Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islamic Courts at Eritrea meeting

2007-09-08 Thread S A Hannan
Islamic Courts at Eritrea meeting   

  Somali opposition figures, including leaders from the Islamic 
Courts Union, have opened a 10-day congress in Eritrea to call for the 
withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia. 

  About 400 delegates gathered for the meeting on Thursday, 
exactly a week after the end of a clan reconciliation conference in Mogadishu, 
the Somali capital.


  Sheikh Hassan Aweys, leader of the Islamic Courts, which 
briefly controlled most of Somalia before being ousted by Ethiopian-backed 
government forces, was present at the gathering.

  Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, another of the movement's 
leaders, was also present. 

  'Chaotic situation'

  Sheikh Ahmed said the meeting was to establish a political 
organisation that liberates the country and ends the violence and chaotic 

  We call upon Ethiopia to unconditionally withdraw its troops 
from Somalia and stop its imperialistic adventure on our territory, he said.

  He warned that a prolonged conflict in Somalia would 
eventually spill over into neighbouring countries.

  We remind her [Ethiopia] that the longer the conflict goes 
on, the higher the risk it will engulf the whole region, he said.

  The United States' foreign policy towards Somalia has been 
strangely confrontational. We call upon the United States to play a more 
positive role in the Somali conflict.

  Wanted by the US

  Sheikh Aweys and other members of the Islamic Courts Union 
are wanted by the US over suspected links to al-Qaeda.

  The US has backed Ethiopia's military operations in Somalia 
and toughened its stance towards Eritrea, Ethiopia's neighbour and long-time 
enemy, which Ethiopia says has been arming groups in Somalia and elsewhere in 
the region.

  The Islamic Courts had boycotted the earlier clan 
reconciliation conference in Mogadishu, arguing that any peace efforts should 
take place only after an Ethiopian withdrawal.

  In its three years of existence, Somalia's Western-backed 
transitional government has failed to restore stability, spending much of that 
time controlling only a small portion of the country.

  It blames the Islamic Courts and its allies for the 
near-daily attacks which have plagued Mogadishu in recent months.

  Three people were killed on Thursday in the latest spate of 
fighting between government forces and armed groups in Mogadishu.

  Ali Mohammed Anwar, a witness to the incident, told the AFP 
news agency that an elderly man and a woman were killed when a police patrol 
came under grenade attack near the capital's Salama mosque.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ramadhaan - Q A [ PART 3 ]

2007-09-08 Thread Al Islaah Publications
P.O.Box 1106 Kroonstad,South Africa, 9500
Tel no.: 27-56 -2124604  /   Mobile no: 083 477 3786/   Fax no:
086 602 9424
e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   web-site:

