Bismillah [IslamCity] Support needed for JNF dinner protest in London, June 1

2008-05-24 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
smadar carmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   (Hi everybody, I am 
offering to co-ordinate between people with cars that are going and people who 
need rides. Please email me or call me at: 416 255-8032. Thanks, Smadar)

We in London would appreciate it very much if you folks from out of town are 
able to join our protest at the JNF dinner on June 1.  We expect a good 
turnout, but supportive Jews are very hard to find here, and everyone will, of 
course, be very welcome.  Please bring signs and banners.  If you let me know 
that you are coming, we will arrange to show you some hospitality and give you 
a meal before you return to your homes.  If you are at the Walk for Israel this 
Sunday, I may see you there.
Beth Guthrie

  A coalition of groups and individuals opposed to UWO President Davenport's 
acceptance of an honour from the racist Jewish National Fund invite you to join:
  Silent Vigil, wear black please. Bring flags or banners to identify your 
union local, club or other group 
June 1, 2008, 4:30-6:00

Best Western Lamplighter Inn entrance on west side of Wellington Road, south of 
Commissioners (parking at businesses north & south of the Inn) 
  Early in December 2007 UWO announced that the Jewish National Fund (JNF) 
wanted to honour Davenport "… due to his commitment to create a campus 
community at Western that promotes tolerance and supports diversity."  
Countless individuals and organizations worldwide, including 36 UWO faculty, 
have urged him not to accept the award.  They pointed out the JNF's history of 
intolerance and instititutionalized discrimination.  The JNF owns 13% of land 
in Israel, which is reserved by law for the exclusive benefit of Israel.  
Palestinians, who make up 20% of the population of Israel, are forbidden to 
lease or use these lands.  Furthermore, one large JNF project, Canada Park, is 
built on land that was occupied by 3 Palestinian villages until they were 
destroyed in the 1967 war.  The former inhabitants, who had been there for 
generations, became refugees.  The Israeli Supreme Court, Israeli newpaper 
Haaretz and many human rights organizations have declared the exclusive 
practices of
 the JNF discrimnatory and illegal.  UWO should not be seen to support such an 

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslim society and the care of the elderly

2008-05-24 Thread Mahaboob Shariff
Muslim society and the care of the elderly
How are the elderly treated in Islam? Do they have a special status? Do they 
receive care that suits their health needs?.
Praise be to Allaah.
Islam is the religion of compassion and justice, a religion that teaches 
perfect morals and forbids bad conduct, a religion that grants man his dignity, 
if he adheres to the laws of Allaah. There can be no doubt that Islam has given 
the elderly a special status, as there are texts which urge Muslims to respect 
and honour them.
Care of the elderly in Islam is based on a number of focal points, including 
the following:
1 - Man is an honoured creature and has an honourable status in Islam.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "And indeed We have honoured the 
Children of Adam, and We have carried them on land and sea, and have provided 
them with At-Tayyibaat (lawful good things), and have preferred them above many 
of those whom We have created with a marked preferment" [al-Isra' 17:70]
 So the elderly, as sons of Adam, are included in this high status, based on 
the general meaning of this verse.
2 - Muslim society is the society of mutual compassion and coherence
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "Muhammad is the Messenger of 
Allaah. And those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and 
merciful among themselves" [al-Fath 48:29]
And Allaah says, describing the believers (interpretation of the meaning): 
"Then he became one of those who believed (in the Islamic Monotheism) and 
recommended one another to perseverance and patience, and (also) recommended 
one another to pity and compassion.
They are those on the Right Hand (i.e. the dwellers of Paradise)" [al-Balad 
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) described the believers 
as being like a single body. He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 
said: "The likeness of the believers in their mutual love, mercy and compassion 
is that of the body; if one part of it complains, the rest of the body joins it 
in staying awake and suffering fever." Narrated by Muslim, 2586.
And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "None of you truly 
believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." Narrated by 
al-Bukhaari, 13.
And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Most Merciful has 
mercy on those who are merciful. Be merciful to those who are on earth so that 
the One Who is in heaven will have mercy on you." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi 
(1924); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 1569.
And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The relationship of 
the believer to the people of faith is like that of the head to the body; the 
believer is pained by the suffering of the people of faith just as the body is 
pained by the suffering of the head." Narrated by Ahmad, 32370); narrated by 
al-Albaani in al-Saheehah, 1137.
And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Man is doomed and a 
loser if Allaah does not put compassion for mankind in his heart." Al-Albaani 
said in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah (456): its isnaad is hasan.
3 - The Muslim society is a society of cooperation and mutual support
Ibn Abi'l-Dunya narrated from Ibn 'Umar that the Prophet (peace and blessings 
of Allaah be upon him) said: "The most beloved of people to Allaah is the one 
who brings most benefit to people, and the most beloved of deeds to Allaah is 
making a Muslim happy, or relieving him of hardship, or paying off his debt, or 
warding off hunger from him. For me to go with my Muslim brother to meet his 
need is dearer to me than observing i'tikaaf in this mosque - meaning the 
mosque of Madeenah - for a month... whoever goes with his Muslim brother to 
meet his need, Allaah will make him stand firm on the Day when all feet will 
slip." Classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb wa'l-Tarheeb, 2623.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever relieves 
a Muslim of one of the hardships of this world, Allaah will relieve him of one 
of the hardships of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever helps one who is 
financial difficulty, Allaah will help in this world and in the Hereafter, and 
whoever conceals a Muslim's (fault), Allaah will conceal his (fault) in this 
world and in the Hereafter. Allaah will help a person so long as he helps his 
brother." Narrated by Muslim, 2699.

4 - The elderly person has a high status before Allaah if he adheres to the 
laws of Allaah.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "No one of you 
should wish for death or pray for it before it comes to him, for when one of 
you dies, his good deeds come to an end, and nothing increases a believer's 
lifespan but good." Narrated by Muslim, 2682.
And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Shall I not tell you 
who is the best of you? The best of you is the one who lives the longest life, 
if he is righteous and does

Bismillah [IslamCity] Study Islam & the Language of the Qur'an from the comfort of your home

2008-05-24 Thread Mustafa Mawjee

- Original Message -
From: Admin
To: 'Mustafa Mawjee'
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 12:02 PM
Subject: Study Islam & the Language of the Qur'an from the comfort of your home

Salaamun alaykum dear Mustafa-bhai please broadcast this for the benefit of 
Mu’mineen on your list

The Academy for Learning Islam (A.L.I.) has begun three courses online for 
those who would like to study Islam from the comfort of their homes.

Interactive and engaging, these courses are a great way to enhance Islamic 
knowledge and interact with participants from around the world.

Experienced and resourceful Instructors make the experience fully worthwhile.

Classes began on the week of May the 19th, but you can still register as we 
have spaces to fit more students in the virtual room.

The courses will run for 8 weeks.

Details of the courses are as follows:

ALI 137: Three Du'as from Sahifa Sajjadiyyah

Taught by Hasnain Kassamali, the course includes a comprehensive introduction 
to the Sahifa and a detailed discussion of Du'as nos. 15, 30, and 33.

ALI 138: Tafseer of Sura Saba (for ladies only)

Tahera Kassamali teaches how to reflect over the verses of Sura Saba, and 
understand what great commentators have to say about the Surah.

ALI 139: Arabic Grammar - Level 1

Study Arabic with Khalil Jaffer and learn the basics of the grammar of this 
rich language. Enhance your learning through lessons from the text, and 
homework for practice.

