Boycott Israel [IslamCity] EXPIRED VACCINES

 http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=18712sectionid=351020401
  US 'donated expired vaccines to Pakistan ' 
Tue, 07 Aug 2007 03:57:59 
Source: Agencies
  The US has donated expired vaccines to Pakistan .
  Reports that the United States has donated expired flu vaccines to Pakistan 
have sparked public outrage across the South Asian country. 

Millions of dollars worth of flu vaccines that Illinois State has donated to 
Pakistan has turned out to be all expired, according to a report. 

The US officials decided to get rid of the expired drugs by donating them to 
Pakistan , since they could not allow the drugs to be distributed in the US , 
the report reads. 

The Pakistani health officials destroyed the quarter-million doses of vaccine, 
worth $2.6 million, because the expiration date had passed, according to The 
Chicago Tribune. 

After all, human beings are equal. They are not guinea pigs. And vaccines, if 
they are not good in one country, they should be the same in another country, 
said Pakistan 's retired Lt. Gen. Farooq Ahmad Khan, who coordinated relief for 
the quake-stricken zones in Pakistan . 

The Illinois federal administration ordered the medication from European 
suppliers in 2004 during a nationwide shortage of flu vaccine, but the US 
government refused to let it into the country. 

Illinois Auditor General William Holland has said that the Illinois State 's 
move was an unlawful attempt to bypass regulators. 

The vaccine was refrigerated for months before Pakistan destroyed it in 
November 2006, according to documents released by Pakistani officials. 
Pakistani officials said they did not know the vaccine had expired when they 
agreed to accept it. 



Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Explanation of certain terms Alms, Sadaqah, Zakah, Mehr, Kalimah, Shahadah

2007-08-22 Thread Shahid Khan
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*Explanation of certain terms Alms, Sadaqah, Zakah, Mehr, Kalimah, Shahadah*

*Alms* is defined in the Oxford dictionary as charitable relief of the
poor, originally and especially as a religious duty. As such, it is
equivalent to the Islamic term sadaqah. However, sadaqah stresses the
voluntary option. In Arabic, the term sadaqah is derived from a root, which
means being true, or telling the truth. Thus, in its religious sense, the
term sadaqah adds the connotation of proving one's commitment to one's faith
and one's community by providing help to the poor to relieve their poverty.


*Zakah* is one of the major Islamic duties. It is indeed one of the five
duties the Prophet (peace be upon him) describes as the pillars upon which
the structure of Islam is built. Scholars describe it as an act of worship
that is financial in nature. It means the allocation of a certain
percentage of one's property, other than what one needs for his own and his
family's living. It is paid out annually, at the standard rate of
2.5percent, although certain types of property may have a higher rate.
In an
Islamic state, the government should establish a department or a ministry
that takes care of its administration, i.e. collection and distribution. The
contributors are Muslim men, women and children who own a certain threshold,
which is equal in value to 85 grams of gold over and above their living
needs. Its beneficiaries are eight groups defined in the Qur'an. These are:
the poor, the needy, the people working in zakah administration, those whose
hearts are to be won over, slaves, insolvent debtors, serving God's cause
and stranded travelers. The first four are given zakah money in their hands
and they become owners, free to spend it as they like. The other four define
a specific purpose for which zakah funds are used: setting a slave free,
repaying the debts of someone who is insolvent, buying a travel ticket for
someone stranded away from home. The category of serving God's cause
covers a wide range of activities that is dedicated to the purpose.


*Mehr*, or rather mahr, means the dowry a man pays to his prospective wife
at the time when the marriage contract is made. It becomes her property and
she has full control of it. It is a condition of marriage, but it can be as
little or as much as the two parties agree. From the Islamic point of view,
there is no virtue in asking for a large dowry. Therefore, it can be
symbolic. If a marriage contract is made with no dowry given or specified,
it remains a duty, which the wife can claim from her husband after their
marriage. She does not forfeit her right to it for the rest of her life.
They can still agree its amount. If they cannot agree, then a judge may
decide the matter on the basis of the average paid in the couples' community
for women in their social standard.


*Kalimah and shahadah* are often used as synonyms, although the second has
another meaning which I will explain presently. In their linguistic sense,
the first, kalimah, means 'word' or in this instance, 'the word', while the
second means witness or testimony. They refer to the first article of
faith, which is a declaration that one believes in God's oneness and in the
message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In Arabic, it is *Ashhadu
an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammad rasool Allah*, which
translates as I bear witness that there is no deity other than God, and I
bear witness that Muhammad is God's messenger. When a person makes this
declaration expressing his genuine belief, that person is a Muslim. Unless
he believes in both parts of the declaration.

