2007-10-13 Thread S A Hannan
Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum.Kindly see the correspondence and the item below.

Shah Abdul Hannan
- Original Message - 
To: "S A Hannan" 
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 2:33 AM

> Salam and Eid Mubarak 2 u all.
> Taqabbal Allah minna wa minkum.
> No one who is interested in this re-discovery (of Muslim civilisation) 
> should fail 2 visit the website of the Foundation for Science, Technology 
> and Civilisation (FSTC). Prof Salim Al Hasani of Manchester initiated a 
> pioneering educational initiative in UK through an exhibition called "1001 
> Inventions". Its a major initiative supported, among others, by MCB.
> While its imp we know our past and try hard 2 establish our history in the 
> modern world we should not, like many, live with nostalgia. What matters 
> is what as an ummah we are offering the world now? Unless we can bring 
> back good governance, sustainable economy and knowledge plus skill based 
> civil society we will remain perpetually underdogs and we will keep on 
> blaming the West 4 our misery.
> AB
> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
> -Original Message-
> From: "S A Hannan" 
> Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:52:19
> Dear members,
> Assalamu Alaikum.Please see a very good article by Dr. Mohamed Elmasry who
> is the national president of the Canadian Islamic  Congress. He can be
> reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
> Shah Abdul Hannan
> - Original Message - 
> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 9:52 AM

>> ===
>> [Dr. Mohamed Elmasry]
>> ===
>> You could hardly call Islamic civilization "lost" - not in the sense of
>> fabled Atlantis, for example -- but few people today know very much about
>> it, or are even conscious of how many aspects of Western society owe 
>> their
>> very existence to Islamic roots.
>> In some way, we all come in daily contact with microchips, space travel,
>> medicine, physical sciences, mathematics, engineering, music, literature,
>> arts, architecture, and spirituality. But do any of us - including
>> contemporary Muslims themselves - fully realize how directly all of these
>> advances and disciplines have been built upon more than a millennium of
>> achievements by Muslim scientists, scholars, engineers and artists?
>> Probably not.
>> It is high time for Islamic civilization to be rediscovered and 
>> celebrated
>> by Muslims and non-Muslims alike, especially in the West. And it is
>> equally
>> important that we ignore all those who, for political reasons, have a
>> longtime vested interest in dismissing or suppressing Islamic
>> civilization,
>> to the point where it has become scarcely known and not even a footnote 
>> on
>> most school and university curricula.
>> The need to share and celebrate (before it is too late) the remarkable
>> diversity, beauty and ingenuity of Islamic achievement is what motivated
>> Canadian Muslims to declare October as Islamic History Month (
>> It is a creative and unprecedented venture
>> that deserves to be emulated by other Western countries.
>> As one who has long been fascinated by Islamic history and culture, I was
>> delighted recently to encounter an excellent book that positively
>> addresses
>> the same issues being promoted across this country by Islamic History
>> Month
>> Canada.
>> It is Michael Hamilton Morgan's Lost History; the Enduring Legacy of
>> Muslim
>> Scientists, Thinkers and Artists. It is published by the distinguished
>> National Geographic Society and includes a foreword by King Abdullah II 
>> of
>> Jordan.
>> Lost History has been read by other significant authors on contemporary
>> political and cultural issues, such as former U.S. President Jimmy 
>> Carter,
>> who said that Morgan's book "delivers a missing link to the story of an
>> interconnected world: the achievements of Muslim civilization and its
>> influence on East and West." I wholeheartedly agree with Carter's praise.
>> What makes this book so unique is that a post-9/11 American intellectual
>> has dared to advocate for understanding the history of Islamic
>> civilization
>> and its many contributions. Being on the "side" of an entire culture
>> targeted by association in the American-invented War on Terror is a risky
>> business for any a

Bismillah [IslamCity] Survey About Muslims

2007-10-13 Thread Adam X
Salam Alaykum,

There is a website that conducts regular surveys about Muslim called Muslim 
Research.  The current survey they are conducting is about Muslim demographics. 
 Please take some
 time and fill out their survey; you can check out the survey at this link:

Please pass it along to all your lists as well.