For more details about the courses, and to register, visit our website

Bismillah [IslamCity] Reasons to be cheerful, pt 1

2008-05-24 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Reasons to be cheerful, pt 1
The equipment is shoddy. Morale is low. The war is unwinnable. This is the 
received wisdom about Afghanistan, but is it fair? After a tour of Helmand, one 
writer thinks not
By Julian Glover 
Britain's war in Helmand is being fought in real time on six big plasma 
screens, which dominate a dark room at a base in the desert town of Lashkar Gah 
in southern Afghanistan. It is a digital response to a primitive insurgency, as 
if a city trading floor had landed to govern a medieval land. 
Soldiers, sent out among adobe-walled compounds and poppy fields, report by 
text to a military chatroom about the explosive devices that destroy limbs. 
Commanders watch the combat from the skies, filmed by unmanned drones and shown 
in black and white. The reality of war is disguised by the watch keeper's 
jargon; his talk of what happens "if it ends up going kinetic". 
That means bullets are being fired and bombs are exploding and it is not what 
the army wants. Travelling with the Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg, and 
granted a level of access I would not have gained as a journalist, I hear an 
officer tell Clegg that his men and women intend "non-kinetic activity". The 
intention often fails. When British troops were sent to Helmand in large 
numbers in 2006, on a mission never explained to the public or parliament, the 
defence secretary, John Reid, foolishly said he hoped not "a single shot" would 
be fired. Instead, in the first year of the operation, more than 4m bullets 
were used. The stretcher cases in the front cabin of our RAF TriStar flight 
home showed the results.
There is plenty of talk in Britain of Afghanistan being lost, and about Helmand 
being a noble failure at best and an imperial folly at worst, an attempt to 
wash away the bloodstains of Iraq by doing good where no good can succeed. 
Evidence to back up this view is not hard to find: not just the insecurity that 
makes even a short trip a matter of flak jackets and helicopters, and nearly 
killed the governor of Helmand province when his Chinook was hit by rocket fire 
last Saturday, but the total failure too to prevent opium poppies being grown 
and the strangulated efforts at redevelopment. 
If not wasted, the last two years have been a standstill, at huge cost to 
Afghan lives, foreign forces and British taxpayers. Politicians, the Lib Dem 
leader included, talk smoothly of the terrible consequences of defeat. But 
viewed from Britain, defeat looks close at hand.
It does not seem that way in Helmand. To see the operation on the ground is to 
encounter something far larger than the British government chooses to admit. 
This is no small peacekeeping mission turned nasty. The canvas is large, the 
sense of purpose captivating. 
In his office at Lashkar Gah, Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith commands the 
Helmand operation with the assurance of one born to rule. Class matters in the 
army, where the officers all seem well-spoken. An old Illy coffee tin full of 
dried opium poppy heads sits on Carleton-Smith's desk; there is an espresso pot 
on a Primus stove in the corner. The battle against one stimulant is being 
fuelled by another. 
The brigadier's office is dominated by a three-dimensional map of the province, 
which sweeps 300 miles from the desert on the border with Pakistan to a great, 
ungoverned mountain range in the north. Where the roads stop, the Taliban 
Yet much has changed, he says, since 2006 and the heavy hand-to-hand fighting 
last year, in a war that has so far cost 96 British lives. When Britain went to 
Helmand it was ill-prepared. Now Task Force Helmand, and the British forces who 
support it from an airbase in neighbouring Kandahar, claim to be advancing. 
Their fear is of a collapse in political support back home. In Kabul, there is 
confusion between aid efforts and distrust of President Hamid Karzai's 
government - the city's former mayor tells us that "high officials are involved 
in drug trafficking". In Helmand, the overriding impression is of ordered 
determination in the face of a difficult, perhaps impossible, task.
British troops know that voters question their presence here. Televisions in 
every room at the base show Sky News when they are not showing football. It 
must be dispiriting to fight a war with rolling news in the background telling 
you that you are losing. But morale seems good. There are complaints about 
hours, and pay, and especially the fact that leave begins when soldiers go off 
duty, rather than when they reach Britain. But no one admits to thinking the 
mission pointless.
"It is very difficult to measure progress in weeks and months, but I look back 
on where we were two years ago and it is better," says Colonel Neil Hutton, the 
deputy commander of Task Force Helmand. In a briefing room full of plans for 
aid efforts, he argues that "we are beating the Taliban and are winning". It is 
a bold claim given that the streets of Lashkar Gah, a few yards beyond the

Bismillah [IslamCity] The significance of charity by Shaikh Khurshid Hasan Courtesy:

2008-05-24 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
The significance of charity

By Shaikh Khurshid Hasan

ACCORDING to Holy Quran, the righteous people are those who
spend in ‘charity’ out of what has been provided to them by Allah for
their sustenance. (8:3 and 57:7). Charity is considered to be one of
the greatest acts of piety.

Allah’s reward for charity is beyond human perception. Its benefits are
manifold, as testified by the divine revelations contained in the
following verses of Holy Quran:-

The money spent by a faithful in the way of Allah has been termed as a
“beautiful loan”. Allah will double it into his account and multiply
many times. (2.245, 5.12 & 57.11) Spending in the cause of Allah is
called metaphorically “a beautiful loan”.

We know that an investment made in the world affairs is generally not
found to be profitable. Instead of getting any return, one is even
deprived of his principal amount. On the other hand, our charity, being
termed as a “beautiful loan,” not only increases our credit amount
manifold, but also obtains for us the forgiveness of our sins.

The semblance of those who expend their wealth in the way of Allah is
that grain, which grows seven ears, each ear containing a hundred
grains (2:261).

The parable of those who expend their wealth to please Allah is like a
garden on a height on which the rain falls and it yields its fruit
twice as much and even if the rain does not fall, the dew will suffice.
So a man of true charity is spiritually healthy, he is best suited to
attract the bounties of Allah. He looks to Allah’s pleasure and the
strengthening of his own soul. (2:265)

The truly spiritual nature of charity has been explained in the
parables cited above. Another parable in Surah 2.266 explains its
bearing on the whole of our life. The significance of charity has been
explained by citing an example. Suppose we had a beautiful garden and
old age were creeping in on us and our children were either too young
to look after themselves; how should we feel if a sudden whirlwind came
with lightning or fire in its train and burnt it up thus blasting the
whole of our hopes for the present and for the future and destroying
the result of all our labour and savings in the past?

We are too old to begin again. Our chance is lost, because we did not
provide against such a contingency. The whirlwind is the “wrath to
come”, the provision against it is a life of true charity and
righteousness which is the only source of true and lasting happiness in
this world and the next. Without it, we are subject to all the
vicissitudes of this uncertain life.

And charity instead of impoverishing one’s resources, brings prosperity and 
happiness, free from any worry or fear. (2:274)

Charity has value only if you give something you value greatly,
something that you love. Charity has value only if (1) Something good
or valuable is given, (2) which has been honourably earned or acquired
by the giver or (3) which is produced through the natural process and
can be referred to as a bounty of Allah. We should not, however, give
such things in charity, which we would not like to use except with some
condescension (2:267&3:92)

The charitable acts can only be accepted as such if certain conditions
are fulfilled. These include (1) The charity must be in the way of
Allah, (2) It must expect no reward in this world, (3) it must not be
followed by references or reminders to the recipient of the charity and
(4) No injury be caused to the recipient of charity by boasting that
the giver relieved the person in the hour of his need. False charity is
really no charity at all. (2:263 & 264) Charity in the high sense
include all help from the better endowed to the less endowed.

There are certain principles relating to ‘charity’, which have been
laid down for the adherence of the faithful. These are (1) we should
use the wealth we need (2:219). We should not however, be so lavish as
to make ourselves destitute. There should be a just measure between our
capacity and other people’s needs. (17:29).