*Shahadah* has another meaning, which is martyrdom for God's cause. When a
person is killed in defence of Islam, he is a martyr, or shaheed. A martyr
is rewarded with forgiveness of all his sins and admission into heaven.
Thus, it is a position to be aspired for.

Compiled from various sources.

*Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, to
post on** *

*Internet sites and to publish** in full text and subject title in
not-to-profit publications.** *

*  *

*Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is an interpretation of the
Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur'an in its original
Arabic form. ***
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Women as Housewives

2007-08-22 Thread Shahid Khan
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*Women as Housewives*

THE notion that Islam ties the woman down to a homemaker's role is
frequently heard as a reflection on the way things are, and this is why it
is worth discussing. But before going into the depth of the subject, we
should point out the presence of two kinds of rulings in Islam.

The first kind is the binding rules that necessitate a person to do
something or not to do it, and they are called the obligation and
prohibition rules.

The second consists of the rules that urge a person to do something but do
not compel him to do it; or exactly the opposite, wishing him not to do
something but at the same time do not prevent him from doing it. They are
called the preferable and the detested or the rules that allow a person the
possibility of choosing whether to do or not to do, and so they are called
the allowed.

Well, does Islam oblige a woman to be a housewife before and after marriage?
According to Islam, no one, whether father, mother, brother or any relative,
is authorized to legitimately oblige the woman to manage domestic work in
her parental house before marriage. So, housework is not imposed on women
just like neither the father nor the mother has the legitimate right to
oblige the boy to handle housework.

Yes, she can take on this charge if she willingly volunteers to, out of the
sense of responsibility towards the house that is taking care of her. And
when the girl becomes a wife, the fact that she manages the domestic work in
her house or does not, will also remain a voluntary matter that is up to her
to decide. The contract of marriage does not bind women, from a legal
aspect, to do housework, not even to rear her children and take care of
them, unless the two married people worked on including the performance of
these tasks in the marriage contract under special terms. But Islam does not
consider that women's housework as one of the marriage contract articles,
and it also does not require the women to carry out any kind of jobs outside
home to support her family or to contribute toward supporting it.  On the
basis of the marriage contract, a man can demand nothing from his wife but
the rights to the private marital relationship and all that is related to
it. Anything other than that, such as arranging the household affairs and
bringing up the children, would not be imposed on her. From this
perspective, we can approach the issue of women's work in the house as
women's finest contribution that completes men's finest contribution.

When Islam didn't force women to manage the household affairs, it offered
them the opportunity to participate in building the society they live in.
From an Islamic point of view, women are as responsible as men to help
people find their way to God and to guide society to the right path with all
the power they have. And as we have previously mentioned, women are also
charged to enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil, the thing that
represents the social practical surveillance against deviation in all the
domains of life; a role that might get to the level of revolt against
unjustness and deviation.

Compiled from various sources.

*Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, to
post on** *

*Internet sites and to publish** in full text and subject title in
not-to-profit publications.** *

*  *

*Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is an interpretation of the
Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur'an in its original
Arabic form. ***
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] (MAkkA )

