Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Turkish Daily News Article: Turkey hosts US Muslim leader Imam W.D. Mohammed

2007-03-11 Thread Curtis Sharif
Bismillah, FYI  Peace, Curtis Sharif
  Houston, Texas
 Turkey hosts US Muslim leader   Wednesday, March 7, 2007print this 
page mail to a friend 
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Demonization of Taliban...and it still continues....

2007-03-11 Thread adil naveed




 The Demonization of Taliban:Letter to the Wall Street Journal
   We are living in a worldthat chooses to show its civility by 
condemning imaginary crimesby Muslims rather than the real crimes against 
   By Khalid Baig
   Posted: 4 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1422, 27 May 2001
   Letter to Wall Street Journal in response to the articleby its feature 
editor, Tunku Varadarajan.
   A man by the name of Tunku Varadarajan has tried, convicted,and 
lambasted the Taliban for words they did not utter and acts they did not
   Taliban's Roving Ambassador Syed Rahmatullah Hashmi spoke atmany forums 
during his recent visit. I was there when he spoke at theUniversity of 
Southern California. In fact the transcript of his talk isavailable for all 
to read at our web site. (The Invisible Afghanistan:
   The identification is only for the   
 purpose of granting exemption where it is due. Is that bad? Ask the
Hindu and Sikh community leader, Inder Singh Majboor, who said they
are happy with the ruling. [BBC]
   “When the world is destroying our future with 
economicsanctions, then they have no right to worry about our past. I 
called myheadquarters, I asked them, why are they going to blow the 
statues, and Italked to the head of the council of scholars of people, who 
had actuallydecided this. He told me that UNESCO and an NGO from Sweden, or 
from one ofthese Scandinavian countries Norway, Sweden, one of these they 
had actuallycome with a project of rebuilding the face of these statues, 
which have wornby rain. The council of people told them to spend that money 
in saving thelives of these children, instead of spending it to restore 
these statues. Andthese guys said, 'No, this money is only for the 
statues.' And the people werereally pissed off. They said that, if you 
don't care about our children, weare going to blow those statues. If you 
were in such a situation what wouldyou do? If your children are dying in
 front of your eyes, and you are undersanctions, and then the same people 
who have imposed sanctions are coming andbuilding statues here? What would 
you do?”
   This account was in fact confirmed by the careful“rebuttal” from State 
Department spokesman Richard Boucher on March 20,2001, who called the 
allegations “inaccurate and self-serving.” He couldnot say that Hashmi was 
lying and no such incident had taken place before thedecision to destroy 
the statues. Rather his defense was that although theNGO's had gone there 
with the obscene idea of renovating statues in the midstof death, as Hashmi 
said, but some other NGOs were also providing some moneyto the people!
   Now Mr. Varadarajan is informing us that the offers of moneyfor the 
protection of the statues were made after the Taliban announced theywould 
destroy the un-Islamic idols. I would like to think that he is merely
confused about the later offers of money and ignorant of the original NGO
project. But his solemn assertions and air of certainty make one wonder
whether his confusion was elsewhere; that while his parents sent him to school  
  to become a lawyer, he got confused and instead became a liar.
   The identification badges have been  
  compared with the Nazi tagging of Jews by a fierce propaganda machine.
It is a minor detail that the Hindus who had left Afghanistan during
the civil war came back after the Taliban take over, precisely because  
  of the peace and protection they provided.
   After having “destroyed” the character and 
credibilityof the accused, Mr. Varadarajan then proceeds to convict him for 
a conspiracyto commit genocide. Here again the truth is stranger than 
fiction. Here is thereal 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Condition of the Dollar :: Make Deceision Now

