Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ahmadinejad unveils world without Israel!

2007-09-27 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad used his speech to the United Nations 
General Assembly on Tuesday to unveil a vision of a world without Israel, in 
which America and Europe would be freed of what he said was Zionist oppression. 

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks during the 62nd session of the 
United Nations General Assembly at UN headquarters. 

Culminating a concerted assault on what he described as the injustices and 
oppressions practiced by the "big powers" since World War II, he said that the 
ungodly era of lewdness and violence was coming to a close and that "the age of 
monotheism has commenced." 

The world was "nearing the sunset of the time of empires," he said, and urged 
the dominant world powers to eschew their "obedience to Satan" and "submit to 
the will of god." If they did so, "they will be saved." If not, "calamities 
will befall them." 

But whether or not these powers chose to reform themselves, he said, the day 
was fast approaching when "occupied lands will be freed. Palestine and Iraq 
will be liberated from the domination of the occupiers." And the people of 
America and Europe would be liberated from Zionist oppression. "This is the 
promise of god," he said. "Therefore it will be fulfilled." 

Earlier in his address, the Iranian president insisted again that his country's 
nuclear program was peaceful and transparent, and repeated and elaborated on 
the charges he had levelled at Columbia University on Monday against Israel - 
which he did not mention by name, but rather called "the illegal Zionist 

He told the assembled world leaders that the people of Palestine had been 
punished for 60 years for what had happened in Europe. They had been held 
"under occupation of the illegal Zionist regime," he said. "The Palestinian 
people have been displaced," he went on, "incarcerated under abhorrent 
conditions." They were being deprived of water and medicine "for the sin of 
asking for freedom." 

Ahmadinejad accused Israel of terrorism and castigated "the brutal Zionists" 
for carrying out targeted assassinations. 

He also described immigration to Israel as the gathering "of Jews from around 
the world" with false promises, and their enforced settlement "in the occupied 
territories" where there were induced "to malevolence against the Palestinian 

He spoke of a range of global injustices being rooted in the domination by the 
victors of World War II over the vanquished, and being perpetuated by the 
skewed composition of the permanent membership of the UN Security Council. The 
big powers, he said, had "put themselves in the position of god" and lost 
"their respect for the dignity of humans." 

As a remedy, he proposed the formation of "a coalition for peace," guided by 
"monotheism, justice and compassion for humans," and the reforming of the 
Security Council based on justice and democracy. 

On the nuclear issue, he said Iran's activities were "completely peaceful and 
transparent" and castigated the "illegal" sanctions initiatives against his 
country. But "the nuclear issue of Iran is now closed," he said, however, 
indicting that Iran had prevailed, thanks to the "resistance of the Iranian 

"Strive as in a race to achieve the
 goal of excellence in all that you do."
  For real insights visit:

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Evils of Harry Potter and the Kufr of Magic

2007-09-27 Thread DDN

B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i rR a h e e m

The Evils of Harry Potter and the Kufr of Magic


95 Minutes

By Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa Richardson
An important lecture on the topic of Magic, more specifically how it has 
found its way in to Muslim homes by way of books, video games and other media, 
usually under the guise of fiction and educational benefit. The evil 
characteristics of magic are outlined with examples from the Qur'aan and the 
Sunnah in addition to an analysis of the Harry Potter phenomena (a magic-laden 
fictionally trilogy) which has grasped the attention span of children around 
the world with remarkably ability.

What Prompted this Lecture?

We strongly encourage the Muslims to propagate this lecture, as the subtle 
and not so subtle magic that opposes our deen and corrupts our communities is 
often overlooked due to its fictional classification. In addition, it shows the 
importance of guardianship, being concerned with our children's time, their 
books, games etc. Finally, it exposes the evil contained in the Potter series, 
this lecture was prompted by the fascination of young Muslims in the community 
with Harry Potter, loving him, admiring him and wanting to be like him - all 
under the eyes of their parents, unaware or uninterested in what our beloved 
Muslim children are reading and watching.

From the topics discussed:

  a.. Protecting ones' self and one's family from the shaytaan
  b.. The responsibility of guardianship/parenthood
  c.. The verdicts on magic according to the Qur'aan and Sunnah
  d.. The types of magic (illusionary and afflictive)
  e.. Black magic, white Magic - good and bad magic?
  f.. Harry Potter; his character, companions, teachers, passions and goals
  g.. Examples of the magic contained in the Harry Potter books
  h.. Divination - predicting the future
  i.. The position of the sharee'ah concerning fiction

