Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Doubts regarding shaving the head of new born baby

2007-04-21 Thread Mazin
Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmathullah

I had a doubt regarding shaving of the head of new born baby. Since for 
unavoided situation if the shaving of head is missed on 7th day after the birth 
of a baby. Is it feasible to shave the head on any other day or should it be 
mulitples of 7 (which I have heard from people around me) ?

And what about Aqiqah if its missed on 7th day can we give on any other day ?

Is there any hadith supporting this i.e to shave off the head on any othere day 
if 7th day is missed ?

Jazakallahu Khairan.

Your brother in Islam.

Mazin Mohammed

Even my Blood has attitude it says B+

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ahmadinejad advises oppressors to heed prophets' teachings

2007-04-21 Thread ishaq arashi
 Ahmadinejad advises oppressors to heed prophets' teachings
Gavbandi, Hormozgan Prov, April 19, IRNA


IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad advised oppressive world powers here
Wednesday to heed prophets' teachings and not to pave the path of

He said, God sent His Prophets (PBUT) to mankind with pure logic and
divine teachings, the last of whom was Islam's Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH), but there are today unfortunately oppressive powers in the
world that either do not grasp the essence of prophets' message, or do
so, but ignore them, paving the path of ignorance, darkness,
oppression, and unethical ways of life.
He added, I wish to send a message to these oppressive powers on
behalf of you, and the entire Iranian nation, asking them to get back
to the path put before them by the prophets, that is the path of
divine guidance, justice, friendship, and being faithful to the
covenants they have vowed with their nations.

Ahmadinejad warned the oppressive powers, Beware! If you do not get
back to this path; if you do not end your oppressive methods; if you
do not keep on looting the other nations and try to keep on imposing
your illegitimate hegemony over other nations, you will face the
destiny of the past tyrants in history, that is none but death, and
downfall for yourselves, and wretched lives for your nations. Further
addressing the oppressive powers, Ahmadinejad said, Today you
selfishly and arrogantly insist on halting the path of nations'
progress, including Iran, resorting to telling lies to the world
public opinion and even cheating your own nations.

He added, Our nation tells you that you are repeating your old
mistakes. You have so far kept trying for 28 years to halt the path of
our nation's progress, all in vain. You can see today that our
nation's youth, believing in their might and relying on their strong
will, have mastered all modern sciences and technologies, and
presented them humbly to the noble Iranian nation.

The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran further stressed, I am
hereby assuring you oppressive powers that the Iranian nation's demand
from their political officials is taking full advantage of the entire
capabilities of the nuclear energy in technical and industrial
He added that the entire Iranians solidly and with tight fists shout
slogans in that regard, insisting they will not yield to pressures to
abandon their natural right.

Ahmadinejad said, Our nation's advice for you is to get back to the
path of monotheism, justice, and friendship, at least in a bid to
safeguard your own nations' immediate, and long term interests.

RE: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] a Chronological-justice , Israel would not like

2007-04-21 Thread Ameen Izzadeen
Dear brothers
It's high time we started a movement to build up a momentum towards the
setting up of an alternate United Nations which will be based on
democratice principles. There will be no veto power for any states,
however powerful they may be. There will be an international court of
justice whose rulings will be binding. Its theme should be justice and
peace. I am sure countries like Iran and Venezuela could give us
Ameen Izzadeen
Sri Lanka
-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of raja chemayel
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 12:51
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Subject: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] a Chronological-justice , Israel
would not like

There are many UN Resolutions
some came from its General-Assembly
and others came from the Security-Council.

The United Nations Organisation is far from being perfect
but it seems to be the most International-global-universal-authority.

Some resolutions were tailor-made , others were ridiculous ,
others were bias , some were manipulated , others were a compromise,
some were aborted , some were born-dead, some were born-to-be-defeated,
some were forgotten before their ink dried out..
and the majority were never implemented.

I would like to propose a compromise , 
bearing in mind that the UNO is not perfect 
in a World which even less-perfect 

I propose to implement and to fully execute all UNO-resolutions
starting with Resolution Number One and then number two
and finishing up all of them .. but only chronologically.

How about , when each Country would put at the disposal
of the UNO 15% of its Military-forces to create a world-police-force
to implement those resolutions , one by one and chronologically ??

I would like it 
and Israel would surely not .

How about you ??

