Bismillah [IslamCity] Immediate Release on Rohingyas Muslim in Thailand

2008-04-06 Thread kunyia
Date: April 04,
  Ref: : 06-2008/PM/TH

Immediate Release on Rohingyas in Thailand
On behalf of entire Rohingya community, we, the members of the Free
Rohingya Campaign (FRC), would like to express our disappointment
with the decision of the Government of Thailand to send the stranded
Rohingya refugees to an isolated island.  This decision is inhumane
and a clear violation of human rights. It violates several UN and
International laws, especially the 1967 Protocol of the Geneva
Convention, regarding Statelessness.
The Rohingyas in Burma have been rendered stateless after being
denied their citizen rights since 1982. They are under the threat of
extinction through a systematic genocidal campaign of the brutal
Burmese junta. They are indeed the most oppressed people on earth.
This fact has been documented and corroborated by several
international agencies, including the NGOs operating in the region.
 It is the Burmese regime's atrocity and inhuman treatment of the
Rohingya Muslims that has been the Raison d'être for their forced
eviction and refugee status in countries like Thailand. We are simply
horrified to notice the Thai Government's utter indifference to the
plight of our people.  We are sorry to state that the decision of the
Thai Government mimics its hostile and hateful attitude towards its
own Muslim minority who face daily persecution and religious
We call upon the Thai Government to stop this forced encampment of
the Rohingya refugees immediately.
We would like to call upon the Arab League and the Organization of
Islamic Conference (OIC), and all member nations of the OIC to stop
the Government of Thailand from forced encampment of the Rohingya
Refugees in an isolated island that would kill them. We would also
like to point-out that the restriction of movement against the
Burmese Refugees in Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and other
countries is in itself a crime that hinders their survival as human
beings.  We also call upon the UN human right bodies to take
meaningful steps toward stopping the forced exodus of Burmese people
in future. And we urge the international community to do everything
that is within its power to stop such encampment of Rohingya
refugees. It should also raise concerns about economic and political
ties of the Thai and Chinese governments with the Burmese regime.
We call upon the UNSC to continue Burma's Agenda in her next session
as a serious issue and to support the demand for an arms embargo
against the brutal regime.
We invite all Rohingyas worldwide to put a hand with FRC by standing
a peaceful protest in front of the Royal Thai Embassies or her
Consulate offices till the government repeat their decision against
the Rohingyas and not to threat any other Burmese community in
future. However, we hope Burmese community will give a meaningful
hand with us in this regards.
We specially would like to call upon the Muslim communities from
South-East Asia region to show their solidarity with our defenseless
Rohingya Muslim and with Thai-Muslim community who are even under
several maltreatments for longtime under Thai hypocritical
Finally, we would like to request all democracy-loving countries to
limit their business transactions with counties like Thailand, India,
China and Russia that provide the lifeline to the brutal Burmese
junta, through their economic bilateral ties.
Thanking you in anticipation.
With best regards,
(On Behalf of Central Executive Body)

Ko Ko Linn
Free Rohingya Campaign (FRC)
Headquarters (New York, United States of America)
Tel: 1-(646)-821-1475
Fax: 1-(347)-561-9901

 Copy to:
Prime Minister's Office
United Nation Representative of Thailand (New York, U.S.A) Thai
Ambassador's Office, Washington,
USA  US Ambassador's Office, Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand
Organization of the Islamic Countries (OIC)
Arab League
National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB)
All Burma Students' Democratic Front (ABSDF) Headquarters
Euro – Burma Office
US Campaign for Burma
Amnesty International
Human Right Watch
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Headquarters
The Office of International Red Cross and Red Crescent (Headquarters)
HRE Grassroots Human Rights Education and Development Committee
Burma Campaign UK
Burmese Muslims' Association (BMA)
All Related Medias
Rohingya Organizations

Bismillah [IslamCity] A golden opportunity to spend your vacation with Scholars

2008-04-06 Thread ilm_b4_action

All Thanks are due to Allaah, The All Mighty, Who blessed us to
successfully organize Three Educational Seminars  which were attended by more
than 50 senior Scholars and Mashaaykh of Ahli Sunnah.