September 21, 2007

K a r i m a

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Du'aa' In Ramadaan

2007-09-27 Thread Orhan Muhammed Al Shareef
Assalaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
  Good point Abida, as regards suh postings, the classification of Hadith into 
da'eef and Sahih etc by Sheikh Al Albani is not taken by every scholar 
(actually the majority do not take it) as he is a late comer onto the scene of 
hadith classification (actually some 500 years or more have passed since the 
hadith collossols such as Ibn Hajar al Asqalani al Shafi'ee rahimahullah has 
come and gone, and the hadith critiques and analysers such as them finished 
what was the critique of the ahadith literature).
  So when a contemporary sheikh (Allah yarhamu) who only had tabarruk ijaazah 
on the field begin 're-classifying' ahadith into different categories, what we 
get is a division in the Ummah. People who cling to a previously Sahih hadith 
are told that now that hadith is 'da'eef'.
  This causes ramifications throughout the Ummah, and is one of the causes of 
division that can be seen in our present nations as we speak.
  So in such a case, it is safer to stick with Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah (also 
known as al sawad al adham - or the largest group from every generation) which 
has always been the madhhabs and their 'ulama al Haqq.
  As 1400 years has come and gone, and most of the tabaqaat books are bot 
presentin our midst, of jarh wal ta'deel etc of the rawis, sticking to the 
teachings of 'ulama who were masters in their field would seem to be a safer 
option - And Allah Alone Knows Best.
  May Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala protect us from the trials and tribulations of 
this dunya and allow us to be people of hikmah and 'ilm.Ameen.
  Fi Amanillah
  Orhan Abu Khadijah

  This is good to learn new and masnoon duas. But duas for seher & Iftar that 
are already narrated in our culture does not make a big difference.
  You know this is just a game of words. A lot many people get confused with 
these trivial corrections. The main purpose is to fast correctly and remeber 
Allah ( swt).
  JazakaAllah khair .


  Du’aa’ when seeing the new moon 
  Al-Tirmidhi (3451) narrated from Talhah ibn ‘Ubayd-Allaah  that when the 
Prophet  saw the new moon, he would say, 
  “Allaahumma ahillahu ‘alaynaa bil-yumni wal-eemaani 
  was-salaamati wal-islaami rabbii wa rabbukallaah” 
  (O Allaah, make the new moon rise on us with blessing, faith, safety and 
Islam. My Lord and Your Lord is Allah). Classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani 
in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 2745. 
  This du’aa’ is not just for the new moon of Ramadaan; rather the Muslim 
should say it when he sees the new moon at the beginning of every month. 
No du’aa’ for Sehri 
There is no du’aa’ that the Muslim should say when starting to fast (sehri) 
each day. Rather he should simply have the intention that he is going to fast 
  The intention is subject to the condition that it is made at night, 
before the dawn comes, because the Prophet  said: 
  “Whoever does not intend to fast before dawn, there is no fast for him.” 
al-Tirmidhi, 730. 
  According to a version narrated by al-Nasaa’i (2334): 
  “Whoever does not intend to fast from the night before, there is no fast for 
him.” Classed as hasan by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 573. 
What is meant is that whoever does not intend to fast and resolve to do so 
from the night before, his fast is not valid. 
  The intention (niyyah) is an action of the heart. The Muslim should 
resolve in his heart that he is going to fast tomorrow. It is not prescribed 
for him to utter it out loud and say, “I intend to fast” and other phrases that 
have been innovated by some people. 
  And Allaah knows best. 
  Phrases innovated by some people: 
  1. Allaahoumma (innee) aswoumou (radan) laka faghfirli maa qaddamtou wa 
maa aa-khartou. 
2. (Wa) bisawmi ra‘dinn nawaitu (min shahri ramadwaan). 
3. Nawaitu an aswouma radan lillaahi ta‘aalaa min faradwi ramadwaana 
4. Nawaitu an aswouma haazal yawma lillaahi ta‘aalaa min faradwi 
  Note: It is obligatory to have the intention for the Farz fasts prior to 
the dawn. But with regard to Naafil fasts, it is permissible to make the 
intention to fast on the day, if you have not eaten or drunk or had intercourse 
after Fajr, because it was proven in the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah  that the Prophet 
 entered upon her one day at duha time and said, “Do you have anything (any 
food)?” She said, “No.” He said, “Then I am fasting.” (Muslim 2/809). 
Correct Du’aa’ after Iftaar 
Ibn ‘Umar  said: The Messenger of Allaah  used to say when breaking his fast: 
  “Zahabaz-zwama’u wabtallatil-‘urooqu, wa thabatal-ajru inshaa’ Allaah” 
  (Thirst is gone, the veins are moistened and the reward is certain if 
Allaah wills). 
  Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2357; al-Daaraq

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Female Muslim In Need - Help Needed

2007-09-27 Thread Mohammed A
Female Muslim In Need - Help Needed
  As- salaamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahamtullah Wa Barakaatuh
  RE:  Muddassar Arani 
  Course of Action:

   File concerns to the MP’s 
  See letter below.
  I enclose a copy of the letter that I would welcome individuals to sent out 
to their MP’s so that concerns can be raised in relation to what is taking 
  If any one is able to have this placed  on the Websites  for the community to 
file concerns this will be appreciated.
Your Name
Your Address 
  MP’s Name 
  MP’s  Address
  Dear Member Of Parliament,
  I write this letter as a concerned member of your constituency with regards 
the treatment of a Human Rights Lawyer, Muddassar Arani, by both the press and 
government organs.
  Since 2004, Ms Arani has been subjected to a witch-hunt in the press for 
defending high-profile suspects within the so-called 'War On Terrorism'. I 
obviously need not remind you that this 'war', without definition, target or 
objective, is causing untold misery within the Muslim community and making them 
feel victimised for the sake of political gain. 
  Some of those victims obviously require representation, however the 
Government, Courts and press through their treatment of Ms Arani and her firm 
would seem to disagree with this view. She has been hounded unnecessarily in an 
extremely intimidating fashion which raises serious questions within myself of 
how much the government actually does believe in a vision of 'multicultural  
Britain', and more importantly whether this is a vision that includes the 
Muslim community. 
   I quote some examples below of Ms Arani's treatment, which I hope you will 
agree has been racist, islamophobic, and defamatory in nature :- 

