Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Link TV

2007-07-31 Thread J M

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] English to Arabic / Arabic to English DICTIONARY ?

2007-07-31 Thread nasir.bari
Assalam alaikum Wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Please some one send me the soft copy of English to arabic to English 


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] "Rejoice O My Mother! I Found My Bride"

2007-07-31 Thread looney crazy
 "Rejoice O My  Mother! I Found My Bride"
 It is mentioned  that one of the righteous women in Basra was Umm Ibraahim 
alHaashimeeyah. The  enemy attacked one of the Muslim towns so people were 
encouraged to join the  struggle in the path of Allah. 'AbdulWaahid bin Zayd 
alBasri delivered a speech  encouraging the muslims to struggle in Alah's path 
and among the audience was  Umm Ibrahim. Among the things AbdulWahid talked 
about was alHoor (the women of  Paradise). 

Umm Ibraahim stood up and said to 'AbdulWaahid: “You know my  son Ibraahim and 
you know that the nobility of alBasra wish to have him marry  one of their 
daughters and I have not agreed to one of them yet. But I like this  girl you 
described and I would be happy to marry her to my son. Can you please  describe 
her again?" 

'AbdulWaahid then narrated a poem in the  description of the Hoor. 

Umm Ibrahim said: "I want my son to marry this  girl and I would pay you 10,000 
denaars as her dowry and you take him with you,  as he may intercede for me on 
the Day of Judgment, God willing."  

'AbdulWaahid said: “If you do so, that is great success for you and your  son.” 

She then called her son from the audience. He stood up and said:  “Yes my 
mother!” She said: “Are you pleased to marry this girl with the  condition of 
giving your soul to Allah?” He said: “Yes! I am very pleased!” She  said: “O 
Allah you are my witness that I have married my son to this girl from  Paradise 
with the condition he spends his soul in your sake." 

Then she  went and brought back with her 10,000 dinars and gave it to 
AbdulWahid and said:  “This is her dowry. Take it and use it to provide for the 
for those who struggle  for Allah's sake” She then purchased for her son a good 
horse and provisions.  When they started to march Ibraahim came out with the 
reciters of Quraan  surrounding him and reciting: 

“Indeed, Allaah has purchased from the believers their  lives and their 
properties [in exchange] for that they will have  Paradise.” 

When Umm Ibraahim was greeting her son she told  him: “Be careful and don’t 
allow any shortcomings from yourself to be seen by  Allah” She them embraced 
him and kissed him and said: “May Allah never bring us  together except on the 
Day of Judgment!” 

'AbdulWaahid said: “When we  reached the enemy’s territory and people were 
called to struggle. Ibrahim was in  the front and he killed many of the enemy 
but then they overwhelmed him and  killed him. On our way back I told my 
soldiers not to tell Umm Ibrahim that her  son was killed until I tell her. 
When we entered al Basra she met me and said:  'Did Allah accept my gift so I 
can celebrate or was it rejected so I should  cry?' I said: 'Allah did accept 
your gift and your son is as a Shaheed.' She  then prostrated to thank Allah 
and said: 'Thank you Allah for accepting my gift'  The following day she came 
to me in the mosque and said: 'Rejoice!' I said:  'What good news do you have?' 
She said: 'I saw my son Ibrahim last night in a  dream. He was in a beautiful 
garden dressed in green clothes, sitting on a  throne made of pearl and he had 
a crown on his head. He told me: 'Rejoice my  mother! I got married to my 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Dealing With Trials

