Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] ~~~ Decision Making!!

2007-03-22 Thread Imtiaz Umari

This is the meaning and message of that verse,

This is how the Muhsin Khan's translation is:

*SAY (O MUHAMMED salalhu alaihi wassalam TO MANKIND): " IF THE SEA WERE INK

*If all the trees in the world were used to make paper it would not be
sufficient to write all the blessings provided to us.*
* *
*NOTE :*
*it is my request not to translate or understand the Qur'anic verses as our
wish, it should be in the methodology of salafus saliheen.*
*If our knowledge is not up to the level then it is better to  use the
translated pocket qur'an.*
*Imtiaz Umari*

On 21 Mar 2007 16:43:08 -0700, AbidaRahmani  wrote:


It is just to pay tribute to Allah (swt)'s countless blessings not a verse
in Quran and I took it from someone's e-mail.
Related to the 109 verse of Kahf. Say' if the oceans were ink to write out
the words of my lord, soon the oceans would be dried than the words of my
Lord even if we added another ocean like this.

*"Imtiaz Umari"* wrote:

 *dear Abida Rahmani Assalamu alaikum*
*can u pls mention the surah and verse number for the following
verse quoted in ur email*
*If all the trees in the world were used to make paper it would not be
sufficient to write all the blessings provided to us.*
*thanks a lot*
*Imtiaz Umari*

On 19 Mar 2007 17:48:54 -0700, AbidaRahmani  wrote:
>  ~~~ Decision Making!! A nice one!
>  .
>  ** **
> **
>  **  **
>  *Abida Rahmani*
> *If all the trees in the world were used to make paper it would not be
> sufficient to write all the blessings provided to us.*
>  --
> Don't pick lemons.
> See all the new 2007 
> Autos.


 ** **
 **  **
 *Abida Rahmani*

*If all the trees in the world were used to make paper it would not be
sufficient to write all the blessings provided to us.*

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Zimbabwe: When Others Seek to Overthrow the State

2007-03-22 Thread Ismail Kashkash
Zimbabwe: When Others Seek to Overthrow the State 
Posted: Wednesday, March 21, 2007

When Others Seek to Overthrow the State, What Must Be the State Response? 

Analysis by Ghifari al Mukhtar
March 21, 2007 

Funny the way the recent case of supposed human rights abuses in Zimbabwe 
attracts great interest in the Western media, while other similar cases hardly 
or do not get noticed in this same media. Relations between the UK/US soured 
when Zimbabwe sent troops, together with Namibia and Angola, to defend the 
Democratic Republique of Congo against a second invasion by Rwanda and Uganda, 
friends of the US and the UK. (Zimbabwe Under Siege by Dr. Simbi Mubako)

When the Mugabe government intercepted arms and a plane load of terrorists (How 
New Africa Made Fools of the White Mischief-makers, August 2004) sponsored by 
Britain and the US (Pentagon link to Guinea Coup Plot, September 2004) on their 
way to violently kill Africans in an attempt to overthrow another oil rich 
African government, where was the media's reporting in favor of Mugabe's 
intervention of what would have been more UK/US human rights abuses? Now the US 
& UK are strangling Zimbabwe and its people. Who, therefore, is cruel? 

Hold strong and firm; for if Mugabe and Zimbabwe were to give room then we are 
finished as a continent, as a people and as all those seeking to repulse 
recolonization throughout the world. 

There are paradoxes that seem divine rather than a willful strategy on the one 
hand. How they, the resisters, are surrounded with stooges, "NGO's", coward 
states, church and evangelical groups and if suppressed populations, if not 
deliberate in their opposition, they are enormously ignorant, and in the Black 
and Brown case, hating themselves for the color they are. 

If Africa lets Mugabe slip, then shall we say: good bye Africa! Like him or 
not, the scene in Zimbabwe is either it's Africa or it's Europe, yet we must 
also watch out for their marauding cousins', the "US & Israel", with their 
chisel and hammer diplomacy. 

It is the stereotype media performance we fail to wise up to. Mugabe is as 
ironic as Venezuela's Chavez, as Iran's Ahmadinejad, as Kim of Korea, Hizbollah 
in Lebanon and the Hamas of Palestine. Just pull out your maps and look at the 
geography, their resources (fullness), their original colors. 

