Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamic Banks Withstand Mortgage Crisis

2008-10-15 Thread Shahid
Islamic Banks Withstand Mortgage Crisis 


  "The Islamic bank has a fantastic year, the underlying trend of Islamic 
banking businesses within ABC is very good," said Smith. (Reuters) 
MANAMA - Islamic banks have succeeded where all others have failed, 
withstanding the US subprime mortgage crisis which left global markets 
"The Islamic bank has a fantastic year, the underlying trend of Islamic banking 
businesses within ABC is very good," a senior official of the Arab Banking 
Corporation told the Reuters Islamic Finance summit on Monday, February 4.

Duncan Smith, the head of the Corporation's Islamic operations, said a focus on 
regional business and efforts to ensure products complied with Shari`ah helped 
shield his unit from credit-market losses.

The bank's 2007 earnings from conventional non-Islamic departments fell to $125 
million from $202 million in 2006.

The ongoing American subprime mortgage crisis, which is making international 
headlines, was sparked off last year when a steep rise in the rate of 
foreclosures caused more than 100 lenders to fail or file for bankruptcy.

The crisis had a domino effect on the US economy and stock market, which in 
turn affected almost all stock markets worldwide as early as last month.

Global banks have written down more than $80 billion in credit market losses 
since October alone as defaults on subprime mortgages triggered a credit crisis 
that threatens to tip the US economy into recession.

None of Malaysia's Islamic banks have been hit by write-downs resulting from 
the crisis and the resulting global credit crunch, second finance minister 
Mohamed Nor Yakcop told the three-day summit in the Bahraini capital Manama.

He said holders of sukuk or Islamic bonds have been shielded from the worst 
effects of the subprime mortgage meltdown.

Instead of interest, Islamic banks operate on the principle of sharing risk and 
reward among all parties in a business venture.


  "Sukuk has now become a very popular product," said Nor Mohammad. 
Economists say the global credit crunch triggered by the subprime crisis has 
spurred greater interest in Shari`ah-compliant financing.

"There is a feeling that the way Islamic finance is structured - the lack of 
freedom in leveraging, the need for real assets - that there will be some who 
will find Islamic financing interesting," said the Malaysian official.

He said interest in financial instruments that comply with Islamic prohibitions 
against investing in sectors such as alcohol, pornography and gambling was 
starting to emerge in China and South Korea.

"Sukuk has now become a very popular product," Mohamed Nor stressed, adding 
that officials from Hong Kong had consulted with Malaysia on Islamic finance.

Rasheed al-Maraj, the governor of Bahrain's Central Bank, believes the mortgage 
crisis could encourage weary investors to throw their weight behind Islamic 
assets and stocks given the collapse of Western asset prices.

"Maybe Islamic banking will be a safe bet for them," he said.

"I think opportunities exist in the United States and Europe as a result of 
this financial distress."

Giant banks like America's Citigroup, Britain's HSBC and Germany's Deutsche 
Bank recently launched Shari`ah-compliant branches.

A Deutsche Bank executive told Reuters that it was helping US and Canadian 
firms to sell Islamic bonds in Malaysia this year worth between $300-500 
million in ringgit.

Having about 76 percent of the world's Islamic bonds, Malaysia has been 
promoting itself as a hub for Islamic finance but faces rivalry from 
neighboring Singapore and Brunei.

The Islamic banking industry, which began almost three decades ago, has made 
substantial growth and attracted the attention of investors and bankers across 
the world.

There are an estimated 300 Islamic banks and financial institutions worldwide 
whose assets are predicted to grow to $1 trillion by 2010.

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Bismillah [IslamCity] India deploys troops to quell ethnic clashes

2008-10-15 Thread waheedahsan
* Curfews imposed in affected areas with shoot-on-sight orders 

GUWAHATI: India's Assam state deployed thousands of paramilitary 
troops Monday to quell clashes between Muslim migrants and tribal 
groups that have left more than 30 people dead.

More than 60,000 people have been forced to flee their homes as a 
result of the violence that broke out Friday and swiftly spread 
through three districts of the northeastern state. A senior Assam 
police official said an additional 2,100 paramilitary personnel were 
being sent to the affected areas, where curfews with shoot-on-sight 
orders have already been imposed.

