RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] If U R abusing sahaba? (part 1 of 2)

2008-09-25 Thread Iftikhar Ahmad
d=30540/stime=1222032720/nc1=3848585/nc2=5349272/nc3=5191954   Question:Did
a women is allowed to do eatkaf out of from  his house.
   just like in any Mosque whre a seprarte postion is alloted for ladies.
  Question 02:Does a women is allowed to do eatkaf in majid Haram (makka) or
in Mosque of prophet in madina

Bismillah [IslamCity] all innocents are equal......but the bombers are not !!

2008-09-25 Thread raja chemayel

A Bomb in Islamabad kills 56 innocent-souls.
A fortnight before ,  another bombing in Pakistan
has killed another 96 innocent-souls.
Can we assume that all innocents are equal ??
While assuming that all bombers are criminals ??
But let us not forget that there are Criminal-actions
and Criminal-reactions
The reaction blames the action
while the innocents do die unaware whether the action killed them
or the consequent-reaction.
One fact is undeniable and relevant:
those who died in the Marriott Hotel were probably or presumably
richer than those 96 who died in the poor Tribal Areas of Pakistan.
While if there were any arms-dealers among those victims
one would logically find them in that 5 Stars Hotel and not
among the poor farmers in East-Pakistan-Provinces.
The same goes for the dealers in nuclear technologies ,
they love 5 stars Hotels...
In the eyes of God and of humanity ,
all living and all dead are equals
but there are rich-dead and also poor-dead.
My condolences to both
but my sympathy declines a bit to one side.
Raja Chemayel
equality brings justice brings peace
21St of September 2008


Bismillah [IslamCity] uk: Warning over Hajj pilgrimage rip-offs

2008-09-25 Thread Shahid
Warning over Hajj pilgrimage rip-offs
Thousands of pilgrims perform night prayers at the Grand Mosque in Mecca during 
last year's Hajj.  
The government has warned British Muslims embarking on the Hajj pilgrimage to 
Mecca in Saudi Arabia this year to be on their guard against scams and 
rip-offs. Up to 50,000 Britons make the pilgrimage each year, but ministers 
have become concerned with the growing problem of unscrupulous travel agents 
cashing in on religious devotion. 

Hotel and flight deals can cost more than £3,000, and every year hundreds fall 
victim to a variety of scams: paying for a five-star hotel near the Masjid 
al-Haram (the mosque that is a focal point of the event), but getting a tiny 
room far from the centre of Mecca; visas and flight tickets not arriving; and 
in extreme cases agents disappearing with their money.

Consumer affairs minister Gareth Thomas convened a conference of travel agents, 
community groups and consumer organisations last month, and told them that the 
government aimed to 'help pilgrims avoid booking with rogue travel agents, and 
to get redress when they fall foul of those who break the law'. 

The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform is planning a 
poster campaign in community centres and mosques aimed at improving awareness 
of consumer rights, and stressing the need to check that a tour operator to 
December's Hajj holds an Air Travel Organiser's Licence (Atol), that any 
company booked with is a member of a trade organisation such as Abta and to 
keep all documents such as contracts and invoices in case of later problems.

One of the groups that flagged up the problem, the Association of British 
Hujjaj, welcomed the move, saying the 'vast majority' of Hajj travel operators 
were one-man operations and 'simply opportunists who are looking for monetary 
gain by taking advantage of the vulnerable'. Last year, it handed a petition 
signed by 5,000 Hajj travellers to the government.

Dr Nadim Nayyar, from Liversedge in West Yorkshire, booked last year through a 
Luton-based firm, Go4 Hajj. His party of nine paid for a luxury package costing 
£32,000. Just 48 hours before they were due to depart, Nayyar discovered their 
Saudi Arabian visas had not been obtained by the company. 'Our Hajj was over. I 
felt totally devastated,' he said. 

'The pre-Hajj seminar, where we were supposed to meet other travellers, kept on 
getting delayed. Then we found that our flights had been altered from scheduled 
to chartered, changing in Bahrain. Then we found out they couldn't get the 
five-star hotels they had promised, and we were being downgraded.'

After learning that their trip was cancelled, Nayyar and 60 other pilgrims who 
had been let down were told the firm had no assets left to refund them, 
although he eventually recovered his money through Go4 Hajj's Atol cover. 

