Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] fatwa

2008-06-09 Thread Orhan Muhammed Al Shareef
Assalaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
  Who gave this fatwa? A reference would be good.
  JazakAllahu Khayr
  Fi Amanillah
  Abu Khadijah

  How many Aayat are in Quran Majeed? question  How many 
Aayat are in Quran Majeed? Please sent me correct figures  oblige. answer  
Generally known number of the verses of the Holy Qur'an is , though some 
have quoted a different numberI have been 'fixed up' with a girl with 
the intention of definitely marrying her. Our families are quite pious and 
decent, and the elders of both sides have agreed that the two of us will marry 
in 4 months time (and I and her are also happy and willing). However, the Nikah 
has not been done, we are just ‘ officially fixed up / engaged’. 
My question then is that is it jaa’iz for the two of us to write to each other, 
phone each other (we have decided never to meet alone until after the nikah). 
So , in the mean time is it jaa’iz for us to talk on the phone/ write to each 
other? answer  You and your fiance are non-Mahram to each other till the 
marriage is not accomplished. It is neccessary till then to take care of your 
behaviours - both of you. reference  


Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Inviting Business Partners (Franchisees) - Hidayaa

2008-06-09 Thread Najeeb
Inviting Business Partners
An opportunity to promote Shariah-compliant investments in Indian Stocks
Dear All,
Here is a great opportunity to join hands with Hidayaa (a Shariah-compliant 
Investment Concept), Saaketa Consultants Limited (Member: NSE, BSE amp; CDSL) 
in promoting investments in Indian Stocks.
Hidayaa, with its rich experience in stock advisory and trading services and 
with a strong presence in Andhra Pradesh is now looking for business partners 
who could take this message of Shariah-compliant Investment Concept to the nook 
and corner of the nation.nbsp; Under this proposal, you would own a set-up in 
a region (of your interest) under the Hidayaa banner with Hidayaa providing all 
necessary support including but not limited to login IDs to trade on NSE amp; 
BSE, training, daily recommendations, etc.nbsp; 
Please write to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more details on this proposal or 
Riaz @ +91-9849473470 
Ahmed Siddiq @ +91-9391398455

Syed, Abdul Najeeb 

Hidayaa (A Shariah-compliant Investment Concept), 
Saaketa Consultants Ltd. (Member: NSE, BSE amp; CDSL), 
8-1-21/169,S.K Enclave (Ground floor) 
Opp-Reliance Fresh, Surya Nagar Colony, 
Tolichowki, Hyderabad , India 500 008 
Emailnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Off: +91-40-40-2356-4113, 40-6680-1063 
Mob: +91-998-986-8323


RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Now Open - Scholarships for Universities -Ummul-Qura, Madinah, Riyadh

2008-06-09 Thread S a d i a N a s a r
Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatau,

Is this offer only for brothers?,  can sisters apply too?

JazakAllahu khairan

Sadia Nasar

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2008 06:18:57 -0700Subject: Bismillah 
[IslamCity] Now Open - Scholarships for Universities -Ummul-Qura, Madinah, 

Learn Arabic Language

Study in Prestigious Universities -- on scholarships --

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Dear OIC students, as you all know we are working very closely with officials 
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while some are waiting for their acceptance latter for upcoming semester insha 

We are absolutely commited to help you learn the Arabic Language in Islamic and 
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If you have a strong desire to learn Arabic Languge and wish to study in 
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you get  accepted insha Allaah.

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Application can be found at :

- Schedule-

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Al-Qawaaid Al-Arbaa
By Imam Muhammed Ibn Abdul-Wahhab  Rahimahullaah.

Click HERE for TEXT

Click HERE for AUDIO

Click HERE for Students Notes

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 For schedule of upcoming LIVE lectures please visit

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Bismillah [IslamCity] We must talk to the enemy - Peter Hain

2008-06-09 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
We must talk to the enemy
By Peter Hain

[Peter Hain is MP for Neath and former secretary of state for Northern Ireland. 
A longer lecture on this subject, delivered today in New York, will be 
available at]

Northern Ireland offers a model for peace that can help other regions still 
locked in bitter conflict

