over the matter.'' I waited for a few days and then `Uthman met me 
and said: "It occurred to me that I should not marry at present.'' Then I met 
Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) and said to him: "If you are willing, 
I shall marry my daughter Hafsah to you.'' Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with 
him) remained silent and did not utter any word to me in reply. I grew more 
angry with him than with `Uthman. I had waited for only a few days when 
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) asked for her hand in marriage and I married her to 
him. Thereafter, I met Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) who said, 
"Perhaps you were angry with me when you offered Hafsah to me and I said 
nothing in reply.'' I said, "Yes, that is so.'' He said, "Nothing stopped me to 
respond to your offer except that I knew that Messenger of Allah (PBUH) had 
mentioned her and I could not disclose the secret of Messenger of Allah (PBUH). 
Had Messenger of Allah (PBUH) left her, I would have accepted her.'' 
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Commentary: To keep a secret and not to disclose it to people is the theme of 
this chapter as reflected in this Hadith. The Hadith has also other points 
which invite our attention. Firstly, a man can offer his daughter's hand to a 
righteous person. Secondly, it is undesirable for parents to send a message to 
another party for the wedlock of their daughter when talks with someone else 
are already continuing in this regard. Thirdly, if Messenger of Allah (PBUH) 
wanted to marry a woman but could not realize his intention for a reason or 
another, it was permissible for a Muslim to marry her because, juristically 
speaking, such a woman could not be counted as the Prophet's wife.

687. `Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: On one occasion all the 
wives of the Prophet (PBUH) were with him when his daughter, Fatimah (May Allah 
be pleased with her) who walked after the style of his father, came there. He 
(PBUH) welcomed her saying, "Welcome, O my daughter'', and made her sit on his 
right side, or on his left side and then whispered something to her at which 
she wept bitterly. When he perceived her grief, he talked secretly to her again 
and she smiled (with happiness). I said to her: "Messenger of Allah (PBUH chose 
you from amongst all his wives to speak secretly to you and yet you cried.'' 
When he left, I asked her, "What did Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say to you?'' 
She said, "I will not divulge the secret of Messenger of Allah (PBUH).'' When 
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) passed away, I said to her: "I adjure you by the 
right I have in respect of you to tell me what Messenger of Allah (PBUH) had 
told you.'' She said: "Now (when Messenger of Allah (PBUH) has died), I will 
tell you. When he whispered to me the first time, he told me, `Jibril (Gabriel) 
used to listen to my recitation of the Qur'an and then recite it back to me 
once or twice a year, and this time he has done it twice; and so I perceive 
that my death is approaching. Then be mindful of your duty to Allah and be 
patient and steadfast, for I shall be an excellent predecessor for you.' On 
this I wept as you saw. When he perceived my distress he talked to me secretly 
the second time and said, `O Fatimah, are you not pleased that you will be the 
chief among the believing women or of this Ummah?' This made me smile as you 
saw.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Commentary: This Hadith, too, has an implication for keeping a secret and 
concealing it from people. Moreover, we learn that one can spontaneously weep 
over hearin

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] On a Wing and a Prayer

2006-12-08 Thread saiyed shahbazi
On a Wing and a Prayer  By DEBRA BURLINGAME
December 6, 2006; Page A16

  Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Those are the words 
that started it all. Six bearded imams are said to have shouted them out while 
offering evening prayers as they and 141 other passengers waited at the gate 
for their flight out of Minneapolis International Airport. It was three days 
before Thanksgiving. Allahu Akbar: God is great.
  Initial media reports of the incident did not include the disturbing details 
about what happened after they boarded US Airways flight 300, but the story 
quickly went national with provocative headlines: "Six Muslims Ejected from US 
Air Flight for Praying." Yes, they were praying -- but let's be clear about 
this. The very last human sound on the cockpit voice recorder of United flight 
93 before it screamed into the ground at 580 miles per hour is the sound of 
male voices shouting "Allahu Akbar" in a moment of religious ecstasy.
  They, too, were praying. The passengers and crew of flight 93 lost their 
valiant fight to take back the plane just one hour and 20 minutes after it 
pushed back from the gate. Until the hijackers stormed the cockpit door, they 
were just a handful of Middle Eastern-looking men on their way to sunny 
California. So, yes, let's be exceedingly clear about the whole matter. Some 
3,000 men, women and children are dead because the unassuming people on those 
airplanes did not look at them and see murderers. Or dangerous Arabs. Or 
fanatical Muslims. They saw a few guys in chinos.
  * * *   In five years since the 9/11 attacks, U.S. commercial carriers have 
transported approximately 2.9 billion domestic and international passengers. It 
is a testament to the flying public, but, most of all, to the flight crews who 
put those planes into the air and who daily devote themselves to the safety and 
well-being of their passengers, that they have refused to succumb to ethnic 
hatred, religious intolerance or irrational fear on those millions of flights. 
But they have not forgotten the sight of a 200,000-pound aircraft slicing 
through heavy steel and concrete as easily as a knife through butter. They 
still remember the voices of men and women in the prime of their lives saying 
final goodbyes, people who just moments earlier set down their coffee and 
looked out the window to a beautiful new morning. Today, when travelers and 
flight crews arrive at the airport, all the overheated rhetoric of the civil 
rights absolutists, all the empty claims of government career
 bureaucrats, all the disingenuous promises of the election-focused politicians 
just fall away. They have families. They have responsibilities. To them, this 
is not a game or a cause. This is real life.
  Given that Islamic terrorists continue their obsession with turning airplanes 
into weapons of mass destruction, it is nothing short of obscene that these six 
religious leaders -- fresh from attending a conference of the North American 
Imams Federation, featuring discussions on "Imams and Politics" and "Imams and 
the Media" -- chose to turn that airport into a stage and that airplane into a 
prop in the service of their need for grievance theater. The reality is, these 
passengers endured a frightening three-and-a- half hour ordeal, which included 
a front-to-back sweep of the aircraft with a bomb-sniffing dog, in order to 
advance the provocative agenda of these imams in, of all the inappropriate 
places after 9/11, U.S. airports.
  "Allahu Akbar" was just the opening act. After boarding, they did not take 
their assigned seats but dispersed to seats in the first row of first class, in 
the midcabin exit rows and in the rear -- the exact configuration of the 9/11 
execution teams. The head of the group, seated closest to the cockpit, and two 
others asked for a seatbelt extension, kept on board for obese people. A heavy 
metal buckle at the end of a long strap, it can easily be used as a lethal 
weapon. The three men rolled them up and placed them on the floor under their 
seats. And lest this entire incident be written off as simple cultural 
ignorance, a frightened Arabic-speaking passenger pulled aside a crew member 
and translated the imams' suspicious conversations, which included angry 
denunciations of Americans, furious grumblings about U.S. foreign policy, Osama 
Bin Laden and "killing Saddam."
  Predictably, these imams and their attorneys now suggest that another 
passenger who penned a frantic note of warning and slipped it to a flight 
attendant was somehow a hysterical Islamophobe. Let us remember that but for 
their performance at the gate this passenger might never have noticed these men 
or their behavior on board, much less have the slightest clue as to their 
religion or political passions. Of course, that was the point of the shouting. 
According to the police report, yet another alarmed passenger who frequently 
travels to the Middle East described a conversation wit

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ask President to Veto Anti-Palestinian Bill

2006-12-08 Thread Romi Elnagar
Dear people,
  I just called my congressman now about this bill, but then, this message came 
through just as I put my phone down.
  I hope that everyone on this list who has the understanding of this issueand 
compassion will make a last-ditch effort to stop one more act by the US to seal 
the fate of the Palestinian people.
  Peace and best wishes,
  Romi Elnagar
  Action Alert: Tell Bush to Veto Palestinian Sanctions Bill
  Today, the House of Representatives passed S.2370, the Palestinian 
Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006, by Voice Vote (not recorded).
  The House's passage of S.2370, which was passed previously by the Senate on 
June 23, clears the way for the President to sign into law draconian economic 
and diplomatic sanctions against the Palestinian people for exercising their 
right to vote in legislative elections held earlier this year.
  TAKE ACTION:  Contact the White House NOW by phone 202-456-, by fax 
202-456-2461, and by email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask the President to veto 
S.2370, the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act.  Tell the President that the United 
States should not be sanctioning people for exercising their right to vote.   
  The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is in the process of trying to 
set up a meeting with White House officials to deliver a petition signed by 
more than 340 US-based organizations opposing the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism 
Act and to ask for a veto. 

For more details about the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act and the US Campaign's 
efforts to oppose it, click here.
  US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation PO Box 21539 Washington , DC 20009 

Cheap Talk? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] La hawla wa la

2006-12-08 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Abu Musa (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
  The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said to me, 
  "Shall I not guide you to a treasure from the treasures of Jannah?'' 
  I said: "Yes, O Messenger of Allah!'' Thereupon he (PBUH) said, "(Recite)
   `La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah' 
  (There is no change of a condition nor power except by Allah).''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. 
  Commentary: In this Hadith the invocation 
  "La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah'' has been regarded 
  a treasure of Jannah or one of the most precious stores of Jannah. 
  The reason for its high eminence seems to be that through it, 
  one makes a confession of his utter weakness and helplessness 
  and attributes all power and authority to Allah, and this is very 
  much liked by Allah. This statement is an outright admission 
  that man has no power and if he can prevent himself from 
  any mischief or do any good deed, it is only by the Will 
  of Allah and His Permission. 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Contribution of Muslims to the Modern World

2006-12-08 Thread Mohd Khaja
Assalamu Alaikum dear brethren in Faith!


Contribution of Muslims to the Modern World


Muslims have made immense contributions to almost all branches of the
sciences. Islam gave the world everything .After Islam, the world
benefited in all ways which we are all thinking as the contribution from
Europe. Whatever the historical books used by the Western world is all
lies. All technology and scientific discoveries came from Muslims. All
the modern technology which is found today is because of the works of
Muslim scientists and scholars who lived few centuries back. 


