Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Tribute to Grandmama

2007-08-28 Thread Curtis Sharif
This is a tribute to Wilma Nell Sprott Taft by her grandaughter Hana Sharif. 
Hana is a playwright and an Artistic Director at Hartford Theater in Hartford, 

This tribute was delivered during Wilma's Going Home ceremony, at Our Mother 
of Mercy Church in Beaumont, Texas, August 22, 2007.

Peace, Curtis Sharif
Houston, Texas

A Tribute to Grandmama

  My earliest memory in life is of my grandmother.  I was three years old and 
excited because I was going on a plane with my dad to spend the summer with my 
grandmother.  Now in my three-year-old memory the plane landed in the backyard 
next to the swing set and I ran off the plane straight into my grandmother’s 
I think it is a fitting first memory, because so much of my childhood and 
adolescence was spent doing that – running into her open arms.  There was 
something in her scent, the smell of her perfume that would wrap around me like 
a blanket and always felt like home.  I loved to hear her laugh, because it 
loud and free and shook her whole body, and if it was really good to her she 
would throw her head back tears would trickle down the sides of her eyes.  And 
she loved to tell jokes, when she had the forethought to send the young ones 
out of the room we would sneak around to the dining room and open the sliding 
door a crack to hear the punch line.   
  The house was always full of people… the garage door was open as an 
invitation for family and friends to stop off and visit.  Life with Wilma Nell 
meant a never-ending trail of aunts, uncles, cousins, play cousins, and friends 
– the prolific Babinos.  When you came in the door there was always something 
good to eat on the stove or in the refrigerator.  My favorite of course was her 
seafood gumbo and teacakes.  There were daily visits from Mrs. Wallace, Aunt 
Gladys  Aunt Myrtle and often Aunt Josephine, Aunt Bootsy and Aunt Cora.  
These were the women of my youth.  Strong and soft simultaneously, and there 
was a sisterhood to them that my grandmother cherished. 
   I spent many hours seated between her legs being tortured by a hot comb and 
curling iron, which would burn my ear when I inevitably nodded off.  When I was 
older the roles were reversed.  She would settle down in the recliner and drift 
to sleep while I scratched her and oiled her scalp with a wide toothcomb. Many 
of my happiest moments were in her company… ken ken and I chasing Kimberly 
through the yard. Or sitting on the porch of little house eating popsicles, 
listening to grandmamma tell Terry jokes I was too young to understand.  
Getting all dolled up to go to mass in her crème Cadillac, groaning when she 
would make me perform “black mother praying” for company, swimming with all of 
the cousins at Mrs. Wallace’s pool while she and grandmamma drank tea poolside. 
Laying with my head in her lap while Grandpa Taft told us stories of the “good 
old days.”  Sitting with her at my wedding…” and o…marcus, I know Bill is 
looking down here and smiling.”  My favorite wedding
 picture is the one of the two of us standing looking off at someone on the 
left.  The picture catches both of us profile and you can trace the matching 
line of our foreheads, nose, lips.  It is like looking at two versions of 
myself frozen in time.
  I’ve heard it said that the greatest joy in being a grandparent is that your 
primary responsibility is to love.  When I would argue with my parents or get 
upset with their decision she would find the gentlest way to explain why the 
choice was made or at times not so gently challenge my attitude and help me see 
my own youthful mistake.  She taught me how to love unconditionally.  She was 
the princess in the fairytales of my youth.  Incredibly beautiful, sassy, 
intelligent, funny, dependable and kind. 
   I remember watching Cabin in the Sky with her and thinking that my 
grandmother is more beautiful than Lena Horne.  My two favorite photographs 
were the one of her from Carnegie Hall and the picture of her with Grandpa 
Sprott in his uniform shortly after they married.  She was perhaps one of the 
luckiest women I know, blessed to have 20 years with the love of her life 
Curtis Sprott and then to later in life share more than 20 years with William 
Taft, with whom she witnessed the birth of and nurtured 13 grandchildren.  She 
once told me “some women don’t get one good man; I got two!”  She was so easy 
to love and so willing to love in return.  She felt her children were her 
greatest accomplishment and that her grandchildren were a reward for a job well 
  Wilma Nell Babino Sprott Taft had many names… Sister, Aunt, Mama, Friend, and 
my personal favorite… grandmamma. I look at my family and know that the best of 
us is a reflection of her.  Her charm, her intellect, her wicked sense of 
humor, her flair for the dramatic, her penchant for good gossip, her lovely 
voice, her sincerity, her desire to heal, her insatiable sweet tooth that led 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Job in Saudi

2007-08-28 Thread PP A Latheef
Apply only who are in Saudi and having Transferable Iqama

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: War on Islam - Ban the Koran Like Mein Kampf, Says Dutch MP

2007-08-28 Thread ahumanb
It proves that the Quran is in the Right Path. They are afraid of