Observing Northern Ireland today, it's hard to recognise what was, just a 
decade or so ago, the theatre for such horror, barbarity, hate and bigotry. For 
14 months now, old enemies have worked together - and even smiled at each other 
- when they had never exchanged a courtesy before.
Last year's historic agreement has so far stuck, and I believe will stick 
through ups and downs, precisely because it was brokered between the two most 
politically polarised positions - Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionist Party and 
Gerry Adams' Sinn Féin. But what are the lessons for international policy in 
other areas still locked in similarly bitter conflict and crippled by terrorism?
First, a need to create space and time, free from violence, in which political 
capacity can develop; second, identifying key individuals and constructive 
forces; third, the importance of inclusive dialogue at every level, wherever 
there is a negotiable objective; fourth, the taking of risks to sustain 
political progress, including by talking with enemies; fifth, the need to align 
national and international forces; sixth, avoiding or resolving preconditions 
to dialogue; seventh, gripping and micro-managing conflict resolution at a high 
political level, not intermittently but continuously, whatever breakdowns, 
crises and hostilities get in the way.
In the Middle East, the conflict has not been gripped at a sufficiently high 
level, over a sufficiently sustained period. Initiatives have come and gone, 
and violence has returned to fill the vacuum. International forces have not 
been aligned. Preconditions have been, and now are, a crippling bulwark against 
dialogue. However, despite the intensity of bitterness and hatred between Hamas 
and Israel, neither can militarily defeat the other - they will each have to be 
a party to a negotiated solution that satisfies Palestinian aspirations for a 
viable state and Israel's need for security.
Addressing Palestinian grievances - from security to jobs to housing - as we 
did in Northern Ireland, can create more fertile ground for a political process 
to complement engagement.
However, al-Qaida terrorism is fundamentally different. It is not rooted in 
political objectives capable of negotiation, but rather in a reactionary, 
totalitarian ideology completely opposed to democracy, freedom and human 
rights. Negotiation with al-Qaida and its foreign jihadists is, therefore, 
politically and morally out of the question.
Yet, offering individuals attracted to al-Qaida a non-violent, political avenue 
to address their concerns could conceivably help produce change in years to 
come. Northern Ireland's chief constable, Hugh Orde, only last week told the 
Guardian that discussions with al-Qaida wouldn't be unthinkable, the question 
will be one of timing.
When the IRA's bloody armed campaign was raging more than 30 years ago, nobody 
in the British government could stomach talking with republican leaders except 
in surrender terms, since they were regarded as beyond the pale. Yet, in the 
middle of all this bloodshed and mayhem, contact was initiated which much later 
came to fruition.
Similar issues arise in Afghanistan, although the situation there of warlords 
attached to the Taliban for tactical reasons on the one hand, and the presence 
of al-Qaida leaders on the other, make the whole process especially complex.
The west urgently needs to match its commitment to global security with a 
commitment to global justice and global conflict resolution. The Northern 
Ireland experience, horrendous as it was, points to a rebalancing of foreign 
policy that can overcome horror with hope.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email

Bismillah [IslamCity] Our Birth Right

2008-06-09 Thread Ologunde Sa'eed
Men amp; Nations are not great by virtue of their wealth ,but by wealth of 
their virtues.

Our birth rightnbsp; is Islaam and it has to be defended always.
Many Jumatsnbsp; ahead
For more of this Islamic message visit
You can also join our Islamic Forum at

maa salaam
Abu Aisha Sa'eed Ologunde


Bismillah [IslamCity] HRW Slams Turkey Hijab Ruling

2008-06-09 Thread Erooth Mohamed
*HRW Slams Turkey Hijab Ruling*
Sat. June 7, 2008

  [image: Image]

*HRW said the court ruling forces Turkish women to choose between their
faith and education. (Reuters)*
ANKARA — Amid calls to curtail the powers of Turkey's Constitutional Court
over its ruling annulling a constitutional reform bill easing ban on hijab
in universities, Human Rights Watch on Saturday, June 7, denounced the
verdict as a violation of religious freedom.

This decision means that women who choose to wear a headscarf in Turkey
will be forced to choose between their religion and education, Holly
Cartner, Europe and Central Asia Director at HRW, said in a statement cited
by Reuters.

This is truly disappointing and does not bode well for the reform process.

The Constitutional Court, Turkey's highest court, on Thursday, June 5,
annulled a constitutional reform bill easing restrictions on hijab on

The Constitutional Court decision is direct interference in parliament's
legislative power, AK deputy chairman Dengir Mir Mehmet Firat told
reporters after an emergency meeting chaired by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan on Friday.