2007-03-11 Thread Khwaja
  to view this email online click here
the Dollar
  By Lindsey Williams
There is so much to touch on regarding the dollar this month, I hardly know 
where to start. Regardless of where I begin, the news is not good and affects 
all of us. 
First on our list is China. They have now announced that they are refusing to 
accept American Corporations purchasing into their stock market any longer as 
they did in the past. China also said that they are no longer going to be 
purchasing our securities as they have in the past, including bonds and 
T-bills. China's decisions and subsequent announcements at the beginning of the 
week has sent a panic across the World's markets. 
Additionally, OPEC met recently and they have also stated they will be 
diversifying into other currencies instead of just the American dollar. They 
will now begin accepting other currencies and limit the trade of oil via the 
American dollar. 
March 21st 2007 will be one of the most significant dates this month. Iran has 
outlawed the American dollar and will put anyone in jail that uses it in their 
country after that date. They have the ominous notoriety of being the first 
nation in the world to do such a thing. The real issue in Iran is NOT nuclear, 
but rather the decision to not use the American dollar for trade and the sale 
of oil. On the heels of Iran's decision, North Korea has followed suit and also 
outlawed the use of the American dollar in their country. Finally, Malaysia the 
next day did the same thing. 
Central banks around the world are increasingly diversifying their reserves, 
including cutting holdings of American dollars, according to a survey sponsored 
by Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, the U.K.'s second-largest bank. Italy, 
Russia, Sweden and Switzerland have made major adjustments in 
foreign-exchange holdings favoring the Euro and the British pound, according to 
the poll conducted by Central Banking Publications Ltd. between September and 
December. Central banks are open to saying they've been diversifying to 
improve returns and reduce exposure to any single currency, said Sean Callow, 
senior currency strategist at Westpac Banking Corp. in Singapore. There's no 
doubt that when they say 'diversification' they mean selling dollars. 
Last week a friend of mine told me they called their bank president in 
Vancouver, BC and he agreed with everything I have been saying about the 
dollar. What amazed me the most was her comment that he told her his bank is 
currently making preparations for the crash of the American dollar! 
My dear friends, I urge you to structure yourself and get out of the liquid 
dollar immediately. I suggest that you get out of stock markets and into 
international hard assets such as real estate, gold and other assets. Structure 
your family by setting up proper International Business Corporations and 
Foundations that will preserve your finances.   
For more information on doing exactly this, visit 
Next Events
Join a free Wealth Creation Seminar and get information on structuring, 
International Business Corporations and Foundations. Click Here for Free 
Tickets   Join Newsletter
Click Here   Coming Soon
Weekly Conference Calls with Lindsey Williams are expected to begin this 
February. Watch for announcements in another email and on the 
website! click here to unsubscribe   powered by:  


 Engr. Jigar Ali Khwaja 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] NAZIsrael Manipulates The Media - While Muslims PRETEND To Be Holy

2007-03-11 Thread Alan Border
“We Muslims Need to Understand That Israel is ABOVE ALL INTERNATIONAL LAW 
Thanks to the US. It Makes Its Own Rules  Can Operate With IMPUNITY  Has ZERO 
Accountability. The UN (Usual Noise) Cannot Rein It In. Therefore We Need to 
Follow a SEPARATE Set of Robust RULES OF ENGAGEMENT In All Areas When DEALING 
With It.” – AB
  Israel Manipulates The Media - While Muslims Pretend To Be Holy
  MPACUK Comment: Recently, an AP Cameraman filmed footage of a War Crime - the 
shooting of a Palestinian boy by an Israeli soldier. The footage was submitted 
to the Israel Bureau of the AP but was erased before broadcast. A clear example 
of Israeli influence, competence one might say, over a global news provider. 
Contrast this with Muslims, often more concerned with arranging talks, nasheed 
concerts and study circles, instead engaging with the Global Village that is 
Politics and the Media.
  Read the article below:
  In the midst of journalism's Sunshine Week - during which the Associated 
Press and other news organizations are valiantly proclaiming the public's 
right to know - Associated Press (AP) insists on conducting its own 
activities in the dark, and refuses to answer even the simplest questions about 
its system of international news reporting.
  Most of all, it refuses to explain why it erased footage of an Israeli 
soldier intentionally shooting a Palestinian boy.
  AP, according to its website, is the world's oldest and largest news 
organization. It is the behemoth of news reporting, providing what its editors 
determine is the news to a billion people each day. Through its feeds to 
thousands of newspapers, radio and television stations, AP is a major 
determinant in what Americans read, hear and see - and what they don't.
  What they don't is profoundly important. I investigated one such omission 
when I was in the Palestinian Territories last year working on a documentary 
with my colleague (and daughter), who was filming our interviews.
  On Oct. 17, 2004 Israeli military forces invaded Balata, a dense, 
poverty-stricken community deep in Palestine's West Bank (Israel frequently 
invades this area and others). According to witnesses, the vehicles stayed for 
about twenty minutes, the military asserting its power over the Palestinian 
population. The witnesses state that there was no Palestinian resistance - no 
clash, no crossfire, not even any stone-throwing. At one point, after most 
of the vehicles had finally driven away, an Israeli soldier stuck his gun out 
of his armored vehicle, aimed at a pre-pubescent boy nearby, and pulled the 
  We went to the hospital and interviewed the boy, Ahmad, his doctors, family, 
and others. Ahmad had bandages around his lower abdomen, where surgeons had 
operated on his bladder. He said he was afraid of Israeli soldiers, and pulled 
up his pants leg to show where he had been shot previously. In the hospital 
there was a second boy, this one with a shattered femur; and a third boy, this 
one in critical condition with a bullet hole in his lung. A fourth boy, not a 
patient, was visiting a friend. He showed us a scarred lip and missing teeth 
from when Israeli soldiers had shot him in the mouth.
  This was not an unusual situation. When I had visited Palestinian hospitals 
on a previous trip, I had seen many such victims; some with worse injuries. 
Yet, very few Americans know this is going on. 
  AP's actions in regard to Ahmad's shooting may explain why. We discovered 
that an AP cameraman had filmed the entire incident. This cameraman had then 
followed what apparently is the usual routine. He sent his video - an extremely 
valuable commodity, since it contained documentary evidence of a war crime - to 
the AP control bureau for the region. This bureau is in Israel.
  What happened next is unfathomable. Did AP broadcast it? No. Did AP place the 
video in safe-keeping, available for an investigation of this crime? No. 
According to its cameraman, AP erased it. We were astounded. We traveled to 
AP's control bureau in Israel. With our own video camera out and running, we 
asked bureau chief Steve Gutkin about this incident. Was the information we had 
been told correct, or did he have a different version? Did the bureau have the 
video, or had they indeed erased it. If so, why?
  Gutkin, repeatedly looking at the camera and visibly flustered, told us that 
AP did not allow its journalists to give interviews. He told us that all 
questions must go to Corporate Communications, located in New York. He 
explained that they were on deadline and couldn't talk. I said I understood 
deadline pressure, and sat down to wait until they were done. When he called 
Israeli police to arrest us, we left.
  Back in the US later, I phoned Corporate Communications and reached Director 
of Media Relations Jack Stokes, AP's public relations spokesman. I had 

