Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fw: Who is the Threat: Iran Or US?’

2007-08-05 Thread S A Hannan

Who is the Threat: Iran Or US?’

News agencies  have reported that the US Secretary of State 
Condoleezza Rice has warned that Iran poses the biggest threat to US Middle 
East interests, as she begins a major regional tour. Rice and US Defence 
Secretary Robert Gates are meeting Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Arab 
ministers at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

The meeting comes after Washington confirmed plans for a massive 
arms deal for the region. The tour is aimed at uniting US allies against Iran, 
Syria and Hezbollah. Rice denied Iranian claims that US policies were spreading 
fear in the Middle East. Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali 
Hosseini had accused the US of tarnishing good relations between countries of 
the region. . We will have a chance to talk about what initiatives we might 
undertake with our friends and allies in the security and political areas, 
Rice said. We are very concerned to be able to provide for the security of our 
long-standing allies in the region. The United States revealed new military 
pacts worth 20 billion dollars (14.6 billion euros) for Saudi Arabia, 13 
billion dollars for Egypt and 30 billion for Israel in a bid to counter Iran.

We do not understand any good reason for all these sales of arms of 
very high amounts. Al these sales for economic interest of US . There is no 
need for further arms in Israel which is already heavily armed and is a 
undisclosed nuclear power. Egypt and Saudi Arabia also do not require arm and 
there is no threat to them except Israel in the long run.Wht this selling of 
arms to both sides, in the end it imay be directed against Iran for US 
hegemonic interest. Moreover these arms are not free, these will have to be 
purchased .This money  is more required for the development of their economy, 
this is particularly the case for Egypt.

We do not find any evidence that Iran is a threat to the Us. It is 
the other way round. Us is the threat to Iran, everyday US issues warning and 
threats of various sorts against Iran. We hope that all conscientious people 
and governments take note of it.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Is a nikah between an ithna ashari (jafri shia) women and a sunni man valid?

2007-08-05 Thread Saba Khan
   Is a nikah between a ithna ashari (jafri shia)
women and a sunni man valid/ recognised and if any
children born from that marriage are they halaal
children. If so, please provide referances as i have
heard that they (ithna ashari)  are ahle kitab and
therefore such marriages are valid however how are
they ahle kitab when they believe that the quran has
40 chapters as opposed to 30.  
   In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh 

There are many sects of Shiism and each sect has a
different set of beliefs, therefore not all Shias can
be classified as non-believers.  If the Shia does not
believe in completeness of the Qur’an, chastity of
Aisha (Radhiyallahu Anha), Imaan of the Sahaba
(Radhiyallahu Anhum), etc., then he is out of the fold
of Islam and is a disbeliever.  The Ithna Ashariya
sect holds these views, as a result they will not be
considered to be Muslims.  Nikah between such Shias
and a Muslim is not valid, regardless if the Shia is a
male or female.It is incorrect to believe that
Shias are from the Ahle Kitab.  Ahle Kitab are those
who believed in a former book that was reviled to a
prophet before Nabi (Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã) namely the
Christians and the Jews.

Therefore the nikah is not valid and the children born
from such marriage their lineage will not be connected
with their fathers.

Fatawa Uthmani (1:108)
Ahsan al-Fatawa (1:75)
Khair al-Fatawa (1:389)

And Allah knows best


Ml. Ehzaz Ajmeri,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain 's National Khilafah Conference in London on 04-08-2007