This is an open violation of the principle of separation of powers.

The parliament passed last February a constitutional change allowing
students to cover their heads only with traditional scarves tied loosely
under the chin. Veils covering the neck remained banned.

The opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) petitioned the Court, whose
verdicts can't be appealed, to scrap the amendment.

Many universities defied the law, refusing to allow students to don hijab,
an obligatory code of dress in Islam.

Hijab has been banned in public buildings, universities, schools and
government buildings in Muslim-majority Turkey since shortly after a 1980
military coup.


The court ruling also drew fire as a violation of the Turkish
Constitution. This
decision has raised questions over the separation of powers, said
parliament speaker Koksal Toptan.

It has led to serious concern over the development of our democracy, added
Toptan, who hails from the ruling AK party.

The Constitutional Court made a decision about the contents of this law
passed by 411 deputies of our parliament even though the constitution
clearly states the court can only carry out procedural examinations.

The speaker suggested drafting a new constitution and establishing a senate
in addition to a parliament to trim the powers of the Constitutional Court. I
believe it will be beneficial to debate a new constitution and the bicameral
system, he said.

The Turkish parliament was bicameral under the 1961 constitution, but became
unicameral again under the 1982 constitution, a legacy of a 1980 military
coup. Such a system will reduce the load on the Constitutional Court and
allow it to work more comfortably, said Toptan.

The burden of the Constitutional Court may ease in a two-chamber system.

The government has not commented on the senate proposal.

Turkish TV quoted the staunchly secularist, main opposition party CHP
Chairman Deniz Baykal as rejecting such a move.

The CHP would not be able to block it on its own and it was not immediately
clear how other parties would respond.

*Related Links:*
Turkish Court Annuls Hijab
Turkey's Delayed Hijab
Turkish Campuses Fail Hijab Test
Turkey Secularists Protest Hijab
Turkey's Hijab Dilemma Intensifies
Turkish Court Considers AKP
Why wear Hijab?
Hijab Protects
Hijab- Questions and Answers
Liberation by the Veil
Hijab: A lesson to be learned
Only For Allah
My Body is My Own Business
The War of the Women
Thinking about Hijab...some steps to consider?
Some advice to a young sis who wants to wear hijab

Bismillah [IslamCity] israel: Holocaust Remembrance Day - How Israelis celebrated it

2008-06-09 Thread Shahid.
Holocaust Remembrance Day - How Israelis celebrated it

On April 30, 2008 - a message began to circulate, via the internet, among 
Jewish youth in Jerusalem. It said every real Jew should meet at 10 p.m. at a 
north Jerusalem shopping mall - to kill Arabs! As many as 200 teenage boys, 
some driven by their parents - gathered in the mall to attack Arabs.

Because the mall had been closed in anticipation of Holocaust Remembrance Day, 
not an Arab was seen for two hours. Finally, two Arab teens passed on their way 
home to their refugee camp. The Jewish youth descended on them. They kicked, 
beat, and stabbed the two teens. Fortunately, a police vehicle happened by. The 
teenage mob scattered.

One assailant told police that the fiercest attack began on the smaller Arab 
boy. I more or less saw that they jumped, kicked, stepped on him, on the Arab. 
The kid was a trampoline and punching bag.I cried a little on the side. And 
then the police came, and all of them ran away like ants. If the police hadn't 
come after five minutes, that boy would have been done for. I came back after 
three or four minutes to see what was happening with him, and I heard him 
shouting, 'Mother, mother!'

Another participant said, I saw the Arab running with holes in his back and 
his whole jacket was full of blood. The emergency room log reports, Hematoma 
under right eye, shortness of breath, stabbed by a knife in two places on the 
back part of the chest cavity, etc. Surgeons had to open the boy's stomach to 
remove blood.

Full article @

Bismillah [IslamCity] Bilderberg exposed - Must watch videos

2008-06-09 Thread Qalb-e-Mehdi
The Bilderberg Group, an elite club of 120 families (politicians  executives) 
and they wants to rule the world. The group gained notoriety throughout the 
years as its meeting were highly secretive and participants agreed not to 
discuss details with the media. 