Jazakum Allah Khayr,



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Bismillah [IslamCity] The rise of mosques becomes catalyst for conflict across Europe

2007-10-13 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
From: "suranee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:44:53 +0530
Subject:  The rise of mosques becomes catalyst for conflict across Europe

  The rise of mosques becomes catalyst for conflict across Europe
  A minaret planned for a Swiss village has prompted the latest of several 
disputes over new places of worship 

Ian Traynor in Wangen, Switzerland
Thursday October 11, 2007
The Guardian 
  North of Berne in an idyllic Alpine valley cowbells tinkle, a church steeple 
rises, and windowboxes tumble with geraniums. It has always been like this.   
But down by the railway station the 21st century is rudely intruding and the 
villagers of Wangen are upset.   "It's the noise, and all the cars. You should 
see it on a Friday night," complains Roland Kissling, a perfume buyer for a 
local cosmetics company. "I've got nothing against mosques, or even against 
minarets. But in the city. Not in this village. It's just not right. There's 
going to be trouble."
  The target of Mr Kissling's ire is a nondescript house belonging to the 
region's Turkish immigrant community. The basement is a prayer room where 
hundreds of Muslims gather every week for Friday rites. 
  And in a case that has gone all the way to Switzerland's supreme court, 
setting a keenly watched precedent, the Turks of Wangen have just won the right 
to erect a six-metre-high minaret.   "We'll build it by next year. We're still 
deciding what colour and what material," says Mustafa Karahan, the sole person 
authorised to speak for Wangen's Turkish Cultural Association. "We don't have 
any problems. It's the other side that has the problems. We're not saying 
anything else until the minaret is built."   If Ulrich Schlüer has his way the 
Wangen minaret will be toppled. An MP from the rightwing Swiss People's party 
(SVP), the country's strongest, Mr Schlüer has launched a crusade to keep his 
country culturally Christian.   "Unlike other religions," he argues, "Islam is 
not only a religion. It's an ideology aiming to create a different legal 
system. That's sharia. That's a big problem and in a proper democracy it has to 
be tackled. If the politicians don't, the people will."  
 Switzerland's direct democracy rules require referendums if there is enough 
public support. Mr Schlüer has launched a petition demanding a new clause in 
the Swiss constitution stating: "The building of minarets in Switzerland is 
forbidden." He already has 40,000 signatures. If, as expected, he reaches 
100,000 by this time next year a referendum is automatically triggered.   
"We've got nothing against prayer rooms or mosques for the Muslims," he 
insists. "But a minaret is different. It's got nothing to do with religion. 
It's a symbol of political power."   In a country with more than 300,000 
Muslims, mainly immigrants from the Balkans, there are only three minarets in 
Switzerland. Wangen would be the fourth and the first outside the cities.   
Backlash   The native backlash has begun. And not just in Switzerland. "It 
seems our experience here is resonating across Europe," says a Swiss official 
in Berne.   "Culture clashes" over Muslim religious buildings have erupted in
 Italy, Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands.   "Christian fundamentalists are 
behind this," says Reinhard Schulze, professor of Islamic studies at Berne 
University. "And there's also a lot of money coming in from the Gulf states."   
From London's docklands to the rolling hills of Tuscany, from southern Austria 
to Amsterdam and Cologne, the issue of Islamic architecture and its impact on 
citadels of "western civilisation" is increasingly contentious.   The far right 
is making capital from Islamophobia by focusing on the visible symbols of Islam 
in Europe. In Switzerland it is the far-right SVP that is setting the terms of 
the debate.   "This is mainly about Swiss politics," says Prof Schulze, "a 
conflict between the right and the left to decide who runs the country ... 
Islam [is] a pretext."   Next door in Austria the far right leader Jörg Haider 
is also calling for a ban in his province of Carinthia, even though there are 
few Muslims and no known plans for mosques.
 "Carinthia," he said, "will be a pioneer in the battle against radical Islam 
for the protection of our dominant western culture."   In Italy the mayors of 
Bologna and Genoa last month cancelled or delayed planning permission for 
mosques after a vociferous campaign by the far-right Northern League, one of 
whose leaders, Roberto Calderoli, threatened to stage a "day of pork" to offend 
Muslims and to take pigs to "defile" the site of the proposed mosque in 
Bologna.   While the far right makes the running, their noisy campaign is being 
supported more quietly by mainstream politicians and some Christian leaders. 
And on the left pro-secularist and anti-clericalist sentiment is also 
frequently ambivalent about Islamic building projects.   Cardinal Joachim 
Meisner of Cologne has voiced his unease

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Eid Mubarak

2007-10-13 Thread Islahonline

May Allah bless us all in His path, and may Allah give us strength to carry our 
duties to Him.

