Boycott Israel [IslamCity] pleased with Allah

2007-01-11 Thread ***hajikhan***
Allah's Messenger (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said that if 
  any Muslim said three times evening and morning, 
  "I am pleased 
  with Allah as Lord, 
  with Islam as religion, and 
  with Muhammad as Prophet," 
  Allah would certainly please him on the Day of Resurrection.
  Narrated by Thawban (Razi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); 
  Tirmidhi and Ahmad transmitted it. 
  Hadith No. 2399 of Mishkat al-Masabih.


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 9/11 research

2007-01-11 Thread Mohamed
The Evidence
Destroyed, Missing, and Surviving Evidence of the September 11th Attack
Evidence about the September 11th attacks can be divided into three categories: 
destroyed, missing, and surviving. The missing category includes officially 
secret information, since the existence of secret evidence and what it 
indicates cannot be verified.

A great deal of the evidence about the crimes of September 11th has either been 
destroyed or is unaccounted for. Indeed the event was and continues to be used 
to justify a campaign of secrecy never before seen in the United States, 
virtually eliminating public accountability of the very agencies who were 
entrusted to handle the evidence.

A review of the evidence shows a strong pattern of destruction or suppression 
of evidence, and the blocking of effective investigations, by the authorities. 
This is evident whether one looks at the flights, the World Trade Center, or 
the Pentagon.

Evidence Timeline
While a full accounting of the destruction of evidence from the attack would 
fill a volume were it ever to be told, the significant releases of evidence are 
few enough to be easily chronicled.

  a.. March, 2002: Five frames of video from a Pentagon security camera were 
leaked, feeding the no-Boeing theory of the Pentagon attack. Signs of forgery 
suggest that the frames were actually bait, intended to derail independent 
inquiry with red herrings.
  b.. May, 2002: Publication of FEMA's World Trade Center Building Performance 
Study provided evidence of a systematic effort to conceal and misrepresent the 
construction of the Twin Towers, while at the same disclosing in its Appendix 
evidence suggestive of explosives.
  c.. November, 2002: Contents of suppressed audiotape of communications from 
Chief Oreo Palmer, a firefighter who reached the crash zone of the South Tower, 
were released.
  d.. August, 2003: Publication of the book Behind the Scenes: GROUND ZERO 
revealed New York City firefighter Nicholas DeMasi's account of the recovery of 
three of the four black boxes from the planes that crashed into the Twin Towers 
-- an account not acknowledged by the 9/11 Commission.
  e.. July 22, 2004: The Kean Commission published the 9/11 Commission Report , 
whose demonstrable falsehoods, omissions, contradictions, and changed timelines 
demonstrate a systematic cover-up.
  f.. August 12, 2005: New York Times announced the release of oral histories 
long suppressed by the New York City government.
  g.. June, 2005: NIST released the draft of its final report on the collapses 
of the Twin Towers. NIST's blatant evasion of its stated objective to 
"determine why and how WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed following the initial impacts 
of the aircraft" amounts to a de facto admission that the Towers did not 
collapse because of the impacts and fires.
  h.. May 16, 2006: The Department of Defense released videos from two Pentagon 
security cameras.
  i.. July, 2006: exhibits of the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui were published. 
They include a diagram of the location of Pentagon attack victims, and copies 
passenger lists for and detailed accounts of phone calls from the four 
commandeered jetliners.
  j.. August 11, 2006: The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released 
full transcripts of the air traffic control recordings from the four flights 
commandered on 9/11/01. A set of eight NTSB documents were published by the 
National Security Archive on the website. 1 Â  The transcripts include 
altitude profiles and ground track maps for all of the flights except United 
Flight 93.


1. Government Releases Detailed Information on 9/11 Crashes, National Security 
Archive, 8/11/06


2007-01-11 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Olmert's popularity plunges
Gulf Daily News
5th January 2007

JERUSALEM: A year after Ariel Sharon's stroke abruptly propelled him
into the prime minister's seat, Ehud Olmert finds himself badly out of
favor and under a darkening cloud of scandal.

Yesterday, the one-year anniversary of his unexpected rise to power,
the Dahaf Research Institute released a poll showing that 77 per cent
of the country thinks Olmert is not functioning well.

Olmert long coveted the prime minister's seat. But the 61-year-old
lawyer, with his acerbic tongue, was not popular with ordinary
Israelis, or his political associates.

Sharon's incapacitating January 4 stroke suddenly spun Olmert's
political fortunes around.

It landed Olmert, then vice prime minister, at Israel's helm, where he
successfully won an election less than three months later. The job,
however, has brought him more grief than glory.


2007-01-11 Thread S A Hannan

The United States air force has raided southern Somalia  and killed a number of 
people and livestock and property. The attack carried out by  C-130 big bombers 
on the village is for alleged presence of an AlQaeda leader. For attacking a 
country  the US does not require to abide by any international law or approval 
of United Nations, its own accusation is sufficient is for aggression. This is 
the conduct of a shameless superpower of to-day.

US never learns lessons. It is embroiled in operations in Iraq,  Afganistan and 
it is getting the beating it deserves there.  Still it is threatening every day 
Iranian government, Syrian government  and now has actually attacked Somalia. 
Before that its crony  Etheopian government attacked Somalia with sixty 
thousand troops according to news reports.

The United Nations is silent on American attack. The United Nations  moves very 
fast when it serves American interest or Israeli interest. On the other hand 
America blocks all initiatives against its atrocities or atrocity of its crony 
states. We have seen recently how USA blocked all  attempts in ceasefire  in 
Lebanon when they thought Israel would be able to rout Hizbullah. When Israel 
failed to achieve its objective US agreed to a resolution.

