Bismillah [IslamCity] Blair 'knew Iraq had no WMD'

2007-11-08 Thread PoEtEsS
Blair 'knew Iraq had no WMD' 
TONY BLAIR privately conceded two weeks before the Iraq war that Saddam Hussein 
did not have any usable weapons of mass destruction, Robin Cook, the former 
foreign secretary, reveals today. 
By David Cracknell, Political Editor 
 "The Times"    11/05/07 
-- -- John Scarlett, chairman of the joint intelligence committee (JIC), also 
"assented" that Saddam had no such weapons, says Cook. 
His revelations, taken from a diary that he kept as a senior minister during 
the months leading up to war, are published today in The Sunday Times. They 
shatter the case for war put forward by the government that Iraq presented "a 
real and present danger" to Britain. 
Cook, who resigned shortly before the invasion of Iraq, also reveals there was 
a near mutiny in the cabinet, triggered by David Blunkett, the home secretary, 
when it first discussed military action against Iraq. 
The prime minister ignored the "large number of ministers who spoke up against 
the war", according to Cook. He also "deliberately crafted a suggestive 
phrasing" to mislead the public into thinking there was a link between Iraq and 
Al-Qaeda, and he did not want United Nations weapons inspections to be 
successful, writes the former cabinet minister. 
Cook suggests that the government misled the House of Commons and asked MPs to 
vote for war on a "false prospectus". 
He also reveals that Blair earlier gave President Bill Clinton a private 
assurance that he would support him in military action in Iraq if action in the 
UN failed "and it would certainly have been in line with his previous practice 
if he had given President Bush a private assurance of British support". 
Cook's long-awaited diaries, published in book form as Point of Departure, are 
the first memoir of any member of Blair's cabinet. His disclosures are likely 
to lead to renewed calls for a judicial inquiry into the legitimacy of the war. 
The Hutton inquiry into the death of Dr David Kelly has dealt only with the 
question of what the government believed ahead of publication of its Iraq 
dossier in September 2002 and whether Downing Street hardened intelligence 
reports to make the threat from Saddam seem more compelling. 
Cook today opens a new controversy. He says that just days before sending 
troops into action, Blair no longer believed Saddam had weapons of mass 
destruction ready for firing within 45 minutes, the claim the prime minister 
had repeatedly made when arguing the case for war. 
Cook reveals that on February 20 this year he was given a briefing by Scarlett. 
"The presentation was impressive in its integrity and shorn of the political 
slant with which No 10 encumbers any intelligence assessment," Cook writes in 
his diary. "My conclusion at the end of an hour is that Saddam probably does 
not have weapons of mass destruction in the sense of weapons that could be used 
against large-scale civilian targets." 
Two weeks later, on March 5, Cook saw Blair. At the time the government was 
still trying to get a fresh UN resolution and Cook was still in government as 
leader of the Commons. 
Cook writes: "The most revealing exchange came when we talked about Saddam's 
arsenal. I told him, 'It's clear from the private briefing I have had that 
Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction in a sense of weapons that could 
strike at strategic cities. But he probably does have several thousand 
battlefield chemical munitions. Do you never worry that he might use them 
against British troops?' 
"[Blair replied:] 'Yes, but all the effort he has had to put into concealment 
makes it difficult for him to assemble them quickly for use'." 
Cook continues: "There were two distinct elements to this exchange that sent me 
away deeply troubled. The first was that the timetable to war was plainly not 
driven by the progress of the UN weapons inspections. Tony made no attempt to 
pretend that what Hans Blix [the UN's chief weapons inspector] might report 
would make any difference to the countdown to invasion. 
"The second troubling element to our conversation was that Tony did not try to 
argue me out of the view that Saddam did not have real weapons of mass 
destruction that were designed for strategic use against city populations and 
capable of being delivered with reliability over long distances. I had now 
expressed that view to both the chairman of the JIC and to the prime minister 
and both had assented in it. 
"At the time I did believe it likely that Saddam had retained a quantity of 
chemical munitions for tactical use on the battlefield. These did not pose 'a 
real and present danger to Britain' as they were not designed for use against 
city populations and by definition could threaten British personnel only if we 
were to deploy them on the battlefield within range of Iraqi artillery. 
"I had now twice been told that even those chemical shells had been put beyond 
operational use in r

Bismillah [IslamCity] Confronting the crisis in Pakistan

2007-11-08 Thread Qalb-e-Mehdi
Urgent Appeal- Original Message -
From: Amnesty International USA
To: Qalb Mehdi
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 12:43 PM
Subject: Confronting the crisis in Pakistan

Stop human rights violations in Pakistan

Pakistani policemen arrest human rights activists, November 2007.

  Dear Qalb

  Last month, it was red-robed monks in Burma.  Now it's lawyers in 
business suits who are bravely standing up to Pakistan's Gen. Musharraf, who is 
brutally cracking down on peaceful protests for fundamental freedoms.

  Tell President Bush he must speak out forcefully against the human rights 
violations taking place in Pakistan. If we all speak out now, together, 
powerfully, we have a chance to move President Bush to do the right thing.

  Unpopular and desperate, Musharraf suspended the bulk of Pakistan's 
Constitution, shut down the judicial system, raided the Office of Human Rights 
Commission, arrested human rights activists, and restricted TV and radio 
stations from broadcasting. He is justifying his actions by blaming terrorists 
-- but he's only targeting opposition leaders, peaceful demonstrators, lawyers 
and judges.  Days ago, he detained several of the Supreme Court Justices, 
including the Chief Justice.

