Boycott Israel [IslamCity] =?windows-1252?Q?Why_did_Allaah_create_the_heavens_and_the_earth_in_six_days_when_He_is_able_to_have_created_it_in_less_time??=

2007-08-30 Thread Muhammad Abdul-Rahman
Taken from the book Islam: Questions and Answers - The Quran and Its Sciences
Click here to read from it:

20613: Why did Allaah create the heavens and the earth in six days when He is 
able to have created it in less time? 


If Allah intends a thing, his only word is BE and it is. can you please 
explain why he took 6 days to create the heavens and earth?. 


Praise be to Allaah. 

One of the firm beliefs held by people of deep faith and complete Tawheed is 
that the Lord, may He be exalted, is able to do all things, and His power is 
without limits. He has absolute power, perfect will and ultimate control of all 
affairs. If He wills a thing, it happens as He wills it at the time when He 
wills it, and in the manner that He wills. 

There are many definitive texts in the Book of our Lord and in the Sunnah of 
His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) which affirm this and 
state it clearly, with no ambiguity. It is sufficient here for us to quote some 
of the verses that indicate this, such as the verses (interpretation of the 

The Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only 
says to it : `Be!' — and it is 

[al-Baqarah 2:117] 

Al-Haafz Ibn Katheer said in his commentary on this verse (Tafseer 1/175): 
Here Allaah explains the completeness of His power and the greatness of His 
authority, and that if He wills and decrees something, He simply says to it, 
`Be!' _ just once _ and it is, i.e., it comes into existence as He willed it. 
This is like the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

`Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, 
Be! — and it is!' 

[Ya-Seen 36:82]. 

And Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

When He has decreed something, He says to it only: `Be!' — and it is 

[Aal `Imraan 3:47] 

It is He Who gives life and causes death. And when He decides upon a thing He 
says to it only: `Be' — and it is 

[Ghaafir 40:68] 

And Our Commandment is but one as the twinkling of an eye 

[al-Qamar 54:50] 

Al-Haafiz Ibn Katheer said in his commentary on this verse (4/261): Here 
Allaah tells us how His will is executed in His creation, and how His decree is 
implemented. `And Our Commandment is but one' means, We only issue a command 
once, and We do not need to repeat it a second time, and what We command 
happens in the twinkling of an eye, it is not delayed for an instant. How well 
the poet put it: 

`When Allaah wills something, all He says to it is Be!, once, and it is.' 

And there are many other verses which speak of this matter and explain it. 

Once this is established, then why did Allaah create the heavens and the earth 
in six days? 


It is narrated in more than one verse of the Book of our Lord that Allaah 
created the heavens and the earth in six days. For example, Allaah says 
(interpretation of the meaning): 

Indeed, your Lord is Allaah, Who created the heavens and the earth in Six 
Days, and then He rose over (Istawa) the Throne (really in a manner that suits 
His Majesty) 

[al-A'raaf 7:54] 


There is nothing that Allaah does but there is great wisdom in it. This is one 
of the meanings of Allaah's name al-Hakeem (The Most Wise). Allaah may or may 
not show this wisdom to us, and those who have deep knowledge may understand 
it, to the exclusion of others. 

But the fact that we may not know or understand this wisdom should not make us 
deny it or object to the rulings of Allaah, or try to ask too much about this 
wisdom that Allaah has hidden from us. Allaah says (interpretation of the 

He [Allaah] cannot be questioned as to what He does, while they will be 

[al-Anbiya' 21:23] 

Some scholars have attempted to explain the reason why the heavens and the 
earth were created in six days: 

1 _ Imam al-Qurtubi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Jaami' li Ahkaam 
al-Qur'aan, commenting on al-A'raaf 7:54 (4/7/140): 

Allaah mentions this period _ i.e. six days _ although if He had wanted to 
create it in an instant, He could have done so, because He is Able to say to it 
`Be!' and is. But He wanted to: 

- Teach His slaves kindness and deliberation in their affairs. 