Ramadhaan - Q  A  [ PART 3 ]
Who can and cannot fast? At what age is a person eligible for fasting?
Are the disabled required to fast?
Fasting becomes obligatory on all Muslims as soon as they reach the
age of maturity. This may differ slightly form one child to another
hence the reluctance to set an age. Young children between the ages of
6 to 9 years generally show an eagerness to fast and should be
encouraged to manage parts of days, full days or alternate days as a
means of training. Most children would be fasting from the age of 10
and it would be quite inappropriate for a child to go beyond the age
of 14 or 15 and not be fasting regularly unless they fell into the
'exempt' category.
Those who are sick, elderly, menstruating women, travellers as well as
expectant and breast feeding mothers if they feel any danger to
themselves or the nursing infants are exempt from fasting. With the
exception of the chronically ill, all of the others mentioned have to
make up later on for missed days of fasting.
A physical disability ie deafness, blindness, lameness or to be
without a limb, rarely prevents a person from fasting. However if it
is coupled with mental incapacity or a person is mentally
incapacitated alone, fasting is not required of them.
During fasting, can a person use lipsticks and other make-up?
It is important to remember that the month of Ramadan is not a time
for attracting or drawing attention to oneself. It is a month during
which we should dedicate our time to spiritually uplifting ourselves
through prayers, reading and useful study individually, with the
family or with other good Muslims.
Lipstick and make up do not breakthe fast. However, one should
consider two issues:
a) Many of these products contain Haraam and impure ingredients. In
such a case, it will not be permissible to use such a make up.
b) Many such products prevent water from reaching the skin. In such a
case the Wudhu or Ghusl performed with such make up will not be valid.
Nevertheless, the fast is not broken. (Ahsanul Fatawa, vol.4 pg.434)
During fasting, can a person use lipbalms?
However since the winter weather can be rather harsh and does tend to
bring about sores to the lips, -  balms which soothe such complaints
can be used to protect the skin, sparingly and lightly on the
outer-skin of the lips. It is permissable to use it during fasting.
Is the person allowed to finish their Suhur meal having started it
even though the time comes to begin fasting?
Having a salaah timetable is important so that the Suhur meal can be
timed and organised to safely end a few minutes before Suhur time
ends. One of the most important lessons of Ramadan is that of
acquiring a sense of discipline and self control. Part of that
essential training is responding to the commands of Allah without
delay and this is just one of those times when sincerity of intention
and acting accordingly must be clear and unambiguous. If you happen to
wake up late you will simply have missed Suhur but should fast as
How should a new recent convert be advised regarding Ramadan if they
have only recently accepted Islam in this year?
When someone accepts Islam they are generally at the very base of the
learning curve and therefore should be treated with the gentle
sensitivity such situations require. It also depends on age, maturity,
physical strength and wellbeing. Converts to Islam come from a host of
backgrounds and situations whereby many issues have to be considered.
It is best to encourage them to fast as one might encourage a child in
the training period mentioned above. On the other hand, with your
support, they may wish to exert themselves and fast the entire month
or the greater part of it. At this time of the year fasting is clearly
not as taxing for some as it is in mid - Summer.
What is expected of Muslims whose work during the month of Ramadan
could include lunch functions, socialising with clients etc.?
Such trivialities do not fall into the category of exemptions from
fasting. In a world where every material and social norm is
immediately at hand or indulged in it is indeed an individual quality
if one can refrain from what is expected or demanded by colleagues
just because it is socially acceptable. It is best to try to readjust
your schedule to avoid such occasions or if you are in a position to
delegate such responsibilities then do so. On the other hand you could
just come right out and state your situation and hopefully a
considerate boss and work colleagues will happily relieve you from
unnecessary demands at this time.
Taken from :
Prepared by Al-Islaah 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] TSA Changes Rules for Headdress Searches at U.S.Airports

2007-09-08 Thread Shahid

This is to inform the community of a disappointing change in Transportation 
Security Administration(TSA) policy that adds another layer of inconvenience to 
travel plans, especially for sisters who observe the hijab/head scarf.  
Remember to always exercise your right to ask for a private screening/check (by 
female person), so that you are not put through the awkwardness of hijab/body 
checks in full view of other passengers.

Please read the e-mail below. Please also report any instances of 
overly-intrusive searches to click on report an incident 
or our voice mail 206.367.4081.

Religious Profiling: New TSA Policy on Head Covering 

Civil rights and community organizations are urging their constituents to take 
note of revised screening procedures at airports for all head coverings and to 
know their rights as travelers.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) released a statement
 today confirming reports of new head covering screening procedures as of 
August 4, 2007. The Sikh Coalition, the largest civil rights organization of 
American Sikhs, was the first to learn of the new policy and to seek its 
clarification. The Council on American- Islamic Relations has joined the Sikh 
Coalition as a signatory to a petition asking the current Department of 
Homeland Security Secretary 

Michael Chertoff to address concerns about the new policy.

The new Standard Operating Procedure includes a guidance recommending that 
America's 43,000 airport screeners pull aside travelers for secondary screening 
if their head wear is suspected to conceal a threat item, regardless of 
whether they pass the metal detector. The secondary screening will include a 
pat-down search and possibly a request to remove the head wear.

The TSA has not made copies of the new screening procedure or guidelines on its 
implementation available to the public. According to the Sikh Coalition, the 
turban is the only form of religious garb specifically identified by the TSA as 
an example of head wear that could lead to secondary screening at security 
checkpoints. Failing to distinguish between religious head coverings and 
fashion wear, the TSA provides cowboy hats and berets as other notable examples 
of head wear.

The new procedure's recommendation of physical pat-downs fails to acknowledge 
the religious sensitivities involved and does not include any guidance on how 
to perform these manual checks.

Earlier Standards Reversed

The new policy is a reversal of standard procedures created in November 2001 to 
address Americans' national security concerns while safeguarding religious 
freedom. The previous policy required TSA screeners to search head coverings 
such as the turban only if the metal detector was not cleared. Screeners were 
required to do as much as possible to avoid physically touching the head 

Religious Profiling

The specific singling of the turban and the apparent disregard for religious 
practice has sparked concern over religious profiling.