Please click HERE for more details about past seminars (download
Audio/video ).

Read Testimonies /statements of participants


We Are Pleased to Present 4th 

  Rihlah ila Balad Al-Haramayn

  (Trip to the Land of Two Holy Mosques for Umrah and Knowledge)

Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (AIAT) Educational Seminar

A Unique  Golden Opportunity TO:

Spend your vacations

in Makkah, Madinah and With Scholars...

More than 35 Scholars Are Confirmed to attend in person !!!

More info :

Bismillah [IslamCity] join: LIVE NOW on paltalk IRP: Masjid al-Faarooq 4th Conference Calling to Allaah Upon Knowledge

2008-04-06 Thread Nasrin Akther
join: LIVE on paltalk: Masjid al-Faarooq 4th Conference Calling to Allaah
Upon Knowledge

don't miss it  visit:
use your cell phone to conect


Nasreen As-Thuriayaa As-Salafiyah
New York - Brooklyn

Bismillah [IslamCity] File - Setting in receiving email

2008-04-06 Thread islamcity

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The above settings can be changed by yourself or alternatively, you can email 
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IslamCity Moderator

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Fitna Film Filology

2008-04-06 Thread raja chemayel
Geert Wilders watching the Ashkenazim 
  facing a Roman-Wall
  thinking  that it were a Jewish-Wall 
  ( what ever that is ?)
  Translation : 
  quote if the Muslims want to stay here , 
  they must tear out half of Koran and throw it awayunquote
  I wonder if Wilders when he say here
  means my Jerusalem or my Amsterdam ?
   his Jerusalem or his Amsterdam ??
  in the following text  Eng .Moustafa Roosenbloom
  is drawing the final-record on the phenomena of the Fitna-Film.
  At the same time he is showing-off 
  all the languages he pretends to know can.
  Read it  , and try your best to laugh , 
  it will please him  much .
  Sherlock Hommos
  Translator competing against :
  Ellen , Fausto, Christina and Yaotl.
  The Fitna-film did not make any fitna 
  because Wilders does not know what fitna means 
  nor does Wilders  understand what he criticising
  otherwise there wouldn't be any fitna
  Dutch/ Nederlands :
  De Fitna film heef geen fitna gemaakt
  want Wilders weet niet wat fitna betekend
  ook verstaat Wilders niet wat hij probiert te kritisieren
  anders, was er geen fitna.
  Francais :
  Le film sur la Fitna n'a pas produit une fitna
  car Wilders ne sais pas ce qu'est une fitna
  autrement ,
  Wilners ne comprend pas,  ce qu'il critise
   ainsi il n'y aurait pas eu de fitna.
  Der Fitna Film hat kein Fitna gemacht
  weil Wilders weisst nich was Fitna ist
  haette Wilders nichts critiziert
  und wir haetten keine Fitna gehabt.
  Spanis/italian/Portugees :
  Il filmo del Fitna no fatto une fitna
  perro , el locco, Wilders no save que es una fitna
  Wilders no posso fatto la criticca
  y no tengo una fitna , tabien
  Arabic :
  Film al fitna , lan yaamal fitnatan
  li anna Wilders la yaalam ma hia al Fitna
  wa la yafham ma youridou an yantaqida
  lizalika , la fitnattan hounaka
  (Ras) Beiroutee / Basta
  Hal Filaam , ya Khaal , aan el Fitna ma bissawee Fitneh , abadann !!
  Li anno hal toz Wilders ma bia'ref chou hiyyeh el Fitneh , ya Khal
  wa la bia'ref ann chou am yigger we yih kee
  fa izzan ma fi Fitneh , Ya Khaal !!
  Zat Film abaout za Fitna diddi not make fitna . khaaless !!
  Li'anno da , el wad, Wilders ma byifhamshee ayya haga ann el fitann
  wa laoui cane biyifham ma kanshee bi'yitkallem ,khaaless
  Ahh wil Nabbi !! ma hasalshee Fitna abadan !!
  En Argo
  Ce film du machin-Fitna , mon pot , ne fait pas de fitna
  parceque ,
  ce mec la , Wildeuurs ne pige pas du tous le truc du Fitna
  sans ca , ce Wildeuurs,  aurait due fermer le beck
  a part ca , 
  ya pas de Fitna !! que je sache
  tu piges ??
  Ach nebbish , Fitna-Film sehr gut !! mein lieber
  good profit !!! good propaganda !!
  Islam no good !! full of Teghoghist !!
  ze Teghoghist are Islam !!
  zey kome von Mekka to teghoghize us
  Remembergh za Holucost !!
  we agh za victims of Fitna , also !!!
  Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom
  Film-critic and a liguistic-wounder

