RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] We are mailing islamic books for free.

2008-04-07 Thread Asif Sheikh
what is name of country

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 08:44:40 -0700Subject: RE: 
Bismillah [IslamCity] We are mailing islamic books for free.

Assalamu aleikum warahamatullah ta -Allah wabarakatu!
Kindly send me some islamic books that can improve me, my family, entire 
muslims spiritually via the below stated address:
my name is: Muhammad Abdulkareem,
Adress: Nigerian Communications satellite Ltd, Air port Road, Lugbe, PMB 647, 
Jazaka llahu bil khail
Wasallamu aleikum

Respected Fattai


Thank you for your postal address. May Allah accept your efforts in preaching 
of Islam. We have dispatched you books today. You requested kindly give us more 
addresses of your relatives and friends (Muslims or Non-Muslims) so that we can 
dispatch them books in order widespread the message of Glorious Islam.

Jazak Allah

Asif Sheikh

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 03:12:32 -0700Subject: RE: 
Bismillah [IslamCity] We are mailing islamic books for free.

Asalam Alaekum,

I'd also like to have some of your Books to improve my knowledge in Islam. So 

The mailing address is UBA Plc 57, Marina P.O. Box 2406 Lagos. Nigeria


Respected Anwar


Thank you for your postal address. May Allah accept your efforts in preaching 
of Islam. We have dispatched you books today. You requested kindly give us more 
addresses of your relatives and friends (Muslims or Non-Muslims) so that we can 
dispatch them books in order widespread the message of Glorious Islam.

Jazak Allah

Asif Sheikh

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:20:18 +0200Subject: RE: 
Bismillah [IslamCity] We are mailing islamic books for free.

Assalamu Alaykum Asif Sheikh,

My name is Moegamad Anwar, and I would be very interested in receiving your 
books, if that is possible minfadhlik?

I would like literature on the Deen to improve my knowledge on Islam so that I 
can defend the Deen effectively against the constant bombardment from my 
colleges at work. I, unfortunately, do not have internet, so I cannot download 
the information or the books from your website.
Would it be too forward from me to request that you send me these books in the 
mail, minfadhlik?

My address is as follows:

4b Gail Road
Cape Town
South Africa

Shukran Jazeelan Akhi

Moegamad Anwar

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Asif 
SheikhSent: 10 March 2008 09:24 AMTo: eGroup For Muslims Around The 
WorldSubject: Bismillah [IslamCity] We are mailing islamic books for free.

Dear Brothers and Sisters In Islam Assalamoalaikum I have updated my website You can download more than 300 books. If you need hard copies 
of books please e mail me your postal address. The lists of books available for 
free is mentioned on my website. Jazak Allah Sincerely Asif [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2008-04-07 Thread Iftikhar Ahmad
Did any body know about:

Any daughter or son of Hazrat usman (r.a) and Hazrat zainb dughter of
Prophet Muhammad (PUBH)
Any daughter or son of Hazrat usman (r.a) and Umme kalsum dughter of Prophet
Muhammad (PUBH)

Lahore pakistan

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] How Hell Affects this Earth and its Inhabitants

2008-04-07 Thread Orhan Muhammed Al Shareef
Assalaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
  Just like some people are encouraged by Jannah, the Hur al 'een, Jamalullah, 
others get motivated by the reminder of the punishment which awaits the one who 
is a ghaafil (heedless) person.
  Hence it's the carrot or the stick approach, some prefer the carrot as a 
reward, while others are disciplined with the stick (without actual physical 
  I guess the brother prefers the stick method more than the carrot - but that 
said, I have read many times from this brother enlightening stories also.
  Fi Amanillah
  Abu Khadijah

Daniels, Anwar wrote:
Assalamu Alaykum Brother Shahid Khan,
  Why do you always talk/write about hell? It is very depressing brother. Why 
don't you rather talk/write about Jannah to inspire people to work harder at 
upholding the Deen in order to attain Jannah? You are making Islam look harsh 
on a platform which is read by non -Muslims aswel. It is said that you will 
find Allah like you have imagined Him to be. So if you make Allah seem to be 
harsh and angry then you will find Him like that, but if you recognize Allah's 
mercy and compassion then you will find Him like that. Allah looks for an 
excuse to send us to Jannah before He will send us to Hell, so rather focus on 
the good instead of the bad. Brother, the aim is to inspire people, not scare 
  Moegamad Anwar

