2007-05-20 Thread Saba Khan
The Virtues and Rights of Marriage

1. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that this world has
been created to be utilised and that of all the things
that are utilised in this world, there is nothing
better than a pious woman. In other words, if a person
is fortunate enough to get a pious wife, it will be a
great blessing. It is also a mercy from Allah Ta'âlâ
that she is actually a comfort for the husband and a
means for his success in this world and in the
hereafter. A person enjoys comfort from such a woman
for his worldly needs and she also assists him in
fulfilling his religious duties.

2. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that Rasûlullâh
sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam said :  Marriage is my
way and my sunnah. The one who does not act upon my
sunnah is not of me. That is, there is no
relationship between him and me. This is actually a
warning and a threat to the one who does not practice
on the sunnah and a mention of Rasûlullâh's sallallâhu
‘alayhi wa sallam anger on such a person. It is
therefore necessary to be extremely cautious in this
regard. Furthermore, how can a Muslim bear to have
Rasûlullâh sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam displeased
with him for even a moment. May Allah Ta'âlâ grant us
death before that day comes when a Muslim is able to
bear the displeasure of Allah and His Rasûl sallallâhu
‘alayhi wa sallam.

It is mentioned in a Hadîth that Rasûlullâh sallallâhu
‘alayhi wa sallam said :  Marry so that I can be
proud (of your numbers) on the day of judgement over
the other nations. In other words, Rasûlullâh
sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam likes his ’ummah to be in
large numbers and more than the other nations. If this
happens, his ’ummah will be carrying out more good
deeds, and in so doing he will receive more rewards
and gain closer proximity to Allah Ta'âlâ. This is
because whoever from his ’ummah does good deeds, does
so through his teachings. Therefore, the more people
who act on his teachings, the more reward he will
receive for conveying those teachings. We also learn
from this that whenever and however possible, we
should undertake to carry out those tasks and actions
that will take us closer to Allah Ta'âlâ, and that we
should not display any laziness in this regard.

It is mentioned in a Hadîth that on the day of
judgement the people will be standing in 120 lines.
Out of these, 40 lines of people will be from the
other nations while 80 lines of people will be from
the ’ummah of Rasûlullâh sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
Glory be to Allah! How beloved Rasûlullâh sallallâhu
‘alayhi wa sallam is to Him.

The one who is able to (fulfil the rights of a wife)
should marry. As for the one who does not have
sufficient wealth (to fulfil the rights of a wife), he
should fast. That is, he should fast so that there
will be a decrease in his desires. Fasting is actually
a means of curbing his desires. If a person does not
have a very dire need for women, and instead has an
average need, and he is able to pay for her basic
necessities, then nikâh is sunnat-e-mu’akkadah for
such a person. As for the person who has a very urgent
need, nikâh will be fard upon him. This is because
there is a fear that he will commit adultery and
thereby get the sin of committing a harâm act. If a
person has a very urgent need but is financially
incapable of maintaining a wife, then such a person
must fast abundantly. Later, when he has sufficient
funds to maintain a wife, he must get married.

3. It is mentioned in a Hadith that children are the
flowers of jannah. This means that the amount of joy
and happiness one will experience on seeing the
flowers of paradise, that same amount of joy and
happiness is experienced when he looks at his
children. And we know fully well that children can
only be obtained through marriage.

4. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that when the status of
a person is increased in jannah, he asks out of wonder
:  How did I receive all this? (That is, How did I
receive such a high status when I hadn't carried out
so many good deeds to deserve such a status?) It will
be said to this person that this high status is on
account of your children asking for forgiveness on
your behalf. In other words, your children had asked
for forgiveness on your behalf. In return for that,
you have been accorded this status.

5. It is mentioned that the child who is born out of a
miscarriage (i.e. it is born before the due date) will
fight(wrangle) with its Creator when its parents are
entered into jahannam. In other words, this child will
go to extremes in interceding on behalf of its parents
and will ask Allah Ta'âlâ to remove its parents from
jahannam. Through His bounty, Allah Ta'ala will accept
the intercession of this child and He will be soft and
lenient towards it. It will be said to this child : 
O siqt (which means, miscarried foetus) who is
quarrelling with its Lord! Enter your parents into
jannah. So this child will draw its parents out of
jahannam with its navel cord and enter both of them
into jannah. We learn from this, 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Faces of Tariq Ramadan