Raja Chemayel
18Th of April 2007


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Why I Wear the Muslim Headscarf

2007-04-21 Thread Muhammed Shariq Khan
  Why I Wear the Muslim Headscarf
  By Aaminah Hernandez
  Forward By :

  I have never written anything personal on the subject of hijab because it 
  seems like an overdone issue. Sometimes I think so much focus is put on this 
one little aspect of being a Muslim woman, to the detriment of more important 
Islamic knowledge and practice. Because the headscarf is such a visual symbol 
of the Muslim woman, many non-Muslims are the ones who make a large issue of 
it, spout ill-informed opinions, or ask questions in an attempt to understand. 
This has been answered to by so many Muslim women, and even Muslim men, that I 
did not feel the need to throw my opinion or feelings out into the fray. Lately 
I find I am being asked many questions, even by other Muslim women who choose 
not to wear hijab, and by non-Muslims who know other Muslim women who choose 
not to wear hijab. So, the following is my answer to the many questions that 
have been coming up. My intent is only to give my own opinion and experience. I 
do not mean to be judgmental of those women who struggle with the issue of 
covering or to suggest that only one form of
 covering is acceptable. I can only tell you what I think and feel about the 
headscarf. If you want to know why someone else does not cover, or covers less 
or more fully than I, you would have to ask that person to share their 
experience with you.
  The most common question I have been asked in the past seven years since I 
became Muslim is “Why do you wear that thing?”
  “That thing” is a headscarf. I have worn many different styles from bandana 
coverage all the way to a full khimar, which is a very loose and long 
head-covering, with a face veil. I enjoy playing with my head cover to match 
the style of my clothing and to find more comfortable styles. Right now my 
favorite style is very loose and draping. I tend to dress more multi-cultural 
than most American women. In fact, many immigrants who have taken to the 
American dress code even look at me in surprise that I like to wear many 
traditional clothing styles. My headscarves reflect my overall style.
  The reason I began to wear hijab was simply that I believed (and still 
believe) it is mandated in Islam. When I first became Muslim I lived in a town 
that was full of Muslims, most of whom dressed in the traditional ways. Putting 
on a headscarf (and at that time even a veil) was not a hardship. It was the 
norm where I was, and I understood it to be required. There are verses in the 
Qur'an and in the collected words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings 
be upon him), as well as collected norms and behaviors of the wives of the 
Prophet and his Companions that show clearly that covering of the entire body 
and head was enjoined upon and practiced by the early Muslim women.
  Like most women, I have at times struggled with the issue of covering, but 
never because I did not believe it was required. There were points in my life 
where I did not wear it either because of jobs that did not allow it (it is a 
legally guaranteed right here in the U.S. and your employer must allow it) or 
because I was tired of being so “different” all the time. But I always felt 
guilty not wearing it and knew that I must go back to it.
  Besides the simple answer that I am Muslim and believe that the headscarf and 
covering are required in Islam, many people want to know more detail about why 
I actually wear it and what the purpose or point of the covering is, 
particularly if they know other Muslim women who do not wear it. I cannot speak 
to why so many Muslim women do not wear it and what their state of mind or 
opinion on the matter is. I refuse to judge them for being in the stage they 
are in and I do not know what their personal circumstances may be. I can only 
answer to what I believe the purpose and benefits of my headscarf achieve.
1. Modesty. When dressed in a covering way, I am not showing my physical 
attributes (or perhaps lack of) to anyone. People are forced to judge me by my 
actions and speech, by how well I do my job or how I interact with others, 
rather than by whether or not I am “good looking” and interest them.

  2. To that same end, my beauty is then saved or my husband’s full enjoyment 
and he knows he does not share me with anyone. I am not out getting a lot of 
attention from others that may make him feel insecure or that is disrespectful 
to me.
  3. I am noticeably different, a Muslim. Most people respect that. They can 
clearly see that I am not the kind of woman that you whistle or cat-call at, 
nor am I going to agree to meet you in a bar or club, nor can you proposition 
me on the street or in the office. There is a level of respect that men give me 
whereby they do not treat me in the same way they might treat other women they 
meet and believe they can “get with”. In fact, in my case, I find that 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islamic-Safe Finance Grows in the West

