2007-11-22 Thread Asifa AM
Which Muslim, Christian or Jew does not know the name of Ibrahim (peace be on 
him)! Two-thirds of mankind revere him as their leader. The Prophets Musa, Isa 
and Muhammad, peace be on them, are all his descendants. It is the lamp 
guidance light by him that has long illuminated the whole world.
  The word Hajj means to make a resolve to visit a holy place: visiting the 
Ka’ba in Makka is, therefore, called Hajj. How did it begin? The origin of Hajj 
is rooted in the Prophet Ibrahim’s life, peace be on him. That story is very 
instructive, and illustrative, too, of the true meaning and significance of 
Hajj. That story you must know to fully understand the benefits Hajj can bring 
to you. Life and Mission of the Prophet Ibrahim(pbuh).
Commitment to the Truth
  But the Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) was no ordinary man; he was made of different 
stuff. On reaching maturity he began to reflect thus: How can the sun, moon or 
stars, which are rotating as if by order like slaves, and these stone idols, 
which are made by man himself; and these kings, who are human beings like our 
selves, be gods? What is there in these powerless objects, which cannot move of 
their own volition, which have no power to help themselves and have no control 
over their own lives and deaths, that man should worship them, seek fulfillment 
of his wants from them, fear their powers and submit in obedience to them?…
  The Universal Islamic Movement  In this manner Ibrahim became a pioneer of 
the universal Islamic movement and set about establishing permanent missions in 
different regions. In this task he was aided by his nephew, Lut, his eldest 
son, Ismail who, on learning that the Lord of the worlds wanted the sacrifice 
of his life, had him self willingly placed his neck under the knife, and his 
younger son, Ishaq…. 
The first House ever set up for mankind was indeed that at Bakkah, a blessed 
place, and a guidance unto all beings; wherein are clear sings---the place 
whereon Ibrahim stood; and whosoever enters it finds peace (Al ‘Imran 3: 
  Labbyk, Allahumma labbayk, labbayk, la sharika laka labbauyk, inna ‘l-hamda 
‘n-ni’mata laka wa ‘l-mulka la sharika lak

  Here am I before Thee, O God, doubly at Thy service. Before Thee I am, there 
is no partner unto Thee, doubly at Thy service here am I All praise and 
blessings are Thine, and power. There is no partner unto Thee.
  If you are looking to a basic  comprehensive introduction to the HAJJ, this 
book goes deeper into the spiritual meaning, historical details, Impact of Hajj 
  Appropriate for Muslims, and for Non-Muslims wishing to gain a deeper 
understanding of the faith.
  This book is AN ALL TIME RECORD SELLER. Let Us Be Muslims is no ordinary 
book, for it has stirred more hearts and impelled more lives to change their 
course than any of this scholar's other works.
  Time to know the GREAT Truth of Prophet Ibrahim(pbuh)
  Please read 
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Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHF on Friday

2007-11-22 Thread hossam kiwan
Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHF on Friday

نذكركم بقراءة سورة الكهف كل يوم جمعة

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) في يوم الجمعة أضاء له من
النور ما بين الجمعتين ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب / 736 ] ..

وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) ليلة الجمعة، أضاء له من
النور ما بينه وبين البيت العتيق ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب /
736 ] ..

Bismillah [IslamCity] She missed some prayers in the past� what should she do?

2007-11-22 Thread online.dawah

B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i r   R a h e e m

She missed some prayers in the past
– what should she do?


My aunt ask me to ask you this question,  She asked, in past there were
Farz Salat that she missed, now she wants to know  what does sharia say
about past missed Salat. I would really appreciate if you could answer
this question.  May Allah reward you for everything.


