Bismillah [IslamCity] Terror's New Face..

2008-07-28 Thread Abhiyya
Pls. read the forwarded message.

With Regards


--- On Sat, 7/26/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Worth reading in the context of the Bangalore and Ahmedabad blasts..

 - - - - - -

Herald, Panjim, 19 June 2008



The arrest of sevaks of the Sanatan Sanstha, a
religious group that is behind the Hindu
Janajagruti Samiti for planting bombs in theatres
at Thane and Vashi brings a new dimension to
terrorism. Seven people were injured when one of
the bombs the sevaks planted exploded in the
parking lot of Thane's Gadkari Rangayatan theatre
on 4 June.

Ramesh Hanumant Gadkari, Mangesh Nikam, Santosh
Angre and Vikram Bhave, the four bombers, are all
full-time activists of the Sanatan Sanstha,
living in ashrams run by the organisation. Their
arrest at the end of a 10-day investigation by
the Maharashtra Anti-terrorism Cell exposes what
many have suspected for a few years now; that not
all terrorists are Muslim, and there are Hindu
terrorists too.

Police say that they had planted a bomb outside a
mosque or dargah on the Pen highway last Diwali,
to check its intensity, but it did not explode.
Nikam had earlier set off a bomb in the house of
a family in Ratnagiri that had converted to
Christianity, and was on bail awaiting trial.
Ever since there was an accidental bomb blast at
a flat in Nanded rented by Bajrang Dal activists
a few years ago, there has been suspicion that
extremist Hindu organisations were also carrying
out terrorist attacks. However, police forces in
India never seriously investigated this
phenomenon, blaming the Malegaon blasts, the
Mecca Masjid blast in Hyderabad, the blasts in
the Jaipur dargah, etc, on 'Islamic terrorists'.
Now, they need to have a fresh look, and see who
was really responsible.

The Sanstha has said it had no knowledge of these
activities and that the sevaks did it 'on their
own'. But the police say it is very clear that at
least one of the bombs was assembled in the
ashram premises, though no bomb-making materials
were found in Gadkari's room.

Protestations of innocence cannot be taken at
face value, and the organisation must be
investigated thoroughly. Its literature talks of
'elimination' of 'evildoers', and though no doubt
they will claim that the words are used in a
figurative and not literal sense, the police need
to rigorously look into its voluminous literature
and check out its activities with a fine tooth

This is because the Sanatan Sanstha and the
Bajrang Dal, two Hindu fundamentalist
organisations that are both linked to bomb
blasts, are the main constituents of the broad
joint front called the Hindu Janajagriti Samiti,
which has been holding public meetings all over
Goa claiming Hinduism is in danger, and making
provocative speeches.

Besides, the leader of the Sanstha, Dr Jayant
Athavale, lives mostly in Goa at Mangueshi, and
directs the organisation' s activities from this

What is especially troubling is the editorial
written by Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray in
yesterday's 'Saamna', his party's newspaper. He
has advocated the creation of 'Hindu suicide
squads', saying that the only way to counter the
threat of Islamic terror is by 'Hindu terror'.
This threat cannot be taken lightly. Terrorists
typically target innocents, and with two
varieties of terror 'taking on' each other with
bombs, it is ordinary people who will be blown to

 _ _ __

Bismillah [IslamCity] Dr. Javed Jamil - Man With a Mission

2008-07-28 Thread Yusuf Ibrahim
*Man With a **Mission***


Dr. Javed Jamil is a distinguished scholar whose recent works have ensured
him a place in the foremost ranks of Islamic thinkers. A clinician by
profession, he has made his mark in such diverse areas such as literature,
natural and medical sciences, theology and social work. He has published
more than a dozen works, which have won universal accolade from theologians,
political and social activists and intellectuals. Dr. Javed Jamil is the
founder Director of PEACE - an organization committed to universal peace and
brotherhood, Executive Chairman of International Centre for Applied Islamics
and Executive Director of ARSH - Mahavir Hospital, Saharanpur.

Still in his early forties, Dr. Jamil has already made a mark for his
creative and investigative works.

