Bismillah [IslamCity] Prayer mats

2008-10-08 Thread linda blakeney
Salaams everyone,
I have a question about prayer mats. I thought we lifted and folded our prayer 
mats to stop
them becoming contaminated. During Eid celebrations several of us were 
discussing this
and it became clear there were other views too eg. we lift them because the 
Devil will walk
on them otherwise. Has anyone else heard this and if so can you tell me where 
it comes


Bismillah [IslamCity] the secular-nuclear

2008-10-08 Thread raja chemayel


the Indian-secular-Rocket-bomb
The USA has decided finally to supply to India
any and all nuclear components and materials !!
Bearing in mind ,
that there are more Muslims living in India
than there are Muslims living in Iran
one must assume that the US-Congress
and the US State Department are not anti-Muslim
nor are they Islamophobics .
I told so !! ..didn't I ??
All religious-prejudices shall disappear
when national-interest is at stake..
after all Terrorism has no religion !!!
Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom
second of October 2008


Bismillah [IslamCity] They have forgotten Back Street

2008-10-08 Thread raja chemayel

 Back Street
Main Street

Wall Street
They want to save Wall Street
while trying to include ,incidentally, Main Street
but they surely have forgotten Back Street

Because if socialism is practically the only rescuer,
then they will use it to rescue
the Hospitals but not the Patients.

After all the Hospitals  bring the profit
and patients only cost money !!!

It follows their same own philosophy
applied in the Middle East :
 To fight Terrorism , you must build better prisons 
 To eradicate apartheid , you must build higher and longer walls 
To glorify Judaism , you must pray at a Roman-Wall 

Back Street is where the deprived lives
Main Street is where the illusion lives
Wall Street is where ultimate-greed lives

the difference with Palestine is that
in New -York,
 is a  Wall-Street but without any wall
in Palestine all the streets lead to a Wall.
Raja Chemayel
third of October 2008




Bismillah [IslamCity] Disbelievers Efforts Wasted

2008-10-08 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah*
*Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem*
*Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu*
*9:32 Fain would they extinguish Allah's light with their mouths but Allah
will not allow but that His light should be perfected even though the
unbelievers may detest (it). *

*Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of
Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and
grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me).

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah (May Allah be pleased
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say,  O Allah, grant me
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek
refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell.
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition
whose isnad is gharib.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Somalia: The World's Most Utterly Failed State

2008-10-08 Thread Labbayk YaMahdi
Last Updated: Oct 2, 2008 - 5:28:44 PM














Somalia: The world's most utterly failed state

2 Oct 
2, 2008 - 9:42:01 AM






TIPPED off by friends in ports from Odessa to Mombasa, Somali pirates 
captured a Ukrainian freighter, the 
MV Faina,
in the Gulf of Aden and steered it to Somalia’s coast. At first they
demanded $20m for the release of ship and crew. The captain died,
apparently of “hypertension”, and several pirates may have then killed
each other after a quarrel. This recent incident was only the latest in
a long list of similar outrages and highlights the growing menace
caused by the total failure of the state of Somalia, the ultimate cause
of the virus of piracy in the region. 

The ship was carrying 33 T-72 Russian tanks, anti-aircraft guns and
grenade launchers. Lighter weapons may have been offloaded on the
Somali shore before an American warship arrived on the scene. Kenya
claimed ownership of the cargo but the manifest suggests its
destination was south Sudan, with Kenya’s co- operation in its delivery
to be rewarded in the future with cheap south Sudanese oil. At midweek,
a Russian warship was steaming to the scene to take responsibility for
its citizens on the ship.

The attack was only one of at least 60 off Somalia this year.
Foreign navies can intercept vessels captured by pirates, but the
desolation and length of Somalia’s coastline give them little chance of
stamping out piracy without much larger and better co-ordinated forces.
In cahoots with gangs in Yemen, Somali pirates look set to go on

Bismillah [IslamCity] How Much is $700 Billion?

2008-10-08 Thread Shahid
How Much is $700 Billion? 
Jeanna Bryner - Senior Writer Tue Sep 30, 2008

The short answer: a lot. The long answer: depends on how you look at it.

Whatever your viewpoint, here's how $700 billion - the figure inked in the 
initial dead-in-the-water government bailout bill for Wall Street - compares to 
other vast sums.