  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Shahid Khan
Sent: 30 March 2008 07:50 AM
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] How Hell Affects this Earth and its Inhabitants


  How Hell Affects this Earth and its Inhabitants

  al-Bukhaari reports in his saheeh that Abu Hurayrah said: 
  Hell complained to its Rabb, saying O my Rabb, some parts of me has 
consumed others. So He allowed it to exhale twice, once in the winter and once 
in the summer. That is why you find extreme heat (in the summer) and extreme 
cold (in the winter).
  al-Bukhaari also narrated from Abu Sa'eed (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said:
  Delay your prayers until it cools down, for the intensity of heat is from 
the exhaled air of Hell. (Saheeh al-Bukhaari, Kitaab Bad' al-Khalq, Baab 
Siffaat an-naar wa annaha makhluqah and Fath al-Baari 6/330. The author of 
Jaami' al-Usool 10/517 attributed these two reports to al-Bukhaari, Muslim and 

  Compiled from various sources. 
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post on Internet sites and to publish in full text and subject title in 
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Manner

2008-04-07 Thread muslimah muslimah
Manner   Islam is a religion which tell us how to lead life . Dawud :: Book 
32 : Hadith 4120   Narrated Usamah: 
  The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) forbade (the use of) the skins of 
beasts of prey. 
  Dawud :: Book 32 : Hadith 4126   Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: 
  It is part of the Sunnah that when a man sits down, he should take off his 
sandals and place them at his side.
  Dawud :: Book 32 : Hadith 4129   Narrated AbuHurayrah: 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: When you put on (a garment) and when 
you perform ablution, you should begin with your right side.
  Dawud :: Book 33 : Hadith 4149   Narrated AbuUmamah Ilyas ibn Tha'labah: 
  The Companions of the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) mentioned this 
word before him. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: Listen, listen! 
Wearing old clothes is a part of faith, wearing old clothes is a part of faith.
  Dawud :: Book 33 : Hadith 4150   Narrated Anas ibn Malik: 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) had sikkah with which he perfumed himself. 

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Darfur: New force faces morass of enmities in a hostile landscape

2008-04-07 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Darfur: New force faces morass of enmities in a hostile landscape
Jonathan Clayton: Analysis
Clan loyalties and tribal affiliations long ago ceased to offer protection in 
Darfur, Sudan’s vast western province, where village has turned upon village, 
neighbour against neighbour, Muslim against Muslim.
In the past seven days alone, at least 50 people have been killed in clashes 
between rival Arab tribes in the western part of an area that is larger than 
France. The violence marked the seventh time since February that a supposed 
truce has been violated.
The fighting, like that now taking place in most of Darfur, centred on ancient 
rivalries over water, grazing rights and dowries. A void created by the absence 
of any responsible government and an incompetent African Union peace mission 
has now been filled by centuries-old disputes settled with 21st-century weapons.
The Rzigat Aballa Arabs previously formed the backbone of the dreaded Janjawid 
militia. Khartoum unleashed them initially on the area in 2003 to quash a 
rebellion by the black African majority that resented rule by the 
Arab-dominated Government. The African tribes, also Muslims, represent about 90 
per cent of the 6.5 million population.
The Rzigat Aballa have been fighting the Torjum – with whom they allied briefly 
– for months over tribal lands west of Nyala, one of Darfur’s main towns.
Sudanese newspapers reported that the latest fighting began on July 25 when a 
group of Rzigat Aballa tribesmen fell on a band of Torjum. More than 25 people 
were killed in the ensuing fighting, which a tribal chief said flared again a 
few days later when Aballa men were attacked from four directions. The fighting 
lasted all day and killed at least 34 people.
Fighting across the province, which has only a handful of roads, has now become 
so localised that it would take battalions of well-armed peacekeepers to quell. 
The rebels at the heart of the rebellion splintered into several factions, 
based on ethnicity, in 2006 and turned on one another. Some made deals with 
former Arab tribes and resorted to banditry. Black Africans from the Zaghawa 
and Fur tribes, historic rivals who united to demand more autonomy from the 
Arab-dominated Government in Khartoum, began fighting each other. One group 
even entered government after a Western-supported peace deal and then turned on 
its old allies.
The new United Nations/African Union force, urged by Gordon Brown, must enter 
this morass. It will be made up virtually entirely of African nations, possibly 
supported by troops from the usual developing countries that make up such 
missions – Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Morocco.
They will be operating in one of the world’s most remote and inaccessible 
areas, characterised by immense historical complexity. Half the population of 
Darfur, which is centred on the volcanic Jebel Marra massif, belong to the Fur 
tribe. The rest are divided among more than 15 different ethnic and linguistic 
groups, some nomadic cattle herders, some settled peasant farmers. All are 
Sunni Muslims. Political analysts say that only a mission with the capability 
to intervene forcefully and with great determination has any hope of success. 
Even then, they emphasise that it has to be accompanied by a renewed effort to 
obtain a political settlement.
The crisis in Darfur – where an estimated 200,000 people have been killed and 
more than a million made homeless – has spilt over into Chad, home to many of 
the same sedentary African and marauding Arab tribes. Last year it led to 
fighting in the capital.
Peace will remain elusive unless the international community coordinates 
better to surmount obstacles, including the ruling party’s pursuit of military 
victory and increasing rebel divisions, a recent report from the think-tank 
International Crisis Group said.
Sudan experts give warning that the failure to end the insecurity and violence 
in Darfur could now threaten the 2005 peace deal that ended the separate civil 
war in the country between the Muslim north and Christian south. Although all 
sides in Darfur are Muslim, there are other tensions which are being reflected 
in the south, where factionalism is also taking hold. The Darfur disease could 
easily spread as the same problems – such as an absence of representation, 
which created it – exist elsewhere, one said recently.
4.2 million people depend on the world's largest aid operation
2.5 million have abandoned their homes to escape violence
200,000 are believed to have died in the conflict and from disease and 
malnutrition. About 9,000 deaths are acknowledged by the Khartoum Government
8 aid convoys attacked in the past week
Sources: ReliefWeek; UN World food Programme; USAid
* From The Times, August 1, 2007