Bilderberg exposed - Part 1 of 6

Bilderberg exposed - Part 2 of 6

Bilderberg exposed - Part 3 of 6

Bilderberg exposed - Part 4 of 6

Bilderberg exposed - Part 5 of 6-

Bilderberg exposed - Part 6 of 6

Related stories on Bilderberg Group
Secretive meeting held in United States
Hillary  Obama In Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous
It has emerged that Obama's press entourage were not informed of his 
secret meeting with Hillary Clinton in Northern Virginia until they 
were literally locked inside a plane that was taxiing down the 
runway on its way to Chicago.
Spooks Infest Marriott Hotel As Bilderberg Begins
Photos: Bilderberg 2008 at the Westfields
Marriott in Washington D.C.
G. Edward Griffin on the Alex Jones Show: Bilderberg's NWO
allah hafiz

Bismillah [IslamCity] Israelis Enjoy Torturing Palestinians: Research

2008-06-09 Thread Shahid.
  Israelis Enjoy Torturing Palestinians

Grossman said the study shows a pattern practiced by hundreds and 

  CAIRO - Israeli soldiers enjoy torturing Palestinians, both men and 
women, and many of them use it to discharge energy, according to a recent study 
by an Israeli psychologist.

  At one point or another of their service, the majority of the 
interviewees enjoyed violence, Nufar Yishai-Karin, a clinical psychologist at 
the Hebrew University, told The Observer on Sunday, October 21.

  Interviewing 18 Israeli soldiers and three officers, Yishai-Karin heard 
confessions of brutal assaults troops routinely commit against Palestinians.

  All of the interviewees were among those serving with her at an army base 
in Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

  After finishing service, Yishai-Karin spent seven years investigating 
soldiers' abuse of Palestinians during the first intifada in the late 1980s and 
early 1990s.

  Some of the interviews soldiers revealed how they enjoyed the 
intoxication of power when they abuse helpless Palestinians.

  It's like a drug, one soldier told her.

  If I don't go into Rafah and if there isn't some kind of riot once in 
some week, I go nuts.


  For some of the Israeli soldiers, bashing the Palestinians made them feel 

  You feel that you are the law. You are the law. You are the one who 
decides, another soldier said.

  As though from the moment you leave the place that is called Eretz 
Yisrael [Israel] and go through the Erez checkpoint into the Gaza Strip, you 
are the law. You are God.

  With such pleasure in power, soldiers said, nothing was prohibited.

  One soldier described an incident when a Palestinian passer-by was shot 
for no fault of his.

  We were in a weapons carrier when this guy, around 25, passed by in the 
street and, just like that, for no reason - he didn't throw a stone, did 
nothing - bang, a bullet in the stomach, he shot him in the stomach and the guy 
is dying on the pavement and we keep going, apathetic, he recalled.

  No one gave him a second look.

  A fourth soldier revealed how he had no problem abusing Palestinian 
women in particular, recalling when he brutally beat one woman for throwing a 
clog on him.

  I kicked her here [pointing to the crotch], I broke everything there. 
She can't have children.

  Another woman's fault was to spat at him.

  I gave her the rifle butt in the face. She doesn't have what to spit 
with any more.


Yishai-Karin found that soldiers start abusing Palestinians from as 
early as their first weeks of training.

  Yishai-Karin found that the soldiers engage in violence against 
Palestinians from as early as their first weeks of basic training.

  Soldiers described how their commanders encouraged brutality against 
helpless Palestinians and even endorsed it.

  They recalled how one of their commanders began the first days of his 
leadership with beating up a four-year-old Palestinian child.

  So we do a first patrol with him. It's 6am, Rafah is under curfew, there 
isn't so much as a dog in the streets. Only a little boy of four playing in the 
sand, one soldier remembers.

  He is building a castle in his yard.

  Once spotting his target, the Israeli commander suddenly started running 
with his soldiers around him.

  He grabbed the boy. I am a degenerate if I am not telling you the truth. 
He broke his hand here at the wrist, broke his leg here. And started to stomp 
on his stomach, three times, and left, said the soldier .

  We are all there, jaws dropping, looking at him in shock.

  The next day I go out with him on another patrol, and the soldiers are 
already starting to do the same thing.

  The report findings, which recently found they way to mainstream Israeli 
media, sent shock waves in Israel, where new recruits are usually taught they 
are joining the most ethical army in the world.