Interview with Dr Javed Jamil, Executive Chairman, International Centre for
Applied Islamics, Saharanpur, India

Dr. Javed Jamil's outstanding works in recent years like "The Essence of the
Divine Verses", "The Killer Sex", "Rediscovering the Universe" and "Islam
means Peace" along with his previous works like "In Search of a
Comprehensive Solution for AIDS" and "The Devil of Economic Fundamentalism"
are enough to make him one of the most thought provoking thinkers of the
present time. His latest series of articles, "Quran's Scientific and Social
Theories" is already attracting the attention in a big way. His approach is
novel, aggressive and uncompromising on the ideological issues facing the

Syed Adil interviewed Dr. Jamil during his visit to Bangalore. The interview
as under:

*Did you visit **Bangalore** only for delivering some talks or you had some
other agenda.*

It is true that I was invited to Bangalore to deliver some lectures. But
this was not the only aim. I always thought Bangalore was the right city and
had the right kind of Muslim intellectuals with whom I can work for my
mission of initiating a big movement against what I call Economic
Fundamentalism, particularly the commercialisation of evils that has led to
chaos at every level.

*How far did you succeed in your plan?*

For all intents and purposes, Alhamdulillah, my tour has proved extremely
successful. It has proved to be an eye opener for the right minded people of
Bangalore especially the educated Muslims. I have been able to sensitise
people about the threats posed by economic fundamentalism and the need to
counter this without delay. At most of the places, the audience was highly
receptive to my ideas. We held a brainstorming session in the end that
debated a detailed Plan of Action, which will soon be launched. Insha Allah.

*Your theory of Economic Fundamentalism almost runs through your entire
range of works. How did you develop this theory?*

It was for the first time during the writing of "In Search of a
Comprehensive solution for AIDS" that I used the phrase "Economic
Fundamentalism", which meant the dominance of economics in the affairs of
the world including health programmes. The book was published in 1997, and
was appreciated by several internationally renowned epidemiologists like
Prof. Lalit Nath, Former Director of India's premier medical institution,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, who described it as the most potent
weapon to fight AIDS. Since then I have been attacking this ideology and
endeavouring to present Islam as an alternative system, which alone can lead
the fight against the economic fundamentalism that began in the West but
soon became global with Westernism still holding its reins.

*Your approach towards Islam has been novel and refreshing. How do you
define your approach?*

*I look at Islam in its entirety, not only as the guideline for the
individual but also a guide for family and social institutions. I present
Islam as a system not just for Muslims, Muslim societies and Muslim
countries but also for the whole world. I have concentrated on studying the
world movements, programmes and policies, analysing them in the light of
Islam and presenting credible and effective Islamic alternatives. My
emphasis is on the application of Islamic principles to the current
situations at every conceivable level. I am trying to develop it into a
full-fledged discipline of Islamic studies, which I call Applied Islamics. *

*It is amazing to see that the medical doctors are playing an extremely
important role in Islamic movements. First, it was Dr. Asrar Ahmad.
Recently, Dr. Zakir Naik has gained extreme popularity and now you are fast
emerging as a name to reckon with. What do you think are the features that
distinguish your work from those of the other two doctors?*

It is Allah's grace that He is taking work from a number of medical doctors.
Dr Asrar Ahmad and Dr. Zakir Naik have become celebrities. They have devoted
their whole lives to Deen. I have not abandoned my profession yet, and due
to less exposure


2008-07-28 Thread syed sadath
 GOD NEWS!!! NO MORE VISA BAN NO MORE stamping the six-month 
re-entry ban

