Bismillah [IslamCity] NIKAH: Wife's obligation

2008-07-14 Thread adil naveed
NIKAH: Wife's obligation 

Many prospective wives seem to have their hopes dashed after they enter into 
the contract of marriage. Once the honeymoon is over, suddenly things are not 
so rosy any more, and the reality of married life seems to be a far cry from 
the Haraam movies which many have been watching or the novels which end up with 
‘and they lived happily ever after’. In a world where it has become fashionable 
to engage in immoral activities and illicit relationships, it is becoming 
increasingly difficult to convince people that marriage is an important 
component of a pure society. 
What guidelines does the Shariáh give the wife to help cement the relationship 
between herself and her husband? 
The Qurãn in Surah Shuáraa (v74), describes the prayer of the pious in the 
following manner: ‘Oh our lord! Grant us wives and offspring who will be the 
joy and comfort of our eyes.’ The explanation of the above verse is clearly 
illustrated in the beautiful words of Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) (as 
narrated by ibn Abbaas) ‘The best woman (wife) is the one whom, when you look 
at her she pleases you, when you command her she obeys you, when you are not in 
her presence she safeguards herself and your belongings.’ 
Today, the wife adorns herself for weddings and other social events, 
beautifying herself to attract the attention of everyone else besides the one 
who is most important in her life. The husband comes home tired from work, only 
to find his wife shabbily dressed, too glued to the drama on TV to even reply 
to the Salaam of her husband. Meal times and other household duties are 
dictated by the box. The children are sent away to their rooms with the words 
‘Go to your room and read your Qurãn - or finish up your homework.’ These 
words, mind you, are not uttered because of some great concern for the child’s 
education; in fact it is only mentioned to get them out of the way. 
Remember! Your children may not do what you ask them to do, but they very often 
do what they see you do. What kind of example are we setting for these 
impressionable young minds? 
Unrealistic demands made by the wife do not help much to strengthen the marital 
bond. Being dictated by fashion and the way the people next door are living, 
the wife forces the husband to beg and borrow just to keep up with the Jones’s. 
‘If your brother’s wife can have it, then why can’t I?’ ‘Well your sister has 
it in her house.’ Comparing ourselves with those who have more than us does not 
help to relieve tension between husband and wife. The words of Nabi 
(Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) beautifully explain: 
‘Look at those who have less than you, do not look at those who have more than 
you, (if you do so) then you are more likely to appreciate Allah’s favours upon 
If a man had to choose a wife according to the guidelines given by Rasulullah 
(Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam), what kind of a person was he to look for? The 
Hadith states: ‘A woman is married for four (things); her wealth, her family 
status, her beauty and her religion. So choose (marry) the religious woman, 
otherwise you will be a loser.’ 
The most important quality of the wife is consciousness of her Islamic 
responsibilities. How Deeni conscious are you? How supportive are you of your 
husband when he is engaged in Deeni activities? Are you preventing him from 
serving humanity? 
The Qurãn in Surah Rum (v21) explains the purpose of marriage as a source of 
comfort for both partners. No one has married ‘Mr Perfect’ and no one is 
perfect! Are you making the environment in the home conducive to living in 
peace and harmony or does your husband feel that he rather be at work than at 
home with you? 
What degree of obedience does the Shariáh command the wife to have for her 
husband? A Hadith of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) explains, ‘If I 
had to command anyone to prostrate to somebody, I would have commanded the wife 
to prostrate before her husband.’ However, if your husband commands you to do 
something against the Shariáh you do not have to obey him. 
If the objectives of both husband and wife are to please Allah, the couple will 
find more common ground on which to build the relationship. 
Ml I Khamisa


Bismillah [IslamCity] when the cook is French...things get close....

2008-07-14 Thread raja chemayel




The invader,the spectator and the oportunist


 While attending that Conference in Paris
which was invented by Nicolas Sarkozy
to unite all Mediterranean countries
(around one table, at least) ,
Ehud Olmert declared that Israel
and Palestine were :
"never so close to an agreement" ,
It all depends how "close" is close
and how far it was ..before.
( I can say that North and South Pole
were also never so close!)
Secondly ,  I did not hear Abbas
repeating it...nor did he bring along
the elected Prime Minister Ismaiil Hannyah
who has a liberated Palestinian-sea-shores.

Do not pay attenting to my sarcasm,
nor to my natural-pessimism
but I hope you did not beleive this Olmert
because even 98% of the Israelis do not, neither.

Anyhow ,
one positive thing about that Paris conference
the cook is French ..
and Mahmoud Abbas was allowed to travel,
and to reach back now his Rammallah
she shall have to jump over seven walls.