  Musharraf relies heavily on the United States for aid, as well as arms 
supplies.  The United States has provided billions of dollars worth of arms and 
military training for Musharraf's security forces in the last couple of years, 
ranging from F-16 fighter jets, tens of thousands of parts for the M-113 
armored personnel carrier, to rifles, pistols, and revolvers. President Bush 
must intervene.  Tell him to insist that anyone detained for political reasons 
be immediately and unconditionally released and that no weapons provided to 
Pakistan will be used to commit human rights violations.

  Security in Pakistan will not come until human rights are universally 
respected.  Freedom of expression, freedom of press, and an independent 
judiciary are cornerstones of any democracy.

  The United States has a special obligation to stand up to Musharraf's 
actions, given the nations' alliance in the war on terror. President Bush has 
spoken out, but he must speak more forcefully and suspend any weapons transfers 
to Pakistan in order to assure that none are used to commit or facilitate human 
rights violations; especially considering the close to $1.5 billion U.S. 
proposed military package to Pakistan for FY08.

  The crackdown and ensuing chaos will not make anyone safer.  The brave 
human rights defenders on the front lines of crises such as those in Burma and 
Pakistan need our help. Let us speak out, together, swiftly, against the crisis 
and human rights violations taking place today in Pakistan.


  Larry Cox
  Executive Director

  Do not reply to this message. Messages sent to this email address are not 
read. If you have a question or comment, please use our interactive online help 
system.  Subscribe to our RSS feeds.

Remove yourself from this mailing.

Remove yourself from all mailings from Amnesty USA.  

Bismillah [IslamCity] Hadith

2007-11-08 Thread Hadith Share
  Abu Qatadah ( Radhiallaho anha ) reported : The Messenger of Allah ( 
Sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam ) was asked about the observance of Saum ( fasting 
) on the day of ‘Arafah. He said, 
  “It is an expiation for the sins of the preceding year and the current year.” 
  [ Muslim ]
  Ibn Abbas ( Radhiallaho anha ) reported : The Messenger of Allah ( 
Sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam ) observed Saum ( fasting ) on the day of ‘Ashura’ 
and commanded us to fast on this day  
  [ Al-Bukhari and Muslim ]
  Abu Qatadah ( Radhiallaho anha ) reported : The Messenger of Allah ( 
Sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam ) was asked about observing As-Saum ( the fast ) 
on the tenth day of Muharram, and he replied, “It is an expiation for the sins 
of the preceding year. 
  [ Muslim ]
  Ibn Abbas ( Radhiallaho anha ) reported : The Messenger of Allah ( 
Sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam ) said,
  “If I remain alive till the next year, I shall also observe fast on the ninth 
of Muharram. 
  [ Muslim ]
  Abu Ayyub ( Radhiallaho anha ) reported : The Messenger of Allah ( 
Sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam ) said, 
  “He who observes As-Saum ( the fasts ) in the month of Ramadan, and also 
observes As-Saum for six days in the month of Shawwal, it is as if he has 
observed As-Saum for the whole year.”
  [ Muslim ]

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Bismillah [IslamCity] important: please open and sign

2007-11-08 Thread Aisha Abbasi

Please click here to sign for the release of Imam Anwar 

Anwar Al-Awlaki, a US citizen of Yemeni descent was arrested in Sana'a, Yemen 
on the 31st of August 2006. He is a highly respected scholar of Islam who has a 
large following throughout the Muslim world. He has been identified in the 
media as 'Abu Atiq'. The Imam is believed to be held in Central Security 
Prison, Sana'a without any formal charges being brought against him. Imam Anwar 
Al-Awlaki has been a beacon of guidance to the Muslim Ummah. He has authored 
numerous audio lectures on Islam, 'Lives of the Prophets', 'The Hereafter', 
'The life of Muhammad (saw)' amongst others.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] VIDEO: 7/7 Ripple Effect Documentary

2007-11-08 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
7/7 Ripple Effect 

(Documentary – 56 mins.) 

Click link ^ to visit webpage. 


   Dear Viewer, 
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Regarding the 7/7/2005 terrorist attacks in London, let us look at the facts, 
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common-sense, let us see what conclusions are to be drawn, so we can all 
understand what most likely really did happen that day…  


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Googlevideo: 7/7 Ripple Effect 

Livevideo: 7/7 Ripple Effect 


06 - THE NUMBER 30 BUS. 

"Strive as in a race to achieve the
 goal of excellence in all that you do."

Bismillah [IslamCity] An e-mail to anti-Islamist Voodoo Abul Kasem!

2007-11-08 Thread Ahumanb
An e-mail to anti-Islamist Voodoo Abul Kasem:
Here you can see anti-Islamist Voodoo Abul Kasem's write-up in anti-Muslim site:
Abul Kasem is giving some amusement to like minded voodoos and donkeys, isn't 

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Cops burst into 82-year-old woman's home and Taser her

2007-11-08 Thread MA PA
Cops burst into 82-year-old woman's home and Taser her


Wexler Will Urge House Judiciary Committee to 'Schedule Impeachment Hearings 

MARC PARENT, mparent,  mparent, ccnwon


MARC PARENT, mparent, mparent, 



Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! 