Indeed, they are so strategic it's as if God placed this resistance 
(leadership) per region, as the check and balance from the violent dominance of 
an "outsider". A marauder bearing disguised gifts, often resulting in misery, 
slavery and racist evangelical democracy as the only medicine for our perceived 
ills. Ills, if at all there are, were created and perpetuated by the marauders' 
themselves in their laboratories within Wall Street, the Vatican, Chatham House 
and NATO. 

The debase, vicious, glutinous White West, that exchanges weapons for war, 
disunity, chaos and poverty, offer in their hollow speeches peace, development, 
democracy and aid that bind us to nowhere but to perpetual troubles. 

We need no more of your expired consultants, no more of the devil's advice, no 
Bono aid and to hell with the media. 

This hypocrisy stinks. Mugabe was never commended for his sole prevention of 
what would have been mass-murder, hatched and orchestrated solely in the West. 
Instead he is falsely accused of killing -- allegations typical of the White 
West toward noncompliant state leaders. 

On the question of public disorder and violence with a virtual attempt to 
overthrow legitimate governments - this was okayed in Georgia, in Tiananmen 
Square and Tibet in China; Caracas, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. 

The facts are there, the West has a track record of human rights abuses that is 
undisputable, particularly the critics of Robert Mugabe. Not forgetting 
history, just look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Haiti and the U.S. prison 
and justice system. Lets not compare, lest Mugabe will come out looking 
immaculately pious. In fact he isn't, he is a warrior that wrestled his nation 
from the jaws of colonialism's most barbaric and manipulative empires. 

Mugabe must be firm and should treat those seeking western-type regime changes 
as no less than criminals, charged with terrorism, anarchy and sedition. 

In Britain and the US, peaceful demonstrators are being arrested, charged, 
manhandled, and intimidated through government spying for staging 
demonstrations against a corrupt president and his lying poodle to stop WAR. 

Is Mugabe waginig war? Certainly not. He is defending his country, leading 
Africa's defence. 

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED],46959,.shtml

Visit: Zimbabwe Watch

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Prophet (saws) & His Love for Children

2007-03-22 Thread Alan Border
“I Have Studied Him the Wonderful Man, & In My Opinion Far From Being An 
Anti-Christ, He Must Be Called the Saviour of Humanity. I Believe That If a Man 
Like Him Were to Assume the Dictatorship of the Modern World, He Would Succeed 
in Solving the Problems in a Way That Would Bring It the Much Needed Peace & 
Happiness. Europe is Beginning to Be Enamoured of the Creed of Muhammad. In the 
Next Century It May Go Still Further In Recognizing the Utility of That Creed 
in Solving Its Problems & It is in This Sense that You Must Understand My 
Prediction.” - George Bernard Shaw
  Following the Example Of the Prophet
  Commentary By Adil Salahi — Arab News
  Perhaps the worst bereavement that anyone may experience is the loss of a 
child. God has made the relation between parent and child the closest of all 
relations. A parent's love is pure, uncontaminated with any desire for gain or 
self- interest. Moreover, a child represents its parents' hopes for the future. 
Hence, when a child dies, its parents feel the loss very keenly. 
  Although the relationship is mutual, and children feel very close to their 
parents, particularly when young, depending on their parents for everything in 