   The Sun stated under the headline "Hamza's lawyer hits you with a massive 
legal aid bill" that Ms Arani was in receipt of hundreds of thousands of pounds 
in Legal aid for representing a Client, Mustafa Kamel. This was completely 
false and no money was received from Legal aid for this case. However, this 
falsehood has since been repeated numerous times in both broadsheets and 
tabloids. The article also listed the car, house and location of the house that 
Ms Arani drives and occupies. This is a breach of Part 13 of the Press Code of 
   The Daily mail, The Daily Express and others have since repeated the 
spurious allegations, without any basis and without any right to reply offered 
as per articles 1 and 2 of the Press Code of Practice.   
   All of the articles above have been defamatory, racist and anti-muslim in 
nature, in particular making strong reference to the fact that Ms Arani is a 
Muslim who wears Islamic Dress, with a strong subtext that it is wrong for 
Muslim lawyers to defend Muslim clients.   
   The Police have also acted towards her in a bigoted and racist manner. They 
have passed details of other law firms to her clients being held in detention, 
without them requesting or being dissatisfied with the services of Arani and 
   The Police did not allow her to contact clients being held in Paddington 
Green Police Station.   
   The Police also informed her that her clients were being subjected to 
further search procedures, out of malice, as she had 'too much contact' with 
   The courts service as well is not immune. When she made statements about her 
clients treatment at HMP Belmarsh ( incidentally this view is supported by 
various Human Rights Groups, as well as the European Committee for the 
Prevention of Torture and Inhumane and Degrading treatment or Punishment ), Mr 
Justice Fulford in summarising a case accused her of deliberately delaying the 
trial by making these allegations.   
   Steven Kamlish QC accused me of trying to bribe his client Kwaku Asidu, even 
though Mr Asidu did not accept these allegations. 
  I could go on with examples of character assassination, victimisation and 
intimidation, however for the sake of brevity I will only quote the above 
  In summary, what is happening to Ms Arani is completely unwarranted, and is 
clearly a targeted policy to prevent Muslims receiving a fair trial. 
  I should mention to you that Pat Finucane, Human Rights Lawyer of Ireland, 
also defended high-profile clients on many occasions and was often subjected to 
abuse, intimidation and victimisation. He often discovered that the police had 
abused their authority in the rule of law, and he was vilified for this. Sadly, 
Pat Finucane is no longer with us, having been assassinated by Right-Wing 
extremists who were strongly suspected to have been provided information by the 
  I trust that these days are gone, however the case of Ms Arani seems to be 
moving further towards that tragic past once more. I trust you will see that it 
is necessary to end   this character assassination for the sake of community 
  Yours faithfully,

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] "Stories regarding the Quraan" - from MAW

2007-09-27 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Please let me add:
We are Muslim to the extent we live by Quran and Kafar to the extent we neglect 

One can live by Quran only when he knows what is written in Quran. Let me give 
you a glimpse of  




Quran presents

A living and Lasting God (2:256)

The Lord of all creation (1:2)

He Gracious, the Merciful (1:3)

The Almighty (29:43)

All-hearing, all-knowing (5:77)

The Wise (34:2)

The Forgiving (34:3)

The Bountiful (27:41)

The Loving (11:91)

The Creator, the Maker (59:25)

The high, the Great (2:256)

The Holy (10:69)

The Lord of all praise, Owner of all glory (31:13)

The One, the Supreme (39:5)

Who is free from all wants (64:7)?

Begets none and is begotten by no one, and

has none as His equal (112:4-5)

Who guides men 10:36, 33:5)?

Hear prayers (2:187)

Speaks to such of them as fulfil His covenant (3:77& 42:52)

Punishes the transgressors (48:18)

Reward those who do good (6:84)

Love those who do good (2:196)

He has created all men from the same stock (4:2)

He has divided them into different groups so that they may know one another, 
and that

the best among them is he who best perform his duty (49:14)

Our attitude towards Him has to be that of complete submission (3:20)


He has given us detailed instructions as to 

  How we should treat our parents (17:24-25)

  Our near and dear, neighbours, orphans and the downtrodden (4:37)

  Our Wives (2:188,4:20)

  Our Children (6:153)

  Our Widows (4:20)

  Our enemies (5:9)

  Our companions (24:61, 58:12)

He tells us:

  To be truthful (9:120)

  To shun lies (22:31)

  Not to commit adultery (17:33)

  Not to commit theft (5:39)

  Not to commit Murder (6:152)

  Not to commit breach of trust (8:28)