Praise be to Allaah.   It is not clear from your question whether your
aunt missed the prayers because of a reason such as sleeping, forgetting
or being unconscious, etc., or whether she missed them deliberately,
with no valid excuse. Whatever the case, if she missed them for a
reason, she has to make up what she has missed, and also repent for the

If she did not have any excuse for missing the prayers, but denied that
they are obligatory, or thought that they did not matter, or was too
lazy to do them, then the correct scholarly view is that if a person who
does not pray because he does not think the prayers are obligatory, or
he is too lazy or he thinks they do not matter, there is no way that he
can make up these prayers.

There are deeds which must be done for Allaah at night, and He does not
accept them during the day, and deeds which must be done during the day
which He does not accept at night. (See the book: I want to repent,
but…) The person who deliberately does not pray is a kaafir, if he
does not pray at all; but if he repents and prays, he comes back to
Islam, and he does not have to make up what he has missed, but he is
advised to do a lot of naafil prayers. Islam also wipes out whatever
(sins) came before.

  Shaykh Saalih ibn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him) was
asked the following question:

  I am a Muslim woman, al-hamdu-Lillaah. Not so long ago I did not
pray and I did not know anything about matters of religion. But now,
al-hamdu Lillaah, Allaah has guided me and I have started to pray, fast,
read Qur'aan and recite Tasbeeh. I have completed the Qur'aan
for the tenth time. Will Allaah forgive me for what I have done in the
past and what I will do in the future, in secret and openly in my life?
What more can I do so that Allaah will forgive me?

The response was:

Repentance wipes out whatever (sins) came before it. So long as you have
repented sincerely – al-hamdu Lillaah – and you are doing the
duties enjoined upon you by Allaah and avoiding what He has forbidden,
then Allaah will forgive whatever came before that repentance.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

Say: O `Ibaadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against
themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy
of Allaah, verily, Allaah forgives all sins [al-Zumar 39:53] –

even shirk, if the person who committed shirk then repents from it to
Allaah, He will accept his repentance.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief),
their past will be forgiven [al-Anfaal 8:38].

The Prophet  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

Islam wipes away whatever (sins) came before it, and repentance
wipes away whatever (sins) came before it. (Narrated by Ahmad,

If you have repented sincerely and you do what Allaah has enjoined upon
you and avoid that which He has forbidden, this will be sufficient insha
Allaah for your past sins to be forgiven, but you must good deeds in the
future, and keep on repenting and obeying the Islamic commandments which
Allaah has enjoined upon you.

And Allaah knows best.
Islam QA
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid


Bismillah [IslamCity] Perform HAJJ (DetaiL Mail) With Map

2007-11-22 Thread Najam Manzoor
Aamir Shaikh  wrote
  wait while All image loading ... also share with your Friends/Relatives
  Attachment Also Available, you can also download by One Two Click.
  If you didn't see All Maps totally in this mail box you can just click mouse 
2nd botton on the particular map than copy/paste in your Computer Desktop  See.
  Remember Me In Your Precious Prayer.. (Jazakallah)
  Fee Aman Allah.

Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Bible and the Qur'an

2007-11-22 Thread Ahumanb
The Bible and the Qur'an
The scholars of divinity and the writers on the history of religion usually 
discuss their subject under the heading of religions. For example, they talk of 
Prophet Abraham's religion, as the Jewish religion, the religion of Jesus, as 
the Christian religion, and the religion of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon the 
all) as the religion of Islam. They regard every Prophet to whom a code of law 
was revealed as the founder of a separate religion.

But the Holy Qur'an has its own terminology and its own style. From its point 
of view there has been only one Divine religion from the beginning to the end. 
All Prophets irrespective of the fact whether they had or had not an 
independent code of law, had the same mission and preached the same message. 
Their basic principles called religion were the same. Their teachings differed 
only in rules and subsidiary matters of secondary importance which varied 
according to the requirements of the time, the peculiarities of the environment 
and the characteristics of the people whom these Prophets addressed. But in 
spite of the difference in the form of their teachings, all Prophets visualized 
one single goal. Apart from the difference of form, there was also a level in 
their teachings.