Sherlock Hommos
Vive la sauce bearnaise !!!
14th. of July 2008
when the French Liberated la Bastille
before installing an Emperor..
if anyone knows what about was this conference,??
please inform the public.

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Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at 


2008-07-14 Thread adil naveed
The Western Whirlwind of Destruction has been constantly blowing across the 
developing world for decades and undermining the morals of the Youth. Of more 
recent times it has found new victims in young Muslim men and women who appear 
to be voluntarily stepping into its evil path. And whilst this "Tornado of the 
West" is leaving in its wake a continuous trail of crushed moral values amongst 
our young brothers and sisters, the parents are openly and unashamedly 
displaying an attitude of incredible irresponsibility by aiding and abetting 
the youngsters in their suicidal ventures.
Clear evidence of this open disobedience can be found, for instance, at Muslim 
weddings and engagement parties where the type of conduct reminiscent of the 
western way of life is fully exercised in its most naked form. At such function 
Muslim men and women, boys and girls, act and do things that have nothing in 
common with the actions and doings of true Muslims. Indeed, some of the 
formalities which are considered indispensable (by modern standards) at these 
gatherings are in diametric conflict with Islam and reminiscent of the times of 
jahiliyyah (ignorance).
Notwithstanding the fact that western-styled garments are designed primarily to 
emphasize the shape of the female body and to attract the attention of members 
of the opposite sex, these immodest apparels are worn by Muslim women who, in 
anticipation of the opportunity to show themselves off at weddings or 
engagements, start making preparations on a lavish scale by acquiring the more 
"modern" versions of these shamelessly styled clothing. What is even more 
deplorable is the practice of subjecting the bride to a most humiliating 
display on an elaborately prepared stage after clothing her in a gaudy western 
wedding gown and obliterating all her natural beauty with western cosmetics. 
And to ensure perfection in the scrupulously observed rituals of the west, the 
bride is provided with a retinue of bridesmaids, flower-girls and page-boy, 
with their faces similarly disfigured with the same satanic object of 
attracting the maximum of lustful stares. Crowds of
 people, including fashionably dressed men, are then allowed to queue up to see 
the "puppet show" and quench their unholy thirsts whilst trampling under their 
feet all the Islamic standards of modesty. Thus the auspicious occasion of 
nikah commences with many sins the primary one being zina of the eyes.
This slaughter of Islamic morals and principles by no means ends here. Some 
parents even go further and not only permit but actively encourage their 
off-spring to meet and speak, dine and dance and even roam around with 
strangers of the opposite sex in blatant violation of the Sunnah of the Holy 
Prophet (S.A.W.). These extremely dangerous divergences from traditional 
Islamic precepts are becoming more and more common and their perpetrators more 
and more shameless. In some Muslim weddings, even dancing forms part of these 
revolting innovations. In the words of Dr E.S. Sonners, ".social dancing is 
fundamentally sinful and evil.It is nothing more or less than damnable, 
diabolical, animal, physical dissipation". It is not, certainly not, beyond 
one's imagination to think of the lustful gazes and corruption of the minds of 
young, impressionable audiences which such diabolical displays are bound to 
cause. And as an ironical prelude, some invitation
 cards printed to advertise these most insidious and sinful programmes are 
headed: "In the Name of Allah...” What a mockery of Islamic values
The following are some of the practices that are meticulously carried out 
during the sacred occasions of Nikah and proposal despite the fact that they 
are either expressly forbidden in Shariah, or have no bases in Islam:
1. The engaged couple meet at a public gathering where the boy holds the girl's 
hand and slips a ring onto her finger whilst the two look romantically at each 
other. This act is void of modesty and completely foreign to Islamic culture. 
It is furthermore, a flagrant violation of the Quranic Law of Purdah. It is an 
evil innovation of the godless west, and those indulging in it should take 
cognizance of the Prophet's stern warning that "those who imitate others will 
rise on the Day of Judgment as of them".
2. The prohibition in Islam of the gathering and free mixing of the sexes is 
nowhere else more flagrantly violated than at engagement and wedding feasts. 
Members of both sexes, young and old, are accommodated in the same tent or hall 
without so much as a curtain partition between them and to add insult to 
injury, women, including immodestly dressed young spinsters, are waited upon by 
men. What shameless impudence on the part of the organizers, who appear to be 
blissfully unaware of the tremendous responsibility which they must shoulder 
for the resultant decline in the moral standard of the Muslims.
3. Another very indecent practice