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2008-04-07 Thread saiyed shahbazi
The other day I read an article on divorce in Inquilab, an Urdu Daily from 
Mumbai written by a well known ‘alim and member of Muslim Personal Law Board 
Khalid Saifullah Rahmani. The title of the article was “Ghusse ki haalat ka 
f’al m’utabar hota hai to talaq kyun m’utabar nahin hogi” i.e. if generally 
anything done in anger is valid why not a divorce given in anger? If any lay 
person had written this article even then it would have been considered 
outrageous and when written by one who is considered an ‘alim, it is much more 

The Maulana argues that generally divorce is given in state of anger only and 
he argues if a husband is happy with his wife, will he gift her divorce? 
Divorce is given only when husband gets angry with his wife due to some act of 
hers. And then he says not only divorce but also several things are done in the 
state of anger. One would not like to comment on such arguments had it not 
involved fate of hundreds of Muslim women. One can only ring ones hands at such 
status of our prominent ‘ulama. They take divorce so lightly and break up of 
family for them is only a matter of husband’s anger with his wife.

Maulana Rahmani also maintains in this article that all fuqaha’ have consensus 
that divorce takes place if given in state of anger because in this state as in 
this state man remains conscious of his act. Then the Maulana goes on to quote 
noted jurist Allama Abidayn Shami who has quoted Hafiz ibn Qayyim (very well 
known jurist and ‘alim and disciple of Ibn Taymiyyah) and argues that anger has 
three stages: one that no change has occurred in his reasoning power due to 
anger and what he says, he should be understanding that and he should remain 
aware of its consequences and divorce pronounced in this state of anger will be 
valid. Second state is of extreme anger when man is unable to understand 
consequences of what he is doing and lacks in his will power. In this status 
divorce will not be valid since such a status of anger borders on madness and 
divorce given in a state of madness is not valid. Third state of anger is 
between the two states i.e. when man is partially aware of
 what he is saying and doing and partially not and divorce given in this state 
will also not be valid.

These are hardly acceptable arguments and at best these are rationalization or 
justification of divorce given in a state of anger. One would like to ask 
Maulana and the jurists he quotes who will determine what state of anger one is 
when pronouncing divorce? Is there any objective criteria available to measure 
husband’s anger at the time of pronouncing divorce? Has any instrument like 
thermometer available for measuring the degree of anger? And for these jurists 
even two witnesses for divorce are not necessary as prescribed by the Qur’an?