US failed in Somalia before, it will fail again, it will be more isolated from 
Somali people and the Muslim world.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Bangladeshis in east London: from secular politics to Islam

2007-01-11 Thread S A Hannan
- Original Message -
From: rosy awwal
To: R Ahmed

 Delwar Hussain
7 - 7 - 2006

Who speaks for the mostly poor Bangladeshi community in east 
London? Delwar Hussain charts a long-term shift from secular leftism to 
Islamism – one in which British state policy has played a significant role.

   The connection between events in Bangladesh and the large 
Bangladeshi community in east London is intimate but not static. The influence 
of economic, political and generational change on the transformation of 
personal and public identities is profound. In particular, there has been a 
significant movement in recent years from alignment with secular politics as a 
vehicle of representation and empowerment towards Islamic-based organisation. 
An important element in this is that the British state has helped create and 
support this process through its funding policies and its application of a 
"multicultural" model of relating to and supporting community organisations in 
the area.

To understand the context of this change, it is necessary to 
understand the trend of events in the Bangladeshi homeland itself. In 2001, the 
Bangladesh Nationalist Party ( BNP) came to power in coalition with the 
vehemently Islamist Jamaat-e-Islami, which at the time of Bangladesh's 
liberation war in 1971 had fought to maintain the country as a province of 
Pakistan. "East Pakistan" (the forerunner of Bangladesh) shared a Muslim 
identity with "West" Pakistan – today the state of Pakistan proper – but most 
Bengalis wanted a secular society, rooted in Bengali culture rather than in 

Almost immediately after Jamaat's arrival in government, attacks 
against religious and ethnic minorities in Bangladesh began to be reported. A 
British peer and parliamentary human-rights representative, Eric (Lord) 
Avebury, said that "Bangladesh is an increasingly dangerous place for women, 
minority faiths and ethnic groups, opposition parties and secular 
organisations". He argued that at the root of these problems lies the "cancer 
of a maverick branch of Islamism" that aims to "transform the country into a 
Taliban-style dictatorship".

Five years on, Bangladesh approaches an election scheduled for 
January 2007 with its politics bitterly divided between the Awami League ( AWL) 
and the BNP (see Liz Philipson, "Bangladesh's fraying democracy " (26 June 
2006). The Jamaat openly advocates "Islamic revolution" and calls for the 
establishment of a worldwide Islamic khalifah (caliphate). This is the 
culmination of a process that began soon after independence with the 
assassination of Bangladesh's architect Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and the seizure 
of power by the army.

Bangladesh's new rulers sought legitimacy for their nationalistic 
vision by turning to religious parties. They removed secularism and socialism 
from the constitution, and declared Islam the state religion. This issue lies 
at the heart of the country's present predicament: the attempt to revive 
religion as an instrument to redefine the national identity.

The war of liberation appeared to have resolved the problem, but 
the faultline persists. Jeremy Seabrook argues that it goes to the heart of the 
people's identity, "(setting) Bengali culture, language and tradition against 
the growth of a form of Islam not rooted in Bengal". Seabrook makes the 
important point that for centuries, the distinction between these two realities 
was not experienced as a problem or a division at all.

The diaspora and the city

These issues – Islamic and Bengali identity, religion and culture, 
political struggle and political power – are very much alive in London's 
Bangladeshi diaspora, centred in the Tower Hamlets area. At their forefront are 
organisations such as the East London Mosque (author of conspicuous and 
effective Islamist initiatives) and the Shadinata Trust (a secular body that 
seeks to increase awareness of Bengali culture and history among British 

The battle is an unequal one: the secular effort is faltering 
against the vibrancy and energy of the Islamists. One of the trust's primary 
objectives is to bring collaborators in the liberation war, some of whom live 
in Britain, to justice. For many young people in deprived Tower Hamlets, this 
is ancient history with no relevance to their lives: they regard Bangladeshi 
politics as distant and corrupt, and day-to-day issues of drugs, gangs and 
unemployment as far more relevant.

The Islamists, by contrast, are sophisticated and up-to-date in 
their focus and appeal. The East London Mosque (and its affiliate, the London 
Muslim Centre [ LMC]) shares the ideology of the Jamaat-e-Islami. The mosque is 
no fringe organisation; it was at the centre of the campaign that helped elect 
the local Respect party candidate and vocal critic of Britain's New La

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] New Year Resolutions - A Muslim Perspective