'This is not just a package holiday, but an obligatory religious visit, so 
people tend to be far too trusting,' said Nayyar. 'I think that's where we fell 

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Proper ruling on multiple marriages

2008-09-25 Thread J M
Waalaikum'Salaam brother,
...rather heartfelt words... unfortunately, the sisters had no choice but to 
remain and struggle as single women or mothers--or go to whomever would help 
give them the support that they needed.  Most of the sisters remained single 
(for various reasons), but most importantly, most of them became 
self-sufficient and refused to remarry (though they face various challenges 
especially from a non-Muslim society because they are either isolated from 
their community or single mothers raising children).  The few that did not have 
any other resources, family support or otherwise had to make a choice to 
survive.  I can't get into details but it wouldn't hurt us to provide within 
each community social services that will cater to our needs while living in 
this Western culture.  Other religious groups do it, but we need more 
organization and an impetus to provide needs for everyone in the community 
especially this new trend in divorced and single mothers who are
If you want to help most of these sisters, please look into the Nevada area 
especially Las Vegas.  There is more dawah provided there to ungrateful 
non-Muslims rather than a social service network for some of the sisters who 
are single mothers.  One local leader provided hotel stays for non-Muslim 
families for a week when they refused to give a sister $250 to help pay her 
rent (we got the money from other sisters and someone sent $500 from Saudi to 
give her).  Most of these sisters isolate themselves for unknown reasons of 
shame, self-doubt, self-protection, weakened emaan, fear of rejection or being 
Just to inform you, most Muslim men do not want a tainted woman, and most 
within the community prejudge a divorcee as such with much rumor and 
innuendoes.  Most of the time these women remain single, accept what will 
benefit them overall, or become lost to the fundamentals of their faith because 
of personal experiences.
You must know the social network of a local masjid--the good brothers are 
competed for by most of the mothers for their young daughters.  Most brothers 
want young virgins, and usually would not consider an older woman with children.
Yes brother, you are right that Muslim women marrying non-Muslim men is haraam; 
but what do you tell your child when his mother is struggling to find food for 
them?  To get help most of these women went to non-Muslim social services where 
they faced discrimination tactics from people who worked there.  Your rights 
are lessened if you are a Muslim woman with no legal status in a country that 
provides others with the same status full provision of social care.  (I can 
give you an example but I have written too much already.)  Anyway, some of 
these disgusting Western men make offers for solution that I know most Muslim 
women reject.  This attitude by some makes these women more determined to 
better their lives through halal means.  I can tell you that most of these 
women will not tell you of their struggle--but they will tell other women close 
to them.  Unfortunately, some of these women are not in a capacity to help 
others especially if they
 themselves are facing their own personal challenges at home. 
Brother, what can we all do?

--- On Thu, 9/18/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Proper ruling on multiple marriages
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 8:28 PM

Salaam alaikum,

Before any of the sisters condemn me for what I am about to say, let's make one 
thing clear, may those brothers deserve whatever punishment they get in this 
life and the next. Now that we have that out of the way, the quote:

Other divorced sisters that she knew all went on to remain single or did marry 
non-Muslim men.

Is an oxymoron. There is no such thing as a muslim woman marrying a non-muslim 
man. There maybe a piece of paper from the city, but I would take that piece of 
paper and wipe my backside with it. It is glorified fornication. That is all. 
Same with those brothers that do mutaa or whatever else they want to call it. 
But don't let your bad experiences with bad people make you a bad person too. 
Even if that bad person is a former husband (or wife for that matter). Rephrase 
the sentence to:

Other divorced sisters that she knew all went on to remain single or are in 
haram relations with kafirs.

Salaam alaikum


- Original Message 
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 12:52:51 AM
Subject: Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Proper ruling on multiple marriages

Jazak'Allaahao Khayran brotheryou were specific .quite detailed you 
100% answered my questions.  I believe that you were the only one to provide 
the exact response that I 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: The Limits Of Capitalism: A Lesson Of US Financial Crisis

2008-09-25 Thread S A Hannan
Editorial for Asia Post
The Limits Of Capitalism: A Lesson Of US Financial Crisis





News agencies have reported that the White House hopefuls have stressed their 
rival plans to bring relief to both troubled financiers and Main Street after 
the government proposed a huge Wall Street bailout.Barack Obama and John McCain 
both said Sunday they would study the proposal and work across the political 
aisle, following the US government's request to Congress for clearance to buy 
700 billion dollars in distressed mortgages. But bitter differences on the road 
to the November 4 election were also exposed as Obama accused his Republican 
foe of wanting to gamble away Americans' life savings and deregulate 
healthcare at a time of market crisis. Obama spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the 
Democrat would be working with President George W. Bush's administration and 
Congress to ensure the plan relieves hard-pressed workers, not just company 
bosses and shareholders.Obama wants the eventual package to be part of an 
overall plan not just for Wall Street but for Main Street, that it protects 
taxpayers to the fullest extent possible, and that it helps homeowners stay in 
their homes, she said.