2007-08-05 Thread Alan Border
Usually When People Are Sad They Don't Do Anything. They Just Cry Over Their 
Condition. But When They Get Angry, They Bring About Change. - Malcolm X
  Thousands to attend Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain 's National Khilafah (Caliphate) 
Conference in London
  London, UK , July 30 2007 – Thousands of delegates will attend Hizb ut-Tahrir 
Britain 's national Khilafah (caliphate) conference at Alexandra Palace in 
London on Saturday 4th August 2007. The conference is part of a month of global 
activities to revive the Caliphate system of government in the Muslim world. 
During the Islamic calendar month of Rajab, Hizb ut-Tahrir is holding 
activities across the globe to raise awareness for the Caliphate, explore the 
challenges faced by the Muslim world in the pursuit of unity and present the 
Caliphate as a solution to the global problems the world faces. These 
activities will culminate in the largest ever Khilafah conference in history on 
August 12th 2007 when 100,000 delegates attend a conference at the Gelora Bung 
Karno Stadium in Jakarta , Indonesia
Dr Imran Waheed, media representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, said, Our 
message to the Muslim community in Britain is aimed to reinforce the massive 
popularity for this political institution in the Muslim world, and to 
illustrate how we, whilst based so far away, can contribute to the debates 
currently raging about governance in the Muslim world. Islam through the 
restoration of the Caliphate in the Muslim world, far from being a cause of 
world chaos, today stands as the one solution that can bring stability and 
justice to the world.
Given the current climate of suspicion and fear we feel that now more than 
ever people need to try to understand these legitimate political aspirations 
for the Muslim world, rather than simply falling for the reductionist Manichean 
arguments that paints everyone who seeks Islamic change in the Muslim world as 
extremists or supporters of terrorism.
The conference will commence at 11 a.m. on Saturday 4th August 2007 and will 
end at 7.p.m. The venue is Alexandra Palace , Alexandra Palace Way, Wood Green, 
London , N22 7AY .
Notes to Editors:
1. Press accreditation is necessary and requests for press accreditation 
should be made via email to  ' );  document.write( addy61665 );  
document.write( '' );  //--  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2. Interviews can be conducted in English, Arabic or Urdu.
3. The full programme for the conference is available on our website.
For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account. (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Iraqis on the Run - Thanks to the CRUSADER

2007-08-05 Thread Alan Border
Iraq War – LIE NO. 1
  “There Were a Lot of People, Both Republicans  Democrats, Who Felt There 
Were WMDs. Many of the Leaders in the Congress Spoke Strongly About the Fact 
that Saddam Hussein had Weapons Prior to My Arrival in Washington, DC. And 
We're All Looking at the SAME Intelligence. So I Strongly Reject that this 
Administration hasn't Been Straight With the American people.“ – GWB
  Iraqis on the Run
  Contributed by Tom   
  Sunday, 04 February 2007
  One of the World's Great Man-Made Disasters is Taking Place
  By Patrick Cockburn
  Iraq is experiencing the biggest exodus in the Middle East since Palestinians 
were forced to flee in 1948 upon the creation of Israel. We were forced to 
leave our house six months ago and since then we have moved more than eight 
times, said Abu Mustafa, a 56-year-old man from Baghdad. Sectarian violence 
has now even reached the displacement camps but we are tired of running away. 
Sometimes I have asked myself if it is not better to die than to live like a 
Bedouin all my life.
  02/04/07 CounterPunch -- -- Iraqis are on the run inside and outside the 
country. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees said 50,000 Iraqis a 
month are abandoning their homes. Stephanie Jaquemet, regional representative 
of the UNHCR, said that two million Iraqis have fled abroad and another 1.5-2 
million are displaced within the country - many of them from before the fall of 
Saddam Hussein.
  They flee because they fear for their lives. Some 3,000 Iraqis are being 
killed every month according to the UN. Most come from Baghdad and the centre 
of the country, but all of Iraq outside the three Kurdish provinces in the 
north is extremely violent. A detailed survey by the International Organisation 
for Migration on displacement within Iraq said that most people move after 
direct threats to their lives: These threats take the form of abductions; 
assassinations of individuals or their families.
  There are fewer mixed areas left in Iraq. In Baghdad, militias now feel free 
to use mortars to bombard each other knowing that they will not hit members of 
their own community. Shia and Sunni both regard themselves as victims 
responding to provocation. The most common destinations are Jordan and Syria 
which have taken 1.6 million people. At first it was the better-off who fled, 
including half of Iraq's 34,000 doctors. Now it is the poor who are arriving in 
Amman and Damascus with little means of surviving.
  Only Syria has formally recognised a need for temporary protection for 
Iraqis. Others, including the US and UK, are loath to admit that one of the 
world's great man-made disasters is taking place. The UNHCR thinks every Iraqi 
should qualify as a refugee because of the extraordinary level of violence in 
the country. This is the fastest-growing refugee crisis in the world, Kenneth 
Bacon, president of Refugees International told the US Senate Judiciary 
  Some do not run fast enough. Ali, a Shia businessman who also had a job with 
the government, was slow to abandon his fine house in a Sunni part of west 
Baghdad. One day he was picked up by a gang, whipped and only released when he 
had handed over all his money. The kidnappers told me to leave the country, 
he said.
  But not all succeed in getting out of the country. The land routes to Jordan 
and Syria run through Sunni territory. Shia trying to reach safety have been 
taken from their vehicles to be shot by the side of the road. But Shia can move 
to safety in south Iraq and therefore make up the bulk of the internally 
  For Sunni there is no real place of safety in Iraq. In Baghdad they are being 
squeezed into smaller and smaller areas. Cities like Ramadi and Fallujah are 
partly ruined and very dangerous. Mohammed Sahib Ali, 48, a government 
employee, was forced out of the al-Hurriyah area by Shia militiamen. A Sunni, 
he took refuge in a school in Salah ad-Din province. We are dying here, said 
Ali. Not enough food, not enough medicines. I can't go to work and my three 
sons can't attend their classes. We don't know what to do.
  Patrick Cockburn is the author of 'The Occupation: War, resistance and daily 
life in Iraq', a finalist for the National Book Critics' Circle Award for best 
non-fiction book of 2006.
For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account. (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] If a woman travels alone more than 52 miles (the distance at which NAMAZ is KASAR

