RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] saudi - 3.24 mil umrah visas issued

2008-09-13 Thread Zahrani, Abdulqader H (FPD)
I am defending the government but do not you see how much money the government 
spend on hospital and medication.  All the medication and admission is free for 
Hajjis and those who make Umrah.

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lina 
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 6:55 AM
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Subject: Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] saudi - 3.24 mil umrah visas issued

The number is  mind bloggling. No wonder why Saudi is one of the richest 
countries in the world. They know how to use religion as a wealth maker, while 
muslims in other countries, as poor as dirt, but still blindly contribute to  
the franchise owner.
The question is: How many people are allowed to stay in Saudi, without having 
to work like laborers and house maids.

--- On Mon, 9/8/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] saudi - 3.24 mil umrah visas issued
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 4:18 AM

3.24 million Umrah visas issued so far
Badea Abu Al-Naja I Arab News

MAKKAH: Around 3.24 million Umrah visas were issued by Saudi embassies across 
the world this year, according to statistics issued by the Central Haj 
Committee in Makkah.

The statistics - which cover the period from Feb. 8 until Sept. 5 - show that a 
total of 3,240,675 visas were issued after the Umrah season began in February. 
Until Sept.. 5, 2,622,408 foreign pilgrims arrived in the Kingdom, of which 
2,243,090 pilgrims had left.

Pilgrims who came to the Kingdom by air arrived at Jeddah's King Abdul Aziz 
Airport in 9,939 flights and left on 6,981 flights. Those who came by sea 
arrived at the Jeddah Islamic Port on 145 ships and left on 277 ships.

Makkah's hospitals dealt with 394,493 pilgrims who were admitted to several 
hospitals across the city suffering from serious illnesses; 38,042 of these 
pilgrims are yet to be discharged.

Official charity institutions distributed 225,954,000 loaves of bread, and the 
meat of 364,726 goats, 7,462 camels and 3,474 cows. 194,557 liters of Zamzam 
water were consumed in Makkah alone, while 29,231 liters were consumed in 
Madinah. Over 45,670,635 cubic meters of normal water were consumed in Makkah 
over the same period.

The Central Haj Committee's statistics added that 542,838 cars entered Makkah 
over the same period and that 543,716 had left the city. There were also 3,984 
recorded car accidents.

Municipal authorities removed 313,314 tons of garbage, Makkah police arrested 
1,490 beggars and 918 street peddlers, and Passport officials arrested 6,463 
violators of visa regulations in the same period.

Meanwhile, the Makkah mayor's office is currently studying the viability of 
setting up pedestrian friendly roads to contain the increasing numbers of 
people hit by cars in the city, the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported.

Bismillah [IslamCity] BeingMuslim in a Non-Muslim Society a

2008-09-13 Thread Media Watch
BeingMuslim in a Non-Muslim Society a
masriyaATL's Blog

This is a topic I've been thinking a lot about lately. For me, I was born and 
raised in the U.S., and it's where I'm currently residing. It's been 
interesting for me to grow religiously and spirituality amongst so many 
non-muslims. Most of my friends are non-muslims, and I love each one of them as 
if they were my own brothers and sisters. But, there is, indeed, a difference. 
One of the reasons why I joined this neighborhood was to connect with more 
people like me. It's interesting to talk to people and see that I'm not the 
only one who gets tired of constantly explaining myself. Constantly explaining 
how muslims in the true sense are in fact NOT terrorists. And how, in fact, all 
muslim women are not beaten by their men as an acceptable form of punishment. 

Those are just the two stereotypes that come to my mind right off the bat. I am 
proud of where I came from and proud of my beliefs, and it's so sad to me that 
there are a lot of nutsos out there who don't know the difference between fact 
and fiction and who also don't care to take the time to find out for 
themselves. I got an email today from one of my friends talking about the hit 
TV show 24 and how it's really becoming obvious that there's a reason why 
it's a favorite of the Bush administration. Unfortunately, this kind of 
propoganda is not what this country needs right now. It's rare you see 
anything positive about muslims and Islam in general on tv or any other media 
source. For me, it makes me angry and makes me want to do something about it. 
But, where I get stuck is where and how can I make a difference? I do educate 
people around me to the best of my ability, but it seems like the ignorance is 
spreading so quickly and so fiercely. I'm just putting this topic out there, 
and I'm interested to see what the response is and how others are 
feeling/dealing with it. If you respond to my blog, I'm asking you to please 
respond in an educated manner where we can all be heard. Thanks for reading my 

Bismillah [IslamCity] A very useful site to listen Islamic Audios (MP3)

2008-09-13 Thread Abu Amina
Dear Brothers and sisters,

Recently I have visited the following site and found very useful especially in 
the holy month of Ramadhan.