McCain said: This financial crisis requires leadership and action in order to 
restore a sound foundation to financial markets, get our economy on its feet, 
and eliminate this burden on hard-working middle-class Americans.Pledging also 
to review the full document and eventual changes ordered by Congress, McCain 
touted his plan for a Mortgage and Financial Institutions trust following a 
raft of hefty government bailouts of tottering companies.Such a trust would 
proactively resolve troubled financial institutions, enforce discipline on 
management and shareholders, and minimize the burden on the taxpayer, the 
Arizona senator said in a statement.

US economy fell into a very serious crisis with the financial crisis  mortgage 
banks and institutions. The government has planned a bailout of Trillion dollar 
against the basic principle of capitalism that market will correct the crisis. 
Yes it will do only after a total  nosedive of the economy and a general 
recession. Here is the limit of capitalism and the need for government 
intervention.It is a theoretical weakness of capitalism that it does not accept 
any role of government in economy .Its faith in economy is a kind of worship, 
Capitalism’s assertion that there should be no value in the operation of market 
is unacceptable. The economic system which believes both in the market and 
value and necessary government intervention is  superior .This is the kind of 
economy moral philosophers and Islam have called for. The US crisis is indeed a 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Corrupt Swami priests

2008-09-25 Thread Shahid
--original message

These priests are from South India and we have the same here in London also.

  Corrupt Swami in Atlanta!..Video Clip... Unbelievable..

  Watch this Atlanta fox news report! 
  http://www.myfoxatl myfox/MyFox/ pages/sidebar_ video.jsp? 
contentId= 7040179version=1locale=EN-US 

Bismillah [IslamCity] FATA morgana

2008-09-25 Thread waheedahsan
Sep 18th 2008
From The Economist print edition

America will not win the war in Afghanistan by taking it across the
border into Pakistan's tribal areas


ALLIED gloom about the war in Afghanistan tends to be seasonal. The
hopes of spring are dented by a summer of roadside explosions,
suicide-bombings and ambushes. But this autumn they have nearly been
dashed altogether. Violence is at its highest level since the
toppling of the Taliban in 2001. The chairman of America's joint
chiefs of staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, has admitted he is not
convinced we're winning it in Afghanistan. On the ground the mood is
bleaker. Foreign aid-workers in Kabul feel under siege. Generals
grumble about needing thousands more soldiers. Some diplomats seem
close to despair. For those hoping Afghanistan can soon achieve peace
and stability, these are desperate times.

One desperate measure adopted by America in response has been to
attack the presumed bases in Pakistan's tribal areas from which
militants mount cross-border operations. Since Pakistan is failing to
live up to its promise to deny the insurgents sanctuary, exasperated
American generals have decided to act themselves. But launching
attacks in Pakistan in defiance of its government is

On September 3rd American commandos mounted an attack in South
Waziristan, part of Pakistan's semi-autonomous Federally Administered
Tribal Areas (FATA). Pakistanis say another incursion this week was
repulsed, though both armies deny it. Certainly, American forces have
been stepping up strikes. There have been a dozen in a fortnight.

Anti-American sentiment in Pakistan is easily provoked, and it is
hard to imagine greater provocation. The government, which says the
American attacks have cost civilian lives, has been fiercely critical
of them. Worse, there are suspicions in Pakistan that their timing
was influenced by the political calendar in Washington. The Bush
administration, it is thought, is impatient for an October surprise
in the form of the killing or capture of al-Qaeda bigwigs hiding in
the FATA.

Even if these suspicions are groundless, unilateral cross-border
attacks, which appear to have killed no high-value targets, are a
bad idea. In Afghanistan itself the Taliban have been adept at duping
foreign forces into becoming their recruiters through the killing of
civilians. In the FATA there is the same risk: that the raids end up
making the local population—and the rest of Pakistan—even more
hostile to America. They certainly undermine the fragile new civilian
government of President Asif Zardari. To be treated with such
contempt by an ally weakens Mr Zardari's standing at home, and makes
Pakistan's army—never tolerant of civilian direction—even less likely
to heed the government.

Federally administer the tribal areas

Yet it is true that Afghanistan will never know peace while the
tribal areas provide a haven for insurgents. Force will be part of
the solution. But, as Mr Zardari knows, there also needs to be a
comprehensive plan to develop the region—building roads and providing
buses, schools and hospitals, but also dismantling the terrorist
infrastructure and, eventually, integrating the FATA fully into
Pakistan proper. America's cross-border pressure may have been
intended in part to impress upon Pakistan's leaders the urgency of
the military aspect.