RE: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Gambia: Thousand attend successful Sheikh Oumar Taal's Ziyaara

2007-03-11 Thread M. Malhar

VOLUME   :  5:  213


Um Habiba and Um Salama mentioned a church they had seen in Ethiopia and in
the church there were pictures. When they told the Prophet of this, he said,
Those people are such that if a pious man amongst them died, they build a
place of worship over his grave and paint these pictures in it. Those people
will be Allah's worst creatures on the Day of Resurrection.



VOLUME   :  5:  725


'Aisha said, The Prophet said during his fatal illness, 'Allah cursed the
Jews for they took the graves of their prophets as places for worship.' 
'Aisha added, Had it not been for that (statement of the Prophet) his grave
would have been made conspicuous. But he was afraid that it might be taken
as a place for worship.



VOLUME   :  4: 660


On his death-bed Allah's Apostle put a sheet over his face and when he felt
hot, he would remove it from his face. When in that state (of putting and
removing the sheet) he said, May Allah's Curse be on the Jews and the
Christians for they build places of worship at the graves of their
prophets. (By that) he intended to warn (the Muslim) from what they (i.e.
Jews and Christians) had done.



VOLUME   :  2:  472


Allah's Apostle in his fatal illness said, Allah cursed the Jews and the
Christians, for they built the places of worship at the graves of their
prophets. And if that had not been the case, then the Prophet's grave would
have been made prominent before the people. So (the Prophet ) was afraid, or
the people were afraid that his grave might be taken as a place for worship.




I heard from  the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) five days before his
death and he said: I stand acquitted before Allah that I took anyone of you
as friend, for Allah has taken me as His friend, as he took Ibrahim as His
friend. Had I taken any one of my Ummah as a friend, I would have taken
AbuBakr as a friend. Beware of those who preceded you and used to take the
graves of their prophets and righteous men as places of worship, but you
must not take graves as mosques; I forbid you to do that.



Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) forbade that the graves should be
plastered, or they be used as sitting places (for the people), or a building
should be built over them.


3. HADITH NO: 2114


Thumamah ibn Shafayy reported: When we were with Fadalah ibn Ubayd in the
country of the Romans at a place (known as) Rudis, a friend of ours died.
Fadalah ibn Ubayd ordered to prepare a grave for him and then it was
levelled; and then he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon
him) commanding (us) to level the grave.


4.  HADITH NO: 2115


AbulHayyaj al-Asadi told that Ali ibn AbuTalib said to him: Should I not
send you on the same mission as Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) sent
me? Do not leave an image without obliterating it, or a high grave without
levelling it. This hadith has been reported by Habib with the same chain of
transmitters and he said: (do not leave) a picture without obliterating it.


May Allah guide us in the straight path!

Allaahumma Yahdeenaa wa Billaahe at-Towfeeq.