Bismillah [IslamCity] Husband's Obligations

2008-07-14 Thread adil naveed
Husband's Obligations

Have you ever pondered over the Khutbah which the Imaam recited to you before 
you enthusiastically uttered ‘Nakahtuhaa Wa Qabiltuhaa Wa Tazawwajtuhaa?’
Let me help you and shed some light over this contract which you have made 
yourself party to, that is ‘The Nikah Contract’. The Imaam recited to you three 
verses from the Noble Qurãn:

Surah Nissa (4) verse 1
O Mankind Fear your guardian Lord who created you from a single soul, and He 
created from it its mate and from them He scattered many men and women…
Surah Aale Imraan (3) verse 102
O Ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a 
state of Islam.
Surah Ahzaab (33) verse 70
O Ye who believe. Fear Allah and make your utterances straight.
The common element in each of these verses is the Arabic word ‘Taqwa’ (God 
Consciousness). In these verses you are reminded to fear Allah Taãla in the 
manner you treat the lady you are taking as your wife. There is no one to see 
the way you conduct yourself within your home. Let the fact and belief that 
Allah is watching guide you in your treatment of the woman you have made your 
wife by granting her the respect and dignity she deserves.
You have brought somebody’s daughter into your own home. She left her family, 
her friends, close associates and in many cases even the town that she grew up 
in and she came to a strange environment just to share the rest of her life 
with you. Was she handed over to you to be a target of your physical and verbal 
The Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) is reported to have said in 
connection with the treatment of animals: ‘Fear Allah in your treatment of 
these animals who cannot speak.’ If this was his concern for the animals, how 
tremendously greater would his concern have been for humans; therefore, can you 
imagine what his reaction would have been to the wife battering that takes 
place nowadays?
What then are the most important ingredients of a happy marriage? Allah Taãla 
says in Surah Roum (30) verse 21:
‘And from amongst His signs is that He created for you from amongst yourselves 
partners, that you may live in tranquility with them, and He has created love 
and mercy between you. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect.’
It is this love and mercy that strengthens the bond of marriage. The ability to 
overlook each other’s faults goes a long way in cementing the relationship. 
Once a man came to Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) and said, ‘O 
Allah’s messenger, how many times should I forgive the wrongs of my slaves.’ 
The Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) replied, ‘Forgive them seventy times 
a day.’ If a worker is entitled to so much of compassion what about your 
lifelong companion?
Today, we are very courteous to our clients, appreciative to our colleagues and 
cheerful to our friends. Unfortunately this warmth is not extended to the poor 
wife who is most deserving of this courtesy and charm. The Prophet (Sallallaahu 
Álayhi Wasallam) is reported to have said, ‘The most complete of believers in 
faith are those who are best in character. The best of you are those who are 
best to their wives.’ (Mishkat)
Every person has shortcomings. It is therefore quite natural to find this in 
your partner. The Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) has advised us to take 
pleasure in the good and overlook the bad. Have you ever spared the thought 
that there may be so many habits which you possess that may be bringing grief 
to your wife? She may have been patiently bearing it not wanting to hurt your 
feelings. Let us go back and fulfil the demands of this contract.


By: Ml. I Khamissa


Bismillah [IslamCity] Unwanted babies in Karachi are rescued by Edhi Foundation as seen by CSM.

2008-07-14 Thread S. K.
Unwanted babies in Karachi are rescued by Edhi Foundation as seen by CSM.
  Why many religious organizations in the country do not undertake such
  humanitarian jobs instead of teaching children militancy? I asked this
  question and reply came into flash in my mind. Bigotry and fanaticism
  that are being exploited by enemies of Pakistan by spreading sectarian
  and ethnic hatred and planting their agents among their mids to
  destablize Pakistan.
  Shah N. Khan 


Bismillah [IslamCity] mideast: Animated Map of Middle East

2008-07-14 Thread Shahid
Islam Is the TruthAnimated Map of Middle East - 3000 years in 90 seconds

Bismillah [IslamCity] BT update: Incomplete program Eco terror 11.

2008-07-14 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal


--- On Mon, 14/7/08, Brasstacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Brasstacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BT update: Incomplete program Eco terror 11.
To: "BrassTacks1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 14 July, 2008, 1:22 AM

Dear all,
Assalam o alaikum. due to some unintentional
editing error, the program aired on Sunday night had an entire 9 minutes segment
missing which had dealt with the great socio-economic concept of Kifalat --
support to a poor person or family by another well to do person or family. News
1 seems pretty embarrassed at the error and are working to correct it. It is
possible that the full complete version may be aired as special programs within
the week or as repeats after Monday. If that does not happen, we shall cover
that in the next episode. inshallah.
Just wanted to share it with you. So far, we have