If so, it has probably worked, and the Americans may now ease off.
Indeed, Admiral Mullen, visiting Islamabad on September 17th,
promised to respect Pakistani sovereignty. But Pakistan's foreign
minister complained that an American drone attack in North Waziristan
that day had again been undertaken without consultation. Pakistanis
will still need persuading that the fight against extremists is their
war, as well as America's. Admiral Mullen's soothing words were but a

Source :

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Third world war and Dajjal part 12

2008-09-25 Thread Z T Minhas
salaam alaikum,

Could you do us all a favor, and pick a language, one language, and stick with 

z T

  Third world war and Dajjal part 12 From the book of Molanah Asim umer Abu 
 Huraira say rewayat ha k jub black flag walay east say niklain gay  to in ko 
 koie tihng nhi rok sakaky gee. huta k wo aylia(batulmakdus) may nasab ker 
 diya jaian gay' Ap(peace beupon him) kay time may kharasa ke boundary Iraq  
 say india tak and south may river amo tak phalee hoe thi .
  if we see present situtaion it is very clear that jews are now plainning in 
 the light of these hadith actually RAsool(SAW) told this to the  muslim  .the 
 reason this was that Muslim have to plan according to thsese hadith . we 
 should congratulate those people which are now in hill after understanding  
 the meaning of these hadith .power of Dajjal may be so strong but inshAllah 
 Allah will make this group of people which will fight with DAjjal forces very 
  RAsooL(SAW) said  when u see black flog coming from the kharasa you should 
 be with them  .coz khalifa of Allah Imam Mehdi will be in them 
  in another hadith RAsool(SAW) said  kuch bhi ho kisee thing ke perwa na 
 kerna is lashker  may samil ho jana 
  Nestle is yahodee company we should boycot it 
  advise i read in a book of Dua that a person who recite first 10 verses of 
 Surah kafh will save from the dissension of DAjjal . in other hadith it it is 
 mention that a person who will learn the first three verses of Surah Kafh , 
 and read infront of DAjjal will remain save from Dissension of DAjjal . we 
 should all pray for us that Allah save us from Dissension of Dajjal coz it 
 will be very crucial time for muslim and also pray for me and all muslim that 
 Allah make our Faith very very strong coz the a person who will have weak 
 FAith will be catch by DAjjal. conti..   Allah save us  Ameen 
 Remmember me in your prayer JAzakAllah

Bismillah [IslamCity] antislam: German nationalist group to rally against Islam

2008-09-25 Thread Shahid
German nationalist group to rally against Islam

COLOGNE, Germany: A nationalist German group said Friday it has invited leading 
members of the European right to take part in a anti-Islamification 
conference against the planned construction of a large mosque.


French far-right firebrand Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the anti-immigration 
National Front party, Filip Dewinter, leader of Belgium's nationalist Flemish 
Interest party and Christian Strache, leader of Austria's right-wing Freedom 
Party are all expected to attend next week's conference said Markus Beisicht, 
head of the Pro-Cologne nationalist movement.


Beisicht said he expected 1,500 people to turn out for the group's 
demonstration on Sept. 20 against the city's decision to allow construction of 
a new, domed mosque — complete with two 55-meter-tall (177-foot-tall) minarets 
— in the city's heavily immigrant Ehrenfeld district.


Leftist groups are organizing counter-protests, including a weeklong blockade 
of Cologne's historic downtown square, which fans out from the city's massive 
Roman Catholic Cathedral — German-born Pope Benedict XVI's first stop abroad as 
pontiff and traditional symbol of the nation's deeply Christian roots.


News of the nationalist conference, officially called No to Islamification, 
has provoked anger in Islamic countries. Last week the Iranian Foreign Ministry 
urged France as the current European Union president to block the gathering and 
complained that it reflects a growth of anti-Islamic sentiments in Europe.


Pro-Cologne's leaders, however, insist they support Muslims' right to live in 
Germany, provided they learn the language here and actively demonstrate a 
willingness to integrate.


But they say that such a large mosque has no place in traditionally Roman 
Catholic Cologne.


Of course we want to guarantee Muslims' right to freedom of religion, said 
Pro-Cologne deputy leader Judith Wolter. But building a large mosque is not 
part of that.


Besides protesting the mosque, Beisicht said the conference is aimed at 
strengthening pan-European efforts among rightist and populist movements across 
the continent with an eye toward forming a serious European right-wing party.


The group insists that, while it is nationalist and populist, it rejects 
racism, violence and any links to Germany's traditional right-wing parties, 
including the far-right National Democratic Party, or NPD.