--- In, AB wrote:

 It is He Who hath sent His Messenger with guidance and the
Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, even though the
Pagans (unbelievers) may detest (it).
   (Al-Qur'an, 9:33 At-Tawba [Repentance, Dispensation])
   Ban Koran Like Mein Kampf, Says Dutch MP

 By Bruno Waterfield
   Last Updated: 2:40am BST 14/08/2007
   The Koran should be banned as a fascist book alongside Mein
Kampf because it urges Muslims to kill non-believers, says Dutch
populist MP Geert Wilders. The leader of the far-right Freedom Party,
which holds nine of the Dutch parliament's 150 seats has called for
the ban after an alleged Islam inspired attack on a Labour councillor
who had renounced the Muslim faith.
   Mr Wilders claims that the Koran calls on Muslims to oppress,
persecute or kill Christians, Jews, dissidents and non-believers, to
beat and rape women and to establish an Islamic state by force. Ban
this wretched book like Mein Kampf is banned!, he wrote in
yesterday's De Volkskrant newspaper.
   The call to treat the Koran in the same way as Adolf Hitler's
biography, which has been banned by the Dutch for over 60 years, is
the latest in a long line of Islam controversies sparked by Mr
Wilders, who lives under tight security after murder attempts by
suspected Islamist terrorists.
   Els Lucas, a Dutch lawyer, has filed a compliant to the country's
prosecutor demanding action against Mr Wilders for insulting a
section of the community. I think he has gone too far and it is
unseemly that a member of parliament expresses himself like this,
she said. The offence is punishable with a maximum sentence of two
years in prison and a fine of up to £11,300.
   But Ayhan Tonca, chairman of the Dutch Muslim Contact Group
argues that Mr Wilders should be ignored. This is a ridiculous idea.
There is not much news at the moment so he is trying to create some,
he said.
Muslims. And I DIDN'T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist,
Fundamentalist or a Moderate Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me
the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims Were Left to Speak Out for

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2007-08-28 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 03:58:02 -

The great conspiracy hatched by elders of Zions' has now entered
the final stage. The Jews acquired wealth with all available means,
just or unjust, fair or unfair and have
succeeded in becoming the richest nation in the world. They not only
own the Multi national
companies, the IMF, the world Bank and the International monetary
system, but also have acquired the entire media. Check any newspaper
or TV channel, and its owner will be a Jew or agent of a Jew.

They own Banks in Switzerland, home to billions of dollars of
illegally earned wealth, the
stockpiles of gold, diamonds, emeralds, pearls, rubys and platinum.
They have acquired all beverages and pharmaceutical companies which
are minting money for them. With this much money they can buy any
politician or general in almost any country. They can also hire
writers, columnists and professors who can write theories like Clash
of civilizations for them. Impressed by stories of holocaust, the
political leadership of the USA and Europe feel obliged to earmark
substantial funds to help Israel.Recently US Government earmarked US $
30 Billion for aid to Israel.

They have established themselves well in occupied Palestine. They
let Palestinians earn
their daily bread when they like and shut the doors of the occupied
territories and thus deprive them of their sustenance, when they
choose. They can and do kill Palestinian boys, elders and children
siting in tanks and armoured cars. They can stop Muslims from praying
in their holy Masjid located in the Jerusalem and can enter it when
they like. They have neutralized the surrounding Arab States by
threats or financial considerations or both.

Keeping these facts in mind when we see the followers of two great
divine religions,
Christianity and Islam catching each other by throats, we can easily
visualize the Jewish
conspiracy. Islam teaches Muslims to respect and love the Christians
and Quran praises those Christians who are devoted to study and who
have become hermits. Quran regards Christians as closest to Muslims.
It even allows Muslims to marry Christians. On the other hand,
Christians know that Jesus Christ was knowingly rejected by Jews. They
conspired to kill him on the cross. They called the miraculous birth
of Jesus asillegitimate.

One wonders then, as to why the Christian clergy plays into the
hands of Jews to denounce Muslims and pardon the Jews on the ground
that Jesus was also a Jew. When we see Almighty God's Divine law into
action, we observe that Prophet Noah could not save his own son. Race,
color and ancestry has no importance in the eyes God Almighty, who
created Adam and Eve from clay and rose generations of human beings
from them.

In fact, there are three contenders of the holy Land. The three
branches of Abraham's
religion, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It pays to bribe the
Christian Clergy if it promotes
good relations with Jews and exhorts waging war with Muslims. If the
two larger communities perish, fighting each other, the only contender
that remains is Jewry. Therefore, think and ponder before senselessly
crying for war against Islam.