  Not to be dishonest (8:59)

  To keep away from all that is vain (23:3)

  To fulfil our covenants (5:2)

  To strive for increased knowledge (20:115)

  To do justice (4:59)

  To be benevolent (16:91)

  To be steadfast (3:201)

  To be thankful (39:67)

  To admonish others to do good (16:126)

  Not to preach that we do not practice (61:3)

  Not to be haughty and vainglorious (4:37)

  To be neither miserly nor spendthrift (17:30)

  To be humble (25:64)

  To speak kindly (2:84)

  To suppress our rage and forgive people (3:135)

  To repay evil with good (13:23)

  To be united (3:103)

  To do not backbite (103:2)

  To spend wealth for the cause of Allah (2:262)

  To spend wealth for the poor and needy (2:272)

  Not to ridicule one another or call names (49:12)

  To fear none but Allah (2:41)

  To eat pure things (2:169)

  To remain clean (2:223 & 74:6)


He further says:


All your deeds, even if they are as minor as an iota, must visit on you (99:8-9)

That all that is on the earth carries the seed of destruction (55:27)

That the haven and earth have not been created in vain (38:28)

That just as He started the cycle of creation so shall He reverse it (21:104)

He, who created you the first time, will again raise you to life (17:52 & 19:67)

The fact that you cannot conquer death shows that there is a purpose in it 
(56:88) etc. etc.


Let others explore more this effect. More we know, better we are..


" Please do not read to contradict and refute,
nor to believe and take it for granted,
but to weigh and consider."
Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Humble student of Quran

  - Original Message - 
  From: "Mohamed (Imtiaz) Bhikoo" 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 10:20 AM
  Subject: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] "Stories regarding the Quraan" - from MAW

  Bismillahir Rahmaan Nir Rahim
  Monday - 12 Ramadhaan 1428 / 24 September 2007

  Stories regarding the Quraan

  How to recite the Quraan

  The Quraan should be recited with respect and sincere devotion.

  It is narrated that before reciting the Quran Ikrimah Ibn Abi Jahal Radhi 
Allahu Anhu used to say : "This is the word of my Lord!" He would then fall 
down unconscious. (Faidhul Qadeer)

  How much of Quraan do the pious recite

  History has preserved the biographies of our great Ulama so that we could 
derive motivation from their great feats.

  Imam Shaafi Rahimahullah used to complete a recitation of the entire Quraan 
every night. In Ramdhaan he used to complete one recitation of the entire 
Quraan during the day and one during the night. In this way he would complete 
sixty recitations of the Quraan. This was excluding the Quraan he would recite 
in Salaah. Abu Bakr Ibn Haddaad Rahimahullah mentions that he too would try to 
exert himself in reciting Quraan but the most he could manage was fifty nine 
completions of the Quraan. (Tabaqaat Ash-Shaafieeya

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] why do I feel like this?

2007-09-27 Thread aayesha_asma_2004
as salam alikum
I feel hopeless, restless, I can't sleep and my body hurts all the
time I don't eat hardly anymore ( i skip the meal before sunrise and
sometimes I skip the evening meal as well} I cry a lot actual I cry
over every little thing I don't leave the house hardly ever only when
I really have to like to go to work . I feel like I'm in a deep dark
hole and I can't get out. I have been to the doctors several  times
they say there is nothing wrong physically with me. I do my prayers
and then I spend the rest of the time laying on the floor crying
usally any advice?

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Palestine Chronicle - War on Children in Gaza

2007-09-27 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Subject: Palestine Chronicle - War on Children in Gaza
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:26:44 -0500