Wed, 09 Jul 2008 01:08:16 -0700
            *Interior Ministry lifts 6-month re-entry ban*
The Ministry of Interior has announced that effective 21 August, it will
stop stamping the six-month re-entry ban on the passports of expatriate
workers in the private sector whose residence visas have been cancelled. As
a result, expatriate workers whose residence visas had been cancelled can
now re-enter the UAE on any type of visa, other than employment. Moreover, a
source from the labor ministry confirmed that with the lifting of the ban,
the 'No Objection Certificate' (NOC) would no
 longer be required for
expatriate workers seeking a job transfer. The approval of the old sponsor
would be in the form of affixing his signature on the sponsorship transfer
application form, which would also bear the signature of the new sponsor.
Expatriate employees welcomed the new policy for providing them freedom to
change jobs. Employers, however, also want appropriate checks and balances
to be in place to prevent anyone from taking undue advantage of the
*UAE citizenship for highly-skilled professionals *
Labor Minister Dr. Ali bin Abdullah Al Kaabi recently proposed the granting
of UAE citizenship to a select category of highly qualified and skilled
professionals who have the potential to contribute to national development.
According to the minister, such a move
 would allow the country to benefit
from the expertise of these professionals.
*Interior Ministry introduces new 90-day mission entry visa*
Interior Minister Lt. Gen, Shaikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan has decreed the
introduction of a new 90-day entry visa. The new three-month visa called,
the Mission Entry Visa, will be issued to expatriate workers hired for
short-term special projects for an initial fee of Dh600. This new visa can
be renewed for another three months for a fee of Dh1,200. The Mission Entry
Visa can be issued to engineers, doctors, lawyers and technicians to carry
out an urgent or emergency assignment for a licensed company or a public or
private institution duly registered in the UAE. The spouse and children can
accompany the visa holder. The
 new visa was allegedly designed to simplify
the recruitment process for the employment of select foreign temporary
workers and, at the same time, put an end to the abuse of the visit visa for
employment purposes.
*Category A companies predominate *
The classification of companies based on the percentage of their work force
belonging to the same nationality is as follows: firms with 30 percent or
less are under category A, while those with 31 to 74 percent are under
category B and those listed as category C are firms with over 75 percent of
staff having the same nationality. According to the Labor Ministry, out of
some 440,000 companies registered in the UAE, 359,000 are or 81.8 percent in
category A; 36,000 are in category B;  and 44,000 are in category C. In
terms of number
 of workers, category A companies employ about 18 per cent or
450,000 out of 2.5 million expatriate workers in the country. However, a
senior ministry official cautioned that the data could be deceiving since
many of the companies in category A have either closed down or actually
employ fewer than four workers, thus exempting them from the
mixed-nationality and emiratization requirements.
 *Construction firms strive to diversify workforce*
Assistant undersecretary for labor Humaid bin Dimas clarified that even if
the construction industry were not subject to the emiratization quota, the
Labor Ministry would nevertheless recognize the companies' initiatives to
meet the two percent annual quota imposed on commercial companies with 50 or
more workers. Hence, construction companies, which rely
 heavily on thousands
of foreign laborers, have a chance to be upgraded from category B or C to
category A if they meet the stipulated criteria, as well as the
emiratization quota and diversification of culture requirements. This has
prompted a number of companies to start diversifying the nationalities of
their laborers to conform to the prescribed culture balance.
 *Visa violations by foreign workers*
The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs allegedly found 579 cases of visa
violations among foreign workers employed in various private companies
during the first eight months of the year. Of this number, 287 were on visit
visas, 122 on domestic worker visas and 170 on parental visas. The Labor Law
requires foreigners who want to work in the private sector to first obtain
 necessary work permit or labor card from the ministry.
 *Shelter for runway Filipino domestic workers*
Philippine labor attach� in Dubai Vicente Cabe confirmed that the consulate
has provided shelter to more than 60 runaway Filipino domestic workers who
were seeking protection from abusive employers. According to Cabe, 90
percent of the runa

Bismillah [IslamCity] Pakistan politics-- Fanatics control thousands of US nukes: JI

2008-07-28 Thread S A Hannan

  Fanatics control thousands of US nukes: JI
LAHORE, Jul 25: Jamaat-e-Islami secretary general Syed Munawar Hasan 
has said that America is the biggest terrorist state in the world whose 
thousands of nuclear and chemical weapons are in the hands of fanatics and 
being continuously used against the humanity.

  He was delivering Friday sermon at Mansoorah, says a press release by JI 
Media Cell. Munawar Hasan wondered why a hue and cry about Pakistan's nuclear 
program is being raised in the world, whereas the real threat to the world 
security and peace is the USA. He said thousands of American nuclear, chemical 
and biological weapons are in the control of unsafe hands, and America is the 
only country which used nuclear bombs against the innocent civilians killing 
millions of Japanese by dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He 
said still there are children being born in those cities suffer from the deadly 
affects of those bombs dropped fifty years ago.

  Munawar said America has always worked against the humanity in every turn 
of history. He said despite that UN had banned chemical weapons but America is 
using them committing genocide of innocent Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq.

  Munawar said Pakistani rulers are acting as slaves of Washington and the 
only country created in the name of Islam is being used against Muslims of the 
world. He said now our newly elected prime minister is going to Washington to 
renew his loyalties and submissiveness to George Bush, and a large delegation 
of sightseers accompanying him will enjoy luxuries of seven star hotels at the 
expense of hard earned money of a nation deprived of Roti, Kapra Aur Makan.