Bismillah [IslamCity] on the day of Judgement

2007-11-08 Thread ***hajikhan***
  'Abdullah ibn Qart, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrates 
  that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said:
  "On the Day of Judgement, the first thing a slave of Allah will be held 
  for is Salat.If it is found sound and satisfactory, the rest of his deeds 
will also be 
  sound and satisfactory, and if found corrupt and rotten,then the rest of his 
  will  also be corrupt and rotten." 
  (Related by at-Tabarani.) 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Every day I think

2007-11-08 Thread Aqsa *
In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

Every day I think
9:24 Say: If your fathers, and your sons, and your brethren, and your wives, 
and your tribe, and the wealth ye have acquired, and merchandise for which ye 
fear that there will be no sale, and dwellings ye desire are dearer to you than 
Allah and His messenger and striving in His way: then wait till Allah bringeth 
His command to pass. Allah guideth not wrong doing folk.
   Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 5130 Narrated byMu'awiyah
Mu'awiyah wrote to Aisha asking her to write him a letter giving him advice but 
not to make it lengthy. She wrote: Peace be upon you! To proceed: I heard 
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) say, "If anyone seeks Allah's good 
pleasure at the cost of men's displeasure Allah will keep from him the trouble 
caused by men; but if anyone seeks men's good pleasure at the cost of Allah's 
displeasure Allah will leave him in men's hands."
Transmitted by Tirmidhi.
  43:67. Friends on that Day will be foes one to another except Al-Muttaqûn 
  80:34 That Day shall a man flee from his own brother.
35 And from his mother and his father.
36 And from his wife and his children. 
37 Each one of them that Day will have enough concern (of his own) to make him 
indifferent to the others. 
38 Some Faces that Day will be beaming.
39 Laughing rejoicing.
40 And other faces that Day will be dust-stained; 
41 Blackness will cover them:
42 Such will be the Rejecters of Allah the Doers of Iniquity.

Allah Knows Best

  Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of 
Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant 
me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."  

  Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).


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Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Article: UAE Imams Training Program Partipants Vist Sheik Zyed Masjid / Tomb

2007-11-08 Thread Orhan Muhammed Al Shareef
Assalaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
  I totally concur with what you have said my brother. In our Deen we have the 
concept of Husnu Dhann (having good thoughts of our brethren), and a particular 
ahadith also mentions in the thrid part of a longer hadith: "man kana yu'minu 
billahi wal yawmil Akhir, fal yaqul khayyan awli yasmut!" - 
  That "...He who believes in Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala and the Last Day, 
should either speak good or remain silent'.
  Sadaqta ya Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
  I personally am following your emails and how this is all flowing through. 
May Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala make it a beneficial endeavour.
  Our teachers here in Australia mention to us the importance of seeking 
beneficial knowledge. Yes we may not have to go on Rihlah jouneys for 4-5 years 
to collect hadith anymore, but being looked after while learning one's Deen is 
also a great Blessing from Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala.
  No one should compare the people of today to the pious predecessors of yester 
year, as we can not equal them in what they contributed to the body of Islamic 
Knowledge, but we can try to be like them, or to follow in their footsteps.
  BarakAllahu feek akhil Kareem,
  Fi Amanillah
  Abu Khadijah

  ASA, I participated in the visit, however I had nothing to do with the
writing of the article. I believe it leaves the wrong impression and
does not accurately put the visit there in proper prospective.

Nevertheless, the article as it reads does not warrant the charges of
shirk that the responder asserts.

It is not shirk to visit a grave site, and it is not shirk to pray for
the soul of the deceased. This is evidenced by the millions of
Muslims who have visited the Prophet's Mosque in Medinah where the
Prophet, Omar and Abu Bakr (PBUT) have their grave sites and for whom
billions of other Muslims have prayed to Allah for their souls.

Nothing in the article says that anyone prayed to the Sheikh or to his
gravesite. So what act does the responder present to justify is
accusations of shirk?

When our group visited the Masjid which is under construction and
unavaiable for prayer, the maghrib pray time was just coming in. 
There where carpets on the ground outside of both the Masjid and the
grave site, where the Imam led the maghrib prayer.

The group joined that fard prayer. So I don't know how the reporter
knew what prayer anyone prayed other than the fard prayer.

Therefore, I pray that these additional facts and details puts the
matter in a different light, and protrays a more accurate report of
what kind of prayer was performed there.

I also don't understand the criticism raised by other responders for
anyone advancing themselves in the religion of Islam by seeking and
receiving Islamic knowledge via an Imams training program. How can
what we are learning take away from anyone else's religious
achievements? No degree from any university is required for anyone
to perform the role of Imam in Islam.

Peace, Curtis Sharif 

--- In, abdeen wrote:
> Graves!
> If you commit 'shirk' all your works will be rendered vain and you 
> will be among the losers. Therefore, you should worship Allah 
> Alone, and be among His grateful servants.
> All the Prophets of Allah who were ever sent warned the believers 
> to beware of this heinous sin of 'shirk', which renders all the 
> deeds of man worthless in the sight of Allah Subhanah.
> Thus it becomes our duty to recognize and be aware of 'shirk' and 
> all the manifestations of this horrendous and grave sin. Allow me 
> to just give you an example of what constitutes 'shirk':
> 1. Bowing down to anybody or anything other than Allah is shirk.
> 2. Bowing down to the Syedna is shirk.
> 3. Bowing down to the graves of his ancestors is shirk.
> 4. Bowing down to the graves of even the Prophet (saws), Hadrat 
> Ali (saws), Hadrat Fatema (saws), etc. is shirk.
> 5. Believing that the dead people in their graves can hear and 
> answer our duas is shirk.
> 6. Believing that anybody other than Allah can do us any harm
is shirk.
> 7. Believing that anybody other than Allah can bring us some 
> good is shirk.
> 8. Believing that anybody other than Allah knows everything is
> 9. Believing that anybody other than Allah sees everything is
> 10. Believing that anybody other than Allah listens to our prayers
is shirk.
> 11. Believing that anybody other than Allah can help us is shirk.
> 12. Believing that anybody other than Allah can guide us is shirk.
> 13. Believing that anybody can influence Allah to give us health is
> 14. Believing that anybody can influence Allah to give us wealth is
> 15. Believing that anybody can influence Allah to give us children
is shirk.
> 16. Believing that anybody can influence Allah to help us is shirk.
> 17. Believing that anybody

Bismillah [IslamCity] Attacking Iran for Israel?