The policy allows screeners to single out travelers on the basis of their 
religion, said Amardeep Singh, Executive Director of the Sikh Coalition. 
..That attitude challenges the spirit of religious pluralism on which our 
country was built.

The policy has led Sikhs to feel that the one of their most precious articles 
of faith has become part of a government-mandated profile of a person who is a 
terrorist threat. According to Sikh Coalition officials, since September 11, 
2001, hundreds of Sikhs have been harassed, beaten, and even killed because of 
the association of their turbans and beards with terrorism.

A number of civil rights organizations and community groups led by the Sikh 
Coalition seek to resolve concerns raised by the new policy with the U.S. 
Department of Homeland Security, including charges that the practical 
implementation of the policy will lead to rampant religious profiling. They are 
urging the TSA to implement a policy that is both respectful of religious 
pluralism and meets America's safety needs

Know Your Rights

The Council on American-Islamic Relations encourages Muslims to to respond in 
the following manner:

1. Please remain calm and courteous during the process. 

2. Request that the screener check the headdress with a wand rather than with a 
pat-down process, explaining that the hijab (head covering) is a religious 
article of great importance. 

3. If the screener cannot oblige ask that the second screening take place in a 
private room with guards of the same gender. Travelers have the right to 
request such accommodation. 

4. Report any incidences you believe may be ethnic, religious, or racial 
profiling to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 714-776 -1847.

The Sikh Coalition also provides a 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The American Muslim Peace Initiative: A Way Out

2007-09-08 Thread Ruby Amatullah
  Sept 2, 2007 [Saturday]
  To: Muslims and the Muslim leadership
  From: Ruby Amatulla
  Re:  The American Muslim Peace Initiative: A Way Out
  Asslamu Alaikum,  
  Dear Brothers and Sisters:
  All thinking Muslims have enormous responsibilities today. 
However, the responsibility of the Muslims who are living in the West is 
paramount as they are the common denominator of the two most conflicting but 
most dynamic components of the world: the Muslim world and the West. And this 
responsibility is the highest for the American Muslims who are the citizens of 
the superpower of our time. They have the right and the legitimacy to help 
bring about the leadership of peaceful coexistence by promoting constructive 
engagements, conflict resolution, reconciliation and moderation. 
  Never the possibility of peace and prosperity and the possibility 
of death and destruction existed side by side in such a contrast and degree 
before. A leadership of ‘common sense’ and vision must come forward to tip the 
balance: The American Muslims are at the right place at a critical time of 
human history to help lead the world towards a positive direction for 
generations to come.
  With this understanding a group of prominent Muslim organizations 
such as ISNA, MPAC, CAIR, IIIT, UMAA, etc. and their leaders came together in 
Washington DC on July 11, 2007 to form the American Muslim Iraq Peace 
Initiative [AMIPI] to help resolve the Iraq conflict and to help bring about an 
end of occupation by working towards an ‘Exit’ strategy. 
  The goal of this involvement is to help Iraq succeed and help 
bring about a constructive relationship between the Muslim world and this 
superpower by establishing trust and goodwill that once existed but destroyed 
by the wrong ideas and policies pursued during the Cold War and since.
  A Muslim International Front Emerging from the Superpower:
  This initiative for a monumental work of constructive engagement 
in our time can be successful only from a untied front. Unity does not mean 
dissolving all our differences and resolving all our conflicts. If wisdom 
prevails unity should mean to unite on certain issues to benefit and to empower 
us all. 
  A list of monumental accomplishments are all possible if a 
coalition like AMIPI and its future consolidation with the other Muslim 
groups/individuals exercise wisdom and work from the moral high ground as Islam 
  1.  A Success in Iraq is Critical for the Welfare of the 
Muslim world. 
 Iraq is a catalyst of our time and its success is a critical 
factor for the Muslim world. If Iraq has fair and free elections, has a strong 
civil society and a self-rule, then that would be a compelling example to 
emulate for the rest of the Muslim world. A democratic success in a land of the 
second largest oil reserve can help stabilize a turbulent region and help 
establish an optimism that can pull the entire Muslim world out of its present 
A democratic governance is a must in the Muslim world as it 
has an enormous integrating force to unite a diverse community such as the 
United States. The Muslim world is slowly disintegrating into warring sects, 
factions and tribes. To help stop this degrading trend and to help prosper, the 
Muslim world must have a neutral governing system that promotes resolution of 
these conflicts through a rule of law and peaceful coexistence: a functional 
democracy provides that process. Therefore Iraq must come together through a 
proper balance of power and a neutral integrating system of democracy. If Iraq 
succeeds to integrate the diverse groups of people through a self-governance, 
it would flare up hopes and aspirations for such self-rule and progress in the 
Muslim world. That is the key to its stability and prosperity.
There is no effective diplomatic initiative in place today 
for Iraq, only military agendas are being pursued. No wonder Iraq is failing. A 
most aggressive agenda of negotiation and conflict resolution must be pursued 
by a people who appears sincere, credible [conversant with the same mindset], 
without much conflict of interest and one who can deliver results. An American 
Muslim leadership could offer such a role most effectively. However, in order 
to succeed a political leverage must be established by creating a national 
presence. America is ready for a Muslim voice within.
All involved parties are tired and exhausted in Iraq and 
outside Iraq but no one can offer a way out. History is a testament that when 
there is a stalemate like this a new leadership with a fresh idea emerges to 
help a way out. This is my conviction that a Muslim group from America is to 
offer this way out for America, for Iraq and for the world.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] All Expenses Paid Imam Training Program