Eid Mubarak

  - Original Message -
  From: Muslim Welfare Centre
  To: 'I.S.S.R.A.' ; 'ismail patel' ; torontomuslims ; islamcity ; islahonline 
; Arif Allahrakha ; fiysabiylillah ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 6:30 PM


  Assalamu Alaikum (wra)
  May the Peace and Blessing of Allah be with you.

  On behalf of Major and Mrs. Abbas and the team of Muslim Welfare Centre I 
would like to convey our heartiest Eid Greeting to all of you.

  May the Blessings of Allah be with all of us. May God bring Peace & Harmony, 
Prosperity & Happiness and Security to all of us - Ameen.

  Best Regards,

  Sibtay Q. Naqvi
  Muslim Welfare Centre
  100 McLevin Ave, Suite # 4A
  Scarborough, ON M1B 2V5 - Canada
  Tel:416-754-8116, Fax:416-754-4468
  Our motto: "Service to Humanity is Service to Allah (God)"

Bismillah [IslamCity] 10 Reasons why Jesus is not God the Creator of the Universe

2007-10-13 Thread Ahumanb
10 Reasons why Jesus is not God 

- by Sami Zaatari


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Somalia Situation Deserves UN attention--editorial Asia Post, Dhaka,8.9.07

2007-10-13 Thread Abdul Junid
Salam  On Eid Fitri to all.
 I have one interesting topic which made ocuupied for
some times.
I have heard many times even by Imams and it goes like
this:"Anyone who has in his heart an atom of Iman,
though they would be in Hell, but in the end, Alah
would pardon them for that one cell of Iman in yheir

I do think that in our modern world any man be they
Europeans or Africans, knpwa in their minds who is
Allah and who is Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.

As we live in the 21st. Century, we have all the
communications at our fingertips for our knowledge and
good wills of informal educationns.

Salam from me and thank you.
>From your brother in Islam

--- "S A Hannan" wrote:

> Somalia Situation Deserves UN attention
>   Al-Jazeerah has reported that
> Somali opposition figures, including leaders from
> the Islamic Courts Union, have opened a 10-day
> congress in Eritrea to call for the withdrawal of
> Ethiopian troops from Somalia. About 400 delegates
> gathered for the meeting on Thursday, exactly a week
> after the end of a clan reconciliation conference in
> Mogadishu, the Somali capital.
>   Sheikh Hassan Aweys, leader of the
> Islamic Courts, which briefly controlled most of
> Somalia before being ousted by Ethiopian-backed
> government forces, was present at the gathering.
> Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, another of the
> movement's leaders, was also present.
>   Sheikh Ahmed said the meeting was
> "to establish a political organisation that
> liberates the country and ends the violence and
> chaotic situation"."We call upon Ethiopia to
> unconditionally withdraw its troops from Somalia and
> stop its imperialistic adventure on our territory,"
> he said.He warned that a prolonged conflict in
> Somalia would eventually spill over into
> neighbouring countries."We remind her [Ethiopia]
> that the longer the conflict goes on, the higher the
> risk it will engulf the whole region," he said."The
> United States' foreign policy towards Somalia has
> been strangely confrontational. We call upon the
> United States to play a more positive role in the
> Somali conflict."
>   The US has backed Ethiopia's
> military operations in Somalia and toughened its
> stance towards Eritrea, Ethiopia's neighbour and
> long-time enemy, which Ethiopia says has been arming
> groups in Somalia and elsewhere in the region.The
> Islamic Courts had boycotted the earlier clan
> reconciliation conference in Mogadishu, arguing that
> any peace efforts should take place only after an
> Ethiopian withdrawal.
>   .We feel that the the UN and
> independent press have all forgotten the tragic
> Somalia issue.Somalia has faced so much suffering,
> first because of military take-over, then by US and
> Ethiopian intervention, now again by Ethiopian
> military intervention.US hardly plays a positive
> role any where unless their puppets are involved.We
> do not see any end to the problem but still we
> request the UN to take steps in this regard.