  Munawar said our Foreign Minister is acting as a Yes man of Washington, 
while our Trade Minister has launched Indian Trade Policy in Pakistan. He 
remarked that India is a lucky nation having her own trade minister in Pakistan 
to take care of her commercial interests in a supposedly hostile country. He, 
however, said Pakistan is an unlucky nation whose ministers watch American and 
Indian interests despite enjoying perks, privileges and protocol at the expense 
of public taxes.

  Munawar said it is height of cruelty that those raising slogans of Roti, 
Kapra Aur Makan have snatched every grain from the mouth of the poor masses, 
and every section of society is either on strike or staging protests against 
the so-called 'Awami' rulers.

  He said JI has launched its mass contact movement and its annual 
convention in October in Lahore will bring a new hope for change in the country.

Bismillah [IslamCity] uk: Islamophobia in a village

2008-07-28 Thread Shahid
This is why this is needed:

Islamophobia in a village
By Elham Asaad Buaras

Two Derby families say day trip to the picturesque Derbyshire village of Belpar 
was ruined by an Islamophobic attack.

Mohammed Khalifa, 37, and Nathalie Faustilio, 24, said the trip with their 
friends on May 18 went horribly wrong when Khalifa and his friend Hassan Sami, 
21, left their wives and two young children alone in the River Garden in North 
Mill Bridgefoot to withdraw money.

Faustilio, an Italian Muslim convert, and English convert, Soria Hawata, 21, 
were subjected to an unprovoked and sustained Islamophobic attack which left 
Khalifa with broken ribs and both women in constant fear.

Speaking to The Muslim News Faustilio said trouble began when she and her 
friend were left alone by their husbands in the park. "When they went to get 
money from the ATM machines a man started screaming really foul things at us."

Faustilio insists the nasty verbal abuse was so motiveless she initially 
thought he was aiming the expletives at his dog, "He was swearing and saying 
really bad things. At first I thought he was aiming his abuse at the dog then I 
found out he was aiming it at me."

The hijab wearing ladies said they were told to remove their "Pakistani 
clothes". "He told me and Soria to get out of the country, his exact words were 
'get the [EMAIL PROTECTED] out my country go back to Pakistan'. I told him I'm 
Italian and my friend was English and even if we weren't it was none of his 

The man continued to hurl verbal abuse at the two and even spat at Nathalie who 
said she had "never been subjected to Islamophobia at this level."

Faustilio said she was left in tears when she noticed no one in the park came 
to their assistance. Instead, she said, a small crowd had gathered to watch. "A 
couple of people thought it was amusing and were smiling but they didn't help 

"Only a lady working in the parks café called the police when Nathalie asked 
her to," said Hawata.

Khalifa said he returned to see his wife being sworn and spat at, "I shoved him 
out of the way he pushed me. I pushed him back and we fought."

The police arrived as the fighting ensued. Faustilio said her husband, who had 
broken his rib and his friend were arrested, whilst the assailant was taken to 
hospital for his broken nose. The women asked to go in the police car for 
protection but were told to walk. "Before my husband came the man called his 
mobile and said he was calling his mates to come over. The police said we had 
to walk to the police station in a village we didn't know with two small 
children for 15 minutes. We got lost and were worried the man's mates would 
come." However, later, Faustilio's husband and his friend were released without 

Hawata also criticised Derbyshire police for not keeping them informed on the 
fate of their harasser, "They haven't informed either me or Nathalie of what 
happened to the man. We know he was arrested at the time but we don't know what 
else happened."

"He lives in Derby near us and whenever I take public transport I worry that I 
might bump into him," said Hawata.

A spokesperson for Derbshire police told The Muslim News,, "A 39 year old man 
from Derby was taken to hospital where he had surgery on his nose. Once he was 
released from hospital he was arrested and questioned. He was released on bail 
and his case has been forwarded to the CPS for review."