2007-05-20 Thread Alan Border
“Integration – YES”
  “But NOT at the Cost of Losing Our IDENTITY, Our Religious Beliefs, Our VALUE 
  The Faces of Tariq Ramadan
  Published: April 1, 2007
  For some years now, the Swiss philosopher and Muslim intellectual Tariq 
Ramadan has been saying he wants to reconcile Islamic tradition with Western 
democracy, conservative religious values with liberal political ones. But not 
everyone finds him credible. And being the grandson of Hassan al-Banna, the 
founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, doesn’t help. Skeptics say he is a 
radical in disguise — a Janus-faced rhetorician who presents a moderate’s face 
to Western audiences and a reactionary’s to Muslim ones. 
  The government is taking no chances: it has twice denied him a visa to teach 
in the United States, ostensibly for giving about $800 to a charity later 
blacklisted by the government because of suspected ties with Hamas. (Ramadan is 
now a fellow at Oxford.) 
  Ian Buruma concluded a recent profile of him in The New York Times Magazine 
with this uncertain endorsement: “From what I understand of Ramadan’s 
enterprise,” the values he espouses “are neither secular, nor always liberal, 
but they are not part of a holy war against Western democracy either. His 
politics offer an alternative to violence, which, in the end, is reason enough 
to engage with him, critically, but without fear.” 
  Ramadan, meanwhile, continues to defend himself and his project. In his new 
book, “In the Footsteps of the Prophet,” a biography of Muhammad, he seeks to 
illustrate that Islam and Western democracy are inherently compatible by 
extracting lessons from the prophet’s life. Returning to the roots of Islam, he 
believes, makes the parallels clear. Ramadan’s Muhammad is a kind man and a 
wise leader. He is fair to his wives, openly affectionate with his daughters, 
generally good to women — he lets them into the mosques. (“Gentleness” is one 
of Ramadan’s favorite words.) Muhammad knows when to encourage patience and 
faith in his followers and when to indulge their craving for rest and sex. He 
consults before making decisions, and wages war only when necessary. He is 
tolerant of non-Muslims and fair to his enemies. His faith is unflappable, but 
he is also a critical thinker: he uses reason to translate the word of God into 
a practicable ethics. If Muhammad is the embodiment of
 Islam, Islam is a religion of moderation, common sense, resilience and love. 
  Some will challenge Ramadan’s understated, if not euphemistic, treatment of 
the Muslims’ conquest of the Arabian Peninsula and his claim that armed jihad 
is justified only in self-defense. But judging this avowedly interpretive 
biography by its historical accuracy or the quality of its Koranic 
interpretation is to miss the more relevant question: What does the book reveal 
about Ramadan’s political philosophy? 
  Ramadan’s vision of Islam comes down to just a few universal principles. 
Everything else — the cultures of Muslim countries, the politics often pursued 
in Islam’s name — is historically contingent, and so up for negotiation. 
(Elsewhere, Ramadan has said, “Arabic is the language of Islam, but Arabic 
culture is not the culture of Islam.”) For just this reason, Islam can be a 
complement to modern democracies. “Islam does not establish a closed universe 
of reference,” Ramadan argues, “but rather relies on a set of universal 
principles that can coincide with the fundamentals and values of other beliefs 
and religious traditions.” 
  In other words, “In the Footsteps of the Prophet” is a brief. But it is also 
an apologia for some of Ramadan’s most controversial positions. In 2003, he was 
criticized for calling for a moratorium on the stoning of adulterers rather 
than condemning the practice outright. He replied that while he personally 
opposed the sentence — and the death penalty in general — advocating a sweeping 
ban might have alienated hard-liners in majority-Muslim countries and delayed 
reform there. This claim seemed feeble to his detractors, but it was probably 
less sinister than it sounded. As this book suggests, Ramadan’s response wasn’t 
a tacit endorsement of stoning so much as an expression of his view that each 
society must decide for itself how to put into practice the values of Islam. 
  Likewise, his portrayal of those values as universal may shed a different 
light on his alleged bigotry. He was called an anti-Semite after he wrote an 
article in 2003 chiding French-Jewish intellectuals like Alain Finkielkraut, 
Bernard-Henri Lévy and Bernard Kouchner for reflexively backing the war in Iraq 
and Israel’s foreign policy. He didn’t help his case by including on his list 
the sociologist Pierre-André Taguieff, who isn’t Jewish. Yet even prejudice, if 
that’s what accounted for the slip, needn’t have 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] REF: Huge Rally for Turkish SICKularism

2007-05-20 Thread Adel Elsaie
Congratulations to brother Alan Border for coming up with this name 
  Now Turkish SICKularism did it again and again.
  Please see the full article at:
  Muslims in Texas were very proud to see Imam Dr. Yusuf Kavakci opens the 
Texas Senate Session after an invitation from Senator Florence Shapiro. We all 
thank and appreciate the action of Senator  Shapiro.
  I know Imam Dr. Yusuf Kavakci, for over 20 years. He is the Imam of Islamic 
Association of North Texas (IANT), Dallas Central Mosque. 
 He is an inspiration for many Muslims here. 
  The family of Imam Dr. Yusuf Kavakci is also a model Muslim Family of the 
main stream Muslims everywhere on earth.. He is the father of Merve Safa  
Kavakci  The great lady who was elected and went to the Turkish Parliament with 
Hijab.  She was then booed and kicked out of the Parliament.
  Please look at the website of Merve Safa  Kavakci. 
  The Islamophobic Turkish SICKularism  are trying to paralyze the rights of 
the Turkish Muslims.
  Abdullah Gul crime is that his wife wears Hijab. 
  For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to 
account Holy Quran 88:25-26)
  Dr. Yusuf Ziya Kavakci, The Islamic scholar.from Good Turkey 
  Dr. Yusuf Ziya Kavakci was born on June 22, 1938 in Hendek, Sakarya, Turkey. 
At an early age (8-9 years) he accomplished memorizing whole Qur'an (Hifz 
al-Qur'an), graduated from Hasircilar Qur'anic School (Adapazari) with a 
training in Tajwid, Qira'ah, Arabic (Sarf and Nahw), Tafsir, Hadih, Fiqh, and 
allied Islamic Sciences. He passed national Exams for Waiz (Preacher and 
lecturer in Islamic Sciences) and Mufti (ordained and authorized to give Fatwa 
and religious verdict in Islamic field) and qualified for those jobs. He worked 
as Muadhdhin (Professional caller to prayer, Hirka-i Sharif Mosque), Imam (Kara 
Ahmed Pasha Mosque in Topkapi), and Waiz in the governorships Fatih and Beyoglu 
in Istanbul. 
  Dr. Kavakci received a bachelor's degrees in Law from The College of Law of 
Istanbul University and also in Islamic Studies from the Institute of Higher 
Islamic Studies, got his Ph.D. in Islamic History and Culture from Faculty of 
Arts, Istanbul University. After working as Assistant Professor and as 
Associate Professor in the Institute of Islamic Research, Istanbul University, 
he helped to establish the first college of Islamic Studies in modern Turkey. 
The College of Islamic Studies is now a part of Ataturk University, Erzurum 
where Dr. Kavakci worked as senior faculty. He chaired Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh and 
other departments and got full professorship in Islamic Law and worked as Dean 
of the College. His professorship in Islamic Law was the first such position in 
Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. He was educated in the traditional 
Ottoman way of Islamic Studies as well as in modern methods of teaching in 
today's universities. 
  He is a board certified attorney in Turkey and practiced Law in Libya, Iraq, 
Saudi Arabia and attended numerous International Conferences on Islam. He was 
involved in the activities of the Islamic Conference and was in charge of the 
Muslim Minority students sponsored by Islamic Development Bank in Turkey. 
  Dr. Kavakci currently resides in Richardson, Texas. He is the resident 
Islamic Scholar and Spiritual Leader of the Muslim community affiliated with 
the Islamic Association of North Texas