2007-11-08 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
Attacking   Iran for Israel?By RAY McGOVERN
Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is   at her mushroom-cloud 
hyperbolic best, and this time Iran is   the target.  Her claim last week 
that "the policies of Iran   constitute perhaps the single greatest 
challenge to American   security interests in the Middle East and around 
the world"   is simply too much of a stretch.
To gauge someone's reliability,   one depends largely on prior 
experience.  Sadly, Rice's credibility   suffers in comparison with 
Mohammed ElBaradei, head of the International   Atomic Energy Agency 
(IAEA).  Basing his judgment on the findings   of IAEA inspectors in Iran, 
ElBaradei reports that there is no   evidence of an active nuclear weapons 
program there.
If this sounds familiar it   is, in fact, déjà vu.  ElBaradei said 
the same   thing about Iraq before it was attacked.  But three days before  
 the invasion, American nuclear expert Dick Cheney told NBC's   Tim 
Russert, "I think Mr. ElBaradei is, frankly, wrong."
Here we go again.  As in the   case of Iraq, US intelligence has 
been assiduously looking for   evidence of a nuclear weapons program in 
Iran; but, alas, in   vain.  Burned by the bogus "proof" adduced for 
Iraq-the   uranium from Africa, the aluminum tubes-the administration has   
shied away from fabricating nuclear-related "evidence."Are Bush and 
Cheney again relying on the Rumsfeld dictum, that   "the absence of 
evidence is not evidence of absence?"There is a simpler answer.

   Cat   Out of the Bag
The Israeli ambassador to the   US, Sallai Meridor, let the cat out 
of the bag while speaking   at the American Jewish Committee luncheon on 
Oct. 22.  In remarks   paralleling those of Rice, Meridor said Iran is the 
chief threat   to Israel.  Heavy on the chutzpah, he then served gratuitous 
  notice on Washington that countering Iran's nuclear ambitions   will 
take a "united United States in this matter,"   lest the Iranians conclude, 
"come January '09, they have   it their own way."
Meridor stressed that "very   little time" remained to keep Iran 
from obtaining nuclear   weapons.  How so?  Even were there to be a nuclear 
program hidden   from the IAEA, no serious observer expects Iran to obtain 
a nuclear   weapon much sooner than five years from now.
Truth be told, every other   year since 1995 US intelligence has 
been predicting that Iran   could have a nuclear weapon in about five 
years.  It has become   downright embarrassing-like a broken record, 
punctuated only   by so-called "neo-conservatives" like James Woolsey,  
 who in August publicly warned that the U.S. may have no choice   but to 
bomb Iran in order to halt Tehran's nuclear weapons program.
Woolsey, self-described "anchor   of the Presbyterian wing of the 
Jewish Institute for National   Security Affairs," put it this way:  "I'm 
afraid that   within, well, at worst, a few months; at best, a few years; 
they   [the Iranians] could have the bomb."
The day before Ambassador Meridor's   unintentionally revealing 
remark, Vice President Dick Cheney   reiterated, "We will not allow Iran to 
have a nuclear weapon."That remark followed closely on President George 
W. Bush's apocalyptic   warning of World War III, should Tehran acquire the 
knowledge   to produce a nuclear weapon.
The Israelis appear convinced   they have extracted a promise from 
Bush and Cheney that they   will help Israel nip Iran's nuclear program in 
the bud before   they leave office.  That is why the Israeli ambassador 
says there   is "very little time"-less than 15 months.
Never mind that there is no   evidence that the Iranian nuclear 
program is any more weapons-related   than the one Cheney and Donald 
Rumsfeld persuaded President Gerald   Ford to approve in 1976.  
Westinghouse and General Electric successfully   lobbied for approval to 
sell the Shah for $6.4 billion the kind   of nuclear facilities that Iran 
is now building, but the deal   fell through when the Shah was ousted in 
With 200-300 nuclear weapons   in its arsenal, the Israelis enjoy a 
nuclear monopoly in the   Middle East.  They mean to keep that monopoly and 
Israel's current   leaders are pressing for the US to obliterate Iran's 
fledgling   nuclear program.
Anyone aware of Iran's ability   to retaliate realizes this would 
bring disaster to the whole   region and beyond.  But this has not stopped 
Cheney and Bush   in the past.  And the real rationale is reminiscent of 
the one   revealed by Philip Zelikow, confidant of Condoleezza Rice, former 
  member of the President's Fo

Bismillah [IslamCity] Who has the nerve to say �the emperor has no clothes�?

2007-11-08 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"Yet, no action has followed one of the most explosive news investigations in 
India. None of those caught on tape boasting about raping, burning and hacking 
Muslims have been arrested or even interrogated. Modi’s authority has not been 
questioned. Instead, there is an eerie silence. Far more eerie than the 
cold-blooded murders of more than 1,000 innocent people during the communal 
massacres of March 2002".


Action replay 

  A six-month-long investigation by “Tehelka” strips bare the Sangh 
Parivar’s role in the Gujarat pogrom. 