O Allah, guide us and verily in Allah is all success

Abu Afnan Malhar



-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 11:53 PM
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Subject: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Gambia: Thousand attend successful
Sheikh Oumar Taal's Ziyaara




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RE: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Prophets (Sallallaahu Alayhi W asallam) Prayer - according to the Hanafi Madhab

2007-03-11 Thread M. Malhar
Fiqh 1.132

Sunnah acts of prayer, The Position of the Hands

Al-Kamal ibn al-Hamam is of the opinion, There is no authentic hadith
stating that one must place the hands under the chest or below the navel.
According to the Hanifiyyah, the hands are to be placed below the navel, and
the Shafiyyah say below the chest. Ahmad has two narrations corresponding to
these two opinions. The correct position is somewhere in the middle - to be
equal. Observes at-Tirmidhi, Knowledgeable companions, their followers and
those that came after them believed that one should put his right hand over
the left during prayer, while some say above the navel and others say below
the navel... Nevertheless, there do exist hadith that the Propet, upon whom
be peace, placed his hands on his chest. Reported Hulb at-Ta'i, I saw the
Prophet, upon whom be peace, praying with his right hand over his left upon
his chest above the elbow. This is related by Ahmad and at-Tirmidhi, who
grades it as hassan.

Reported Wa'il ibn Hajr, Once when I prayed with the Prophet, upon whom be
peace, he placed his right hand over his left upon his chest. The report is
recorded by Ibn Khuzaimah, who considers it as sahih, and by Abu Dawud and
an-Nasa'i with the wording, Then he put his right hand over the back of his
left wrist and forearm.


Sunan of Abu-Dawood
Hadith 758PAGE NO: 194 Narrated by  Tawus

The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) used to place his right hand on his
left hand, then he folded them strictly on his chest in prayer.


Narrated by Wa'il bin Hujr( R.A) I prayed with the Prophet( P.B.U.H) he put
his right hand on his left

 ( and then placed them) on his chest. 

( Reported by Ibn Khuzaima )




Sunan of Abu-Dawood
Hadith 755Narrated by   Ali ibn AbuTalib

AbuJuhayfah said: Ali said that it is a sunnah to place one hand on the
other in prayer below the navel.

Sunan of Abu-Dawood
Hadith 756Narrated by   Ali ibn AbuTalib

Jarir ad-Dabbi reported: I saw Ali (Allah be pleased with him) catching hold
of his left hand) by his right hand on the wrist above the navel.



-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 7:02 PM
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Subject: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Prophets (Sallallaahu Alayhi
Wasallam) Prayer - according to the Hanafi Madhab  







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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] JI shoora questions US quest against Iran-

2007-03-11 Thread S A Hannan
  JI shoora dares to question US quest against Iran

  Lahore, March 4: The Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan has passionately appealed 
the American people, comity of nations, Muslim countries and especially the 
government of Pakistan to make categorical disapproval for not becoming part of 
the Washington's maneuvering against Iran.

  The Muslim countries should declare that attack on Iran would be 
considered an attack against the Muslim world. The Islamabad should make an 
irrevocable decision of not becoming part of any American aggression against 
Iran and instead voice that she will side with fraternal Iran to fight back 
such misfortune.

  These demands were made in a unanimously adopted resolution by the 
central council (shoora) of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan here on Sunday. The 
two-day extra ordinary meeting of the party was presided over by its central 
ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmad.

  The JIP shoora took strong exception to various worn-out American 
allegations of developing nukes and weapons of mass destruction against Iran on 
the line its biased media brain-washed the world opinion ahead of attack on 
Iraq. The military build-up in the Gulf Sea and stock piles of banned weapons 
and its synchronization with the pressure tactics against neighboring countries 
speaks about American designs to isolate Tehran before subjecting it to naked 

  The resolution noted with great concern the sectarian and linguistic 
plans unleashed by Washington in the region to divide people on parochial 
lines. The huge defence spending by the Iran's Arab neighbor countries to 
counter the Shiite hoax created by America media and think tanks also point out 
future American designs in the area.

  The JI shoora condemned Islamabad for ignoring Iran and its close ally 
Syria in Feb 26 moot of foreign ministers' in Islamabad. It also lambasted 
by-passing of the Palestinian and Lebanese officials in the FMs conference. In 
this milieu, Islamabad's contacts with the pro-American Palestinian president 
Mehmoud Abbas and Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora also irked the JI 

  The Washington would not succeed in hoodwinking its people by posing Iran 
as a great threat in the light of concocted media hype. Attack on Iran would be 
a fatal suicide for America because the oil-rich Iran is neither a 
resource-less country like Afghanistan nor it is feeble as that of Iraq 
undermined by prolonged long autocratic rule. Any misadventure in Iran would 
cause acute oil crisis. The entire region would be exposed to dangerous fall 
out of American attack on Iranian nuclear installations, the resolution warned.

  The meeting appealed the Saudi Arabia, Gulf States, Turkey and Syria not 
to bow before American threats and make serious efforts by taking their 
respective public into confidence and foil fatal American designs. Any failure 
to respond this urgent call will embolden America to use the same pretext for 
attacking other Muslim countries one after another, the resolution concluded.
  Central Information Department
  Mansoorah, Multan Road, Lahore (Pakistan)
  Ph. :+92-42-541 9520-4, Fax : +92-42-543 7950


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] In Defence of Dictators!