I advise you to visit and download or listen the mp3 files.  You will get an 
overall idea about the essence of Ibadaath in Islam.


Aboo Amina

Bismillah [IslamCity] Not One Cent For Gaza - By Yvonne Ridley

2008-09-13 Thread Abhiyya

Gaza is the world's largest open air prison and its infrastructure, emergency 
services and day to day operations have been crippled by the brutal Israeli-led 
siege. Yet despite this, Hamas - since it kicked out the corrupt Fatah fat cats 
last year - has managed to try and hold things together for its 1.5m citizens 
on the Gaza Strip. They are living a hand-to-mouth existence and innocent men, 
women and children are dying in this collective punishment because they are 
being denied vital medicines and access to the outside world, but their support 
of Hamas is growing by the day. I've seen it with my own eyes and so, unlike 
most of the outside politicians including the Quartet's Peace Envoy Tony Blair, 
I am coming from a point of knowledge.
Not One Cent For Gaza

It seems the Palestinian leader is overseeing the brutal siege of his own 
people in Gaza without a care or thought for them.

By Yvonne Ridley
JUST when you think the Zionist leaders have peaked in arrogance and the 
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has peaked in ignorance, a new scheme comes 
along that is almost beyond belief, prompting me to wonder if they are all 
taking crack cocaine.

Apparently Defence Minister Ehud Barak and the Pharonic Mubarak opened serious 
discussions about the deployment of an Arab force in the Gaza Strip consisting 
largely of Egyptian and some Saudi troops.

Apparently the two said they would eventually like to expand the deployment of 
Arab and international forces to the West Bank as well, with those troops 
consisting largely of Jordanian forces, according to the Israeli plan.

The reason for this nonsense? Well I believe it is because Hamas, the 
democratically elected government (certainly in Gaza) is doing such a good job 
of maintaining law and order and are growing in popularity with ordinary 
Palestinians that their continued rise is viewed as a huge threat ... not just 
to the Zionist interlopers but to the rest of the leadership in the Arab world.

Gaza is the world's largest open air prison and its infrastructure, emergency 
services and day to day operations have been crippled by the brutal Israeli-led 

Yet despite this, Hamas - since it kicked out the corrupt Fatah fat cats last 
year - has managed to try and hold things together for its 1.5m citizens on the 
Gaza Strip.

They are living a hand-to-mouth existence and innocent men, women and children 
are dying in this collective punishment because they are being denied vital 
medicines and access to the outside world, but their support of Hamas is 
growing by the day. I've seen it with my own eyes and so, unlike most of the 
outside politicians including the Quartet's Peace Envoy Tony Blair, I am coming 
from a point of knowledge.

I, along with more than 40 other international peace activists, went to Gaza 
recently by boat to smash the seaborne part of the siege, and we saw for 
ourselves the dreadful situation imposed on the Gazans.

But I was also able to wander and move around freely and discovered Gaza to be 
among one of the safest cities in the world ... certainly much more safe than 
the streets of London or New York. Crime is down more than 80 per cent since 
Hamas police took over - the statistics are available.

One day myself and film-maker Aki Nawaz wandered down on to the beach and took 
part in a lively, political discussion with ordinary Palestinians ... and some 
of them made it clear they did not like or support Hamas. But what we did was 
taken part in a full and frank discussion and such freedoms of speech are not 
allowed or encouraged in the rest of the Arab world.

The fact is, there is so much irrational hatred for Hamas from Israel, America 
and Europe that the politicians just refuse to accept the truth and the truth 
is the majority of Gazans love and support Hamas.

And here's why. The Hamas leadership and members are suffering just as much as 
the ordinary citizens of Gaza. They endure the hardship of the siege, they have 
their power supplies cut off, they have to put up with Israel switching off the 
tap water when it chooses. They, too are suffering and the people can see this 
with their own eyes.

It really does appear as if the Hamas leadership can not be bought or corrupted.

Millions of dollars and Euros are pouring in to the Palestinian Authority's 
coffers controlled by Abu Mazen and NOT ONE CENT reaches the people of Gaza. 
Sadly, it seems the Palestinian leader is overseeing the brutal siege of his 
own people in Gaza without a care or thought for them.