2007-01-11 Thread Alan Border
“Take Benefit of Five Before Five, Your Youth Before Your Old Age, Your Health 
Before Your Sickness, Your Wealth Before Your Poverty, Your Free Time Before 
Your Preoccupation, & Your Life Before Your Death.” [Prophet Muhammad (saws)] 
  New Year’s Resolutions
   Every year, as Muslims, we try our hardest to be patient, eat well, pray 
regularly and make positive life changes during Ramadan. However, as the year 
progresses it often seems that we forget those promises to ourselves. Although 
it is not the Muslim new year, 2002 is a good time for Muslims to renew the 
resolutions they made during Ramadan. A list of resolutions should be written 
down so one can refer to them throughout the year. They should include 
spiritual, as well as physical and mental practices, for Allah encompasses all 
of our lives and not just the hours in which we pray. The following is a list 
of resolutions I often give consulting clients who ask me what they should do 
to better their spiritual, physical and mental lives:
  “When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close [to them]: I 
respond to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, 
with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the 
right way,” (Qur’an 2:186) 
  As I perform more iridology readings and consultations, I am struck with the 
vitality I see in one certain group of people. This group includes smokers, 
people who eat junk food, people who have a family history of disease and 
people who have stressful lives. So what do they all have in common? Exercise! 
Their enthusiasm for joining a health club, swimming and sports teams, or their 
dedication to walking once a day, or taking a Tai Chi or Yoga class on a 
regular basis, has more than made up for their lack of dedication in other 
health areas.  I do not recommend eating badly or smoking, for doing so will 
eventually catch up to you, but if you could change just ONE thing in your life 
it should be to exercise. Keep in mind that exercise can even be as simple as 
praying five times a day. Many people have compared the benefits of the Muslim 
prayer with those of yoga.
  2. Drink Water:
“We made water essential for every life,” (Qur’an 21:30) 
  Very few people drink the doctor-recommended eight to ten cups of water a 
day. Most people drink only three cups of water a day or less. Even worse, many 
people cancel out what they do drink by drinking coffee, green tea or sodas 
which cause dehydration in the body. One can solve many health problems simply 
by drinking eight to ten glasses a day. 
  3. Give up Bad Habits: 
  The Prophet said, "Allah has forbidden you ( 1 ) to be undutiful to your 
mothers (2) to withhold (what you should give) or (3) demand (what you do not 
deserve), and (4) to bury your daughters alive. And Allah has disliked that (A) 
you talk too much about others (B), ask too many questions (in religion), or 
(C) waste your property,” (Bukhari: Volume 8, Book 73, Number 6). 
  Everyone seems to have a bad habit that harms his or her health. Drinking, 
smoking and overeating are the most popular. However, there are many other bad 
habits that are unhealthy as well, such as: drinking excess coffee or colas, 
eating junk food, harboring bad feelings for people, yelling, gossiping, 
stealing, lying, cheating, watching too much TV, gambling, and many others. 
Keep in mind that any activity that is forbidden in Islam is unhealthy. Also 
keep in mind that any activity that starts to become and addiction (such as 
television, coffee, a friend and even your job) is also unhealthy. Make a 
pledge to yourself to identify your addictions and stop them (in the case of 
alcohol or smoking) or at least reduce them to a healthier level (in the case 
of indulgent socializing, work and television).
  4. Be Positive: 
  “Give Glad tidings to those who exercise patience when struck with adversity 
and say, ’indeed we belong to God and to him is our return’ such ones receive 
blessings and Mercy of their lord, and such are the guided ones,”  (Qur’an 
  Start cultivating a positive attitude. There is a mountain of physical and 
medical evidence now to support that a positive attitude can work miracles. One 
reason could be that a positive attitude influences the thymus gland, which in 
turn strengthens the immune system.
  5. Start Using Tonic Foods:
  “Ye people, eat of what is on earth, lawful and wholesome,” (Qur’an 2:168). 
  Even if the rest of your diet is miserable, the addition of some simple 
"super foods" can supercharge it. Add some alfalfa sprouts to your salads 
often, use raw honey on your crackers or bread in the morning, eat sesame 
(found in Zaa’tar), sunflower and flax seeds regularly and start snacking on 
sheets of dried seaweed. All of the foods mentioned above contain a dense 
concentration of nutrients and serve the body in the same way v

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] How spicy foods can kill cancers

2007-01-11 Thread DDN

  How spicy foods can kill cancers  Last Updated: Tuesday, 9 
January 2007, 16:18 GMT


  Researchers say eating spicy food daily offers protection from 

Scientists have discovered the key to the ability of spicy 
foods to kill cancer cells.

  They found capsaicin, an ingredient of jalapeno peppers, 
triggers cancer cell death by attacking mitochondria - the cells' 
energy-generating boiler rooms.

  Capsaicin in some peppers, attacks

  cancer cells' mitochondria

  The research raises the possibility that other cancer drugs 
could be developed to target mitochondria.

  The Nottingham University study features in Biochemical and 
Biophysical Research Communications.

  The study showed that the family of molecules to which 
capsaicin belongs, the vanilloids, bind to proteins in the cancer cell 
mitochondria to trigger apoptosis, or cell death, without harming surrounding 
healthy cells.

"We believe that we have in effect discovered a 
fundamental 'Achilles heel' for all cancers."

Dr Timothy Bates

  Capsaicin was tested on cultures of human lung cancer cells 
and on pancreatic cancers.

  Lead researcher Dr Timothy Bates said: "As these compounds 
attack the very heart of the tumour cells, we believe that we have in effect 
discovered a fundamental 'Achilles heel' for all cancers.

  "The biochemistry of the mitochondria in cancer cells is very 
different from that in normal cells.

  "This is an innate selective vulnerability of cancer cells."

  He said a dose of capsaicin that could cause a cancer cell to 
enter apoptosis, would not have the same effect on a normal cell.

   "Cancer Research UK recommends reducing your risk of 
cancer by eating a healthy, balanced diet, with plenty of vegetables and 
fruit." Josephine Querido

  Potential Drugs

  The fact that capsaicin and other vanilloids are already 
commonly found in the diet proves they are safe to eat.

  This could make development of a drug containing them a much 
quicker and cheaper process.

  Dr Bates said: "Capsaicin, for example, is already found in 
treatments for muscle strain and psoriasis - which raises the question of 
whether an adapted topical treatment could be used to treat certain types of 
skin cancer.

  "It's also possible that cancer patients or those at risk of 
developing cancer could be advised to eat a diet which is richer in spicy foods 
to help treat or prevent the disease."

  However, Josephine Querido, cancer information officer at 
Cancer Research UK, said: "This research does not suggest that eating vast 
quantities of chilli pepper will help prevent or treat cancer.

  "The experiments showed that pepper extracts killed cancer 
cells grown in the laboratory, but these have not yet been tested to see if 
they are safe and effective in humans."

  Cancer Research UK recommends reducing the risk of cancer by 
eating a healthy, balanced diet, with plenty of vegetables and fruit.

  Dr Bates added that the mitochondria in cancer cells could 
also be targeted by other compounds.

  He said the investigation and development of 
anti-mitochondrial drugs for cancer chemotherapy was likely to be "extremely 
significant" in the fight against cancer.