A family looks out from its burnt home following communal riots in March 2002. 
A file photo. THE emperor has no clothes. He has been stripped bare. And it 
is not a pretty sight. In fact, it is ghastly. So horrific that everyone is 
looking away. 
  A six-month-long sting operation by the news magazine Tehelka has brilliantly 
exposed how the Sangh Parivar led by Chief Minister Narendra Modi carried out a 
pogrom against Muslims in Gujarat in 2002 and later subverted justice to ensure 
that “their men” eluded punishment for their heinous crimes. 
  Tehelka’s thorough investigation has several Sangh leaders explaining on 
camera how they planned the pogrom; the role of Modi and other senior Sangh 
leaders; the complicity of the police; and the connivance of the judiciary. 
  Yet, no action has followed one of the most explosive news investigations in 
India. None of those caught on tape boasting about raping, burning and hacking 
Muslims have been arrested or even interrogated. Modi’s authority has not been 
questioned. Instead, there is an eerie silence. Far more eerie than the 
cold-blooded murders of more than 1,000 innocent people during the communal 
massacres of March 2002.
  The role of the Modi government in the State-sponsored terrorism of 2002 is 
well documented. Even the Supreme Court had censured Modi for being “a modern 
day Nero who watched while Gujarat burned”. Now, the Tehelka tapes offer 
irrefutable proof of how the Sangh organised a “Hindu jehad” across Gujarat and 
protected the murderers. 
  Tehelka journalist Ashish Khetan befriended Sangh members over several months 
to expose new details about the planning of the pogrom. “The idea came from 
Modi himself in a meeting held in VadodaraI was present,” says Dhimant 
Bhatt, chief accountant and auditor of the Maharaja Sayajirao University. Babu 
Bajrangi, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader and chief accused in the Naroda 
Patiya massacre, boasts about how “Modi changed judges thrice to get him out of 
jail”. He also revealed that he was in touch with people such as the then 
Minister of State for Home Gordhan Zadaphia, VHP general secretary Jaideep 
Patel and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Mayaben Kodnani throughout the 
  On record, Gujarat’s Advocate General Arvind Pandya says the accused have 
nothing to fear from the Nanavati-Shah Commission, which is probing the carnage 
of 2002. “[Justice] K.G. Shah is our man….he is sympathetic to us….[Justice] 
Nanavati is after money,” he said. The Sangh formed a panel of advocates to 
defend the rioters on the night of the Sabarmati Express fire itself, Dhimant 
Bhatt told Tehelka. Details about police abetment have also emerged. Ahmedabad 
Police Commissioner P.C. Pandey ordered that the 700-800 dead bodies at Naroda 
Patiya, Ahmedabad, be secretly picked up and dumped all over the city to reduce 
the toll of the massacre, Bajrangi tells Khetan. Inspector K.G. Erda told the 
mob outside Gulbarg Society in Ahmedabad, where former Congress M.P. Ahsan 
Jafri was killed, that it had three hours to do its work. One man was killed in 
front of Erda. Deputy Commissioner of Police S.K. Gadhvi promised VHP leader 
Ramesh Dave from Kalupur that he would kill at least
 four or five Muslims if Dave pointed them out to him. Dave took him to the 
terrace of a house and “before we knew it, he had killed five people”, Dave 
says on camera.
  “We made a rocket launcher at my gun factory,” boasts Haresh Bhatt, VHP 
leader and Godhra MLA. He describes how weapons were brought in from different 
States and then distributed. “Get rid of the lathis…teach them [the RSS] to use 
guns… I am the first in the country to run a warg [training module] ….in 
Gujarat in 1987…. for the Babri Masjid demolition.”
  These explosive revelations did not create the shockwaves they should have. 
Modi and his government chose to remain silent. The BJP’s national spokesperson 
called it a “political stunt” by the Congress ahead of the Gujarat Assembly 
elections in December but he did not deny any of the facts exposed by the 
tapes. While officially calling for Modi’s resignation, the Congress, the main 
Opposition in Gujarat, is still worried that the exposé might help Modi gain 
Hindu support in the elections. 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Video: how can you deny?

2007-11-08 Thread Aisha Abbasi  DOWNLOAD HERE 

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Paradise is obligatory for him

2007-11-08 Thread ***hajikhan***
  'Uqbah ibn 'Aamir (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) said: 
  Rasoolullah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said 
  Whoever makes wudoo and makes it well, then prays two 
  rak'ahs concentrating therein with his heart and his face - 
  then Paradise is obligatory for him. 

Bismillah [IslamCity] important: please open and sign

2007-11-08 Thread Aisha Abbasi

Please click here to sign for the release of Imam Anwar 

Anwar Al-Awlaki, a US citizen of Yemeni descent was arrested in Sana'a, Yemen 
on the 31st of August 2006. He is a highly respected scholar of Islam who has a 
large following throughout the Muslim world. He has been identified in the 
media as 'Abu Atiq'. The Imam is believed to be held in Central Security 
Prison, Sana'a without any formal charges being brought against him. Imam Anwar 
Al-Awlaki has been a beacon of guidance to the Muslim Ummah. He has authored 
numerous audio lectures on Islam, 'Lives of the Prophets', 'The Hereafter', 
'The life of Muhammad (saw)' amongst others.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] "Email Chain Letters - ' Please Forward........' " + "The Chain Letter Challange" + "Chain Letters" - from AlIslaahPublications

2007-11-08 Thread Mohamed (Imtiaz) Bhikoo
Email Chain Letters - " Please Forward"
By Yusuf Atiff Bin Abdel-Lateef Diab

Bismillah, Alhumdulillah wa Salatu wa Salam 'alaa RasulAllaah wa ba'ad,

There occurs today a very detestable practice among our muslims in particular. 
It is the indulgence and participation in email chain letters. For those of us 
not familiar with this activity, it is where someone sends an email letter with 
some sort of story pertaining, in most cases but not always, to something 
Islamic, and then they put a condition at the end of this story to distribute 
this email to a certain number of people. The condition usually is a severe 
warning against not forwarding the email to the certain number of people in 
which case some calamity or mishap will occur if it is not done. In other cases 
the condition proposes a special benefit for forwarding the email to the 
certain number of people. Ordinarily this is a form of shirk that I think most 
people would be aware of or at least should recognize. Believing that some act 
not from the Qur'aan or Sunnah, if done, can cause some harm and/or benefit is 
indeed shirk. In doing so we set up a rival to Allaah, for truly it is only 
Allaah who can benefit us or harm us, and only Allaah can remove such harm. As 
Allaah says in Surah Al-An'am ayah 17:

"And if Allaah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He 
touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things." One of the things we 
learn from this ayat is that any harm that afflicts us can only be removed by 
Allaah, so to specifically believe in bad omens, which includes bad luck and 
the belief that certain practices, not endorsed by Allaah or The Prophet 
sallAllahu 'Alayhi wa Salam, can affect the outcome of future events, is in 
essence the meaning of an omen. So to believe in these omens would be belief 
that other than Allaah can remove such harm from us, which is setting a rival 
with Allaah in this removal of harm, which is shirk! And Allaah says in Surah 
al-Ma'aidah ayah 72 : "Verily, whosoever sets up rivals in worship with Allaah, 
then Allaah has forbidden Al-Jannah for him, and the Fire will be his abode."

Imam Ahmad reports, on the authority of Ibn `Amr radhi Allahu anhumma, that the 
Prophet sallAllahu 'alayi wa Salam said:

"Whoever is turned back from his objective by a bad omen has committed Shirk." 
They asked: "And what is the expiation for that?" He sallAllahu 'alayhi wa 
salam  replied: "It is to say: "Oh, Allah! There is no good except that which 
You bestow and there is no evil except that which You bestow and there is none 
has the right to be worshipped but You."

 In many circumstances these chain emails threatens the reader that "if" the 
email is not sent to the certain number of people then "such and such" will 
occur. As reported in the above hadith this is Shirk! As is reported on the 
authority of Ibn Mas'ood radhi Allahu 'anhu in a marfoo' form, that he said: 
"At-tiyarah (belief in omens) is Shirk, at-tiyrah (belief in omens) is Shirk. 
There is none among us who is not afflicted by it, but Allah, by true 
dependence on Him removes it from the heart." [1] So this hadeeth / athar is a 
rejection of belief in omens because such beliefs necessitates negation of 
belief in Allah's Qadr and because it causes the heart to become attached to 
other than Allah, which is Shirk.

Also it is reported on the authority of Abu Hurairah radhi Allaahu anhu that 
the Messenger of Allah sallAllahu 'alayhi wa Salam said:

"There is no `adwaa [2], no tiyarah (belief in omens) and no haamah[3] and no 
Safar [4]" (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

Muslim, in his Saheeh, adds: ".and no naw` [5] and no ghoul [6]."

Now what is even more disturbing is that these omens are presented and 
beautified in the form of "harmless" conditions and mere fun. No doubt a trick 
for shaytaan ar rajeem, wa iyaadhu billah.

The most recent one of these shirk chain emails that I came across, put the 
condition that "if you love Allaah, then forward this letter to.."!!! This 
should indeed be a higher degree of disturbing for Ahl Sunnah as it entails 
speaking about an attribute of Allaah without knowledge, namely Allaah's love. 
How is it that one can put a condition to Allaah's love based on doing an act 
that has no precedence in The Book of Allaah or The Sunnah of His Messenger 
sallAllahu 'alayhi wa Salam?!?! This is indeed a form of ilhad (deviation) 
regarding the attribute of Allaah, and a form of shirk in this category of 
Tawheed (Asmaa wa Sifaat). The love of Allaah is attainable through many acts 
of ibaadah mentioned to us in the Quran and Sunnah, and thus to innovate in 
this noble venture is a disgusting type of bidah, pursued in most part by those 
of ahl kalam (The people of false rhetoric). Those people who chose not to be 
content with the established texts of Al-Islaam, but rather engage in 
exercising their intellect with regard to the deen. As we should know the 
Beautiful, Perfect and Loft

Bismillah [IslamCity] Pakistan political report -- Jamaat, PML (N) joins hand to agitate against Musharraf Martial Law

2007-11-08 Thread S A Hannan
  Jamaat, PML (N) joins hand to agitate against Musharraf Martial Law 
LAHORE, Nov 06: In a high-level contact between leadership of 
Jamaat-e-Islami and PML (N) both the sides unanimously agreed to step up the 
agitation against the Martial Law and to extend full support to the lawyers' 
community besides felicitating the judges who were dismissed and detained after 
refusing to take oath under PCO. 

  In telephonic contact leaders of both parties condemned the torture and 
manhandling of judges and lawyers, said a JI media cell press release. They 
decided to issue directives to the workers extend full support to the detained 
lawyers, visiting them in jails, supporting their families outside, and take 
measures for securing their release. 

  They emphasized that judges refusing the PCO and the lawyers were 
national heroes, and it was the duty of the nation to protect them from the 
victimization of Musharraf regime. 

  They also decided to hold public receptions for the judges rejecting PCO 
and praising their sense of duty and honesty at the national level. Both the 
leaders criticized those judges who took oath under PCO, particularly the 
judges of Federal Shariat Court, saying those had actually earned a bad name 
for Shariat. They stressed that instead of Shariat Court those judges had now 
become judges of 'Musharraf Court.' 

  They also warned the officials of district administrations and Police 
against highhandedness against the lawyers and political workers, and directed 
the workers to collect data of such officials who will be held accountable 
after the return of democratic rule. 

  They also condemned the cubs on media, particularly the TV channels and 
the police cordoning of the press clubs and newspapers offices in different 
cities, adding that it exposed the real face of the so-called democratic regime 
of Gen Musharraf. 