We represent a new political approach, said Beisicht.


Bismillah [IslamCity] OBSERVING RAMAZAN

2008-09-25 Thread Zaras Kitchen
Observing Ramazan - The Big
*Amazing quality pictures of people observing Ramadan throughout the world!
* **  *(Click the image below) *

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] al huda is Fitna

2008-09-25 Thread Kayleigh Davies
Asalamualaykum sister,
 first of all  can i make a request, please finish writing your articles in 
English once you have started as many of us don't understand what you have 
written jazakallah fiki.
 From what i can make of what you have written you say that this sister, 
amongst other things, says that men and women should pray the same. I believe 
this to be correct. The hadith in question where woman pray differently is a 
Baihaqi hadith and Baihaqi himself declares the hadith to be weak. Bear in mind 
that the Hanafi madhab is the only madhab and type of manhaj that says their 
women should pray like that, in fact i cannot recall a description of how 
Hanafi woman are supposed to pray ie where is the sahih evidence of putting the 
feet to the right etc?  
Also you must think logically with this argument, if the Prophet saw had divine 
knowledge from Allah that women were supposed to pray differently then he saw 
wouldve told Aisha RA to teach the women how to offer their prayer,  after all 
Aisha RA was known amongst his wives for being most knowledgeable and very 
close to the Prophet. We even know that she RA narrated over 2000 ahadith of 
the Prophet saw, so why has there been no mention of a different type of prayer 
for women? Infact the hadith i remember of women praying differently refutes 
Aisha RA for praying  ' a dog'.
It is also common sense that there is no difference between a man and a woman 
praying because Hawa AS would've been taught differently from Adam AS. Again 
there is to my knowledge no evidence of this. 
Furthermore a woman typically prays behind a man therefore she does not have to 
restrict her movement as the men will not be able to see her if they are in 
front. If the worst comes to the worst and a woman has to pray in view of a man 
or out in the open then firstly she should use her brain and find somewhere 
suitable to pray if time permits-even pray in a church which is permissable if 
she has to-then maybe this instance would require her to pray in such a way 
other than that of normal. And to be honest if they were Allah fearing men then 
they would have the decency not to look in the first place or find the sister 
somewhere to pray. If the case was that of kufar men then again that would 
require a different type of movement. 
There was recently a story of a woman who needed to pray her salah, she went to 
the mosque and asked if she could perform her salah there. This mosque as so 
many in Britain was a typical Hanafi mosque and therefore did not have an 
actual sisters section hence the sister asking permission. Astonishingly and 
disgustingly the Imam or whoever it was said no. The sister was allowed however 
to pray in HER LOCAL CHURCH. 
Hanafis and people who tend to follow a madhab in my experience, and forgive me 
for offending anyone but it must be said, tend to be blind followers. The 
Hanafis especially tend to look down upon anyone else who is not of the Hanafi 
madhab and my husband has even had 'Astaghfirullah' said in front of him 
because he does not blindly follow the madhab but rather consults the ahadith 
books. I am sorry but how dare the brother say astaghfirullah like the only 
type of muslim to be is a Hanafi?! If your not then your looked down upon like 
you are following a deviant sect or even a kafir, It's just ridiculous. 
Another funny moment was when a sister in university actually stopped eating 
her burger because i said i don't follow the Hanafi madhab! She then even more 
amusingly turned around and said that the four madhabs are all correct. So lets 
rewind; first she is shocked so much so by my statement that she actually stops 
eating her burger ( please- come on!)  and secondly she said that the four 
madhabs are all correct...from this she clearly she has a 'the- Hanafi- madhab- 
must- be -followed- but -then -the- other -madhabs -will -do -because- they- 
are- correct' attitude. It's funny because the other madhabs are contradictory 
too. For example take the Shafi madhab. Shafis believe that if a man touches a 
woman, by touch i mean literally just touch and not of the sexual nature, then 
his Wudu is broken. However, this is not the case for a Hanafi brother, his 
Wudu will still be intact. So if a Hanafi and Shafi brother both have wudu but 
hold the hands of their wives one of them is in wudu but one of them isn' 
you see where this is going and why it is completely illogical to follow a 
What is even more shocking that the above is that my husband once asked his 
Imam of the local mosque a question regarding the following of the Hanafi 
madhab. He basically asked the Imam why they follow weak ahadith inc the one 
about the way women pray. The Imam's reply- and i quote- was 
   'because Imam Hanifa said 
This left my husband shocked but not entirely surprised.
Does this reply not mean that he has raised Imam Hanifa to the same rank 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Bihar Flood Relief Camps - first-hand reports and pictures