I've previously met both Abu Mazen and Yassir Arafat and I can tell you the 
former is a pale imitation of the latter. Arafat suffered daily alongside his 
own people and I witnessed firsthand when I went to his HQ in Ramallah in 2003.
The only financial interest Abu Mazen has in Gaza is his own obscenely 
luxurious Hollywood villa which nestles in uneasy splendour next to crumbling 

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Ramadan in Palestine

2008-09-13 Thread Lina Brown
There is one thing that I don't understand  about the alleged  oppression of 
the Palestinians by the Israelis, is that, if the Palestinians are really 
oppressed, then how do we explain the faact that they don't look like they are 
mal nourished and not healthy at all , and if they are so oppressed, then  why 
is it that each family has 4, 5 , 6 or even a dozen children?
If you know what an oppressed population looks like, try look at the people of 
Dafur and in other African countries.

--- On Sat, 9/6/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Ramadan in Palestine
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Date: Saturday, September 6, 2008, 4:54 PM

The scope of selfless service is not limited to great gestures, heroic acts, 
and huge donations to public institutions. They also serve who exprss their 
love in little things.  A word that gives courage to a broken heart or a smile 
that brings hope in the midst of gloom has as much claim to be regarded as 
service as difficult sacrifices and heroic self-denials.  A glance that wipes 
out bitterness from the heart is also service, although there may be no thought 
of service in it.  When taken by themselves, all these things seem to be small, 
but life is made up of such small things.  If these small things were ignored, 
life would be not only unbeautiful but unbearable Meher Baba

Palestinian houses are easily distinguished from Israeli houses by one 
non-variant feature: Palestinian houses have water storage tanks on top of 
them..  Running water 24 hours a day is reserved for Israeli colonial 
settlers.. A trickle is occasionally sent our way and we try to maximize its 
use.  But storage tanks on top of roofs are increasingly not helpful as the 
water pressure is so low when it is on that water cannot reach that high. Those 
who can afford it, have started putting new tanks on the ground or buying 
supplemental water.  Drilling and maintaining wells (as our ancestors did) has 
been forbidden by Israeli regulations for many decades.  Our old house is an 
exception since we do have a well that collects rainwater.  Occasionally after 
long stretches of no or barely running water, a relative asks if they could 
have a bath at our house. Water here also costs a lot more than it does to 
Israeli colonial settlers.  Not coincidentally the
 water we are denied is our water.  80% of the water of the West Bank is used 
by Israeli Jews (illegally according to International law).  Yesterday, tens of 
thousands of Palestinians waited at a checkpoint for hours but most were denied 
entrance to pray in the holiest site for Islam in Palestine on the first holy 
Friday of Ramadan.  Their denial is also an illegal act by International law.  
All those people stood and sweated in the sun (36 C, nearly 100 F) for hours to 
be finally turned back and went to their modest homes with no running water to 
even take a simple bath.  Images flashed before my eyes of families separated 
as older members allowed to pass, children getting frustrated, a women fainted 
(Muslims are also fasting so it is hard to stand in the heat while not able to 
drink water).  

I wished every world leader stood there in line in the face of the occupation, 
the face of oppression and colonization. I wished that people who are 
indifferent open their mind and hearts to the reality of what is going on.  I 
talked to a women who had 8 children.  Her husband brings in a meager wage that 
is not even enough to feed her family. Her eldest son (19 year old) had to 
leave the University because they could not afford the tuition ($700/semester) 
. Her second son had a brain tumor and is unable to function well in school or 
work.  Unemployment here is twice what it was in the US during the great 
Depression of the 1930s. Ofcourse Israel has no such economic woes; their 
economy is based on selling weapons and security related gear (much of it US 
and much of it funded by us, US taxpayers) and that business is booming thanks 
to Zionist inspired war on terror.
I thought of this poem by a Palestinian Child.

The definition of occupation
By Abdelnasser Rashid, April 15, 2006, 11th Grade student, PALESTINE

Occupied, terrorized, genocide
while the whole world is hypnotized,
Sixty years, incessant tears
no day passes by without countless fears
For our lives, our wives, our children cry
yet the world turns away, and our spirits die.
For my land, I do stand
but I remain hopeless without a helping hand,
Oppression, suppression, depression
of every aspect of my life, you've taken possession,
Our weapons are stones, to protect our homes
but your bulldozers win and terror roams,
Yours are tanks, helicopters, and military jeeps
to kill the young man, as his mother weeps,
You control our electricity, you control our seas
you control our streets, and uproot our trees,
You close our schools, our children can't 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Asif Zardari has given his first salute to Washington with a joint press conference with US-agent Hamid Karzai just after taking oath.