  The press release said the leaderships of both the parties (JI and PML – 
N) agreed that lawyers' community should not be left alone at this testing 
time, and should be extended full support in shape of assistance for securing 
release, providing moral support by visiting the detained lawyers in jails and 
taking care of their families. (#) 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Book Review: RELIGION IN INDIAN HISTORY

2007-11-08 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Religion through the ages 
  Collection of articles on the role of religion in Indian history 
RELIGION IN INDIAN HISTORY: Irfan Habib — Editor; Aligarh Historians 
Society, Aligarh, Tulika Books, 35A/1, III Floor, Shahpur Jat, New 
Delhi-110049. Rs. 550. 

  This book is an anthology of 15 scholarly articles relating to “religion in 
Indian history” and based on different topics covering periods of disparate 
nature, with no claim to have exhausted the central theme. Irfan Habib’s 
brilliant introduction probes into the archaeology and history of religion 
building up from irrational fundamental premises to ethics and theology or 
philosophy. He discusses in great depth historical and theoretical problems 
involved in looking for the roots of religion in India. 
  In the first article D.P. Chattopadhyaya explores most carefully the ways 
religions develop. Examining the comparative philological point of view of 
Chinese, Helenic and Islamic theologians, the anthropology and sociology of 
religion, the relationships between mythology and history, and the interface of 
the scientific and Marxist views, he emphasises the professed unifying role of 
religion and its historically evident divisive workings in practice. 
  Social dimensions 
  The three articles that follow deal with changes within Brahmanism in the 
wake of the consolidation of the caste society. One is K.M. Shrimali’s 
explanatory piece delving into the socio-economic implications of the ensemble 
of numerous post-Mauryan popular sects/faiths and forms of worship, the 
theologically augmented Mahayana Buddhism, incorporation of “danamahima” by the 
Jains, Shaivites and Vaishnavites and, seeks to prove the identification of the 
period by Vincent Smith and K.P. Jaiswal as “dark age” unfounded. The next is 
Suvira Jaiswal’s article that examines social dimensions of the spreading cult 
of Lord Rama. Then the joint article by Nupur Chaudhuri and Rajat K. Ray 
discusses the role of Tantricism in providing escape routes from a vigorously 
ordered society. Nupur and Ray argue that love existed in all ages but never as 
the same, which accounts for its splitting between high and low, Vedic and 
Tantric, day and night, open and secret. 
  In his article, Barun De expands the topic of how religion has to be studied 
in terms of spiritual creativity and the flowering of individual mental 
consciousness, as a force for social welfare, on the one hand and, an 
instrument of obscurantism and traditionalist superstition seeking to enforce 
elitist authority on democratic creativity on the other. He takes stock of how 
two leading historians D.D. Kosambi and Niharranjan Ray, dealt in different 
ways with the relationship between religion and changes in social history. 
  The next two articles deal with the Islamic background of the Indian 
religious culture. One is by Athar Ali, exploring some of the features of the 
Islamic past including secular developments and highlighting as a very 
significant aspect the long history of Islam’s fruitful coexistence with 
Hinduism, despite all the violence that occurred in military campaigns, 
conquests and depredations. The other is a profound article by Irfan Habib, 
examining how in 15th and early 16th centuries, both Islam and Hinduism 
encountered the popular monotheistic movement, associated with Kabir’s name and 
insightfully unveiling the material, social and ideological basis of the 
thought of Kabir and other like-minded preachers.
  The following three essays deal with certain aspects of religion, in Mughal 
India, especially the spectacular events at Emperor Akbar’s court, from 1517 
A.D. onwards. Osamu Kondo discusses in his essay the text and significance of 
the scholars’ “mahzar” of 1579 A.D honouring Akbar “just king” or interpreter 
of the Muslim law. He argues that the Emperor was probably not happy about the 
‘declaration’ for its limiting or sectarian implication. 
  Considering in depth the northern Indian situation of coexistence and 
interaction of religions at the time of Akbar’s accession Shireen Moosvi in her 
essay seeks to analyse the influences of the emperor’s childhood experience, 
education and personal character on the constitution of his religion. 
  Invoking the context of Sunni- Shia’ite debates that had been a common 
feature in Muslim intellectual life in the “free-for-all” atmosphere of Mughal 
India, S.A. Nadeem Rezavi in his essay assesses the influence of Mulla Sadra 
(1640 A.D.), the Iranian Shi’ite philosopher, regarded both as a votary of 
reason and as a logician within the realm of Muslim theology, on the scholarly 
tradition of India. 
  New movements 
  There is an article on Sikhism and the position of women by Kamalesh Mohan, 
which examines the role of socio-historical environme

Bismillah [IslamCity] the meaningless meeting and the most modern monotheists

2007-11-08 Thread raja chemayel
  meaningless meeting 
  the most modern monotheists .

  The Pope meets King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
  which was the most harmless and meaningless meeting 
  ever in the history of cultures and religions' encounters.
  The Pope being what he is, for some of us,
  and what he is surely not , for the rest of us,
  have met a King who never pretended any religious-role
  for which , I have to respect him.
  King Abdullah calls himself simply the 
  "The servant (guardian) of two most Holy sites" 
  (Mecca and Medina)
  Like if and when Mr.Ehud Olmert
  would claim that he is the "Guardian of the West-Wall"
  which incidentally is simply a Roman Wall in an Arab-city...
  and the big difference is that Mecca and Medina are not stolen !
  nor occupied.
  Back to the Vatican's meeting,
  where two different personalities
  who are in fact so close on the practical side:
  conservatism and fundamentalism makes them
  de-facto-allies.if not even twins..
  Besides the fact that both are awfully rich
  and both rely on God's authority to make it theirs.
  Islam does not have any hierarchy
  and it gives the top-functions to its most learned scholar
  among Good's servants.while the Vatican works
  with a long tradition of posts and functions ,
  leading up to a Pyramid's top .
  (if you are lucky enough)
  In this case ,  King Abdullah's religion 
  is more modern and more democratic than the Pope's.
  Contraception is better seen and dealt with by Islam 
  than the Vatican would like Catholics to behave.
  Celibacy for Good's servants is only required by the Vatican
  while Islam allows them a more humane and natural life.
  The Vatican does not allow divorce while Islam does not
  bind forever those who want to separate.
  Islam does not allow the adoption of any children 
  unless they are from one own family 
  or only when ,the orphan-child has no family, at all.
  The list is long and I am not entitled to analyse more
  due to my limited education and knowledge , 
  but I wish sincerely ,that the Vatican would not fear the competition
  anymore from those most modern monotheists : the Muslims.
  Raja Chemayel
  an islamophile-christian
  Visit my Blog , and bring someone nice with you