2007-04-21 Thread Alan Border
 “US Dollar Hegemony”
  “Pierre Lecomte, a French Financial Analyst  Supporter of the Campaign 
‘Dette et Dollar’ (To Reject the Dollar As World Currency) Says, “While the 
Rest of the World Must Toil Hard to Earn Dollars Which Are Needed to Buy Goods 
Internationally, or to Pay Off Foreign Debt, the US Just Needs to Print 
Dollars”. And as Frederic Clairmont Wrote in Le Monde Diplomatique (April 
2003): “Living on CREDIT is the Credo of the Foremost Power in the World”.
  Islamic-Safe Finance Grows in the West
  By JOSHUA FREED, AP Business Writer 
  Thu Oct 12, 4:43 PM ET
  MINNEAPOLIS - When Caribou Coffee went public last year, sharp-eyed investors 
noticed some unusual promises in its prospectus. Caribou, the nation's 
second-largest coffeehouse chain, said it would never sell pork or porn. It 
wouldn't charge or receive interest, either. 
  By following financial rules that are part of the Islamic code called 
Shariah, Caribou is among a small but growing list of Western businesses 
looking to make themselves as attractive as possible to Muslim investors. Some, 
like Caribou, are motivated by principle, while others see Muslim investors as 
an attractive new source of money. Middle Eastern investors flush with oil 
profits are looking for new places to invest, and American Muslims are looking 
to invest in a way that doesn't conflict with their faith.
  There's a bunch of Islamic investors who are prohibited from a lot of 
regular investments, so a lot of money is sitting in cash not earning anything 
at all, said Khalid Howladar, a vice president for Middle Eastern and Islamic 
Structured Finance with Moody's Investors Service in London. Companies and 
governments who need to raise money are saying, 'There's a bunch of people out 
there with money they can't spend — how about I create something for them?' he 
  Dow Jones has created an Islamic investing index. A Texas company issued 
almost $166 million in Shariah-compliant bonds to finance natural gas 
operations in the Gulf of Mexico. And the German state of Saxony-Anhalt issued 
a floating-rate 100-million euro note — managed by Citigroup — that followed 
Shariah rules.
  Assets invested at two Shariah-compliant funds run by Saturna Capital in 
Bellingham, Wash. have swelled nearly 10-fold, since 2002 from $34 million in 
2002 to $331 million now — though that's still tiny by mutual fund standards. 
The funds invest only in companies that are Shariah-compliant.
  Islamic financial rules come from passages in the Quran that prohibit riba 
— making money from money. Generally, that means not paying or collecting 
interest, though some scholars say only abusively high interest rates are 
prohibited. Other prohibitions are more moral than financial, such as a ban on 
selling pork. While many Muslims have invested conventionally in the West for 
years, some did so because they had few alternatives.
  Moazzam Ahmed, a software engineer from Carrollton, Texas, has no car loans. 
Credit-card charges go on a zero-percent card or get paid off at the end of 
every month. And he's got a home mortgage that is a lease-buyback arrangement, 
rather than an interest-bearing loan, a frequent arrangement among Muslims 
looking to buy homes while obeying Shariah. But he fretted about his 
conventional retirement investments until four years ago, when he discovered 
the Saturna funds. 
  As soon as I found out about it I switched everything to it, he said. I 
would have loved to do it from Day One, but it wasn't available, or at least I 
didn't know about it, he said. He said his returns have been as good as, or 
better than, more conventional investments he could have made. Estimates of the 
number of Muslims in the United States vary from two million to six million.
  Eric Meyer, who runs a Connecticut-based hedge fund called Shariah Capital, 
says Western banks and financial institutions need to have Shariah-compliant 
products or risk losing market share. There is a younger generation of Muslims 
who grew up during the last 20 to 30 years that have a reawakened sense of 
nationalism and religious pride that motivates them to invest according to 
their faith, he said.
  But in Western finance, it takes some creativity to avoid earning or paying 
interest. To borrow money, Shariah-compliant companies often pledge the lender 
a share of the profits from an asset instead of interest. Investors who need to 
earn a shorter-term return can contract to buy, say, $100 of copper today, and 
simultaneously pledge to sell copper in 90 days for, say, $103.
  Caribou Coffee Company Inc., for instance, has a revolving line of credit. 
But instead of paying interest, it sells assets and then pays to lease them 
back. It's fair to say we do things a little differently, said Charles 
Ogburn, Global Head of Corporate Investment at the firm that controls a 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Sufis Schools of Thought