  Pepper 'kills prostate cancer'
  15 Mar 06 |  Health

  Could chilli peppers relieve pain?
  30 Jun 06 |  Health

  Secrets of how cells die revealed
  10 Apr 04 |  Health


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] mafatih al-janna

2007-01-11 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Mafâtih al-janna shahadatu an lâ ilâha illallâh.   "The keys to 
Paradise are the witnessing that there is no god but Allah."
  Ahmad related it from Mu`adh and Haythami said in Majma` al-zawa'id.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Saying "Ya Ali Madad" is Shirk

2007-01-11 Thread Khurram Jamal

In a message dated 1/9/2007 5:19:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Saying "Ya Ali Madad" is Shirk

  Note: This Artical has not written to hurt someone rather my Ain is to 
provide True Aqeeda of Islam, And if i hurt you so i apologize in Advance!
  The Shia are guilty of committing Shirk by giving characteristics of Allah to 
their Imams. The Shia even pray to their Imams and invoke their names by saying 
"Ya Ali" or "Ya Hussain" or "Ya Nabi!" They then proceed to make du’a asking 
for whatever they want. The famous Shia saying "Ya Ali Madad" means "O Ali, 
help us!"

  According to the very basic principles of Islam, this is Shirk (associating 
partners with Allah). What power does Ali (r.a) have to grant our requests? 
What power does Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have to grant our requests? Indeed, 
nobody save Allah has the power to grant our requests.

  It is not permissible to ask Allah by the virtue of anyone, not even by the 
virtue of the Prophets or Messengers or Awliyaa’ or righteous people. No one 
can compel Allah to do anything. It is not permissible to ask Him in any way 
except by His Names and Attributes, as Allah says:

  "And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him…" (Quran, 

  And yet we see the Shia saying things like "Naad-e-Ali" which means "call on 
Ali!" We should only call on Allah. Ali (r.a) will tell these deviant Shia to 
stop calling him as he has no power, but rather to call Allah for help. In the 
same manner will Prophet Isa (Pbuh) repudiate the Christians for calling on him 
as opposed to Allah.

  With regard to saying to the occupant of a grave, "O So and so, help me," 
this is obviously Shirk, because it is a supplication to someone other than 
Allah. Asking by the virtue of someone is a means to Shirk, and calling upon a 
created being is Shirk in worship.

  How can a Muslim seek assistance from any other than Allah Almighty? Despite 
the fact that every Muslim must repeat the following words from the Quran in 
his prayer (salat) at least seventeen times a day:

  "You alone do we worship, and Your aid alone we seek." (Quran, 1:5)

  We see the Shia saying things like "Ya Ali" and "Ya Mehdi" when they are 
distressed and need help. They will say "Ya Ali Madad!" These people cry out 
these names in times of distress. In true Islam, however, we should only say 
"Ya Allah!" Calling out anyone else’s name for help is Shirk, because we 
believe only Allah can help us! This is the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH), as 
well as the way of Ali (r.a).

  Allah Almighty says clearly in the Quran:

  "And invoke not, besides Allah, [anyone since that] will neither profit you, 
nor hurt you, but if (in case) you did so, you shall certainly be one of the 
Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers). And if Allah should afflict you with 
harm, then there is none to remove it but He; and if He intends good to you 
there is none to repel His grace." (Quran, 10:106-107)

  Humans, no matter their status, cannot help anyone or harm anyone. Only Allah 
Almighty can cause harm and only He can bring benefit to us. Allah Almighty 
says in the Quran:

  "Say [O Muhammad]: ‘I have no power over any good or harm to myself except as 
Allah wills’" (Quran, 7:188)

  If the Prophet (PBUH) could not even have power of good or harm over himself, 
then how can we say that he has such powers over others? If the Prophet (PBUH) 
himself declares that he cannot bring good or harm, then why are we asking him?

  Islam is a fiercely monothiestic faith, and rejects all forms of 
intermediaries with Allah. Intermediaries are none other than idols. The pagans 
believe that their idols are intermediaries, and they invoke them to ask God 
for help through them. So too do the Christians believe in Jesus as an 
intermediary to God. And so have the Imams become an intermediary and idols for 
the Shia.

  How often do we hear the Shia say: "Ya Ali, give us [such and such]" or "Ya 
Hussain, rescue us!" The Shia even go to the graves of their Imams, crying and 
rubbing their tombs; it is not unusual to see a Shia kissing the grave of his 
Imam and invoking the deceased Imam’s name in du’a. The Shia cry to their 
idols, kiss them, and invoke them.

  Then after doing all of this, the same Shia will say unashamedly about the 
Imam whose tomb they just cried to: "I do not worship him." This fact is 
embodied in their dictum: "Call upon Ali, the revealer of wonders." When these 
same people are asked if they worship Ali (r.a), they categorically deny this, 
despite the fact that they call upon his name (and their Imams) appealing for 
aid in obtaining their most demanding needs.

  This is exactly what modern day Hindus do. They worship idols, but if we ask 
them, they will look at us straight in the eye and say that they are 
monothiests. They claim that they aren’t worshipping the idols, and that the 
idols are just intermediaries to God.