NASA in fiscal year 2009 will launch several missions into space and pay for 
hundreds of people to operate a host of space telescopes and even remote robots 
on Mars and run a PR and media department that puts most large corporations to 
shame. The agency's budget: $17.6 billion, or 2.5 percent of the bailout sum.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has an annual budget of $6.06 billion to 
support research and education on astronomy, chemistry, materials science, 
computing, engineering, earth sciences, nanoscience and physics (among others) 
at more than 1,900 universities and institutions across the United States. 

You have to turn to much bigger initiatives, like war and defense, to get 
beyond this chump change and approach the bailout figure. 

From 2003 through the end of fiscal year 2009, Congress has appropriated $606 
billion for military operations and other activities associated with the war 
in Iraq, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The entire 
military budget for fiscal 2008 is $481.4 billion.

Social Security is a $608 billion annual program.

Many analysts fear the bailout because the cost must ultimately be borne by 

Based on the U.S. Census Bureau's estimate of the current population of about 
305 million people, each person would have to pay $2,300 to fund the 
$700,000,000,000. If each American (including children) paid a dollar a day, it 
would take more than six years to pay the money in full. One might argue, 
however, that this $700 billion would be a modest splash in the bucket of 
national debt, which already stands at well over $9 trillion (which means you 
already owe $31,642 each).

Even the New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez would lose sleep over 
all those zeroes. Currently the top paid major league baseball player, 
Rodriguez takes home $28 million a year, meaning it would take 25,000 A-Rod 
salaries to carry the $700 billion. 

Nobody is rich enough to pay back this $700 billion by himself. In fact, the 
Forbes 400 richest list recently came out. It would take most of what these 400 
people collectively have - a combined net worth of $1.57 trillion - to dig out 
of this mess.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Open letter to the closed minds

2008-10-08 Thread raja chemayel

An olive tree and a Palestinian mother ,
nothing is more genuine !

Open your eyes 
the Israelis are not even Semites !
Open your ears  ,
they cannot pronounce the Semitic HA
nor they cannot pronounce the Semitic DA 
Open your intellect ,
their language is artificial and re-invented
Open your eyes ,
they are Peruvians , Latvians and Ethiopians
invited in, by the Polish ,Russians and the Ukrainians..
on the account of the Americans.
Open your mouths..
they have copied our Falafel , Shaourma
and even our Hommos are called Israeli 
It is not a joke  ,
they falsified history and ethnology
they re-wrote the Bible and the Old Testament was re-edited.
Nothing they are, is correct nor real :
not their race
nor their nation
nor their culture
nor their origins
nor their language
nor their ideology
nor their identities
They even have created the United Nations ,
just to issue for them
a license to steal land 
and  false identity-cards 
and ever since that day (1948)  , all and each
United Nation's resolution was either against them
or even condemning them..
Even if your harts will remain closed ,
open ,at least , your minds, please !! and look objectively :
60 years of occupation
4 million refugees
4 million occupied
6 wars plus 3 invasions
the biggest reason for the existence of Terrorism
(if ever terrorism existed )
Open your eyes.
even a blind-man can understand this letter.
Unless if he is not blind , but just a pro-Zionism.
Sherlock Hommos
not, at all, blind
Forth day in October 2008


Bismillah [IslamCity] Thoughts on Forgiveness

2008-10-08 Thread Erooth Mohamed

*Thoughts on Forgiveness*
By  Ahmad Shawqi**1

  [image: Image] One of the best gifts that we can offer ourselves is
forgiveness: forgiving anyone ‎who might have wronged us (according to our
perception), and forgiving ‎ourselves for our own shortcomings, and not
continually beat up the drums of our ‎‎failures in our mind and simply
concentrating our efforts on doing the good.

Personally, I embrace true forgiveness, and I encourage others to embrace
it. ‎However, in my teaching, I found that many misconceptions about what
true ‎forgiveness is abound. Below are some of my thoughts about true

*Forgiveness does not mean Condoning*

Forgiving someone for his transgressions against you does not mean you
condone ‎the transgressions. For example, if I steal something from you and
you later ‎decide to forgive me, what that means is that you chose
forgiveness. It does not ‎mean that stealing is OK. It is still wrong.