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Inbox.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Criminal Murtads are doomed!

2008-04-06 Thread Ahumanb
Criminal Murtads are doomed!
  Firstly and most importantly, Muslims believe in One True God - the Creator 
of the Universe [Quran 112:1-4; 59:24; 67:12]. So, if there is indeed a God, 
Muslims definitely believe in Him. There is no ambiguity about that.
  Secondly, Muslims believe in all the Prophets including Moses and Jesus and 
their Message. Muslims also do not deny the message of the Bible [OT  NT] as a 
Whole [Note: The name 'Bible' is not in the Bible!]. They mainly deny those 
parts of the Bible that moderate Jews and Christians themselves do not believe 
in them! For example: racism, nationalism, slave trade, witch burning, stoning 
to death for apostasy-blasphemy-adultery, honor killing, inferior status of 
women, genocide on innocent people, terrorism, absurdities, superstitions, etc. 
  So, Muslims have absolutely nothing to be afraid of Judaism and Christianity, 
even if they are true religion! Although there is nothing call 'Judaism' and 
'Christianity' in the first place, according to the Bible!
  Now, let's see the fate of the criminal Murtads [i.e. criminal apostates]! 
Criminal Murtads have no way to escape Hell, if Hell does really exist! Because 
the concept of Hell does exist in each and every religion, in one form or 
another! For example:
  - If Hinduism is true, then criminal Murtads will be punished into the cycles 
of rebirth in the wombs of demons and in the lowest hell for eternity [Gita 
16:19-20; 14:15; etc.]! They will also be reincarnated as lower creatures like 
rat/pig/monkey/donkey/rabid-dog/etc. in their next life, and the process will 
be continued for eternity! The same is true for Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism!
  - If Judaism/Christianity is true, then they will be roasted in Hell fire for 
  - If Islam is true, then they will be burned in Islamic Hell [Quran 2:23-24; 
the only true Hell, according to Islamic Murtads]!
  So, the treacherous criminals and slave mentality Murtads are doomed!

Great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre 
minds. - Albert Einstein

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslim Men Against Domestic Violence National, Regional and local coordinators

2008-04-06 Thread Haleem1
 As SAlaamu Alaikum,

We will circulate this for a while to see who answers.  Pass it on to all you 
know.  Sisters invite your husbands, sons, brothers to assist, insh'Allah.

ma salaam


Muslim Men Against Domestic Violence an initiative of the Baitul Salaam 
Network, Inc. located in metro Atlanta is looking for leaders to organize men 
around the issue of domestic violence in the Islamic ummah.  The ideal 
candidates will be able to work with women (respect their input and intellect), 
be willing to learn about the issue of domestic violence (take 
workshops/classes) and be very balanced in their personal lives with women and 
children.  The duties of the organizers (local, regional and national) will be 
to encourage men to learn more and to take the lead in advocating against 
violence against women and children.  Must be willing to organize at least two 
training sessions per year that will focus on leaders in the communities where 
they live (one for Imams/Amirs and male leaders) and one for women who are 
leaders of organizations, committee chairs, etc.