A divorce simply takes place if a husband pronounces divorce thrice in one 
breathe and no witnesses are required. If witnesses are not required who will 
bear witness as to which state of anger divorce was pronounced? Will husband’s 
own statement will be relied on? And if husband is determined to divorce his 
wife, how can his statement as to what state of anger he was in at the time of 
divorce can be acceptable. Who will decide what state of anger he was at the 
time of pronouncing divorce? Very strange rationalization indeed for justifying 
divorce in a state of anger.

Also, these arguments are completely at variance with what Qur’an says about 
divorce. Firstly, Qur’an requires, as pointed out earlier, two witnesses for 
divorce. Also, there is not even indirect evidence in Qur’an for giving divorce 
in a state of anger. See these two verses of Qur’an from Chapter 65 (Surah 
Al-Talaq) “O Prophet, when you divorce women, divorce them for their prescribed 
period, and calculate the period; and keep your duty to Allah, your Lord. Turn 
them not out of their houses – nor should they themselves go away – unless they 
commit an open indecency. And these are limits of Allah. And whoever goes 
beyond limits of Allah, he indeed wrongs his own soul…” (65:1)

And we find in second verse of this chapter (65), “So when they have reached 
their prescribed time, retain them with kindness or dismiss them with kindness, 
and call to witness two just ones from among you, and give upright; testimony 
for Allah. With that is admonished he who believes in Allah and the latter Day. 
And whoever keeps his duty to Allah, He ordains a way out for him.

Let Maulana Rahmani note that Qur’an not only does not talk of divorcing in a 
state of anger but requires husband to divorce her (fariquhunna) with kindness. 
Also, she should not be thrown out of her marital home by the husband nor 
should she herself leave her marital home unless she comes with an indecent act 
(bi fahishatin). Also, Qur’an wherever talks of divorce, requires husbands to 
divorce them or separate them, with kindness. The verse 229 of Chapter 2 also 
talks of kindness while letting them go or 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Darfur in US Elections by Isma'il Kushkush

2008-04-07 Thread Ismail Kashkash
Darfur in US Elections 
  By  Ismail Kamal Kushkush, IOL Correspondent 
   I predict that within a year, the Darfur 
campaign will not be what it is today. More people are discovering that this is 
a tragedy, but not genocide, Dr. Bechtold told IOL.
  KHARTOUM — As the cut-throat race between Senator Barak Obama and Senator 
Hilary Clinton continues for the Democratic White House nomination ticket, some 
experts expect Darfur to become a major debate issue. 
  Clinton and Obama are trying to get as many delegates before the Democratic 
convention, including super-delegates, Dr. Peter Bechtold, an expert on Sudan 
and Chairman Emeritus of the Near East and North Africa Area Studies at the 
Foreign Service Institute at the US State Department, told
  In order to do this they will try to appeal to all the issues on the minds 
of the Democrats.
  Bechtold, also is an adjunct scholar at the Washington D.C based Middle East 
Institute, believes one of these issues will be Darfur.
  Most of the people involved in the Save Darfur campaign are voting Democrat. 
I think there are very few Republicans involved in the Save Darfur campaign, 
he explains.
  The Save Darfur Coalition is an alliance of more than 180 religious, 
political and human rights groups.
  It has been on the forefront of lobbying the US Congress on Darfur.
  But the coalition has come under much criticism, including from many 
on-the-ground humanitarian groups, for misstating facts.
  The conflict in Darfur erupted in February 2003 when rebel groups attacked 
government targets, accusing Khartoum of discrimination and neglect.
  The UN claims that 200,000 have died as a result of war, disease and 
malnutrition, but the Sudanese government has put the number at 10,000.
  No accurate, independent account is available to date.
  The Bush administration has described the conflict as genocide, but the UN 
and the African Union have rejected the label.
  Different Approaches
  Bechtold notes that many in the Save Darfur campaign belong to constituents 
that usually vote Democrat, such as university students, Hollywood celebrities, 
American Jews and African Americans.
  I don’t believe Clinton and Obama can say anything that is not consistent 
from what the American people have been told.
  The American expert sees some difference between Clinton and Obama’s 
approaches to Darfur.
  I believe Clinton will follow the line of her supporters in New York and say 
that there is genocide and the Bush administration has been lax in doing 
something about it.
  Dr. Bechtold is critical of such an approach.
  She is a typical political machine. She is not going to have an analysis 
about Darfur, she is just going to just follow the machine.
  Clinton has suggested that the US needs to lead the work in ending this 
genocide, including by imposing much tougher sanctions that target Sudan’s oil 
revenue, implementing and helping enforce a no-fly zone, and engaging n more 
intense, effective diplomacy to get a political roadmap to peace.
  The Bush administration announced last May a package of economic sanctions 
mostly against public-owned Sudanese companies, including firms providing food 
and medicine.
  Washington already had in place a set of economics sanctions slapped against 
Sudan since 1997 on claims of sponsoring terrorism.
  Obama, for his part, wants the US to intensify pressure on China to use its 
leverage to secure Khartoum’s agreement to the expeditious deployment of the 
hybrid African Union-UN peacekeeping force.
  Washington must also play a greater and more consistent role in supporting a 
political process to bring about peace on the ground, he has said.
  Khartoum has agreed to the deployment of the 26,000-strong force but its 
deployment has faced many challenges including securing equipment and enough 
African soldiers, as only soldiers from African countries will be included in 
the peacekeeping force.
  Bechtold, the American expert on Sudan, expects the Democratic Party eventual 
nominee will direct how the party will address Darfur.
  After the convention, if Clinton wins the nomination, she may try to appeal 
to the African American community on Darfur. If it is Obama, he may try to look 
at this as an African issue rather than an American issue.
  Real Darfur
  Senator John McCain, the Republican nominee, has given a piece of his mind on 
the issue in an article for Foreign Affairs.
  Africa continues to offer the most compelling case for humanitarian 
intervention, he wrote.
  …the genocide in Darfur demand US leadership. My administration will 
consider the use of all elements of American power to stop the outrageous acts 
of human destruction that unfolded there.
  But Bechtold, the American expert on Sudan, believes Darfur will not 

