Bismillah [IslamCity] Volume 1, Book 3, Number 58

2007-12-15 Thread Sahih Al-Bukhari
Volume 1, Book 3, Number 58: Narrated Ibn 'Umar:   Allah's Apostle said, 
"Amongst the trees, there is a tree, the leaves of which do not fall and is 
like a Muslim. Tell me the name of that tree." Everybody started thinking about 
the trees of the desert areas. And I thought of the date-palm tree but felt shy 
to answer the others then asked, "What is that tree, O Allah's Apostle ?" He 
replied, "It is the date-palm tree." 

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Bismillah [IslamCity] The First People to Enter Paradise

2007-12-15 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

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*The First People to Enter Paradise*


The first of mankind to enter Paradise will be our Prophet Muhammad (saw)
and the first nation to enter Paradise will be his ummah. The first member
of this ummah to enter will be Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (ra).

Ibn Katheer quotes a number of Hadith *[an-Nihayah, 2/213]* that state this
such as the report of Muslim from Anas (ra) according to which the Messenger
of Allah (saw) said, "I will be the first one to knock at the gates of

Muslim also reported from Anas that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "I
will come to the gates of paradise and ask for it to be opened. The
gatekeeper will ask, "Who are you?" I will say, "Muhammad". The gatekeeper
will say, "I was ordered not to open the gate for anyone else before you"".

al-Bukhaari, Muslim and an-Nasaa'ee report from Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the
Prophet (saw) said: "We are the last, but we will be the first on the Day of
Resurrection. We will be the first of mankind to enter Paradise".

Abu Dawood reports from Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said, "Jibreel
came to me, and showed me the gate of Paradise through which my ummah will
enter". Abu Bakr said, "O Messenger of Allah (saw), would that I had been
with you to see it!". The Messenger of Allah (saw) "But you, O Abu Bakr,
will be the first of my ummah to enter Paradise".

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to publish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *


Bismillah [IslamCity] From Masada to Gaza

2007-12-15 Thread raja chemayel
 ..from Masada to Gaza. 
  In the past we have had Masada
  and the question is :
  are the same people calling themselves today "Israelis" 
  those same who resided inside Masada ??
  I leave the answer to you ,
  I have made my conclusion,  
long time ago..
  What I want to compare, to identify and to confirm
  is that the People, today, inside the besieged Gaza 
  are doing exactly what the Masada-people have done,namely,
  to resist to the invader-occupier and to strive to liberate
  their own homeland..
  And the Irony is that the Gazzeans are genetically
  related to the Masada's people, 
although they have a new religion , now.

  While an Israeli of today might share partly the blood 
  of any Roman soldier.or even a Norwegian Viking.

  From Masada to Gaza  , 
  history keeps on repeating itself,
  and with the same actors , too.

Indigenous-Semites on the inside
and fascist-barbarians on the outside.

  It was a war of liberation , then
  It is a war of liberation !! now.

Raja Chemayel
a christian Semite from the inside...
15Th of December 2007
(my brother's Khalil Birthday)

 Sent from Yahoo! - a smarter inbox.

Bismillah [IslamCity] British Prime Minister for Talks with Taliban--Asia Post editorial dated 14.12.07

2007-12-15 Thread S A Hannan
British Prime Minister for Talks with Taliban

The press has reported that the British Prime Minister  Gordon Brown is ready 
to talk to the Taliban in a major shift in strategy that is likely to cause 
consternation among hardliners in the White House. Six years after British 
troops were first deployed to oust the Taliban regime, the Prime Minister 
believes the time has come to open a dialogue in the hope of moving from 
military action to consensus-building among the tribal leaders. Since 1 
January, more than 6,200 people have been killed in violence related to the 
insurgency, including 40 British soldiers. In total, 86 British troops have 
The Cabinet yesterday approved a three-pronged plan that Mr Brown will outline 
for security to be provided by Nato's International Security Assistance Force 
(Isaf) and the Afghan national army, followed by economic and political 
development in Afghanistan. But the intention to engage Taliban leaders in a 
constructive dialogue, which Mr Brown will make clear in a parliamentary 
statement  will be by far the most controversial element of the plan. A senior 
Downing Street source confirmed the move last night and one Brown aide who 
accompanied the Prime Minister on his recent visit to Kabul, said: "We need to 
ask who are we fighting? Do we need to fight them? Can we be talking to 
them?"The shift of strategy will place the onus to deliver on Hamid Karzai, the 
Afghan President, who will take the lead in opening discussions with Taliban 
leaders through provincial governors. The dialogue strategy is the latest 
attempt by Mr Brown to distance himself from the military legacy of the Blair 
era and the hardline instincts of President George Bush