life, children do not feel the loss of their parents as keenly as the parents 
do in the reverse situation. Perhaps this is due to the fact that normal 
progress leads us to expect that the older generation departs from life earlier 
than the younger one. Hence, a child's death upsets the norms. But in fact 
there is no set norm when it comes to death. People die at all ages, for a 
variety of causes. 
  The Prophet, peace be upon him, suffered bereavements of all types. He lost 
his father before he was born, and his mother when he was six years of age. He 
also lost his grandfather at the age of eight. He lost his most loving wife, 
Khadeejah, when he was 50, and another of his later wives, Zainab who had the 
title of Umm Al-Masakeen, which means "The Mother of the Needy", in Madinah. He 
also lost his two sons, Al-Qasim and Abdullah, before he began to receive God's 
revelations, and lost his two daughters, Ruqayyah and Umm Kulsoom, in his early 
years in Madinah. In all these situations, he grieved as a loving father or 
husband would grieve. But he accepted the fact that God determines death and we 
have to accept it with patience. Feeling sad at the loss of a dear relative or 
close friend is perfectly acceptable, as long as one does not wail or show 
physical panic or protest. We have to trust to God's wisdom in all situations. 
  All the Prophet's children were by his first wife Khadeejah, except for a boy 
born to Maria, the Coptic maid sent to him as a gift by Al-Muqawqis, the ruler 
of Egypt. This was late in the Prophet's life, when he was approaching 60 years 
of age. He called the boy Ibrahim, after the Ibrahim, the first grandfather of 
the Arabs. In line with the Arabian practice, the boy was given to a wet nurse 
to look after him in his early years. She was called Umm Sayf, the wife of a 
blacksmith called Abu Sayf. A wet nurse normally kept the child and breast-fed 
him for two years. 
  Anas ibn Malik reports: "One day I followed the Prophet, peace be upon him, 
as he aimed to visit Abu Sayf. As we arrived he was using his bellows to keep 
the fire going, and the house was full of smoke. I went ahead of the Prophet, 
peace be upon him, and told Abu Sayf to hold his fire as the Prophet, peace be 
upon him, was coming. He did so. When the Prophet, peace be upon him, arrived, 
he asked for his son. He took him and held him close, kissing and smelling him, 
and he said whatever prayers he wished to say. I saw the child as life almost 
departed from him with the Prophet, peace be upon him, holding him. The 
Prophet's eyes were tearful, and he said: 'the eye is tearful, the heart is 
full of grief, but we only say what will please God, our Lord. We are certainly 
grieved for losing you, Ibrahim.'" [Related by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and Abu 
  In one version of this Hadith it is reported that Abd Al-Rahman ibn Auf said 
to the Prophet, peace be upon him, as he saw him weeping: "'And you cry, God's 
Messenger!' The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: 'Ibn Auf! It is an expression 
of compassion.'" This report shows the Prophet, peace be upon him, in his role 
as a father. He is a most loving and caring father, about to lose his youngest 
child. He is sad and sorrowful, but he does not forget for a moment that God 
determines death, and that we have no option but to accept God's will, whatever 
it happens to be. Ibrahim is said to have lived only 17 or 18 months. 
  We can better feel the Prophet's sorrow on this occasion when we remember 
that he loved young children, and played with them. Abu Qatadah Al-Sulami 
reports: "The Prophet, peace be upon him, prayed carrying Umama bint Zainab, 
his daughter: Whe