Javed Kaleem

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Most Beautiful Singing Of A Caged Bird

2007-08-28 Thread looney crazy
A Most Beautiful Singing Of A Caged Bird
  'Israeli' ban on deliveries of paper to Palestinian Schools
Three Years In Captivity - Babar Ahmad

Today I feel as if I am only three years old and the rest of the years of my 
life have no value. Ibn Taymiyyah (rh - may Allah have mercy upon him) also 
spent 36 months imprisoned in the citadel during which he completed reciting 
the Quran 80 times. He would put his head on the floor in prostration from Isha 
until Fajr (all night long) repeating the supplication, “O Allah! Help me to 
remember You, be grateful to You and to worship You with excellence.” This is 
what you call a blessed, productive life.

Prison teaches you the value of time. We are nothing more than a combination of 
days, hours, minutes and seconds. When a day passes a part of us dies along 
with it never to return. Time is immortal. We can never kill time but it is 
time that devours us day after day after day.

People say that time is money. This is an illusion. Money can be replaced but 
lost time can never be replaced. Time is the most precious thing we possess. 
Ask the dead in the graves whether they would prefer time or money. They would 
probably give the whole earth full of gold in exchange for the chance to pray 
just one more salah (prayer). How deprived is the one who wasted years of his 
life waiting for a ‘tomorrow’ that never came?

The classical scholar Sufyan Ath-Thawri (rh) said, “Fear evil when you are in a 
good situation and expect good when you are in an evil situation.” This is 
life. A wave of tidal currents that oscillates between the ebbs of hardship and 
the flows of ease. Allah tests us continuously, with good (to test our 
gratitude) and evil (to test our patience) until the day we meet Him.

When all the people you encounter in your daily life- friends, neighbours, work 
colleagues, etc. - are what one may describe as decent, honest, genuine people, 
your worldview is limited to that narrow mindset. You begin to think that 
everyone and everything in the world is good. You cannot imagine concepts such 
as ‘evil.’

That is why it is necessary to be subjected to physical, psychological, verbal 
and racist abuse in order to form a balanced view of the world. Having treaded 
both paths I have finally understood the hadith of the Prophet (SAS): “People 
are like 100 camels out of which you can hardly find one suitable to ride.” In 
other words less than one out of every 100 people is genuine: the rest are 
fakes. To varying degrees.

Eyes are the window to the soul. The art of recognising good and evil in a 
person by reading the eyes carries its weight in gold in life in general. In 
prison it is priceless. Smiles, soft words, ‘sincere’ comments and crocodile 
tears cannot gloss over the evil that the eyes conceal. Learn to read the eyes 
and you will seize treachery before it seizes you. Fail to read the eyes and 
you will always be stung in life.

At times in our lives every one of us will cross paths with a handful of truly 
inspirational individuals who will have a life-changing effect on us even 
though we may meet them only once. You know that someone has had a profound 
effect on you when you find yourself remembering their faces, their actions and 
their words long after they leave your company.

For some reason influential people tend to have more of an effect on you in 
their absence than their presence. The longer and more distant the absence 
(e.g. death, imprisonment, exile) the more the effect they have on you. I have 
been honoured to meet some exceptional individuals in my life and blessed to 
spend moments in their company.

Time and time again I picture their blessed faces and hear the echoes of their 
precious words in my cell as I journey through the toils of prison life, even 
though they are far away from me. Their faith inspires me when I feel low, 
their determination motivates me when I lose hope and their wisdom advises me 
when I am in a difficult situation. Even though they are absent from me their 
influence is not.

I am aware of men in unjust captivity today who are like priceless diamonds 
buried deep in a mine. It would not be an exaggeration to say it is not just 
those who know them, but the entire world that is deprived due to their absence.

Allah says repeatedly in the Quran: “Indeed Allah is with the patient ones.” To 
the individual of weak iman, these are just empty words until an experience 
brings them to life. There are times in prison when you experience such utter 
despair, hopelessness and helplessness that you pray (and curse) not from your 
tongue or even in your heart, but from somewhere far deeper.

Those are the times when you need a response to your supplication now. Not 
tomorrow, not next week, month or year, but now. And I swear that Allah, 
Generous and Bountiful is He, never abandons you when you call Him in such a 
state. In these situations His Response comes immediately. By 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] July 14, 2006-Terrorism in India: Facing the Facts-The Harvard International Review.