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Checking on Darfur

2007-05-20 Thread Ismail Kashkash
Checking on Darfur
  Historic African American Press Delegation visits Sudan 
  By Jehron Muhammad
  Akbar Muhammad, founder of Youth 4 Africa Foundation realized the importance 
of seizing this opportunity and contacted James Mtume, Co-Host of Open Line 
talk radio to solicit his help in organizing members of the African American 
Press to travel to the Sudan and visit Darfur. 
  This event was a historical trip and the first of its kind for an African 
American press delegation to travel on a fact finding mission to support what 
the media in the west has been saying about Two months ago during a live feed 
to thousands who attended the Nation of Islam’s Annual Savior’s Day Convention  
President of The Republic of Sudan, Omar El-Bashir extended a special 
invitation to those interested in visiting Sudan. The invitation was extended 
through Akbar Muhammad to give individuals the opportunity to ask hard 
questions about Genocide in the Sudan. The Sudanese government insists that the 
horror stories we hear in the media are lies and propaganda contrived by 
special interest groups in America. 
  Sudan or dispute the lies that are being told to millions of Americans about 
the current crises in Sudan, especially Darfur. 
  Through the efforts of Mr. Muhammad this press delegation met with Ministers 
of Government in Khartoum, visited IDP camps (internally displaced people) in 
Darfur, and talked with people in the marketplace, traveled to remote areas in 
Sudan to ask the pertinent questions. Both BET and TV-One had a one on one 
exclusive interview with  President Omar El-Bashir. His Excellency encouraged 
the media to feel free to go anywhere in Sudan and talk to anyone. He assured 
them they would find nothing to support the atrocities that are being charged 
by the media in the west.
  It was not long ago that slavery in Sudan was a hot issue but the inability 
of the media to substantiate chattel slavery in Sudan was replaced by the issue 
of atrocities allegedly being committed with the backing of the Sudanese 
government in Darfur. This issue has been pitched to the American people with a 
special focus in the Black community about Arabs killing Black people. Could it 
be because Islam is the fasting growing religion in the world especially in the 
Black Community?
  According to several European publications and a small article found in the 
Washington Post, the issue of slavery in Sudan was more fraud than reality. So 
ridiculous was the perpetuators false campaign against Sudan, that the world’s 
oldest human rights organization Anti-Slavery International warned the United 
Nations Commission on Human Rights that: Unless accurately reported, the issue 
can become a tool for indiscriminate and wholly undeserved prejudice against 
Arabs and Muslims. (We) are worried that some media reports of slave markets, 
stocked by Arab slave traders – which (we) consider distorted reality – fuel 
such prejudice.
  Just as suddenly as the issue of slavery in Sudan appeared and then 
disappeared, the only distorted reality remaining was Arab and or Muslim 
atrocities against Black Africans. When we traveled in Sudan we found that the 
lightest Arab is darker than most African Americans and when we enquired about 
why they’re called Arab, were told simply some of us are Arab because we speak 
  So what is the truth concerning atrocities being committed in Darfur? This is 
a region that is 100 percent Muslims, where Idriss Deby, President of Chad and 
many Chadian citizens share the same tribal heritage of the people of Darfur. 
In addition this tribal group called Zagawa based in Chad and Darfur are 
members of cross border militia groups invading Darfur. 
  So who are its perpetrators, and the facts remaining about the fairly recent 
implementation of a coalition government between the so-called Arab North and 
the Black African South and why so little has been reported? 
  These and other questions were being asked by an African American press 
delegation that went to Sudan. The group according to Akbar Muhammad, leader of 
the press delegation and coordinator of the tour should report what is really 
happening in Darfur. If what they are saying is true about the government of 
Sudan then report it back to the American public and if what they are saying 
about Arabs killing Black Africans, raping their women, killing their children, 
pushing Black Africans off their land then by all means report that but if none 
of this is true then we should report what we find.
  The press delegation included several African American publications, 
including the Final Call, Philadelphia New Observer, Trumpet Magazine, Black 
Entertainment Television,, TV-One and New York’s KISS FM radio. 
  James Mtume co-host of Open Line on 98.7 KISS-FM has already broadcast live 
from Sudan. According to Mtume, On Sunday we gave our first historic broadcast 
from Khartoum. Mtume 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Saudi-Egyptian Causeway to Link Two Continents

2007-05-20 Thread Thabrez Gmail

  Saudi-Egyptian Causeway to Link Two Continents
  P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News

  JEDDAH, 3 May 2007 - During his visit to the Kingdom's northern region 
next week, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah is expected to 
launch a number of important projects, including the long-awaited 
Saudi-Egyptian Causeway which will link the continents of Asia and Africa.