The leaders of this initiative will work very closely with the leadership and 
volunteers of the Baitul Salaam Network, Inc. to establish the necessary 
resources for men in our community to get the education and training to be of 
service to their families and the whole community, insh'Allah.  Must be willing 
to help fund raise to help expand the overall efforts of the organization.  
This will benefit all.

We strongly encourage young men ages 25-40 to consider stepping up and taking 
on this role, insh'Allah.  You do not have to be an Imam/Amir.  You do not 
necessarily need to be a scholar. We need men with pure intentions, basic 
knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), true love for 
humanity and organizational skills to take on this endeavor, insh'Allah.

Must have four to six hours per month available to volunteer for one year.  
After one year a stipend maybe available for these positions through fund 
raising.  Must be able to begin by May 1, 2008, insh'Allah.

All who are interested must submit to a very basic background and reference 
check.  You can call Sr. Hadayai Majeed at 678-705-1241,(404) 684-0016 or 

Please pass on.

ma salaam
Hadayai Majeed
Baitul Salaam Network, Inc. 

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Peace TV

2008-04-06 Thread Aasim
Yes Brother Khurram,

Its true that almost all over the Karachi Peace TV is been stoped, though I 
called where its been telecasted  asked them to reopen it, as most of the 
Muslim Families like us has watch Peace TV, but they didn't respond positively 
so You can call'em on 021 494 1195,  ask as many ppl as you can to call'em so 
may be if they recieve more n more public demand they'll start re-telecasting 
it Insha'Allah



To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 14:16:55 -0700Subject: Bismillah 
[IslamCity] Peace TV

I have notice that from when the month of rabe-ul-awal started 'peace tv' is 
OFF on several cable systems in Karachi... maybe its my doubt... i have other 
things in mind...
khair... need feedback... from other parts of Pakistan n else... that is it due 
to some technical reason or else??!

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RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] We are mailing islamic books for free.

2008-04-06 Thread Abdulkareem Muhammad
Assalamu aleikum warahamatullah ta -Allah wabarakatu!
  Kindly send me some islamic books that can improve me, my family, entire 
muslims spiritually via the below stated address:
  my name is: Muhammad Abdulkareem,
  Adress: Nigerian Communications satellite Ltd, Air port Road, Lugbe, PMB 647, 
  Jazaka llahu bil khail
  Wasallamu aleikum

Respected Fattai
  Thank you for your postal address. May Allah accept your efforts in preaching 
of Islam. We have dispatched you books today. You requested kindly give us more 
addresses of your relatives and friends (Muslims or Non-Muslims) so that we can 
dispatch them books in order widespread the message of Glorious Islam.
  Jazak Allah
  Asif Sheikh

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 03:12:32 -0700
Subject: RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] We are mailing islamic books for free.

Asalam Alaekum,
  I'd also like to have some of your Books to improve my knowledge in Islam. So 
  The mailing address is UBA Plc 57, Marina P.O. Box 2406 Lagos. Nigeria
  Jazakun Lah Khairan

Respected Anwar
  Thank you for your postal address. May Allah accept your efforts in preaching 
of Islam. We have dispatched you books today. You requested kindly give us more 
addresses of your relatives and friends (Muslims or Non-Muslims) so that we can 
dispatch them books in order widespread the message of Glorious Islam.
  Jazak Allah
  Asif Sheikh

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:20:18 +0200
Subject: RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] We are mailing islamic books for free.