2007-08-28 Thread ahmedsohail siddiqui
July 14, 2006Terrorism in India: Facing the Facts  Filed under: General, 
South Asia, Terrorism — Michael Jaskiw @ 12:05 pm 
In what has been an unusually bloody week around the world, the leading 
story is Israel’s incursion into Lebanon. Understandably so–with rumors of 
eventual involvement on the part of Syria and Iran, the conflict appears ready 
to flame out of control.
  It seems as though there is only so much news about ethnic rivalries 
turned-violent that our collective attention span can handle at a time. Through 
a system of triage, the story of this week’s terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India 
has faded away rather quickly. On July 11, timed bombs on a commuter rail 
killed more than 200 people in India’s financial and business headquarter. 
Police are still hunting for evidence, some of which will hopefully materialize 
from the series of mass arrests currently occurring.
  The city has rebounded with surprising speed. India’s stock exchange is back 
on the rise, American companies with Mumbai offices are running, and citizens 
(perhaps reluctantly) are back on the rail system that carries 6 million people 
a day. Such a response–revealing a mindset that does not allow terrorism to 
disrupt more lives than it has to–is certainly admirable.
  The less admirable reaction has been the Indian government’s unwillingness to 
seriously consider that the perpetrators were based in India itself. As the New 
York Times reports, “Indian security officials have said that only 
Pakistan-based Islamist militant groups had the capability to carry out such 
attacks.” Many point to Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistani organization. If so, the 
group (unlike most other terrorist cells) seems reluctant to take credit: the 
group continues to deny any responsibility for the attack.
  This is not to say that Pakistan ought not, as India suggests, work harder on 
eliminating terrorism on its own soil. Another group, however, called the 
Students’ Islamic Movement of India (or Simi) is a likely culprit. The 
difference between this organization and Lashkar-e-Taiba is that its members 
are almost exclusively Indian citizens. Cooperation between the two is also a 
plausible explanation.
  So why allege that the attacks must trace back to Pakistani soil? One 
explanation is that doing so puts added pressure on Pakistan to stop terrorism 
before it crosses the border to India. But a second is that India, in a desire 
to preserve its status as a stable multicultural state, chooses not to face the 
reality that such an act could have been perpetrated by some of its own. 


E-mail this article | Print this Article   7 Comments » 
 I agree with you in that the Indian government is sensitive toward 
admitting that the attackers may have been Indian citizens. However, I don’t 
quite agree with the reason you attribute to the government’s desire to do so. 
According to me, the reason is primarily to make the international community 
aware of India’s status as a victim of terror and not let this pass off as a 
case of just ethnic strife. There is no doubt that the latter certainly exists 
in the country, and the Gujarat riots a few years ago were testament to this. 
Nevertheless, the country has been a frequent target of attacks financed or 
executed from elements outside the country who are part of global terrorist 
networks, albeit with the support of a few Indian citizens born and raised in 
India. The primary purpose of the government’s statements after the attack was 
to attribute these attacks to a larger trend of global terrorism of which India 
is a prime victim. By placing specific blame on Pakistan,
 they believed that Western countries would be more willing to put pressure on 
the Musharraf administration to crack down on madrassas and training camps. 
  Comment by Vaibhav — July 14, 2006 @ 6:15 pm 
 Pakistan’s indulgence in promoting terrorist activities in Kashmir and 
various other parts of India is open truth and this happening over the past 50 
years. India has been at the recieving end of Islamic extremism and the recent 
bomb attacks in Mumbai is just an example. World community needs to wake up to 
this truth and support this nation 1.2 billion people achieve internal peace as 
dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi, by puuting pressure on Pakistan 
  Comment by goposky — July 15, 2006 @ 5:46 am 
 Be it SIMI, lashkar, or al-queda(-/11 pattern); it’s all about the 
willingness of ourselves to combat terrorism; and we have been fighting it 
since decades.If the attackers had been of indian origin, it doesn’t imply that 
they were “Indians”,it is a well known fact, how the infiltration of terror is 
being done in India. SIMI is also an outcome of that. SIMI is a banned 
organization, by virtue of it’s involvement in anti-Indian activities.
I disagree to this comment that it is sensitive for govt. to find attackers of 
indian origin.It is well published that SIMI and Lsshkar were involved that 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Bosnian Widow in Church Battle