  (For full daily update and to support the Palestine Chronicle visit our 
  The War on Gaza\'s Children
By Saree Makdisi
  An entire generation of Palestinians in Gaza is growing up stunted: 
physically and nutritionally stunted because they are not getting enough to 
eat; emotionally stunted because of the pressures of living in a virtual prison 
and facing the constant threat of destruction and displacement; intellectually 
and academically stunted because they cannot concentrate -- or, even if they 
can, because they are trying to study and learn in circumstances that no child 
should have to endure. 
  Even before Israel this week declared Gaza "hostile territory" -- apparently 
in preparation for cutting off the last remaining supplies of fuel and 
electricity to 1.5 million men, women and children -- the situation was dire. 
  As a result of Israel\'s blockade on most imports and exports and other 
policies designed to punish the populace, about 70% of Gaza\'s workforce is now 
unemployed or without pay, according to the United Nations, and about 80% of 
its residents live in grinding poverty. About 1.2 million of them are now 
dependent for their day-to-day survival on food handouts from U.N. or 
international agencies, without which, as the World Food Program\'s Kirstie 
Campbell put it, "they are liable to starve." 
  An increasing number of Palestinian families in Gaza are unable to offer 
their children more than one meager meal a day, often little more than rice and 
boiled lentils. Fresh fruit and vegetables are beyond the reach of many 
families. Meat and chicken are impossibly expensive. Gaza faces the rich waters 
of the Mediterranean, but fish is unavailable in its markets because the 
Israeli navy has curtailed the movements of Gaza\'s fishermen. 
  Los Angeles parents who have spent the last few weeks running from one 
back-to-school sale to another could do worse than to spare a few minutes to 
think about their counterparts in the Gaza Strip. As a result of the siege, 
Gaza is not only short of raw textiles and other key goods but also paper, ink 
and vital school supplies. One-third of Gaza\'s children started the school 
year missing necessary textbooks. John Ging, the Gaza director of the U.N. 
Relief and Works Agency, whose schools take care of 200,000 children in Gaza, 
has warned that children come to school "hungry and unable to concentrate." 
  Israel says that its policies in Gaza are designed to put pressure on the 
Palestinian population to in turn put pressure on those who fire crude 
home-made rockets from Gaza into the Israeli town of Sderot. Those rocket 
attacks are wrong. But it is also wrong to punish an entire population for the 
actions of a few -- actions that the schoolchildren of Gaza and their 
beleagueredparents are in any case powerless to stop. 
  It is a violation of international law to collectively punish more than a 
million people for something they did not do. According to the Geneva 
Convention, to which it is a signatory, Israel actually has the obligation to 
ensure the well-being of the people on whom it has chosen to impose a military 
occupation for more than four decades. 
  Instead, it has shrugged off the law. It has ignored the repeated demands of 
the U.N. Security Council. It has dismissed the International Court of Justice 
in the Hague. What John Dugard, the U.N.\'s special rapporteur on human rights 
in the occupied territories, refers to as the "carefully managed" strangulation 
of Gaza -- in full view of an uncaring world -- is explicitly part of its 
strategy. "The idea," said Dov Weisglass, an Israeli government advisor, "is to 
put the Palestinians on a diet, but not make them die of hunger."
  -Saree Makdisi is a professor of English literature at UCLA and the author of 
"Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation," forthcoming from Norton. (This 
article was first published by the Los Angeles Times; republished with 
permission from the author)

Got a little couch potato? 
Check out fun summer activities for kids.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] President Ahmadinejad meets Jewish rabbis in New York!

2007-09-27 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
Iran-US-President   President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Monday afternoon met with a 
group of Jewish rabbis who gave him a silver grail as a sign of friendship. 

The president is currently in New York to address the United Nations General 

The rabbis carried a placard which read, "I am Jewish not a Zionist." 
A senior rabbi of the group said that they considered the visit to New York of 
President Ahmadinejad as an exceptional opportunity and would never forget it. 

He referred to the Iranian president as a person who made a distinction between 
Jews and Zionists. 

"You understand us and make a distinction between the violent behavior of 
Zionists and the religious beliefs of Jews," said the senior rabbi who called 
President Ahmadinejad "a pious man who is seeking to restore peace in the world 
and has humanitarian plans." Appreciating the rabbis for their gift, President 
Ahmadinejad said he was happy to visit them. 

"All people in the world have now understood that Judaism is different from 
Zionism," said the president. 

He added, "Zionists are a political group looking for taking advantage of the 
opportunities while Jews are the followers of the Moses who promoted peace and 
President Ahmadinejad stressed that there was no disagreement between the 
followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam as they all pray the same God and 
are brothers. 

The president said the future belongs to the monotheist faiths and that liars 
would be eliminated. 

He stressed that all followers of divine faiths were responsible to promote 
monotheism and defend peace, justice and brotherhood. 

Ahmadinejad Meets US Rabbis 
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 -   Source: IRNA

"Strive as in a race to achieve the
 goal of excellence in all that you do."
  For real insights visit:

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Free Holy Quran on

2007-09-27 Thread DR UMAR AZAM
Ramadhan Mubarak to all!
  ·the entire HOLY QURAN (free) by e-mail attachment
  ·a DUA Booklet (free) by e-mail attachment
  ·a RAMADAN Booklet (free) by e-mail attachment
Full instructions can be found on: 


 For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Palestine Chronicle - Art: David and Goliath

2007-09-27 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Subject: Palestine Chronicle - Art: David and Goliath
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 16:03:05 -0500