  The Saudi monarch, who is visiting the region for the first time since 
becoming king in 2005, will also open the project for the construction of Tabuk 
University. The first phase of the project will cost about SR1 billion ($375 
million) and include 16 colleges.

  Informed sources said King Abdullah would lay the foundation stone for 
the 50-km causeway linking Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The causeway will be built 
in three years at a cost of $3 billion. It will link Ras Humaid in Tabuk with 
Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt and pass through Tiran Island. A consortium of Saudi, 
Egyptian and international companies will implement the project without causing 
financial liability to either government, the sources said.

  Tabuk Gov. Prince Fahd ibn Sultan previously discussed the feasibility of 
the project with Amr Al-Dabbagh, governor of the Saudi Arabian General 
Investment Authority.

  The causeway has been the dream of most Egyptians since it was first 
proposed about 10 years ago, said Ali Masoud, an Egyptian journalist working 
in the Kingdom. He said the causeway would not only facilitate transport 
between the two countries but would also link the Asian and African continents. 
It will have a great socio-economic and political impact on the region, 
Masoud said.

  Many Saudi businessmen will support the project as it will facilitate 
transportation of goods, especially vegetables, between the two countries, 
Masoud said, adding that the project would help bring down vegetable prices in 
the Kingdom.

  He said the project would also strengthen relations between Saudi Arabia 
and Egypt, the two most influential countries in the region. The causeway will 
benefit many countries in the Gulf and Africa and will bring about a dramatic 
change in transportation between the two continents, he explained.

  Fouad Abdul Aziz Khaleel, adviser to the Egyptian transport minister and 
chairman of the Arab Roads Administration, said the causeway could be completed 
within three years with the support of specialized international companies. 
Khaleel expressed the hope that companies involved in the project, developing 
the causeway on a build-operate-transfer basis, could recoup their investment 
within a decade of its completion. He said the causeway would reduce 
transportation time between the two countries to 20 minutes. It will also 
lessen the difficulties of workers traveling between the two continents, he 

  The ferry tragedy that claimed hundreds of Egyptian and tens of Saudi 
lives in February last year revived interest in the causeway project. In a 
statement soon after the tragedy, Egyptian Transport Minister Muhammad Mansour 
said the implementation of the causeway project had become essential to avoid 
marine transport tragedies. Before the El-Salam ferry tragedy, 10 boats were 
operating between Dhuba and Safaga weekly. Now it has been reduced to two.

  Between 50,000 to 70,000 Egyptians go on the annual pilgrimage to Makkah 
and an estimated 1.2 million Egyptians work in the Arabian Peninsula, mainly as 
construction workers. The bridge will not be too long and the relatively 
shallow sea in that area allows for such construction, said Ibrahim Kamel, an 
Egyptian architect and businessman.

With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman



IMPORTANT: This article is being circulated to inform our Muslim brothers and 
sisters as to the current affairs affecting the Muslims; circulation of this 
article should therefore not be misconstrued as anything but the sharing of 
such information.



2007-05-20 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Assalamu aleikum.

Greensburg, USA has been destroyed. How long will the American people
tolerate among themselves the dajjal Bush who through his pretended
messengership of Allah (S.W.T.) has brought on this catastrophe along
with so many others?

Shocking photographs of the devastation:


Translations of the Meaning of the Holy Qur'an relating to tornadoes:

YUSUFALI: Or do ye feel secure that He Who is in Heaven will not send
against you a violent tornado (with showers of stones), so that ye
shall know how (terrible) was My warning?
PICKTHAL: Or have ye taken security from Him Who is in the heaven that
He will not let loose on you a hurricane? But ye shall know the manner
of My warning.
SHAKIR: Or are you secure of those in the heaven that He should not
send down upon you a punishment? Then shall you know how was My warning.


YUSUFALI: Do ye then feel secure that He will not cause you to be
swallowed up beneath the earth when ye are on land, or that He will
not send against you a violent tornado (with showers of stones) so
that ye shall find no one to carry out your affairs for you?
PICKTHAL: Feel ye then secure that He will not cause a slope of the
land to engulf you, or send a sand-storm upon you, and then ye will
find that ye have no protector?
SHAKIR: What! Do you then feel secure that He will not cause a tract
of land to engulf you or send on you a tornado? Then you shall not
find a protector for yourselves.


YUSUFALI: Each one of them We seized for his crime: of them, against
some We sent a violent tornado (with showers of stones); some were
caught by a (mighty) Blast; some We caused the earth to swallow up;
and some We drowned (in the waters): It was not Allah Who injured (or
oppressed) them: They injured (and oppressed) their own souls.
PICKTHAL: So We took each one in his sin; of them was he on whom We
sent a hurricane, and of them was he who was overtaken by the (Awful)
Cry, and of them was he whom We caused the earth to swallow, and of
them was he whom We drowned. It was not for Allah to wrong them, but
they wronged themselves.
SHAKIR: So each We punished for his sin; of them was he on whom We
sent down a violent storm, and of them was he whom the rumbling
overtook, and of them was he whom We made to be swallowed up by the
earth, and of them was he whom We drowned; and it did not beseem Allah
that He should be unjust to them, but they were unjust to their own souls.



YUSUFALI: For We sent against them a furious wind, on a Day of violent
PICKTHAL: Lo! We let loose on them a raging wind on a day of constant
SHAKIR: Surely We sent on them a tornado in a day of bitter ill-luck

YUSUFALI: Plucking out men as if they were roots of palm-trees torn up
(from the ground).
PICKTHAL: Sweeping men away as though they were uprooted trunks of
SHAKIR: Tearing men away as if they were the trunks of palm-trees torn up.