There should be no show off while giving charity. (4:3 8.)The
beneficiaries of charity are those, who are really in distress. The
chief motive in charity should be Allah’s pleasure and our own
spiritual good. (2:273). The charity can be given for some humble cause
and also to parents, close relations, orphans, wayfarers etc. (2:215).
Allah’s cause must not narrowly be interpreted. All sincere and real
service to humanity comes within the purview of charity (9:60

Lastly our sojourn in this world is short and uncertain. Death may come
suddenly. We cannot then be allowed to plead for more time. Every
moment calls urgently for its good deed (63:10). Before one’s tenure
expires, one should give charity, out of the substance, which Allah has
bestowed on him.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email

Bismillah [IslamCity] Comments from a non-Muslim - Re: Teachings of the Qur`aan: Al-Anfaal - Aayaat 36-40

2008-05-24 Thread K a r i m a
Surain Dhanoa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Re: [DDN] Teachings of the Qur`aan: 
Al-Anfaal - Aayaat 36-40

Dear Sir

I am a non Muslim.I have all respect for Kuran and the Prophet Muhammed but I 
do believe that just as the Prophet brought Allah's message to the Arabs,
there have been others who brought Allah's message to their people. The 
position is recognised in the Kuran. Imho the commentary given of the Ayat 
36-40 makes the Muslims intolerant of others.In the present global society it 
makes the position of Muslimsdifficult and it leads to their isolation in other 

Does it not rquire a reconsideration by the Ulema?

Surain Dhanoa Calgary Canada


Response from Ustaadz Ayub A. Hamid

Dear Surain,

Thanks for expressing your concern and sharing your views .

Yes, there were other prophets and messengers who brought message to different 
people, but they all have been superseded by last of them, Prophet Muhammad, 
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who was sent for the whole mankind, 
not just the Arabs. After Prophet Muhammad's advent, (peace and blessings of 
Allaah be upon him), salvation is not possible without believing in him.  But 
these verses or my comments on these verses are not implying that non-Muslims 
should not be tolerated or that they should be killed. Not at all.

 Please consider the following points to understand these verses in their 
proper perspective:

§ The verses are not talking about how the Muslims should behave after the 
Messenger of Allaah has accomplished the objectives assigned to him by Allaah.

§  The fate of those who were violently opposing the Prophet was not decided by 
the Messenger himself but mandated by the Creator, according to His way He had 
always done before the Prophet.

§ It was a specific situation mandated only for the Messenger's own mission and 
pertained only to his people and his particular locality where he was sent.

§ This was true for all messengers in the past. For example, that is why the 
people who rejected Noah were destroyed by flood; those who tried to stop Moses 
were drowned into the sea; those who tried to kill Jesus were destroyed by 
Roman invasion. That is the way of Allaah which Allaah has used consistently 
for all Messengers.

§ These verses pertain to the past.  And the past cannot be reconstructed, just 
as we cannot reconstruct the killing of the disbelievers in the cases of Noah, 
Moses, etc.

As for the idea of reconstructing Islamic teachings in general, please remember 
that Islam is based on the commands of Allaah and His Messenger, not on the 
ideas of people or scholars. Hence,  no command of Allaah or His messenger can 
be changed or amended until the Day of Judgment. Had these verses been a 
command to Allaah to all Muslims of all times, we could not have changed them 
or "reconstructed."

I hope these points will help you understand that there is no "intolerance" 
being taught here.  Rather, these verses describe a very specific situation 
which was true for all messengers of the past.

Kind regards,

Ayub A. Hamid

Bismillah [IslamCity] Volume 1, Book 3, Number 73

2008-05-24 Thread Sahih Al-Bukhari
Volume 1, Book 3, Number 73: Narrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:   The Prophet 
said, "Do not wish to be like anyone except in two cases. (The first is) A 
person, whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously; (the second 
is) the one whom Allah has given wisdom (the Holy Qur'an) and he acts according 
to it and teaches it to others." (Fateh-al-Bari page 177 Vol. 1) 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Miracle of Islam

2008-05-24 Thread Shahid.
A picture of the wheat crop grown in Haripur (NWFP) area of Pakistan. The crop 
has grown up in such a way that it has made the name of Muhammad (SAW), 

Bismillah [IslamCity] mideast: Jordanians to Launch Drive Against Danish, Dutch Products

2008-05-24 Thread Shahid.
Jordanians to Launch Drive Against Danish, Dutch Products

Abdul Jalil Mustafa, Arab News§ion=0&article=110115&d=22&m=5&y=2008

AMMAN, 22 May 2008 — A coalition of Jordanian media outlets, professional 
syndicates and political parties plan to launch a national campaign on June 10 
for the boycott of Danish and Dutch products to protest anti-Islam moves in the 
two European countries, organizers said yesterday.

The campaign, entitled “The Messenger Unites Us,” came into existence after a 
dozen of Danish papers reprinted blasphemous cartoons in February.

The controversial pictures were originally printed by the Danish paper 
Jyllands-Posten in September 2005, sparking a spate of protests across the Arab 
and Islamic worlds. Dutch products were recently added to a list of blacklisted 
Danish goods after Dutch MP Geert Wilders released a short anti-Islam film on 
the Internet in March.

Organizers of the campaign said they had decided to delay the launch to give 
ample time for local agencies of Danish and Dutch products to sell the already 
imported goods.

“Following our initial launch, we scaled back our boycott efforts after 
receiving complaints from local traders. We gave traders enough time — until 
June 10 — to sell their stock after which the campaign will be in full force,” 
campaign spokesman Zakaria Al-Sheikh said.

He pointed out that the campaign would include highway billboards, posters, 
printed T-shirts, bumper stickers and the like “to inform consumers not only to 
boycott foods but anything associated with Denmark and the Netherlands such as 
airlines and shipping agencies.”

Campaign organizers also decided to institute legal action against those 
involved in “demeaning the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him),” arguing that 
their behavior violated the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and several 
articles of the Jordanian Penal Code.

The court has already heard the testimonies of head of the Jordan Bar 
Association Saleh Armouti, Christian and Muslim lawmakers, former chairman of 
the Jordan Press Association Tarew Momani and a representative of the 
International Council of Churches, Odeh Qawas.

A list of 10,000 signatures protesting the “unlawful spread of hatred” was 
submitted to the tribunal, according to Al-Sheikh. The court is expected to 
decide this week whether or not to proceed with the case after it studies 
evidence regarding the actual impact of the reprinting of the controversial 
cartoons in Jordan and worldwide.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel hit by Bible burning row:

2008-05-24 Thread Qalb-e-Mehdi
Israel hit by Bible burning row:

Yehuda's deputy mayor says he received complaints about the books, and arranged 
for them to be burnt. He has now apologised after his actions have been 
compared to those of Nazis who burnt Jewish holy scriptures.


Where Are Those Iranian Weapons in Iraq?

Analysis by Gareth Porter

A long-delayed U.S. military report on Iranian arms is unlikely to offer any 
data on what proportion of the weapons in the hands of Shiite fighters are from 
Iran and what proportion comes from purchases on the open market.


Any Change From Bush's Fundamentalism Will Do

By Adrian Hamilton

No American should be in any doubt. The world is desperate for a change of tone 
and course from the US of George Bush. Nothing short of a revolution will do.


For His Treatment of Children in the 'War on Terror,'

Bush Is a War Criminal

By Dave Lindorff

For his abuse, imprisonment and killing of children, this president should 
stand trial for war crimes.


A Loss of Balance on Israel

By Linda McQuaig

To continue to portray Israel as uniquely vulnerable stretches credulity. Yes, 
crude Palestinian rockets can reach into Israel. But Israel's existence is 
well-established. It is one of the world's best-armed countries, with a massive 
nuclear arsenal and unwavering U.S. support.


This State Cannot Survive

By Saleh Al-Naami

A growing number of Israeli intellectuals believe their state may soon implode 
by force of its contradictions and failures.