  Israeli author David Grossman said Yishai-Karin's research is not about 
individuals but rather about hundreds and thousands who carried out a kind of 
'privatization' of a vast and general evil.

  Erlik Alhanan, the public face of Israeli refuseniks, has said that the 
number of soldiers who defy army orders to serve in the occupied territories is 
on the rise due to illegal army practices.

  At least 80 percent of reservists who refuse to do their military service 
in the occupied Palestinian territories have lost confidence in the declared 
moral principles of the Israeli army.

-- Source:

Vidéos of Interest

Why ME bleeds -

Peace, Propaganda  The Promised Land -

Israeli Strip Searching Women Children - 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Just For Today

2008-06-09 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
-- Forwarded message --

   *June 7*

*Someone who believes in me*


*Just for today, I will have faith in someone in NA who believes in me and
wants to help me in my recovery.*

*Basic Text, p. 96*


Not all of us arrive in NA and automatically stay clean.  But if we keep
coming back, we find in Narcotics Anonymous the support we need for our
recovery.  Staying clean is easier when we have someone who believes in us
even when we don't believe in ourselves.

Even the most frequent relapser in NA usually has one staunch supporter who
is always there, no matter what.  It is imperative that we find that one
person or group of people who believes in us.  When we ask them if we will
ever get clean, they will always reply, Yes, you can and you will.  Just
keep coming back!

We all need someone who believes in us, especially when we can't believe in
ourselves.  When we relapse, we undermine our already shattered
self-confidence, sometimes so badly that we begin to feel utterly hopeless.
At such times, we need the support of our loyal NA friends.  They tell us
that this can be our last relapse.  They know from experience that if we
keep coming to meetings, we will eventually get clean and stay clean.

It's hard for many of us to believe in ourselves.  But when someone loves us
unconditionally, offering support no matter how many times we've relapsed,
recovery in NA becomes a little more real for us.


*Just for today:*  I will find someone who believes in me.  I will believe
in them.

Bismillah [IslamCity] No Justice for Palestine, no golf for Israel! SPSC

2008-06-09 Thread Iman Badawi

--- On Sat, 6/7/08, Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign lt;[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]gt; wrote:

From: Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;
Subject: No Justice for Palestine, no golf for Israel!
Date: Saturday, June 7, 2008, 4:41 PM

1. Build a settlement in Eaglesham against Zionist fundraising for ethnic 

The Scottish branch of the racist JNF (Jewish National Fund) are having a 
fundraiser on June 17th - a pro-am golf tournament at Bonnyton golf club, 
Eaglesham, near Glasgow.nbsp; The JNF is a major pillar of Israeli apartheid; 
their financing of illegal settlement-building is an outrage.nbsp; The British 
and Scottish governments implicate all of us in the crimes of the JNF by 
according these criminals charitable status over here.

Bonnyton golf club supports illegal settlement-building in Palestine - join 
Scottish PSC to build a settlement on Bonnyton gold course!

There will be protesters at Bonnyton throughout the day of June 
17th.nbsp;There arenbsp;frequent number 44 buses from Union Street, outside 
Central Station, to Eaglesham.nbsp; A shuttle service of cars will take you 
from there to the nearby golf course protest.nbsp;
E-mail or call 0795 800 2591 to arrange.

2. A Palestinian-Scottish couple are driving a ton and a half of 
urgently-needed medicines to Gaza on July 10th
Khalil Al Niss and Linda Willis will take a van loaded with 1.5 tons of medical 
supplies from Scotland to Gaza, leaving from the Scottish Parliament at noon on 
Thursday, July 10th and arriving at the Rafah crossing in Egypt on Tuesday, 
July 15th. They will drive their precious cargo across Europe and the Middle 
East to Egypt’s border with Gaza, where Israel’s US- and EU- backed siege is 
causing critical shortages of all medical supplies, needless deaths and immense 
Khalil is originally from Jerusalem, Linda is a Scottish nurse. They are both 
taking time off work to make the journey.nbsp; Linda and Khalil need help of 
all kinds:

medicines and medical supplies
financial donations to buy medicine and desperately-needed spare parts for 
medical equipment.
All donations to Nationwide account sort code 07-44-56, account number 13670627
assistance and support along the way from Scotland to Gaza (see route map)
letters to your Egyptian Embassy to urge that Khalil and Linda be allowed 
unimpeded access into Gaza with their humanitarian cargo
any other skills or energy you can offer – fundraising of any kind, publicity, 
Contact Khalil amp; Linda on 079600 87 000
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign: 0131 620 0052, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The situation in Gaza is absolutely desperate.
The UN agency that provides food for Palestinian refugees says it can continue 
to distribute aid in Gaza for another 20 daysnbsp; The situation is 
deteriorating every day, with waste, water supply and transport problems 
Go to our website for a video appeal by Khalil and Linda and a map of their 