Bismillah [IslamCity] veil

2008-04-07 Thread muslimah muslimah
Clothing (Kitab Al-Libas)   Dawud :: Book 32 : Hadith 4089   Narrated Aisha, 
Ummul Mu'minin: 
  Safiyyah, daughter of Shaybah, said that Aisha mentioned the women of Ansar, 
praised them and said good words about them. She then said: When Surat an-Nur 
came down, they took the curtains, tore them and made head covers (veils) of 
  Dawud :: Book 32 : Hadith 4090   Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu'minin: 
  When the verse That they should cast their outer garments over their 
persons was revealed, the women of Ansar came out as if they had crows over 
their heads by wearing outer garments.
  Clothing (Kitab Al-Libas)   Dawud :: Book 32 : Hadith 4091   Narrated Aisha, 
Ummul Mu'minin: 
  May Allah have mercy on the early immigrant women. When the verse That they 
should draw their veils over their bosoms was revealed, they tore their thick 
outer garments and made veils from them. 
  Dawud :: Book 32 : Hadith 4100   Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu'minin: 
  I was with the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) while Maymunah was with 
him. Then Ibn Umm Maktum came. This happened when we were ordered to observe 
veil (purdah). The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Observe veil from him. We 
asked: Apostle of Allah! is he not blind? He can neither see us nor recognise 
us. The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Are both of you blind? Do you not see 
  Dawud :: Book 32 : Hadith 4104   Narrated Dihyah ibn Khalifah al-Kalbi: 
  The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) was brought some pieces of fine 
Egyptian linen and he gave me one and said: Divide it into two; cut one of the 
pieces into a shirt and give the other to your wife for veil. Then when he 
turned away, he said: And order your wife to wear a garment below it and not 
show her figure. 

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Social Action: A Muslim View, Daily Muslims 4-5, 2008

2008-04-07 Thread Jawed Anwar
Assalam o Alaikum
Social Action: A Muslim View
YOUSEF DRUMMOND 04 April, 2008 23:26:46

I HAVE tried to illustrate in previous columns that liberal democracies must be 
re-examined and re-fashioned in light of its failure to assign no transcendent 
solutions to complex socio-economic and racial issues. Its citizenry assumes, 
as an ironclad principle, a ...
Full story Madrasah-16: Efforts of Merger
JAWED ANWAR 04 April, 2008 23:31:00