The Prophets who came later, their teachings were of a higher level in keeping 
with the stage of the human development. For example, there is a vast 
difference in the level of the teachings of Islam and those of the earlier 
Prophets in respect of the genesis of man, the Hereafter and the conception of 
the world. In other words man vis-a-vis the teachings of the Prophets is like a 
student who is brought up step by step from class I to the highest class. This 
process signifies the development of religion, not the difference of religions. 

The Holy Qur'an has nowhere used the word religion in a plural form. From the 
point of view of the Holy Qur'an, there has always existed one Divine religion, 
not different religions. There exists one big difference between the Prophets 
and the great philosophers and other outstanding social leaders. Each eminent 
philosopher has had his own school. That is why so many schools of philosophy 
have always existed in the world. In contrast, the Prophets have always 
corroborated and never contradicted each other. Had any one of the Prophets 
lived in the time and environment of another Prophet, he would have preached 
the rules of law and conduct similar to those preached by the latter.

The Holy Qur'an declares expressly that all Prophets form one single series. 
The earlier Prophets foretold about the later ones, and the latter Prophets 
acknowledged the earlier ones. The Holy Qur'a'n also says that Allah made a 
covenant with the Prophets to the effect that they would believe in each other 
and help each other. It says: 

When GOD made the covenant with the Prophets, He said. 'Here are the Scripture 
and the wisdom which I have given you. Later a Prophet will come to you 
confirming what you possess. You shall believe in Him and you shall help him. 
He then said: 'Do you agree to this and take the responsibility I placed on 
you?' They answered: 'We agree. He said: 'Then bear witness and I will bear 
witness with you. (Surah Ale Imran, 3:81)

Let us reiterate that God sent His guidance to all nations and all peoples 
through His chosen messengers (10:47). His Message finally was perfected 
through His last Messenger, Muhammad, the exalted (33:40). The Message has been 
meticulously preserved in the form of Al-Qur'an for all places, times and 
peoples forever (5:3, 34:28, 62:3). The Qur'an calls the Final Messenger 
Muhammad, the best in conduct, (68:4) the best role model for people, 
(33:21) and the Mercy for the Worlds (21:107).

O People of the Book! Why do you deny the truth of God’s Messages to which you 
yourselves bear witness? (Wasn’t the Scripture revealed to you? And it 
foretells the advent of this Prophet). (Qur'an 3:70)

[All this, the advent of Prophet Muhammad from the Ishmaelite descendants of 
Abraham has been foretold in the Bible. Genesis 21:13-18. Gospel of John 14:16, 
15:26, 16:7. Historically, the Gospel of Saint Barnabas, which was accepted and 
widely read in the churches, had ‘Muhammad’ in the exact Arabic form. But Pope 
Gelasius banned that Gospel in 496 C.E., probably because of finding the Arabic 
term distasteful. It was only in the 16th century C.E. when the Italian 
translation of Barnabas was discovered in Vienna, Austria. Obviously 
translations can never be as reliable as the original text.]

3:183 It is they (the Children of Israel) who assert, Behold, God has taken a 
promise from us that we shall not believe in any Messenger unless he ordains 
for us a burnt offering. (Animal sacrifice that a fire from the Heavens would 
consume). Say, Messengers before me came to you with clear Revelations, and, 
according to you, ordained that. Why, then, did you slay them, if you 

Bismillah [IslamCity] : US Ambassador Meets American Iimams in Al Ain, Abu Dhabi

2007-11-22 Thread Curtis Sharif
The Imams group is scheduled to have Thanksgiving Dinner at the US Ambassador's 
home in Abu Dhabi.
Photos of the Zayed House of Islamic Cultures Imams Training Program  can be 
viewed at :