  (For full update visit )
  David and Goliath: Palestinian Artist Spreads Hope 
  By Ramzy Baroud
  When one commits to the life of an active citizen, spending their hours days 
and years reading and writing about current events, it becomes a daily struggle 
to overcome the cynicism that chases after you with the despairing headlines 
marking each newspaper or magazine. Rare is it when someone or something comes 
along to revive the feelings of courage, tenacity and wilfulness of the young 
and hopeful activist. 
  In my office, hanging above the fireplace in conspicuous view from any part 
of the room is a large print of Rana Ghassan’s "David and Goliath". It has been 
placed in a strategic location, where beholding it daily is unavoidable. I am 
forced to study the foreboding danger portrayed as soldiers gather in the 
distant dust. I must consider that the young faceless boy in the work stands 
with no barricade to protect him, no riot gear, armoured vehicle, just a 
worn-out cotton t-shirt and a steadfastness that can move mountains. 
  With a hearty clutch on a handful of stones, his only weapon, the bulging 
veins and blanched knuckles convey an uncommon strength that so fluently and 
completely relays the history of the Palestinian struggle. It is not a message 
of victimization, weakness and pity. Yes, it does speak of adversity, 
injustice, but also of empowerment and the will to rise above wrong. If there 
is any notion that Palestinians would wish to relay, it is this; that their 
fight is not born of weakness and pity, but of brazen determination and guts. 
Ghassan is an ambassador in her own right, and has, in my opinion, conveyed 
this message impeccably.  
  "David and Goliath" reflects a symphony of emotions. She masterfully brings 
together elements of accurate drawing, mood coloration, and phenomenal 
composition, capturing subtle emotions sometimes hidden within a live scene or 
photograph, and expresses the struggle of life under oppression in an inspiring 
light of courage and struggle.
  One of her many strengths is that Ghassan focuses on the positive emotions of 
a negative scene. Some artists who choose to focus on Palestinian themes 
concentrate on the oppressors, which results in morbid, dark, and although very 
powerful and remarkable, nonetheless gloomy scenes. She believes that history 
has shown us that it is our darkest hours, which provide us with the 
contrasting background for the brightest light of hope and inspiration. 
Clearly, this idea is captured in her work.
  Recent months have sadly also shown a less dignified side of the Palestinian 
cause. With infighting and internal politics so divisive that the real essence 
of struggle is eroded, Ghassan\'s also provides a painful and abrupt reminder 
of the real heroes in this struggle. It is the poor, the disenfranchised and 
more, the youth of Palestine that keep the authentic and true struggle alive. I 
believe that Ghassan, through this intensely meaningful portrait, not only 
exposes the outside enemy, but the failure of the Palestinian leadership as 
well, for it is not politicians, ministers and the like that brave the 
occupying army, but a boy in the springtime of his youth who stands in his 
people\'s defence.
  I am so thankful for Rana Ghassan, for her genius, dedication and commitment 
to documenting this struggle in such a beautiful way. The pride and hope that 
screams from each canvas forces one to renew their commitment somehow, to 
reconsider their place in this unshakable struggle with each thoughtful gaze. I 
am certain that Ghassan will be honoured for generations as one of the most 
gifted Palestinian artists of our time. 
  -For more information visit 
  -Ramzy Baroud is an author and editor of His work has 
been published in many newspapers and journals worldwide. His latest book is 
The Second Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of a People\'s Struggle (Pluto 
Press, London). For more, visit his website:

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 13th DAYS OF TARAVEEH - Glimpses of Quran

2007-09-27 Thread Mahaboob Shariff

13th Day of TARAVEEH

The story of Moosa (AS) and Khidr (AS) continues from the last section of the 
fifteenth part.

In the tenth section it is narrated that both of them walking down reached a 
village and Khidr (AS) started constructing a wall. Moosa (AS) did not keep 
quiet and finally they parted. Before they departed Khidr (AS) explained the 
mystery behind all these events and said that he did not do all these things on 
his own but was according to ALLAH's Will.

In the eleventh section the mention about the king Dhulqarnain and his powers 
is made and that he has undertaken the journey of the east and the west, and 
also about the Yajooj (Gog) and Majooj (Magog).

In the last section of this surah it is said that those who commit evil and 
still think that they had done a good thing are in great loss. For those who do 
good deeds there is Paradise al-Firdouse. ALLAH 's praise cannot be completed 
even if the seven oceans were taken as ink to write about HIM. Whoever wants to 
meet his Lord, he must do good deeds and should not associate anyone in HIS 
worship and obedience

Surah Mariam begins

In the first section there is mention about the prayer of Zakariyya (AS) for a 
child in his old age and the acceptance of his duaa by ALLAH and the good 
tidings of a son to him, whose name is suggested as Yahya by ALLAH before his 
birth. Yahya (AS) is asked to hold fast the Book of ALLAH.

In the second section there are details about Mariam (AS) and the birth of Eesa 
(AS) without a father. Eesa (AS) talking from the lap of his mother and the 
mention about the bounties of ALLAH upon him. Those who refuse to accept the 
Power of ALLAH are warned about the day on which they would repent and feel at 
a loss. The owner of everything is ALLAH.

In the third section it is explained how Ibrahim (AS) has tried his best to 
convince and stop his father from the shirk and the idolatry and called him 
towards Tawheed, his migration and the good tidings that his truthfulness and 
virtue would be remembered by people of all generations.

In the fourth section there are details about the distinguishing 
characteristics of Moosa (AS), Haroon (AS), Ismail (AS) Idris (AS) and there is 
mention of few more Prophets, their distinguishing features and that people 
have become the slaves of their own desires and have seen their own 
consequences. But for those who have repented and changed their lives there is 
Paradise for them. In the Paradise nothing undesirable would be found and will 
be full of bounties of ALLAH. Jibraeel (AS) coming to the Prophet (pbuh) was 
only with the command of ALLAH.

In the fifth section there is refutation for those who questioned the 
resurrection and bringing back to life on the day of Judgment and were told to 
listen to the decision of ALLAH that everyone will cross over the as-Siraat 
bridge and that hose who are righteous will cross it and those who are sinners 
and unjust will fall down their knees into the hell fire. It is advised not to 
be mistaken by the let-loose or the respite given here in this world and there 
it would be known who is successful and who is not successful.