YUSUFALI: Yea, how (terrible) was My Penalty and My Warning!
PICKTHAL: Then see how (dreadful) was My punishment after My warnings!
SHAKIR: How (great) was then My punishment and My warning!

YUSUFALI: But We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and
remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?
PICKTHAL: And in truth We have made the Qur'an easy to remember; but
is there any that remembereth?
SHAKIR: And certainly We have made the Quran easy for remembrance, but
is there anyone who will mind? 



YUSUFALI: The people of Lut rejected (his) warning.
PICKTHAL: The folk of Lot rejected warnings.
SHAKIR: The people of Lut treated the warning. as a lie.

YUSUFALI: We sent against them a violent Tornado with showers of
stones, (which destroyed them), except Lut's household: them We
delivered by early Dawn,-
PICKTHAL: Lo! We sent a storm of stones upon them (all) save the
family of Lot, whom We rescued in the last watch of the night,
SHAKIR: Surely We sent upon them a stonestorm, except Lut's followers;
We saved them a little before daybreak,

YUSUFALI: As a Grace from Us: thus do We reward those who give thanks.
PICKTHAL: As grace from Us. Thus We reward him who giveth thanks.
SHAKIR: A favor from Us; thus do We reward him who gives thanks.

YUSUFALI: And (Lut) did warn them of Our Punishment, but they disputed
about the Warning.
PICKTHAL: And he indeed had warned them of Our blow, but they did
doubt the warnings.
SHAKIR: And certainly he warned them of Our violent seizure, but they
obstinately disputed 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Cairo Uni. Human Rights Committee Condemns Transferring Scientists to Military Court

2007-05-20 Thread S A Hannan
Vision for E-Business |
- Original Message - 
Cc: website@ 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 11:12 AM
Subject: |- mohebbollah recommends a topic to you.-|

  Recommendation of Topic at 
  Sender: mohebbollah [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sender Comment: sir it is most importent event in 
egyptimportant for ikhwan  
  URL: You can read the full topic HERE 
  The Human Rights Committee in the Cairo University issued a 
statement that condemns referring Egyptian university scientists to military 
courts because they have a reformist project.

  The Text of the Statement:

  Countries and peoples all over the world give so much respect 
to their scientists and boasted of them front of other nations; pictures of 
scientists are put on currencies and their biographies are taught to pupils at 

  But, in Egypt honoring scientists takes a different shape: 
throwing them behind bars over various charges, the most prominent of which are 
charges of introducing reforms and thinking !!

  The regime has recently transferred a group of reformists to 
military courts.

  Do you know that more than 25 % of those referred to the 
latest military court are teaching staff members in Egyptian universities

  Why have these professors been arrested?

  Because they have an effective reformist role in the society 
and the professionals and university arenas; this made the regime attempt to 
excluded them from the society in this critical stage in the history of our 
nation, and to intimidate all university teaching staff members and the other 
reformist powers in the society.

  For What Are These professors Calling?

  They call for building the renaissance of the nation and its 
cultural project on :

  Keeping the nation's identity, original values and 
deep-rooted principles .

  The independence and freedom of the university and its 
professors and students .

  Providing free and fair elections that reflect the will of 
people .

  Providing a peaceful circulation of power .

  Respecting human rights and stopping exceptional measures.

  Providing judicial independence and integrity.

  Why have these professors been transferred to military 
court?, why are they denied their right to stand trial before their competent 

  The competent Court of Appeals acquitted them and ordered 
them immediately released; this made the dictatorial regime arrest them again 
and refer them to a military court.


  This is not a matter of arresting nine teaching staff members 

  It is a matter of violated freedoms..

  Violated human rights ..

  Disrespected court rulings and people whom the regime wants 
to silence..

  A homeland that the regime wants to keep behind bars.. 

  It is the issue of every Egyptian ..

  What shall we do?

  Human Rights Committee

  Cairo University

  It is worth mentioning that 25% of the reformists who are 
appearing before an incompetent military court over fake charges, are the 
teaching staff members in various Egyptian universities.

  They are:

  * Dr. Khaled Awda, geology professor at the Faculty of 
Science, Asyut University, leader of the Egyptian geologic group and deputy 
leader of th international geology group.

  * Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Abu Zeid, a surgery professor at Cairo 
Faculty of Medicine, leader of a group of auditors at the National Committee 
for Quality Assurance.

  * Dr. Essam Abdul Alim Hashish, a communications professor at 
Cairo Faculty of Engineering, a member of the supreme council of the Engineers 
Syndicate and human rights activist.

  * Dr. Mohamed Ali Bishr, a professor at power engineering in 
Monofiya university, Secretary-General of the Engineers' Syndicate, chairman of 
the regional office of Secretary General of Engineering Associations Union of 
the Islamic Countries.

  * Dr. Mohamed Ali Baligh, ophthalmologist at the optical 
research institute, chairman of the social committee in the optical research 

  * Dr. Essam Abdul Mohsen Afifi, a biochemistry professor at 
Al-Azhar faculty of medicine, assistant treasurer in the Cairo Doctors' 

  * Dr. Salah Al Desouki Amer, anatomy professor at Al-Azhar 
faculty of medicine, member of the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hitler's Jewish Soldiers