2007-07-31 Thread Curtis Sharif
 Dealing With TrialsPosted by:  "looney 
ayub572004 Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:49 pm
(PST)   Dealing With Trials
 The Prophet (pbuh - peace be upon him) suffered many kinds of trials for the 
sake of Allah and conveying the message of Islam to mankind. A reflective 
reading of the seerah (biography of the Prophet) would enable us to see how the 
Prophet overcame and transcended various circumstances and marched to glory and 
success. Such an exercise would be highly insightful and illuminating for us in 
our own predicament today. Following are a few points that we can readily 
discern from the seerah:
 1. The Prophet (pbuh) always had a tremendous reservoir of spiritual energy to 
draw upon. We find him turning to Allah in the darkest moments of his life when 
all that he could see around him was rejection and mocking. When he was being 
chased out of Ta'if by hooligans and children, who pelted him with stones and 
ridiculed him, he did not feel weakened or disempowered, rather he sought 
solace and strength in Allah by opening his heart before Him through a fervent 
 2. The Prophet (pbuh) was always optimistic and positive in his mindset. He 
always looked at every setback or trial as an opportunity. He never failed to 
see the light at the end of the tunnel. His mind was always focused on the end 
of his journey. While he was facing persecution and ridicule in Makkah, he said 
"I will continue the struggle until a woman can travel all by herself all the 
way from 
 San`a' to Hadramawt without any fear of molestation! " 
 3. The Prophet (pbuh) consistently cultivated the habit of [demonstrating] 
shukr (gratitude) and sabr (patience and perseverance) . Through gratitude we 
come to appreciate Allah's blessings, while through perseverance, we learn to 
preserve patience. Allah exposes us to trials not to destroy us but only to 
help us grow. 
 4. The Prophet (pbuh) was ever willing to surrender Himself to the Lord. He 
strove to achieve his goals as humanly as possible and hoped his efforts would 
bear fruit, yet if they didn't turn out the way he had expected, he never 
complained or fretted over it, rather he accepted the inevitable will of Allah 
with full grace and serenity. 
 5. The Prophet (pbuh) looked at every trial he faced in life as an empowering 
experience. Thus, when the Muslims suffered defeat at Uhud, he used it to learn 
the lesson of better discipline. Likewise, he looked at the initial setback at 
Hunayn as a lesson in humility so that he [and we who follow him] never get 
carried away by our might or large numbers, forgetting about spiritual and 
moral strength.roups

Bismillah, FYI 
Peace,Curtis Sharif
Houston, Texas

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Did ISLAM Spread by Force & Terror? - Ahmed Deedat

2007-07-31 Thread Ahumanb
Did ISLAM Spread by Force & Terror? - Ahmed Deedat


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Update on Oprah's trip to Israel

2007-07-31 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
Update on Oprah's trip to "Israel".
  These links come up through a simple yahoo search using the key words Oprah 
Israel but they give a good update.
  Background story

  BOYCOTT Chapters/Indigo and Israeli 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Must Read: American Muslim charity leaders on trial

2007-07-31 Thread Adel Elsaie
Muslim charity leaders on trial for allegedly aiding terrorists
  Please read the full story in 
  also read : 
  1.) North Texas Muslims say Holy Land case is political
  2.) Holy Land terror finance case heading to court
  By DAVID KOENIG Associated Press Writer 
© 2007 The Associated Press 