The clashes, between members of the Bodo tribal group and Muslim 
settlers originally from Bangladesh, have witnessed raids on numerous 
villages by groups armed with bows and poison-tipped arrows, spears 
and machetes. "They set fire to a large a number of homes in my 
village," said Dipali Basumatary, who had taken shelter with her two 
children in a government-run relief camp.

At least half the fatalities so far have been people killed in police 
firing. Although there have been tensions between indigenous and 
immigrant communities in Assam, violence on such a scale is extremely 
rare, and some state officials accused local separatist groups of 
fuelling the unrest. Assam Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said 
the root cause was a programme of "ethnic cleansing" implemented by 
the National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB), a rebel group 
fighting for an independent tribal homeland. "They want to drive out 
all non-Bodos from the area ... it's a systematic pogrom," Sarma told 

The NDFB, which is a largely Christian outfit, entered into a 
ceasefire with the Indian government in 2005, but has never renounced 
its independence struggle. "We are investigating reports of the 
involvement of the NDFB in the clashes and, if proved, we shall be 
forced to call off the ceasefire," said Assam Chief Minister Tarun 
Gogoi. More than 10,000 people have lost their lives to insurgency in 
Assam during the past two decades. afp

source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] Work on Mecca monorail to begin after Haj

2008-10-15 Thread syed sadath

Work on SR20bn Makkah monorail to begin after Haj
P. K. Abdul Ghafour | Arab News


JEDDAH: Work on the first phase of an SR20 billion Makkah monorail project will 
start in December soon after the Haj season to facilitate transportation of 
pilgrims between the holy sites of Makkah, Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifa. The 
project is designed to transport five million pilgrims.
“An agreement will be signed with the winner of the contract to implement the 
project soon after Haj,” said Dr. Habeeb Zain Al-Abidine, deputy minister of 
municipal and rural affairs and secretary-general of the Commission for 
Development of Makkah, Madinah and the Holy Sites. Five specialized 
international companies, which were short-listed from 10, are competing for the 
multibillion dollar project, he said, adding that a meeting chaired by Prince 
Miteb, minister of municipal and rural affairs and chairman of the commission, 
would be held tomorrow to open their tenders.
Zain Al-Abidine said a feasibility study conducted by an international company 
had proposed five monorails linking the holy sites. Custodian of the Two Holy 
Mosques King Abdullah has given his approval to the project that will ease 
transportation of more than three million pilgrims between the holy sites.
“The feasibility study suggested the second monorail be built two to three 
years after the construction of the first one,” he said, adding that a single 
monorail would cost SR4 billion. The first monorail beginning from Mina will 
transport nearly one million pilgrims including 360,000 Arab pilgrims.
Monorail, which is a single rail serving as the track for a wheeled or 
(magnetically) levitating vehicle, has been rapidly paving its way as a modern 
urban transit system, providing the most-sought-after transportation solutions 
for a built-up congested city. The Makkah monorails will be 8 to 10 meters 
above the ground to ensure smooth flow of pedestrians and vehicles.
Zain Al-Abidine said the implementation of the project in the holy sites would 
help withdraw 25,000 buses from a total of 70,000 used by domestic pilgrims as 
well as pilgrims who come by land from neighboring countries. He said the 
system would help transport at least 500,000 pilgrims within six to eight hours.
According to the present study, monorails will have a station west of the 
stoning area in Mina in order to transport pilgrims to the second and fourth 
levels of the high-tech Jamrat Bridge .
With Kind Regards
Mohammad Usman
* "O Prophet (pbuh) preach to them (the Truth), for preaching proves beneficial 
for the Believers" 
** "O Messenger {Muhammad (pbuh)}! Proclaim (the Message) which has been sent 
down to you from your Lord." 
*** Accept the True faith, do righteous deeds, recommend the Truth and patience 
to one another. 
IMPORTANT: This article is being circulated to inform our Muslim brothers and 
sisters as to the current affairs affecting the Muslims; circulation of this 
article should therefore not be misconstrued as anything but the sharing of 
such information.


  Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Grab now

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islam Bus Project - 6 Shahadas in 6 days! - Update Week 2

2008-10-15 Thread Anas Faruqui
  In the Name of Allah, the most Merciful and most Kind.