2007-08-05 Thread Saba Khan
   Q1.   Does a woman travel alone more than 52 miles
(the distance at which NAMAZ is KASAR)? In other words
does a woman travel with other passengers like in bus
or train but without any MEHRAM?
   In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh 

Although it is prohibited for her to travel alone
without a mehram, if she does travel alone she should
make qasar of her namaazes.

And Allah knows best 


Mufti M. Kadwa
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah 



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Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The myth of the holy cow - by Dwijendra Narayan Jha

2007-08-05 Thread Muveen
Dear Mr. Raihan,

Could u send me the more proof like this :


*Lord Indra used to eat beef*

Men with the stone press out for thee, O Indra, strong, gladdening Soma,
and thereof thou drinkest. Bulls they dress for thee, and of these thou
eatest when, Maghavan, with food thou art invited. [Rig-Veda 10:28:3]

[Indra:] Fifteen in number, then, for me a score of bullocks they prepare,
And I devour the fat thereof: they fill my belly full with food. Supreme is
Indra over all. [Rig-Veda 10:86:14]

*Lord Rama used to eat meat *

Lord Rama laments to his mom (Kausalya) that he is going to be exiled from
the palace at Ayodhya into the forest for fourteen years, and he explains
how he will be missing eating meat as he is so accustomed to at the palace:

[Rama:] I must to lonely wilds repair, abstain from flesh, and living there
on roots, fruit, honey, hermit's food, pass twice seven years (14 yrs.) in
solitude. To Bharat's hand the king will yield the regent power I thought to
wield, and me, a hermit, will he send my days in Dandak wood to
spend. [Ramayana 2:20]

Meat is indeed the best kind of food. [Satapatha Brahmana 11:7:1:3; cf.


On 7/11/07, Raihan Raihan wrote:

*The myth of the holy cow - by Dwijendra Narayan Jha*


 A book the government of India demands be ritually burned

 The growth of religious fundamentalism in India is symbolized by the
 existence of a BJP government committed to the Hindutva. There is growing
 pressure to declare the cow a sacred, national animal and to ban its
 slaughter. This illuminating work is a response to this crazed
 confessionalism. It challenges obscurantist views on the sanctity of the cow
 in Hindu tradition and culture.

 Dwijendra Narayan Jha, a leading Indian historian, argues that beef played
 an important part in the cuisine of ancient India, long before the birth of
 Islam. It was very much a feature of the approved Brahmanical and Buddhist
 diet. The evidence he produces from a variety of religious and secular texts
 is compelling. His opponents, including the current government of India and
 the fundamentalist groups backing it, have demanded that the book should be
 ritually burned in public. It has already been banned by the Allahabad High
 Court and the author's life has been threatened.