2008-09-25 Thread Shakeel Ahmad
Respected brother/ sister,
Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatahu. With Ramadan fleeting away,
this may be your last chance to make the best use of your Zakat (Zakah)
money - help the people turned into destitutes by the curse of nature
(displacing more than 3 million people - govt of India has termed it as a
national calamity). Kindly do pray for these unfortunate people, who knows
who is next? May Allah make things easier for the affected masses and accept
our efforts, donations, sadaqat and zakat!*

*Whoever does good will do so for himself, and whoever does evil will
himself bear its burden. To your Lord you have all to return! *(سورة الجاثية
 , Al-Jathiya, Chapter

*And convey good news to those who believe and do good deeds, that they
shall have gardens in which rivers flow; whenever they shall be given a
portion of the fruit thereof, they shall say: This is what was given to us
before; and they shall be given the like of it, and they shall have pure
mates in them, and in them, they shall abide.* (سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara,
*They believe in Allah and the last day, and they enjoin what is right and
forbid the wrong and they strive with one another in hastening to good deeds,
and those are among the good.  *(سورة آل عمران  , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter

Flood Relief (2008) through RAHBAR (Bihar Anjuman's National NGO:

RAHBAR (Bihar Anjuman's NGO) joins hands with
Imarat Shariah: Click for

* Najmul Hassan Najmi's Report from Flooded areas*

* Pictures from RAHBAR's camp in

* Interested in contributing? Click for Contact details of your

***Report from
affected region, by Imarat Shariah*

 *View some news coverage from Gulf-based

from Reuters
|| Details
of Relief activities*

* Presentation on the
 * Imarat Sharia's
||  Report from affected

* Chief Minister's Appeal

*  *Delhi chapter (under the banner of * RAHBAR*)
established its own camp,* in Williams School of Supaul*, the worst affected
region, starting 15th September - they are providing Iftar and Suhoor
directly to the people whose number has increased from 100 on the first day
to more than 200 on the 4th day. This is a pilot project for RAHBAR. All
expenses of the this relief camp will be borne by Dubai chapter. Rs. 45,000
has been transferred for this purpose on 10th September, 2008.* View
detailed budget for this relief
has already been revised to Rs. 100,00 for this first phase
*[20 days x 200 people x Rs. 25 per person per day = Rs. 100,000]. For the
2nd phase, new clothes need to be supplied for Eid (as a pilot project, we
would limit ourselves to Rs. 100,000). And a high budget rehabilitation
program (construction of houses for those who have lost everything) will be
launched, insha-Allah, as the 3rd phase after flood waters recede and an
assessment survey is completed [Any amount for this phase may not be enough
considering the damage caused, but we would limit ourselves to Rs. 50 lakhs
or Rs. 5 million].

*Project owner*: Jawed Ahmad, general secretary of RAHBAR, 340986

*And (as for) those who believe and do good, We will make them enter into
gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein for ever; (it is) a
promise of Allah, true (indeed), and who is truer of word than Allah?*  (سورة
النساء  , An-Nisa, Chapter

*And whoever 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: Need for learning Urdu' (letter published in the daily observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 17.9.08

2008-09-25 Thread S A Hannan
 Dear members,

Assalamu alaikum.Please see a letter on the subject published in the daily 
Observer, Dhaka, on 17th September.This issue of the urdu-speaking people of 
Bangladesh deserves carefulconsideration .

Shah Abdul Hannan
'Need for learning Urdu'

The High Court decision that the three lakh (appx) Biharis living in
different parts of Bangladesh are citizens of Bangladesh is a welcome news
(Ref: The Daily Star dated 19/05/2008). The Biharis generally speak Urdu.
Like other ethnic minorities whose interest are supposed to be up held by
the state, the interest of Urdu speaking Biharis is equally required to be
protected. As they speak Urdu, there has to be arrangement in
school/college that they could learn their language (Urdu) which has now
become almost defunct. The Urdu media schools set up  or at least
provision for teaching Urdu in the schools should be made  where they have
concentration. Further the necessity of learning Urdu by the local
population is also needed for economic gains. Urdu has now become popular
in India, and Middle East countries. In the Middle East Urdu is almost a
common language for the Diaspora. In India they officially though say that
Hindi is the state language but the Hindi of yester years has now become
almost out dated. Earlier Hindi was close to Sanskrit . But now Hindi is
more close to Urdu. If some watch the Indian TV and Pakistani TV channels,
one can easily say that the language in both the countries are almost the
same.  The popular film stars are finding their way into Hindi (Urdu)
films more than in other films. The songs and music do not lag behind.
They also follow Hindu/Urdu.