- Manifest His power to the angels step by step. 

- And there is another reason: He wanted to create it in six days because 
Allaah has decreed a course for everything, for which reason He He delays the 
punishment for the sinners, because everything has an appointed time with Him. 

2 _ Ibn al-Jawzi said in his tafseer called Zaad al-Maseer (3/162), commenting 
on the verse in Soorat al-A'raaf: 

If it is said, why did He not create it in an instant when He is Able to do 
so? There are five answers to this question: 

(i) He wanted to create something each day to show His power to the angels and 
those who witnessed it. This was suggested by Ibn al-Anbaari. 

(ii) He 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] DePaul Panel Lecture Oct 12 In Defence of Academic Freedom

2007-08-30 Thread Ismail Kashkash
26 August 2007 - In Defense of Academic Freedom - DePaul Students Launch 
Website and Organize LectureAugust 26th, 2007 | posted by webmaster   **FOR 
26 August 2007
Media Contact: Daniel Klimek 
Tel: 773-817-1291
  In Defense of Academic Freedom - DePaul Students and Community Launch 
Website and Organize Lecture to Highlight Violations 
  October 12 2007 lecture featuring: Tariq Ali, Akeel Bilgrami, Noam Chomsky, 
Tony Judt and John Mearsheimer

  CHICAGO, IL -- DePaul University students, concerned over the controversial 
tenure denials of Dr. Norman Finkelstein and Dr. Mehrene Larudee by its 
administration, have launched a website ( 
and have organized a conference to highlight the threat to academic freedom in 
universities. Since the tenure denials, prominent scholars across the country 
have begun speaking out. 
  On October 12, 2007, the DePaul University Academic Freedom Committee, 
International Studies Program and Department of Philosophy, Diskord Journal 
(University of Chicago) and Verso Books will host a panel lecture featuring:
* Dr. Akeel Bilgrami, Johnsonian Professor of Philosophy and Director of The 
Heyman Center, Columbia University
* Dr. Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor  Professor of Linguistics (Emeritus), 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* Dr. Tony Judt, University Professor and Director of the Remarque Institute, 
New York University
* Dr. John Mearsheimer, R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of 
Political Science, University of Chicago
* Dr. Neve Gordon, Professor, Department of Politics and Government, Ben-Gurion 
Hosted by:
* Tariq Ali, Editor of the New Left Review and Verso Books 
  DePaul students have been protesting for academic freedom since June 2007, 
when tenure was denied to Professors Finkelstein and Larudee. After a meeting 
between 30 student leaders and DePaul President Dennis Holtschneider, the 
students hosted a sit-in in the executive offices of the president. The 
students were evicted, after several days, under the threat of expulsion. 
Students furthermore organized a visible protest at DePaul's graduation 
ceremonies, where countless graduates also refused to shake Fr. Holtshneider's 
hand, and recently numerous students publicly fasted for one-and-half weeks to 
express their seriousness and self-control regarding these vital issues and 
academic injustices. 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] ATTENTION ::: Evil Israeli soccer fans curse Prophet Mohammad(saww)

2007-08-30 Thread K H U R R A M

Israeli soccer fans curse Prophet Mohammad
  Readers Number : 33 
  30/08/2007 A national Turkish TV channel agreed not to broadcast a video 
showing Israeli soccer fans cursing the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, 
fearing a potentially dangerous diplomatic crisis between Israel and Turkey. 
According to Ynet, the Turkish network decided to shelve the tape following 
appeals from senior government officials. The video was filmed by a Turkish 
reporter of Channel 24, Elif Ural, who accompanied the Maccabi Tel Aviv soccer 
team on its flight from Israel to the Turkish town of Kayseri, where it is 
scheduled to play against local team Erciyesstor Thursday evening. A group of 
fans who were on the plane with the team were caught on video singing songs 
against Prophet Mohammad and Muslims. Ural, who has been living in Israel for 
the past three years as the network's Mideast correspondent, was deeply 
offended by what she witnessed and heard, and by the club's officials' failure 
to intervene and put an end to the offensive behavior.