2008-07-28 Thread Abhiyya

--- On Sat, 7/26/08, PRASHANT Ahmedabad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Date: Saturday, July 26, 2008, 9:51 PM

We condemn .in no uncertain terms the bomb blasts in Ahmedabad, Bangalore..and 
the other senseless acts of violence in other parts of the country..
We sympathise with all those affected very specially those who have lost
their near and dear ones..May the departed souls rest in peace..
We earnestly plead with all those who indulge in such heinous acts to eschew
any act of violence immediately. .These acts serve no purpose
We call upon the State and National Government and other concerned
authorities to deal with the situation firmly, but not to demonise any
particular community or randomly arrest any one..We also call upon these
officials to ensure that there there is justice and equity for all
Finally we call upon evey section of civil society (very specially the
leaders) to play a responsible role and to do all it can to maintain
communal peace, harmony and calm in these moments of crises
Fr Cedric Prakash sj
Director PRASHANT..
27 July 2008

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
With Regards


Bismillah [IslamCity] Iran - 7 - Last in the series

2008-07-28 Thread Mustafa Mawjee

 Iran Makes the Sciences A Part of Its Revolution

 By Thomas Erdbrink

 Washington Post Foreign Service

 Friday, June 6, 2008; A01

TEHRAN -- As Burton Richter, an American Nobel laureate in physics, entered the 
main auditorium of Tehran's prestigious Sharif University, hundreds of students 
rose to give him a loud and lengthy ovation. But Richter, wearing a white suit 
and leaning on a cane, said he was the one who should be awed.  "The students 
here are very impressive," Richter said, lauding the high level of education at 
Sharif. "I expect to hear a lot more from you all in the future."

The students, young men and women with laptops and smart briefcases, giggled in 
their seats. A woman took pictures of the Stanford professor emeritus, whose 
visit last month was part of a privately funded academic program run by the 
National Academies of the United States and universities in Iran.  "Mr. Richter 
is an example for us," explained Ismael Hosseini, a 23-year-old electrical 
engineering student who had managed to get a seat near the stage.   "But soon I 
will be able to listen to an Iranian scientist who has received a Nobel Prize 
for his or her work," he said. "We are all studying and researching hard to 
receive this honour."

Iran's determination to develop what it says is a nuclear energy program is 
part of a broader effort to promote technological self-sufficiency and to see 
Iran recognized as one of the world's most advanced nations. The country's 
leaders, who three decades ago wrested the government away from a ruler they 
saw as overly dependent on the West, invest heavily in scientific and 
industrial achievement, but critics say government backing is sometimes 
erratic, leaving Iran's technological promise unfulfilled.  Still, Iranian 
scientists claim breakthroughs in nanotechnology, biological researchers are 
pushing the boundaries of stem cell research and the country's car industry 
produces more cars than anywhere else in the region.

"Iran wants to join the group of countries that want to know about the biggest 
things, like space," Richter said to the students during his speech at Sharif 
University, which draws many of the country's best students. Every year, 1.5 
million young Iranians take a national university entrance exam, or 
"concourse." Of the 500,000 who pass and are entitled to free higher education, 
only the top 800 can attend Sharif, considered Iran's MIT.  At Sharif, students 
work in fields including aerospace and nanotechnology. While some end up 
advancing Iran's nuclear program or finding work in other technological fields 
in Iran, many, especially PhD candidates, are lured by employers or 
universities in Australia, Canada and the United States.

"Our visitors are flabbergasted when they come to our modern laboratories and 
see women PhD students. Often they had a completely different image of Iran, 
not as an academic country," said Abdolhassan Vafai, a professor at Sharif. 
"Here, we educate our students to solve problems that affect all humanity, like 
hunger, global warming and water shortages."  But in Iran, scientists are also 
expected to serve ideological goals. Iran's leaders hold up their inventions as 
proof that the country's 1979 revolution has made it independent and 

When President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad opened Iran's first space centre in 
February, he issued a launch order sending a test missile into space  and 
proclaimed that "no power can overcome Iran's will."  Iran hopes to launch its 
second satellite -- the first was launched commercially by a Russian company -- 
within weeks, using a locally made rocket. Iran's advances in this field cannot 
be independently verified.

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has encouraged scientific 
breakthroughs for geopolitical reasons. "If you are in pursuit of a science, 
you bring dissatisfaction and displeasure to the enemy of the revolution's 
aspirations," Khamenei said during a visit to Iran's stem cell research centre 
in 2006.