Moreover, the old timer Hindus were good at Urdu too. A story goes about
the Hon. late Indian Prime Minister Pandit Jawahr Lal Nehru. Once he
visited a school. There a boy requested him for autograph. The boy said -
Sir, Dasta-Khat Kiji Yey (sir please put your signature). Nehru signed
that. The boy said - Sir, date dey diji ye (Sir please give the date).
Nehru did it in English. Surprised the boy said Sir ye apne keya kiya,
dasta khat Urdu mey/aur date angrezi mey diya (Sir what did you do? Put
your signature in Urdu and put the date in English). Nehru said -
Barkhurdar, meiney wahi kiya jo tumney kaha - Dastakhat kar ney ko kaha,
meiney Urdu mein kiya, isliye key daskhat Urdu lafz haye; tum ney kaha
date dijiye, so meiney angrezi mein keya, isliye key date angrezi lafz
haye (son I did what you said - I signed in Urdu because the word
'dastakhat' is Urdu, you asked me to put date, I did it in English because
date is English word). This though was a light moment shared by the then
Honorable and learned Prime Minister of India but speaks of the knowledge
of Urdu he possessed. And over period of time, the need and necessity of
Urdu in India has rather increased. And it will be no wonder if we take
into consideration the vast number of people speaking Urdu in India,
Pakistan and the Middle east countries. It will be one of the major
languages of the world after English, Arabic, French, Chinese etc. Hence
it is necessary that Urdu is also taught here to those who want it.  It is
important for Bangladesh because one of the priorities for Bangladesh for
the next 25 years would be to increase the manpower export to Middle East
countries. And surely among other skills, the knowledge of Urdu for easy
communication would definitely give advantage to Bangladeshis over other
competing countries like the Philippines, Thailand, and Hong Kong etc.
Hence also is the emphasis on its learning.

Abu Imran
Azimpur Rd

 It was published in the letter columns of Bangladesh Observer dated 17
 September 2008

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2008-09-25 Thread Hameed Baloch
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RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] 'Fatwa' against Salman Khan, family for celebrating Hindu god

2008-09-25 Thread Kayleigh Davies
 Unfortunately when it comes to marriage Islam goes out of the window. It is 
high time that South-Asian Muslims stop practising other Hindu customs such as 
Mehndis, Rukshatis, Dhal Qurkis, Girls receptions etc when a brother or sister 
gets married as these are also not Islamic and are HINDUfunny because I'm 
sure most South Asian muslims would say 'Astaghfirullah' if a member of their 
family decided to put up a Christmas tree in December..funny that. Think 
about it.


Nothing in this dunya is worth  Jahannam

From: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 00:50:07 -0500Subject: Bismillah 
[IslamCity] 'Fatwa' against Salman Khan, family for celebrating Hindu god

Allah forbids in the Qur'an to marry these idol worshippers but it is so common 
in India to see Muslims marrying among them. Then people like these khans dare 
to say it's islamicly ok.

And do not marry Al-Mushrikât (idolatresses, etc.) till they believe (worship 
Allâh Alone). And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) 
Mushrikah (idolatress, etc.), even though she pleases you. And give not (your 
daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikûn till they believe (in Allâh Alone) and 
verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater, etc.), 
even though he pleases you. Those (Al-Mushrikûn) invite you to the Fire, but 
Allâh invites (you) to Paradise and Forgiveness by His Leave, and makes His 
Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to 
mankind that they may remember. (Al-Baqarah 2:221)

It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allâh and His Messenger have 
decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And 
whoever disobeys Allâh and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain 
error. (Al-Ahzab 33:36)