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ontario Press Council refuses to acknowledge Globa and Mail plagarism re Palestine

2007-03-22 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
Ontario Press Council refused to acknowledge proof of plagarism in
Globe and Mail editorial regarding Palestine.

  If you would like to complain, please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or the 
Ontario Press Council , [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Susan's English as a Second 
Language Blog

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The TROUBLE With Irshad Manji - She is a MOUTHPIECE of the Enemies of Islam

2007-03-22 Thread Alan Border
“Homosexuality is NOT a Human Right. If It WAS How Come God Almighty Has 
EXPLICITLY Stated That It is ONE of the Abominable SINS. If We ACCEPT It as a 
Human Right We Have to DEMAND An APOLOGY from God Almighty for SODOM & 
  Islam's View On Homosexuality:
  Exposing the gross ignorance of Irshad Manji
  Irshad Manji stated in her book, The trouble with Islam:
  The first question is, "How do you reconcile homosexuality with Islam?"... 
pg. 23
  I was plunged into serious doubt of introspection, even flirting with the 
possibility of finally giving up Islam for the sake of love. Hey, what better 
motive is there to sacrifice anything? Pg. 24
  After reading through Manji's rants, it finally dawned on me. She has no clue 
what Islam teaches regarding homosexuality! Perhaps if Irshad knew, she would 
take a different approach. Therefore, let me school Irshad. Homosexuality is 
clearly identified as a sin in the Quran. But, that does not mean that if a 
person is a practicing homosexual, he/she will burn in hell eternally. Rather, 
all Muslims, including homosexuals, are guaranteed heaven. But, as a result of 
our sins, we may, or may not, experience a TEMPORARY punishment:
  Volume 1, Book 2, Number 21: 
  Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: 
  The Prophet said, "When the people of Paradise will enter Paradise and the 
people of Hell will go to Hell, Allah will order those who have had faith equal 
to the weight of a grain of mustard seed to be taken out from Hell. So they 
will be taken out but (by then) they will be blackened (charred). Then they 
will be put in the river of Haya' (rain) or Hayat (life) (the Narrator is in 
doubt as to which is the right term), and they will revive like a grain that 
grows near the bank of a flood channel. Don't you see that it comes out yellow 
and twisted" 
  Book 001, Number 0355: 
  Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported: Verily the Messenger of Allah (may peace be 
upon him) said: Allah will admit into Paradise those deserving of Paradise, and 
He will admit whom He wishes out of His Mercy, and admit those condemned to 
Hell into the Fire (of Hell). He would then say: See, he whom you find having 
as much faith in his heart as a grain of mustard, bring him out. They will then 
be brought out burned and turned to charcoal, and would be cast into the river 
of life, and they would sprout aj does a seed in the silt carried away by 
flood. Have you not seen that it comes out yellow (fresh) and intertwined?
  Therefore, there is no such dilemma of “either Islam or homosexuality”, 
because a person can be both homosexual and Muslim, and all homosexuals that 
have faith will go to heaven, but they may or may not spend a temporary time in 
hell. A person may also experience punishment in the grave, or they may even 
experience punishment in this life, as a result of their sins. This is not just 
a reality for homosexuals, but for all Muslims, including myself. It must also 
be pointed out, that it is also possible for God to forgive a person of all 
their sins and therefore not experience any punishment.
  As Irshad Manji stated in her book:
  I was plunged into serious doubt of introspection, even flirting with the 
possibility of finally giving up Islam for the sake of love. Hey, what better 
motive is there to sacrifice anything? pg. 24
  If this is the case, then continue with your homosexual lifestyle, but also 
continue doing good deeds and repent to Allah:
  Volume 1, Book 2, Number 38: 
  Narrated Abu Huraira: 
  The Prophet said, "Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in 
his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be 
extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that 
you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, the 
nights." (See Fath-ul-Bari, Page 102, Vol 1). 
  And finally, Allah said in The Noble Quran:
  Say: "O 'Ibâdî (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by 
committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allâh, verily 
Allâh forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Az-Zumar 
  This verse shows Allah’s attribute that he is able to forgive all sins, but 
again, it is not guaranteed. Although, we must never despair in Allah’s mercy. 
But a word of caution, one of the prerequisites of receiving Allah’s 
forgiveness is that we must hide our sins, and not flaunt them all over the 
country and on our website. In addition to that, we should all try to hide our 
brothers and sister’s sins and not make them public(*), and Allah knows best. 
  First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST & MODERATE Muslims. And I 
DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] New Questions About REAL Identity of 9-11 Hijackers