In 1979, revolutionaries accused Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the country's 
U.S.-backed autocrat, of having made Iran dependent on other states for 
technology, military equipment and industrial hardware.  During the Iran-Iraq 
war of the 1980s, the country faced an enemy supported by superpowers that 
isolated Iran. Squadrons of U.S.-made F-4 fighter jets were grounded because of 
U.S. sanctions that barred Iran's access to spare parts.

"In the war, the whole world was against us. We learned that we had to stand on 
our own two feet," said Manoucher Manteqi, chief executive of  Iran's largest 
carmaker, Iran Khodro. The state-run company produced more than 600,000 cars in 
2007 and has no equivalent in the Middle East. India's Tata Motors produced 
just over 400,000 vehicles in 2007; French automaker Peugeot Citroen -- with 
which Iran Khodro ha

Bismillah [IslamCity] learn the Qur'aan

2008-07-28 Thread syed sadath


Hadrat Uthman (Radhi Allaho anho) narrates that
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said:
"The best amongst you is the one who
learns the Qur'aan and teaches it."
( Tirmidhi )

  Messenger blocked? Want to chat? Go to

Bismillah [IslamCity] video: Karachi Kids' Lie Exposed By CNN

2008-07-28 Thread Shahid
Karachi Kids' Lie Exposed By CNN

Check it out:

Bismillah [IslamCity] Help! Arabic/English Qurans NEEDED for Masjid

2008-07-28 Thread Mohammed A
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu,

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    We would like to have about 300 copies of Quran or more. Due 
to  the Quran contest we are organizing in the holy month of  Ramadan , and 
to meet new muslim and non muslims demand we are in  need of more  Arabic 
translated Qur'an in english, to enable us organize the contest successfully, 
also we have newly converted muslims who are also in need of the Qurans.

We shall therefore be grateful if you could ,kindly pass this email to  any 
individual muslims  or organizations who  can voluntarily afford to get the 
requested number.or any number they can afford.
These Qurans are going to be distributed among the students who have done well 
in Quranic recitation and memorization competition, and also some individuals 
and organizations that have placed their applications in our  office. not 
forgetting the newly converted muslims whereby the translated Qurans in English 
are preferable for them. 
Looking foreward for a favourable response in this regard


Your  brother in Islam
M.Talib, J.P
Central Coast Islamic Cultural Centre
13A Howarth Street , WYONG 2259, NSW
Phone - (+61) 2 43531451
Mobile - (+61) 433770504
Fax - (+61) 2 43539234


Bismillah [IslamCity] A thought

2008-07-28 Thread PoEtEsS
As Salaamu Alaikum

"Sense of justice is one of the most wonderful ideals of Islam, because as I 
read in the Qur'an I find those dynamic principles of life, not mystic but 
practical ethics for the daily conduct of life suited to the whole world." 
Lectures on "The Ideals of Islam;" SPEECHES AND WRITINGS OF SAROJINI NAIDU, 
Madras, 1918, p. 167. 


"Happiness is the key to the foundation of satisfaction, contentment and 
acceptance"…Zohra Moosa


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] hadith: Exaggeration in praising the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassalam)

2008-07-28 Thread Shahid
Narrated 'Umar: 

  I heard the Prophet saying, "Do not exaggerate in praising me as the 
Christians praised the son of Mary, for I am only a Slave. So, call me the 
Slave of Allah and His Apostle." 

  Sahi Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 654

Bismillah [IslamCity] Firmness & Self Control

2008-07-28 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah*
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

Firmness & Self Control*

Surah Ale Imran

3:14 Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet: women and
sons; heaped-up hoards of gold and silver; horses branded (for blood and
excellence); and (wealth of) cattle and well-tilled land. Such are the
possessions of this world's life; but in nearness to Allah is the best of
the goals (to return to).

*15 Say: shall I give you glad tidings of things far better than those? For
the righteous are gardens in nearness to their Lord with rivers flowing
beneath; therein is their eternal home; with companions pure (and holy) and
the good pleasure of Allah. For in Allah's sight are (all) His servants.
16 (Namely) those who say: "Our Lord! we have indeed believed: forgive us
then our sins and save us from the agony of the fire."

17 Those who show patience firmness and self-control; who are true (in word
and deed); who worship devoutly; who spend (in the way of Allah); and who
pray for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning.

*18 There is no god but He: that is the witness of Allah His angels and
those endued with knowledge standing firm on justice. There is no god but He
the Exalted in Power the Wise.