2007-08-28 Thread AB
  “The Muslims of Bosnia Were Totally INTEGRATED With the Other Ethnic  
Religious Groups in the Former Yugoslavia. Some Even Will Go to the Extent of 
Saying That Their LIFESTYLE Was Not DISSIMILAR to that of Christian Croats  
Serbs. What Happened When Yugoslavia Disintegrated? They Got SLAUGHTERED.  Why 
– for the Simple Reason That They Demanded a Separate State for the Muslims 
Like Everybody Else Was Demanding for Their Own Ethnic Group.” - AB
  Bosnian Widow in Church Battle
  Monday, 27 August 2007,
  A Bosnian Muslim widow's battle to remove a Serbian Orthodox church from her 
land is nearing its end. The BBC's Nicholas Walton visited Fata Orlovic in her 
village to find out more
  Fata Orlovic's house is easy to find in the village of Konjevic Polje. It is 
the one with a large Serbian Orthodox church built in its front garden. Fata 
herself is an irrepressible ball of energy, greeting me as she has greeted 
other journalists, with a long fusillade of invective about the building. 
  I want them to remove the church and I want soil back on this plot of land, 
she tells me, furiously motioning towards what would have been her front 
garden. They can give me money and I'll do it myself, she explains, a smile 
breaking out across her wrinkled features. 
  I do not doubt that she would set about dismantling the church, brick by 
brick, were she given the go-ahead. 
  Tenacious fight 
  Like many Muslims in the hills of eastern Bosnia, she was ethnically cleansed 
from the village during the war in the early 1990s. Her husband was killed and 
she was made a refugee by ethnic Serb military aggression. When she returned to 
Konjevic Polje in 2000, she was outraged to find the church had been built on 
her land. 
  This was a common feature of the brutal ethnic cleansing that took place 
during the Bosnian war. Whole ethnic groups - Muslim, Croat and Serb - were 
forced from their homes, and their religious symbols were destroyed. In their 
place, new buildings like the church in Konjevic Polje were erected, to 
emphasise that a new ethnic and religious group now owned the land. 
  At the time, Serb refugees from fighting in central Bosnia lived in the 
village, but now the original Muslim villagers have returned. Since coming 
back, Fata Orlovic has fought tenaciously to have the church removed from her 
garden. She encountered bureaucratic resistance and even intimidation, but 
stood her ground. 
  Empty church 
  For members of the powerful international community in Bosnia, Fata Orlovic's 
fight against the church is seen as a test case. 
  If she doesn't get the church off her land you will never have a society 
that is governed by the rule of law, explains James Rodehaver, human rights 
director for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in 
Sarajevo. It would mean a constant process of dealing with political crises 
and changes of political will. The legacy of the war would never be resolved. 
  Now, with the church standing empty after her stubborn campaign, it looks 
like progress is being made. Only the more nationalist Serbs still oppose Fata, 
and the government of the Bosnian Serb half of the country has said it will 
help find a solution. 
  The next stage will be to find a way to dismantle the church and move it 
elsewhere. The process will cost thousands of dollars, and Fata is waiting to 
hear when the work will begin. 
  It doesn't bother me that it's a church, Fata explains. It's where they 
worship and that is fine. I respect churches as much as mosques. But if they 
want a church they should just put it on their own land instead of mine. I 
respect all nations and religions, but I can't respect people building on my 
  Fata smiles at me again. She knows that her long battle is almost over, and 
that her front garden will soon be full of corn and vegetables. Fata's land 
will once again be hers.
For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account. (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Women in Islamic Society - Mixing on Social Occasions

2007-08-28 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*Women in Islamic Society - Mixing on Social Occasions*

When we assess the nature of Islamic society, particularly to determine to
what extent should men and women be segregated, we need to look at the first
Muslim community in Madinah, because that was the community established by
the Prophet. He lived among them, correcting their mistakes and providing
guidance on all aspects of human life. When we look at authentic reports of
incidents or behavior, we deduce what was acceptable and what was not. We
should remember that the Prophet did not stay quiet when he saw something
wrong. It is part of the mission assigned to him that he should declare what
was acceptable at the moment such declaration was needed.

The need is obviously clear when something is done. If the Prophet objected
to it, people would immediately refrain from it. If he did not object, then
that indicated its permissibility. If he encouraged or commended a practice,
it became a Sunnah. Since people often speak about Islamic society being
segregated, we need to assess how much segregation was practiced in the
Muslim society in Madinah. We will certainly find much that shows that
society to be a mixed one.

A good indicator is found in the events of common joy, such as weddings and
celebrations. The first such occasion was at the time when the Prophet
arrived in Madinah. Its people were awaiting his arrival with much
anticipation. They used to go out every day to welcome him when he
approached. The Prophet was traveling with his companion, Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr
reports: We reached Madinah at night, and people disputed as to who will be
the Prophet's host. He said: 'I will stay with the Al-Najjar clan, the
maternal uncles of Abd Al-Muttalib (the Prophet's grandfather). They will
take this as a favor.' Men and women were on top of their homes, and
children and servants were in the roads calling out, 'O, Muhammad! O,
Messenger of God! O, Muhammad! O, Messenger of God'! *(Related by Muslim)*


Ibn Abbas reports on what he saw on the day when Makkah fell to Islam and
the Prophet entered the city: People crowded around the Prophet saying:
'This is Muhammad! This is Muhammad!' Even young women came out of
doors. *(Related
by Muslim)*


Both of these occasions were public events in which we see men and women
taking part alongside each other, with no objection from the Prophet. The
two occasions took place eight years apart, which means that there was
nothing in the Prophet's guidance throughout this period to prevent such
participation. If it is said that the people of Makkah were not Muslim at
the time, the Prophet would have pointed out to them that now that Islam was
widely accepted in Makkah, their practice should not be repeated, but he did
not. Indeed we see the Prophet encouraging joyous celebration of weddings,
particularly among the Ansar whom he knew to love to have fun. Aishah
reports: I prepared a woman's wedding to a man from the Ansar. The Prophet
said to me: 'Aishah, did you not have any entertainment? The Ansar love to
have entertainment'. *(Related by Al-Bukahri)* In another version, the
Prophet said to her: You should have sent with the bride a maid to play the
tambourine and sing.