'Fatwa' against Salman Khan, family for celebrating Ganeshotsav

Fri, Sep 12 11:35 PM
Mumbai, Sep 12 (IANS) Veteran Bollywood scriptwriter Salim Khan, the father of 
actor Salman Khan, Friday questioned a fatwa, religious edict, against him by 
some Muslim organizations for celebrating Ganeshotsav at their home here.
What is the locus standi of these people? Who are they to question people's 
religious beliefs? Why don't they issue such a 'fatwa' against terrorists and 
terrorism, which is un-Islamic? The clerics are talking nonsense, he thundered 
before a television channel Friday evening.
Mufti Manjar Hassan Khan Ashrafi Misbahi, the chief of Darul-Uloom Hijaziya 
Chishti, Mumbai, issued the 'fatwa' urging a religious boycott of the entire 
Khan family on Wednesday.
Last week, the Khan family was in the limelight when all members along with 
friends and relations celebrated the Ganeshotsav festival at their home in 
Bandra, northwest Mumbai.
The Khans celebrate Ganeshotsav every year, but this time, the live telecast of 
the family performing 'aarti' (invocation) of Lord Ganesh has irked some 
community leaders. Later, the family took part in a ceremonial immersion of the 
idol of Lord Ganesh.
The social boycott call was issued in response to a demand by Abdul Rehman 
Anjaria, member of the Advisory Council, Jama Masjid, New Delhi.
Anjaria, who is also member All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB), told 
IANS Friday evening that the 'fatwa' would be in force until Khan and his 
family atone for their actions of worshipping an idol of Lord Ganesh, which is 
not permitted in Islam.
Referring to Salim Khan's outburst against the fatwa, Anjaria said they would 
call for certified tapes of his comments from the TV channel soon.
Depending on what he has said, the community elders may go for stringent 
action against the Khans, including a social boycott, Anjaria explained.
According to Anjaria, Maulana Abdus Salam Bin Qasmi, president, 
Jamiat-Ul-Ulema-Hind, Mumbai, and Maulana Nizamuddin Ashrafi, principal, Darul 
Uloom Ali Hassain Ali Sunnat, Mumbai, who is also a member of AIMPLB, have also 
supported the 'fatwa'.
Despite repeated attempts by IANS, Salim and Salman Khan were not available for 
their comments in the matter.
Last year too Salman Khan had been issued a similar 'fatwa' by a Lucknow-based 
organization of Muslim clerics for joining the Ganeshotsav celebrations.
Justifying the decision to celebrate Ganeshotsav, Salim said his wife (Salman's 
mother) is a Maharashtrian Hindu and worshipping Lord Ganesh is in my blood.

worshipping Lord Ganesh is in my blood... so that means he is a hindu and 
left Islam.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Ramadan: The Ultimate Sin-o-Meter

2008-09-25 Thread Fathma Khan
Ramadan: The Ultimate Sin-o-Meter

 Want to know for sure something is a sin?

I don't mean missing Fajr prayer, or back-biting. These are clearly bad.

No, I mean the things that you habitually do, that you *kinda* know might,
perhaps, just mybe wrong… but your mind somehow makes okay.

The litmus test: the month of Ramadan.

If you feel truly uneasy doing this deed in Ramadan, it's most likely a sin.

If you have the self-control to give it up completely, masha'Allah, it's
99.% likely a sin, or at the very least, a waste of your precious time.

So, really, let's reflect on that for a moment. If the above is true, then
we should ideally never resume committing those doubtful acts after Ramadan,
right? I mean, what's a sin in Ramadan, is still a sin on Eid day, and
onwards still.

If gold, and diamonds, and oyster pearls are precious by their rarity alone,
then it is clear that every moment we exist, every breath we inhale, then
exhale after that, is pure gold dust, if only because they are all rarer
than the rarest gemstones; never to be seen again, until the day that our
deeds are played back to us on the ultimate cinematic, widescreen, surround
sound, ultra high def experience of Yaum al-Qiyamah.

So what makes those acts that seem wasteful in Ramadan, suddenly become a
good use of our time after the month has swiftly past through our fingers?

What validation do we put forth for our thinly veiled hypocrisy?

Weakness? Perhaps. We are made weak. But still… We have a month to train
hard. To build up our spiritual muscles. Yes, you *can* get that
*emaan*six-pack you always wanted - and in just THIRTY DAYS,

So, take another look at that mental list you wrote; the one titled, What I
plan to give up during Ramadan, and ask yourself: If I can last 30 days
without it… and with it, my Ramadan is tainted… is it really that important
to me? And do I really want it back in my life ever again?.

May Allah guide us to the true answer to those questions, and make it easy
for us all to do the right thing. Especially me, now that I am extra
accountable after writing this blog entry (eep). Ameen!

From Imam An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith collection:

Al-Nawwas bin Sam'an, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that the Prophet,
sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said: *Righteousness is good character, and
sin is that which wavers in your heart and which you do not want people to
know about.* [Muslim]

According to Wabisah bin Ma'bad, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I came to the
Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, and he said: You have come
to ask about righteousness ? Yes, I answered. He said: *Consult your
heart. Righteousness is that about which the soul feels tranquil and the
heart feels tranquil, and sin is what creates restlessness in the soul and
moves to and fro in the breast, even though people give you their opinion
(in your favour) and continue to do so.* [A good hadith transmitted from
the Musnads of the two Imams, Ahmad bin Hanbal and Al-Darimi]