2007-03-11 Thread Shaikh Hyder
  In Defence of dictatorsBy: ABID ULLAH JANPublished: 
February 12, 2007A US magazine, PARADE, issued its annual List of the 
world’s worst dictators. The problem with the definition of dictators is that 
half of the listed “dictators” are puppets, surviving in power only because of 
the support of real dictators. The flawed criteria used for listing dictators 
considers only those heads of states as dictators “who exercise arbitrary 
authority over the lives of his citizens and who cannot be removed from power 
through legal means.”
  There is no contention with the listed dictators. The problem lies with the 
fact most of the listed dictators are puppets, who would not be there without 
the blessing of the “elected” and “democratic” dictators. These “democratic” 
dictators can definitely be removed through legal means, but their acts and 
rule is far more dictatorial and dangerous to the world peace than the listed 
  For example, none of the other dictators combined have committed far more 
terrible human rights abuses on international level than George Bush and Tony 
Blair. Yet they are not even considered in the category of dictators. What is 
important: the level and scope of crimes committed against humanity or simply 
the means to one’s or going out of power?
  Of course, the list published in Parade draws in part on reports by 
global-human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch, Freedom House, 
Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International. But one wonders what 
happened to all the reports of these organizations on Iraq, Afghanistan, 
Guantanamo Bay, Palestine, Chechnya and Kashmir. Which dictators is at fault of 
the abuse of human rights, civil war and mass killings in these places.
  Many of the listed and unlisted dictators (e.g., Karzai in Kabul, Malaki in 
Baghdad)  would not even be on the radar screen today if they were not fully 
supported by Bush, Blair and the rest of their allies.  Suddan’s Omar al-Bashir 
is put in the first place for killing 180,000 civilians in Darfur in Western 
Sudan and displacing 2 million people from their homes. Compare this with the 
killings and displacement of people as a result of Bush and Blair’s war of 
aggression on the basis of lies.
  Is it necessary that a dictatorial regime must always be run by just one 
dictator? What if dictators follow one after another through the so-considered 
legal means and popular elections? What if these seemingly democratically 
elected leaders act far worse than the listed dictators? Think of the 
successive Israeli heads of state, who have been committing ethnic cleansing 
for the past 60 years. Think of the successive US and UK leadership since the 
Gulf War II, for instance, who have taken lives of at least 1.8 million through 
the genocidal sanctions in Iraq alone. Why their rule should not be considered 
as dictatorial?
  Islam Karimov, Musharraf, King Abdullah of Jordan, and Meles Zenawi of 
Eithopia,  of course, are dictators. But who is supporting them? Who are 
sustaining them in power? Whose military forces are protecting Saudi Kingdom 
and Kuwaiti Sheikhdom? If not for the Western backing, these dictators cannot 
survive a single day in power. Massacres of Karimov, illegal detentions of 
Musharraf and torturous security apparatus of King Abdullah are all acceptable 
only because they are claiming to be the best friends of the United States and 
U.K. and are fighting “radical Islamists.”
  Validity of the effort is doubtful. The list seems to be politically 
motivated as well. Syed Ali Khamane’i of Iran is at ninth place, whereas 
dictator Musharraf is at number 17. There is no mention to the butchers of 
Algeria, fully supported by France and other Western governments. On the other 
hand, Castro is listed as a dictator only because he is not holding elections. 
There is no count of the country he invaded. There is no count of the lies he 
told to his people and the United nations. There is not count of his 
concentration camps. On the Cuban soil, the only concentration camp belongs to 
dictator Bush, not Castro.
  The bottom-line is that irrespective of the titles, Bush remains dictator 
number one and Blair number two. It hardly matters if people are given a chance 
to protest in streets in millions before they go to launch wars of aggression. 
In the end, it is their decision that counts, not the will of the people. The 
co-opted media’s white washing crimes of these top dictators hardly makes them 
less dictatorial. Similarly, listing some puppets as dictators and ignoring 
their masters is the worst injustice Western analysts and organizations are 
doing to humanity.
  A constructive role on the part of Parade magazine and other media outlets 
will be to place Bush and Blair on the top of their list of dictators and tell 
the truth as it is: almost half of the listed dictators will face the fate of 
Saddam Hussein at the hands of their 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] THE BAATIL SECT : Ahmaddiya a.k.a Qadiyani