We need to establish what the Prophet meant by entertainment. Perhaps we
should look here at the usage of the same word in the Qur'anic verse
speaking about people's behavior at the time of prayer on Fridays. Whenever
they observe trade or entertainment, they scatter toward it, leaving you
(Prophet) standing there. Say, 'what is with God is better than any
entertainment or trade. God is the best provider'. *(62: 11)* Al-Tabari
mentions several reports explaining this verse, but then he comments that
the one reported by Jabir is perhaps the more accurate one because he was
one of them and saw these events. Jabir says: When young women got married,
a procession with drums and wood-wind instruments was organized. People
would go to join these, leaving the Prophet giving his sermon. God then
revealed the verse disapproving their behavior.

We find that playing music and singing was common practice at weddings in
Madinah. Al-Rubayyi' Bint Mu'awwidh reports: The Prophet came to us when my
wedding was over, and he sat on my bed, as close as you are seated now. Some
maids of ours played the tambourine and sang, praising those of our people
who were killed in the Battle of Badr. One of them said in her singing:
'Among us we have a Prophet who knows what will happen tomorrow.' The
Prophet told her: 'Stop this and continue with what you were saying
before'. *(Related by Al-Bukahri)*


In commenting on this Hadith, Ibn Hajar quotes *Al-Muhallab*: This Hadith
confirms the desirability to publicize marriage by playing the tambourine
and singing. It also indicates that the ruler may attend a wedding, even
though it involves entertainment, as long as such entertainment remains
within what is permissible.

Ibn Hajar also quotes a Hadith 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: CD(s) Shipped

2007-08-28 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Walaikum asalaam

I am writing to confirm receipt of the CD's.

I am also bcc:ing several groups. Some good brothers and sisters may be in a
position to help, inshallah.

On 8/21/07, Basim Mousilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Salamu alaykum,

 Thanks for your QuranAMP CD request(s). I have shipped your QuranAMP.comCD(s) 
 today. You should receive them in the next 3-7 business days. Here is
 a log of what was shipped:

 2 CDs: Sarah Pacha
 4 CDs: Noor Al Quddus
 1 CD: Sofia M. Adawy
 5 CDs: Deena D. Jabr
 3 CD: G. Waleed Kavalec
 3 CDs: Eman Bahrani

 Please don't forget to donate if you haven't already. We are in the early
 stages of this kind of distribution. I had a moment today at the post office
 thinking we're going to go out of business if we do this as a non-profit. 
 CD costs $1...the envelope costs $0.50 and the shipping costs $3 per line
 item above. That's about $4.50 ~ $8.50 per shipment above. Please donate
 whatever you can so we can break even+ so we can keep this going...we don't
 mind paying out of our pockets if we're short on donations...actually we get
 more reward that way...we just want our work to be sustainable for the long
 run...especially since we have scaled this to a national campaign. Anyways,
 that's my rant for today. Thanks for understanding =)

 Please make duaa' for the anonymous author of this program. Salam...have a
 great day!!

 Basim Mousilli


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Tailor's Needle

2007-08-28 Thread Abida Rahmani

  The Tailor's Needle
   A tailor was at work. He took a piece of cloth and with a pair of shining, 
costly, scissors, he cut the cloth into various bits. Then he put the pair of 
scissors at his feet. Then he took a small needle and thread and started to sew 
the bits of cloth, into a fine shirt. When the spell of sewing was over, he 
stuck the needle on to his turban. 
   The tailor's son who was watching it asked him: Father, the scissors are 
costly and look so beautiful. But you throw them down at your feet. This needle 
is worth almost nothing; you can get a dozen for an anna. Yet, you place it 
carefully on your head itself. Is there any reason for this illogical 
  Yes, my son. The scissors have their function, no doubt; but they only cut 
the cloth into bits. The needle, on the contrary, unites the bits and enhances 
the value of the cloth. Therefore, the needle to me is more precious and 
valuable. The value of a thing depends on its utility, son, not on its 
cost-price or appearance. 
   Similarly, there are two classes of people in the world-those who create 
dissensions and disharmony, who separate man from man; and those who bring 
about peace and harmony, who unite people. 
The former are generally the rich people, powerful politicians and kings; 
the latter are generally the poor devotees of Allah swt, the penniless 
wandering monks, and mendicants. The Lord makes use of both to carry on his 
function of providing the field for the evolution of individual souls. He 
throws down on the dust the mighty kings and millionaires who create wars and 
disharmony; and He keeps the poor, pious devotee over His own head.  In His 
eyes the scale of values is entirely different! 