This is a series of articles for the understanding of the history of centuries 
old Madrasah and Islamic Education System in South Asian perspective published 
in Muslims Weekly, New York, USA. First Published: Muslims Weekly, August 13, 
Full story Anti-Mosque Agenda of Secular India
DR.ABDUL RUFF Colachal 04 April, 2008 23:19:24

NOT many people doubt the tacit understanding between the so-called secular and 
democratic parties like the Congress party and the overtly anti-Muslim communal 
parties like the BJP. Anti-Muslim agenda seems to be common in both these 
streams, but Congress party ...
Full story NATO In Need Of an Exit Strategy in Afghanistan
PATRICK SEALE 04 April, 2008 01:05:12

LAST Monday, March 31, two British marines and one Danish soldier were killed 
in a firefight with Taleban in the southern Afghan province of Helmand. This 
brought the number of international soldiers killed in Afghanistan this year to 
over 30. ...
Full story The White House: The Green Light for Extreme Interrogation Techniques
VANITY FAIR 04 April, 2008 00:14:00

As the first anniversary of 9/11 approached, and a prized Guantánamo detainee 
wouldn't talk, the Bush administration's highest-ranking lawyers argued for 
extreme interrogation techniques, circumventing international law, the Geneva 
Conventions, and the army's own Field Manual. The attorneys would even ...
Full story

Jawed Anwar
Editor  Publisherfiles.php?file=spacer.gifleft_navi_arrow.gif

Bismillah [IslamCity] Ninjabis learn to fight back

2008-04-07 Thread Shahid
We should be offering these self defense classes to the sisters in every 
community. This is just one reason why: 

In Britain, Ninjabis learn to fight back
By Amil Khan
LONDON (Reuters) - Anyone tempted to pick on a headscarf-wearing Muslim woman 
better hope they don't run into a Ninjabi.

Every week around 30 Muslim women, most wearing veils, gather in a community 
centre in east London to learn how to block, knee and punch would-be attackers 
or lecherous men targeting passive-looking victims.

The organizers, who named the classes after Japanese Ninja warriors and women 
who wear the hijab, say Muslim women are looking to fight back against unwanted 
advances and a rising number of anti-Muslim attacks.

The ladies love the Ninjabi thing. It gives them a good giggle, said class 
instructor Dee Terry, who is not a Muslim herself.
One of the attendees, 31-year-old mother Mahmuda Mazid, said she took up the 
classes after a gang of youths tried to rob her teenage brother while she was 
with him in a local park.

There was this sheer feeling of helplessness that I couldn't help myself or my 
brother... and there was absolute rage, she said. I knew I had to do 
something to equip myself.

In the classes I saw protection and self defense. That's what I needed.

The classes start with a warm-up and then the women -- no men are allowed -- 
practice punches, strikes using the heel of the hand, knee strikes to the groin 
and defenses against knives and sticks. Terry also teaches the women how to 
deter potential attackers by looking assertive.

The loose full-length clothing favored by Muslim women rules out high-kicking 
maneuvers but does not otherwise hinder movement, says Terry.

The Hijab and the Niqab -- which covers the face and leaves only the eyes 
visible -- clearly identify Muslim women, increasing their chances of becoming 
victims of anti-Muslim hostility. But Terry says Islamic clothing itself does 
not make it easier to attack a woman.

An attacker can pull your headscarf but they can also pull your hair, so 
Islamic clothes don't make that much of a difference, added Terry, who also 
teaches Judo, Jujitsu and Kickboxing.


In the dilapidated area where the classes are held, Muslim women said their 
biggest worry was harassment from pervy men and the violent anti-social 
behavior of teenagers from urban low-income communities, popularly called 
hoodies and chavs.
In other areas of London, Muslim women said growing hostility towards Muslims 
-- commonly called Islamophobia -- since London's July 7th bombings in 2005 was 
a big fear.

Attacks on Muslims in London nearly quadrupled in the days after the July 
attacks. Figures collated by London's Metropolitan Police, and presented in a 
report by the Muslim Safety Forum, showed 303 attacks in July 2005, up from 82 
in the previous month.

Azad Ali, chairman of the forum, said the attacks ranged from verbal abuse and 
vandalism of mosques to physical attacks. But because of limitations in the way 
attacks are reported, the real number is likely to be far higher, he added.

National figures are lacking because there are no universally agreed criteria 
among the country's police forces for what constitutes an Islamophobic attack, 
said Ali.