  DALLAS — One of the most prominent anti-terror prosecutions of the past 
decade opened Monday as government lawyers and those representing leaders of a 
Muslim charity began quizzing potential jurors.
  The men on trial in federal district court aren't accused of being 
terrorists. Rather, they are charged with funneling millions of dollars to the 
militant group Hamas, which allegedly used some of the money to support the 
families of suicide bombers in the Middle East.
  Although the FBI investigated the men and the charity in the 1990s, the Bush 
administration raised the profile of the case since Sept. 11. President Bush 
announced the seizure of the charity's assets in a Rose Garden news conference 
three months later, in December 2001.
  Defense lawyers say the men and the charity, the Holy Land Foundation for 
Relief and Development, helped build hospitals and schools for Palestinians 
living under Israeli occupation but are not connected to Hamas.
  The defendants and their supporters claim the prosecution is based on 
anti-Arab bias.
  The trial before District Judge A. Joe Fish is expected to last several 
months. Prosecutors and defense lawyers are expected to lay out the case in 
opening statements next Monday.
  Just picking a jury is expected to take all this week. Lead prosecutor James 
T. Jacks asked Fish to drop a family counselor after she hedged about following 
the judge's instructions on the law. The judge said he would rule later.
  The defendants, all dressed in business suits, sat at tables arranged in a 
U-formation. Before the session started, they exchanged smiles and glanced 
occasionally at family members in the back row of the small courtroom.
  The defendants named in a 42-count indictment in 2004 are Holy Land, which 
federal authorities raided and shut down in December 2001; Shukri Abu Baker, 
the charity's president; Ghassan Elashi, its chairman; Abdulrahman Odeh; 
Mohammad El-Mezain; and Mufid Abdulqader. Two other men named in the indictment 
remain fugitives.
  The charges include supporting a foreign terrorist group, money laundering, 
conspiracy and filing false tax returns.
  According to the indictment, Holy Land raised more than $57 million from 1992 
to 2001 and sent about $36 million to individuals and groups tied to Hamas, 
including $12.4 million after President Clinton designated Hamas a terrorist 
group in 1995, which made contact with the group illegal.
  Elashi is in federal prison near Dallas on other convictions, including 
financial dealings with a top Hamas official. Baker, Odeh, El-Mezain and 
Abdulqader have been free while preparing for the trial, according to a 
prosecution spokeswoman.
  In a court filing in May that spelled out much of their case, prosecutors 
said Holy Land was sometimes called "The Fund" and was "an integral part of the 
Hamas social infrastructure." They said the organization was created "to 
support the Hamas agenda," which includes suicide bombings and other terrorist 
  Prosecutors said documents seized in 2004 from the Virginia home of an 
unindicted co-conspirator showed that Elashi, Baker and El-Mezain were part of 
a committee coordinating support for Hamas in the United States. Prosecutors 
said the FBI monitored the committee's actions, including meetings to discuss 
raising money for Hamas.
  The investigation into Holy Land lasted more than a decade and included 
surveillance and wiretaps. Prosecution witnesses expected to testify include a 
retired Israeli Army colonel, a former Treasury Department official and expert 
on terrorism financing, and an unnamed person to discuss the structure of Hamas.
  Prosecutors indicated their evidence will include U.S. and foreign bank 
records, intercepted phone calls and faxes, and records seized by Israeli 
forces during military operations in the occupied West Bank.
  Defense attorneys said they will argue that most of the case against their 
clients is hearsay and flawed. They seized on summaries of FBI-wiretapped 
conversations that claimed Holy Land officials made anti-Semitic slurs. But the 
comments weren't found in the unabridged 13-page transcript.
  The defense plans to call its own experts, including scholars who have 
studied the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Prosecutors charged that defense 
lawyers are hoping to influence jurors with inflammatory testimony about 
Israel's operations against Palestinians.
  The political overtones of the case run deep.
  Parvez Ahmed, chairman of the Washington-based Council on America