2007-05-20 Thread Alan Border
There's NO Business Like SHOAH Business. [Shoah is the Hebrew Term for the 
Holocaust]. – An Old Saying Among the More Cynical Elements of the Jewish 
  Hitler's Jewish Soldiers
  The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German 
  Bryan Mark Rigg
  New in Paperback: September 2004
528 pages, 95 photographs, 6 x 9
Modern War Studies
Paper ISBN 0-7006-1358-7, $16.95
  Also available in cloth:
ISBN 0-7006-1178-9, $29.95
  As featured on NBC-TV's Dateline 
(first aired Sunday, June 9, 2002)
William E. Colby Military Writers Symposium 
  Also of interest by author Bryan Mark Rigg: Rescued from the Reich: How One 
of Hitler's Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
  Click here to learn more about the author's speaking tour.
  On the murderous road to racial purity Hitler encountered unexpected 
detours, largely due to his own crazed views and inconsistent policies 
regarding Jewish identity. After centuries of Jewish assimilation and 
intermarriage in German society, he discovered that eliminating Jews from the 
rest of the population was more difficult than he'd anticipated. As Bryan Mark 
Rigg shows in this provocative new study, nowhere was that heinous process more 
fraught with contradiction and confusion than in the German military.
  Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number 
of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or partial-Jews 
(Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg 
demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously 
thought--perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and 
high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals.
  As Rigg fully documents for the first time, a great many of these men did not 
even consider themselves Jewish and had embraced the military as a way of life 
and as devoted patriots eager to serve a revived German nation. In turn, they 
had been embraced by the Wehrmacht, which prior to Hitler had given little 
thought to the race of these men but which was now forced to look deeply into 
the ancestry of its soldiers.
  The process of investigation and removal, however, was marred by a highly 
inconsistent application of Nazi law. Numerous exemptions were made in order 
to allow a soldier to stay within the ranks or to spare a soldier's parent, 
spouse, or other relative from incarceration or far worse. (Hitler's own 
signature can be found on many of these exemption orders.) But as the war 
dragged on, Nazi politics came to trump military logic, even in the face of the 
Wehrmacht's growing manpower needs, closing legal loopholes and making it 
virtually impossible for these soldiers to escape the fate of millions of other 
victims of the Third Reich.
  Based on a deep and wide-ranging research in archival and secondary sources, 
as well as extensive interviews with more than four hundred Mischlinge and 
their relatives, Rigg's study breaks truly new ground in a crowded field and 
shows from yet another angle the extremely flawed, dishonest, demeaning, and 
tragic essence of Hitler's rule.
Side and front photographs of half-Jew Anton Mayer, similar to those that 
often accompanied a Mischling's application for exemption.
  To see more photographs from the book, click here
  Through videotaped interviews, painstaking attention to personnel files, and 
banal documents not normally consulted by historians, and spurred by a keen 
sense of personal mission, Rigg has turned up an unexplored and confounding 
chapter in the history of the Holocaust. The extent of his findings has 
surprised scholars.--Warren Hoge, New York Times
  The revelation that Germans of Jewish blood, knowing the Nazi regime for 
what it was, served Hitler as uniformed members of his armed forces must come 
as a profound shock. It will surprise even professional historians of the Nazi 
years. --John Keegan, author of The Face of Battle and The Second World War
  Startling and unexpected, Rigg's study conclusively demonstrates the degree 
of flexibility in German policy toward the Mischlinge, the extent of Hitler's 
involvement, and, most importantly, that not all who served in the armed forces 
were anti-Semitic, even as their service aided the killing process.--Michael 
Berenbaum, author of The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust
  Rigg's extensive knowledge and the preliminary conclusions drawn from his 
research impressed me greatly. I firmly believe that his in-depth treatment of 
the subject of German soldiers of Jewish descent in the Wehrmacht will lead to 
new perspectives on this portion of 20th century German military 
history.--Helmut Schmidt, Former Chancellor of Germany
  An impressively researched work with important implications for hotly 
debated questions. Rigg 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Did Jesus BAPTIZED?

2007-05-20 Thread Abdul Latheef

*Jose Murekan [EMAIL PROTECTED] send:*
*Did Jesus BAPTIZED? *
*Historically 'NO'! *

Baptism is one of the fundamental aspects in Christianity.  It is a
spiritual process which makes a person 'Christian', that means if a person
is not baptized then he/she is not a Christian even if that person was born
in the church by both very active Christian parents, let say even both
parents are priests. In one word, no one is born a Christian, therefore
whoever wishes to be Christian has to join the faith, that means that person
has to be converted. The conversion is made through water baptism therefore
baptism and conversion go hand in hand, to be precise baptism and conversion
is one and the same thing. According to church's doctrine, if anyone dies
before being baptized (even if that person is a  child of both active
Christian parents) can't be buried by church. Simply because that person or
a child is considered as a sinner, full of sins inherited from our father
Adam and mother Eve. We may conclude here that if there is no baptism then
there is no Christianity because whoever not baptized is not a Christian.

The Christian scholars are telling us that Jesus was baptized therefore it
is mandatory for them to go through this spiritual process. The
scholars don't go empty handed in proving and spreading this state of affair
to millions around the world. The verse in which they frequently quote to
authenticate their belief is to be found in the Gospel according to St
TO BE BAPTIZED BY HIM Matthew 3: 17.

It's a common belief among the believers of Christian faith that Jesus was
baptized by someone known as John the son of Zechariah generally
acknowledged as 'John the Baptist', around the banks of river Jordan in the
year believed by many to be 30 AD. This date can't be proven though however
we take it for granted as another dogma. The original manuscripts of the new
testament was written in Latin and Greek, the biblical internal evidence
shows that the Romans didn't know even how Jesus look alike that's why the
day they went to catch him in the garden of Gethsemane they had to take
Judas Iscariot with them, Judas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.