*Forgiveness is not an Invitation to Repeat*

When you forgive someone, you are not giving them a carte-blanche to repeat
the ‎same mistake. For example: if a husband beats his wife and later she
decides to ‎forgive him and resume their married life, that does not mean
that he can repeat ‎the same mistake and expect that she should forgive him

*Forgiveness is not Forgetting*

I found this to be the most common misconception. Forgiveness is not the
same ‎as forgetting. Simply advocating forgetting the mistakes of the past
is pseudo-‎forgiveness at best. People who practice that are typically
repressing or avoiding ‎looking at the reality of the matter. I found such
people to be really unforgiving: ‎they get easily upset, and their bodies
typically manifest some form of dis-ease

True forgiveness is remembering the events of the past with no negative
emotion ‎attached. For example, when you remember what you wore yesterday,
you ‎typically remember it as a fact. You are not upset over it. Similarly,
you can ‎know that you have forgiven someone from your past if you can
remember the ‎event without any stressful reaction. You remember it because
it did happen. ‎There is no power in denying that what happened did happen.
The power is in ‎lovingly remembering it, seeing what happened with
different understanding ‎‎(than the one that caused your hurt) and more
compassion for yourself and for ‎the people involved. There are always many
lessons to learn in whatever happens ‎to us in our lives. So we can actually
end up rejoicing all our past events. This may ‎be tough for some of us, so
if you can't be happy for what happened in your life, ‎you can at least be
free of any negative emotions associated with it. In my ‎experience, people
who believe that forgiveness means forgetting are never free ‎from the
negative sting of their past.

*You can Forgive and still Move On*

An example: You were in a business relationship and someone cheated you. The
‎fact that you decide to forgive them does not mean you have to remain in
‎business with them. You can forgive them and never do business with them
‎again. That decision does not mean you are still angry with them or that
you have ‎not forgiven them. You have forgiven them and decided not to have
a ‎relationship with them.

I deal with this theme over and over especially within the context of family
‎relationships and it is a bit difficult for people. They feel guilty to
think that the ‎best way to deal with a family member is to love them from a
distance. But ‎sometimes it could be the best thing for you and for them. A
mother was confused ‎about dealing with her brother whom she found
mistreating her young girl. ‎‎Won't I be cutting the ties of kinship?,
What is my family going to say?, ‎‎How can I explain it to people? were
some of her questions. Obviously there ‎are many ways to deal with this
issue, but the point I want to make here that this ‎mother can forgive her
brother and still take measures to protect her daughter ‎‎(even if one of
the measures is to temporarily prevent the brother from visiting ‎her).

Another example that could also explain what I mean by 'Forgive and Still
Move ‎On': a friend of mine has a father who lies a lot, and what bothered
my friend more ‎was that his father would swear by God that what he said was
true. He would ‎swear by God to do something and shortly after swear by God
that he didn't say ‎he would. My friend was very frustrated narrating this.
What I told my friend ‎was: ‎

(1) The main source of your frustration is your expectation that he would
‎not lie, when – according to you – you had a life-long evidence that him
‎lying is more likely than him keeping his word ‎

(2) You can forgive your father and choose never to believe or 

Bismillah [IslamCity] china - Candy with chemical in Chinese milk found in Connecticut

2008-10-08 Thread Shahid

Candy with chemical in Chinese milk found in Conn.
By LARRY SMITHWed Oct 1, 2008

An industrial chemical blamed for sickening thousands of infants in China was 
found in candy in four Connecticut stores this week, a state official said 

Days after contaminated White Rabbit Creamy Candy was found in California, 
Connecticut Consumer Protection Commissioner Jerry Farrell Jr. said tests found 
melamine in bags of the candy sold at two New Haven stores, a West Hartford 
market and an East Haven store.

We're concerned, obviously, there may have been bags sold of these before we 
got to them, Farrell said.

Anyone who has the candy should destroy it, Farrell said.

The contamination has been blamed for the deaths of four children and kidney 
ailments among 54,000 others. More than 13,000 children have been hospitalized 
and 27 people arrested in connection with the tainting.

Melamine, which is high in nitrogen, is used to make plastics and fertilizers 
and experts say some amount of the chemical may be transferred from the 
environment during food processing. But in China's case, suppliers trying to 
boost output are believed to have diluted their milk, adding melamine because 
its nitrogen content can fool tests aimed at verifying protein content.

Melamine can cause kidney stones, leading to kidney failure. Infants are 
particularly vulnerable.

Melamine has been associated with contaminated infant formula and other Chinese 
products containing milk protein.

On Wednesday, the Chinese government identified 15 more Chinese dairy companies 
as producing milk products contaminated with melamine, bringing the total to 20 
companies. At least 100 batches of milk powder have been found to contain the 
chemical, according to data on the food safety administration's Web site.