2007-09-08 Thread Shahid
All Expenses Paid Imam Training Program

The Government of the United Arab Emirates, UAE is sponsoring a first of its 
kind unique training program for American Imams and those aspiring to become 

Program participant will receive a certificate from the UAE Ministry of Awqaf  
Islamic Affairs.

The courses will consist of a six-week program. Program curiculam will focus on 
the following:
1 Moderation in Islam
2 Fiqh for Muslim Minorities
3 Islamic Family Law
4 Principles of Islamic Banking and Finance

Selected individuals will be guest of the UAE government. All expenses 
associated with the program will be paid for including Hajj. A modest stipend 
will be provided.

Program Dates:
* Arrival in the Dubai on Oct 30th
* Classes commence on Nov 1
* Closing Ceremony- Dec 14th
* Depart for Hajj -Dec 12-25

Contact Information
Khalid A. Ahmed
Tel: 202-261-
Fax: 202-261-6668

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Be not sad, surely Allah is with us

2007-09-08 Thread Romi Elnagar

  Be not sad, surely Allah is with us

  [Shaykh Aaid Al-Qarni]
  Allah has asked us not be sad. 

He says:

So do not become weak [against your enemy], nor be sad…
[surah Al-Imran - Ayah 139].

And grieve not over them, and be not distressed because of what they plot.
[surah An-Nahl - Ayah127].

Be not sad, surely Allah is with us.
[surah At-Taubah - Ayah 40]. 

We are informed in the following verse about the believers that: 

…upon such shall come no fear, nor shall they grieve.
[surah Al-Baqarah - Ayah 38].

Sadness enervates the spirit’s will to action, paralysing the body into 
inactivity. The secret of this is that sadness prevents one from action instead 
of compelling one towards it. The heart benefits nothing through grief. 

The most beloved thing to the Devil is to make the worshiper sad in order to 
prevent him from continuing on his path. 

Allah says:

Secret counsels [conspiracies] are only from Shaytaan (Satan), in order that 
he may cause grief to the believers.
[surah Al-Mujadilah – Ayah 10]. 

In the following hadith, the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasalam) said:

'In a company of three, it is forbidden for two to hold secret counsel while 
excluding the third, as this will be a cause of sadness for him.' 

Contrary to what some believe (those who have an extreme ascetic bent), the 
believer should not seek out sadness, because sadness is a harmful element that 
afflicts the soul. 

The Muslim must repel sadness, fighting it in any way that is permissible in 
our Religion.

There is no real benefit in sadness; the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhi 
Wasalam) sought refuge from it in the following supplication:
'O’ Allah, I seek refuge in you from anxiety and grief.'

Grief is coupled with anxiety in this hadith. The difference between the two is 
that if a bad feeling that pervades the heart is related to what is going to 
happen in the future, then it is anxiety. And if the cause of this feeling 
concerns the past, then it is grief. Both of them weaken the heart, causing 
inactivity and a decrease in will power. 

Grief may sometimes be both inevitable and necessary. When they enter Paradise, 
its dwellers will say: 

All the praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has removed from us [all] grief.
[surah Fatir – Ayah 34].

This verse implies that they were afflicted with grief in this life, just as 
they were afflicted with other forms of hardship, both of which were out of 
their control. 