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Women Rights Were Given by Islam, Not the West. - An ex-Christian

2007-08-30 Thread KarimAG
 Women Rights Were Given by Islam, Not the West. - An ex-Christian



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Proposed boycott of Israeli goods divides co-op - ANN ARBOR NEWS, 8/30/2007

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
From: attn blaine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:16:48 +
Subject: [AL-AWDA-News] Proposed boycott of Israeli goods divides co-op - ANN 
ARBOR NEWS, 8/30/2007

Call to boycott Israeli items stirs controversy at co-op:

  People's Food Co-op members to vote on protest action 
 by Jo Collins Mathis, Staff Reporter   Thursday, August 30, 2007  ANN 
  Ann Arbor, Michigan
  In the Ann Arbor News, with news photo, at:
  In the main Ann Arbor News site, without photo, at:
  Anne Remley, left, and Linda Wotring, both of Ann Arbor, stand out in front 
of the People's Food Co-op on Fourth Avenue in Ann Arbor, with a photograph of 
two Palestinian women sitting a pile of rubble that once was their home. The 
pair are heading a group from Ann Arbor called B.I.G., Boycott Israeli Goods. 
They are upset that the People's Food Co-op is carrying Israeli couscous.

The last couple of times the People's Food Co-op of Ann Arbor held a 
boycott, nobody protested the protest. After all, it wasn't exactly 
controversial to boycott grapes at the urging of United Farm Workers, or tuna 
caught at the expense of dolphins.
  This time, it's different.

  Co-op members next month will be asked to decide if the co-op should boycott 
all Israeli goods.   We definitely hear from people on both sides of the issue 
almost on a daily basis, said Kevin Sharp, marketing and member services 
director for the co-op, which has been the city's community-owned natural foods 
grocery since 1971.
  It all started last winter when a few shoppers noticed some Israeli couscous 
for sale. 
  They formed a group called Boycott Israeli Goods, stood outside the co-op and 
collected about 600 signatures of co-op members who believe the issue should be 
put to a vote. That was enough to force a referendum on the issue among the 
nearly 6,000 members.

Because only a handful of the store's products are made in Israel, a 
boycott would be mostly symbolic. 
A full page spread in the current issue of the co-op's newsletter gives members 
the low-down on the proposed boycott referendum, including voting procedures, 
and viewpoints from both sides of the issue.
  The pro-boycott calls it a time-honored peaceful protest against state 
violence and repression, while the other side says it runs counter to the 
mission of the food co-op; irrationally singles out Israel for condemnation; 
and is counterproductive to peace in the region.
  BIG member Anne Remley said the campaign highlights the need to show 
resistance to Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land.
  We are inviting the members of the co-op to stand up for Palestinian human 
rights and to send that message to the government of Israel from the 
well-informed, ethical, caring people who tend to be co-op members, said 
Remley, a co-op member for 36 years.
  Robert Oppenheimer of Ann Arbor, a co-op member since 1986, is against the 
boycott. He said he has a photograph of Nazi storm troopers in 1933 boycotting 
his grandfather's shoe store in Cologne, Germany, and doesn't like the idea of 
boycotts in general. Also, he's offended every week by pickets outside Beth 
Israel Congregation protesting Israel's actions in the Middle East conflict.
  As a Jewish peace activist, I think this is not a good approach, he said. 
Engaging with Jewish and Palestinian peace activists is a better approach.
  He predicts the referendum will fail because, he said, co-op members are 
thoughtful and considerate.
  But Remley thinks it will pass for the same reason.
  Co-ops are committed, and this one in particular, to a sustainable community 
for all, she said, adding that a boycott would allow the co-op to join a 
world-wide humanitarian movement.
  Co-op board president Linda Diane Feldt said the issue has been divisive, 
generating about 100 or so e-mails and phone calls., mostly from people unhappy 
with the idea of a boycott. 
  The co-op usually gets about 40 new members a month. In July, 87 people 
joined, including some who want to vote in September. Those who join after July 
31 are ineligible to vote.
  Sales have not yet been affected, but Feldt predicts a loss of members either 
way the vote goes.
  Although the board is facilitating the referendum, and therefore not taking 
positions on either side, Feldt has spoken out against the degree of nastiness 
she's seen in the past weeks, particularly from two anti-Zionists who are not 
members of B.I.G. In fact, she said, the board is no longer allowed to use the 
Kerrytown meeting 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What every Muslimah needs to know