Howard Zinn: Anarchism Shouldn't Be a Dirty Word

By Ziga Vodovnik

"No doubt that anarchist ideas are frightening to those in power. People in 
power can tolerate liberal ideas. They can tolerate ideas that call for 
reforms, but they cannot tolerate the idea that there will be no state, no 
central authority. So it is very important for them to ridicule the idea of 
anarchism to create this impression of anarchism as violent and chaotic"


U.S. occupation forces kill 8 Iraqi civilians:

A U.S. helicopter airstrike on Wednesday night killed eight civilians, 
including two children, north of Baghdad, police officials said on Thursday. 
Relatives said some of those killed were fleeing on foot after the U.S. 
military arrived in the area.


TV station says U.S. troops killed cameraman:

The body of a second journalist, Haidar Hashim al-Husseini, a reporter for 
al-Sharq newspaper, was found dumped in a field with nine other corpses in 
Diyala province, police and colleagues said.


Cheney says Iraq surge is a success:

Vice President Dick Cheney told graduates of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy that 
the recent surge strategy in Iraq has "succeeded brilliantly."


U.S. Senate approves $165 billion for more death and destruction:

The U.S. Senate Thursday approved an additional $165 billion to wage war in 
Iraq and Afghanistan for another year after lawmakers rejected proposed 
timetables for withdrawing American troops from Iraq.


Billions of Dollars Unaccounted For in Iraq, Pentagon IG Reports:

1.8 billion in Iraqi assets were also simply given away, without any 
accountability. IG investigators examined 53 payment invoices. Not one made 
note of the money's ultimate destination.


Bush is dealt a defeat on Iraq bill:

Senate Republicans have broken with President Bush to help Democrats add 
support for veterans and the unemployed to a bill paying for another year of 
the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.


Iran slams US for terrorists support:

Iran's foreign ministry summons the Swiss charge d'affair to protest the 
terrorist operation carried out by a US-backed group in Iran.§ionid=351020101


Iran's surprise package tests waters:

The White House has been quick to dismiss it, and certain European diplomats 
have criticized it for "sidestepping" the nuclear issue, yet a close scrutiny 
of Iran's "Proposed Package for Constructive Negotiations" reveals a new 
Iranian sentiment in favor of compromise and flexibility on the country's 
nuclear activities.


U.S., Britain warn of new sanctions:

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and British Foreign Secretary David 
Miliband on Thursday stepped up warnings to Iran to "come clean" about i

Bismillah [IslamCity] usa: Pentagon announces Iraq, Afghanistan troop deployments

2008-05-24 Thread Shahid.
Pentagon announces Iraq, Afghanistan troop deployments 
The Pentagon on Monday announced upcoming deployments of more than 42,000 
troops, including 25,000 active duty Army soldiers who would be sent to Iraq 
beginning in the fall to replace troops scheduled to come home by year's end.

The deployments would maintain a level of 15 brigades in Iraq, or roughly 
140,000 troops - the number military leaders expect will remain on the warfront 
at the end of July, once the currently planned withdrawals are finished.

Under the new Pentagon policy effective in August, those active duty Army units 
will serve for 12 months, rather than the 15-month tours that units in Iraq now 
are serving. The bulk of the soldiers deploying later this year returned from 
Iraq late last year, and will have gotten about a year at home to rest and 

As part of the announcement, The Pentagon alerted four National Guard Army 
brigades, or about 14,000 troops, to begin preparing for deployments to Iraq 
beginning next spring, and one National Guard Army brigade, with about 3,100 
soldiers, to prepare to deploy to Afghanistan in the spring of 2010.

The Guard announcements, said Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman, are being made 
far in advance so that soldiers and their families can begin training and other 
preparations for their service.

Guard brigades heading to Iraq will provide security, while the brigade 
scheduled to go to Afghanistan in 2010 would train Afghan national forces.

Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, has said the U.S. will 
complete the withdrawal of the 20,000 troops that were sent to Iraq last year 
to tamp down the escalating violence in Baghdad. At the peak, there were 20 
brigades with more than 170,000 U.S. troops in Iraq.

Beyond that, he said he wants 45 days to evaluate the security conditions in 
Iraq, after which he will begin to decide whether more troops can be pulled 
out. The plan leaves open the possibility that the U.S. could keep 15 brigades 
there through the end of the years - as voters go to the polls and elect a new 

Currently there are 155,000 troops, including 17 combat brigades, in Iraq.

The seven Army combat brigades and one division headquarters units that would 
be sent to Iraq later this year are:

 25th Infantry Division Headquarters

 2nd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, from Fort Carson, Colo.

 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii

 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, from Fort Riley, Kan.

 3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, from Fort Bragg, N.C.

 172nd Infantry Brigade from Schweinfurt, Germany

 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, from Fort Hood, Texas.

 1st Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, from Fort Wainwright, Alaska. 

The four National Guard brigades being alerted for Iraq duty are: 

 72nd Brigade Combat Team, Texas National Guard 

 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 28th Infantry Division, Pennsylvania National Guard 

 256th Brigade Combat Team, Louisiana National Guard 

 278th Brigade Combat Team, Tennessee National Guard 

The unit told to prepare for deployment to Afghanistan was the 86th Brigade 
Combat Team from the Vermont National Guard. There are currently 33,000 U.S. 
troops in Afghanistan, including 15,000 serving with the NATO-led International 
Security Assistance Force, and 18,000 in the U.S.-led effort to train the 
Afghan Army and conduct counterinsurgency operations. 


On the Net: 

Defense Department:;_ylt=AqaI.tSXN9o78VFsBPElZY.WwvIE

Bismillah [IslamCity] mideast: saudi - Issue of 'Married Spinsters' Leave Some Women in Limbo

2008-05-24 Thread Shahid.
Issue of 'Married Spinsters' Leave Some Women in Limbo

Arjuwan Lakkdawala, Arab News   
JEDDAH, 8 March 2008 - Being in your early 30s may be considered a young age in 
general terms, but in Saudi Arabia a woman who hasn't found a stable married 
life by then may never get it. Take Asma as an example. At 31, Asma was facing 
family pressure to find a suitable husband. 

"My father wanted me to marry either a relative or a member of our tribe," she 
said. "No one from my family asked for my hand in marriage. Year after year 
went by. It was then that my mother tried to convince my father that I was 
approaching spinsterhood, and a marriage had to be arranged fast. Initially he 
did not listen."

But after a man, who already had one wife, approached Asma's family about 
marriage, it looked like Asma's life was settled. However, things took a turn 
for the worse.

"He said that he would force me to rot at my father's house as a spinster by 
neither divorcing me nor having the wedding," Asma told Arab News as she broke 
into tears.

Today Asma still lives with her father as her husband refuses to divorce her 
and also refuses to let her live with him. Due to the social customs that 
prevent interactions among unrelated men and women, the latter - who are more 
likely to be financially harmed by being single than men - find the closed 
social upbringing a great hindrance to their ability in finding spouses. Asma's 
problem illustrates some of the issues that can arise under this system.

The groom-selection process may involve wealthy families who turn down suitors 
because of differences in financial status. Likewise, unemployed young women 
can be unattractive to mothers looking for wealthy brides for their sons. And 
tribal issues are often a factor.

Two years ago, Asma said a man who already had a wife approached her father. 
Since he was from the same tribe, and especially because Asma was perceived to 
be approaching spinster age, the family accepted the alliance. 

"My father didn't like the fact that the suitor was already married," she said. 
"But because of my age, he finally started to worry that I may end up a 
spinster, so he agreed."

The "nikah" (marriage finalization, including the payment of dowry) and "milka" 
(when bride and groom are allowed contact) took place. But in Saudi Arabia 
another important element of the marriage process must take place before the 
husband and wife may live together: a coming-out wedding ceremony. The purpose 
of this tradition is to ensure that the community is informed that the 
cohabitants are legally married.

"Our families discussed the wedding plans, about where the wedding was going to 
take place and all matters related to the occasion," said Asma.