2008-09-13 Thread S A Hannan
LAHORE, Sept 09: Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmad has said that 
president Asif Zardari has given his first salute to Washington with a joint 
press conference with US-agent Hamid Karzai just after taking oath.

  Though Gen Musharraf has departed from president's House but his 
policies, spirit and slavish mentality is still ruling the roost, he said in a 
statement issued on Tuesday.

  Qazi said sitting besides Karzai, Zardari has given the message to the 
west that he is ready to act like Karzai to implement their agenda. He said the 
manner of the beginning of Zardari's reign has deeply frustrated the patriotic 
citizens and gave a message to the nation that it was now hostage to a new 
agent of the biggest terrorist of the world. Qazi said giving such an 
expression did not augur well for Zardari himself.

  Qazi said masses were expecting that Zardari would announce restoration 
of independent judiciary sacked by Gen Musharraf, gave his policy for 
eliminating price hike, unemployment and power-food crises, and reverse the 
policies supporting US war on terror to end the continuous US attacks from 
Afghan territory. But the nation was greatly disappointed on all those counts. 
He said Zardari also disappointed Kashmiris by avoiding clear statement on 
Kashmir issue.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Appeal for the Release of Dr Afia Siddiqui Her 3 Children

2008-09-13 Thread Mohammed A


Bismillah [IslamCity] Chicago Tribune Imam W.D. Mohammed Photos / Guestbook for

2008-09-13 Thread Curtis Sharif,0,1283549.photogallery


Bismillah [IslamCity] Chinese governments impose rules for Ramadan

2008-09-13 Thread Shahid

Local Chinese governments impose rules for Ramadan
By Edward Wong Published: September 8, 2008  E-Mail Article


Local governments in a Muslim desert region in western China have imposed 
strict limits on religious practices during the traditional Muslim fasting 
month of Ramadan, which began last week, according to the Web sites of four of 
those governments.
The rules include prohibiting women from wearing veils and men from growing 
beards, as well as barring government officials from observing Ramadan. One 
town, Yingmaili, mandates that local officials check up on mosques at least 
twice a week during Ramadan.

The local governments administer areas in the western part of Xinjiang, a vast 
autonomous region that is home to the Uighurs, a Muslim Turkic people who often 
chafe under rule by the ethnic Han Chinese.

In August, a wave of attacks swept through Xinjiang, the largest surge of 
violence in the region in years. Some local officials blamed the instability on 
separatist groups, and the central government dispatched security forces to the 

The limits on religious practices put in place by the local governments appear 
to be part of the broader security crackdown. The areas affected by the new 
rules are near Kuqa, a town struck by multiple bombings on Aug. 10.

The Web site of the town of Yingmaili lists nine rules put in place to 
maintain stability during Ramadan.
They include:

  1.. Barring teachers from observing Ramadan
  2.. Barring students from observing Ramadan
  3.. Prohibiting retired government officials from entering mosques
  4.. Requiring men to shave off beards
  5.. Requiring women to take off veils
  6.. Mosques may not let people from outside the town stay overnight
  7.. Restaurants must maintain normal hours of business. (Many restaurants 
close during daytime hours over Ramadan because of the fasting, which is 
supposed to last from sunrise to sunset. Muslims observing Ramadan typically 
eat substantial meals at night.)
In nearby Xinhe County, the government has decreed that Communist Party 
members, civil servants and retired officials not observe Ramadan, enter 
mosques or take part in any religious activities during the month. Worshipers 
cannot make pilgrimages to tombs, so as to avoid any group event that might 
harm social stability, according to the Xinhe government's Web site.

In addition, children and students cannot be forced to attend religious 
activities, and women cannot be forced to wear veils.

County rules also stress the need to maintain a strict watch over migrant 
workers and visitors from outside. Companies and families who have workers or 
visitors from outside the county are required to register the outsiders with 
the nearest police station and have the outsiders sign an agreement on 
maintaining social stability.

Some of those rules are similar to ones implemented in Beijing just before the 
Olympic Games started in early August.