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] From Atheism to Islam

2007-07-31 Thread Ahumanb
>From Atheism to Islam 

Abdullah Adiyar, India

For one who was an arch atheist, with a communist activist for a father, who 
could not accept Islam, knowing that it 'required one to be strictly 
disciplined', Abdullah Adiyar, the celebrated South Indian poet, playwright, 
orator and journalist of the Tamil-speaking world had come a long way when he 
breathed his last on 19 September. After almost a lifetime of achievements 
which would be the envy of most people, Adiyar made a name for himself 
throughout India, and across the seas, as a fervent champion of Islam, even 
before he himself had become a Muslim. 
Abdullah Adiyar's commitment to promoting Islam, 'the religion of 
salvation', was as strong as his belief that it is Allah alone who gives hidaya 
(guidance) to people, and it is not for him 'to convert.' He ran the Islamic 
Dawah Centre in Madras and was engaged in an Islamic project for satellite 
television for the 60 million strong Tamil viewers. He was a popular speaker on 
Islam not only in the towns and cities of Tamil Nadu but also abroad; he was 
invited to speak on the life of the Prophet by the Tamil Muslims of Britain. He 
also visited Sri Lanka and Singapore which have a large Tamil speaking 
population. He produced audio as well as video cassettes to teach Islam. 
His devotion to da'wah remained undiminished despite a stroke last 
year; he could not speak or write much, but he was present at most Islamic 
gatherings, and never lost contact with Islamic da'wah work. His funeral prayer 
on Friday, 20 September, 1996 at Jami' Masjid in Kodambakim and burial followed 
by a memorial gathering bore testimony to the niche he had found among Muslims 
and non-Muslims alike. 
Already an author of 120 novels, 13 plays and 13 books, editor of the 
daily Murasoli, (for 17 years) mouthpiece of Dravidian Munnetra Kazagham, the 
Tamil regional nationalist party, Adiyar had his introduction to Islam during 
the darkest days of his life, thanks to his wife Thayammal, a Christian then. 
The state of emergency declared by prime minister Mrs Indira Gandhi in 1975 was 
a nightmare for politicians and opinion makers throughout India; under the 
Maintenance of Internal Security Act, DMK workers in Tamil Nadu were flung into 
prison, Adiyar included. He was imprisoned and tortured, with lasting injuries 
to his stomach. In the bowels of despair and pain, the spark of Islam touched 
his soul. His wife's Bible, to quote his words, "did not provide me the answer. 
The atheist in me was looking for answers to questions like 'Why death? What is 
the reason for creation?'" But it spurred him to search for answers for his 
tortured soul which he eventually found in his study of the life of Prophet 
Muhammad, and the Qur'an. He read Yusuf Ali's English translation, making notes 
which inspired him to write a series of 17 articles entitled: Nan Kadilikkum 
Islam (The Islam I love), also published in a book under the same title, Nan 
Kadilikkum Islam. 
On his release in 1977 he started a journal Neerottam, in which he 
published his reflections on Islam. Without any patronage, the magazine did not 
last long, but the publication of those articles in a book Nan Kadilikkum Islam 
proved an instant success. The second edition was also snapped up. Translations 
quickly followed in many languages such as Malayalam, Telagu, Marathi, Hindi 
and Urdu. 
The Urdu edition of The Islam I love led to a Sindhi edition in Pakistan in 
1983, thanks to the late President Ziaul Haque. Idarai Majlise Adab, the 
publishers, invited Adiyar to Pakistan. He attended the Shah Abdul-Latif 
Bhittai Conference in Sukkur, where Ziaul Haque welcomed him as the guest of 
honour at the launching of the Sindhi edition by Sindhi Adab Melo. Adiyar 
visited Lahore and Karachi and was treated with such respect that he fondly 
recalled: `I was honoured as if I was the minister of a foreign state.' 
Another magazine, Tangagurodun, was no more successful, but his 
publishing house, Neerottam Publications, he did not abandon. He published 12 
books on Islam, some in refutation of critics; some of the titles were From 
prison to the Mosque, One God or many?, Islam Calls. 
The one publication that had an indelible impression on so many was The 
Islam I love. Its impact on one reader, a zamindar (landowning aristocrat) in 
faraway Uttar Pradesh, was like a ricocheting bullet that first got the man in 
northern India than the unaware author in the south. His burning desire to meet 
Adiyar brought him to Madras in 1987 to proclaim: "I accepted Islam after 
reading your book." He was aghast when he saw, as the author himself admitted, 
"found me sunk in my chair with cigarette pressed between the fingers and an 
open whisky bottle On the table." 
The Zamindar's bursting out in tears at the sight of him touched 
Adiyar's conscience. After a sleepless ni

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Jahil terrorists

2007-07-31 Thread brother_farrukh
Peace be upon you,

Recent times have brought what appears to be a new generation of
terrorists. Individuals who choose to kill, or at the very least,
cause harm, indiscriminately, to anyone, almost anywhere; all in the
name of achieving the objectives of an ideology, Islam; which to me,
they have very little understanding of.