Muslims, who make up about 3 percent of Britain's population, also do not 
readily report attacks.

An initiative by London's police to engage with Muslim women found many did not 
report attacks because they felt the police would not act. Others had limited 
English and were unable to register complaints without help.

The issue of reporting crime... was a major concern amongst certain (Muslim) 
communities, the police said in a report on meetings with Muslim women.

This may lead to disenchantment with the process and eventual disengagement 
from the police and justice system, the police added in the report.

Official figures cite London as having the largest proportion of Muslims in the 
UK at 3.8 percent. The Ninjabi classes are held in the Newham area of the 
capital, where Muslims make up 24 percent of local inhabitants.

The organizers said the classes were a response to overwhelming demand from 
Muslim women.

It was a need. Women were coming and asking for self- defense classes. We had 
heard of increasing Islamophobia and other sorts of attacks on Muslim women, 
said Mizan Raja, a coordinator of Islamic Circles, the organization running the 

The organizers say although similar self-defense classes are common the 
light-hearted approach which respects the women's faith has made the Ninjabi 
classes massively popular.

We could fill a class a day. It's totally oversubscribed, said Raja.

The organizers plan to split the class according to experience, using 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Specific People Who Will Be In Hell

2008-04-07 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*Specific People Who Will Be In Hell*


The kuffaar and mushikreen will be in Hell, no doubt about it, but the
Qur'an and hadith also mention specific people who will be in the Fire. One
of them is the Pharaoh who ruled at the time of Musa (as):

He [Pharaoh] will go before his people on the Day of Judgement, and will
lead them into the Fire.. *(11:98)*

Also included are the wives of Nuh (as) and Lut (as):

Allah sets forth for an example to the unbelievers, the wife of Nuh and the
wife of Lut. They were [respectively] under two of Our righteous slaves, but
they were false to their [husbands] and they profited nothing before Allah
on their account, but were told: Enter the Fire, along with those who
enter! *(66:10)*

Abu Lahab and his wife are also among those mentioned specifically:

Perish the hands of the Father of Flame [Abu Lahab]! Perish he! No profit
to him from all his wealth and all his gains! Burnt soon will he be in a
Fire of blazing flames! His wife shall carry the [crackling] wood, as fuel!
A twisted rope of palm fibre round her [own] neck! *(111:1-5)*

Another of them is 'Amr ibn 'Aamir al-Khuzaa'i, whom the Prophet (saw) being
disembowelled in Hell (sahih hadith narrated by al-Bukhaari, Muslim, Ahmad);
and the one who killed 'Ammar and plundered his possessions. A report with a
Saheeh isnaad quoted in Mu'jam at-Tabaraani from 'Amr ibn al-'Aas, and his
son states that the Prophet (saw) said, The one who killed 'Ammaar and
plundered his possessions will be in Hell. *(Saheeh al-Jaami', 4/110,

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to publish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *


Bismillah [IslamCity] National Old Cell Phone Collection Campaign We need you.

2008-04-07 Thread Haleem1
As Salaamu Alaikum,

The Baitul Salaam Network, Inc. ( an eleven year old 
national domestic violence awareness
organization headquartered in Atlanta, GA is collecting old cell phones as a 
fund raiser.
We are helping our planet by keeping them out of the trash.  We are helping 
by receiving a donation from the when we send them phones.

Your old phone can be in any condition and any age.  You can deduct the 
donation of the
old cell phone from your taxes.  Just email us with the description of your old 
cell phone
and we will give you a $ value that you can put on your tax statement.

Here are the instructions:

1.  Wrap your old cell phone (s) in newspaper or recycle packing from items you 
have received in the mail.

2.  Send us your mailing address so we can send you postage paid shipping 

3.  Recycle padded envelopes (for one or two phones) or go to the post office 
and get
a free box (can  hold up to 20 phones).  The code of the box is O-SRB1.

The label has all the information on it for us to receive credit for your 

Please share this post with others.

Continue to be blessed.

ma salaam
Hadayai Majeed
Baitul Salaam Network, Inc.   

Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslims more numerous than Catholics

2008-04-07 Thread Shahid
Muslims more numerous than Catholics
By ALESSANDRA RIZZO, Associated Press Writer

Islam has surpassed Roman Catholicism as the world's largest religion, the 
Vatican newspaper said Sunday.