19 The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His will): nor did the
people of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other after
knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah Allah is
swift in calling to account.*

20 So if they dispute with thee say: "I have submitted my whole self to
Allah and so have those who follow me." And say to the people of the Book
and to those who are unlearned: "Do ye (also) submit yourselves?" If they do
they are in right guidance but if they turn back thy duty is to convey the
Message; and in Allah's sight are (all) His servants.

Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek
refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition
whose isnad is gharib.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Turkey in the throes of Islamic revolution

2008-07-28 Thread S A Hannan
Dear Members,

Assalamu Alaikum.Please see my comments  in third brackets on this highly 
prejudicial article  against Islamic trend and  in particular about Turkish 
islamists.This is a  totally biased article.Fortunately Islamists now can 
decipher their intrigues in the name of psydo scholarship

Shah Abdul Hannan
  Turkey in the throes of Islamic revolution?
  By   21/7/08

  Turkey is half pregnant with political Islam, if one believes Western foreign 
ministries and the mainstream press. Its Islamist government last week arrested 
82 alleged coup plotters from Turkey's military and intellectual elite, on the 
strength of a secret indictment of 2,445 pages. Turkish media have offered 
fanciful allegations linking the secular leaders of the alleged "Ergenekon" 
plot to al-Qaeda as well as the violent Kurdish Workers' Party. Among those 
detailed are pillars of the secular establishment, including the head of the 
Ankara Chamber of Commerce and the Ankara editor of the country's leading daily 
newspaper, Cumhuriyet. 

  Before shouting "Reichstag Fire!" in a crowded theater, one should read the 
indictment, when and if it is made public. A few Western analysts, such as 
Michael Rubin at the American Enterprise Institute, are warning [1] that an 
Islamic putsch is possible, after the fashion of ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's 
1979 Islamic revolution in Iran. The question of the moment, though, is not 
whether mass arrests of civic leaders on charges that challenge the imagination 
are compatible with Turkey's image as a democratic nation, but rather why the 
world's media have printed very a harsh word about the administration of Prime 
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. 

  A perfect storm of enmity has come down on the beleaguered Turkish 
secularists, who find themselves without friends. That is a tragedy whose 
consequences will spill over Turkey's borders, for the secular model 
established by Kemal Ataturk after World War I was the Muslim world's best hope 
of adapting to modernity. Many years of misbehavior by Turkey's army and 
security services, the core institutions of secular power, have eroded their 
capacity to resist an Islamist takeover. 

  [This is a biased view.The writer is supporting such un-democratic and 
dogmatic secularism.kamal pasha established a dictatorship and this and his 
abusive rule and secularism he thinks to be best hope for the Muslim world]

  The United States State Department, meanwhile, has found a dubious use for 
what it thinks is a moderate strain of political Islam. Washington apparently 
hopes to steer Turkey into a regional bloc with the short-term aim of calming 
Iraq, and a longer-term objective of fostering a Sunni alliance against Iran's 
ambition to foment a Shi'ite revolution in the Middle East.

   [To foment a Shia revolution in the Middle east is another propaganda ]

  By rejecting Turkey's efforts to join the European Union, France and Germany 
have destroyed the credibility of the secular parties who seek integration with 
the West. Perhaps the Europeans already have consigned Turkey to the ward for 
political incurables, and do not think it worthwhile to try to revive 
Western-oriented secularism. Turkey's liberal intellectuals, who suffered 
intermittent but brutal repression at the hands of the secular military, think 
of the Islamist government as the enemy of their enemy, if not quite their 

  Sadly, the notion that moderate Islam will flourish in the Turkish nation 
demands that we believe in two myths, namely, moderate Islam and the Turkish 
nation. Too much effort is wasted parsing the political views of Erdogan, who 
began his career in the 1990s as an avowed Islamist and anti-secularist, but 
later espoused a muted form of Islam as leader of the Justice and Development 
Party (AKP). Whether Erdogan is a born-again moderate or a disguised jihadi is 
known only to the man himself. Islam in Turkey flourishes in full public view. 
At the village level, the AKP draws on the same sort of Saudi Arabian patronage 
that filled Pakistan with madrassas (seminaries) during the past two decades, 
and incubated the Wahhabi forces that have now all but buried the remnants of 
Pakistani secularism. 
  [Erdogan is doing what was possible .The military would not allow any formal 
islamic party, if they would then there would be no problem .Turks have been 
trained with the connivance of the West to worship Kamal Pasha because this 
would serve the West in blocking Islam, howsoever democratic it might be .]