So whenever one is overcome by grief and there is no way to avoid it, one is 
rewarded, because grief is a form of hardship, and the believer is rewarded for 
going through hardship. 

Nonetheless, the believer must ward off grief with supplication and other 
practical means. 

As for the saying of Allah: 

Nor [is there blame] on those who came to you to be provided with mounts, and 
when you said: ‘I can find no mounts for you’, they turned hack, while their 
eyes overflowing with tears of grief that they could not find anything to 
[surah At-Taubah – Ayah 92].

They were not praised for their grief in itself but for what that grief 
indicated and pointed to - namely, strong faith. This occurred when they 
remained behind during one of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam’s) 
expeditions, due to their inability to find the necessary resources needed to 
make the trip. Hence the hypocrites are exposed, because they did not feel 
grief when they remained behind. 

Therefore the good kind of grief is that which is occasioned when one misses 
out on an opportunity to do a good deed, or when one performs a sin. When one 
feels sad because he was negligent in fulfilling the rights of Allah, he shows 
a characteristic of a person who is on the right path.

'Alahumma infa`ni bima `allamtani wa `allamni ma yanfa`uni!

OH ALLAH! Make useful for me what You taught me and teach me knowledge that 
will be useful to me! 

How perfect You are O Allah, and I praise You. 
I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except You. I seek Your 
forgiveness and turn to You in repentance.

'Our Lord, give us good in this world, and good in the hereafter, and safeguard 
us from the punishment of the Fire.' (Qur'an, 2:200-201)


With kind and humble regards,
Umme Safoora


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Were You There?

2007-09-08 Thread looney crazy
Were You There? 
  Were you there in times far gone,
When girls were buried for being born,

When disgrace was your fate for being poor,
And blood was shed to settle a score. 

Were you there in times gone past,
When honour came from tribe or caste.

When idols of stone were worshipped in pride,
And people's hearts were hard inside. 

Did you witness their evil plight,
The Prophet they tried to kill at night, 
  The men they tortured for saying a word
That changed humanity, whole nations it stirred. 

Were you there in the valley for years,
A diet consisting of water and leaves.

Banished to pay for daring to speak,
The fear of Islam was reaching its peak. 

Were you there in the cave crouched down,
The enemy so close and hunting around. 
  Only protected by a web and bird,
O but indeed, Allah was their Third!  

Did you see the day they fought,
3 camels and men whose experience was naught.

Yet bravely they battled against their own kin,
So they were forgiven, and made to win. 

Did you witness the men that day,
Who threatened the Kings to surrender or pay.

Persia and Rome had trembled indeed,
They knew they came for Allah, not greed. 

Were you there to count the dead,
The Prophet had died and Fitnah (trials  tribulations) had spread.

United they stood and fought those astray,
And spread Islam far far away. 

Were you there in times of old,
Or have you only just been told?

The men of honest acts and intentions,
That's why they're called the Prophets Companions. 

Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Friday Nasiha - Issue #434: Surah al-Maidah (The Table) - Ch 5: Vs 100 (Partial) + The Teacher Validating Faith - from YoungMuslims

2007-09-08 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Friday Nasiha - Issue #434
Jumada al Thani 28, 1428, A.H. - July 13, 2007, C.E.
Living the Quran
Surah al-Maidah (The Table) - Chapter 5: Verses 100 (Partial)

Good and Evil
The evil and the good are not equal, even though the abundance of the evil 
things might make you pleased with them.

This verse outlines for us a standard of evaluation quite distinct from the 
standards used by the superficial people of our world today. For such people, 
for instance, a hundred dollars are worth more than five dollars, since a 
hundred is more than a five. But, according to this verse, if those hundred 
dollars have been earned through corrupt means, entailing the disobedience of 
God (such as by stealing, usurping the wealth of orphans or the weak, selling 
Haram or forbidden things, or through Riba or interest), the entire amount 
becomes unclean.

On the other hand, if a person earns five dollars while obeying God, then this 
amount is clean and honourable; and anything which is unclean, whatever its 
quantity, cannot be worth more than that which is clean. A drop of perfume is 
more valuable than a heap of filth; a just ruler is more worthy of obedience 
and allegiance than a thousand evil, corrupt, and tyrannical leaders of the 
nations; a young boy or girl who spends his or her youth remembering Allah, 
helping others physically and spiritually, studying hard, calling others for 
the establishment of good, peace, and justice in the world, and helping others 
stay away from evil, is far more productive and dignified than hundreds of 
superficial youth surrounded by and subservient to their own desires, devoid of 
any higher purpose in life, driven by the latest fad and fashion, and who are 
consumers of whatever the media wants them to know, see, and buy! Surely they 
can't be equal!