2007-03-22 Thread Alan Border
"To PLUNDER, to SLAUGHTER, to STEAL, These Things They MIS-NAME Empire; & Where 
They Make a Wilderness, They Call It PEACE." – Tacitus
  New Questions About Real Identity of 9-11 Hijackers
  Ticket agent says Atta, Alomari were dressed in business suits; surveillance 
photos don’t match
  By Greg Szymanski
  He sat silent for years, keeping a secret Americans were dying to hear. Not 
able to talk, there were days he cried uncontrollably, days he pounded his 
fists on the table like a madman, wondering if he could have prevented so many 
people from dying the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. For years, he tossed and 
turned, cursing himself for letting Mohammad Atta and Abdul-azziz Alomari, two 
of the alleged 19 hijackers, slip through his fingers at 5:40 a.m. on 9-11.
There’s an old saying that “a moment can change a lifetime.” And the moment 
that changed U.S. Airways ticket agent Michael Tuohey’s life was when he says 
he was face to face with the two purported hijackers, one being Atta, the man 
the federal government claims was the ringleader of the entire operation.
But there are major discrepancies to the story that have yet to be explained by 
federal authorities and are still perplexing to Tuohey. The following relates 
the unanswered questions that form the basis of the government’s explanation of 
what happened on that day. 
Tuohey’s brief encounter took place at the U.S. Airways ticket and baggage 
check-in at the airport in Portland, Maine. Working the ticket counter as he 
did most every morning for 37 years, he remembered two clean-shaven 
Arab-looking businessmen with tickets in hand approaching his workstation, both 
looking elegant and wearing suits and ties.
He remembers they were running late for their flight as they presented prepaid, 
one-way tickets from Portland to Boston and then onto Los Angeles on Flight 11. 
Looking back, he recalls nothing unusual about the alleged hijackers, saying 
both appeared calm, and the younger Alomari acting happy-go-lucky.
“Not like you’d expect from someone knowing he is going to die,” recalls 
Tuohey, now retired and living near Portland. “There are certain things in my 
job you are trained to look for that red-flags danger. One is adult males with 
a one-way ticket paying in cash.
“If they had paid in cash, we probably would have run them through security, 
checked their bags, and they might have never gotten on the flight,” he said. 
“I can’t tell you how many nights I have seen their faces in my dreams and how 
many nights I second-guessed myself for not stopping them.”
  Asked why he waited so long to tell his story, which came to public attention 
on national television as well as in an article in The Portland Press-Herald he 
added: “No one really ever asked. However, looking back, I probably wasn’t 
ready to face the public since I had asked the FBI to keep my name out of the 
papers. Thank God they kept their word.”
Behind the emotions and the human interest Tuohey’s story evokes, there is an 
ulterior motive behind those now questioning him about his encounter with Atta 
and Alomari. Those now asking questions are hoping his eyewitness accounts and 
recollections help clear up a controversy brewing over the only airport 
surveillance photo ever released of Atta and Alomari.
The government claims the surveillance photo released in the Portland airport 
conclusively shows them walking through the security clearance gate about 100 
yards away from where Tuohey checked the pair’s tickets and bags. Critics, 
however, contend that the government altered the photos since they were not a 
clear match of other independent mug shots released of Atta and Alomari.
These same critics claim Atta and Alomari never boarded the 19-seat airplane. 
This, they claim, is just another small piece of the larger 9-11 government 
conspiracy puzzle.
And now since Tuohey was one of the last to see the alleged hijackers before 
the controversial surveillance photos were taken, his words are being dissected 
and interpreted, perhaps misinterpreted, with the obvious goal of trying to 
establish if Atta and Alomari actually boarded Flight 11.
“I know about the conspiracy theories and about the surveillance camera shots 
released, but all I can tell you is what I saw. I’ll tell you what I told the 
FBI agents when I was interviewed on 9-11,” said Tuohey. “I believe the two men 
in front of me on 9-11 were Atta and Alomari. I have no reason to believe 
otherwise. They looked like the same two guys that were in the mug shots shown 
to me by the FBI agents the same morning.”
As for details, Tuohey is very precise about the appearance, demeanor and 
attitudes of the alleged hijackers even after four years when memories fade and 
prior visions become cloudy.
“You don’t forget something like this,” he added. “I remember looking into 
Atta’s eyes like it was yesterd

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] How the people will be divided on the Day of Resurrection

2007-03-22 Thread Muhammad Abdul-Rahman

20940: How the people will be divided on the Day of Resurrection 

(Go here for Reference & More Islamic Questions & Answers:


How the people will be divided on the Day of Resurrection 
"And you (all) will be in three groups. 
So those on the Right Hand (i.e. those who will be given their Records in their 
right hands) how (fortunate) will be those on the Right Hand! (As a respect for 
them, because they will enter Paradise). 

And those on the Left Hand (i.e. those who will be given their Record in their 
left hands) how (unfortunate) will be those on the Left Hand! (As a disgrace 
for them, because they will enter Hell)." [al-Waaqi'ah 56:7-9 _ interpretation 
of the meaning] 


Praise be to Allaah. 

Ibn Katheer said: i.e., the people will be divided into three groups on the Day 
of Resurrection. 

Al-Tabari said: thus they will be divided into the three groups mentioned at 
the end of the soorah at the time when they are dying. 

Then Allaah explained the state of the (three) groups. He said "those on the 
Right Hand" to point out how great is their status and how respected they are. 

"And those on the Left Hand (i.e. those who will be given their Record in their 
left hands) how (unfortunate) will be those on the Left Hand"; their being on 
the left indicates how terrible their situation will be. 

"And those foremost [(in Islamic Faith of Monotheism and in performing 
righteous deeds) in the life of this world on the very first call for to 
embrace Islam] will be foremost (in Paradise)" 

[al-Waaq'iah 56:10 _ interpretation of the meaning] This means that those who 
were foremost in doing good deeds in this world will be foremost in the 
Hereafter and will be the first to enter Paradise. Those who are of this 
caliber are the ones who will be closest to Allaah in gardens of delight, in 
the heights of `Illiyeen, in a lofty status above which there are no higher 
status. We ask Allaah to make us among those who are foremost. And Allaah knows 

See Tafseer Ibn Sa'di, p. 832 
(Go here for Reference & More Islamic Questions & Answers:

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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