  Zakat in real wealth.
  Taam ul Miskeen.
  Kifalat ( was missed out in editing) . it was
  suggested that every family should try to support at least one family from the
  poorest and the needy.
  Ajr (payment to labour) and Ihsan.
  Land and agriculture.
  Savings in real wealth.
Please try to spread the message. Inshallah khair
for pak sarzameen and its dwellers.
Wassalam and dua
Zaid Hamid

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Arab lawyers criticize ICC move against Sudanese president

2008-07-14 Thread Ismail Kashkash

Arab lawyers criticize ICC move against Sudanese president  2008-07-14 00:17:04

CAIRO, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The Arab Lawyers Union on Sunday strongly 
slammed the International Criminal Court (ICC) for its expected move to issue 
an arrest warrant against Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.
The ICC decision to charge al-Bashir with war crimes in Darfur is "a 
flagrant violation of international law, norms and human rights," the Arab 
Lawyers Union said in a statement.
The union also criticized the United States for its alleged role behind the 
ICC move, saying it's a U.S. decision to punish al-Bashir for "his firm stand 
in defense of Sudan's just causes."
The United States is in an attempt to drag the ICC into a fight against 
al-Bashir, which contradicts the aim of the international court, said the 
At the request of Sudan, the Arab League has been in consultation with Arab 
foreign ministers to hold an emergency meeting on the disputes between Sudan 
and the ICC.
Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department declined on Friday to confirm the 
reports that ICC chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo would seek the arrest 
warrant for al-Bashir on alleged genocide charge.


Bismillah [IslamCity] German Government Publication Promotes Incestuous Pedophilia as Healthy Sex Ed

2008-07-14 Thread Shahid
German Government Publication Promotes Incestuous Pedophilia as Healthy Sex Ed
 "The wiser and deeper position of most civilizations recognized that children 
need a period of innocence," "Now the state, the German state, is encouraging 
destruction of this state of innocence,"

Pleasure and their distorted concept of freedom are their only guiding 

booklet is an obligatory read in nine German regions. 

It is used for training nursery, kindergarten and elementary school teachers. 
it is recommended by many organizations officially fighting pedophilia.

homeschool a forbidden practice


Bismillah [IslamCity] Can you forward this to your list, please?

2008-07-14 Thread Anas Faruqui
Can you forward this, please?

let me know if you can not forward pictures, because i can send you without

If you are not in Chicago Visit

Wassalam Alaikaum,

-- Forwarded message --
From: Zulfie Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 10:56 AM
Subject: Muslim Family Day at Six Flags ~ Ticket on SALE at Jummah Salat!

 In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind.
[image: Six Flags]  *Zabiha Halal Food!* will be available, this
We are working hard to finalize few vendors for the Muslim Community,
inshallah, as soon we get the information we will let you know.
  Assalamu Alaikum wrwb,
Insha Allah, on Saturday July 26th, 2008, Six Flags Great America at Gurnee,
IL, will be host to thousands of Muslims for the 4th annual Muslim Family
Day, an event organized by ICNA Chicago. This event is a fun outing for the
entire family with halal food, dedicated place for salat, and presence of
thousands of muslims! Come and enjoy with your fellow muslims famililies.
Below is the address to Six Flags and link for directions.

Six Flags Great America
542 N Route 21
Gurnee , IL 60031

Jazakallah Khair,
Zulife Khan
ICNA Chicago

 Tickets Information: (Tickets Sales on NOW!)
Special Discounted *Ticket Price*: $30
Save over 45% of the retail price $54.99...
100's of rides and shows
Children aged 2 and under free!

Tickets Locations:
DIC - Downtown Islamic Center
Nayab Mart - Devon
Iqra Bookstore - Devon
IFS Book Store - Islamic Foundation, Villa Park
Mosque Foundation - Bridgeview

 *Organized By:
   ICNA Chicago
   6224 N. California Ave.
   Chicago , IL 60659

**  Help us by advertising in your community

We appreciate all the help in promoting this event. Please print the flyer
and distribute in your community. Please send this email message to your
friends and family.

For more information please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bulk rates
available for 30 or more people, please contact us on the above email.
[image: SixFlags]
  [image: Safe 
email was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instant removal with
| Privacy Policy .
   ICNA Chicago | 6224 N. California Ave. | Chicago | IL | 60659

Bismillah [IslamCity] Ahmadiyya Mission/Movement in Turkey?

2008-07-14 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
If there is any such thing like Ahmadiyya Mission/Movement in Turkey and its 
Baitulhamd, who established and founded it and when and if it is still active?