Islam was once the biggest and advanced civilization of the World.
Muslims today do not know who their forefathers were. That is one of the
reason why they are not proud to be Muslims. They have lost their
Islamic pride. Today Muslims follow the Western Chritian world in
anything they do. This should be stopped. Muslims have a great culture
and history to share with the rest of the World. 


Apart from religious knowledge, scholars of that day excelled in many
other areas like astronomy, mathematics, medicine and geography. Muslims
were expert in many fields. For example Al-Kindi was a philosopher,
mathematician, physicist, astronomer, physician, geographer and even an
expert in music. It is surprising that he made original contributions to
all of these fields. On account of his work he became known as the
philosopher of the Arabs. Baghdad was once the centre and capital of the
Islamic world. It was filled with mathematican, astronomers, scientists
and many scholars. There were many Scintists. Just to name some of them:


1) Ibn an Nafis

2) Thabit ibn Qurra

3) Ibn Sina

4) Al-Kindi

5) Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi

6) Muhammad Zakariya ar-Razi

7) Ali Kushji 

8) Al-Battani


Islam and Mathematics 


Mathematics was given to the world by Muslims. When Europe was sleeping,
Muslims had calculated the distance between the Earth and Moon. 


Musa al-Khwarizmi (780--850 A.D.) a native of Khwarizm, who lived in the
reign of Mamun-ar-Rashid, was one of the greatest Mathematicians of all


He composed the oldest Islamic works on arithmetic and algebra which
were the principal source of knowledge on the subject for a fairly long
time. George Sarton pays glowing tribute to this outstanding Muslim
mathematician and considers him "one of the greatest scientists of his
race and the greatest of his time".' 


There were many other Mathematicans like Al-Nasavi, Al-Karkhi, Abu
Zakariya Muhammad Al-Hissar and Nasir-ud-din Toosi.


Islam and Medicine 


Within a century after the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
the Muslims not only conquered new lands, but also became scientific
innovators with originality and productivity. 


Medicine, as it stands today, did not develop overnight.Major works in
medical history were contributed to the world by famous Muslilms Ibn
Sina, ibn Maimon, Ibn Rushd, Al -Razi, ibn Nafis and many more. The
names of theses great doctors were later latinezed and their works
were translated into many European language. Today in Europe, they are
still learning from the original works of Avicena, ibn Sina.


Ibn Sina-Doctors of Doctors!


About 100 treatises were ascribed to Ibn Sina. Some of them are tracts
of a few pages, others are works extending through several volumes. The
best-known amongst them, and that to which Ibn Sina owed his European
reputation, is his 14-volume The Canon of Medicine
 , which was a
standard medical text in Western Europe for seven centuries. 


Ibn Sina is rarely remembered in the West today and his fundamental
contributions to Medicine and the European reawakening goes largely
unrecognised. However, in the museum at Bukhara, there are displays
showing many of his writings, surgical instruments from the period and
paintings of patients undergoing treatment. An impressive monument to
the life and works of the man who became known as the 'doctor of
doctors' still stands outside Bukhara museum and his portrait hangs in
the Hall of the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Paris. 




Hospitals as we know them now probably were not present at Europe.
Muslims first introduced the concepts of Hospital.The Caliphs of the
Islamic empire built magnificent hospitals. In Islam there was generally
a moral imperative to treat all the ill regardless of their financial
status. The hospitals were largely secular institutions, many of them
open to all, male and female, civilian and military, adult and child,
rich and poor, Muslims and non-Muslims. They tended to be large, urban


The biggest hospital-of the world of Islam which was equipped with all
available medical facilities was built by Azud-al-Daulah in 368 A.H. in
Baghdad. This hospital which, with its spacious buildings, up-todate
medical instruments, excellent arrangements and efficient administration
could rank with the best hospitals 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] My Journey to Islam - Jennifer Fayed

2006-12-08 Thread K H U R R A M
  My Journey to Islam - Jennifer Fayed   There comes a 
time in peoples’ lives that you are compelled to think, why am I here what is 
my purpose in this life. These were my thoughts during summer of 2001. I had 
been married to my first husband for about 3 years. The marriage was going 
downhill. There was no ambition in my former husband, and with two children 
barely old enough to take care of themselves finding out I was pregnant; I 
started to ponder my purpose in this earth. 