For the first time in history, we are no longer at the top: Muslims have 
overtaken us, Monsignor Vittorio Formenti said in an interview with the 
Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano. Formenti compiles the Vatican's 

He said that Catholics accounted for 17.4 percent of the world population - a 
stable percentage - while Muslims were at 19.2 percent.

It is true that while Muslim families, as is well known, continue to make a 
lot of children, Christian ones on the contrary tend to have fewer and fewer, 
the monsignor said.

Formenti said that the data refer to 2006. The figures on Muslims were put 
together by Muslim countries and then provided to the United Nations, he said, 
adding that the Vatican could only vouch for its own data.

When considering all Christians and not just Catholics, Christians make up 33 
percent of the world population, Formenti said.

Spokesmen for the Vatican and the United Nations did not immediately return 
phone calls seeking comment Sunday.

Study: Muslims to Outnumber Catholics in Britian within 10 Years
Jeremy Reynalds
ASSIST News Service

LONDON (ANS) -- The increasing influence of Islam on British culture is 
disclosed in upcoming research.

Jonathan Petre in a story published in Britain's Telegraph newspaper reported 
that the study shows the number of Muslims worshiping at mosques in England and 
Wales will overtake the numbers of Roman Catholics going to church in just over 
a decade.

 The Telegraph reported that the projections, to be published next month, 
estimate that if those trends continue, the number of Catholics attending 
Sunday Mass will fall to 679,000 by 2020.
By that time, statisticians predict, the number of Muslims praying in mosques 
on Fridays will have increased to 683,000.

Church spokesmen noted, the Telegraph reported, that an increasing number of 
Anglicans worship at other times of the week.

The Telegraph said that the figures, based on British government and academic 
sources and the latest edition of Christian Research's Religious Trends, come 
amid growing tensions over the place of Muslims in British society.

They follow heated debate over the extent to which Islamic law should be 
recognized, and claims that no-go areas for non-Muslims are emerging in parts 
of the country.

The Telegraph reported that Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, 
provoked criticism by saying the introduction of some aspects of sharia 
(Islamic law) into British society was unavoidable.

The Bishop of Rochester, the Rt. Rev. Michael Nazir-Ali, faced death threats 
after writing in The Sunday Telegraph that Islamic extremism was turning some 
communities into no-go areas, where adherence to this ideology has become a 
mark of acceptability.

Peter Brierley, a former Government statistician who edited the latest 
Religious Trends, said that the continuing growth of the Muslim population 
since the 2001 census would have significant implications for society.

A story by Cyril Dixon in Britain's Daily Express newspaper said that the 
report's findings are bound to cause additional concerns about the spread of 

The Daily Express recently revealed controversial plans to let Islamic imams 
(ministers) teach the Koran nationwide in state schools across Britain.

The Express reported that the man who compiled the latest figures, Peter 
Brierley, a former government statistician, said the trends were bound to have 
massive implications for society.

Nicola Bourque, professor of religious studies at Glasgow University, told the 
Express, Attendance at Catholic churches is declining. Many people are 
Catholic but don't go to church.
These days, mosques act as a community center in a way that churches don't.

The National Union of Teachers - Britain's biggest teaching union - is behind 
calls to teach the Koran.

The Express reported that Steve Sinnott, the general secretary, said it would 
reunite divided communities, and also demanded that Christian schools admit 
pupils from other faiths.

Priest burns himself to death over Islam
A retired priest committed suicide by setting himself on fire in a German 
monastery in protest at the spread of Islam and the Protestant Church's 
inability to contain it.
Roland Weisselberg, 73, poured a can of petrol over his head and set light to 
himself in the grounds of the Augustine monastery in the eastern city of 
Erfurt, where Martin Luther spent six years as a monk at the beginning of the 
16th century.

Witnesses said that 

Bismillah [IslamCity] You have received a Hadith

2008-04-07 Thread Hadith Share
  Abu Hurairah (Radhiallaho anha) reported: 
  The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said, 
  The uttering of the words:
  Subhan-Allah (Allah is free from imperfection), 
  Al-hamdu lillah (all praise is due to Allah), 
  La ilaha illallah (there is no true god except Allah) and 
  Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)' 
  is dearer to me than anything over which the sun rises.''
  Subscribe and receive Hadiths via email. 
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