Photos by Curtis Sharif


   Khaleej Times Online   News  THE U.A.E   

   American imams 
attend ZHIC orientation course
 By Lana Mahdi (Our staff reporter)
 21 November 2007  
  AL AIN . US Ambassador Michele Sison thanked the UAE government for the 
excellent and warm welcome extended to the 28,000 American citizens living in 
the country who, she said, are good representatives of their country in the 
cultural dialogue being held between the two nations.
  She was addressing a meeting held yesterday at Zayed House for Islamic 
Culture (ZHIC) and attended by 14 imams from different mosques in the US as 
well as a trainee from France who are here to attend the six-week orientation 
programme run by the ZHIC.
   Sison said she had been working in the Department of State for 26 years but 
she had not seen a country like the UAE. 
   The meeting was attended by Dr Mohammed Matar Al Kaaby and Dr Bassam Al 
Zain, chairman and deputy chairman of the ZHIC, respectively. 
   She praised the revolutionary vision of the late Shaikh Zayed bin Sultan Al 
Nahyan that led to the progress of Abu Dhabi emirate as well as Al Ain city. 
   The US ambassador said the 28,000 US citizens living in the UAE worked in 
the education, medical and business sectors.
   The ZHIC that hosts the imams is consolidating the East-West dialogue and 
cooperation and friendship between the US and the UAE she added. 
   Khalid Al Marzouqy, director of ZHIC, said the orientation programme that 
started on the first week of November would help the imams understand and 
perform their duties better, adding that this was a good example of the joint 
efforts of the UAE and US. 
   The programme included cultural, religious, heritage, educational, medical 
and entertainment activities.
   Al Marzouqy added the ZHIC would sponsor the Hajj Pilgrimmage of the 14 
imams to Saudi Arabia. 
   The programme is being held as part of the cooperation between the American 
Congress of Muslim Youth (ANCMY) and ZHIC that aims to strengthen ties between 
the two sides. The orientation programme will be extended to imams from other 
countries as well he added. 
 Khalid Ahmed, head of the ACMY, said the council aimed at sending Muslims from 
the US to learn and gain more experience about Islam and Shariah.   
 Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

Bismillah, FYI 
Peace,Curtis Sharif
Houston, Texas

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Arab Funds for Darfur Reconstruction

2007-11-22 Thread Ismail Kashkash
Arab Funds for Darfur Reconstruction 
By  Ismail Kamal Kushkush, IOL Correspondent 




  The Arabs raised $250 million for Darfur, in addition to pledges for 
establishing a number of clinics, schools and housing projects