3. Keep informed: some key articles from SPSC website
In Occupied Palestine - June 5, 2008
Israel 'committing memorycide'

Living in a house which was taken from the owners is stealing. It's that 

Zionism or barbarism: Israeli strategist says large number of killed innocent 
civilians justified
UN report says Israeli demolition threatens thousandsnbsp;

Israeli police violent attack on peaceful demonstration by Palestinian citizens 
of Israel

Israeli military kills Gaza UN teacher in front of her children


Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Arabs shocked by Obama speech

2008-06-09 Thread David Gardield
nbsp;Did you expect anything else as he has to conform to the policy of those 
who pull the strings---The Jews

--- On Sat, 7/6/08, Islahonline lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt; wrote:

From: Islahonline lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Arabs shocked by Obama speech
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World lt;islamcity@yahoogroups.comgt;
Date: Saturday, 7 June, 2008, 1:36 PM




Arabs shocked by Obama speech

Barack Obama said he spoke as a
true friend of Israel [EPA]

Arab leaders have reacted with anger and disbelief to an intensely pro-Israeli 
speech delivered by Barack Obama, the US Democratic presumptive presidential 
Obama told the influential annual policy conference of the American Israel 
Public Affairs Council (Aipac): Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel 
and it must remain undivided.

His comments appalled Palestinians who see occupied East Jerusalem as part of a 
future Palestinian state.
Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, told Al Jazeera on Thursday: 
This is the worst thing to happen to us since 1967 ... he has given ammunition 
to extremists across the region.

What really disppoints me is that someone like Barack Obama, who runs a 
campaign on the theme of changenbsp;-nbsp;when it comes to Aipac and what's 
needed to be said differently about the Palestinian state, he fails.


Reporter's diary: Divided Jerusalem

Inside the US-Israel lobby
I say to Obama ... please stop being more Israeli than the Israelis 
themselves, leave the Israelis and Palestinians alone to make decisions 
required for peace.
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, rejected the statement, saying: We 
will not accept an independent Palestinian state without having Jerusalem as 
the capital.
I believe that case is clear.
He said: Jerusalem is part of the six points that are subjects on the 
negotiations' agenda.
And the whole world knows that East Jerusalem, Arab Jerusalem and Holy 
Jerusalem were occupied in 1967.
'Hope slashed'
Sami Abu Zuhri, anbsp;spokesman for Hamas, the largest Palestinian resistance 
group, also condemned the speech, saying on Thursday: These statements slash 
any hope of any change in the American foreign policy.

[They] assure that there is a total agreement between the two parties, the 
Democratic and the Republican, on support for the Israeli occupation at the 
expense of the rights of Arabs and Palestinian interests.


Israel and the NakbaThe ancient city of Jerusalem is divided into East and 
West. Israel captured East Jerusalem in the 1967 war and unilaterally annexed 
it, in a move condemned by the United Nations as illegal.

Jerusalem'snbsp;status as part of Israelnbsp;is notnbsp;internationally 
recognised and remains a central issue in peace negotiations.
'Unbreakable bond'
Obama, hours after securing his party's nomination on Wednesday, had gone on to 
say the US bond with Israel was unbreakable today, unbreakable tomorrow, 
unbreakable for ever and drew a standing ovation.
He told the gathering of one of US politics' most influential 
lobbyingnbsp;groups that, as president, he wouldnbsp;never compromise when 
it comes to Israel's security.

Your Views

What do you think the status of Jerusalem should be?

Send us your viewsHe also said any deal between Israelis and Palestinians 
should preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish state and that Hamas should be 
isolated and pledged to approve $30bn in aid to Israel over the next 10 years.
'Impressive speech'


Ehud Olmert, Israel 's prime minister, called the Illinois senator's speech 
very impressive.

His words on Jerusalem were very moving, Olmert told reporters after meeting 
George Bush, the US president, at the White House.