Assalamu Alaykum Asif Sheikh,
  My name is Moegamad Anwar, and I would be very interested in receiving your 
books, if that is possible minfadhlik? 
  I would like literature on the Deen to improve my knowledge on Islam so that 
I can defend the Deen effectively against the constant bombardment from my 
colleges at work. I, unfortunately, do not have internet, so I cannot download 
the information or the books from your website. 
  Would it be too forward from me to request that you send me these books in 
the mail, minfadhlik?
  My address is as follows:
  4b Gail Road
  Cape Town
  South Africa
  Shukran Jazeelan Akhi
  Moegamad Anwar

  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Asif 
Sent: 10 March 2008 09:24 AM
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] We are mailing islamic books for free.

Dear Brothers and Sisters In Islam
I have updated my website You can download more than 300 
books. If you need hard copies of books please e mail me your postal address. 
The lists of books available for free is mentioned on my website.
Jazak Allah
Asif Sheikh

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Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Book: The Verdict-The Enchantress of Florence-Salman Rushdie

2008-04-06 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Forwarding this article does not carry my intention. I am fully aware 
of these types of people and personally I do not have any support for 
those who insult someone's faith, believe, etc. The purpose of the 
forwarding is to share the ideas with members on what's going on. The 
reply from a member should come as direct and to the point. Here, you 
may discuss on the author and his works, using your wits. Let's check 
again and find the points to discuss.
Arif Bhuiyan

--- In, Daniels, Anwar A wrote:

 How dare you support a man who has written a book in which he 
degrades the Holy Prophet of Allah! Are our memories so short? This 
is the same man who had to go into hiding after a controversial book 
he wrote. He is the same as that cartoonist from Denmark who has 
degraded the Holy Prophet of Allah! How can you allow someone to 
promote his work on this forum? Where is you heads? I honestly 
thought this was a Pro-Islam forum, but I can see you allow any 
nonsense to be displayed on this forum. How can you be Pro-Islam if 
you allow this crap?!?!?!? He is a traitor to Islam and you have the 
nerve of promoting his work! HE IS A TRAITOR TO ISLAM!! HE MUST 
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of Arif Bhuiyan
 Sent: 29 March 2008 02:41 PM
 To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
 Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Book: The Verdict-The Enchantress of 
Florence-Salman Rushdie
 Book of the week
 The Verdict
 The Enchantress of Florence.
 By Salman Rushdie
 The real uses of enchantment
 Salman Rushdie's sumptuous mixture of history and fable in The 
Enchantress of Florence is magnificent, says Ursula K Le Guin

Bismillah [IslamCity] Egypt�s Muslim Brotherhood Belongs on the Ballot, Not Behind Bars

2008-04-06 Thread S A Hannan
A painful reading.

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Belongs on the Ballot, Not Behind Bars

  Essam El Erian, Forward - Cairo, Egypt

  Thursday, April 3, 2008
  On April 8 municipal elections are scheduled to be held nationwide across 
Egypt, but they will hardly be a vote for the kind of democracy that America 
proclaims it supports here and elsewhere in the Arab world. Since a brief 
democratic opening in 2006, the Egyptian regime has become more hostile toward 
political opposition, showing less and less tolerance toward the increasingly 
loud voices of reform led by the Muslim Brotherhood, civil society 
organizations and a handful of active political parties.

  In its relentless effort to silence voices of political dissent, the 
Egyptian government often resorts to arbitrary arrests and prolonged detentions 
without trial. I myself have been detained several times, and have spent seven 
out of the past 12 years of my life behind bars.

  Today four independent newspaper editors are facing time in prison for 
allegedly libeling government officials, most prominent among them editor 
Ibrahim Eissa, who just a few days ago was sentenced to six months for 
publishing information about President Hosni Mubarak’s health. The editor of 
the Muslim Brotherhood’s English Web site, Khaled Hamza, was detained last 
month, and the editor of our Arabic Web site, Abdel Gelil al Sharnoubi, has had 
his house raided twice in the past two weeks.

  Ayman Nour, a fellow former parliament member who ran against Mubarak in 
the most recent presidential elections in 2005, is halfway into a five-year 
sentence. And 40 of my fellow Muslim Brotherhood leaders are behind bars 
awaiting judgment by a military tribunal that has already twice delayed their 
hearing, despite their having been acquitted at least four times on all charges 
by civilian courts.