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Bismillah [IslamCity] RE: [IslamCity] Appeal to Aid Effort to Establish Masjid in Puerto Rico

2008-07-14 Thread norma lacey
Assalam  mualaikum  Brother  Curtis  Shariff,
I  have   written  to  these  two  brothers  but  till  date  I  have  not  
receive  any  news.

>From  your   article re:  appeal  for help to Establish a Masjid,   I  have   
>spoken  to  our  Mesjid  here  in  Hongkong,  and  the  Islamic  Union  
>Chairman,  would  like  to  get  further  information regarding  this project.

As  you  can  see  from  the emails  below,  I  am  still,  awaiting  for  
their  reply,  Insha   Allah.

Is  there  anything  that  you  can  help in  getting  through  them?

Sis Nor

Appeal to Aid Effort to Establish Masjid in Puerto RicoDate: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 
10:25:22 +

Assalam  mualaikum Brothers in Islam, By the  Will  of  Allah  S.W.T. your  
message  was  forwarded to  me by IslamCity, Alhamdoolillah.  I spoken  to our  
Mesjid in  Wan  Chai,  Hong Kong,  and  the  Welfare  Commitee is  very  much  
interested  in helping  out with  the  building  of the  Mesjid in  Puerto  
Rico, Insha   Allah.   Can   somebody  out  there  liaise  with us  here  as 
how  to  stay  in  touch? Please  give  us  more  detail on  this  issue. Insha 
  Allah, we   will  help to  get the  Mesjid built. Wassalam,Sis Norma

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [IslamCity] Appeal to Aid 
Effort to Establish Masjid in Puerto RicoDate: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 12:47:05 +0800

Assalaam Alaikum.

I pray this message finds you and your family well. Regarding the appeal in 
Puerto Rico. Do you know any person in-charge of the project?  Haji A.D. Khan, 
the Welfare Committee Chairman of IUHK is interested in supporting the project 
but he wants to verify the information.


Basmah Lok
Office Manager Islamic Union of Hong KongTel: (852) 2575 2218  Fax: 
(852) 2834 5409

From: norma lacey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 11:20 
AMTo: basmah lokSubject: [IslamCity] Appeal to Aid Effort to Establish Masjid 
in Puerto Rico

Assalam  mualaikum,How  are  you?  I was reading this  article  and  I  wonder  
whether  Islamic  Un ion of  Hongkong  can  do  something to  help out?  It  is 
 interesting  to  know   that  even  in  Puerto  Rico our  Muslim bro and  sis 
are  doing great  work  there.Will  catch  up  with  you  soon,  Insha  just  closed for  Summer  Hols!Salam,Sis N

Bismillah, As Salaam AlaikumThis is an appeal to help establish a Masjid in 
Puerto Rico.  Hispanics are one of the fastest growing groups in Islam and Imam 
Yusef Masionet of Mobile Alabama, is in the forefront of the effort to 
introduce and promote Islam in the Hispanic community.Brother Yusef and I spent 
six weeks together in 2007 in an Imams Training Program in the United Arab 
Emiretes and he has been working hard propogating Islam to Hispanics before, 
during and after that program.  The establishment of a new Masjid in Puerto 
Rico is a major effort in this work.You can send contributions or request 
additional information at the following contacts: . The initial goal is to 
raise $2000 to fund the expenses of the first trip to Puerto Rico.  Please 
consider making a personal donation of making an announcement and a request for 
donation at your respective Masajids and Islamic Centers.Peace, Curtis [EMAIL 
As Salaamu Alaikum Bro Curtis: My contact for this effort is Khadijah 
Rivera1413 Harness Horse Lane AptsBrando, Florida [EMAIL PROTECTED] My Address 
is Yusef Maisonet1319 Bay AveMobile, Al 36605251 375-6177Yusef.References: 
Sister Khadijah in Florida- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Carrion in Atlanta [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] Good Puerto Rican Sister from AtlantaHajji Wilfredo Ruiz [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] from Puerto Rico He  made Hajj the same time we did and he does 
Chaplain work in the prisons in Puerto Rico,The reason that i am asking this is 
because i do not want to handle any moneys that will be for the purpose of this 
Historical trip i already have some organizations that will donate Qur'ans and 
Spanish Islamic Literature, but i need is traveling funds to and from Puerto 
Rico $521.00 and also some moneys to eat and for lodging, i'm seeking your help 
and advice from one and only brother that i have trust in and love like my own 
brother,Salaams to the family from my familyAL Hajji Yusef Maisonet

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Tonight: Channel 4/TV from 8-10 pm:Bad publicity on the QUR'AN and ISLAM????

2008-07-14 Thread Majid Katme