In the last section of this surah it is said that the Shaitaan is out to track 
down the kuffar, so wait for the Aakhirah. It is also explained where those who 
fear ALLAH would reach and where the sinners will end. On that day all 
connections would have been severed and the only link would be that of ALLAH, 
but the unjust people have ascribed son to HIM. It is such a grave thing that 
the earth would get torn into pieces and the mountains reduced to ashes. God 
forbid! They ascribe son to the Rahman, while in fact everything in the 
Universe is created to serve HIM. Those who believe and do good deeds, ALLAH 
creates love and affection in their hearts and those who rebel against ALLAH 
and HIS Messengers were destroyed and today nothing is heard of them!

Surah Taha begins

In the first section it is said that the Quraan was revealed in order that 
those who are soft at heart take admonition out of it. It is the revelation 
from the creator of all that exists between the heavens and the earth. Whatever 
one says secretly or aloud HE knows it. The story of Moosa (AS), about the 
Qiyamah, and the miracles of Moosa (AS) are mentioned.

In the second section there is mention about the supplications of Moosa (AS) 
his birth and his being set afloat in a box on the river Nile. The mission of 
Moosa (AS) and Haroon (AS) to call people towards ALLAH and to be polite 
towards Pharaoh, perhaps he may accept the truth. The argument of the Pharaoh 
with Moosa (AS) are explained in detail.

In the third section there are details about the challenge of the magicians to 
Moosa (AS) and the defeat of the magicians, their belief in ALLAH, the threat 
of the Pharaoh to them and the steadfastness of the magicians in their belief.

In the fourth section it is said that ALLAH had commanded Moosa (AS) to migrate 
out of Egy

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Articles of Faith in Islam

2007-09-27 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*The Articles of Faith in Islam  *

ALL Muslims believe in the oneness of Allah. Allah has no partner, son,
daughter, helper, or competitor. There is nothing that even remotely
resembles Him, for He is unique. The Qur'an states that each of the
messengers and prophets  has received revelations from Allah in their own
tongue so that they know what is required of them. The Qur'an mentions 25 of
them by name. Among them Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph,
Moses, David, Solomon, John, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon him).

There are, however, many others who are not named. Muhammad, the last
Prophet, peace be upon him, was sent with a universal message meant for all
of humanity The message revealed through him is the Qur'an, which is Allah's
final presentation of the original revelation received by mankind in its
purest form. A Muslim must believe in all of Allah's prophets and messengers
as for denial of one means denial of all.

The purest of the original messages revealed through Allah's various
prophets and messengers is the Qur'an, for it was recorded during the
lifetime of the Prophet and under his direct supervision.

All Muslims believe in all sacred Books sent down by Allah including the
Suhuf of Abraham, the Torah of Moses, the Zabur (Psalms) of David, and the
Injeel (Bible) of Jesus. In addition to the belief in the existence of
angels as part of the unseen world. They are spiritual beings who have no
need for food, drink, or sleep.

The Qur'an teaches that life is a test for each individual, for everyone
must choose whether he will or will not follow the commands of Allah. On the
Day of Judgment, a person will be resurrected and asked to account for what
he did while he was alive. Those with good records will be rewarded and
enter Paradise, while those with bad records will be punished by being sent
to hell. This belief develops within the individual an awareness of Allah's
presence and a desire to obey His laws sincerely and voluntarily.

A Muslim believes that nothing happens without the knowledge and permission
of Allah. While we may not understand why certain things happen, it is part
of the divine plan for our lives. Islam does not divide life into
"spiritual" and "secular" realms. As all of life is thus unified and
interconnected, Islam avoids the dangers of the extreme ritualism,
secularism, or materialism that is found in other civilizations. Activities
are not classified as belonging to the state or the individual, religion or
daily life, but as belonging to Allah alone, Who has provided guidelines for
individuals. These are to be followed in every aspect of their lives:
individual, social, governmental, political, economic, spiritual, and
otherwise. Reflecting this moderation, the Qur'an has entitled the Muslims
the "moderate nation."

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to p ublish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *



Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Please forgive me

2007-09-27 Thread looney crazy
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW - may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) 
said: Musa (AS - peace be upon him), the son of Imran once asked, " Oh my Lord! 
Who is the most honourable of Your servants? And He replied, the person who 
forgives even when he is in a position of power" (Baihaqi).
You know you're right.
You know what I'm referring to - those times when you get into an argument(s) 
with a family member, friend, boss, employee, coworker, classmate, teacher or 
whoever. You know your facts are right or that you've been wronged with an 
insulting remark, sarcastic comment or rudeness. 
And so, you choose to hold a grudge. After all, you've got a right to. Nobody 
should be treated this way. Why should you forgive? You're not the one who 
started this. You're not the one who doesn't have the facts straight. 
True. You may be right. You may be in that position of power mentioned in the 
Hadith above. But forgiving others, apart from positively affecting our health 
(less stress) and our minds (one less negative thing to focus on), is a 
necessary step to closeness to God. 
How can we move up the ladder of spiritual development when we hold bitterness 
and anger towards another person? While we may have been in the right, is it 
worth sacrificing our energy on a grudge instead of on growth? 
Is there not something strange about asking for God's forgiveness of our sins 
while withholding our forgiveness from someone who has hurt us? 
One of the distinguishing features of Ramadan is forgiveness. The Prophet 
explained in one Hadith that Ramadan is a month whose beginning is Mercy, whose 
middle is Forgiveness and whose end is freedom from the Hellfire. This makes it 
a great time to ask God for His Forgiveness. It's also a wonderful time to open 
our hearts and cleanse them of grudges and bitterness by forgiving others. 
Let us use these remaining days of forgiveness this Ramadan to open our hearts 
to those who have wronged us and forgive them as we beg Allah to forgive us. 
Please forgive me if I have ever wronged or hurt you in way, shape of form.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Do Muslim Share an Approach on Practicing Islam in Public Life?