  Nonetheless, the Muslim Brotherhood will participate in the upcoming 
municipal elections, despite the regime’s unabated crackdown against our 
movement — by our count more than 800 of our members have been detained without 
charge in recent months, including at least 148 of our candidates for the local 
elections — and the smear campaign in the media that has accompanied it. We 
decided to run for office in order to continue struggling for peaceful reform, 
to mobilize the streets against desperation, and to encourage more people to 
join the struggle for freedom and democracy instead of losing hope and 
resorting to violence.

  The Muslim Brotherhood is not pushing for radical change in Egypt. Aware 
of political realities, we decided to contest only 10,000 of the 52,000 seats 
the government announced are up for grabs in the local councils, so as not to 
provoke the regime into fixing the final results and to allow for coordination 
with other opposition groups. Realizing our responsibility as the country’s 
largest opposition group to defend the rights of minorities and vulnerable 
groups in Egyptian society, our lists included candidates from different 
economic and social classes, as well as women and Copts.

  The ruling National Democratic Party, however, has clearly not seen our 
campaign this way. The government took its crackdown on democracy a step 
further than it had in previous elections. Instead of just rigging elections as 
it traditionally has, the regime banned opposition candidates from registering 
to run for election at all.

  Bureaucratic measures reduced the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate list 
down to 5,754, and even then we counted only 498 who managed to register. 
Hundreds of them were detained on their way to submitting their registration 
papers. Independent and opposition candidates were also unable to submit their 
papers. Like our candidates, many were met by security forces and thugs who 
prevented them from reaching local election offices.

  The Muslim Brotherhood has fought back through the courts, filing 3,192 
lawsuits demanding that our candidates be on the ballot come election day. So 
far we have won 2,664 of these cases, and we stand a good chance of winning the 
remaining pending cases.

  The government, however, has refused to honor the court rulings. Most of 
our candidates are not listed on the final ballots released by local officials 
around the country in recent days.

  It has become clear that the National Democratic Party will not face any 
real competition in the upcoming elections. With only a few hundred opposition 
and independent candidates running, the ruling party has already secured more 
than 95% of seats, before even a single vote has been cast.

  Despite the government’s repressive campaign against the Muslim 
Brotherhood — and its attack on our constitutional, legal and human rights — we 
remain committed to peaceful reform. We will 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Jewish Professor Says Porn Industry is a Weapon used by Jews Against Gentiles

2008-04-06 Thread Ahumanb
Jewish Professor Says Porn Industry is a Weapon used by Jews Against Gentiles

Great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre 
minds. - Albert Einstein

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.

Bismillah [IslamCity] No more Mosque! BBC is too scared of Islam!

2008-04-06 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
# 1
No more mosques, says senior Synod member
By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent
The Telegraph, 2 April 08.

# 2
Anti-homophobia books removed from schools
By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent
The Telegraph, 2 April 08.

# 3
Muslims outnumber Catholics, Vatican says
By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent
The Telegraph, 1 April 08.

# 4
From The Times, April 2, 2008
BBC is too scared of Islam, says Ben Elton
Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent

No more mosques, says senior Synod member
By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent
The Telegraph, 2 April 08.
A senior lay member of the Church of England's Parliament has called for a 
ban on the building of more mosques in Britain.
Alison Ruoff, a long-standing member of the General Synod, said that new 
mosques should not be built in this country while Islamic states continued to 
persecute Christians.
The former magistrate, who was one of the strongest critics of the Archbishop 
of Canterbury's speech on Islamic law earlier this year, added that sharia 
would be introduced into Britain if we don't watch out.
Apart from being a Synod member, Mrs Ruoff, a conservative evangelical, also 
sits on the Bishop's Council, which advises the Bishop of London, the Rt Rev 
Richard Chartres.
Although her views are representative of a small minority on the Synod, and 
Church spokesmen moved quickly to isolate her yesterday, they may exacerbate 
tensions over the place of Muslims in society.
A spokesman for the Diocese of London said: Mrs Ruoff's comments are her own 
and do not reflect the views of the Diocese of London, which enjoys excellent 
inter-faith relations across the capital.
A Church of England spokesman added: These are her personal comments, speaking 
as an individual. But senior Muslims had already reacted angrily to her 
comments, saying they were more typical of a member of the British National 
Party than the Anglican Church.
Mrs Ruoff, speaking in an interview with Premier Radio, the Christian radio 
station, said: No more mosques in the UK. We are constantly building new 
mosques, which are paid for by the money that comes from oil states.
We have only in this country, as far as we know, 3.5 to four million Muslims. 
There are enough mosques for Muslims in this country, they don't need any more.
We don't need to have sharia law which would come with more mosques imposed 
upon our nation, if we don't watch out, that would happen. If we want to become 
an Islamic state, this is the way to go.
You build a mosque and then what happens?
You have Muslim people moving into that area, all the shops will then become 
Islamic, all the housing will then become Islamic and as the Bishop of 
Rochester has so wisely pointed out, that will be a no go area for anyone else.
They will bring in Islamic law. We cannot allow that to happen.
Mrs Ruoff, who lives in Waltham Cross, north east London, added: We are still 
a Christian country, we need to hold on to that.
If we don't watch out, we will become an Islamic state. It's that serious.
However, Inayat Bunglawala, the assistant secretary general of the Muslim 
Council of Britain, said: These are unfortunately very bigoted and, frankly, 
xenophobic remarks.
He added: These kinds of comments you would expect to come from someone from 
the BNP not the Church.
According to Premier Radio, there are 47,000 Christian churches in the UK and 
about 1,600 mosques.

# 2
Anti-homophobia books removed from schools
By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent
The Telegraph, 2 April 08.
Story books designed to discourage children from bullying homosexuals have been 
withdrawn from two primary schools after an outcry from predominantly Muslim 
parents, a council said yesterday.
The books were removed by Bristol City Council after parents complained that 
the anti-homophobia programme was not appropriate for many pupils and had been 
introduced without consultation.
The Council said that it had temporarily withdrawn teaching materials from 
Easton Primary School and Bannerman Road Community School and Children’s Centre 
so they could “meet their legal responsibilities and operate safely”.
One of the books, which was aimed at pupils as young as five, featured the 
story of a king who could not find a suitable woman to be his wife so he 
married a prince instead.
Members of Bristol Muslim Cultural Society in Bristol said parents were not 
outraged by the school’s anti-bullying policies but were frustrated by the lack 
of consultation.
Farooq Siddique, the community development officer for Bristol Muslim Cultural 
Society and a governor at Bannerman Road, said many schoolchildren - 70 per 
cent of whom are Muslim - were too young to define heterosexuality and 
“The main issue was there was a total lack of consultation with parents. ... 
The schools refused to deal with the parents, and were completely 
authoritarian,” he said.
“The agenda was to reduce homophobic bullying, and all the parents said they 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fitna the Movie: A Message to Young Muslims in the West

2008-04-06 Thread Ahumanb
Fitna the Movie: A Message to Young Muslims in the West 
  A must see movie:

Great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre 
minds. - Albert Einstein

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Jerusalem Post on Israeli Apartheid Week, with logo and link to website

2008-04-06 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
Good job Rafeef, Jamile and EVERYONE working on IAW !!
  A lot of outright lies and distortions in the article below, but that comes 
with the territory. The fact AW is covered in the Jerusalem Post means you're 
making an impact.