In order to avoid unnecessary confusion, every single point I am going to
raise will be supported by a scriptural evidence, a verse from the bible.
Since there is a distinct difference between a prove and explanation all you
have to do is to open your copy of the bible if you have one and cross check
those verses mentioned in here. In due case if you are doubtful about this
pamphlet then you are doubtful about authenticity of the bible. This
pamphlet, by the way, is no way serves to disprove the Christian faith. The
real purpose is to bridge the gape of our differences and bring us together
in common terms.
According to the bible Jesus and John the Baptist didn't meet each other in
their natural lives. That means John the Baptist didn't baptize Jesus. Jesus
himself didn't baptize anyone and he even said conversion that has to go
through baptism will send people involved to hell. To prove my case and
arguments I will provide you with some axiomatic, irrefutable, concrete and
tangible evidences extracted only from and within the covers of different
versions of Bible accepted by all Christians of all churches and
denominations. I strongly restrict myself from quoting any Christian
scholar, Bible preacher or any other known authorities rather than of the
Holy Bible. By the way all in brackets in verses are my words and all
references elaborated herein are extracted from RSV of 1971 and NIV of 1995
for your further references. Now let us separate the wheat from the chuffs

**Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, during the reign of King Herod. The
wise men from East went to Bethlehem to pay their respect to the newly born
child (Jesus) whom they called the King of the Jews. When this good news
reached King Herod's office, he was very disturbed. He sent his wise men to
Bethlehem to see the newly born boy (Jesus) and scrutinize people's reaction
towards him. Unfortunately they did not go back to him according to the
scriptures. Somehow Herod then, planned to kill the boy Jesus. When Herod's
wise men left Bethlehem God Almighty sent down an angel to Joseph in dream,
When they had gone, an angel of Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, 'get
up' he said 'take the child (Jesus) and his mother (Mary) and escape to
Egypt . Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the
child to kill him
Matthew 2:13

Joseph woke up took the boy Jesus and his mother Mary and left for Egypt at
same night to avoid the murder of the child Jesus in the hands of the cruel
children killer Herod the King. Then it was Herod's birthday. His
stepdaughter danced very well and pleased Herod so much that he promised
with an oath to give her whatever she would ask. With the advise 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Moses and the sorcerors

2007-05-20 Thread brother_farrukh
Assalam alaikum,

Allah Almighty says:
And when the sorcerers came, Moses said to them, `Cast down what you
want to cast'. Then when they cast Moses said, `What you have done is
nothing but sorcery, and Allah will make it of no effect. Verily,
Allah does not let the efforts of the evildoers succeed.'  And Allah
will establish and make apparent the truth by Allah's Words, even
though the evildoers hate it.
[Yunus (10): v80-82]

These verses of the Quran are amongst those which show that magic,
sorcery, and its lesser cousin, simply trickery, are real. But what
Prophet Moses, upon whom be peace, shows us is that while such things
are real, Allah Almighty can destroy the magic, making it of no
effect, for, as Allah Almighty says, Allah does not let the efforts of
the evildoers succeed.

Allah Almighty reminds us to ask for Allah's help when we feel we are
being affected by those with an evil intention:

Say, `My Lord, I seek refuge with You from the prodding of the
devils, and I seek refuge in You, my Lord, from their presence. And I
seek refuge with You so that they do not come near me''
[Muminoon (23): v97]

In Allah we put our trust. Oh Lord, do not make us a trial for the
people who do wrong. And protect us from those who reject You
[Yunus (10): v85]

Magic is done through the help of the jinn either by bad jinn who
offer their services or by good/ innocent jinn who are trapped by the
spell of the sorcerer. Those who are trapped and cannot escape, their
similitude is like the one who does an injustice out of ignorance, and
Allah knows best. And those who are evil through and through, Allah
Almighty sends them, and the ones who sent them, a reminder in the Quran:

Every soul (from mankind and the jinn) will taste death. In this life
Allah will test us with evil and with good, and to Allah will we all
[Anbiya (21): v35]

So let us remember:

To Allah belongs what is in the heavens and on earth, and Allah is
the best Guardian
[Nisa (4): v132]

And may Allah Almighty have mercy on us all, forgive and free those
innocent jinn who have been caught in the charms of the evil
sorcerers; forgive and guide those jinn and sorcerers who
intentionally do wrong, or destroy those jinn and sorcerers who
intentionally do wrong - and indeed Allah Almighty is the Most just,
and besides Allah there is None who has authority, amen.

fi amanillah, wa salam, f

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Journey to Islam : Testimony of Yahya Donald W. Flood

2007-05-20 Thread Raihan
Testimony of Yahya Donald W. Flood


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Good Manners

2007-05-20 Thread adil naveed





 Good Manners
 1.   Imam Maalik (R.A.) reports that it had been related 
to him that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi  Wasallam) said: I have been sent 
down by Allah to   evolve moral virtues to highest perfection.
  (This Tradition had been mentioned by Imam Maalik (R.A.), in the same 
  form as above, in Mowatta, without giving the name of the narrator, while 
Imam   Ahmad has related it on the authority of Abu Hurairah (R.A.) in his 
 Commentary: It tells  that moral reform and  development of 
good manners were among the chief objects of the Apostleship of the Holy 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and formed an important part of the 
sanctification set forth in the Quran as his special duty.
2.It   is related by Abdullah bin Amr(R.A.) that Rasulullah ( Sallallahu Alayhi 
 Wasallam) said: Nearest to me among you are those who have better   
manners.(Bukhari) Commentary:  
 In Hazrat Jabir's (R.A) account of the above Tradition, quoted in Tirmizi, it 
is   stated that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: On the Day of   
   Judgement, nearest to me, among you, will be those who display  the best 
of   manners. These   show how essential good 
morals and desirable manners are for gaining the   affection of the Holy 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his propinquity   on
 the Day of Resurrection.  


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2007-05-20 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Assalamu aleikum.