We have said before that blood-letting can not stop in Afgaistan except 
negotiated solution.This is the experience of Afganistan after the deposition 
of Zaheer Shah by the communists and later Soviet invasion.Neither the American 
assisted administration nor the Taliban can hold control of the country.We 
welcome the move by Brown and we expect him to make genuine efforts.Both 
parties must give concessions.We particularly urge Taliban not to insist on its 
interpretation of Islam and politics and realize that there are other views on 
the issues of Jihad, Islam and politics.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Qualities of a ruler in an Islamic state by Sidrah Unis Friday Feature Courtesy:

2007-12-15 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

December 14, 2007   Friday   Zilhaj 3, 1428 

  Qualities of a ruler in an Islamic state

  By Sidrah Unis
Friday feature

THE world today faces the bane of military dictatorships and authoritarian rule 
in several countries. Protests are suppressed with brutal force. Legitimacy to 
hold office is put on the back burner while the general populace confronts 
poverty, starvation, homelessness and hopelessness.

Against this backdrop, it would be in order to study what Islam has to say as 
regards the qualities and role of a political leader or ruler.

The very essence of an Islamic state is that sovereignty belongs to God: 
“Blessed be He in Whose Hand is the dominion; and He is Able to do all things.” 
(67: 01) The sovereignty exercised by a ruler in an Islamic state is a sacred 
trust bestowed on him by God: “Then We appointed you viceroys in the land after 
them that We might see how you behave.” (10: 14) The rulers are to practise and 
implement the commands of Allah which have been laid down in the Quran.

As all the affairs of an Islamic state must be transacted by counsel, the ruler 
or political leader of the state is also appointed through consultation: “And 
those who respond to their Lord and keep up prayer, and whose affairs are 
(decided) by counsel among themselves….” (42: 38) The most important example is 
the appointment of Caliph Abu Bakr, the first of the Pious Caliphs, by ijma or 
mutual consultation.

Once appointed, the leader has to manage all affairs by consulting those around 
him. Further, those who give advice are required to do so conscientiously and 
judiciously, or refrain from giving the same. Also, the view of the majority 
carries great weight in Islam and the ruler is bound to pay heed to it.

It is important to note that obedience to a leader is contingent on his 
imposition and enforcement of Islamic principles. Where the ruler deviates from 
the right path, he is no longer entitled to compliance by the people. In other 
words, if the government fulfils the requirements imposed by the Quran and the 
Sunnah, its claim to the allegiance of the people becomes absolute. The Prophet 
said: “A Muslim has to listen to and obey (the order of his ruler), whether he 
likes it or not, as long as his orders do not involve disobedience (to Allah). 
But if an act of disobedience (to Allah) is imposed, one should not listen to 
it or obey it.”

It also becomes evident that the accountability of the ruler or political 
leader of an Islamic state is twofold: (1) he is answerable to God, as power 
bestowed on him by God is a sacred trust; and (2) to the people who are his 
subjects. A leader should exercise wisdom and discernment; “He grants Hikmah to 
whom He wills, and he, to whom Hikmah is granted, is indeed granted abundant 
good.” (2: 269) This is of the essence as he has many a time to take decisions 
keeping in view not only the need of the time but also its long term effects.

The Treaty of Hudaibiya illustrates the concept of long term benefits. Entered 
into with the Quraish of Makkah by the Holy Prophet, what prima facie seemed to 
be tilted in favour of the Quraish was actually beneficial to the Muslims and 
indeed set the stage for the expansion of Islam to the Arabian peninsula.