  KHARTOUM — The Arab League held on October 30-31 a conference in the Sudanese 
capital to address the humanitarian situation in Darfur. 
  The conference raised $250 million for the war-torn region, in addition to 
pledges for establishing a number of clinics, schools and housing projects.
  IOL interviewed Hasan 'Abd Allah Bargu, head of the Darfur Organizations 
Network for Peace and Development, a co-organizer.
  The Network comprises 186 national NGOs involved in different fields of 
humanitarian work in Darfur.
  IOL: Who initiated the Arab conference? 
  Bargu: It stated as proposal from the Darfur Organizations Network. We asked 
to go to Cairo in November 2004, to explain our vision. The Egyptian Council 
for African Affairs, which is a network for voluntary organizations like us, 
officially invited us. We agreed with them that the Arab League should play a 
role, along with civil society organizations, even though the Arab League 
traditionally focuses on politics, not humanitarian work. We submitted a joint 
proposal to the Arab League and met Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa in 
December 2004. We followed up on the proposal till it was approved in the 
Riyadh summit this year [2007]. No one can claim the success of this 
exclusively. Many sides helped us, including the Sudanese government, which 
eased our travel.
  That is why we asked for the conference to be in Khartoum, to send a strong 
message. This is the first time that Arab governmental and non-governmental 
work is integrated, because historically Arab governments feared civil society 
groups. For us, to meet in this type of humanitarian work is a great 
  IOL: How do you asses the recent Arab conference? Some say it came too late
  Bargu: Anyone who says that the Arab conference was a failure is wrong. 
First, no European country brought us even $ 10 million in cash. The Arabs have 
provided $ 250 million dollars as a first step. Second, we were able to make a 
break-through among our people. Some among the African tribes in Darfur, 
including my tribe, used to think that the Arab governments supported the 
Sudanese government. This was not true, but this was the impression among some 
in Darfur. But we were able to correct this impression. This is one of the 
positive outcomes of the conference that surpasses any dollar amount of aid. 
Now all the elements in the Darfur society can move forward in the same 
direction to achieve peace. Third, we need around $ 836 million dollars to 
re-settle the refugees and re-build the burned villages. When the work starts, 
we are optimistic that it can be done.
  IOL: Shouldn’t then, theoretically, Arab and Western financial support be 
enough to re-build Darfur?
  Bargu: Yes, but we don’t see this Western support. It comes in the form of UN 
armored cars and Land-Cruisers. Go to Airport Street in Khartoum and all you 
see is UN armored auto-mobiles. Who rides them and why? This is a problem.
  IOL: Were there any Arab NGOs in the conference that may be considered 
oppositional or “anti-governmental?
  Bargu: Yes, there were some human rights groups. But we all agreed on the 
humanitarian dimension and to work together, even with governments. It is our 
ummah that is targeted, regardless of our opinions of our governments. We 
officially invited thirty eight organizations, but sixty-eight came.
  IOL: What about the role of Arab relief organizations?
  Bargu: We the people of Darfur are clearly aware of what was happening when 
the crisis started. Arab organizations were present in Darfur from the 
beginning. But many were concerned with the way the conflict was portrayed by 
the Western media, as Arab vs. African, so Arab organizations were reluctant to 
become visible. Arab medical missions were present from day one, but they were 
not organized. Now they’ve become better organized.
  IOL: Which organizations were present?
  Bargu: The Saudi Red Crescent, the Egyptian Red Crescent, medical teams from 
Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, and almost all the Arab Red Crescent 
organizations were in Darfur. Arab governments wanted clarification on the 
nature of the crisis, so we sent our delegation to the Arab League and met with 
many Arab officials and explained to them that much of what was being reported 
about Darfur was not true.



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Bismillah [IslamCity] How to close down Guantánamo in 5 minutes

2007-11-22 Thread Aisha Abbasi

If this email is not displayed properly, click here

Close Guantánamo in 5 minutes

Dear unsubscribers,
The tide is turning fast against Guantánamo Bay. Even former Secretary of State 
Colin Powell has gone on record saying that he would close the base down 'today 
not tomorrow'.
However, around half of the candidates in the US Presidential election still 
support its existence.
Amnesty is going to present the US Congress with a 13-point plan that shows 
exactly how the base can be closed down (and what the rest of the world thinks 
of Guantánamo Bay). We are getting MPs, SMPs, Assembly Members, MEPs and Lords 
to put their names to our plan. But we need your help to give them a gentle 
nudge in the right direction.
What you can do
Visit our action page today and you can swiftly and easily mail your elected 
representative. Please hurry as the deadline for collecting signatures is less 
than a month away.
Want to do more? Send this mail to everyone you know and encourage them to take 
this decisive action. With your help we can really make a huge difference.
You don't need to be an Amnesty member to do this action, but you can always 
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7033 1777Stop receiving these emailsStop receiving all Amnesty International 
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Hajj-e-Mubroor

2007-11-22 Thread ***hajikhan***

   Hazrat Abu Huraira R.A. reports 
   that Rasulullah Salallaho Alaihi 
Wassallam said:
  Verily there shall be no reward for a 
righteous pilgrimage except Jannat.
(Bukhari  Muslim) 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Palestine Chronicle - Journey in Middle East Capitals

2007-11-22 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Subject: Palestine Chronicle - Journey in Middle East Capitals
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:29:43 -0600