2007-03-11 Thread adil naveed
 by Dr Rashid (UAE)
  Ahmadiyya Movement is following in the footsteps of Christian Missionaries 
and is  engaged in actively misguiding ignorant unsuspecting Muslims into their 
fold by pretending  to be Sunni Muslims and Champions of Islam.
  Their tactics include setting up centres, clinics, schools, publishing 
weekly/monthly  literature in upto 120 languages, publishing distorted 
translations of Holy Quran in  various languages. They have 24 hour TV 
broadcasts by the name of MTA via Global Beam,  costing around U$75000 per day. 
In addition they have daily Radio broadcasts in several  languages from various 
  Question is who is paying for such enormous propaganda campaign? 
Qadianis/Ahmadis would  have us believe that it is their donations, but one 
would be very naive to believe that.  However this issue can be easily 
understood when one looks at this movement in historical  perspective. 
  In 19th Century, British usurped the power from the Muslims when they landed 
in  India.As a result they faced repeated Movements of Jihad from the Muslim 
quarters. In 1868  a Parliamentary Commission of Enquiry came to India, 
consisting of MPs, Journalists and  Church Officials, to find a solution of 
this spirit of Jihad. They submitted their report  in 1870 to the British 
Parliament, entitled 'THE ARRIVAL OF BRITISH EMPIRE IN INDIA'. In  this report 
they recommended that the mentality of Muslims is such that if they accept  
someone as their religious leader then they follow him blindly. If someone can 
be found  who claim to be an apostolic prophet then the target can be achieved, 
since Muslims are  waiting for the coming of a Messiah and Mahdi. Mirza Ghulam 
Ahmad Qadiani was chosen for  the task for his ancestral links with the British 
  Mirza Ghulam launched himself as a Rejuvenator of Islam and a servant of Holy 
Prophet  Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). Soon some followers gathered 
around him,  consisting some of the Government employees who wanted to please 
the Raj. However some of  these followers sincerely believed in Mirza's claims 
of being a servant of Islam. He  formed Ahmadiyya Movement in 1890. Soon Mirza 
claimed to be Messiah, Imam Mahdi and a  prophet in his own right. Servant 
became the Master! In this capacity he abrogated Jihad.
  Despite protests from Muslims, Mirza and his movement flourished under the 
benevolent  of the British Raj. Muslims could do little to contain this 
heretical doctrine that was  being grafted into the body of Islam. Mirza died 
in 1908 while Ahmadiyya Movement continue  to enjoy support from the Colonial 
Masters, who utilised their services as Spies in  various Muslim countries 
during the 1st and 2nd World Wars. 
  With the Independence of Pakistan, Ahmadiyya Movement regained new life under 
the  patronage of Sir Zafarullah Khan, the 1st Foreign Minister of this newly 
founded country.  Taking advantage of the chaotic situations, he filled the 
Civil, Foreign, Judicial and  Military Services with Qadiani followers. Every 
Pakistan Foreign Post in various parts of  the world effectively served as a 
Qadiani base and at the expense of Government of  Pakistan, missionary centres 
were established in different countries. Rapid promotions  were given to those 
who converted to Qadianism or were Qadiani sympathisers. This resulted  in 
serious uprising by the Muslims in early 1950s which was brutally crushed by 
the police  and army, imposing Martial Law in parts of Punjab.Government wanted 
to remove Sir  Zafarullah Khan but USA threatened to stopped the supply of 
grain to this new Islamic  Republic in its infancy!
  However the first serious blow came to this Movement when Islamic Scholars of 
124  countries met under the auspices of Rabita Alam Islam (Muslim World 
League) in Makkah and  declared Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his followers as 
apostates and out of the fold of Islam.  Soon Pakistani Parliament by a 
unanimous vote passed a Constitutional Amendment declaring  Qadianis as a 
non-Muslim minority. Thus the fate of this Jama'at was sealed for ever.  
However by that time they were well entrenched in various parts of Africa and 
West. In the  name of Persecution on religious grounds, they started getting 
immigration/asylum in  various countries.
  With the fall of Communism and break down of Russia, West suddenly realised 
that the  threat of Islamic revival in much more dangerous than communism ever 
was. Reports that  Islam is the fastest growing religion in the Western 
Hemisphere are disturbing indeed for  them. Various strategies are being 
adopted to contain this threat of Islam and supporting  Ahmadiyya Movement is 
one such strategy. Making a person Qadiani, is one Muslim less. West  knows 
that and Ahmadiyya Movement Hierarchy knows that too but just as they played 
the  role of spies in the WW, they are willing to play the role of fifth 
columnists among the  

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 8 Habits of Highly Effective Muslims