A political leader or ruler should have courage. History is replete with 
stories of ordinary men who became great leaders through show of valour that 
not everyone can muster. The story of Tariq Bin Ziyad serves as a classic 
example. As a young general, he was sent in 711 A.D by Musa bin Nusayr, the 
governor of Muslim North Africa to defeat the Spanish King Roderick who was 
known for his tyrannical ways. When the general reached Gibraltar by sea, his 
army of 12,000 soldiers faced 60,000 Spaniards. Though vastly outnumbered, 
Tariq ordered his men to burn their boats. He said; “We have not come here to 
return. Either we shall conquer and establish ourselves here or we will perish.”

A political leader must be morally upright and pious. The leader is not only 
accountable for his actions but also serves as an example to his subjects who 
more often than not tend to emulate him. The Holy Prophet’s honesty and 
integrity earned him the titles of Al-Amin (the trustworthy) and Al-Sadiq (the 
truthful) even before he received the first revelation. The four caliphs who 
represent the glorious period in Islam also put piety and moral uprightness on 
a high pedestal in all affairs.

Once, during the time of the Holy Prophet, a Muslim, supported by his tribe 
falsely accused a Jew of theft. The Prophet decided against the Muslim. At a 
time when help was sorely needed for the defence of Islam, a verdict against a 
man supported by his tribe meant a loss of alliance with that tribe. But such 
considerations carried no weight with the Prophet who cleared the Jew of all 

It is widely agreed that this incident occasioned the revelation of the 
following vers

Bismillah [IslamCity] Watch many Germans accept Islam, Watch their live Shahdah

2007-12-15 Thread Shakeel Ahmad
Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatahu.

*Video: Watch many Germans accept Islam, Watch their live Shahdah - just
click anywhere on this

PS: Actions may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness
without action, so act we MUST.
Wishing you and all your loved ones greatest of times ahead!
Aspiring 2 c u happy!

Shakeel Ahmad
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+971.50.4599172 - Largest network of people from Bihar or

Remember, growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

We make a Living by what we get, we make a Life by what we give.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of
you have no today to be thankful for.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Red Cross denounces Israel's curbs on Palestinians ahead of Blair conference

2007-12-15 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Subject: Red Cross denounces Israel's curbs on Palestinians ahead of Blair 
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:31:16 -

Red Cross denounces Israel's curbs on Palestinians ahead of Blair 
conference The Independent  By Donald Macintyre in Ramallah   Published: 14 
December 2007
  Israel faced a battery of calls yesterday to alleviate what the Red Cross 
unusually called a "deep human crisis" by easing restrictions on Palestinian 
movement, ahead of an international donors' conference co-chaired by Tony Blair.
  The World Bank and the Western-backed emergency Palestinian Prime Minister, 
Salam Fayyad, warned that the $5.6bn (2.7bn) they hope the conference will 
pledge in Paris on Monday will not reverse the collapse of the Palestinian 
economy unless there is a significant reduction in checkpoints and closures.
  The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which prides itself on 
its neutrality, said that Israel's "harsh security measures" came at an 
"enormous humanitarian cost" and that the "dignity of the Palestinians is being 
trampled underfoot day after day, both in the West Bank and Gaza
  Read Full Story
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Haj When One Is Too Weak