The phrase `Islamic terrorists' is an oxymoron, for Islam and
terrorism are not compatible. The period before Islam is commonly
referred to as jahiliyya, a period of ignorance.  As Muslims we should
take pride in our faith and protect it from the harm of these confused
jahils (people ignorant of the teachings of Islam). Thus I propose
that we as Muslims, when referring to these terrorists refer to them
as Jahil 'Terrorists'

When the jahil terrorists drove into Glasgow airport on June 30th 2007
they did so with the ill intention of causing great harm to the
people, people of all faiths, including Muslims. The suicide note of
the two terrorists indicated that they planned to explode the vehicle
while still inside. It is only by the Mercy of God, that their main
bomb failed to explode and that just a handful of people were treated
for minor injuries; in fact it was one of the terrorists who sustained
the greatest injury, catching on fire.

The day before, June 29th, two car bombs were discovered in London,
both also failing to explode. One of the vehicles had 60 liters of
petrol, gas cylinders and nails and would have caused significant
injury. The last nail bomb in London by David Copeland a member of a
British neo-Nazi socialist movement killed three people injuring 129.
 Had either of these car bombs exploded the injury caused would have
been significantly worse.

With the memory of the July 7th bombing fresh on our minds, seven
'jahil wannabe terrorist' men were jailed on June 15th 2007 for
plotting terrorist attacks on the London underground. What is wrong
with these people?!?

The most disheartening factor in all of these recent bombings or
attempted bombings is the claim that these people are Muslims, and
that somehow their ideology can be associated with Islam. On the
contrary, I propose that these people are not proper Muslims, and
these people can have no association with Islam. Allow me to explain.

Allah Almighty says that the person who kills another unjustly, it is
as if he has killed all of humanity [s5: v32] and Allah Almighty warns
us not to take the life of a person, life which Allah has made sacred,
unless it is for justice or a legal case in law [s6: v151].

Throughout the Quran, throughout the life of Prophet Muhammad, so much
stress is placed on the value and sanctity of life, to protect people
from harm, to act justly, that the only way a person can not know or
understand this is if the individual is unfamiliar with the Quran and
the life of Prophet Muhammad. Such people have no right to suggest
that they `represent' Islam.

Prophet Muhammad said that people should not cause harm and there is
no reciprocation to harm. [Ibn Majah] Which part of this statement is
difficult to understand?

Prophet Muhammad also said that every Prophet before him had
companions who obeyed and followed their commands, but later, came
people who did not practice what they were commanded to. The person
who strives against these people (who have corrupted the meaning of
faith), with their tongue (by speaking out against them) is a
believer, and with his heart (by feeling in their heart that what they
are doing is wrong) is a believer; but the person who does not correct
their abuse of faith, it is as if they do not even have a mustard seed
of faith in their heart. [Sahih Muslim #81]

And the Prophet Muhammad said that Allah is good and therefore, Allah
will only accept that which is good. [Sahih Muslim #2214]

I simply cannot understand how or why these jahil terrorists do what
they do when they claim to follow Islam, but I have found a saying of
the Prophet which may explain their condition.

Prophet Muhammad said `The one who commits an illegal sexual
intercourse is not a believer at the time of committing illegal sexual
intercourse, and a thief is not a believer at the time of committing
theft, and a drinker of alcoholic drinks is not a believer at the time
of drinking; but the option to repent is open to him after he commits
the sin'. [Sahih of Bukhari 8/108]

So as well as being jahils, the person who commits a terrorist attack,
despite having the belief that there is only 1 God, the core of
Islam,; when that person commits an atrocity, they are not in fact
Muslims; they have become disbelievers. Their disbelief is not just at
the time of the actual terrorist attack, but throughout the entire
time they sit, plot and plan these terrorist attacks. 

Ignorant and disbelievers, what a fitting description.