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Bismillah [IslamCity] ISNA E-news: Eid Mubarak

2007-10-13 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 19:51:58 -0400
Subject: ISNA E-news: Eid Mubarak

  Contact Us
Greetings from the Islamic Society of North America!

   Message from ISNA Development Foundation  
   Fiqh Council Decision on Eid ul-Fitr  
   President Bush's Eid Message to Muslim Community  
   Renowned Muslim Social Scientist of North America Passes Away  
   Muslim Code of Honor  
   Global Muslim Leadership Makes Unprecedented Call for Accord with Christian 
  Message from ISNA Development Foundation
  The ISNA Development Foundation would like to thank all of our donors for 
their generous contributions during the blessed months of Ramadan.  Please take 
advantage of this last few hours of Ramadan to maximize your rewards and 
blessings, please follow this link to make your online donation.
  Fiqh Council Decision on Eid ul-Fitr   Eid ul-Fitr will be on Saturday, 
October 13, 2007
  The Fiqh Council of North America in its meeting in Herndon, Virginia on July 
31-August 1, 2007 noted with satisfaction the recent Fatwa of its counterpart 
in Europe “the European Council for Fatwa and Research” related to the 
permissibility of the use of calculation method for determining the beginning 
of Lunar months including the months of Ramadan and Shawwal. Full Story
  President Bush's Eid Message to Muslim Community
For Immediate Release   
October 11, 2007   October 1, 2007
  I send greetings to Muslims in the United States and around the world 
celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the Festival of Breaking the Fast.
  The great faith of Islam has enhanced our society and brought comfort and 
strength to generations in America and around the world.  The three day 
festival of Eid al-Fitr marks the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan and is 
a time to look forward with a spirit of renewal and hope, and celebrate the 
rich Islamic tradition of charity and giving.  During this holiday, Muslims 
gather with family and friends to share in traditional food, thank God for His 
blessings, and reach out to the less fortunate.
  Our Nation is proud to be a land of many beliefs, and our society is enriched 
by our Muslim citizens.  On the first day of Shawwal, the first month of the 
Islamic calendar, may people of all faiths reflect on the values we hold in 
common, including love of family, the importance of community, and gratitude to 
Laura and I send our best wishes for a joyful celebration. Eid Mubarak.
  Renowned Muslim Social Scientist of North America Passes Away   Inna Lillah 
Wa inna ilaihi Raje'oon.
"Indeed we belong to Allah and we shall return to Him."

   The Islamic Society of North America notes with great sorrow the demise of 
Dr. Ilyas Ba-Yunus on Oct. 5, 2007 in Miami, FL.  
   Dr. Ba-Yunus was the first president of ISNA, during 1983-1985. He was among 
the founders of the MSA in 1963.  
   Dr. Ba-Yunus- a life long Islamic worker in North America leaves behind a 
golden legacy.  
   He was the President of the MSA from 1968-1969.  
   He served on the Board of Directors (Majlis Ash-Shura) of ISNA.  
   He served as President of the AMSS from 1975-1976  
   He was a member of the Board of Directors of Muslim Council of America (MCA) 
   He served as Chairperson of Islamic Media Foundation  
   He published two books and several articles with the Islamic Sociology on 
the topic of Muslims in North America.
   For more information click here 
  Muslim Code of Honor   On July 11, 2007, leaders of major American Muslim 
organizations met to approve a national “Muslim Code of Honor,” which 
delineates key principles for Shi’ah-Sunni relations.  This document is based 
on similar agreements signed by Muslim leaders in California and Michigan.
  On September 2, 2007, an official signing ceremony was held at ISNA’s 44th 
Annual Convention.  The main hall erupted with joy as Shi`ah and Sunni leaders 
signed the “Muslim Code of Honor”. Full Story
  Global Muslim Leadership Makes Unprecedented Call for Accord with Christi

Bismillah [IslamCity]