2007-08-22 Thread muslimah muslimah
ASalam alikum brother and sisters 
  urdu may read kernay k liya  is per click karain .
  The water of Zamzam is water of great virtue which first sprang forth when 
Jibreel (peace be upon him) struck (the earth) with his wing (Saheeh 
al-Bukhaari, 3364). Allaah provided water for Ismaa’eel (peace be upon him) and 
his mother with it. The heart of the Prophet  (peace and blessings of Allaah be 
upon him) was washed with Zamzam water. Many saheeh ahaadeeth have been 
narrated concerning its virtues, such as: 
  The Prophet  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best 
water on the face of the earth is the water of Zamzam; it is a kind of food and 
a healing from sickness.” (Saheeh al-Jaami’, 3302). 
  It was reported that the Prophet  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 
drank it, did wudoo’ with it and poured it on his head. He used to carry Zamzam 
water in small vessels and large containers in order to pour it on the sick and 
give it to them to drink. (al-Silsilat al-Saheehah, 883). 
  One of the Sahaabah said: we used to call it al-Shabbaa’ah (satisfying) and 
it helped us to take care our families (i.e., it was filling and helped them to 
do without food, it was also sufficient to nourish children). (al-Silsilat 
al-Saheehah li’l-Albaani, 2685). 
  The Messenger of Allaah  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 
“The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is drunk for.” (Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 
3062; this is a hasan hadeeth. Scholars and righteous people have experienced 
this – they have drunk it with the intention of fulfilling some need such as 
healing from sickness or being freed from poverty and distress, and Allaah 
fulfilled these hopes). 
  Al-Masjid al-Haraam (the Sacred Mosque) is situated in Makkah, a city in the 
Arabian Peninsula 330 meters above sea-level. The history of the mosque goes 
back to its founding at the time of Ibraaheem (Abraham) and his son Ismaa’eel 
(Ishmael), peace be upon them both. Makkah is the place where the Prophet of 
Islam, Muhammad  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was born and where 
the Revelation began, and from which the light of Islam spread. Al-Masjid 
al-Haraam is located here. This is the first mosque that was built for people 
on earth, as Allaah says in the Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning): 
  “Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at 
Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for al-‘aalameen (mankind and 
jinns).” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:96].  
  It was reported in Saheeh Muslim that Abu Dharr said: “I asked the Messenger 
of Allaah  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about the first mosque 
to be built for people on earth. He said, ‘Al-Masjid al-Haraam.’ I asked, ‘Then 
which?’ He said, ‘Al-Masjid al-Aqsaa [The Furthest Mosque, in Jerusalem].’ I 
asked, ‘How long between them?’ He said, ‘Forty years.’” 
  The Ka’bah – which is the direction of prayer for all Muslims throughout the 
world – is situated roughly in the middle of al-Masjid al-Haraam. It is a 
15-meter high stone structure more or less in the shape of a cube. It was built 
by Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) on the command of Allaah. Allaah says 
(interpretation of the meaning): 
  “And (remember) when We showed Ibraaheem the site of the (Sacred) House (the 
Ka’bah at Makkah) (saying): ‘Associate not anything (in worship) with Me, and 
sanctify My House for those who circumambulate it, and those who bow and make 
prostration.” [al-Hajj 22:26] 
  The word “bawwa’naa” [translated here as “We showed”] means “He guided him 
and gave him permission to build it.” (Tafseer Ibn Katheer). 
  Allaah also says (interpretation of the meaning): 
  “And (remember) when Ibraaheem and (his son) Ismaa’eel were raising the 
foundations of the House (the Ka’bah at Makkah)…” [al-Baqarah 2:127] 
  Wahb ibn Munbih said: “… It was built by Ibraaheem, then [rebuilt] by the 
Amalekites, then by Jurham, then by Qusayy ibn Kilaab. Its rebuilding by 
Quraysh is well known… They began to rebuild it with the stones of the valley, 
which Quraysh carried on their shoulders, and they built it up, 20 cubits high… 
Between the rebuilding of the Ka’bah and the beginning of the Revelation there 
were five years, and between the rebuilding and the Hijrah there were fifteen 
years. ‘Abd al-Razzaaq reported from Mu’ammar from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Uthmaan 
from Abu’l-Tufayl, and from Mu’ammar from al-Zuhri: ‘They were building it and 
when they reached al-Rukn, Quraysh argued about which tribe should lift it up. 
Then they said, “Let us ask the first person who comes from this direction to 
judge between us.” They agreed on that, then the Messenger of Allaah  (peace 
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to them, and he was a young man 
wearing a spotted sash. They asked him to judge between
 them, and he told them to place al-Rukn on a piece of cloth, then he told the 
chief of every 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Qur’an could curse a person as that person is reading it

2007-08-22 Thread Shahid Khan
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*The Qur'an could curse a person as that person is reading it *

The Hadith says: It may be that someone recites the Qur'an while the Qur'an
is cursing him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is citing a case of a
person whose behaviour and dealings with people run contrary to the
teachings of the Qur'an. Suppose this person is doing injustice, wronging
his employees or his wife, yet he goes to the mosque for Fajr prayer and
sits after the prayer to read the Qur'an. He may read a verse like the one
ending with the sentence: God's curse is on the wrongdoers. *(11: 18)* As
he is engaged in wrongdoing, treating his wife or his employees unjustly, he
is actually inviting God's curse upon himself as he reads this verse. His
reading of the Qur'an is further evidence that condemns his action and
brings him nearer to God's punishment.

Compiled from various sources.

*Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, to
post on** *

*Internet sites and to publish** in full text and subject title in
not-to-profit publications.** *

*  *

*Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is an interpretation of the
Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur'an in its original
Arabic form. ***
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] CIA missed chances to tackle al-Qaida

2007-08-22 Thread ahmedsohail siddiqui
CIA missed chances to tackle al-Qaida By KATHERINE SHRADER, Associated 
Press Writer 54 minutes ago 

  WASHINGTON - The CIA's top leaders failed to use their available powers, 
never developed a comprehensive plan to stop al-Qaida and missed crucial 
opportunities to thwart two hijackers in the run-up to Sept. 11, the agency's 
own watchdog concluded in a bruising report released Tuesday.   
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  Completed in June 2005 and kept classified until now, the 19-page executive 
summary finds extensive fault with the actions of senior CIA leaders and others 
beneath them. The agency and its officers did not discharge their 
responsibilities in a satisfactory manner, the CIA inspector general found.
  They did not always work effectively and cooperatively, the report stated.
  Yet the review team led by Inspector General John Helgerson found neither a 
single point of failure nor a silver bullet that would have stopped the 
attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.
  In a statement, CIA Director Michael Hayden said the decision to release the 
report was not his choice or preference, but that he was making the report 
available as required by Congress in a law President Bush signed earlier this 
  I thought the release of this report would distract officers serving their 
country on the front lines of a global conflict, Hayden said. It will, at a 
minimum, consume time and attention revisiting ground that is already well 
  The report does cover terrain heavily examined by a congressional inquiry and 
the Sept. 11 Commission. However, the CIA watchdog's report goes further than 
previous reviews to examine the personal failings of individuals within the 
agency who led the pre-9/11 efforts against al-Qaida.
  Helgerson's team found that no CIA employees violated the law or were part of 
any misconduct. But it still called on then-CIA Director Porter Goss to form 
accountability boards to look at the performance of specific individuals to 
determine whether reprimands were called for.
  The inquiry boards were recommended for officials including former CIA 
Director George Tenet, who resigned in July 2004; his Deputy Director for 
Operations Jim Pavitt; Counterterrorism Center Chief Cofer Black and the 
agency's executive director, who was not further identified. Other less senior 
officials were also tagged for accountability reviews, but identifying 
information was removed from the report's public version.
  In a statement, Tenet said the inspector general is flat wrong about the 
lack of plan.
  There was in fact a robust plan, marked by extraordinary effort and 
dedication to fighting terrorism, dating back to long before 9/11, he said. 
Without such an effort, we would not have been able to give the president a 
plan on Sept. 15, 2001, that led to the routing of the Taliban, chasing 
al-Qaida from its Afghan sanctuary and combating terrorists across 92 
  In October 2005, Goss rejected the recommendation for the inquiry boards. He 
said he had spoken personally with the current employees named in the report, 
and he trusted their abilities and dedication. This report unveiled no 
mysteries, Goss said.
  Hayden stuck by Goss's decision.
  Providing a glimpse of a series of shortfalls laid out in the longer, 
still-classified report, the executive summary says:
  • U.S. spy agencies, which were overseen by Tenet, lacked a comprehensive 
strategic plan to counter Osama bin Laden prior to 9/11. The inspector general 
concluded that Tenet by virtue of his position, bears ultimate responsibility 
for the fact that no such strategic plan was ever created.
  • The CIA's analysis of al-Qaida before Sept. 2001 was lacking. No 
comprehensive report focusing on bin Laden was written after 1993, and no 
comprehensive report laying out the threats of 2001 was assembled. A number of 
important issues were covered insufficiently or not at all, the report found.
  • The CIA and the National Security Agency tussled over their 
responsibilities in dealing with al-Qaida well into 2001. Only Tenet's personal 
involvement could have led to a timely resolution, the report concluded.
  • The CIA station charged with monitoring bin Laden — code-named Alec Station 
— was overworked, lacked operational experience, expertise and training. The 
report recommended forming accountability boards for the CIA Counterterror 
Center chiefs from 1998 to 2001, including Black.   • Although 50 to 60 people 
read at least one CIA cable about two of the hijackers, the information wasn't 
shared with the proper offices and agencies. That so many individuals failed 
to act in this case reflects a systemic breakdown Basically, there was no 
coherent, functioning watch-listing program, the report said. The report again 
called for 

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Matrimonial help

2007-08-22 Thread J M
Asalamalaikum sis,
  Inshaallah the sisters will get perfect husbands.