2007-04-21 Thread Alan Border
Lament of the Quran
  “As a Ornament Do They Adorn Me. Yet They Keep Me  Sometimes Kiss Me. In 
Their Celebrations They Recite Me. In Disputes They Swear By Me. On Shelves Do 
They Securely Keep Me. Till Another Celebration or Dispute When They Need Me. 
Yes, They Read Me  Memorize Me, Yet Only An Ornament Am I. My Message Lies 
Neglected, My Treasure Untouched. The File Lies Bare, Where Blossomed Once True 
Glory. Wrong is the Treatment That I Receive. So Much to Give Have I, But None 
is There to Perceive.” - Mahir-Ul-Qadri
  True Guidance and the Various Schools of Thought
Adil Salahi, Arab News
  Some Sufi people maintain that they are guided by the Prophet Muhammad (peace 
be upon him), even after his worldly death. Is this true? Are there any 
examples of the Prophet’s companions receiving such guidance after the Prophet 
(peace be upon him) had passed away? Is there any basis for the system that 
speaks of Wali, Qutub and Ghaws? Does the Prophet appear in people’s dreams? 
  There is absolutely no basis in the Qur’an or the Sunnah for the concept that 
elevates some people to a higher status of the types you have mentioned. The 
word Wali is used in the Qur’an, but in the sense of ‘friend, patron or 
protector.’ When this word is used to refer to a person and his relation with 
God, it means that he is a devoted servant of God. When it is used to refer to 
God, it means that He is the Protector of His servants. In its application to 
man, it does not confer on him any special status in this world or in his 
dealings with other people. It certainly does not suggest that he receives 
direct guidance from God. 
  It suggests that God may favor him with some protection at one point or 
another, but this is something that neither he nor anyone else can point out as 
a special favor due to his status. We should remember that God may protect 
anyone of us from danger or harm at any moment, and we may feel that this is 
done by His grace. We point it out and express our gratitude to God for it, 
acknowledging His grace, but we do not use it as a sign that we have a special 
position with Him. 
  How can we say that when we do know how He rates us or views our deeds? 
Anyone may see the Prophet (peace be upon him) in his dream, and such a dream 
is true because Satan cannot appear in the form of the Prophet, not even in our 
dreams. However, when any person sees the Prophet in his dream and the Prophet 
tells him something, this is not relevant to anyone other than the person 
concerned. If you see the Prophet in your dream and he tells you something, 
what he tells you applies to you only, and not to any other person. 
  Moreover, it has no effect on the Islamic faith, because Islam was revealed 
complete and perfect as delivered by Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime. 
  Some scholars insist that people should always stick to their own schools of 
thought. If one is following the Hanafi school, then one must not try to follow 
the Shafie school with regard to any matter, just to make things easier for 
himself. Please comment.
  I have explained this so many times. There is no rigid adherence to any 
school of Fiqh or thought. When we look into any question, we need to find the 
best answer, relying on the Qur’an and the Hadith. If this is shown to us by 
any scholar we take that view. If we try to impose a particular school on 
people, they may face situations of unnecessary hardship, when the religion of 
Islam is based on making things easier. The Prophet says: “Make things easy, 
not difficult, pleasant, not gloomy.”
  First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST  MODERATE Muslims. And I 
DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate 
Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims 
Were Left to Speak Out for ME. 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Prejudices are prejudices..........and the Yemen is next !!

2007-04-21 Thread raja chemayel
The religion of that serial-killer in Virginia
remains irrelevant and it was never mentioned.

One of his (31) victims was a Romanian-Jew-Israeli
and this was very relevant and was mentioned overall...
and repeatedly...

Prejudices are prejudices and they pollute any analytic-thinking.

No victim was mentioned by his religion except that
Romanian-Jew-Israeliothers did not count, 
or rather their religion , does not.

Luckily that mad-perpetrator was not a Muslim 
nor a North-Korean-Muslim

Otherwise , comes next Tuesday,
the USA would simply invade Yemen,
as a preventive action! usual !

No need to invade South Korea ,
this was already done,  45 years ago..

Eng. MoustafaRoosenbloom
double Agent
North-Korean-Buddhis-Atheistt and South-Korean-Baptist.
19Th of April 2007

 Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Tryit now.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] tribes of ALI

2007-04-21 Thread Ammar
Assalamu Aleikum Warhmathullahi Wabarakathuhu!

hii ALL,

i have heard about one of the TRIBES who live in specially Makkah for 
the maintenance works of the Holy Ka'bah shareef who are not men or 
women! Is anyone knows more details about them? can you please give me 
some online references, online articles about them?

it will be much appreciated if you can help me out to get  more 
details about them, inshallah!

some time ago i have read about them but unfotunately i have missed 
the reference!



Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Want to sell your book online? Visit

2007-04-21 Thread haleem1
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Spencer-Majeed, Ltd. offers new, recognized and all  other authors a place on 
our web site for one year for  only $75.  We advertise national via email 
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ma salaam

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Importance of Tajweed

2007-04-21 Thread Muhammad Salman Faheem
  Bismillah hir Rehman nir Rahim
  The Importance of Tajweed
  By Sister Fatima Barakatullah   
  Listening to the Qur'an being recited correctly is enough to soften even the 
hardest of hearts and Muslims and non-Muslims alike find it a deeply moving 
experience even if they do not understand what is being said. We feel this even 
more in Ramadaan when we are in the Taraweeh prayers and we can really feel the 
difference if we go to a Masjid where the Tajweed rules of Qur'an recitation 
are not being observed as they should. 
  Every single Muslim has to recite Qur'an in Salah but many of us do not 
realise that reciting the Qur'an correctly, observing the rules of recitation 
is not an advanced science for expert reciters alone, rather it is an 
obligation upon each and every one of us whenever we recite the Qur'an. 

  What is Tajweed?

The word Tajweed linguistically means 'proficiency' or 'doing something well'. 
It comes from the same root letters as the word 'Jayyid' in Arabic (meaning 
'good'): Jeem, Waw and Daal. When applied to the Qur'an, it means
  “ Giving every letter of the Qur'an its rights and dues of characteristics 
when we recite the Qur'an and observing the rules that apply to those letters 
in different situations”.
  We give the letters their rights by observing the essential characteristics 
of each letter that never leave it. And we give them their dues by observing 
the characteristics of each letter that are present in them some of the time 
and not present at other times.

The Qur'an was revealed with Tajweed rules applied to it. In other words, when 
the angel Jibreel (alaihis salaam) recited the words of Allah to the Prophet 
Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) he recited them in a certain way and 
he showed the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) the ways in which it was 
permissible to recite the Qur'an. So it is upon us to observe those rules so 
that we recite it in the way it was revealed. 

At the time of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) there was no need 
for people to study Tajweed because they talked with what is now known as 
Tajweed so it was natural for them. When the Arabs started mixing with the 
non-Arabs as Islam spread, mistakes in Qur'an recitation started appearing, so 
the scholars had to record the rules. Now, because the everyday Arabic that 
Arabs speak has changed so much from the Classical Arabic with which the Qur'an 
was revealed, even Arabs have to study Tajweed.

The purpose of Tajweed?
  The Qur'an is the word of Allah, and its every syllable is from Allah. Its 
recitation must be taken very seriously. The purpose of the Science of Tajweed 
in essence is to make the reciter proficient in reciting the Qur'an, observing 
the correct pronunciation of every letter with the rulings and characteristics 
which apply to each letter, without any exaggeration or deficiency. And so 
through this the reciter can recite the Qur'an upon the way of the Prophet 
(sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) who received it from Jibreel who received it 
from Allah (subhanahu wa ta'aala) in the Classical Arabic dialect that it came 
down in.

Arabic letters each have a Makhraj - an exit or articulation point - in the 
mouth or throat from which they originate and they also each have Sifaat - 
attributes, or characteristics - particular to them. Knowing the Makhraj and 
Sifaat of each letter is an important part of Tajweed. Sometimes two letters 
have very similar exits which makes mixing them up easy. So if a person does 
not know the attributes of each letter there is a danger that he will change 
the meaning of the words in Qur'an recitation. Observing the rules of Tajweed 
in reciting protects the reciter from making mistakes in reciting the Qur'an.

The ruling of reading with Tajweed 

Muhammad bin Al-Jazaree the great Qur'an and Hadeeth scholar of the 9th Century 
(Hijri) says in his famous poem detailing the rules of Tajweed: 

And applying Tajweed is an issue of absolute necessity, Whoever doesn't apply 
Tajweed to the Qur'an, then a sinner is he. 

Sheikh Zakariyyaa Al-Ansari [died in 926 H.] said in explanation of this verse 
in his book: Sharh al-Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyaa 

It is required to observe all of the Arabic rules in that which changes it and 
ruins the meaning. 

So he regarded it as an obligation to keep away from the major mistakes in 
reciting the Qur'an. 