Shayar County, which includes the town of Yingmaili, said on its Web site that 
migrants must register with the police, and that any missionary work by 
outsiders is banned. (Even outside Ramadan, China is wary of missionaries doing 
any kind of work in the country.)

The city of Artux is also preventing its teachers and students from observing 
Ramadan. As a result, schools have to keep serving food and water, city 
authorities said. As with the other governments, the overall goal is to 
maintain social stability during Ramadan.

In some parts of the world, militants see Ramadan as a good time to carry out 
attacks because they believe achieving martyrdom during the holy fasting month 
is an especially sacred act. But the Chinese government has not presented any 
evidence showing that separatists in Xinjiang might do that this year.

Huang Yuanxi contributed research.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Associated Press Video Report / Audio EVENT - IWDM Family Press Conference

2008-09-13 Thread Curtis Sharif
Associated Press Report

Family Press Conference

--- On Wed, 9/10/08, Mubaashir Uqdah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Mubaashir Uqdah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: VIDEO EVENT - IWDM Family Press Conference
To: Mubaashir Uqdah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 5:09 PM

Untitled Document


  NJ Muslim E-mail

Rahmanir Rahim

The attached audio file is a
recording of the Press Conference held at 2pm central time at the
Muslim Journal Offices in Homewood Illinois
on the Passing of
Imam W. D. Mohammed (Rahim' Allahu Alaihi).  May Allah bless us
to continue his legacy.
Ramadan Mubarak,
Faheem Shuaibe

You can access this by clicking the following



Bismillah [IslamCity] two occasions for joy

2008-09-13 Thread ***hajikhan***

Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that
the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said:
The fasting person has two occasions for joy,
one when he breaks his fast because of his breaking it
(and thus enjoys what he had to abstain from)
and the other when he meets his Lord
because of the reward for his fast.
[Al-Bukhaari  Muslim].

Get a sneak peak at messages with a handy reading pane with All new Yahoo! 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re:antislam: Cartoons insulting Muhammad (saw) republished in Tamil Nad

2008-09-13 Thread saleh al sharif
assalam alikom warahmatoALLAH wabarakatoh
BROTHER, i have no knowledge more than you do, but i will give you my point of 

1-since we couldnt do any better before, because of the people, who claim that 
they are our leaders ,apologized for any action done by puplic.
in addition to that ,they brought a bright idea about mixed religon and it is 
in process now.
2-you can solve this proplem localy by ignoring this tiny paper and dont give 
it more than it deserve ,plus with the agreement of your local community try to 
make similar drawings for there respctive leaders i.e.the POPE ,if they are 
christians or BUDDAH ,if they are pagans and so on.and stop doing that when 
they quit. 
and you about the POPE you can do alot reg. sexual abuse in the churches.
but about others ,you may know beter than i do. 

this all i can say and i hope i said something significant...
wassalam alikom warahmatoALLAH wabarakatoh.


Bismillah [IslamCity] hadith: Prophet's food for opening fast

2008-09-13 Thread Shahid
Narrated by Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him): 

  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to break his 
fast with fresh dates before praying; if fresh dates were not available, he 
would eat (dried) dates; if dried dates were not available, he would have a few 
sips of water. 

  Reported by al-Tirmidhi, 3/79 and others

Bismillah [IslamCity] True Repentence

2008-09-13 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah*
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa
barakatuhu True

O Belivers! Repent to Allâh truly and sincerely [Al-Ta*h*rîm (66): 8]

In explanation of this verse, Al-*T*abarî reports the following narrations
in his *Tafsîr*:

He reports that 'Umar b. Al-Kha*tt*âb – Allâh be pleased with him – was
asked about true repentance. He replied, It is that a man repents from an
evil deed, and never does it again. He also reports that 'Umar said, It is
that you repent from the sin and never do it again, or never intend to do it

Similarly, he reports from 'Abdullâh (Ibn 'Abbâs) – Allâh be pleased with
him – that he said, A person repents, and then never goes back to the
sin., and It means that a person never returns to the sin from which he

Mujâhid is quoted as saying, They seek Allâh's forgiveness and then never
go back to sin.

Qatâdah is quoted as saying, It is the true and sincere repentance.
Al-*T*abarî, *Tafsîr Al-Tabarî, *in the commentary on Sûrah Al-Ta*h*rîm.

*Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of
Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and
grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me).

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah (May Allah be pleased
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say,  O Allah, grant me
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek
refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell.
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition
whose isnad is gharib.



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