2007-12-15 Thread Nisa Khan
  Pilgrimage When One Is Too Weak
Adil Salahi, Arab News   Q. A woman is eager to do the pilgrimage but 
she is too weak to undertake the journey. She has pain in her legs and feet, 
and she is overweight. She finds walking very tiring. Can she send someone to 
do the pilgrimage on her behalf, considering that she has not yet performed her 
duty pilgrimage?
  S.R. Khan
  A. A woman said to the Prophet (peace be upon him) that her father was an old 
man and cannot sit up on the back of a horse or a camel. Could she do the 
pilgrimage on his behalf? He told her that she should do so. The case presented 
by this woman to the Prophet is similar to the one the reader is asking about. 
Here we have a woman who complains of pain and weakness that make her unable to 
walk properly and comfortably. If this condition is unlikely to change, and the 
woman’s poor health is likely to continue, then the only way is that someone 
else should offer the pilgrimage on her behalf. She should pay the expenses of 
that person throughout the journey. Anyone can do the pilgrimage on behalf of 
someone else: a man can do it on behalf of a woman, and a woman can do it on 
behalf of a man. The only condition is that the one doing such a substitute 
pilgrimage should have offered his or her own duty pilgrimage already. If they 
have not done their own pilgrimage and accept to
 go on behalf of someone else, this pilgrimage will count as their own duty 
  Where Should Expats Start Their Pilgrimage
  Q. A person may go to much trouble until he manages to secure a job in Saudi 
Arabia. He travels to the Kingdom to take up his job. Then when the pilgrimage 
season approaches, he wants to offer this religious duty. Can he make the 
intention to do the pilgrimage from the place where he works, or should he 
start from his home country, where he lived before taking up his job?
  N. Kamal
  A. The pilgrimage is offered at a certain time during the year. People can be 
anywhere, for any purpose, when the time for pilgrimage approaches and they may 
decide at anytime to offer it. It does not matter where they are normally 
domiciled. They can start from anywhere they happen to be. You are speaking 
about a person who has come to Saudi Arabia for work. He may live here in the 
Kingdom for a few months or a few years before he has a chance to offer the 
pilgrimage. When he has this chance, he may take it and start his pilgrimage 
from where he lives. He does not have to go back to his country of origin. Why 
should he?
  Take the case of a Saudi citizen who lives in Dammam. His business brings him 
to Jeddah a few days before the pilgrimage. He travels intending to finish his 
work and go back to Dammam, where he intends to spend the Eid with his family. 
  Suppose his work takes a couple of days longer than he has expected. He finds 
himself in Jeddah with only a couple of days before the pilgrimage. He decides 
to do the pilgrimage. Should he go back to Dammam in order to start his 
pilgrimage? Certainly not. The same applies to an expatriate. Suppose this 
expatriate works in Makkah itself. On the day of Arafat he is given a couple of 
days leave by his employer. He decides to do the pilgrimage. His pilgrimage is 
perfectly valid and he stands to earn a full reward for it.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Hidaya Foundation - One Million Meals & Qurbani Projects - Feed Less Fortunate

2007-12-15 Thread Waseem Baloch
 As Salaamu Alaikum (Peace Be Upon You)

One Million Meals Project
The world is  full of people who cannot afford to feed their children a decent 
meal even one  time a day.  Hidaya Foundation ( distributes food 
 packages along with Eid-ul-Adha sacrifice meat.  Due to buying in bulk and  
distributing in rural areas, it costs approximately 25 cents per meal.  This  
means you can feed 200  people just for $50 or 1,000 for just $250.

To donate online for our One  Million Meals project visit:  

Eid-ul-Adha  Qurbani (Sacrifice) 2007 
Hidaya Foundation ( has arranged Eid-ul-Adha Qurbani (Sacrifice) 
 Project in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, West Africa &  
North America.  The costs are provided in the table below.  To  donate online 
via electronic check  or credit card, please click on an option  below:
(One  Share)  
   You may mail checks payable to:  Hidaya Foundation, P.O. Box  5481, Santa 
Clara, CA 95056

Waseem  Baloch
Hidaya Foundation
(866) 244-3292 Toll Free

Hidaya Foundation  ( is a US based non-profit 501 (C)(3) 
charitable  organization, with Tax ID# 77-0502583. Its mission is to implement 
projects in  economically depressed areas of the world.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Palestinian Politics After Annapolis--Asia Post , Dhaka editorial dated 13.12.07

2007-12-15 Thread S A Hannan
Palestinian Politics After Annapolis


  The Palestinian situation has largely changed after after is 
difficult to understand why so much propaganda was launched in its favor.People 
in the world even could not understand why total silence now

  Al-Ahram columnist Sheikh Al-Naami writes, “the majority of columnists 
and opinion writers are now warning Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas against 
accepting American- Israeli proposals that will deepen rifts in Palestine's 
body politic. Writers and members of the elite connected to the PA who 
previously defended the attendance of the leadership at the meeting with 
enthusiasm now express embarrassment over Israel's interpretation of what was 
agreed in Annapolis. Statements such as that made by the Israel premier Ehud 
Olmert that the end of 2008 is not an obligatory date for Israel to complete 
negotiations with the PA, or by Olmert's deputy, Avigdor Lieberman, who said 
even the end of 2008 may not be an appropriate date for ending the conflict, 
have undermined Abbas's credibility and ruined his attempts to frame the 
Annapolis meeting as a Palestinian success.””Meanwhile, the suffering of 
Palestinians in the West Bank, where the Fayyad government is in charge, 
continues unabated. Assassinations, arrests, restrictions on movement and 
settler attacks against Palestinians continue at pre-Annapolis levels. More 
damaging to Abbas's credibility is that Israel's interpretation of what took 
place at Annapolis has not stopped his security forces from continuing the 
policy of "complementary" work, joining the Israeli army to quash resistance in 
the West Bank, particularly by Hamas.”