The Illinois senator's comments come a day after US media projected that Obama 
had enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination and face John McCain, the 
presumptive Republican candidate, in the November election.
Iranian 'threat'
Obama also had harsh words for Iran, vowing to work to eliminate the threat 
it posed to security in the Middle East and around the globe.

Obama said an undividednbsp;Jerusalem should
remain the capital of Israel [AFP]There's no greater threat to Israel or to 
the peace and stability of the region than Iran, he told the Aipac assembly.
Calling for aggressive, principled diplomacy with Tehran, he also warned he 
would never take the military option off the table in guaranteeing US and 
Israeli security.
Iranians responded cautiously, but optimisticly, with officials expressing 
nbsp;hope he can bring about change in Iran-US relations.
Hamidreza Hajibabaee, member of Iranian parliament, said: We hope that Obama 
turns his words into actions, 

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] FIOE Strongly Condemns Danish Embassy Attack

2008-06-09 Thread David Gardield
M intersting, However it was notnbsp;Islam that published cartoons of 
Danish leaders. I lslam does not provoke.
Islam has many who believe in tackling those who would insult the religion 
The West know this, yet they still provoke.
I am always saddened by the deaths of the innocent ones, I have a great 
compassion for them, but they will have their place in paradise. I doubt if 
anyone in the WEST really knows, or caresnbsp;about how many innocent little 
children and their vulnerable families were allowed to die due to ten years of 
illegal sanctions against Iraq, without mentioning the disasterous effects on 
the illegal invasion. We in the West have blood on our hands, the blolod on 
innocent Muslim families, we have never learned anything since the Crusader 
days, and in fact boost about such atrosities.
Thses things have an upside, as they turn people like me away from my country 
of birth and to Islam which In the name of Almighty ALLAH, may he always be 
priased,nbsp;I have been guided to and embraced,

--- On Sat, 7/6/08, Islahonline lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt; wrote:

From: Islahonline lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] FIOE Strongly Condemns Danish Embassy Attack
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World lt;islamcity@yahoogroups.comgt;
Date: Saturday, 7 June, 2008, 1:49 PM



FIOE Strongly Condemns Danish Embassy Attack

PRESS RELEASE - 2 June 2008

The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE) condemns the attack on 
the Danish Embassy in Islamabadnbsp;

Expressing its strongest condemnation, the Federation of Islamic Organisations 
in Europe (FIOE) received news of the attack on the Danish Embassy in Islamabad 
with a number of innocents falling victim.nbsp;

The Federation in condemning this attack, emphasises that it is an unacceptable 
and appalling act that cannot be justified. Moreover, it was unacceptable to 
respond to the abuse and misrepresentation aimed at the religion of Islam and 
the Noble Messenger Muhammad—peace be upon him, by committing acts that are 
rejected—absolutely. Responding to such provocation is fundamentally by working 
to enlighten minds, win hearts, and reinforce the values and culture of 
dialogue, rather than rousing tensions, targeting innocents, and perpetrating 
disgraceful acts that are to be condemned, and which Islam does not 

Muslims in Europe have followed with grave concern, the attempts to defame and 
misrepresent the religion of Islam, and the Noble Messenger Muhammad—peace be 
upon him, in some Danish newspapers. Many wise voices, Muslim and otherwise, 
had expressed fears of the negative consequences resulting from poisoning the 
atmosphere, inciting hatred, and fanning the flames of extremism. The 
Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE) had time and again warned 
all concerned of answering provocation with reactions that only inflame such 
insults and escalate matters, and achieving some of the aims of those agitating 
against Islam, i.e. entrenching hostility and driving Muslims and non-Muslims 
farther away from each other.nbsp;

Muslims in Europe are persevering in their efforts to bridge any gaps and draw 
Europe and the Muslim world ever closer, and shall continue to strive in that 
regard. Muslims in Europe hope that all concerned parties contribute 
positively; in the interests of supporting a culture of harmony and mutual 
understanding, and that all concerned act with a great measure of 
responsibility in dealing with such crucial matters.nbsp;

The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE) encourages Danish 
society, with all its constituents, including the Muslims, to show their unity 
and solidarity in confronting these events, and facing up to all those who 
harbour ill-intentions towards the values of coexistence, harmony, and mutual 

The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE)

2 June 2008



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