  O Shia, come to the Call of Islam 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Zionism - Ruin and Dead

2007-01-11 Thread Alan Border
“If Hitler Was Responsible for the Massacre of Six Million Jews During World 
War II, Then Give the Jews a Part of Germany as their Homeland & NOT Palestine. 
It Will Be Ideally Suited Since Most of the Modern Day Jews Have Their ROOTS in 
Europe. Will the Western World Do This” - AB
  Zionism: Ruin and Dead
Neil Berry, [EMAIL PROTECTED]§ion=0&article=66760&d=11&m=7&y=2005
  Charged with being anti-Semitic, critics of Israel commonly counter that it 
is not Jews they are attacking but Zionism. Yet for accused and accuser alike 
this is often as far as the debate goes. Clinging fast to their prejudices, 
they are apt to retreat into hostile silence. The result is that while Israel 
is seldom missing from news bulletins, the ideology that inspired it eludes 
proper examination. Rarely is it acknowledged in the West what a powerful force 
Zionism remains — that quite apart from being the abiding inspiration of the 
Jewish state, it has for some years played no small part in shaping US foreign 
  Over the coming weeks the consequences of Zionism are likely to become more 
starkly evident than usual as some of its most uncompromising adherents, 
extremists among the Jewish settlers of Gaza, furiously resist the efforts of 
the Israel Defense Force to evict them from land which they are convinced they 
were biblically destined to inherit. As battle rages, there will be special 
reason to reflect on the tenacity of this fateful ethno-religious movement.
  The taboo that bedevils discussion of Zionism has been a source of unease to 
the British literary academic Jacqueline Rose. In 2003, Rose gave a series of 
lectures on the subject at Princeton University — lectures which have now been 
published in Britain under the title, “The Question of Zion”. A Jew with an 
anguished conscience, Rose well knew that she was subjecting Zionism to 
critical appraisal in the midst of an institution much patronized by American 
Jews, a college of higher education where many are loath to accept that Israel 
is other than the innocent party in the Middle East conflict. Where, she was 
bluntly asked, was her critique of Arab nationalism, of Arab hostility toward 
  It was bold of Rose, a friend of the great champion of the Palestinian 
people, the late Edward Said, to anatomize Zionism in so unsympathetic a 
milieu. Nor did she fight shy of tackling thorny issues — such as why Israel so 
persistently (and so aggressively) denies its own capacity for aggression. At 
the outset, she recalls the staggeringly crass remark made by Prime Minister 
Golda Meir during the 1973 Yom Kippur War — that Israel was innocent of all 
blame for the military conflicts in which it got involved. 
  Rose feels that it is a matter of urgent necessity to make sense of Zionist 
blindness, the blindness that extends from Israeli politicians to embattled 
settlers in the occupied territories who are eminently capable of inviting 
visitors to admire the landscape — even as they drive them along heavily 
fortified settler roads which have been built over Palestinian territory as 
part of a concerted Israeli effort to efface the very existence of the 
Palestinian people.
  Believing that Zionism sprang from the legitimate desire of a victimized race 
for a homeland, Rose is nevertheless quick to acknowledge that Israel was 
founded on a historic act of injustice to the Palestinian people, and she 
confesses to being horrified by the violence that Israel has committed in the 
name of the Jewish people. The purpose of “The Question of Zion” is to uncover 
the roots of Israel’s pathology. 
  A devotee of that characteristically Jewish field of inquiry, psychoanalysis, 
she believes that the path to salvation lies in self-knowledge. Her chief 
preoccupation is to clarify whether the brutality and urge to conquest that 
have marked Israel’s brief history were inherent in the Zionist project; or 
whether the story of Zionism might have been different — if only the warnings 
of wiser heads, of Jewish humanists like Gershom Scholem, Martin Buber and 
Hannah Arendt, had been heeded.
  Rose points out that a neglected yet profoundly influential strand of Zionism 
positively thrives on catastrophe. Her book opens with an arresting discussion 
of the seventeenth century mystical messiah, Shabtai Zvi, whose self-appointed 
mission was to return the Jews to Palestine and who was apparently prepared to 
stop at nothing in his pursuit of this goal. 
  One day in 1665, this sinister manic-depressive (who was to convert to Islam) 
smashed down the door of the Portuguese synagogue in Smyrna, preached a 
blasphemous sermon and arrogated to himself the right to apportion kingdoms to 
the men and women of his congregation. Investing the Ten Tribes of Israel with 
absolute unchallengeable might, he declared that “none are able to stand up 
against them”. 
  The relevance of all this to what 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] War on Muslims - CRUSADER Strikes Targets pf Al-Qaida in Somalia

2007-01-11 Thread Alan Border
“Can We CATEGORISE Us As INNOCENT Civilians When the Victims of Our Govts 
Policies (Military Occupations, Supporting Military Occupations, Propping Up 
Inhuman Regimes, Imposing Our Values etc) Retaliate Against Us.” - AB
  US Strike Targets Al-Qaida in Somalia
  WASHINGTON - The U.S. military launched a strike against several suspected 
members of al-Qaida in Somalia, a government official said Monday night. The 
official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the operation's 
sensitivity, said at least one AC-130 gunship was used in the attack.
  CNN, NBC and CBS first reported the military action. CitingPentagon 
officials, CBS said the targets included the senior al-Qaida leader in East 
Africa and an al-Qaida operative wanted for his involvement in the 1998 
bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. 
  The same operatives are also believed responsible for a 2002 attack on 
Israeli tourists in Kenya and an attempt to shoot down an Israeli aircraft the 
same day, NBC News reported. The 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya 
and Tanzania killed more than 250 people. The 2002 attack on an Israeli-owned 
hotel in Kenya killed 15.
  The White House on Monday night would not confirm the incident. Air Force Lt. 
Col. Todd Vician, a Defense Department spokesman, said he could neither confirm 
nor deny the reports of an airstrike. There was no confirmation that the Air 
Force had killed either of the al-Qaida targets.
  Air Force AC-130 gunships are heavily armed aircraft with elaborate sensors 
that can go after discreet targets — day or night. They are operated by the 
Special Operations Command and have been used heavily against the Taliban in 
Afghanistan.  U.S. Navy vessels have been deployed off the coast of Somalia to 
make sure al-Qaida or allied jihadists don't escape the country, the State 
Department said last Wednesday.
  Somalia's effective central government fell in 1991, when clan-based warlords 
overthrew a military dictator and then turned on each other. The government was 
formed two years ago with the help of theUnited Nations, but has been 
weakened by internal rifts.
  Soldiers loyal to Somalia's U.N.-backed government and Ethiopia's military 
late last month drove out a radical Islamic group that had been in control of 
the country for six months. The U.S. has believed for years that a group of 
al-Qaida operatives has been hiding in Somalia.
  "For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to 
account." (Holy Quran 88:25-26)

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2007-01-11 Thread islamiccommunitynet

U.S. strikes at al Qaeda in Somalia, "many dead"
By Guled Mohamed
Tue Jan 9, 2007

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A U.S. attack plane killed many people with
barrages of gunfire in a remote Somali village occupied by Islamists
thought to be hiding at least one al Qaeda suspect, a Somali
government source said on Tuesday.