  We agree with the columnist Sheikh Al- Naami.Annapolis has harmed the 
Palestinian cause.However it is possible that the frustration generated by this 
conference may re-unite the Palestinians for achievement of all teir 
rights.Mahmoud Abbas should see the sign and amend, otherwise his end will be 
that of a total failure .








  Widening Palestinian divisions was always one of the goals of Tel Aviv 
and Washington at Annapolis. Ironically, Israel's selective reading of the 
meeting's joint declaration of intentions may yet prompt Palestinians to heal 
these rifts. (see p.6)

Bismillah [IslamCity] Emergency Alert: Senate Set to Cave on FISA

2007-12-15 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
*The Senate is set to:

* *1. Disavow the will of the people. 2. Ignore the Constitution.
3. Promote fear over common sense.
4. Put its own political gain over our rights and liberties.

The Senate is set to do all this starting tomorrow, unless we stop this
ill-advised plan today.
Call your senators

As soon as tomorrow, the Senate will begin to debate legislation that would
give the president greatly expanded powers to spy on Americans. There isn't
a moment to lose. Call

Even though the Senate Judiciary Committee passed legislation that provides
greater protections for privacy and doesn't give amnesty to
telecommunications companies, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided
to move the bad Senate Intelligence Committee bill. This is not good news
for those of us who respect freedom, the rule of law and the Constitution.

Tell your senators and Senator Reid to vote against this awful
This Intelligence Committee bill, negotiated closely between the Bush
administration and Senator Rockefeller, contains retroactive immunity for
the phone companies that illegally turned over private phone and email
records to the government and completely eliminates warrants and court
review of government spying.
Instead of capitulating to the White House, senators should be listening to
you. Recent polls show that 61% of American voters believe the government
should have to get a warrant from a court before wiretapping the overseas
conversations of U.S. citizens. And 59% of American voters reject amnesty
for phone companies that may have violated the law.
Sadly, Senator Reid is asking senators to decide where they stand on spying
after a *secret* meeting taking place today with Attorney General Mukasey
and Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell, *a day before voting
is scheduled to take place*. Director McConnell played a central role in
negotiations around the Protect America Act and, acting on behalf of the
White House, used questionable tactics and misinformation to convince
members to eviscerate the Fourth Amendment.

Because this meeting is secret, we obviously don't know what's going on
behind closed doors. But if history is any guide, this meeting could be used
to provide misleading information about the current threats facing America
to scare your senators into continuing the Bush Administration's secret
spying free-for-all.
There isn't a moment to lose. Call
We each need to do our part. Senator Reid needs to lead. All of our senators
need to vote against the Intelligence Committee bill, anything resembling
the Protect America Act or any bill that grants immunity to
telecommunications companies that have broken the law over the past six
years. We are also asking senators to join the filibuster of any bill with
telecom immunity.
Your call today could mean the difference between our continued freedom as
Americans and a secret government operation with no accountability.  Please
join us now in fighting this bad bill, which goes against our democratic
Your continued actions and support have carried us this far; we cannot give
up now. Don't let history repeat itself. Make the
tell your friends and family and continue to carry the torch of liberty. Our
country is counting on you.


[image: Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU]
Caroline Fredrickson, Director
ACLU Washington Legislative Office


Bismillah [IslamCity] O Little Town of Bethlehem!

2007-12-15 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
O Little Town of Bethlehem

Israel, Palestine and American Christian Hypocrites

It was December of 1991 and I was serving as Legal Advisor to the
Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations in Washington
DC. The Israelis were stalling,not even negotiating in bad faith, and the
Americans under Baker and Ross were doing nothing to get the negotiations

This had been going on for 3 weeks and Christmas was fast approaching. Those
of us on the Palestinian Team who were Christian were wondering if we were
going to be able to get home for Christmas--many Palestinians are Christian,
the original Christians, going back to Jesus Christ and the Apostles
themselves. I would periodically check in with my wife and 2 sons at the
time--little boys. My poor, sweet wife had to do all the Christmas
preparations by herself without me.