  Yes, I was a wife a mother a daughter; however, the same thought came passing 
through my mind there has to be a reason for my existence. My family had 
recently moved to the Dominican Republic I felt abandoned. Abandoned you might 
ask, she’s married with children how can she feel abandoned? I was 21 years old 
and my parents were the base of who I was who I strived to be. They were my 
  I was sleeping, when I got a frantic call from my former mother-in-law 
screaming “there was a plane crash a plane crash in downtown Manhattan” 
confused I said “what, what are you talking about!” I turned on the television 
only to find out that the second tower of the world trade center was being hit 
by the second aircraft. I was shocked! Who could’ve done this, who was capable 
of such atrocity? I was in disbelief on what I saw on the news. Was this real I 
kept thinking to myself, it was must be a movie please, please tell me this was 
a movie. I had just been in the world trade center the day before. I saw this 
as some proof that it wasn’t my time to die and I hadn’t completed my purpose 
in this life. I didn’t know what purpose, but it wasn’t my time. There was 
chaos in New York City that day; little did I know this day among other events 
in my life would only be the beginning of drastic changes that were about to 
  Soon after the attacks of September 11th I went to Dominican Republic to 
visit my parents. I was about a month pregnant and no soul other than my 
mother-in-law, my former husband and I knew about the pregnancy. How was I 
going to break the news to my parents I mean I got pregnant with my first child 
out of wedlock and soon married as to make things right. So here I was pregnant 
with my third baby and I thought well at least I can think things through while 
being in the Caribbean. I left on American Airlines flight 587. This was the 
first time I was in an airplane so soon after the attacks of the world trade 
center. The security in the airport was intense, and people in the airplane 
kept praying some even during the whole flight. I started to laugh within 
myself. If we’re going to die well then it’s our fate. I kept thinking about my 
pregnancy. I didn’t want this pregnancy it was unplanned and a third mouth to 
feed I could barely support two children let alone three. I was
 so confused. I spent time with my family trying to tell them about the baby. I 
couldn’t bear to tell them that there first born daughter was yet again going 
to bring another major disappointment to them; therefore, I decided well I’ll 
terminate the pregnancy and no one has to even know I’m pregnant. Easy 
solution, I thought to myself but at the same time I came from a strong 
Christian family and to even fathom having an abortion was a sin and taboo. 
After my quick trip to the Caribbean I went back to New York and finally called 
Planned Parenthood to set-up the appointment to terminate the pregnancy. I 
asked them if I could take the abortion pill and I was devastated to find out 
that I would have to go through a full abortion because my window for the 
abortion pill was one week past the time to end the pregnancy with a pill. I 
was so depressed; I thought to myself oh my God their going to rip this baby 
out of my womb. What am I doing? 
  I really didn’t know if I could go through with it; as a result, I decided to 
pray to God not using the rosary or going to church but for the first time I 
was going to pray directly to him like a friend, someone who I felt had to help 
me it was my last resort. I cried while I continuously supplicated, oh God 
please I don’t know what to do I want this baby, but my marriage is on the 
rocks and we don’t have money to bring another baby into the world. I will put 
my full trust in you my Lord, please if it’s your will for me to have this baby 
then I will accept that and if it’s your will to end the pregnancy I will 
accept that too. I emptied my sorrows unto a God, a God that I worshipped my 
own way not the way I was taught to do. A God; one that to me had no partners 
and no son but just a being that I knew created me. I was at my wits end 
thinking about the pregnancy and just went through my usual daily routine. A 
few days past, I was watching television when a program was
 interrupted by a special report. I said oh no not another attack what happened 
next blew me away. I soon found out another plane had crashed, this time in 
Queens where I 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Entire Bedouin Village Demolished by Israelis

2006-12-08 Thread DDN

We Need Your Help!

 Israel demolishes entire Bedouin village in the Negev

Press Release, Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages
6 December 2006

At 5:00am hundreds of police accompanied six bulldozers and 
demolished 17 homes and three animal shacks in the village of Twail Abu-Jarwal. 
The entire village is demolished. People are sitting by the piles of tin that 
were their modest dwellings and wondering what to do, where to go - even their 
family cannot host them, as no one has a house standing.

This is the fourth time this year that the government demolished in 
this village. This time they got it "right" - no house is left standing.

But the villagers have nowhere to go to. They lived on the 
outskirts of the Bedouin town of Laqia, the old folk paid for plots of land to 
build homes in the 1970s, they still hold on the receipt, hoping someday to 
receive the plots. For the last 30 years they have been living on land 
belonging to others, in shacks, the housing becoming ever more crowded, until 
there was no room left for another baby. They turned to the government for a 
solution - the option for joining the rest of the residents of Laqia, in a 
regular house, on a regular plot of land. But the authorities had no options 
for them. The owners of the land on which they were living requested that they 
leave - 30 years is enough. So eventually they left back to their own ancestral 
land - only a couple of miles south of Laqia - by the old ruined school, by 
their old cemetery. The adult sons built their old mother a modest brick home. 
The rest built tin shacks.

A year ago the government came and destroyed several houses - 
including the brick home. Some of the people of Twail Abu Jarwal rebuilt, some 
moved into more crowded homes with their adult siblings. The government came 
nine months later and demolished seven more homes. Again, some rebuilt their 
shacks, some moved in with family. The government came back last month and just 
to harass, uprooted fences, holding the sheep. And now they came in order to 
make sure the work is complete.