In the first known direct U.S. military intervention in Somalia since
a failed peacekeeping mission that ended in 1994, an AC-130 plane
rained gunfire on the desolate southern village of Hayo near the
Kenyan border late on Monday.

"I understand there are so many dead bodies and animals in the
village," the senior source told Reuters.

The U.S. Navy also confirmed it had moved the aircraft carrier
Eisenhower to the Somali coast -- Africa's longest -- to beef up a
naval cordon it had already put there as the Islamists sought refuge
in the remote southern tip.

"They are, with other ships, making sure that terrorists are not able
to use the sea as a means of transport," said Charlie Brown, a
spokesman for the U.S. Fifth Fleet, which is based in the Gulf state
of Bahrain.

U.S. intelligence believes Abu Talha al-Sudani, identified in grand
jury testimony against Osama bin Laden as an explosives expert from
Sudan, is the leader of east Africa's al Qaeda cell and has been in
and out of Somalia for over a decade.

"The Americans are saying an al Qaeda member heading operations in
east Africa is among the Islamists there," the source said. He did not
know the man's name or whether he died.

U.S., Ethiopian and Kenyan intelligence officials say some Islamists
have provided shelter to a handful of al Qaeda members, including
suspects in the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and
Tanzania and a 2002 hotel bombing on the Kenyan coast.

Besides al-Sudani, Washington has named Comorian Fazul Abdullah
Mohammed and Kenyan Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan among the al Qaeda members
in Somalia.

The Washington Post, quoting unnamed military sources, said al-Sudani
was one target of the raid.


Ethiopian and Somali troops have chased al-Sudani since he was leading
Islamist fighters near Buur Hakaba, close to the government base
Baidoa, in the early days of a war which began around Christmas,
Somali government officials told Reuters.

Hayo is in the southern tip of Somalia between Afmadow and Doble,
areas where Ethiopian and Somali troops chased the Islamists' last
remnants after ending their six-month rule of Mogadishu and most of
southern Somalia in a two-week offensive.

Though many have suspected an American hand in the Somali conflict,
this attack is the first solid evidence of it and is in line with
previous U.S. attacks targeting al Qaeda members.

An unmanned Predator drone flown from the U.S. Horn of Africa
counter-terrorism base in Djibouti killed an al Qaeda suspect in Yemen
in 2002, and the AC-130 was almost certainly flown from there by the
elite Special Operations Command.

The AC-130 is a propeller-driven converted cargo plane derived from
the AC-47 gunships flown in Vietnam that were known as "Puff the Magic
Dragon". It has sophisticated sensors that allow it to pinpoint
targets with heavy automatic cannon fire.

The lumbering, 29 meter (95 foot) long plane can fire 1,800 rounds a
minute from a Gatling gun and has in its arsenal a 105mm howitzer --
ordinarily a crew-fired ground artillery cannon that has to be towed
by a truck.

The Islamists deny any al Qaeda links, saying the accusation has been
invented to justify intervention in Somalia.


Born out of sharia courts, the Islamists took Mogadishu and much of
the south in June and threatened just weeks ago to overrun Baidoa,
then the only town the government controlled.

Ethiopian troops with armor and air power, along with government
forces, quickly pushed the Islamists from Baidoa, forced them out of
their stronghold, Mogadishu, and caused them to scatter to Somalia's
desolate southern edges.

Hundreds of Islamist fighters are now hiding in the bushland there,
while Kenya's military is trying to seal its lengthy border to prevent
them escaping.

Mindful of a disastrous intervention in the early 1990s -- related in
the book and film "Black Hawk Down" -- Washington had until Monday not
overtly involved its forces in the war.

But it did receive a setback when CIA was found in April to have paid
despised Mogadishu warlords to help fight the Islamists on
counter-terrorism grounds, only for them to lose the city to
disciplined Islamist fighters in June.

The presence of troops from traditionally Christian Ethiopia has
stirred both nationalist and religious fervor in mainly Muslim
Somalia, with a series of protests and small attacks on Ethiopian
troops in recent days.

Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf, who on Mond

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Big brother UK TV show

2007-01-11 Thread Showkat Ali
By Sajid Iqbal
  Big Brother, a programme where 13 people chosen from thousands of applicants, 
are asked to live in a house where there are hidden cameras placed throughout 
the house covering their every move... and I mean every move if you know what I 
  Every week one guy or girl is evicted by the television viewers, who are 
given tasks to carry out and then are judged on their success as well as their 
behaviour, personality and deeds. The successful person at the end of the show 
is rewarded £100,000.
  Well, you're probably thinking what's this got to do with anything? Let me 
shock you by saying that our life in this world is just like the telly show Big 
Brother - no fatwa's please, let me explain!
  Our house is this world - the dunya. Our hidden camera is none other than God 
Almighty, the creator of the universe who watches our every single move. Allah 
(swt) gives our tasks in His book, the Qur'an and by His Messenger, Muhammad 
  The Creator judges us on our deeds and actions and our prize at the end of 
the show is Paradise and eternal life. Now what do you make of that then?
  Not bad eh… I know you're shaking your head and saying the blokes lost it but 
just think about it for a moment and it'll make sense to you … trust me. The 
term 'Big Brother is always watching you' has a very important meaning for 
  OK, check this out - the idea that 'Big Brother is always watching you' 
should become clear:
  You're cruising down the road in your Subaru ( or your Nissan Micra if you 
were honest) and you approach the lights. You think I ain't stopping and all of 
a sudden you see a cop car from a distance.
  So what do you do? Slam your brakes, put your seat belt on and hope the 
coppers say nowt. Its true innit… unless you get a buzz out of being fined and 
visiting the nick! You see we follow the law because we know we are being 
watched, and if we break the law we will be punished. 
  Another example: will you ever light up a spliff or chat up a girl/guy in 
front of your parents, older brother or your local molbi (imam).You must be 
joking! Why? Because you know a higher authority is watching you, so you have 
to do 'the right thing' otherwise you will be punished big time.
  Now, to get to the point- if we 'do the right thing' or follow the law of the 
land only to please the higher authorities in this world then why not 'do the 
right thing and obey the law of Allah' - the Creator of the Universe, who is 
the highest authority and is always watching you?
  You see whether we are playing football, watching the telly, in the town 
center, at uni or college, at work, in the mosque or in the nightclub our every 
action is watched and recorded.
  So next time you decide to link up with your undercover girl/boyfriend 
somewhere that you know that your dad, the local Imam and that big mouth auntie 
down the road wont see you, always remember that 'Big Brother' - the 
All-Seeing- is ALWAYS watching you, there is no place on Earth where you can go 
where you wont get clocked by Him.
  'Big Brother' is always watching us so isn't it about time we faced the facts 
and sorted ourselves out to save our self from the embarrassment in this world 
and the hereafter. A couple of things might be on your mind.
  You're thinking: 'OK I know Allah(swt) watches our actions but still I can't 
stop myself from doing what I do, even though I know its wrong. So, what do I 
  Fair point. To know something is wrong or haram doesn't take a genius but to 
stop yourself from committing sin and haram acts is the hardest thing ever. But 
you see that is the trick. That is the test. The test of life - pass this and 
you're buzzing. What we need is taqwa - the fear of God.
  The only way we can do good in this world and have a good hereafter is if we 
fear Allah (swt). The Prophet (saw) said in his final sermon : “Fear your Lord, 
pray your five prayers, fast the month of Ramadan, pay your Zakah, and obey 
your leaders, in doing so, you will enter your Lord‘s Paradise.”(Tirmidhi)
  For the rest of the article please visit

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] cease-fire

2007-01-11 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

IDF will ensure cease-fire goes up in flames

By Gideon Levy

Here is the forecast: In a few days, there will be a targeted killing
operation. The military correspondents will recite: "He was one of the
senior operatives of Hamas (or Islamic Jihad), and was responsible for
producing and smuggling large amounts of armaments." In response, a barrage
of Qassams will fall on Sderot. One of the residents might be injured. In
the process of the targeted killing operation, some passersby might also be
killed; the correspondents will then recite: "They were armed."

Several days later, there might be a terror attack. The leaders of the
right-wing parties and the Labor Party will be interviewed on television and
will recite: "Abu Mazen has once again demonstrated that he is incapable and
unwilling to fight terror. There is no one to talk to." Public Security
Minister Avi Dichter will propose turning Beit Hanun into a ghost town. Eli
Yishai will suggest bombing from the air. The next day, Qassams will fall
again, and the IDF will enter the northern Gaza Strip. The cease-fire will
go up in flames.

This is not a bold wager. This is almost the exact series of events that
occurred in previous cease-fires. What was is what will be. There are plenty
of examples. In January 2002, after several months of quiet, the Tanzim
activist Raed Karmi was assassinated in Tul Karm. Dichter, who was then the
head of the Shin Bet, pushed for this action, of course. Immediately
afterwards, Fatah began its suicide bombing attacks.

Thank out Creator for those like Gideon Levy.


2007-01-11 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Who Is Planning Our Next War?
by Patrick J. Buchanan
January 9, 2007

As George Bush reflects on his legacy, an urgent question must be
pressing in upon him each day.

Will I leave here as the man who launched failed wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan that cost thousands of U.S. dead, to no avail? Or can I
yet enter history as the Churchillian statesman who used U.S. power to
save America and Israel from the mortal threat of atomic weapons in
the hands of the Iranian mullahs?

Which legacy would Bush prefer? Or Cheney?

As Americans await Bush's address announcing a "surge" of 20,000 to
30,000 U.S. troops to Iraq, we may be missing the larger picture. The
War Party is turning its attention from Iraq – to Iran.

Nor is it simply an analysis of the character of George Bush that
causes one to so conclude.

Tehran is now two weeks into a 60-day deadline to answer a Security
Council resolution directing it to cease enriching uranium. While the
sanctions are mild, the resolution passed unanimously and gives Bush
the U.N. cover he used to wage war on Iraq. If Iran defies the United
Nations, Bush will demand further sanctions. Up the escalator we go.

Moreover, a second U.S. carrier battle group is heading for the Gulf.
More interesting, the new CentCom commander, replacing Gen. John
Abizaid, is no soldier, but Adm. William J. Fallon, commander in chief
of U.S. forces in the Pacific. What Fallon does not know about
securing streets, he does know about taking out targets from the air
and keeping sea lanes open in a time of war.