2007-10-13 Thread Muslim Welfare Centre
Assalamu Alaikum (wra)
May the Peace and Blessing of Allah be with you.
On behalf of Major and Mrs. Abbas and the team of Muslim Welfare Centre I
would like to convey our heartiest Eid Greeting to all of you.
May the Blessings of Allah be with all of us. May God bring Peace & Harmony,
Prosperity & Happiness and Security to all of us - Ameen.
Best Regards,
Sibtay Q. Naqvi
Muslim Welfare Centre
100 McLevin Ave, Suite # 4A
Scarborough, ON M1B 2V5 - Canada
Tel:416-754-8116, Fax:416-754-4468
Our motto: "Service to Humanity is Service to Allah (God)"

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must not use, copy, disclose or take any action based on this message or any
information herein. If you have received this messag in error, please advise
the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you
for your cooperation. 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Ramadan Triangle

2007-10-13 Thread MIKEGHOUSE

May God bless you and your family with peace and prosperity.

Ramadan Mubarak (Happy Ramadan - Eid Mubarak) to those who celebrate on Friday, 
Saturday or Sunday, heck even on Monday. Let's not ruin any one's joy. Let's 
leave the judgment to Malik-i-yomiddin (Master of the Day of Judgment);

it’s been an age old tradition to disagree on sighting of the moon and or 
deciding the day of the Eid. Why is it such heartburn? My opinion is one of the 
1.3 billion ones, but I hope, it will give you an insight into this age old 

We go through this pain every year, let's accept that, it is going to be there 
till eternity, as it has been there since the very beginning. We can choose to 
be frustrated, bring about a change or just let it go.

Arrogance is the root cause of all conflicts; the belief that my understanding 
is superior to yours is the sole reason for this dispute. It is an 
embarrassment that we have not brought a resolution to this conflict. We have 
not even defined and agreed upon the intent and purpose of Eid.

Eid is an occasion to bring the whole community together, as Hajj brings the 
Muslim world together. It is an occasion to forgive each other's mistakes, 
apologize for the wrongs and start it all over with a clean slate of good 
relations. God loves those who forgive and those who are humble.

Sighting of the moon is a uniting factor, assuming that the moon is visible on 
the same day to all and all communities connected and prayed on the same day 
barring time zones.

The difference is between the literalists, essentialists, and now the 
scientists are a part of the triangle. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said; celebrate 
the Eid when you see the moon.

The literalists interpret that one has to see the moon him/herself to declare 
the Eid. Seeing is critical to them, every thing else is secondary.

The ones, who understand the essence, believe that Eid was for the community to 
come together and celebrate. Thus if one sees the Moon in Chennai, it was good 
for every one. If some one in Karachi, Fez, Kuala Lumpur or Mecca sees it... it 
is good to go. To this group, celebrating the Eid as a community is of greater 

The Scientists say, they can track down the moon and predict it precisely, and 
they prefer to go by that. As the day to day prayers are based on precision, 
let everything be planned, it makes life easy.

There is another group who has come to enjoy the ritual of looking out for the 
moon, the anxiety, the waiting and the surprise is part of the fun to them. 
They fly from that point.

Essentialists have no problem celebrating the Eid if every one goes along on 
any day, where as the literalist will not budge, rightly so from their own 
point of view, there is a rule and it has to be followed, i.e. ., physically 
see the moon to celebrate. Scientists say we could not be clearer than the 
factual representation.

Scientist will not gain the attention for at least one more generation, as it 
kills all the sentiment and fun of celebrating and sighting the moon, going 
shopping... jumping on the feet and getting ready for the Eid. It is a festive 
occasion and the surprise of the day is part of the celebration.

Two analogies for consideration:

First, you don't want to know the gender of the baby before it is born and 
second, making love is an emotional experience and not a scientific one; 
science kills the whole joy of it.

THE IRONY: Praying Salat is mandatory - Fard, a duty. The timing for five 
prayers a day is set up to the minute with no disputes. Whereas Eid is not 
Fard, it is Wajib – Recommended, thus there is A room for human input and 
choice element in this decision, and when there is a choice, politics creeps in 
and it has to be "my way". That is the problem.

Let's wish happy Eid to those who celebrate on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, heck 
even on Monday. Let's not ruin any one's joy. Let's leave the judgment to the 

Eid Mubarak! May Allah bless all of his creation with peace.

Your Comments:

Mike Ghouse