Israel's Minister of Interior, Roni Bar-On, two days ago was 
invited to give answers to the Internal Affairs Committee in the Knesset, as to 
what solutions the government is advancing in order to solve the issue of the 
unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev, and why the government is 
demolishing homes while these people have no "legal" options for building 
homes. Bar-On claimed that everything is just fine, he is doing all he can to 
deal with this issue, but a criminal must be punished, and therefore all the 
"illegal" Bedouin homes in the Negev must be demolished. He claimed that as far 
as he is concerned, there are not enough demolitions in the Negev. And now he 
has proved that he is a man of his word - 17 homes demolished in one foul swoop.

Of the 150,000 Bedouin citizens of Israel living in the Negev, over 
50% live in villages that the government as policy has left "unrecognized", 
meaning that there are no options for building permits, as well as running 
water, electricity, roads, sewer systems and trash removal, additionally there 
are very minimal education and health facilities. This policy's aim is to force 
the Bedouins off their ancestral lands and to concentrate the Bedouins in urban 
townships, regardless of their wishes or their culture. However, there are also 
no options for living in the concentration towns the government has built, as 
there are no available plots of land for homes, as in the case of the families 
of the Twail abu-Jarwal village. Therefore the government can "legally" 
demolish the homes of 80,000 members of this community, while they cannot build 
one "legal" home.

We need help! Both financial and political.

a.. Please donate to help the people of the village re-build their 
homes (tin shacks that stand as homes...) Checks can be sent to RCUV - al Awna 
Fund (the Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages), POBox 10002, Beer 
Sheva, zipcode 84105, ISRAEL.

a.. Please write to your representatives! And tell of the quiet and 
brutal demolitions of homes and lives in the Israeli Negev, demand that they do 
something about it.

The Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages is an NGO and 
was created in 1997 as the representative body for the residents of the 45 
Bedouin unrecognized villages in the Israeli Negev. Hssein al-Rafaia is the 
elected head of the RCUV. For more information, please contact Yeela Raanan, 
054 7487005, or via email at [EMAIL PROTECTED], Civil Society Activities 
Coordinator, Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages.

Related Links

a.. BY TOPIC: House Demolitions
a.. BY TOPIC: Palestinians in Israel

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Palestinian --how the media work

2006-12-08 Thread khan zahid
Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land provides a striking comparison of U.S. 
and international media coverage of the crisis in the Middle ...
URGENT Response Required
  There Has to Be Equality - Ismail Patel, Chair, Friends of Al-Aqsa
  In an article in today's Guardian, Ismail Patel sets out the inequality in 
treatment of young British Jews joining up to and serving with Israel's 
occupation forces, and the treatment of Muslim Palestinians even contemplating 
defending the Palestinian people in a similar manner. Pleas do read 
the article and write your comments on the website also please forward the 
message to your friends. Thanks. We want justice not illegal occupation.  
  So URGENT Response Required---Everyone is requested to read the article and 
comment on it. The pro-Zionist lobby has already flooded the web-site and a 
balanced response is needed. Full article:,,1964025,00.html,,1963921,00.html

Any questions?  Get answers on any topic at Yahoo! Answers. Try it now.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Family Law by Justice Maulana Taqi Usmani. Duties of the Spouses: Rights of Women

2006-12-08 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
Family Law 
Justice Maulana Muhammad Taqi Usmani
  Duties Of The Spouses : Rights Of The Wife
Q. As a convert to Islam I greatly appreciate the Islamic literature such as 
your publication which helps me to advance in knowledge. I have three (3) 
questions which I would like you address for me. If you have addressed these 
questions in any of your past issues of Albalagh please let me know how I can 
obtain a copy, Inshallah. If not would you please answer these questions for me 
or let me know if you intend to address these questions in any of your upcoming 
issues Insha-Allah. 
Firstly, all the time I hear of the duties of the wives in Islam, but no one 
seems to address the responsibilities of the Husband. 
  What is a Husband's duty to his wife? Is he responsible for her financially 
and that's all? Who is to paint the house, mow the lawn, breed the children and 
raise them? Cook, clean, wash and Iron?
  It seems to me that all or most of the Muslim males in America go to the 
mosque or perform Tabligh while their wives are burdened with all the other 
responsibilities. It is little wonder that most of the Western woman looking at 
the plight of woman in Islam refuse to convert because they fear the slave 
mentality of the Muslim males.  (Khadijah al-Khudri, Orlando, U.S.A)

A. Before replying your specific questions I would like to clarify one basic 
point which should always be kept in mind in such matters. One should clearly 
distinguish between the Islamic teachings and the general practice of the 
Muslims. Unfortunately we are living in an age where the majority of the 
Muslims are not aware of the noble teachings of Islam nor do they practise 
these teachings in their day-to-day affairs of life. Instead they are mostly 
influenced by different cultures in which they have been living. Therefore, 
everything the Muslims practise on the ground cannot be attributed to Islam, 
and while evaluating the merits of Islam, one should not refer to the practice 
of the Muslims today, rather he should turn to the Islamic principles laid down 
in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Obviously, if the Muslims have abandoned the 
guidance of Shariah, it cannot be taken in any way as a defect in the Shariah 
itself, rather, it is the fault of those who have deprived themselves
 of this guidance. Keeping this basic point in view, here are the answers to 
your questions: 