2007-03-11 Thread Alan Border
“The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of Allah is that of 
a grain of corn: it groweth seven ears, and each ear Hath a hundred grains. 
Allah giveth manifold increase to whom He pleaseth: And Allah careth for all 
and He knoweth all things.”
  (Al-Qur'an, 2:261 (Al-Baqara [The Cow])
  8 Habits of Highly Effective Muslims!
  Hadhrat Haatim asam (R.A.) was a famous Ulama and noble student of Hadhrat 
Shaqeeq Balkhi (R.A.).  Once his Shaikh Shaqeeq (R.A.) inquired from him, 
‘Haatim, how long have you been with me?’  ‘Thirty three years’, replied Haatim 
(R.A.); the Shaikh then inquired, ‘How much have you learnt from me in this 
period?’  Haatim (R.A.) replied, ‘I have learnt eight Masaa’il (Islamic 
  ‘Inanaa, Lillaahi Wa Innaailaihi Raajioon.  My life has been wasted on you.’ 
Haatim (R.A.) replied, ‘Sir, I have learnt eight Mas’alaas (Islamic rules) 
only.  I cannot tell you a lie.  Hadhrat Shaqeeq (R.A.) said,  ‘Tell what are 
these Mas’alaas?’  Haatim (R.A.) replied: 
1. ‘I have seen everyone loves something or another - His wife, his children, 
his wealth, his friends, etc, but I have seen that when a person is lowered 
into the grave, then all the objects of his love are separated from him.  
Therefore, I started loving good deeds instead, so that when I am lowered into 
my grave, my beloved will accompany me, and not be separated from me even after 
death.’  Hadhrat Shaqeeq (R.A.) said, ‘You have done well.’  
  2. ‘I have read the words of Allah Ta’aalaa in the Holy Qur’an.  The Holy 
Qur’an states, ‘And as for him who fears to stand before his Lord (for the 
account) and restrained (held back) himself from low desires, verily the Garden 
(Jannat) that will be his home.’ (Chapt. 79 :Vr. 40-41)  I believe in the truth 
of Allah Ta’aalaa’s words and therefore stopped my nafs (love of ones self) 
from desires, so much so, that it became steadfast in the obedience of Allah 
  3. I have seen that whosoever loves and values a thing of this world, keeps 
it safely.  I have read the words of Allah Ta’aalaa..  The Holy Qur’an says: 
‘That which is with you passes away and that which is with Allah is lasting.’  
(Chapt. 16 Vr. 96)  Because of this verse anything of value that reached me I 
advanced it to Allah Ta’aalaa, so that it could be secured forever.   
  4. Viewing the world I have seen some people, turning towards their wealth as 
a manner of honour and greatness, others turning towards lineage (parentage) 
yet others do things that become a source of vanity and pride.  In the view of 
the words of Allah Ta’aalaa the Holy Qur’an says:  ‘Verily the noblest amongst 
you in the sight of  Allah Ta’aalaa is the one who is the most mindful of his 
duties.’  (Chapt. 49 :Vr. 13)  I became mindful of the commands of Allah 
Ta’aalaa so that I may be honoured in his sight.
  5. I have seen people taunting (insulting), finding fault and abusing each 
other.  This is motivated (started) by jealousy which they have for one 
another.  The Holy Qur’an says:  ‘It’s we who have apportioned (divided) among 
them their livelihood in the life of the world and we have raised some of them 
over others in rank, so that some of them may take others in service.’  (Chapt. 
43. Vr. 32Q)  ‘If all the people are of equal rank then why will one not work 
and why should one be employed.  This will upset the order of the world.’  Due 
to this verse I have left jealousy.  I became independent of the entire 
creation.  I became aware of the fact that the distribution of provision lies 
solely in the control of Allah Ta’aalaa.  He gives any amount to whomsoever he 
wishes, therefore I had left animosity (envy).  I have understood that man’s 
prosperity is not relative solely to his effort, instead it is a gift from the 
Master of the universe, hence I do not get angry. 
  6. I have observed that practically everyone has quarrels and harbors enmity. 
 Having pondered, I saw that Allah Ta’aalaa has commanded in the verse.  The 
Holy Qur’an says, ‘Surely, the Satan is your enemy, so treat him as an enemy. 
(Do not make him your friend).’ (Chapt. 35 Vr. 6)  Thus, I have chosen him as 
my enemy I try my best to stay away from him, because Allah Ta’aalaa declared 
him as an enemy.  
  7. I have seen everyone striving for their daily bread, due to this they 
disgrace themselves in front of others and take unlawful things.  Then I read 
the verse of Allah Ta’aalaa: ‘And there is no moving creatures on earth but its 
sustenance dependant on Allah.’  (Chapt.11 Vr. 6)  I saw that I am also amongst 
those walking on the earth whose provision is the responsibility of Allah 
Ta’aalaa.  I have utilised my time in those activities which Allah Ta’aalaa has 
ordained, and gained time by not undertaking the responsibility of Allah. 
  8. I have seen the people depending on the creation, some on their properties 
others on their business, whereas others depend on their 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Reply from Mikhail Gorbachev.