  Dear Readers: 
  Dan Lieberman’s visit to Palestine, Israel, Jordan and Syria, as a member of 
a US delegation, led to face-to-face talks with prime ministers, foreign 
ministers, officials and ordinary people. Below is his report, exclusive to 
  The Turbulent Winds of the Annapolis Conference
  By Dan Lieberman
Special to 
  Discussing the proposed Annapolis Conference, in face-to-face talks with the 
prime ministers, foreign ministers and non-government officials (NGOs) of 
Israel, Palestinian Authority, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, revealed how far we 
are from achieving peace in the Middle East and how far Annapolis is from the 
Earth that others walk upon. As part of a delegation of six intrepid fact 
finders, supported by the Council for the National Interest (CNI), a Washington 
based NGO that labors intensively to determine paths towards Middle East peace, 
I found a hopeful wind that moved Israeli and Palestinian to portray optimism. 
This hopeful wind slowly reduced in force in Jordan, quickly diminished when 
meeting Syrian vice-presidents and turned to an ill wind in meetings with the 
Lebanese president, prime minister and foreign minister in the second week of 
  The search for Middle East peace started on a discordant note at a meeting 
with Gush Shalom (peace bloc) spokesperson Uri Avnery, the most notable 
advocate for a just peace with the Palestinians. Uri used the words “unsure” 
and “window dressing” to describe the intended conference. He didn’t sense that 
Hamas, with whom he has close contacts, would agree to a piece of paper and 
voiced the opinion that Hamas would “only make a truce and not a peace pact.” 
  Kadima’s Knesset member Amira Dotan spoke of “ Annapolis as a symbol,” with 
its “success defined as starting a process.” Deputy Speaker Dr. Ahmed Tibi 
said: “The U.S. should create the conditions for making it a success. Its 
failure will strengthen Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iranian/Syrian axis.” Other 
official sources were more open; expressing views that Israel is an army that 
has a state and Defense Minister Barak is the major culprit in preventing any 
peace initiative.  
  The Ramallah landscape of enormous white brick housing developments against 
the brown dirt background disguises the actual despondency and poverty of the 
Palestinian people.  Palestinian Authority (PA) officials, especially Foreign 
Minister Riad al-Maliki, tried to be optimistic about the Annapolis conference. 
They want a complete agenda with final talks, but have become more motivated, 
in Prime Minister Salam Fayed’s words, “by fear of failure than promise of 
success,” and are being forced into unwanted compromises just to justify a 
meeting. President Abbas’ Chief of Staff Rafiq Husseini insisted that Israel 
must move the separation wall to the Green Line. Interior Minister Abdel Razzah 
al-Yahya reiterated that “there will be no two-state solution if Israel does 
not withdraw to the 1967 boundaries and does not give the Palestinians “oxygen 
to breathe.” The lack of oxygen stifles the Palestinians, who are already torn 
by internecine warfare between Fatah and Hamas and by
 conflict with organizations in Nablus that are a combination of criminals, 
protestors against social and economic negligence, and militants against Israel 
occupation. . The Palestinian Authority is powerless and it is not obvious how 
they can negotiate anything and receive approval from a majority of 
Palestinians, especially when they continue to experience Israel ’s brutal 
occupation of the West Bank. 
  Illegal settlements have destroyed Palestinian life in central Hebron . When 
the Israeli military attempted to evict the settlers, the settlers broke 
windows and ruined the Palestinian shops. For an incomprehensible reason, the 
settlers have returned to their illegal positions and Palestinian shops and 
houses are now empty. To enforce the settler presence, Israeli security 
checkpoints have been installed at all former entrances to the market. These 
settlers make claim to properties “taken” from Jews during riots against Hebron 
Jews back in 1929, but do not display any rights of inheritance or deeds to any 
of the properties.  Can this claim of a ‘collective right’ have a legal basis?  
Contrast the Hebron settlers’ illegal positions and false claims with 
Palestinians, who have legal deeds to properties in Israel , and are prevented 
from recovering their properties. 
  A separation wall winds through West Bank territory and completely encircles 
West Bank cities, such as Qualqilya and Abu Dis. Residents are hindered from 
leaving these cities, from going to schools and from cultivating lands. The 
wall has also caused accumulations of 

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Who is better? the King or his nephew?