2007-08-30 Thread Muhammad Salman Faheem
  Menstruation and Post-Partum Bleeding

  *What every Muslimah needs to know* 
  Menstrution and post-partum bleeding are issues of which every muslim woman 
should know its islamic rulings and regulations. Some don't know that Islam 
makes difference between menstruation (haydh) and bleeding between menses 
(istihaadhah). Some believe that one can't pray nor fast if there's even one 
drop of blood. 

Here's a collection of fatawaa, articles and ebooks plus extra reading on this 
topic that is important for every Muslimah. Menstruation has an effect on 
ibaadah so a sister needs to be aware what she can and cannot do during her 
  Articles related to Menstruation and Post-Partum Bleeding
Ramadaan Issues Specific to Women 

Fatawaa Related to Menstruation and Post-Partum Bleeding
Menstruation and Post-natal Bleeding @ 
Women's Issues - Menstruation @ 

Audio Lectures Related to Menstruation and Post-Partum Bleeding
Quran  woman in menses
Lecture by Dr. Saalih as-Saalih
Remembrance and Quran Recitation During Menses
Lecture by Dr. Saalih as-Saalih
The Natural Blood of Woman-1
Shaykh Ibn Uthaimeen
Natural Blood of Woman-2
Shaykh Ibn Uthaimeen
Natural Blood of Women 3
Shaykh Ibn Uthaimeen
Natural Blood of Women 4
Shaykh Ibn Uthaimeen

  Ebooks Related to Menstruation 
Natural Blood of Women by Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih Al-Uthaymeen 

Extra Reading Related to Menstruation 
Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women
Ruling Pertaining to Muslim Women


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Bridges of Minnesota and Life