2007-03-11 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

Michael Evans explains, so no comment from me but wish from you.
*Arif Bhuiyan*

*1st Article:*
*Gorbachev's Trident concern*
Michael Evans, Defence Editor. The

Thursday, 08 March 2007
Mikhail Gorbachev, the former President of the Soviet Union, whose *glasnost
*(openness) policy initiated the end of the Cold War, has delivered an
attack on the Government over its decision to replace the Trident nuclear

In a letter to The Times
*I* *have added, please check below, Arif Bhuiyan*), Mr Gorbachev writes:
The UK Government's rush to deploy nuclear missiles whose service life
would extend until 2050 is, to say the least, astonishing. He says that a
responsible course of action would be to postpone the decision on the future
of the UK nuclear arsenal at least until the next review of the Nuclear
NonProliferation Treaty in 2010.

Mr Gorbachev adds that deploying new nuclear missiles would be in
contradiction with the spirit of the agreements that helped to end the Cold
War. He is writing in his capacity as chairman of the board of Green Cross
International, an environmental organisation that he founded in 1993.

*2nd Article:*
Mikhail Gorbachev, the former President of the Soviet...In a letter to The
Times today , Mr Gorbachev writes: The UK Government...NonProliferation
Treaty in 2010. Mr Gorbachev adds that deploying new nuclear missiles...

Gorbachev attacks Labour's 'rush to deploy nuclear missiles' until 2050

Thursday, 08 March 2007

I want to express my concern over the intention of Tony Blair's Government
to replace the British nuclear arsenal with a new generation of nuclear

This is happening in an alarming setting: the process of reducing the
nuclear arms of the US and Russia has stalled; the negotiations on these
issues are virtually frozen. Prominent US political leaders — George Shultz,
Henry Kissinger, William Perry and Sam Nunn — have expressed concern over
this situation and made specific proposals toward ridding the world of
nuclear weapons; President Putin has urged George Bush to negotiate a new
agreement to replace the START Treaty.

There is a real danger of proliferation of nuclear weapons. A few days ago,
IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei stated that the agency can provide no assurance
as to the absence of undeclared nuclear activities in 30 countries that have
not signed safeguards agreements, adding that many states have been slow to
conclude and ratify the additional protocol on more effective control.

Under such circumstances, the UK Government's rush to deploy nuclear
missiles whose service life would extend until 2050 is, to say the least,
astonishing. The Treaty on NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons commits the
nuclear power to effective measures of nuclear disarmament. In fact, the
entire structure of that treaty, which is already under considerable strain,
rests on that commitment.

The decision to deploy new nuclear missiles would be in contradiction to the
spirit of the agreements that helped to end the Cold War. At the time, the
United Kingdom supported the US-Soviet accords on cuts in strategic,
intermediate-range, and tactical nuclear weapons, which have by now resulted
in reducing nuclear arsenals by almost two thirds, and pledged that it would
be ready to join the process of nuclear reductions at an appropriate moment.
Yet the Government's arguments in support of the proposed replacement
contain no mention of that promise. The statement President Reagan and I
made in 1985, that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought,
was in effect a declaration of the need to rid humankind of nuclear weapons.
Today it has an even greater urgency. In a world of new threats and
challenges, nuclear weapons do not solve real security problems; indeed,
reliance on them is becoming increasingly dangerous. Whatever technical
measures are taken to prevent nuclear weapons falling into the hands of
terrorists or rogue elements and to prevent a nuclear war breaking out as a
result of technical failure or accident, such a possibility will be present
so long as nuclear weapons exist.

A responsible course of action for the Government would be to postpone the
decision on the future of the UK nuclear arsenal at least until the next
review conference of the NonProliferation Treaty in 2010.


Chairman of the Board of

Green Cross International



Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: nasty article in times

2007-03-11 Thread khan zahid

zafar iqbal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Dear all 

I felt dreadful after reading this article in a
mainstream newspaper. I think its inciting hatred of
muslims by confusing third world issues, despotic
regimes, poverty , culture and customs with Islam.

we have come a long way where this kind of view can be
expressed unchallenged by the mainstream society. a
decade ago this would be only aired in the BNP
literature or kilroy silk in the express .I dread to
think how much further we have to go along the road of

--- Nawaz Ali [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Just to remind all Branch Presidents and Branch
Secretaries that yourbranch page on the ISB site can
now be maintained by yourselves. 
If you don't have a login yet please email me to
request one.


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Free Quran Copy

2007-03-11 Thread consultantht
Salam - you can get a free copy of Quran (with translation) at the 
following link -

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] File - Setting in receiving email

2007-03-11 Thread islamcity

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