Alhamdulillah 6 Shahadas!
Coming up next issue - Video interview of Bus Riders
  [image: Fox News
*Fox News 
  [image: GainPeace
 Feedback from non-Muslims
Week 2

   - *Alhamdulillah, 6 shahada!*
   - *200+ Calls received on our 1-800-662-ISLAM (4752)*
   - *75+ request for a free translation of the Quran*
   - *1000s of hits on the
   - *Non-Muslims asking questions  to learn more about Islam*
   - *Ex-Muslims calling to gain more info on Islam to revert back to the

   - *So, what happens after a person embraces Islam? Learn more


>From an atheist*- It is about time that Muslims are doing this ad campaign -
it shows that Muslims are now part of this society.

*From a Christian* - I saw this bus with Islam on it - Can you please send
me a copy of the Quran?*

>From former Muslims* - I was born into a Muslim family but stopped being a
Muslim.  Your ad (on bus) made me to reexamine my heritage and learn more
about Islam.*

>From Muslims* - I am delighted to see your organization is doing such a
spectacular job with Chicago Transit (CTA).
   Please Donate
Help Us Keep this Project Alive![image: Donate

One Bus for one Month = $600
One Bus for 2 Weeks = $300
One Bus for 1 week = $150
Or pay any amount...
Payment Methods
1. Donate Online
2. By Check
Payable to:
'ICNA Chicago''
6224 N. California Ave.
Chicago, IL 60659
  Want to start a Bus Project in your city?

Do you need logistical assistance?
Have us assist you from A-Z in launching dawah projects?
Call 1-800-662-ISLAM (4752) or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [image: Press

   - Press 
   - Fox News 
   - Radio 1240 AM
   - Radio 1590 AM
   - DesiTalk
   - Urdu Times

   Coming soon:
   - Voice of America
   - TV Asia

   *Other outreach projects of GainPeace:*

   - Billboard on Islam on Major highways[image: GainPeace Newsletter]
   - Radio ad on Islam
   - Islam informational Booths in Public places
   - Library - Islam display and lectures
   - House to House dawah
   - Training seminars
   - New Muslim support services - Mentoring

   About GainPeace: A newly launched initiative of the Islamic Circle of
North America, GainPeace is one of the primary tools for Dawah in the 21st
century. GainPeace has initiated many projects and activities to help clear
misconceptions about Islam. The 1.800.662.ISLAM (4752), a toll-free hotline
was established to help those who are seeking more information about Islam.
For more information visit: GainPeace (click
call us at 1.800.662.ISLAM (4752), or email us at

Anas Faruqui

Bismillah [IslamCity] Western Teenage Girl

2008-10-15 Thread adil naveed

Western Teenage Girl

By Sultana Yusufali (a 17-year-old high school student)