  If political Islam prevails in Turkey, what will emerge is not the same 
country in different coloration, but a changeling, an entirely different 
nation. In a 1997 speech that earned him a prison term, Erdogan warned of two 
fundamentally different camps, the secularists who followed Kemal, and Muslims 
who followed sharia. These are not simply different camps, however, but 
different configurations of Turkish socie

Bismillah [IslamCity] Al-Khitab (Address Mode) & Al-Iltifat (Modal Switch)

2008-07-28 Thread dara
In the Name of the One who gave all things their speech

Al-Khitab (Address Mode) & Al-Iltifat (Modal Switch)

Based upon the seminal work of Grand Sage Jalaled-Din Suyuti the
Addressing expressions of Qur’an are explored for the purpose of the
English reader to develop a ‘feel’ for the Prophetic Language,
without the need to become a scholar of Arabic.

The addressing modes of Qur’an are often switched, from one to the
other, and the purpose behind such modal-switches are explored via the
language of the ‘difference method’ of Alrfred North Whitehead in
Process & Reality and extended by the Sufism’s terminology of
Ta’ayyun (Contrast).

The purpose of the metaphysics is not to declare or determine a final
truth, for all truths reside with Al-Haqq (The Absolute Truth, Allah)
and none with any servants, the true purpose is to develop a LANGUAGE to
describe as wide as possible and as general as possible the
terminologies of Qur’anic addressing.

Peculiar ‘handedness’ is discovered within the address-switches of
Qur’an which indicates a sort of symmetry-breakage that resembles the
Homochirality of the organic molecules within the living organisms, as
Homochirality indicates the symmetry-breakage to support life, the
handedness of the Qur’anic modal-switches are there to support
spiritual life!

--DARA The Eyeless Lion

Bismillah [IslamCity] 'It is a heinous crime against entire Humanity'

2008-07-28 Thread PP A Latheef

*'It is a heinous crime against entire Humanity'*

* Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Condemns Ahmedabad, **Bangalore** serial blasts *

New Delhi

27 July 2008

*Mr Nusrat Ali*, Secretary General of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind strongly
condemned the serial bomb blasts that exploded in Bangalore and Ahmedabad
and left at least 45 killed and many injured.

The secretary general of Jamaat termed it as a heinous crime against the
entire humanity and denounced the barbaric killing of innocent peoples. He
expressed grief, sympathies and solidarity with the families of the victims
and offered sincere condolence to them.

Mr Nusrat Ali demanded a high level impartial investigation which should be
carried out in a time bound manner and should result in identifying the real
culprits and their motives.

Mr Nusrat Ali cautioned the Government and the intelligence agencies that
the innocent peoples should not be harassed and detained unlawfully as it
happens in previous such incidents. Objecting strongly to the practice of
intelligence agencies of floating certain names without proper
investigation, he said, "Government must look into the real motives of
perpetrators of such crimes." He also cautioned the media, especially
electronic media not to draw the hasty conclusion on the basis of mere
speculations of intelligence agencies. "This blame game is not going to help
us," he added.

He appealed to the peoples of India to remain calm and united against the
divisive forces which are trying to disrupt the communal harmony and the
plural fabric of India.


*Media Dept.*

Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, HQ

 D-317, Dawat Nagar Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi-25
Fax: 011-26920975
*Bombers had done the most heinous crime against humanity: SIO*

 *Delhi** (24/07/2008)*: Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO)
condemned the bombings in Ahmedabad and recent in Bangalore in the strongest
terms. Who ever the bombers, they had done the most heinous crime against
humanity. SIO urges people of the whole country to remain calm and maintain
communal harmony. This is undoubtedly an effort to destabilize the peace and
harmony of this country. There has also been such incidence to sabotage some
political issues. SIO demands the Government that the perpetrators of
bombings have to be brought in front of justice. At the same time innocents
must not be tortured or punished as it is happening in various parts of the
country. It will only help the actual criminals played behind this crime.
SIO demands the media to do its duty truthfully and with sense of
responsibility, since media has got a major role in diverting such
incidences from reality.

P.P. Abdullatheef
Neeleswaram  - CLT