  While cow veneration and vegetarianism may be the hallmarks of Hinduism
 today, Mr. Jha compiles copious evidence that this has hardly always been
 the case. — *New York Times*

 This book may not please Hindu fundamentalists, but its research is
 impeccable. — *The Telegraph,* Calcutta, India

 The pen migh still be, if not mightier than the nuclear arsenal, at least
 a weapon worth scanning for, like knives at airports, a weapon capable of
 subversion. — *Times Literary Supplement*

 Jha draws on an amazingly wide range of material … an enlightening
 endeavour, demonstrating a critical understanding of a popular
 misconception. — *Journal of Asian Studies*


 *Dwijendra Narayan Jha* is Professor of History at the University of
 Delhi. His books include *Ancient India in Historical Outline* and *Feudal
 Social Formation in Early India.*



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Salman Rushdie Case: An Islamic View

2007-08-05 Thread Ahumanb
The Salman Rushdie Case: An Islamic View

by Dr. Khalid Zaheer

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Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hibah boutique launch

2007-08-05 Thread tasnim_22
Brand new Boutique opening to cater for our muslim sisters. 
Come and join us on our launch weekend 11th- 12th August, from 10am 
till 8pm.

Our collection is made by traditional Indian and Middle Eastern 
craftsmanship containing intricate embroidery  Swarovski beads, 
producing high quality one-off Abayas, Sheila and Saris. Hibah also 
offers made to measure Thoubes and Oudh by Ajmal.

We are based in East London, enq: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Web address:

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] International News (I.N. Daily) August 4, 2007

2007-08-05 Thread International News
HYPERLINK http://indaily.netInternational News (I.N. Daily) August 4, 2007

HYPERLINK Israel Apartheid (To End The Occupation, To 
Make The Wall Fall)

English, Français, Español, عربي

Ø  HYPERLINK [Canadian PM] refuses to attend 
Medal of Honour ceremony “Attending the ceremony would insult Israel”

Future actions/ Action futur

Ø  HYPERLINK Thomas Mulcair Lundi le 6 
août 2007 De 17h à 19h/ Meet Thomas Mulcair Monday August 6th 2007 5 to 7 pm

Montreal, Toronto, Waterloo

Ø  HYPERLINK sur la guerre contre le 
terrorisme au Canada; Cinema du Parc Montreal 09-08-07



News / Nouvelle

Ø  HYPERLINK than 1,000 march to mark two 
years since Shfaram attack

Ø  HYPERLINK[100s] ‘Civilians dead’ in Nato air 

Ø  HYPERLINK Tikva schools refuse to accept 
80 Ethiopian immigrants

Ø  HYPERLINK seeks Arab front against Iran

Ø  HYPERLINK to Show an Improved Hand

Ø  HYPERLINK will embarrass Abbas, Hamas says

Ø  HYPERLINKرئيس مباحث المنصورة يعذب «نجاراً» حتي 
الموت ليرغم شقيقه علي تسليم نفسه

Ø  HYPERLINK reactor in Dimona is like a 
volcano that can erupt at any moment

Ø  HYPERLINK may build nuclear plant

Press Releas / Comunique de Presse

Ø  HYPERLINK Muslims and Arabs sent a 
letter to PM in regard to Omar Khadr’s Detention

Report / Raport

Ø  HYPERLINK One in seven joins human tide 
spilling into neighbouring countries

Ø  HYPERLINK A very private war

Ø  HYPERLINK letter to President Bush 
from Evangelical Leaders

Ø  HYPERLINK Weeks in the Occupied Territories; 
Report from the Land of Apartheid

Ø  HYPERLINK ‘mars Iraq rebuilding’

Ø  HYPERLINK of Iraq ‘in absolute poverty’



Ø  HYPERLINK withdrawal: Iraqi Resistance 
sends Danish Minister of “Defence” to the ground

Ø  HYPERLINK divided over Chemical Ali’s 

Ø  HYPERLINK Egyptians reading? And if so what 
they are reading?

Ø  HYPERLINK will always remember Nasser 
as one of them


Ø  HYPERLINK The Five Percent Solution

Ø  HYPERLINK for the proclamation of a bogus, 
puppet Palestinian ‘State’ with temporary borders

Ø  HYPERLINK Why Hasn’t Iran Started by Wiping 
Its Own Jews Off the Map?