It was finally decided that the wedding would take place after three months. 
"During these months my husband and I would meet but only in the company of our 
families. I thought everything was going well since after the 'milka' it is 
normal for the wedding to take soon."

While things started out well during those months, Asma said her husband 
appeared to gradually have second thoughts. "Suddenly he started making fun of 
me for being a spinster for such a long time," she said. "And he asked why 
didn't any of my relatives want to marry me - that there must be something 
wrong with me."

The taunting got worse, she said. She complained to her mother who urged her to 
be patient and to try to get on his good side.

"As this behavior continued, I saw my dreams falling apart, I knew that things 
were going to get worse," she said. "I took all his insults quietly, but one 
day it got too much, and I answered back, retorting, 'If I'm so bad and my 
family is so bad why did you marry me?'" Asma said her husband then called her 
father and told him the wedding ceremony would be delayed for six months 
because of job obligations. It was then that her husband told her she would 
"rot" at her father's house.

Asma now was caught in a limbo between living with her husband and being 

She said her father ruled out divorce, meaning she had no family support in 
taking the second option. "My father was consumed by the shame it would bring 
on the family if I got divorced at this point," she said. "And surely no one 
would marry me afterward."

In two years Asma has gone from a 31-year-old woman seeking a husband to a 
33-year-old 'married spinster'. And people, she says, are talking about her.

"My parents pity me and know that I am not to blame, but people, such as our 
neighbors and distant relatives, are all saying horrible things about me, and 
find nothing wrong with my husband," she said, adding that her husband has even 
stopped answering phone calls from her family.

Unfortunately Asma is not alone in this situation.

According to Islamic scholar Sheikh Hassen Al-Kilati, there are dozens of cases 
where men marry second wives only to lock them in a cage of spinsterhood when 
problems arise. As in Asma

Bismillah [IslamCity] Verdict about haraam food

2008-05-24 Thread Mian Muhammad Shahid Sharif


The Prophet's (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) verdict about haraam food


The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) once said:


"As Allah Himself is above all blemishes, likewise, He blesses with His
grace only the unblemished things. He enjoins upon the Muslims, what He has
laid down for His Prophets. He says in His Holy Book:


"0, Prophets! Eat of the good things and do right. Lo! I am aware of
what ye do." (XXIII: 51)



O Ye who believe Eat of the good things where-with we have provided
you." (II: 172)


Then the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) did mention of a person who is
a way-farer with disheveled hair and dusty clothes; raising his hands
towards the heaven, he calls out: "0, Allah! 0, Allah!" but his food, drink
and dress all were from haraam sources. So, Allah would never listen to him
and answer his prayers, even though his outward condition showed him


People wonder why the prayers of the Muslims are not always fulfilled by
Allah; the reason is easy enough to understand in the light of the above


Though Allah does sometimes grant the prayers of even a Kafir (not to
mention the prayer or requests of a sinful Muslim), but it is particularly
the prayer of a pious person that is seldom rejected. That is the reason why
people generally seek the prayers of such persons for themselves.


It follows that those who wish to have their prayers often granted must
abstain from haraam. No wise person would like to run the risk of his
prayers being rejected.



Bismillah [IslamCity] 'Can Afzal be hanged when Sarabjit issue is there'

2008-05-24 Thread Erooth Mohamed
*'Can Afzal be hanged when Sarabjit issue is there'*
May 21, 2008 20:35 IST

In controversial remarks, Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil said when the
government has been pressing for clemency for Sarabjit Singh
facing death sentence in
Pakistan, how can the demand be made for the hanging of Afzal Guru,
condemned prisoner in Parliament attack

"You want Afzal Guru to be hanged. (At the same time) you are saying that
don't hang a person who has gone to Pakistan (Singh)," Patil told reporters
in Latur on Tuesday.

"These people want others to be hanged. What are you doing? You are saying
don't hang that person (Singh) and you say hang this person (Guru) here,"
Patil said and added that law would take its own course.

Guru was sentenced to death by the Supreme Court for being involved in the
criminal conspiracy to attack Parliament on December 13, 2001. His clemency
plea is pending with the government.

The statement of Patil is likely to stir a row with main the opposition BJP
already slamming Patil for his "irresponsible" comments.

"The government which has been dithering on the execution of Afzal Guru is
actually supporting and playing vote bank politics by giving such absurd
reasons," party spokesperson Prakash Javadekar said.

The "ill-informed Union home minister of the country does not even know that
while Sarabjit Singh was a case of mistaken identity, Guru's role and
involvement in Parliament attack is proven," he said.

*Should Mohammad Afzal Guru Be Hanged?*
*By Ram Puniyani*
09 October, 2006 -**

*A*s per the Supreme Court has given the judgment, Mohammad Afzal Guru is to
be hanged to death on 20th October 2006. Guru was one of the accused in the
case of assault on the Parliament on 13 December 2001, in which, many a
security personnel were killed. Guru was not found to be to be part of any
terrorist outfit, nor did he play any direct role in the same. In the trial
which took place the provisions of International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights had not been respected. Supreme court noted that there is
no direct evidence of his involvement. The evidence was mainly
circumstantial. All three courts including Supreme Court have acquitted him
of the charges under POTA of belonging to either a terrorist organization or
a terrorist gang. Court also noted that the evidence was fabricated. Most
importantly he was not given any worthwhile legal assistance to defend him
during interrogation. When Ram Jethmalani offered to be his lawyer the
Hindutva goons attacked his office. One also recalls here that the lawyers
offering to hold the brief of accused in 11 July 2006 Mumbai blasts were
also threatened by Hindutva outfit, a real case of cowardly display of
pseudo patriotism. At best Guru was facilitator in the crime and not a part
of directly perpetrating the crime. Supreme Court notes that "The incident,
which resulted in heavy casualties, had shaken the entire nation and the
collective conscience of the society will only be satisfied if capital
punishment is awarded to the offender." So does it mean that the punishment
is being given to assuage the collective national conscience? One must add
what is presented as this conscience is the consciousness of the section of
dominant middle classes.

Many a Human rights activist of repute sat on a dharna demanding the
commutation of the death sentence, to life imprisonment. They issued appeals
to the same effect and also have floated the petitions forn clemency. Not to
be left behind another section of activists have floated counter petitions
demanding nothing short of death penalty for this terrorist. In various talk
shows the angry audience is hooting down those talking of the facts of the
case and asking for leniency in the light of the holes in the story built by
the police authorities. There are two major questions involved in the case.
One, that death penalty should be given in the rarest of rare cases, and two
when world over the brutal capital punishment is being done away with,
should we stick to it. The other peripheral issues which are trying to
undermine the basic issues are the hysterical nationalism of Hindu right and
sections of society who cannot think that the crime of those accused of acts
of terror also needs to be proved before they are punished, and that the
punishment has to be commensurate with the crime. For them once Supreme
Court has ruled the doors for clemency are closed.

The base on which Supreme Court has given the judgment has been built by the
police with methods which are questionable, which have also been reprimanded
by the court in this case. The argument on the other side is that if Guru is
not hanged it will be an insult to those who have laid their lives for
defending the parliament. The other questio

Bismillah [IslamCity] for the Companions of the Qur'an...

2008-05-24 Thread darultawhid english
for the Companions of the Qur'an...
The Companion of the Qur'an is the one who will be put forward (the one given 
predesence) in this life and in the hereafter. And they are the people of 
nobility and honour.