  Abida Rahmani
  If all the trees in the world were used to make paper it would not be 
sufficient to write all the blessings provided to us.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Translation of the 43th Surah: Gold Adornments (Az-Zukhruf)

2007-08-28 Thread Cemil Celepci
Translation of the 43th Surah: Gold Adornments
43. Gold Adornments (Az-Zukhruf) 

This chapter has 89 verses. 
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 
1. Há Mím 
2. By the Book that makes things clear,- 
3. We have made it a Qurán in Arabic, that ye may be
able to understand. 
4. And verily, it is in the Mother of the Book, with
Us, high (in dignity), full of wisdom. 
5. Shall We then turn away the Reminder from you
altogether, for that ye are a people transgressing
beyond bounds? 
6. But how many were the prophets We sent amongst the
peoples of old? 
7. And never came there a prophet to them but they
mocked him. 
8. So We destroyed (men)- stronger in power than
these;- and (thus) has passed on the Example of the
peoples of old. 
9. If thou wert to question them, 'Who created the
heavens and the earth?' They would be sure to reply,
'They were created by (Him), the Exalted in Power,
Full of Knowledge';- 
10. (Yea, the same that) has made for you the earth
spread out, and has made for you roads (and channels)
therein, in order that ye may find guidance (on the
11. That sends down (from time to time) rain from the
sky in due measure;- and We raise to life therewith a
land that is dead; even so will ye be raised (from the
12. That has created pairs in all things, and has made
for you ships and cattle on which ye ride, 
13. In order that ye may sit firm and square on their
backs, and when so seated, ye may remember the (kind)
favor of your Lord, and say, Glory to Him Who has
subjected these to our (use), for we could never be
able to do it, 
14. And to our Lord, surely, must we turn back! 
15. Yet they attribute to some of His servants a share
with Him! Truly is man a clearly unthankful! 
16. What! Has He taken daughters out of what He
Himself creates, and granted to you sons for choice? 
17. When news is brought to one of them of (the birth
of) what he sets up as a likeness to (Allah) Most
Gracious, his face darkens, and he is filled with
inward grief! 
18. Is then one brought up among trinkets, and unable
to give a clear account in a dispute (to be associated
with Allah)? 
19. And they make into females angels who themselves
serve Allah. Did they witness their creation? Their
evidence will be recorded, and they will be called to
20. (Ah!) they say, If it had been the will of the
Most Gracious, we should not have worshipped such
(deities)! Of that they have no knowledge! They do
nothing but lie! 
21. What! have We given them a Book before this, to
which they are holding fast? 
22. Nay! they say: We found our fathers following a
certain religion, and we do guide ourselves by their
23. Just in the same way, whenever We sent a Warner
before thee to any people, the wealthy ones among them
said: We found our fathers following a certain
religion, and we will certainly follow in their
24. He said: What! Even if I brought you better
guidance than that which ye found your fathers
following? They said: For us, we deny that ye
(prophets) are sent (with). 
25. So We exacted retribution from them: now see what
was the end of those who rejected (Truth)! 
26. Behold! Abraham said to his father and his people:
I do indeed clear myself of what ye worship: 
27. (I worship) only Him Who originated me, and He
will certainly guide me. 
28. And he left it as a Word to endure among those who
came after him, that they may turn back (to Allah). 
29. Yea, I have given the good things of this life to
these (men) and their fathers, until the Truth has
come to them, and a messenger making things clear. 
30. But when the Truth came to them, they said: This
is sorcery, and we do reject it. 
31. Also, they say: Why is not this Qurán sent down
to some leading man in either of the two (chief)
32. Is it they who would portion out the Mercy of thy
Lord? It is We Who portion out between them their
livelihood in the life of this world: and We raise
some of them above others in ranks, so that some may
command work from others. But the Mercy of thy Lord is
better than the (wealth) which they amass. 
33. And were it not that (all) men might become of one
community, We would provide, for everyone that
blasphemes against the Most Gracious, silver roofs for
their houses and (silver) stair-ways on which to go
34. And (silver) doors to their houses, and couches
(of silver) on which they could recline, 
35. And also adornments of gold. But all this were
nothing but enjoyment of the present life: the
Hereafter, in the sight of thy Lord, is for the
36. If anyone withdraws himself from remembrance of
the Most Gracious, We appoint for him a Satan, to be
an intimate companion to him. 
37. Such (Satans) really hinder them from the Path,
but they think that they are being guided aright! 
38. At length, when (such a one) comes to Us, he says
(to his evil companion): Would that between me and
thee were the distance of East 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] al-Saabooni and his book Safwat al-Tafaaseer

2007-08-28 Thread Muhammad Abdul-Rahman
Taken from the book Islam: Questions and Answers - The Quran and Its Sciences
Click here to read from it:

39771: al-Saabooni and his book Safwat al-Tafaaseer 


What is your opinion of the book Safwat al-Tafaaseer by Shaykh al-Saabooni? 
Some of the religiously-committed youth criticize us for reading this book, and 
say that the `aqeedah of Shaykh al-Saabooni is Mu'tazili or Ash'ari, and his 
Tafseer (commentary) on the Qur'aan is likewise. I do not know anything about 
this Shaykh, so I started to read this book because it is straightforward and 
written in an attractive style. What is your opinion on this book and its 
author? What are the books that you recommend for every Muslim (who is not 
specialized in the sciences of sharee'ah) to read concerning his `aqeedah and 
his everyday acts of worship and interactions with others?. 