Abida Rahmani



From:a Muslimah
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 10:15:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Matrimonial help

Assalamu alaikum dear brothers  sisters in Islaam

Some pakistani families based in Qatar are looking for suitable grooms for 
their daughters. if you know some good  religious pakistani families in Qatar, 
please do not hesitate to contact. more informations will be provided upon 
request. For now, i will just put the basic info here:

Sister 1:

30 years old, graduate, observing full Hijaab  niqaab, very religious minded, 
seeking a religious person, divorcee or separated [with/without children] may 
also contact. 

Sister 2:
22 years old, doing her BBA, moderate religious educated family. Very decent, 
simple  loving girl. family is long time resident of Qatar. 

Sister 3:
19 years old, doing her BBA, from an educated moderate religious family. 
teenager type qualities. 

contact directly  i shall give you their contact numbers  more informations.

wassalamu alaikum


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Indian uranium deal as good as NPT: Australia

2007-08-22 Thread ahmedsohail siddiqui
Indian uranium deal as good as NPT: Australia

by Staff Writers
Sydney (AFP) Aug 17, 2007
Prime Minister John Howard on Friday defended Australia's landmark deal to sell 
uranium to nuclear power India, saying its safeguards were as strong as the 
international anti-proliferation treaty.   The in-principle deal reached 
Thursday has been widely criticised, as India has not signed the 
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and has nuclear weapons.   India is involved in 
a long-running nuclear stand-off with neighbouring rival Pakistan, leading to 
fears the uranium could be used to make bombs.   With an election a few months 
away, Australia's opposition Labor party has vowed to scrap the deal if it is 
elected to government.   But Howard's government insisted it was both 
environmentally friendly and likely to bring India under more supervision by 
the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).   Safeguards in the deal 
would have the same effect as signing the NPT, which is meant to limit the 
spread of nuclear weapons, Howard said.   I can assure your listeners that the
 net effect of our safeguards agreement will be the same, Howard told national 
radio.   It's a different approach and India has not signed the nuclear 
non-proliferation treaty. But we believe that these arrangements will deliver 
effectively the same outcome.   There would be a bilateral safeguards 
agreement, and India would have to enter a similar agreement with the IAEA, 
Howard said.   And the sort of conditions that are going to be imposed on 
India are the same as the conditions that are being imposed on countries like 
China and Russia and I think also France, Howard said.   We've been selling 
uranium to France for many, many years, Howard said.   The NPT permits five 
countries, including China, Russia and France, to hold nuclear weapons.   
Howard said he would be writing to his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh to 
stress the conditions.   Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said the deal was 
environmentally friendly, as India was expected to see enormous growth in
 energy demand in the next few years.   It would also mean some of India's 
power plants would now come under UN supervision, he said, and would build up 
Australia's relationship with the emerging regional economic powerhouse.   
Downer said India did not have a record of proliferation, adding it was 
unrealistic to expect New Delhi to sign the non-proliferation treaty.   I 
would rather they did sign the treaty but you have to be realistic about this, 
if you read the treaty you can see why they won't sign it, the treaty says 
there shall only be five nuclear weapons states, he said.   India would have 
to abandon its nuclear arsenal first to sign it, he said.   Australia is a 
major producer of uranium, with some of the world's largest known deposits in 
South Australia state.   Community
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Reward for reading the Qur'aan in translation

2007-08-22 Thread Muhammad Abdul-Rahman

2589: Reward for reading the Qur'aan in translation 



This is in regards to Question 2237 `Reading Soorat Yaa-Seen in congregation on 
Friday nights'. Actually I am referring to the hadeeth you mentioned where The 
Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever reads one letter of the Book of 
Allaah will have one hasanah (reward) for doing so, and every hasanah will be 
multiplied by 10. I do not say that `Alif, laam, meem' is one letter, but 
`Alif' is a letter, `laam' is a letter and `meem' is a letter.' 
I was wonderring if this hadith was also true if one is reading the Qur'an in a 
different language (i.e. English Translation) in order to actually understand 
what he is reading? 

Thank You, Allahu-Akbar 


Praise be to Allaah. We ask Allaah to reward you for your keenness. In response 
to your question, the reward mentioned in this hadeeth is only for the one who 
reads the Qur'aan as it is in Arabic, not for the one who reads the 
interpretation of the meanings in any other language. However, if a person 
reads a translation of the meanings in order to understand the meaning and 
benefit from what the aayaat are saying, then he will be rewarded for doing 
this, and his reward is with Allaah, because the Muslim will be rewarded for 
reading tafseer (explanation and commentary), and a translation is tafseer. But 
there is no indication that the person who reads a translation will earn the 
reward mentioned in the hadeeth. The bounty of Allaah is immense. And Allaah 
knows best. 



{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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