>From Umar bin al-Khattab (ra), who said that RasulAllah (saw) said:

"Indeed Allah (swt) raises the statute of a people by this book (Qur'an) and 
lowers others by it." (Muslim)

And from Ibn Mas'ud al-Ansari al-Badri (ra) that RasulAllah (saw) said:

"The people are led by their most proficient recitors of Allah's Book." (Muslim)

And Ibn Abbas (ra) said:

"The recitors were the people of Umar (ra)'s Majlis (the sittings and 
gatherings), and they were his consoulers; regardless if they were youth or 
elderly people. " (Buhkari)

And from Abu Musa al-Ashhari (ra), who said that RasulAllah (saw) said:

"Indeed from the ways to Glorify Allah (jj) is:

-honouring the grey haired Muslims,
-and honouring the one who has memorized the Qur'an; without extravagance or 
neglecting it,
-and the honouring of the righteous ruler." (Abu Dawud, graded hasan by Nawawi)

And also from Abu Musa al-Ashhari (ra), who said that RasulAllah (saw) said:

"The likeness of the believer who recites the Quran is like the citrus its 
scent is good and its taste is good.
 The likeness of the believer who does not read the Quran is like the date with 
no scent to it and its taste is sweet.
The likeness of the hypocrite who reads the Quran is like the basil its scent 
is good but its taste is sour.
And the likeness of the hypocrite who does not read the Quran is like the wheat 
it dose not have any scent to it and its taste is bitter." (Buhkhari, Muslim)

So this is the honour and nobility in the current life.

As for the hereafter then its rewards is bigger if he acted upon and its 
compensation is even greater.

>From Aisha (raa) who said that RasulAllah (saw) said:

"The one who recites the Qur'an and is proficient in it, will be with the 
angles, while the one who stutters when reciting the Qur'an due to difficulty, 
then he will have two rewards." (Bukhari, Muslim) 

And from Abu Umamah al-Bahili (ra) who said, I heard RasulAllah (saw) say:

"Recite the Qur'an for it will come on the Day of Judgment as an intercessor 
for its companion." (Muslim)

And also the companion of the Qur'an is the one placed ahead in the first 
abodes of the hereafter.

>From Jabir bin Abdullah (ra) that RasulAllah (saw) gathered two men who had 
>been killed in Uhud then asked:

"Which one of these two memorized more Qur'an.

It was indicated that the first one had; so he placed him in the first in the 
grave." (Bukhari)

And the companion of the Qur'an will continue to be raised in the levels of the 
janah; based on the ability what he has memorized from the Qur'an.

As from Abu Ummah al-Bahliya (ra) that RasulAllah (saw) said:

"It will be said to the companion of the Qur'an: Recite, ascend and Rattil 
(recite slowly and distinctly) as you used to Rattil in the life of this world, 
for verily your level (in jannah) is as the last verse you read (in the 
world)." (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi with hasan sahih chain)


Bismillah [IslamCity] A New Book Titled : JEHAD IS NOT TERRORISM

2008-05-24 Thread Bashir Abid
  Bazm London

  Al Balaagh   
  Iqbal Corner   

  Jihad is Not Terrorism
It is a pleasure to inform you that Urdu book JIHAAD by late Allama Ghulam 
Ahmad Parwez has been rendered into English titled Jihad is Not Terrorism.
It was translated by Shahid Chaudhry.
 Khalid Mahmood Sayyed of Peterborough has edited and written a detailed
Saleena Karim of Nottinghamn , a young promising writer, author of ‘Secular 
Jinnah: Munir,s Big Hoax Exposed’ did Typesetting very professionally.
Title Cover design showing a Jihadi armed with a Kalashnikov rifle is very eye 
catching and is the artwork by Rehan Khan of Birmingham. Rehan is moderator of 
Publisher: Islamic Dawn Society. Ilford U.K. Title Description (from is given below
Translated and adapted from an Urdu book titled Jihad by the late Islamic 
scholar G.A. Parwez. In this book the author explains the Quranic definition of 
the word jihad. Whilst the word can sometimes refer to a taking up of arms, 
this particular application of the word is restricted to exceptional 
circumstances of defence of human life and property rather than to a preemptive 
attack. The author also examines the subject of violence as viewed by Gandhi 
and jihad as viewed by Iqbal.   
Product Details

   Paperback: 88 pages   
   Publisher: (February 10, 2008)   
   Language: English   
   ISBN-10: 1847995551   
   ISBN-13: 978-1847995551   
   Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.2 inches   
   Shipping Weight: 5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) 
   -->Comments are closed.


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Danish Boycott

2008-05-24 Thread Shahid.
Dear All

Reveal Our Solidarity.

 At least 17 Denmark news papers have insulted prophet again (Gulf new paper 
dated 14th Feb. 08). Can we use our freedom of expression to announce to at 
least 10 persons that we love prophet (PBUH) more than our lives? Are we going 
to die if we do not use products' benefiting such people? Emkay Group in UAE, 
which manages lulu chain of super markets, Carrefour and Dubai co operative 
Society already discussed to remove the products from it shelves. Can we pass 
this to 10 other people?  

Circulate this around the Globe to the whole Muslim ummah to ban Danish made 
products, show the world free speech doesn't mean intolerance, insults and 
attack on others.

  Arabs and Muslims Step Up Protests Against Denmark.
  Abdul Jalil Mustafa, Arab News
  AMMAN - Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East, as elsewhere in the world, 
have intensified protests against the Danish government and its media over the 
blasphemous cartoons published in the newspapers there.

  Jordan's trade unions yesterday urged the government to sever economic 
ties with Denmark. In a letter to Prime Minister Nader Dahabi, Trade Unions 
Council Chairman Saleh Armouti also called on the government to "summon the 
Danish ambassador and relay to him a strongly worded protest that reflects our 
absolute rejection of such offenses."

  Armouti contended that the pictures, which were reprinted by a dozen of 
Danish newspapers last week, represented "an unprecedented defiance of the 
feelings of Arabs and Muslims." He considered as mere "ugly lies" the pretext 
of freedom of expression, which was cited by the Danish papers for reprinting 
the caricatures, which were originally published by the newspaper 
Jyllands-Posten two years ago.

  Around 200 Palestinians demonstrated in the Gaza Strip yesterday against 
Danish newspapers. They gathered in the southern town of Rafah on the Egyptian 
border in response to a call from the mini-Parliament, an organ of the Fatah 
party of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

  Children burned Danish, American and Israeli flags and a banner read "to 
hell with Denmark. We will accept nothing less than an apology and a trial." 
Hamas, the Islamist group that ousted Fatah from power in Gaza in June, held a 
demonstration of its own last week.

  Speaking to the crowd in the northern town of Jabaliya, Hamas MP Yussef 
Sharafi called on the Danish government to "apologize to Muslims for the 
offense to the Prophet (peace be upon him)." Hamas condemned the newspapers and 
called for those responsible to be put on trial, saying publication of the 
cartoon was an "offense to the feelings of tens of millions of Muslims. 

  In Khartoum, around 200 Sudanese demonstrated against Denmark. Angry 
Muslim men dressed in traditional white robes marched through closed-off 
streets followed by fellow protesters driving at a snail's pace in 
air-conditioned cars, under the close watch of security forces.

  The crowd chanted for Sudan to end diplomatic relations with Denmark, 
boycott Danish produce and for Al-Qaeda mastermind Osama Bin Laden to attack 
Copenhagen, said an AFP photographer. Students in the National Congress Party 
of President Omar Bashir, whose government sheltered Bin Laden during the 
1990s, organized the protest.

  -With input from agencies



Sudan says Danish products banned



At least seventeen Denmark newspapers have insulted Prophet (PBUH) again on 
14th February (Gulf news-pg 23); can we use our freedom of expression to 
announce to maximum persons that we love Prophet (PBUH) more than our own lives?



Please read it care fully and forward to all the Muslims.

You heard what that magazine in Denmark has published. It's making fun of our 
beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAW) by drawing pictures of him and describing him as 
a terrorist. Moreover they refused to apologize because they considered it a 
practice of freedom and democracy. I ask you all to put your hands with other 
MUSLIMS and boycott the Denmark's products. 1.6 billion Muslims could really 
slap the economy in Denmark.