Praise be to Allaah. 


Professor Muhammad `Ali al-Saabooni is one of the professors in the College of 
Sharee'ah in Makkah al-Mukarramah. He was active in the fields of Qur'aan 
sciences and Tafseer (commentary), then he wrote a number of books on Tafseer 
and Qur'aanic sciences, most of which are summaries of longer books such as 
Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Mukhtasar Tafseer al-Tabari, al-Tibyaan fi 
`Uloom al-Qur'aan, Rawaa'i' al-Bayaan fi Tafseer Ayaat al-Ahkaam, Qabs min Noor 
al-Qur'aan, and Safwat al-Tafaaseer, which is the book under discussion here. 

This is a concise tafseer of which its author said: it is comprehensive, based 
on both narrated reports and rational argument, based on the most authentic 
well known tafseers such as al-Tabari, al-Kashshaaf, Ibn Katheer, al-Bahr 
al-Muheet and Rooh al-Ma'aani. It is written in a simple style that is easy to 
understand, paying attention to literary style and linguistic form. 

He says in the introduction: 

I have called my book Safwat al-Tafaaseer (The Best of Tafseers) because it 
combines the best of the major detailed tafseers in a brief, organized and 
clear fashion. 

The book was published in three volumes, in 1400 AH. 

With regard to the `aqeedah of the author, his beliefs are Ash'ari, which makes 
his books and summaries subject to criticism and rejection. This also makes him 
misquote some hadeeth texts by not quoting them in full, and distort some of 
his quotations from other scholars, as we shall see below. 

Shaykh Safar al-Hawaali said: 

With regard to al-Saabooni, it does not bother me to say that what he has 
written about the `aqeedah of the salaf and that of the Ash'aris conflicts with 
the basic principles that every researcher who studies `aqeedah should know, 
and his style is also far removed from the authenticated academic style and 
from rationality. 

Manhaj al-Ashaa'irah fi'l-`Aqeedah, p. 2 

He was refuted by many scholars such as Shaykh `Abd al-`Azeez ibn Baaz, Shaykh 
al-Albaani, Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd, Shaykh Muhammad 
Jameel Zayno and others. 

With regard to his book Safwat al-Tafaaseer, it is one of those books of his 
which were most emphatically refuted by the scholars. There follows a list of 
some of those who refuted it, along with the titles of their books: 

1. al-Radd `ala Akhta' Muhammad `Ali al-Saabooni fi Kitaabihi Safwat 
al-Tafaaseer wa Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Jareer, by Shaykh Muhammad Jameel Zayno, 
teacher of Tafseer in Daar al-Hadeeth, Makkah. 

2. Tanbeehaat Haammah `ala Kitaab Safwat al-Tafaaseer by Shaykh Muhammad Jameel 

3. Mulaahazaat `ala Kitaab Safwat al-Tafaaseer by Shaykh Sa'd Zallaam, Dean of 
the School of Arabic Language in Egypt. 

4. Mulaahazaat `ala Safwat al-Tafaaseer by Shaykh `Abd-Allaah ibn Jibreen. 

5. Mulaahazaat `Aammah `ala Kitaab Safwat al-Tafaaseer by Shaykh Saalih 

6. al-Tahzeer min Mukhtasaraat al-Saabooni fi'l-Tafseer by Shaykh Bakr Abu 
Zayd; this is included in his major book al-Rudood. 

These criticisms led the Ministry of Awqaaf in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to 
ban this book and confiscate it, as stated in the Decree of the Ministry of 
Hajj and Awqaaf no. 945/2/S, dated 16/4/1408 AH, from the General Headquarters 
of Awqaaf and Mosques in the Riyaadh area, pertaining to the confiscation of 
the book Safwat al-Tafaaseer and banning circulation thereof until its errors 
with regard to `aqeedah have been corrected. 

Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd said: 

The title Safwat al-Tafaaseer (The Best of Tafseers) is deceiving and 
confusing. How can it be described as the best when it mixes good and bad, when 
it mixes the tafseers of the Salafis Ibn Jareer and Ibn Katheer with the 
tasfeers of the Mu'tazili al-Zamakhshari, the Raafidis al-Radiy and al-Tubrusi, 
the Ash'ari al-Raazi and the fanatical Ash'ari grave-worshipper al-Saawi and 
others? Especially when this mixing is done by one who does not know what he is 
doing and is like one who tries to climb a wall without a ladder. Otherwise 
scholars may