2007-11-22 Thread Carol-Anne Braganca
Wasalaam Alakium Brothers ands Sisters,
  I found this story totally funny how the heck do they have this kind of money 
to play with why don't they give money to poor countries like in africa and 
what happend in bangledesh.

  Who is better? the King or his nephew? Read the reports!   
  Hey big spender: the £3m spree that landed a Saudi prince in a London court   
 Court documents: the alleged debts in full (pdf)

More court documents (pdf) 

David Leigh and Rob Evans
Friday November 16, 2007
The Guardian 

Saudi ambassador Prince Mohammed bin Nawwaf bin Abdul Aziz. Photograph: Martin 
  It is a remarkable shopping list by any standards. And it has landed the 
Saudi ambassador to Britain with a possible £3m debt, and the embarrassment of 
having allegations about the ostentatious spending habits of the royal family 
laid bare.   Bills he is claimed to have run up on an array of luxury 
amusements include two top-of-the-range Chevrolet 4x4s, a thermal night vision 
kit for his Hummer H2, dozens of designer watches and jewels, a selection of 
handguns and two Arab karaoke machines. One takeaway meal came to almost $800 
(£391). And then there is the $2,500 item on a trip to a hotel in Casablanca 
that reads: Girls: party night 5.   Article continues story/0,, 2212067,00. html

  Saudi King Visits Berlin with an entourage of 11 planes  including a flying 
hospital and a fleet of limousines 
  Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah was in Berlin this week to discuss Saudi-German 
relations and America's attempts to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace 
process. He also brought a flying hospital and a fleet of limousines for his 
three-day stay in the German capital.
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia arrived in Berlin this week with an entourage 
of 11 planes -- including a flying hospital -- and a fleet of limousines to 
discuss Saudi-German relations and the Middle East peace process during a 
three-day stay in the German capital. German Chancellor Angela Merkel 
personally greeted the 83-year-old monarch at Tegel Airport and accompanied him 
to Hotel Adlon, on Pariser Platz, where he stayed in the €12,500-a-night suite 
that often hosts international dignitaries. de/international /europe/0, 1518,516498, 00.html   


With Regards 

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Salaati-alWusta (Middle Prayer)

2007-11-22 Thread Najam Manzoor
ALQURANIC Mail [The Ultimate Guide ALQURAN]
  Assalam-u-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
Forward this message to as many people you can.
[6. Surah Al-An'am : Ayah 120] 
And abandon open and secret sin; surely they who earn sin shall be recompensed 
with what they earned.

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  Salaati-alWusta (Middle Prayer)

  [2.Surah Al-Baqarah : Ayah 238]
  Attend constantly to prayers and to the middle prayer and stand up truly 
obedient to Allah. 


[Sahih Al-Bukhari : Volume 1, Book 10, Number 527] 
Narrated Ibn 'Umar (Radi Allah Anhu):: Allah's Apostle 
(sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) said, Whoever misses the 'Asr prayer 
(intentionally) then it is as if he lost his family and property.

[Sahih Al-Bukhari : Volume 1, Book 10, Number 528]

  Narrated Abu Al-Mahh (Radi Allah Anhu):: The Prophet 
(sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam)  said, Whoever leaves the 'Asr prayer, all his 
(good) deeds will be annulled. 

[Sahih Al-Bukhari : Volume 1, Book 10, Number 531]
Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu):: Allah's Apostle 
(sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) said, If anyone of you can get one Rak'a of the 
'Asr prayer before sunset, he should complete his prayer. If any of you can get 
one Rak'a of the Fajr prayer before sunrise, he should complete his prayer. 


My Lord! grant me that I should be grateful for Thy favor which Thou hast 
bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I should do good such as Thou art 
pleased with, and make me enter, by Thy mercy, into Thy servants, the good ones.

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