Last week, California health officials announced it discovered traces of 
melamine in White Rabbit candy it tested. Queensway Foods Company Inc. of 
California distributed the candy and says it is recalling it.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is working with state and local 
governments to check for and test products that could possibly be contaminated 
with melamine. Last Friday, the FDA warned consumers not to consume White 
Rabbit Candy and Mr. Brown coffee products because of possible melamine 

The vanilla-flavored candy has also been pulled from shelves in Hawaii, Asia 
and Britain, and tests in Singapore and New Zealand last week found White 
Rabbit sweets tainted with melamine. The Shanghai-based maker of the candy, 
Guan Sheng Yuan Co., said last week it was halting production of the sticky, 
taffy-like confection, an iconic brand beloved by generations of Chinese.

The candy is sold in more than 50 countries throughout Asia and the world, 
including most of the Chinatowns in the United States. Overseas sales have 
reached $160 million over the past five years.

Bismillah [IslamCity] usa: Sarah Palin and the Jews

2008-10-08 Thread Shahid
Sarah Palin and the Jews

THE NATION  posted by Jon Wiener

Sarah Palin took the biblical Queen Esther as her role model when she became 
governor, according to her former pastor--a report that suggests her ties to 
Jewish history are stronger than you might have expected. 
When Palin took office as governor in 2006, according to the New York Times, 
she asked her former pastor in the Assembly of God church in Wasilla for a 
biblical example of people who were great leaders and what was the secret of 
their leadership- -that's what Paul E. Riley, the pastor, told Kirk Johnson 
and Kim Severson of the Times. He recommended the Old Testament story of 
Esther, the beautiful Jewish queen who persuaded the Persian king to save the 
Jews from annihilation and instead let them kill their enemies. The story is 
celebrated by Jews annually in the Feast of Purim. 
The parallels are clear. Esther was selected queen in a beauty contest; Palin 
was runner-up in the Miss Alaska pageant. 
So Queen Esther apparently provided the role model for the former beauty queen 
who went to our own king and asked for earmarks for her people. 
The Palin/Queen Esther report has sparked a flood of commentary from 
fundamentalist Christian web sites. One reports that Sarah Palin, like Esther, 
was an unlikely choice. Sarah Palin, like Esther, is bold and courageous in the 
face of fear. Sarah Palin, like Esther, proves you can be loyal and devoted to 
your family while having a high position. But perhaps, more than anything, . . 
. we are seeing someone right before our eyes who is capturing the hearts of 
the American people in a way that defies description - just like the Bible 
says, And Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her. 
Another says Every once in a while a woman comes along who is made for the 
times. Sarah Palin is such a woman. . . . Another woman, Esther, was brought on 
the scene by God at just the right time. God's timing was perfect for he used 
Esther to save the Jews--and now he is using Palin to save the Republicans. 
One problem with this view -that God sent Palin the way He sent Esther -- is 
that the Book of Esther never mentions God. It never says God sent Esther to 
save His people, or even that Esther's belief in God gave her the power to 
defeat her enemies. Somebody should point this out to the fundamentalists. 
If you follow the logic in the story - as another fundamentalist Christian 
website did - you find a major, and creepily precise parallel between the 
threats to Jews then and now. In Esther's day the threat came from Persia - and 
what country is the modern successor to Persia? Iran, of course -- the same 
Iran that has vowed to wipe Israel off the map and is (allegedly) well on their 
way to acquiring the nuclear weaponry to do so . . . . And along comes tough, 
clear-eyed, plain-speaking Sarah Palin. 
The implications for Palin's Iran policy are clear. In the Bible, after the 
Jews are saved from annihilation, and after the first day of Jewish revenge 
against their enemies, the King tells Esther the Jews have killed 500 people, 
and asks what she wants to do next. Esther says she wants permission for a 
second day of killing - so the king grants the Jews the right to destroy, to 
slay, and to cause to perish the entire host of every people and province that 
oppress them, small children and women, and to take their spoils for plunder. 
The Bible says the Jews then killed 75,000 more of their enemies. It doesn't 
say anything about Jewish casualties, which makes it seem like a one-sided 
slaughter. (This part usually doesn't get mentioned at the Purim carnival.) 
The cover of Newsweek this week is a photo of Palin with a shotgun. The 
Iranians should be worried - and so should the Americans.