2007-08-30 Thread Adel Elsaie
Bridges of Minnesota and Life
  Based on Friday Khutba by Imam Arafi, on Aug 3 2007, at the Islamic 
Association of North Texas, Dallas Central Mosque. Compiled and expanded by:
  Dr. Adel Elsaie
  A bridge in Minnesota tragically collapsed on August 1, 2007, killing an 
unknown number of innocent people. As reported by the Associated Press: 
The eight-lane Interstate 35W bridge, a major Minneapolis artery, was in 
the midst of repairs when the bridge buckled during the evening rush hour 
Wednesday. Dozens of cars plummeted more than 60 feet into the Mississippi 
River, some falling on top one of another. A school bus sat at an angle on the 
  Those that are interested can see video and pictures of the catastrophe at 
Hot Air.
  According to a report card released in 2005 by the American Society of Civil 
Engineers (ASCE), 160,570 bridges, or just over one quarter of the nation's 
590,750 bridge inventory, were rated structurally deficient or functionally 
obsolete. The nation's bridges are being called upon to serve a population that 
has grown from 200 million to over 300 million since the time the first 
vehicles rolled across the I-35W bridge. Predictably that has translated into 
lots more cars. American commuters now spend 3.5 billion hours a year stuck in 
traffic, at a cost to the economy of $63.2 billion a year. 
  America's gross domestic product in 2006 was $13.2 trillion-we can afford to 
have world-class infrastructure. As a stepping off point, we should insist that 
our elected representatives publicly acknowledge the risk of neglecting the 
bridges, roads and the other essential hardware that goes into making a modern 
civilization. Then we should hold them accountable for setting priorities and 
marshaling the requisite resources to repair our increasingly brittle society.
  The American Society of Civil Engineers warned in a report two years ago that 
between 2000 and 2003, more than 27 percent of the nation's almost 600,000 
bridges were rated as structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.
  It will cost 9.4 billion dollars a year for 20 years to eliminate all bridge 
deficiencies, the group said, adding that long-term under-investment is 
compounded by the lack of a federal transportation program.
  America must change its transportation behavior, increase transportation 
investment at all levels of government, and make use of the latest technology, 
the society's wide-reaching Report Card for America's Infrastructure added.
  The organization estimated that 1.6 trillion dollars were needed over a 
five-year period to categorize US infrastructure as in good condition.
  This really should be a wake up call for America, Democratic Senate 
Majority leader Harry Reid told reporters in Washington. We have 
infrastructure that is deteriorating and deteriorating.
  He said ever since the September 11 attacks of 2001, efforts had been geared 
to protecting against terrorism rather than maintaining basic infrastructure.
  Since, 9/11 we have simply taken our eye off the ball, he said.
  The war in Iraq could ultimately cost well over a trillion dollars — at least 
double what has already been spent — including the long-term costs of replacing 
damaged equipment, caring for wounded troops, and aiding the Iraqi government, 
according to a new government analysis.
  The Bush Admistration spends money on wars, and killing people, and ignoring 
the infrastructure in USA. They are satisfied with bridges that are 
structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.
  This raise a question in the mind of Muslims and believers:
  How many bridges in our life that are structurally deficient or functionally 
  Bridges of arrogance are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete
  Bridges of greed are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete
  Bridges of not respecting elders are structurally deficient or functionally 
  Bridges of accepting Islam, the western way, are structurally deficient or 
functionally obsolete
  Bridges of Dictatorships are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete
  Bridges of secularism are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete
  Bridges of pluralism are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete
  Bridges of Islamophobia are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete
  Bridges of women nakedness are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete
  Bridges of not following Islam As Taught by Prophet Muhammad are structurally 
deficient or functionally obsolete
  Bridges of holding to this materialistic world are structurally deficient or 
functionally obsolete
  God taught us in the Holy Quran to say every day  Show us the straight way 
[bridge], [1,6] at least 17 times.
  And Muhammad, the Apostle of God said:
  On the Day of Judgment, everyone one will pass over 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] IMF Casts Doubt on GCC Currency Union