So the weekend before Christmas I called her up to say I still did not know
if or when I would be coming home. My oldest son who had just turned 5
talked to me on the phone:

"Daddy why aren't you home for Christmas?"

"Well son, I'm trying to help the Palestinians."

"Daddy, why are you doing that?"

Hard to explain the entire Middle East conflict to a 5 year old, so I put it
into terms he could understand:

"Son, you know that Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem don't you?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Well I am here with the Mayor of Bethlehem and some other Palestinian
leaders. They are my friends and I am their lawyer. I am working with the
Mayor of Bethlehem to help all the Palestinian Children have a merry

"Ok Daddy."

We got the word we could go home for Christmas on December 23 and I got on
the first flight out of DC. getting home just on time for Christmas Eve with
my family.

Periodically I had attended UCC Christmas Season Church Services in town
with my family. When it came time for prayers from the congregation, I
always got up and asked everyone to help the Palestinians along the
following lines: "...Bethlehem is cut-off and surrounded by the Israeli
army--the Church of the Nativity too. The Israelis are inflicting ethnic
cleansing upon all the Palestinian, both Muslims and Christians. They are
also pursuing a policy of deliberately forcing Palestinian Christians out of
Palestine as part of a perverse strategy to turn a war of national
liberation into a religious crusade, figuring it would play better in the
United States. And these are the original Christians, going back to Jesus
Christ and the Apostles. Meanwhile, the United States government is
financing it all to the tune of $5 billion per year. Everyone in this
Congregation has gifts given to them by God. So go out and do something to
help the Palestinians!"

Despite my best efforts over several years, that UCC Congregation refused to
lift one finger to help the Palestinians. So about 18 months ago, I quit
their Congregation and severed all ties with them. They are just a gang of
moral cowards and hypocrites. They have nothing to teach me or anyone else
about Christianity, let alone about peace, justice and human rights.

Francis A. Boyle, Champlaign, IL.
Professor of International Law
Legal Advisor to the Palestinian Delegation to the
Middle East Peace Negotiations (1991-93)


Bismillah [IslamCity] The Case of the closed-case.

2007-12-15 Thread raja chemayel
  The Case of 
  If you were an atheist
  you would say to me, "God does not exist"
  and if God never existed , 
  then God would not have promised to Abraham anything.
  Whether God would have promised the Land of Canaan(Palestine)
  or actually promised only the Coming of the Messiah.
  in those both cases , there would not be a Promise 
  because there were no God, according to the Atheists.
  Therefore there was no promised Land of Canaan
  nor there should consequently be any State of Israel, 
  today neither.
  That is easy , 
  and this case is closed .
  On the other hand, if you are  a believer,
  whether a Muslim or a Christian or a Jew ,
  I still would have three questions for you :
  First :
  Did God Promise a Piece of Land ??
  or did God promise the Coming of the Messiah ??
  Either , or  !! Define and identify please that Promise.
  Second :
  When we know that once upon a time there was a Jewish-Kingdom
  on some part of the Land of Palestine and it was only temporarily , of course!
  and we equally know and believe that the Messiah did come
  so therefore the Promise was once fulfilled ,
  whether this Promise were the Land or the Messiahit did happen !!
  Unless it were an endless,continuous and a renewable promise
  this promise was already..consumed. 
  (unless the Messiah should have to come eight times)
  Third :
  The so called "chosen" people were an Iraqi-Chaldean-Tribe 
  from the city of Ur...anyone else is an impostor
  or it is today,  a case of mistaken identity .
  If you are an Atheist you should not believe in 
  nor support the State of Israel
  if you are a believer you should decide first who 
  or what was promised ? the Land or the Messiah ??
  if it were the Land , then it has been given once already to Abraham
  and if it were the Messiah , well .he did come 2000 years ago !!
   Again .Case closed !!!
  If you were an Atheist or a Believer,note please that
  the State of Israel has nothing to do with any religion,
  not even the Judaism.
  Raja Chemayel
  not at all.. the Devil's Lawyer !!
  13Th day of December 2007

 Sent from Yahoo! - a smarter inbox.