Ø  HYPERLINK I am a Neo-Zionist

Ø  HYPERLINK vs. Iran: Cold War, Too

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Ø  HYPERLINKاقتصاد إسرائيل في عصر العولمة




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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The RAND Corporation and Fixing Islam - Daniel Pipes

2007-08-05 Thread Alan Border
Getting the Muslims to Establish the KHILAFAH. We Are Making Great PROGRESS in 
this Regard  Will Not Rest on Our Laurels Until We Can Proclaim to the World 
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. I Would Be Failing In My Duty If I Do Not Thank the 
SICKularists, the MUTTerates, the FROGressives,  the FOOLarists  the 
DEFORMists (SMUFFED) Within the Muslim Community For Their GREAT HELP in 
Assisting Us In Achieving This Our NOBLE MISSION.” – GWB
  [The RAND Corporation and] Fixing Islam  by Daniel Pipes
New York Sun
April 6, 2004
  The global war on terror cannot be won through counterterrorism alone; it 
also requires convincing the terrorists and their sympathizers that their goals 
and methods are faulty and failing. But how is this to be done?
  By focusing on the ideological and religious sources of the violence, say I: 
The immediate war goal must be to destroy militant Islam and the ultimate war 
goal the modernization of Islam. I have not worked out the detailed 
implications of this policy, however.
  Which explains my delight on finding that the RAND Corporation's Cheryl 
Benard has done just this, publishing her results in a small book titled Civil 
Democratic Islam: Partners, Resources, and Strategies (available in full at 
RAND's Web site).
  Ms. Benard recognizes the awesome ambition of the effort to modernize Islam: 
If nation-building is a daunting task, she notes, religion-building is 
immeasurably more perilous and complex. This is something never tried before; 
we enter uncharted territory here.
  Civil Democratic Islam covers three topics: rival Muslim approaches to Islam; 
which approach contributes most to a moderate version of Islam; and policy 
recommendations for Western governments.
  Like other analysts, Ms. Benard finds that in relation to their religion, 
Muslims divide into four groups:
  · Fundamentalists, who, in turn, split into two. Radicals (like the 
Taliban) are ready to resort to violence in an attempt to create a totalitarian 
order. Scripturalists (like the Saudi monarchy ) are more rooted in a religious 
establishment and less prone to rely on violence.
  · Traditionalists, who also split into two. Conservatives (like Grand 
Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in Iraq) seek to preserve orthodox norms and old 
fashioned behavior as best they can. Reformists (like the Kuwaiti rulers) have 
the same traditional goals but are more flexible in details and more innovative 
in achieving them.
  · Modernists (like Muammar Gadhafi of Libya) assume that Islam is 
compatible with modernity and then work backwards to prove this point.
  · Secularists again split into two. The mainstream (like Atatürkists 
in Turkey) respects religion as a private affair but permits it no role in the 
public arena. Radicals (like communists) see religion as bogus and reject it 
  The author brings these viewpoints to life in a smart, convincing 
presentation, showing their differences on everything from establishing the 
pure Islamic state to husbands having rights to beat their wives. She rightly 
dwells on values and lifestyles, finding dissimulation about polygamy far less 
commonplace than about the use of violence.
  Which of these groups is most suitable to ally with? Modernists, says Ms. 
Benard, are most congenial to the values and the spirit of modern democratic 
society. Fundamentalists are the enemy, for they oppose us and we oppose 
them. Traditionalists have potentially useful democratic elements but 
generally share too much with the fundamentalists to be relied upon. 
Secularists are too often anti-Western to fix Islam.
  Ms. Benard then proposes a strategy for religion-building with several prongs:
  · Delegitimize the immorality and hypocrisy of fundamentalists. 
Encourage investigative reporting into the corruption of their leaders. 
Criticize the flaws of traditionalism, especially its promoting backwardness.
  · Support the modernists first. Support secularists on a case-by-case 
basis. Back the traditionalists tactically against the fundamentalists. 
Consistently oppose the fundamentalists.
  · Assertively promote the values of Western democratic modernity. 
Encourage secular civic and cultural institutions. Focus on the next 
generation. Provide aid to states, groups, and individuals with the right 
  I agree with Ms. Benard's general approach, doubting only her enthusiasm for 
Muslim modernists, a group that through two centuries of effort has failed to 
help reconcile Islam with current realities. H.A.R. Gibb, the great 
orientalist, condemned modernist thinking in 1947 as mired in intellectual 
confusions and paralyzing romanticism. Writing in 1983, I dismissed modernism 
as a tired movement, locked in place by the unsoundness of its premises and 