2007-09-27 Thread saiyed shahbazi
  Written by By Dr. Talib Aziz*Jul 05, 2007 at 08:54 AM   Once 
I was asked to write for Islam21 about the different approaches to practice 
Islam in public life. I was, however, intrigued for a while on how to approach 
the subject itself. Because I, for one, always believed that there seems to be 
conformity among Muslims on the way they practice Islam in their daily life. 
The different Islamic schools of thought, be they theological or juristic, 
share a clear and concise method in their vision of the religious life and its 
projections on their public and civic behaviors. As a result, Muslims do share 
a common outlook in practicing Islam in public life. In fact the whole struggle 
that is rampant and widespread in the Muslim world is only a reflection of the 
challenge that Muslims face to reconcile the modern-western onslaught to their 
“Islamic” way-of-life. Notwithstanding, the worldwide Islamic movements are 
struggling to protect such strong heritage and
 resist western modernity that challenges its precepts. 

The general outlook for Islam amongst the vast majority of Muslims is 
legalistic in nature. It means that the religious texts are looked at as legal 
documents and interpreted as such. Islam becomes as such rules and regulations 
that one must follow and practice in daily life. That is why when we talk about 
Islam as a religion we mean the “Shari?a,” the doctrine of laws. It includes 
all aspects of daily life of man on earth. One must know the intricate details 
of the laws of Shari?a and follow its conviction. There are no second guesses 
or presumptions but rather a total submission to the dictate of the Islamic 
laws. So when it comes to practicing our daily worship, struggling to dispense 
justice, or working to enjoining good and forbidding evil, or conducting our 
personal relationship, we look for guidance not through inspiration from the 
teaching of Islam, but rather from intricate details of the juristic manuals of 
Islamic laws.

The line of defense for such legalistic approach is that Islam is the 
submission of man to the will of God and there is no other way for achieving 
such total submission without the conformation of human conduct to the dictate 
of God. Islam, from this vantage point, is the divine law that was revealed to 
Prophet Muhammad (peach be upon him). Such legalistic approach to Islam has 
been the norm of Islamic discourse since the early rise of the Muslim 
community. The various branches, within Sunnism and Shi?ism, are but different 
juristic schools of thought. Although the history of Islam has witnessed the 
deep rift and confrontation, bloody at some times and acquiescent at others, in 
reality these differences amongst them are only in details. They all use the 
same methodology of jurisprudence (usul al fiqh – ‘Principles of 
Jurisprudence’) and the same classification of laws, but with minor 

The reason for such resemblance between the various sects stems from the fact 
that the founders of all these sects of Islam are pupils of each other. It 
started with Imam Sadiq in the dawn of the second century AH in Madina and 
continued until Imam Ibn Hanbal in Baghdad at mid-third century. The pupils of 
the founding imams, who worked as jurists and served as judges in various 
Islamic states, embedded the Islamic laws within the Umma. Furthermore, Imam 
Shafi?i, by developing the methodology of jurisprudence, made it possible for 
the derivation of Islamic laws to be coherent and systematic and to be as such 
throughout the ages within different schools and religious academies. The 
antagonistic confrontation of the second and third century between fundamental 
issues in theology (ilm al-kalam) did not spread to the steady development of 
juristic discourse. The political meddling by taking sides and sanctioning 
other views was all taking place within theological disputes only,
 and was not reflected on the fiqh side. Jurisprudence continued to serve the 
Islamic states and the umma with minimal political oversight. In fact, the 
position of the qadi (judges) grew to be more independent and that gave the 
rise to the notion of separation of judicial branch of the state from the 
Khilafa. The fiqih continued to endow the executive power, represented by the 
khalifa (and his walis, amirs or sultans), with legitimacy by providing the 
theoretical basis for their reign as well as serving as judges in various 
courts. The dispute in theology later came to an end with standardized 
doctrines that supported and later enforced by political power of different 
regimes. The predominant jurisprudence schools of Sunnis adopted the Ash?ariate 
theology while the Shi?a adopted the Imami twelver theology.

The dominance of jurisprudence did not go without challenge. The rise of 
philosophical discourses and Sufi branches (turq - ‘ways’) gave an alternative 
outlook of Islam. While fiqh concerns itself with physical performance of 