7up drinks-LEGO -cadburry chocolates -Hall Chewgums any product with barcode 
no. start with 57 plz convince all muslims to do so...

SMS barcode info to determine if product is Danish
In the boycott against Danish products, muslims in Saudi Arabia - and possibly 
other countries - have launched a viral anti-marketing campaign using SMS, 
reports Guerilla-Innovation.

"The SMS contains information on how to determine whether a product is Danish 
by looking at the first two digits of its barcode (the country code for Denmark 
is 57).

In response to the boycott, member of the Danish parliament, Louise Frevert 
tried to catalyze a counter SMS campaig

Bismillah [IslamCity] Thought for the day

2008-05-24 Thread PoEtEsS
As Salaamu Alaikum

It is the soul which will be asked and rebuked. It becomes fortunate if
it is purified and cleaned, and it becomes unfortunate if it is kept

It is the knowledge of the soul which is the root of the knowledge of
Allah. When man does not know himself he does not know Allah. 

Majority of people are ignorant of the soul and its attributes as screen
is cast between the soul and the baser self. Allah says: "He moves
between a man and his soul and controls it and its attributes. It is
between the two fingers of the Merciful." It sometimes reaches the last
limit of the devil and sometimes rises so high as to the throne of the

He who does not enquire about his soul is included among those persons
of whom Allah says in the following verse: "They forgot Allah and so He
made their souls forgetful. They are the transgressors." [19:67] 

It is therefore essential to know the soul and its attributes which is
the root of religion.

--- IHYAA ---


"I challenge against all odds that obstacles my world of "Silence"…Zohra Moosa


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] U.S. soldier uses Quran for target practice

2008-05-24 Thread Mohammed A
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A soldier used the Quran -- Islam's holy book -- for 
target practice, forcing the chief U.S. commander in Baghdad to issue a formal 
apology on Saturday.


  Maj. Gen. Jeffery Hammond, commander of U.S. forces in Baghdad, apologized to 
leaders in Radhwaniya, in the western outskirts of Baghdad, for the staff 
sergeant who was a sniper section leader assigned to the headquarters of the 
64th Armored Regiment. He also read a letter of apology by the shooter.
  It was the first time the incident -- which tested the relationship between 
U.S.-backed Sunni militiamen and the military -- was made public since it was 
discovered May 11. 
  "I come before you here seeking your forgiveness," Hammond said to tribal 
leaders and others at the apology ceremony. "In the most humble manner I look 
in your eyes today and I say please forgive me and my soldiers."  Watch 
villagers protest the Quran incident »
  Another military official kissed a Quran and presented is as "a humble gift" 
to the tribal leaders.
  The soldier, whose name was not released, shot at a Quran on May 9, villagers 
said. The Quran used in the incident was discovered two days later, according 
to the military.
  Hammond also read from the shooter's letter: "I sincerely hope that my 
actions have not diminished the partnership that our two nations have developed 
together. ... My actions were shortsighted, very reckless and irresponsible, 
but in my heart [the actions] were not malicious."
  A tribal leader said "the criminal act by U.S. forces" took place at a 
shooting range at the Radhwaniya police station. After the shooters left, an 
Iraqi policeman found a target marked in the middle of the bullet-riddled Quran.
  Copies of the pictures of the Quran obtained by CNN show multiple bullet 
holes and an expletive scrawled on one of its pages.
  A military investigation found the shooter guilty and relieved him of duty; 
he will be redeployed to the United States for reassignment away from the 1st 
Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division, a U.S. official said.
  "The actions of one soldier were nothing more than criminal behavior," 
Hammond said. "I've come to this land to protect you, to support you -- not to 
harm you -- and the behavior of this soldier was nothing short of wrong and 
  Officials said the soldier claimed he wasn't aware the book was the Quran. 
U.S. officials rejected the claim.
  Tribal leaders, dignitaries and local security officials attended the 
ceremony, while residents carried banners and chanted slogans, including "Yes, 
yes to the Quran" and "America out, out."
  Sheikh Hamadi al-Qirtani, in a speech on behalf of all tribal sheiks of 
Radhwaniya, called the incident "aggression against the entire Islamic world."
  The Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq also condemned the shooter's 
actions and the U.S. military's belated acknowledgment of the incident.
"As the Association of Muslim Scholars condemns this heinous crime against 
God's holy book, the Constitution of this nation, a source of pride and 
dignity," the groups statement said, "they condemned the silence by all those 
who are part of the occupation's agenda and holds the occupation and the 
current government fully responsible for this violation and reminds everyone 
that God preserves his book and he [God] is a great avenger." 



Bismillah [IslamCity] What is sin in Islam?

2008-05-24 Thread adil naveed
  What is sin in Islam? 
 by Muhammad Jamaal ad-Deen ‘Abdul-Wahid
  The Holy Last Messenger (s.a.s.) said:
  “Righteousness is good morality and sin is that which causes discomfort (or 
pinches) within your soul and which you dislike people to become informed of.” 
[Sahih Muslim]  Sin is that aspect in a Muslim’s life in which he or she makes 
effort to abstain from at all costs. Allah warns all of mankind that everything 
mankind does in this world will be put before us on Yawmul-Qiyaama (The Day of 
Resurrection) in Surah al-Zilzal:
  “And he who does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And he who does an 
atom’s weight of evil will see it.” [Holy Qur’an, 99:7-8]  Allah also warns 
mankind that the one whose bad deeds (sins) are heavy will be in Hell, as can 
be found in Surah al-Qari’ah. A Muslim’s strife is to live the life of a 
believer and separate from the likeness of the sinner, as Allah differentiates 
the Mu’min (believer) from the fasiq (sinner) in Surah As-Sajdah:
  “Is he who is a believer like unto him who is a sinner? They are not alike! 
For those who believe and do righteous works, for them are Gardens of Retreat, 
a welcome (in reward) for what works they did. And as for those who do evil, 
their abode is the Fire. Whenever they wish to leave, they will be forced back 
into it, and it will be said to them: Taste the torment of the Fire which you 
used to reject.” [Holy Qur’an, 32:18-20]  It is clear that one must steer away 
from sin and do righteous acts. However uncertainty arises in the mind when 
referring to the subject of sin such as 1.) the difference between a sin and a 
mistake, 2.) Shaytaan’s (Satan) role in the commission of a sin, 3.) if one 
becomes removed from Islam due to committing a sin, and 4.) the major sins. The 
purpose of this essay is to provide concise answers to such inquiries, 
  Question: What is the difference between sin and mistakes? What role does 
Shaytaan, the accursed one, play in sin?
  Fault means any action that takes place unintentionally and sin is with 
intention. For example, Shaytaan put such ideas into the heart of Hazrat Adam 
(a.s.) to approach the tree. Adam did it and as a result, Allah sent him to the 
earth. Similarly, Hazrat Yunus (Jonah) committed a fault and he adopted that 
way prohibited to him according to the instruction of Allah. Allah says in the 
Holy Qur’an that it was Shaytaan who put the idea into Hazrat Adam and Hazrat 
Yunus (a.s.), so there is no doubt that Shaytaan can put these ideas into the 
hearts of the Nabiyeen to divert their attention from the right way. But the 
mistakes they commit are only according to the Hikmat of Allah. These mistakes 
are below the standards of the Nabiyeen, so we can not point it out that they 
took place according to the Order of Allah. We must say Shaytaan is 
responsible. All the good things take place from the Kindness of Allah while 
all of the bad things are due to Shaytaan. The awliya are not
 free from this was-wâs (evil whispers), but if this was-wâs happens to any 
wali, as soon as he realizes it, he busies himself in tawba (repentance). But 
on the other hand, the common people, when they commit a sin, they do not 
realize it and they do not feel guilty about it.
  Note: Sins are of three types: 
   Against Allah. 
   Against brotherhood. 
   Against humanity.
  In Hadith, Hazrat Anas (r.a.) narrated that Rasulullah (s.a.s.) said Shaytaan 
travels through the body like blood.
  Explanation by Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim: Allah gave full power to 
Shaytaan to put evil ideas into the hearts of men. If a man does not act upon 
these ideas, he has passed the worldly examination and will get a high place in 
Jinnah (Heaven). When we say that the Shaytaan travels through the body like 
blood, it means not physically but according to his evil ideas or thinking 
there are things that travel like the human blood.
  In Hadith Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah (r.a.) related that the Nabi (s.a.s.) said:
  “The was-wâs that enters the hearts of my ummah Allah has forgiven, as long 
as they don’t act upon or voice it.” [Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim agree on 
it]  Tafsir (Commentary): Was-wâs is the bad intentions that enters one’s 
heart. And those good intentions that enter one’s heart is called ilham. The 
ilham won’t be accepted unless it is accordance with the Holy Qur’an and 
Hadith. Bad thoughts by a person that is not related to aqeeda (belief), and 
doesn’t act on them, for him is Maafoo (forgiveness). If vice versa is related 
to kufr (disbelief), then it will be kufr. And if related to dhal (straying 
away), then it will be dhalleen. For both of these situations, tawba is fardh 
(obligatory). If this intention is related to any actions and not aqa’id 
(belief), and he keeps this intention in his heart, then he is a sinner.
  Question: Does the commission of sin remove one from Islam?
  Hazrat Anas bin Malik relates Rasulullah said that three things form the 