Henry Lowi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  To: Henry Lowi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Henry Lowi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 03:18:35 -0400
Subject: [jwceo] Jerusalem Post on Israeli Apartheid Week, with logo and link 
to website



  Palestinian Canadian National Voice - 
Founding Conference - May 30-June 1, 2008 - Montreal

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Bismillah [IslamCity] your help

2008-04-06 Thread Nasrin Akther
bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum wa rahma tullahi wabarka tuhu

the reason for sending to everyone is b/c my brother below said to fwd, *what
is important is your help, it is totally a blessing, from allah to have our
WII and MSO clubs in our college, with such big rooms and big libraries with
books of our scholars and their audio and a place to sit and pray and
remember allah and get to know our bros. and sisters in islam.  *
if you can help in any way, that would be awesome, please do. we need those

please make dua, that we have our clubs' room on place.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Ahmed Gamea [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 12:06 PM
Subject: your help

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

As we have mentioned before the MSO/WII club rooms of City College are being
taken away by next semester, they are taking all the club rooms in general
and replacing them with small cubicles which fit no more than 6 people and
will be shared amongst 3 clubs!! there won't be any room for prayer or any
other activity.

We are planning insha'Allah to find someways to get the admin to change
their minds. Part of our plan requires the help of other colleges,
universities, MSAs, and clubs. If you are willing to help out in this
project and gain the Ajr of Allah in this regard, please e-mail back to:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  with the subject I want to help. We will let you know
insha'Allah of what you can do once we receive your confirmation, and new
ideas as well are greatly appreciated. please forward this to all you know
whether they are Muslim or not this is something which affects all the
people. Remember your brothers in need so that Allah remembers you and
lightens your burdens on the day of Judgment.

jazakumullahu khair,

Wassalamu alaikum

Ahmed Gamea


Nasreen As-Thuriayaa As-Salafiyah
New York - Brooklyn

Bismillah [IslamCity] UN rejects water as basic human right

2008-04-06 Thread Abhiyya 2006
  UN rejects water as basic human right
  Mike De Souza ,  Canwest News Service  Published: Tuesday, March 25, 2008
  OTTAWA - The Harper government can declare victory after a United Nations 
meeting rejected calls for water to be recognized as a basic human right.
  Instead, a special resolution proposed by Germany and Spain at the UN human 
rights council was stripped of references that recognized access to water as a 
human right. The countries also chose to scrap the idea of creating an 
international watchdog to investigate the issue, choosing instead to appoint a 
new consultant that would make recommendations over the next three years.
  Federal officials in Canada said last week that the government wanted to 
ensure the meeting's outcome reflected the fact that access to water is not 
formally recognized as a human right in international law. But a social 
advocacy group said that the position was designed to protect the right to sell 
water under the North American Free Trade Agreement.
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  Clearly (the Harper government is) happy with the status quo: They're not 
going to be an agent for change, and they're not going to support the right to 
water, said Maude Barlow, chair of the Council of Canadians. About every 
eight seconds, a child somewhere in the world is dying from dirty water, and 
it's just shocking that our government has taken this position.
  The opposition Liberals supported the government's position last week, 
arguing that the original UN resolution could open the door to bulk water 
exports to the U.S. because of NAFTA. Liberal water critic Francis Scarpaleggia 
said he planned to introduce a private member's bill to restrict large 
transfers of water within Canada to ensure that bulk exports abroad would also 
be forbidden.
  The UN's high commissioner for human rights, Louise Arbour, said last week 
that the position doesn't reflect Canada's traditional role on the 
international stage.
  Canada is taking a position that is not the more classic perceived, Canada 
as the kind of the bridge builder, peacemaker, consensus maker, Arbour told 
the CBC.
  Meantime, Barlow denied that the resolution would require Canada to make bulk 
water exports to the U.S.
  The requirement in the United States would be for them to conserve first, 
said Barlow. There's no requirement as a human right for us to provide water 
for swimming pools and golf courses and fountains in Las Vegas.
  A spokesperson for the Foreign Affairs Department said in an e-mail that 
there was no consensus among states regarding the existence, scope or content 
of such a right.

With Regards 

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