(a) It is evident from a plain study of the relevant material found in the Holy 
Quran and Sunnah that Islam treats the relationship of marriage as a bilateral 
contract between Husband and Wife, each one of them having some rights and 
obligations. The Holy Quran is very much clear on this point when it says: 
   "And the woman have rights similar to their 
obligations". (2:228) 

It is clear from this verse of the Holy Quran that the obligations of a wife 
towards her husband are not less than the rights she enjoys. 
At another place, the Holy Quran instructs the husbands in the following words:
 "And live with them (wives) in fairness". (4:19)

Therefore, it is not correct that Islam has laid more emphasis on the 
obligations of a wife than on the obligations of a husband. Conversely, the 
Holy Prophet ( Sallaho Alaihai Wasallam ) has emphasized on the rights of women 
in a larger number of his sayings which are probably more than the sayings 
emphasizing the rights of a husband. Some examples are being quoted here: i) 
The Holy Prophet (Sallaho Alaihai Wasallam) has said: 
"The best people from among you are those who are best to their wives". 
  "No Muslim should hate his Muslim wife. If he dislikes some of her qualities, 
he may find some other qualities agreeable." 
 "Keep to my advice about woman that you should treat them fairly." (Tirmidhi) 

These examples are sufficient to disclose the great concern the Holy Prophet ( 
Sallaho Alaihai Wasallam ) has shown for the rights of a woman, so much so that 
he dedicated a substantial portion of his Last sermon at the time of Haj-jatul 
Wida' to explain, elaborate and emphasise on the obligations of a man towards 
his wife. You have referred to the fact that women today are burdened with the 
house work like cooking meals, cleaning the house and raising children while 
their husbands seldom assist them in these matters. Here I would like to 
mention the correct Islamic standpoint with regard to the obligations of a 
woman about the household work. 

First of all, it is not a legal obligation of a wife, according to Islamic 
teachings, to cook the meals on serve the house, and if a woman elects to 
refuse to undertake these works, a husband cannot compel her to do so. However, 
apart from the legal injunctions, Islam has 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fw: HDB Apartment For Sale (Singapore)

2006-12-08 Thread Syaikh Abdu Manaf Al Ansari

Dear Owners & Moderators of yahoogroups, I kindly seek your permission and 
understanding to advertise this sale of apartment.


Laa Tansaa Dzikrallaah
Unzhur Maa Qiila Walaa Tanzhur Man Qaala
Al Haqiir Wal Faqiir Ilaa Rabbihi, Akhuukum Fil Islaam
Syaikh Abdu Manaf Al Ansari

- Original Message - 
From: Syaikh Abdu Manaf Al Ansari 
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 15:24
Subject: HDB Apartment For Sale (Singapore)


Dear Brother & Sister

My father-in-law is selling his HDB apartment, details are as follow:

Blk 31 Marine Crescent, Marine Parade.

Room Type: 3I + 1 (plus one room due to HDB upgrading)

Simple and presentable renovation done.

Great location, 10 minutes drive to Suntec City, Orchard Road, Geylang Serai. 
Premiere district in Singapore. 10 minutes walk to Parkway Parade Shopping 
Centre, East Coast Park, East Coast Lagoon.

Member-of-Parliment: Mr Goh Chok Tong, former Prime Minister of Singapore.

HDB Valuation around $230K (Negotiable).

Interested, kindly contact my wife, Mdm Maimunah at 65-90300415 or ERA 
authorised agent Mr Adi at 65-8223.

This apartment is newly listed as of today in ERA.


Laa Tansaa Dzikrallaah
Unzhur Maa Qiila Walaa Tanzhur Man Qaala
Al Haqiir Wal Faqiir Ilaa Rabbihi, Akhuukum Fil Islaam
Syaikh Abdu Manaf Al Ansari

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] zikr-8a

2006-12-08 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
  The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, 
  "There are two statements that are light for the tongue 
  to remember, heavy in the Scales and are dear to the Merciful: 
  `Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim 
  [Glory be to Allah and His is the praise, (and) Allah, the 
  Greatest is free from imperfection)'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
  Commentary: This Hadith affirms that man's actions 
  carry weight. On the Day of Judgement, his actions will 
  be cast into the Balance. At that time Allah will endow 
  these actions with weight, or according to some scholars, 
  those records which register man's actions will be weighed.
  This is quite possible for the reason that Almighty Allah is 
  Capable of weighing things without even their physical form. 
  This discussion apart, when actions will be cast into the 
  Balance, the formula mentioned in the Hadith, the utterance 
  of which is very easy, will prove weighty. Every Muslim 
  should make it a practice to repeat them frequently. 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re:Mosque in Australia to get police guard for bikini rally