In the Quran, Allah Almighty refers many times to the punishment of
hell, one verse reads, "Those who reject Our Signs We shall soon cast
into the fire: as often as their skins are r

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Silent Surge in Contractor 'Armies' in Iraq

2007-07-31 Thread Alan Border
Silent Surge in Contractor 'Armies'
  By Brad Knickerbocker 
  Wed Jul 18, 4:00 AM ET
  There are two coalition armies in Iraq: the official one, which fights the 
war, and the private one, which supports it. This latter group of civilians 
drives dangerous truck convoys, cooks soldiers' meals, and guards facilities 
and important officials. They rival in size the US military force there, and 
thousands have become casualties of the conflict. If this experience is any 
indication, they may change the makeup of US military forces in future wars.
  Having civilians working in war zones is as old as war itself. But starting 
with US military action in the Balkans and Colombia in the mid-1990s and 
accelerating rapidly in Afghanistan and Iraq, the number and activity of 
contractors has greatly increased. Coming from dozens of countries, hired by 
hundreds of companies, contractors have seen their numbers rise faster than the 
Pentagon's ability to track them. Now, the challenges of this privatization 
strategy are becoming clear.
  Everything from who controls their activities to who cares for them when 
wounded remains unresolved, say experts in and out of the military. This has 
led to protests from families in the United States as well as concerns in 
military ranks about how contractors fit into the chain of command. "This is a 
very murky legal space, and simply put we haven't dealt with the fundamental 
issues," says Peter Singer, a foreign policy specialist at the Brookings 
Institution in Washington. "What is their specific role, what is their specific 
status, and what is the system of accountability? We've sort of dodged these 
  As the inevitable drawdown of US military forces in Iraq occurs, the 
importance of civilian workers there is likely to grow. "In my view, the role 
of contractors is just going to continue to escalate, probably at an 
ever-increasing rate," says Deborah Avant, a political scientist at the 
University of California, Irvine, whose research has focused on civil-military 
  For example, the new US Embassy now being completed in Baghdad – 21 buildings 
on 104 acres, an area six times larger than the United Nations complex in New 
York – is likely to be a permanent fixture needing hundreds if not thousands of 
civilian contractors to maintain it and provide services.
  In Iraq, up to 180,000 Contractors
  Estimates of the number of private security personnel and other civilian 
contractors in Iraq today range from 126,000 to 180,000 – nearly as many, if 
not more than, the number of Americans in uniform there. Most are not 
Americans. They come from Fiji, Brazil, Scotland, Croatia, Hungary, New 
Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Australia, and other countries.
  "A very large part of the total force is not in uniform," Scott Horton, who 
teaches the law of armed conflict at Columbia University School of Law, said in 
congressional testimony last month. In World War II and the Korean War, 
contractors amounted to 3 to 5 percent of the total force deployed. Through the 
Vietnam War and the first Gulf War, the percentage grew to roughly 10 percent, 
he notes. "But in the current conflict, the number appears to be climbing 
steadily closer to parity" with military personnel. "This represents an 
extremely radical transformation in the force configuration," he says.
  Until recently, there has been little oversight of civilian contractors 
operating in Iraq. The Defense Department is not adequately keeping track of 
contractors – where they are or even how many there are, the Government 
Accountability Office concluded in a report last December. This is especially 
true as military units rotate in and out of the war zone (as do contractors) 
and institutional memory is lost.
  This lack of accountability has begun to change with a Democrat-controlled 
Congress. As part of the 2007 National Defense Authorization Act passed last 
year, Congress now requires that civilian contractors who break the law – hurt 
or kill civilians, for example – come under the legal authority of the Uniform 
Code of Military Justice. So far, however, the Pentagon has not issued guidance 
to field commanders on how to do this.
  Proposed bills in the House and Senate would require "transparency and 
accountability in military and security contracting." For example, companies 
would be required to provide information on the hiring and training of civilian 
workers, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would have to issue 
rules of engagement regarding the circumstances under which contractors could 
use force.
  Senior commanders acknowledge the value of contractors, especially those that 
are armed and ready to fight if attacked. At his Senate confirmation hearing in 
January, Army Gen. David Petraeus, commander of the multinational force in 
Iraq, said that the "