Bush may be sending signals, but the Israelis are preparing for war.
The London Sunday Times reports that Israeli pilots have been making
the 2,000-mile run to Gibraltar to train for strikes with
bunker-busting nuclear bombs on Iran's heavy water plant at Arak, the
uranium hexaflouride facility at Isfahan and the centrifuge cascade at

Israel angrily denies the report. But, on Dec. 30, retired Gen. Oded
Tira, who headed up all Israeli artillery units, burst into print with
this admonition:

"As an American air strike in Iran is essential for our existence, we
must help (Bush) pave the way by lobbying the Democratic Party (which
is conducting itself foolishly) and U.S. newspaper editors. We need to
do this in order to turn the Iranian issue to a bipartisan one and
unrelated to the Iraq failure."

"Bush lacks the political power to attack Iran," writes Tira. Thus,
Israel and its U.S. lobbying arm "must turn to Hillary Clinton and
other potential presidential candidates in the Democratic Party so
that they publicly support immediate action by Bush against Iran."

"The Americans must act," Tira concludes. "If they don't, we'll do it
ourselves ... (and) we must immediately start preparing for an Iranian
response to an attack."

According to UPI editor-at-large Arnaud De Borchgrave, Tira's line
tracks the New Year's Day message of Likud superhawk "Bibi" Netanyahu,
the former prime minister.

Said Netanyahu, Israel "must immediately launch an intense,
international public relations front first and foremost on the U.S.
The goal being to encourage President Bush to live up to specific
pledges he would not allow Iran to arm itself with nuclear weapons. We
must make clear to the (U.S.) government, the Congress and the
American public that a nuclear Iran is a threat to the U.S. and the
entire world, not only Israel."

Israel's war, says Bibi, must be sold as America's war.

We are thus forewarned. A propaganda campaign, using Israeli agents
and their neocon auxiliaries and sympathizers, who stampeded us into
war in Iraq, is being prepared to stampede us into war on Iran.

We are to be convinced that Iran, with no air force or navy to speak
of, an economy not 2 percent of ours, which has not started a single
war since the revolution, 27 years ago, is about to give to
terrorists, to use on us, a nuclear bomb it may be 10 years away from
even being able to build.

Will Congress be duped again into giving Bush a blank check for war?
Or will this new Congress summon the courage to take the war option
out of Bush's hands, to decide itself, for the nation, when, where and
whether America should ever go to war against Iran?

Every presidential candidate should be asked: Does President Bush have
the authority to attack Iran without specific congressional
authorization? And would you support giving him that authority?

Needed today are courageous men and women of both parties who will
introduce and pass a congressional resolution stating, "In the absence
of a direct Iranian attack on U.S. forces or personnel, or an imminent
threat of such an attack, President Bush has no authority to launch a
pre-emptive strike or a preventive war on Iran."

If we are going to war, let us do it constitutionally, for once, and
not leave it up solely to George W. Bush and Brother Cheney.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The most fortunate

2007-01-11 Thread ***hajikhan***
  as`adu al-nasi bi shafa`ati yawma al-qiyama man qala 
  La ilaha illallah khalisan mukhlisan min qalbihi. 

  Abu Hurayra inquired from the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah, 
  who will be the most fortunate of people to receive your 
 intercession on the Day of Resurrection?" 
The Prophet  replied: 
  "O Abu Hurayra, I knew, because of your love of what I say, 
  that no one other than you would ask me of this hadith. 
  The most fortunate of people to receive my intercession 
  on the Day of Resurrection are those who said: 
  la ilaha illallah
  purely and sincerely from the heart."
  Narrated by Bukhari from Abu Hurayra.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Scattering of dust

2007-01-11 Thread brother_farrukh
Assalam alaikum,

Allah Almighty says,
"And among His signs is that He created you (Adam) from dust,and then,
behold, you are human beings scattered everywhere" 
[Quran 30:20]

Commenting on this hadith the Prophet Muhammad said,
'Allah created Adam from a handful which He picked up from throughout
the earth, so the sons of Adam came forth accordingly, red and white
and back, and in between evil and good, and those in between evil and
[Ahmad 4/400]

The diversity in which we have been created, different people in
different parts of the world does not mean we seclude ourselves from
our neighbours. Rather it means we ought to interact with one another,
find beauty in one another and happiness with one another. In fact it
is not only a Mercy from Allah that we are different but a blessing
from Allah that we are different for as human beings we crave variety,
change and challenge in our lives,if everything was too similar, too
stagnant, the human mind would become bored, the notion of adventure
would disappear and a veil of sadness would fall upon us all.

And Allah Almighty reminds us that people have been created with free
will, some good, some bad, and some indifferent in between. But Allah
Almighty send us something of a reminder when Allah says:

"The creation of the heavens and the earth is indeed greater than the
creation of mankind" [Quran 40:537]

The arrogance by which some people assume that they are better than
others, purely on the grounds of race comes apart. This verse reminds
us of the facts of this universe, the facts of this creation, that in
the grand scheme of things, we as people are not necessarily
insignificant, but we are just a small part of this creation. Anytime
anyone feels a degree of superiority over someone else they ought to
remember this verse for, for those who ponder and understand, it is
indeed humbling.

Of course people do better one another in terms of piety. Some refer
to it as God-consciousness, others simply living your life for the
sake of God. This certainly doesn't refer to sitting around praying
all day as that was simply not the example of the Prophet Muhammad,
upon whom be peace - for he was not only active in every sphere of his
life, particularly the social sphere in establishing and retaining
good relations but he was humble enough to engage in everyday duties
right down to fixing his own shoes when they became damaged.

Prophet Muhammad once said that the heart is like a feather in the
desert, the wind keeps turning its direction [Tirmidhi 103]. One day
we, people, will return to being dust so let us remember to encourage
one another to do good, forgive one another our faults, help one
another achieve their goals and bring one another happiness, even if
only a smile.

"...So blessed is Allah, the Best of creators" [Quran 23:14]

Fi amanillah, wa salam, f