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Bismillah [IslamCity] The meaning of the Basmalah, and the ruling on staring with it when one reads Qur'aan

2007-11-08 Thread Muhammad Abdul-Rahman
Reference "Islam: Questions and Answers - The Quran and Its Sciences"
Read more:

21722: The meaning of the Basmalah, and the ruling on staring with it when one 
reads Qur'aan 


What is the meaning of the Basmalah [the Arabic words Bismillaah il-Rahmaan 
il-Raheem (In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful)]? 

And what is meant by the words "Iqra' bismi Rabbika" (Read (or recite) in the 
name of your Lord _ [al-`Alaq 96:1 _ interpretation of the meaning])? 


Praise be to Allaah. 

When one says "Bismillaah" when starting to do anything, what that means is, "I 
start this action accompanied by the name of Allaah or seeking help through the 
name of Allaah, seeking blessing thereby. Allaah is God, the beloved and 
worshipped, to Whom hearts turn in love, veneration and obedience (worship). He 
is al-Rahmaan (the Most Gracious) Whose attribute is vast mercy; and al-Raheem 
(the Most Merciful) Who causes that mercy to reach His creation. 

It was said that what this means is: I start this action by mentioning the name 
of Allaah. Ibn Jareer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: "Allaaah, may He be 
exalted and His name sanctified, taught His Prophet Muhammad (peace and 
blessings of Allaah be upon him) proper manners by teaching him to mention His 
most beautiful names before all his actions. He commanded him to mention these 
attributes before starting to do anything, and made what He taught him a way 
for all people to follow before starting anything, words to be written at the 
beginning of their letters and books. The apparent meaning of these words 
indicates exactly what is meant by them, and it does not need to be spelled 

There is something omitted in the phrase "Bismillaah" when it said before 
starting to do something, which may be "I begin my action in the name of 
Allaah," such as saying, "In the name of Allaah I read", "In the name of Allaah 
I write", "In the name of Allaah I ride", and so on. Or, "My starting is in the 
name of Allaah", "My riding is in the name of Allaah", "My reading is in the 
name of Allaah", and so on. It may be that blessing comes by saying the name of 
Allaah first, and that also conveys the meaning of starting only in the name of 
Allaah and not in the name of anyone else. 

The name of Allaah is the greatest name and is so well known as to need no 
explanation; this is a name that belongs exclusively to the Creator and no one 
else. The correct view is that it is derived from the root aliha. He is God 
(ilaah) which means that He is worshipped and is divine. 

Al-Rahmaan is one of the names of Allaah that belong exclusively to Him. It 
means the One Who possesses vast mercy, because this form (fa'laan) is 
indicative of fullness and abundance. It is the most exclusive name of Allaah 
after His name Allaah, just as mercy is His most exclusive attribute. Hence 
this name (al-Rahmaan) often appears after the name Allaah, as in the aayah 
(interpretation of the meaning): 

"Say (O Muhammad): Invoke Allaah or invoke the Most Gracious [al-Rahmaan] 
(Allaah)" [al-Isra' 17:110] 

Al-Raheem is also one of the names of Allaah, and means the One Who causes His 
mercy to reach those whom He wills among His slaves. 

Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: "Al-Rahmaan refers to an 
attribute that is connected to Allaah and is part of His Essence, and al-Raheem 
refers to a connection with the one to whom mercy is shown. The former is 
adjectival (referring to what He is) and the latter is verbal (referring to 
what He does). The former indicates that mercy is His attribute, and the latter 
indicates that He bestows His mercy upon His creation. If you want to 
understand this then ponder the meaning of these verses (interpretation of the 

"And He is Ever Most Merciful (Raheem) to the believers"[al-Ahzaab 33:43] 

"Certainly, He is unto them full of kindness, Most Merciful (Raheem)" 
[al-Tawbah 9:117] 

The word al-Rahmaan is never used in this context. So we know that the word 
Rahmaan means the One Whose attribute is mercy (rahmah), and al-Raheem is the 
One Who bestows His mercy." 

(Badaa'i' al-Fawaa'id, 1/24). 


The ruling on saying the Basmalah before reading Qur'aan depends on the 

1 _ If it is at the beginning of a soorah _ apart from Soorat Baraa'ah 
(al-Tawbah) _ then the majority of imams have stated that "it is mustahabb to 
recite the Basmalah at the beginning of each soorah, in prayer or otherwise. 
This should be done as a regular practice, and some of them considered that a 
reading of the whole Qur'aan is incomplete if the Basmalah was not recited at 
the beginning of every soorah apart from Baraa'ah (al-Tawbah)." When Imam Ahmad 
(may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about reciting it at the beginning of 
every soorah, he said, "Do not neglect it." 

2 _ If one is starting in the middle of a soorah _ which i