Yusuf Ali (rahimahullah) writes: People often judge by quantity rather than 
quality. They are dazzled by numbers: their hearts are captured by what they 
see everywhere around them. But the people of understanding and depth judge by 
a different standard. They know that good and bad things are not to be lumped 
together, and carefully choose the best, which may be scarcest, and avoid the 
bad, though evil may meet them at every step, such as through ads, media, peer 
pressure, cultural practices, etc.

It is interesting to note the following incidence, related by Imam al-Shafi'ee 
(rahimahullah), in this connection: When 'Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (a renowned 
righteous and just Caliph from Umayyad dynasty) cancelled all the tyrannous 
taxes and returned the wealth and property that had been misappropriated by the 
rulers before him, one of his governors wrote to him and complained that by 
annulling taxes and returning the wealth to their owners, 'Umar had emptied the 
state treasury. Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (rahimahullah) wrote back to him this verse.

Tafseer Ishraq Al-Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer, and
Towards Understanding the Quran - Abul A'la Mawdudi

Understanding the Prophet's Life
The Teacher

Masjid al-Nabawi (The Prophet's Mosque) was not only a place of worship, but 
also the first Islamic university. In the Masjid, there was an elevated 
platform known as the Suffah. 

Sometimes, people who had no place to live stayed on the Suffah, but more 
often, it was occupied by people who loved the Prophet, peace be upon him, so 
much that they did not want to part with the Masjid. These people came to be 
known as the Ashab al-Suffah.

The Ashab al-Suffah spent their days and nights praying, reciting Quran and 
studying Islam. They sat in groups and performed Dhikr (remembering Allah), or 
they studied Fiqh.

Once, the Prophet saw two meetings of Ashab al-Suffah taking place. In one 
assembly, people were making Dhikr. In the other, they were studying the 
religion of Islam. The Prophet said, Allah likes both of these assemblies. 
Both are blessed.

Then he said, I have been sent as a Teacher and he joined the assembly where 
the Sahabah were engaged in learning about the Deen.

Validating Faith

The need to challenge, re-evaluate and consciously adopt a faith applies to all 
people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Even those born into Muslim families 
must go through the process and accept their faith rationally. They, too, must 
make a personal choice and consciously adopt Islam, not just inherit it without 
much thought. This is vitally important because if one's intellect is not 
honestly and sincerely convinced of it, one's belief in Islam is invalid. To be 
acceptable to Allah, both heart and mind must witness the truth of the faith.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Life Is ..... Gloriously Difficult

2007-09-08 Thread Curtis Sharif

  Gloriously difficult   Life is gloriously difficult. The universe is 
wonderfully complex. 
  Every new discovery opens the door for even more discoveries. Every challenge 
you work through enables you to move on to even greater and more fulfilling 
  Instead of fighting against the difficulty, celebrate it. Embrace the 
challenges and you'll find profound value in them. 
  Instead of being frustrated and confused by the complexity, dive in and 
experience its richness. Though you'll never understand it all, you can always 
understand more. 
  Circumstances change from moment to moment, and life is continually renewed. 
Though changes can often be painful, a life with no change at all would be 
unbearably empty. 
  With its many ups and downs and twists and turns, life is happening all 
around you. Remember how truly fortunate you are, take it all in, and make your 
own special greatness. 
  -- Ralph Marston


Bismillah, FYI 
Peace,Curtis Sharif
Houston, Texas

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] SHAYKH ZAHIR (Birmingham) SHAYKH AHMED ALI (Leiceter) EVENT

2007-09-08 Thread looney crazy
  The Cube Foundation
  A brief look at some of the Men and Women around The Messenger (SAW), each 
one a mountain in his/her own right.
  SHAYKH ZAHIR (Birmingham)
  Sunday 9th September
  3:00pm - 6:00pm (Doors open at 2:30pm)
  @ PMC, woodbourne Road S9, SHEFFIELD
  For info and stalls call Abu Ibraheem 07704928021
  Brothers and sisters complete segregation 
  This event is sponsored by : 
  Chaska Takeaway - BS Com Computer Services - Dronfield Masala -
   Sheffield Health and Fitness Centre - Evolution Menswear - 
  Madrassa Kasimyah 

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.