2007-08-30 Thread AB
“They Will Always Try to Put a SPANNER in the WORKS when the Muslims Tried to 
Do Something.” – AB “BOYCOTT the US Dollar”
  “Various Campaigns Around the World Have Asked People to ‘BOYCOTT BRAND 
AMERICA’, But Most Products With American Brand Names Are NOT Made in the US. 
Therefore Refusing to Buy Such Things May Reduce ROYALTIES to America, But Will 
NOT Seriously Undermine US ECONOMIC POWER. On the Other Hand, ‘The 
LONGEST-LIVED  Most Widely Seen American ‘BRAND’ in the Rest of the World is 
Almost Certainly NOT Coca-Cola NOR McDonalds, But Rather the US DOLLAR.”
 IMF Casts Doubt on GCC Currency Union By Saifur Rahman, Business News 
  Published: 12/04/2007 12:00 AM (UAE)
  Dubai: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) yesterday casts doubt on the 
establishment of the GCC Monetary Union by 2010 saying, important 
preconditions remain to be fulfiled. The Gulf countries need to establish a 
common institutional framework in order to realise the GCC Monetary Union by 
2010, the IMF, said in its latest World Economic Outlook (WEO) report obtained 
by Gulf News yesterday.
  While efforts to enhance policy coordination would be beneficial to the GCC 
countries, important preconditions remain to be fulfiled, the report said, 
adding, including the need to better define monetary policy objectives, the 
use of more uniform monetary instruments, the establishment of the 
institutional framework required to improve the coordination of monetary 
policies, and formation of the planned customs union. 
  Following Oman's announcement of its decision not to join the GCC monetary 
union at the scheduled date of 2010, it is reported that the six GCC monetary 
authorities are considering possible alternatives, including closer monetary 
policy coordination, during the transition to a full monetary union, it said.
  Despite the recent high growth and rise in real per capita incomes in the 
region, Middle Eastern oil exporters remain heavily dependent on the 
hydrocarbon sector. 
  The current account surplus of the six Gulf countries could decline in the 
next two years if the current trend in oil price continues, IMF said. The 
report says that the outlook for the oil-producing region as a whole remains 
favourable, with some moderation of growth among oil exporters. 
  The region's current account surplus is expected to decline from its 2006 
level of 18 per cent of regional GDP to around 10.75 per cent of GDP over the 
next two years as a result of the decline in oil prices and stronger import 
growth, the report said.
  At the same time, rapid population growth has contributed to some of the 
highest levels of unemployment in the world and relatively low 
employment-to-population ratios. While increased public sector employment has 
helped cushion the impact of rising labour supply in a number of GCC countries 
in the past, the demand for jobs is outpacing economy-wide supply by increasing 
margins, WEO report said. 
  The current favourable conjuncture provides a unique opportunity for the 
region's oil exporters to implement policies that can address the twin 
challenges of diversifying oil-dependent economies and providing employment to 
a rapidly expanding labour force. In this context, the ambitious investment 
plans of the members of the GCC (totalling over $700 billion during 2006-10) 
should make a major contribution.
  Dubai government has began implementing a nine-year Dubai Strategic Plan 2015 
that will engineer an 11 per cent annual growth in GDP to Dh396.36 billion 
($108 billion) by 2015 from the current Dh137.25 billion ($37.4 billion). A 
similar plan is being finalised by the federal government.
  Kuwait's Ending of Dollar Peg May Affect GCC Plans By Babu Das Augustine, 
Banking Editor
  Dubai: Kuwait yesterday dropped the dinar's peg to dollar, an action that is 
likely to complicate the GCC's move towards monetary union, analysts say. The 
central bank's decision to end the dollar peg in favour of a benchmark against 
an undisclosed basket of currencies has come as a surprise, they say. A 
revaluation of the currency was long anticipated but not a switch to a basket 
of currencies, said Simon Williams, an economist with HSBC Middle East.
  Kuwait's decision may have an adverse impact on the GCC's plans to achieve 
monetary union by 2010. One criterion was a common monetary policy. With 
Kuwait's move to have an independent monetary policy, analysts said the chances 
of achieving the currency union are becoming increasingly difficult. 
  We did not think that the 2010 deadline was realistic. Now we are becoming 
less convinced about its feasibility, said Steve Brice, an economist with 
Standard Chartered Bank.
  Commitment reaffirmed
  Kuwait's action is likely to rankle other GCC 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Urdu Audio! - Salvation is Found in Quran and Sunnah (Quran aur Sunnat se Tamassuk) - Shaikh Rabee

2007-08-30 Thread Abu Abdur-Rahman Abdullah
  The Way to Salvation is Found in Adhering to the Quran and the Sunnah 
  Shaikh Rabee ibn Haadi al-Madkhali 

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Sunday- September 2nd -LIVE- Let's welcome the Honorable Blessed Guest Two Special Lectures

2007-08-30 Thread ALBaseerah Org
Senior Scholars and 
  Mashaykh of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamah  

  Stay informed of our important announcement -
  Please click to register for our weekly updates:  Or 

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Upcoming Lectures -Schedule-
  (Translated Arabic-English)
  Sunday, September 2nd, 2007
  1st Lecture:
  12:00 pm EST ( New York ) = 5:00 pm  - London- 
7:00 pm –Makkah- time
  2nd Lecture:
  2:00 pm EST ( New York ) = 5:00 pm  - London - 
   7:00 pm –Makkah- time

  Registration Form can be found at
  For monthly schedule (Date + Time) please visit
  Methods of Broadcasting:
  You may listen to the lectures via following options, Absolutely FREE !!!
   1- Masaajid, Islamic Centers and Groups = Use our Telephone Conference 
Calling system. Use telephone number listed below. Please email [EMAIL 
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  Password = QSSNY ( 77769)
  Individual Listeners please visit 
Lectures will be broadcasted live without the need of a password. 

Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Complete Edition Islam Video - by Yusuf Adam

2007-08-30 Thread Ahumanb
Complete Edition Information about Islam - by Yusuf Adam (ex-Christian)


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] (unknown)

2007-08-30 Thread Ebrahim Rashid

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] One-Million Quran Distribution Project

2007-08-30 Thread consultantht
salam - pl. help distribute


We need your help to educate the public on an important topic ! has launched a campaign unlike any in history
to electronically distribute one-million free copies of Quran 
through the Internet. 

As you know, Quran can be downloaded for free in many languages 
at this URL 

...and here is where you can be part of this project.

After downloading the Quran in the language that you desire, 
please forward this E-mail to your Muslim as well as non-Muslim
friends, peers and family members

As you know, a lot of media outlets have portrayed incorrect 
interpretations of Quran and it is important that such false 
perceptions be immediately corrected. 

Muslims as well as non-Muslims need to study this book often and 
thoroughly to understand the true messages of this book. 

** YOU ** can help us tremendously in this noble cause

Forward this E-mail to everyone you know and use all other legal 
means to let others know...

We will attempt to keep you posted on the progress of the number 
of copies that people download...

The question to ask yourself is that how many copies will YOU be 
resposnible for downloading and free distribution

Get the reward and be part of this project unlike any undertaken
in history before !!! 

Again, please forward this email to as many people as you can !!!

++ Download Quran for Free in many Languages at ++

One-Million Quran Distribution Project 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hidden Sexual Messages Found In Disney Movies

2007-08-30 Thread looney crazy
 Hidden Sexual Messages Found In Disney Movies

  1, Hidden Sexual Messages Found In Disney Movies: click here

  3, Brave Subliminal Toaster
  4, Disney Urban Legends (Subliminal Messages)  
  5, Disney Arabic Subliminal Messages [1]

  6, Porn and sexual content in Disney and subliminal messages  (talk delivered 
by a christian but, it is very informative)
  ord=Math.random()*1 + 1;document.write('');   
  7, who framed Subliminal Message?

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Required: Benefits Consultant

2007-08-30 Thread Unplugged LTD., For Recruitment Services

Job Title :

Benefits Consultant 

Languages :

Fluent in English 

Country :


Job Category:

Insurance, Sales 

Job Type:

Full Time 

Description :

-To deliver quantitative and qualitative worksite agreements with small to
medium sized employers -To complete post-worksite business reviews with
employers with a view to maximising worksite opportunities with each
employer -To administrate the completion of business proposals, B2B Briefing
Forms, Business and Pipeline Reports 

Qualifications :

-PC literacy in Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint. -Fluent in English is a
must. -Owning car is asset. -Strong communication skills -Effective
presentation skills -Good interpersonal skills (relationship management
skills) -Aptitude for field based work operating under own Initiative
-Negotiation  problem solving skills. -Commercial awareness and corporate
business experience. -Accountability for results  Target oriented

-Must graduated from language school

Gender :


Experience :

1-3 Years. 