The scholars have divided the types of mistakes one might fall into when 
reciting the Qur'an into two types: 

1. Clear mistakes: which usually change obvious things and change the meaning. 

2. Unobvious (hidden) mistakes: for which one may need to study Tajweed rules. 

And the majority of scholars agree that applying the Tajweed rules of Qur'an 
such that the Clear Mistakes are avoided is an individual obligation (Fard 
'Ayn) upon every Muslim who has memorised part of or all of the Qur'an. As for 
applying all of the rules of Tajweed and avoiding the Unobvious 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Bush gives Sudan 'last chance -- Save Darfur: Evangelicals and Establishment Jews

2007-04-21 Thread ishaq arashi
4:21 MECCA TIME, 1:21 GMT
Bush gives Sudan 'last chance'
More than 200,000 people have been killed and 2.2 million displaced in
Darfur in four years [AP]
The US president has warned Sudan's president that he has one last
chance to stop violence in Darfur before the US imposes sanctions and
considers other punitive actions.

George Bush said he had decided to give Ban Ki-moon, the UN
secretary-general, more time to pursue diplomacy with Omar Hassan
al-Bashir, the Sudanese president.

He said to avoid sanctions al-Bashir must allow deployment of a full
joint UN-African Union peacekeeping force to Darfur, end support for
Janjawid militias, reach out to rebel leaders and allow humanitarian
aid to reach the people of Darfur.

President Bashir should take the last chance by responding to the
secretary-general's efforts and to meet the just demands of the
international community, Bush said, making clear he would not wait

Bush's warning comes just days after Sudan told the UN that it would
accept a 3,000-strong UN force and equipment – including attack
helicopters - to help the African Union force struggling to maintain
security in Darfur.

Violating agreements

Bush accused al-Bashir of routinely violating past agreements.
Speaking separately to non-governmental organisations on Wednesday,
Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, also voiced scepticism
that Sudan would honour agreements over Darfur.

Your Views

Darfur does not require any external forces what it requires is food
and other aids helping the people engage in peaceful means of

MW Thimiri, NRW, Germany

Send us your views
The fact of the matter is that we need to be prepared for the outcome
that we have seen so often with the Sudanese, which is promises that
are not met, she said.

Outlining the sanctions Sudan would face, Bush said the US treasury
department would bar 29 companies owned or controlled by the Sudanese
government from the US financial system, making it a crime for
American companies to do business with them.

Washington would also impose sanctions on individuals responsible for violence.

He raised the possibility of an international no-fly zone aimed at
preventing Sudan's military aircraft from flying over Darfur and
accused the Sudanese of painting military planes white to disguise
them as United Nations or African Union aircraft.

I'm also looking at what steps the international community could take
to deny Sudan's government the ability to fly its military aircraft
over Darfur, and if we don't begin to see signs of good-faith
commitments, we will hear calls for even sterner measures.

Bush said he would direct Rice to prepare a new UN Security Council
resolution that would apply new sanctions against the government,
imposing an expanded arms embargo and prohibiting it from conducting
any offensive military flights over Darfur.

But he said the situation doesn't have to come to that.

More than 200,000 people have been killed and 2.2 million forced to
flee their homes in Darfur in nearly four years of fighting between
the government and ethnic African rebels.
Source: Agencies

see also:

The Israeli and worldwide Zionist movement doesn't like the current
government in Sudan. Sudan is one of the 'periphery' states of
non-Arab Muslims, like Turkey and Iran, particularly targeted by
Israeli geopolitical theoreticians, but has a government that is too
strongly Islamist for Zionist tastes. Israel has in fact been accused
of providing arms to rebels against the central government. The
current campaign to attack Sudan under the guise of protecting the
people of Darfur is another manifestation of Zionist attempts to
create 'regime change' in Sudan. Examples: -- Zionist rain of death
on Sudan


Who is behind this astonishing pro-war rally in war-weary America
(war-weary as far as the Iraq War is concerned, that is)?  A rag-tag
coalition of evangelicals and establishment Jews (those whom the
corporate media designate as official leaders of Jewish communities):
--  Yoshie Furuhashi --  Save Darfur: Evangelicals and Establishment


American warnings that Darfur is heading for an apocalyptic
humanitarian catastrophe have been widely exaggerated by
administration officials, it is alleged by international aid workers
in Sudan. Washington's desire for a regime change in Khartoum has
biased their reports, it is claimed. --  Peter Beaumont -- US
'hyping' Darfur genocide fears,14658,1318643,00.html


Outrage is provoked by media stories of mass rapes and photos of
desperate refugees. The charge is that tens of thousands of African
people are being killed by Arab militias backed by the Sudanese
government. Sudan is labeled as both a terrorist state and a failed
state. Even at anti-war