The latest phony accusations of a terrorist sleeper cell are directed
at several Muslims in New Jersey who, according to an FBI affidavit,
were planning to take on Ft. Dix all by themselves.

The affidavit isn't much of an affidavit at all, as it comes from a
secondary source, not from the Cooperating Witnesses who made all
the claims in the affidavit.

And those cooperating witnesses are not even named, only numbered:
CW1 and CW2.

The affidavit, however, openly admits that CW-1 is an established liar
who was caught lying in another case as recently as January 2006.

See it right here:

Of even more interest is the telephone number mentioned in the
affidavit, which is supposedly that of Serdar Tata: 856-520-4291

You can see that phone number listed right here:

The problem is that there is no such assigned telephone number as any
reverse lookup of both cellphones and landlines will independently show.

So once again the public stands to be hoodwinked by yet another in a
long series of phony planned terrorist attacks. And just in time for
Dajjal Bush to use this one to press his demand for another $120
billion for his Iraqi genocide campaign on the ground of the need to
protect Americans from terrorists. This is all so very 2002. But
even the American public is beginning to grow up and has long since
tired of dajjal Bush's Chicken Little franchise. The most recent
numbers from a Newsweek poll, show Bush has only a 28% approval
rating. Grades like that usually get a kid expelled from school and
Bush's occupation of the White House should end, too.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Interview with Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

2007-05-20 Thread saiyed shahbazi
This is an edited transcript of an interview that took place in September 2006.

Q: Linden MacIntyre: What are the roots of Muslim rage? 

A: Hamza Yusuf: If you had one word to describe the root of all this rage, it's 
humiliation. Arabs in particular are extremely proud people. If you look at 
what happened in Lebanon recently, the Arabs kind of raised their head-- they 
think it's a big victory, the fact that their whole country was destroyed and 
over a thousand people were killed, many of them children. Why is it a victory? 
Because they fought back. That's all. OK, you can crush us into the Earth, but 
you're not going to get us to submit. And I think that's deeply rooted in 
Muslim consciousness, the idea of not submitting to anything other than God. 
You can abuse me, but you're not going to win me over. But if you treat me 
with respect and dignity, I'm going to fall in love with you. I'm going to sing 
your praises all over the world because you're powerful and you treated me with 
human dignity. 

Q: Where do they see the proof of the humiliation? 

A: It's everywhere. You don't think it's humiliating to have a foreign force 
come into your land? You see, Muslims don't have this nation state idea. 
There's a tribe called Bani Tamin. It's one of the biggest tribes in Saudi 
Arabia and in Iraq, and they're intermarried. The West doesn't seem to 
understand that. The Moroccans feel the Iraqi pain as their own. It's one pain. 
So when you see some American soldier banging down a door and coming into a 
house with all these women in utter fear who've done nothing, that's 
humiliation, and it's going to enrage people. And what are we doing there? 
There are no weapons of mass destruction. They were never a threat to us. You 
know, Shakespeare wrote a play called Julius Caesar, and it was all about the 
danger of pre-emptive strikes. Brutus is convinced by Cassius to kill Caesar. 
Why? Because Caesar's ambitious, because he might declare himself king. And the 
end of that play, everybody dies; it's just disaster. That's the tragedy of
 pre-emptive strikes. 

Q: What goes through your mind when you hear about all these roundups of young 
Muslims who are supposedly plotting things in London and in Toronto? 

A: We keep being told about these roundups, and in the end, they're more 
aspirational than operational. I'd love to have been in the meeting when they 
thought that one up. It seems to me that they're just a lot of bumbling fools 
out there. 

Q: On which side of the equation? 

A: On both sides. I mean, that's part of the problem. Violence is the last 
refuge of the incompetent, and I think that's really what we're dealing with 
here, incompetence. Both sides have been incredibly ineffective at achieving 
their goals-- at least their stated goals. 

Q: I'm trying to get a measure of just how concerned people should really be 

A: Listen, hurricanes are a much greater threat to us right now. Katrina did 
much more damage than anything the terrorists could ever put together. Yeah, 
there's nuclear weapons are out there and that certainly is a concern. That's 
the job of these intelligence people to stop that, right? But stop making us 
all live in fear and telling us about orange and red levels. All that nonsense 
just simply has to stop. We need to calm down and think at a deeper level. 
People can't think when their minds are clouded with fear. The fear tactic is a 
tactic that's used by people who want to maintain control, and it's very 

A democracy is predicated on an educated citizenry. You cannot have a democracy 
with people that are more interested in what Nicole Kidman is doing or whoever 
the latest fashion model is. If that's your interest, democracy can't survive. 
You also have corporate interests here. We have an arms industry in the West 
that is our No. 1 industry. It's bigger than anything-- automobiles, 
everything. Now if you don't have reasons to build weapons, where do all those 
contracts go? 

Q: Your job is to recruit young people into a more constructive project. 

A: Well, I'm not a recruiter …. 

Q: You are definitely an influence. 

A: I've got my own personal projects, like my school and my seminary. But at 
this point in my life, I'm actually just trying to put some balance out there 
because I feel that there's an incredible amount of disequilibrium in the way 
people are acting and the way they're thinking. There are irrational fears. If 
you see a woman wearing a hijab and fear is your first thought, something's 
really wrong. How do you racially profile terrorists when 90percent of the 
world falls into that? Mexicans look like Arabs, for God's sake, and anybody 
can change their name. I mean Abdullah can change his name to Eduardo. It's not 
going to be difficult, if they're clever. So how do you profile people? 

Q: Six years ago, there were probably the same number of disenchanted young 
people in chat rooms and coffee houses complaining and 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] File - Setting in receiving email

2007-05-20 Thread islamcity

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