Other Skills :

Technical skills  knowledge: -Market  Corporate knowledge -Good product

Salary (L.E.):


Comments :

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Turkey - Kemalism - OUDATED and IRRELEVANT

2007-08-30 Thread AB
“A Rapidly Increasing Number of Muslim Youth Are Now Realizing That No Matter 
How Hard They Compromise Their Religion to Blend In With the Wider Society, 
When Things Go Sour, They Will Be Treated With Suspicion. The More We Are Told 
to Forget Shariah, Khilafah  Jihad, the More Muslims Will Pay the Blood Price 
to Uphold These Values.” – Sr. Yvonne Ridley
  Turkey - Kemalism: Outdated and Irrelevant
  The July elections in Turkey have clearly demonstrated once again, Turkey’s 
sham political system which many western politicians and commentators 
continually promote as the ideal model for the Muslim world. The crisis in 
Turkey concerning the presidency and the role of Islam in politics represents 
the trend in the Muslim world as a whole. Some feel that the vociferous 
opposition expressed in the streets of Ankara, and in the military headquarters 
last May, seems to indicate that Mustafa Kemal’s secular legacy is safe for the 
time being. However, the real story is of a country in transition, slowly being 
transformed as part of a wider dynamic across the Muslim world. 
The cause of this crisis was the decision of the ruling Justice and Development 
party (AKP) to put forward Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and then the 
foreign minister Abdullah Gul, as candidates for the post of president. The 
presidential office is the apex of the staunchly secular political system 
established by Mustafa Kemal in the aftermath of World War I. Turkey had been 
the seat of the Caliphate until Kemal banished the Ottoman Caliph and his 
relatives in 1924. Hence, there are unique sensitivities towards any hint of 
the return of Islamic politics. Due to this legacy, the green-tinged secularism 
of the AKP, who invoke religion less frequently than the Christian Democrats in 
Germany, is treated as the spearhead of an Islamic challenge to the Kemalist 
system. In a country where the majority of women wear the Islamic headscarf, 
the greatest indication of the ‘Islamist menace’ is the fact that Gul’s wife, 
Hayrünnisa Özyurt also wears the hijab.
The major demonstrations on April 14th and 29th drew crowds of three hundred 
thousand and then up to a million. Such numbers are usually associated with 
widespread mobilisation of the masses, when a regime is on its last legs. In 
recent times we have seen similar numbers in the ‘colour’ revolutions of 
Eastern Europe. In Turkey’s case however the dynamics of these demonstrations 
of ‘people power’ are vastly different. Rather than representing the 
coalescence of the masses facing down the state, the demonstrators had the full 
backing of the establishment. One of the main organisations behind the protests 
was the Ataturk Thought Association (ADD), which is closely linked to the army.
Sener Eruygur, president of the ADD, is the former head of the country’s 
paramilitary forces. He has been linked in recent months to a plan, allegedly 
formed by senior officers to launch a coup against the AKP government. Due to 
the international climate, it is clear that the Turkish military cannot 
overthrow the government without serious diplomatic consequences. However 
media-friendly rallies mask the mobilisation of elite power with an acceptable 
veneer of popular outrage.

In reality, the opposition to the AKP candidacy is much more about fear than 
anger. Sadly, it is a fear of the majority of the Turkish people and their 
Islamic sentiments that is motivating this opposition. As one protestor 
remarked of the religious Muslims moving into her wealthy area of Istanbul 
“They have started to look down on us…they are trying to be part of the ruling 
class.” It seems strange to such protestors that people who do not meet their 
standards of civilisation and refinement should have, in their view the 
temerity to influence political life in their country, just because they 
represent the sentiment of the majority.
  In recent years, the largely ceremonial post of president has become akin to 
a gatekeeper engaged in a secular crusade, rejecting appointments to academic 
and civil service posts if the candidates are “excessively” religious. As the 
Islamic identity of Turkey’s people has become more pronounced, the state has 
become more active in vetoing such appointments; hundreds of officers are 
removed from the armed forces each year and particular attention is devoted to 
the upper echelons of the judiciary and central government. 
The political crisis in Turkey is part of a broader picture being drawn out 
across the Islamic world. As the poll conducted by for 
the University of Maryland shows, a large majority of Muslims support the 
implementation of Shari’ah law within, and the unification of Muslim countries 
into one Caliphate. The elite in Turkey are facing a similar problem to their 
counterparts in other countries.