2006-12-08 Thread Showkat Ali
My reply to Turkman
  TURKMAN: Yes they do. Don't you know, Moslim Civilized Behaviour in Pakistan 
is to slaughter the believers of 'the other faiths'?
  That is a total lie, a few incidents does not equate to state policy.
TURKMAN :Civilized Behaviour is only protesting in whichever way people choose. 
If you don't like it, leave Australia ...! Why the hell are you there in 
violation of Shriyah at the first place? Why don't you admit that Moslim 
Nations (which are made of people like you) have failed to create a better 
society than Non Moslims
  I thought in Australia they had laws to protect public decency, I am sure u 
would object to people walking around and protesting naked. As for asking 
Muslims to leave this is an indication of your intellectual level and i wonder 
what your response would be if the Aboriginies said this to the white 
immigrants? For your information the whole world belongs to Allah and Muslims 
can go and live anywhere we please.
  As for Muslim lands being a mess, i agree with u, can u please ask western 
soldiers to leave our lands and for western nations to stop interfering in our 

 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] URGENT Response Required

2006-12-08 Thread khan zahid
  Assalamualikum.  Three messages
  1 Message
  URGENT Response Required
  There Has to Be Equality - Ismail Patel, Chair, Friends of Al-Aqsa
  In an article in today's Guardian, Ismail Patel sets out the inequality in 
treatment of young British Jews joining up to and serving with Israel's 
occupation forces, and the treatment of Muslim Palestinians even contemplating 
defending the Palestinian people in a similar manner. Pleas do read 
the article and write your comments on the website also please forward the 
message to your friends. Thanks. We want justice not illegal occupation.  
  Everyone is requested to read the article and comment on it. The pro-Zionist 
lobby has already flooded the web-site and a balanced response is needed. Full 

  2 message Brother is put in prison for no reason ...For more information 
about Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, please visit: and his talks can be listen 
to on
  Third Message
What Is It Like To Have Your Home Demolished: 8 Minute Video: 

Israeli Occupation Forces Demolish Palestinian Homes

The U.S. Has a History of Using Torture

By Alfred W. McCoy

This (new) legislation has effectively legalized the CIA's right to use methods 
that the international community, embodied in the Red Cross and the UN Human 
Rights Committee, considers psychological torture.
  How US dollars disappear in Afghanistan: 

Mr. Karzai has done nothing tangible in the past 4 years to rebuild the 
country. Millions of $ has been given to Afghanistan by donor countries but 
much of it is being grabbed by warlords, NGOs and UN workers.
  Study Group says administration's policy has led to chaos in Iraq: 

President Bush's policy in Iraq "is not working," a high-level commission said 
bluntly on Wednesday, prodding the administration to use diplomacy to stabilize 
the country and allow withdrawal of most American combat troops by early 2008.
  So the dollar's worth 50p. Stay cool: 

Just when you think War, Death and Pestilence have the field all to themselves, 
along on the rails comes the fourth horseman - the nightmare of every 
beleaguered US president - a collapsing dollar.,,6-2480466,00.html
  Journalists Release Guantanamo Bay Report: 

Titled "Broken Chains of Guantanamo", the volume describes the extreme physical 
and mental torture to which the inmates -- mostly suspected Taliban and their 
allies who were picked up from Afghanistan or Pakistan -- were subjected to.

  Israel plans to destroys 42,000 homes of Palestinian Bedouins : 

The Israeli interior minister, Roni Bar-On, declared that his ministry has 
planned the demolition of more than 42,000 homes of Palestinian Bedouins that 
were built even before 1948 when Israel was proclaimed.
  "Bin Laden Will Be Back": 

Former CIA agent Michael Scheuer , "We think bin Laden and al Qaeda are 
gangsters, that nobody could possibly like them because they flew aircraft into 
our buildings. But the truth of the matter is that people hate us much more 
than bin Laden.
  David Hicks: Unconvicted, Tortured, Broken: 

If the Australian government thinks it can breeze through yet another 
anniversary of David Hicks imprisonment in an American military hellhole, they 
are going to brutally surprised.

  Ahmadinejad wants US out of Iraq : 

Ahmadinejad said that Iraqis should govern themselves without any interference 
and blamed the US for stirring up divisions between Iraq's Shia, Sunnis and 
  Like Hitler and Brezhnev, Bush is in denial 

By Robert Fisk

More than half a million deaths, an army trapped in the largest military 
debacle since Vietnam, a Middle East policy already buried in the sands of 

Mesopotamia - and still George W Bush is in denial. How does he do it? How does 
he persuade himself - as he apparently did in Amman 

yesterday - that the United States will stay in Iraq "until the job is 

  Six Muslim Leaders Removed in Handcuffs From US Airways Plane After Praying 
in Airport