Bismillah [IslamCity] -- How Zionism works in Australia.

2008-05-24 Thread New World OrderLies
  anthony leeQueensland < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
  How Zionism works
  Zionism versus Torahism
  Zionism - the value is catching and selling fish. 
Torahism - the value is teaching people how to fish. 
  Zionism - the profit is in causing conflict. 
Torahism - the profit is in resolving conflict. 
  Zionism - developing policies that place people and countries in debt 
to force to work to pay back loans at high interest rates. 
Torahism - providing the environment 
to stimulate the desire to work for mutual benefit. 
  Zionism - Health - the profit is in curing people of illness. 
Torahism - Health - the profit is in teaching how to prevent illness. 
  Zionism - leverage is the way to negotiate agreements. 
Torahism - long term implications have priority over short term benefits. 
  Zionism - the profit is in selling information.
Torahism - the profit is in teaching how to benefit from information. 
  Zionism - bulk up e-mail as tax and insurance 
 will be levied on e-mail content.
Torahism - minimise the size of e-mail 
as interplanetary communication is the real problem.
  How Zionism works in Australia.
  Circa 1986 two of my five sons 
  used their life savings as a deposit on a house. 
  They were paying them off when interest rates 
  were artificially lifted by the ‘Reserve Bank’ 
  (courtesy of Hawke and Keating) from 
  6 per cent to 17.5 per cent. 
  My sons and many thousands of others were dispossessed 
  and many farmers murdered their families before committing suicide.
  N.B. In subsequent years, the Minister for Housing, 
  Jocelyn Newman, still allocated only a pittance for Housing. 
  Howard and company have destroyed some 
  two million two-parent families over the last fifty years. 
  They give grants of $14,000, $7,000 etc., 
  but when the ‘Reserve Bank of Australia’(?) 
  raises interest to extremes they recoup it all back. 
  All my sons divorced and two of my grand-daughters 
  were raped by their 'second' father. Their 'ability to move up 
  the classes' was destroyed by the moneylenders. 
  In Australia 
  all politicians pay minimal interest and all are landlords. 
  They destroy families in order to keep up 
  a ready supply of 'tenants' for their rental properties. 
  By keeping Housing in short supply 
  they profiteer from high re-sale values and 
  make life miserable for ordinary strugglers. 
  N.B. Last week (October 2003 ) 
  Interest rates were forecast to rise by one per cent. 
  This is enough to put 25% of all home borrowers
  at risk of losing their life savings. 
  N.B. The Australian Federal Reserve Bank, 
  which controls interest rates, is NOT 
  an Australian Government Institution. 
  It is run by a group of foreign banks under the auspices 
  of the Rothschild family and friends group of Banks! 
  The whole thing is a swindle ~ as in Pyramid selling!
  Two would-be Zionists,
   American Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Packer, 
  control the media and the politicians in Australia. 
  The politicians all become millionaires after three terms. 
  They all have been bought by greed and ambition.
  Just because they know the truth will never come out, 
  our politicians make laws to suit themselves. 
  From selling off profitable assets which belong to the people, 
  to loan sharking which steals assets
  from home buyers and small business.
  We don’t have to look at Iraq for weapons of mass destruction. 
  The corrupt laws in Australia destroy all forms of decency. 
  When Andrew Olle exposed rampant prostitution in Queensland, 
  run by Joh Bjelke-Petersen and Peter Beattie, 
  Murdoch’s rag newspaper, ‘The Courier-Mail’, took all the credit 
  for this exposure yet all the time, it was running prostitution ads 
  for ‘Brett’s Boys’ and various other forms of lewd entertainment. 
  Murdoch didn’t bat an eyelid. 
  He arranged for Beattie to become the next 
  Premier of Queensland and it was back to business as usual. 
  Prostitution flourishes all over Queensland (and Australia). 
  As can be seen, putting Beattie in charge of child protection 
  is like putting a child in charge of a candy store. 
  When Pauline Hansen threatened the status quo 
  Murdoch’s henchmen destroyed her in a flash. 
  We should NOT look at Pauline Hansen 
  attempting to rip off taxpayers but the incompetence 
  of an electoral body (run by Murdoch’s bureaucrats) 
  in paying $500,000 of taxpayers money 
  without checking if the circumstances were legitimate. 
  Anyone with a nose 
  can smell Skullduggery with a capital S.
  This is how Murdoch controls Australia. 
  He puts people he can blackmail into positions of power 
  and rewards them well. 
  The rest of us have to cop the stench of political parties 
  whose members should all be in jail.

Bismillah [IslamCity] anti-islam: Shiekh Qaradawi: Boycott Danish goods

2008-05-24 Thread Shahid.

Boycott Danish goods: Qaradawi
CAIRO: One of the world's most prominent Sunni religious scholars called on 
Muslims on Friday to boycott Danish products in response to the decision by 
several newspapers in Denmark to reprint a controversial cartoon of Prophet 
Muhammad (PBUH). The cartoon was one of 12 caricatures that sparked protests 
across the Islamic world when they were first published in 2006 and led many 
Muslims to avoid Danish goods.

Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi, an Egyptian cleric based in Qatar, urged Muslims on 
Friday to repeat their boycott, warning them that the world would view them as 
weak if they didn't react strongly. "Regrettably, Muslims start potently with 
these issues, then they relax gradually as the strong (supporters) get weaker 
and the enthusiastic (supporters) get lazy," said Al-Qaradawi during a press 
conference aired by Al-Jazeera television.

Islamic law opposes any depiction of the Prophet (PBUH), even favorable ones, 
for fear it could lead to idolatry. "Our duty is to go on (with the boycott)," 
said Al-Qaradawi. Danish exports to Muslim countries fell by more than 11 
percent in 2006 during the boycott, according to Denmark's national statistics 
agency. The boycott was accompanied by angry protests, with mobs burning the 
Danish flag and attacking the country's diplomatic missions in Syria, Iran and 

The outcry across the Islamic world has not been as strong in response to the 
reprinted cartoon, but Muslims in Iraq and Indonesia held protests this week 
and Egypt banned four foreign newspapers for running the caricature. More than 
a dozen Danish newspapers reproduced the drawing on Feb 13 to show their 
commitment to free speech after police foiled an alleged plot to kill the 
cartoonist who created it. - AP

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