Democracy No

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Zikr-2

2006-12-08 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Ibn Mas`ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
  Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, 
  "I met Ibrahim (PBUH) on the Night of Ascension (Al-Asra), 
  and he said to me: `O Muhammad, convey my greetings to 
  your Ummah, and tell them that Jannah has a vast plain of 
  pure soil and sweet water. It is a plain levelled land. 
  The plants grow there by uttering: 
  Al-hamdu lillah, 
  La ilaha illallah and 
  Allahu Akbar 
  (Allah is free from imperfection; praise be to Allah; 
  there is no true god except Allah; and Allah is Greatest).''
  Commentary: Qi`an  is the plural of Qa` which means 
  plain levelled land that does not have any tree. 
  Trees grow on the plain land of Jannah in return for 
  remembrance and Glorification of Allah. 
  The more one remembers Allah, the greater is the 
  number of trees which grow on the piece of land that 
  will be awarded to him. 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Don't blame it on the scriptures

2006-12-08 Thread saiyed shahbazi
India's Muslims 

Don't blame it on the scriptures
>From The Economist print edition

Why India's 150m Muslims are missing out on the country's rise
  GEORGE BUSH likes to point out that India has a vast Muslim population—the 
world's second-largest after Indonesia—yet not a single al-Qaeda member. Even 
if this is true, it is far from the only measure of well-being. According to 
more conventional ones, India's Muslims are faring terribly. They are 
disproportionately likely to be in prison, unemployed, illiterate and poor. 
India's economy is growing fast, but the gap between Muslims and other 
religious groups is widening. Headlines refer to Muslims as the new dalits—the 
group, once known as “untouchables” , at the bottom of the Hindu-caste heap.
Reuters  A lot to be grumpy about
  That Muslims are lagging has been known for a while. But discussing why, or 
what to do about it, has been taboo in a country proud of its peculiarly 
religious brand of secularism. Mohammad Hamid Ansari, chairman of the National 
Commission for Minorities, says that his organisation ritually files an annual 
report showing how poorly India's Muslims are doing. Each year it somehow gets 
lost on its way to parliament.
  That is why what is known as the Sachar report, after the former chief 
justice who chaired a government-appointe d committee to investigate the 
condition of India's Muslims, is creating so much heat. And why it was tabled 
in parliament only on November 30th, weeks after it was finished and presented 
to the prime minister.
  India's non-Muslims sometimes suggest that the troubles of their neighbours 
in prayer hats are self-inflicted: obscurantist imams who equate education with 
the rote-learning of the hadith, sayings attributed to the Prophet; four-wived 
husbands with more children than they can feed; and a lack of drive to better 
themselves, perhaps brought on by a nagging feeling that they would rather be 
in Muslim Pakistan. None of this is true; the last accusation is particularly 
  Madrassas such as the Darul-Uloom in Deoband, Uttar Pradesh, which proudly 
boasts of a curriculum largely unchanged since 1866, hardly equip their 
students to face the future, but only 3% of Muslim children attend them. Nor is 
it clear that the rulings of the orthodox, on anything from the evils of 
television to matters of family law, are obeyed. On polygamy, the most recent 
study (which is 30 years old) suggests that Muslim men are less likely than 
members of India's other religions to have a harem. And hardly any Indian 
Muslims hanker after life in Pakistan.
  The problems faced by Muslims are in fact more prosaic. Not enough of them 
have jobs and too few can read or write. This is not new. But according to 
Abusaleh Shariff, an economist who compiled much of the data in the Sachar 
report, there are two areas where the gap between Muslims and the rest has 
widened dramatically over the past ten years or so. He says that both literacy 
rates for Muslim girls and poverty rates among urban Muslims show something 
close to a worsening even in absolute terms.
  Part of the explanation for this phenomenon lies in where India's Muslims 
live. First, they often occupy the old parts of big cities like Delhi, not the 
fast-growing new suburbs where wealth is created and spent. Or they live in the 
slums. As a result, measured by monthly expenditure, over 40% of Muslims living 
in cities fall into the poorest quintile of the population, compared with 22% 
of Hindus.
  Second, despite large Muslim populations in southern and western states such 
as Kerala, there are far more Muslims in the north and east of the country, 
which is poorer and less well governed. That in turn has an effect on their 
schooling. In rural Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state and home to 
about one-fifth of its Muslims, only 30% of small towns have a primary school. 
For every kilometre a girl is from a school, her chances of attending it fall. 
In Kerala, where schooling is more plentiful, Muslim girls do well.
  Poor schooling explains another of the report's findings, which is that 
Muslims fail to get jobs with the country's largest employer—the government. 
Some of this is plain discrimination, particularly where the more menial types 
of government work are concerned. But entry into the highest levels of 
government service is meritocratic, judged on exam papers written by anonymous 
students. The problem here is rather that too few Muslim students stay at 
school long enough to sit the exams.

  Too easily appeased
  For the government of Manmohan Singh, the findings of the report offer a 
temptation. Indian politicians are fond of using quotas for minorities in 
everything from jobs to education to secure their political support. With the 
approach of a state election in Uttar Pradesh, due in the next few months, this 
will become more and more