Published in Toronto Star Young People’s Press

An insightful and personal account of why a Western teenage girl would reject 
the 'wonders' of fashion, and want to cover herself in the hijab (veil).
I probably do not fit into the preconceived notion of a “rebel”. I have no 
visible tattoos and minimal piercing. I do not possess a leather jacket. In 
fact, when most people look at me, their first thought usually is something 
along the lines of “oppressed female”. The brave individuals who have mustered 
the courage to ask me about the way I dress usually have questions like: “Do 
your parents make you wear that?” or “Don’t you find that really unfair?”
A while back, a couple of girls in Montreal were kicked out of school for 
dressing like I do. It seems strange that a little piece of cloth would make 
for such a controversy. Perhaps the fear is that I am harboring an Uzi machine 
gun underneath it! Of course, the issue at hand is more than a mere piece of 
cloth. I am a Muslim woman who, like millions of other Muslim women across the 
globe, chooses to wear a hijab. And the concept of the hijab, contrary to 
popular opinion, is actually one of the most fundamental aspects of female 
empowerment. When I cover myself, I make it virtually impossible for people to 
judge me according to the way I look. I cannot be categorized because of my 
attractiveness or lack thereof. Compare this to life in today’s society: We are 
constantly sizing one another up on the basis of our clothing, jewelry, hair 
and makeup. What kind of depth can there be in a world like this?
Yes, I have a body, a physical manifestation upon this Earth. But it is the 
vessel of an intelligent mind and a strong spirit. It is not for the beholder 
to leer at or to use in advertisements to sell everything from beer to cars. 
Because of the superficiality of the world in which we live, external 
appearances are so stressed that the value of the individual counts for almost 
nothing. It is a myth that women in today’s society are liberated. What kind of 
freedom can there be when a woman cannot walk down the street without every 
aspect of her physical self being “checked out”? When I wear the hijab I feel 
safe from all of this. I can rest assured that no one is looking at me and 
making assumptions about my character from the length of my skirt. There is a 
barrier between me and those who would exploit me.
I am first and foremost a human being, one of the saddest truths of our time is 
the question of the beauty myth and female self-image. Reading popular teenage 
magazines, you can instantly find out what kind of body image is “in” or “out” 
. And if you have the “wrong” body type, well, then, you’re just going to 
change it, aren’t you? After all, there is no way you can be overweight and 
still be beautiful. Look at any advertisement. Is a woman being used to sell 
the product? How old is she? How attractive is she? What is she wearing? More 
often than not, that woman will be no older than her early 20s, taller, 
slimmer, and more attractive than average, and dressed in skimpy clothing. Why 
do we allow ourselves to be manipulated like this? Whether the 90s woman wishes 
to believe it or not, she is being forced into a mould. She is being coerced 
into selling herself, into compromising herself. This is why we have 
13-year-old girls sticking their
 fingers down their throats to vomit and overweight adolescents hanging 
When people ask me if I feel oppressed, I can honestly say no. I made this 
decision of my own free will. I like the fact that I am taking control of the 
way other people perceive me. I enjoy the fact that I don’t give anyone 
anything to look at and that I have released myself from the bondage of the 
swinging pendulum of the fashion industry and other institutions that exploit 
females. My body is my own business. Nobody can tell me how I should look or 
whether or not I am beautiful. I know that there is more to me than that. I am 
also able to say no comfortably when people ask me if I feel as if my sexuality 
is being repressed. I have taken control of my sexuality. I am thankful I will 
never have to suffer the fate of trying to lose / gain weight or trying to find 
the exact lipstick shade that will go with my skin colour. I have made choices 
about what my priorities are and these are not among them.
So next time you see me, don’t look at me sympathetically. I am not under 
duress or a male-worshiping female captive from those barbarous Arab deserts. 
I’ve been liberated!


Bismillah [IslamCity] Zardari's Kashmir statement under attack

2008-10-15 Thread S A Hannan
Zardari's Kashmir statement under attack
Source: OUR STAFF REPORTER submitted 1 day 11 hours ago 
LAHORE - Speakers of a dialogue have said that statement of President Asif Ali 
Zardari over Kashmir issue was parallel to stabbing the freedom movement of 
Kashmir. They were of the view that Kashmir issue should be resolved in 
accordance with the resolutions of the UNO and All Parties Conference must be 
called in this regard to adopt a unanimous stance over the issue.
The dialogue on the topic of “Current Situation of Kashmir” was held at the 
Hameed Nizami Hall addressed by PML(N) MNA Bilal Yaseen, Jamaat-e-Islami leader 
Dr Fareed Ahmad Piracha, Member Kashmir Assembly Ghulam Mohayy-ud-Din, Mufti 
Muhammad Shafi Joush, and Sadiq Jalal, Chairman Kashmir Center.
Bilal Yaseen in his address said that Pakistan fought two wars against India 
over the issue of Kashmir in the past and it would fight more in the future in 
this regard. He said that statement of the president was condemnable and he 
would raise the issue in the Parliament. He asked political parties to take 
notice of the attitude of the government wherein after America, India was also 
being considered as our boss. He demanded the decisive role of Pakistan in 
Kashmir freedom movement. He was of the view that during present government no 
decision was being taken in the Parliament rather issues were being taken to 
Parliament after taking decisions outside the Parliament. He said that Zardari 
has injured the feelings of the people of Pakistan by issuing such statement.
Dr Fareed Ahmad Piracha said that Zardari’s comments over Kashmir issue showed 
his loyalty to India. He said that president Zardari was also being supported 
by India in matchless way. Piracha said that India was firmed with her stance 
over Kashmir for last 60 years but unfortunately here every dictator on his 
arrival in power changed his stance over Kashmir. He said that Musharraf 
changed his stance over Kashmir for six times and Zardari has changed his view 
about three times. Truck used in Marriott Hotel blast was present in Indian 
Embassy in Islamabad, India has blocked our water in various rivers, India was 
killing our prisoners and Kahsmiri brethren but our government was ready to 
sent back the spy Sarbajeet Singh to India, he added.
Ghulam Mohyyud Din said that statement of the president about Kashmir was 
international conspiracy, despite showing a lot of flexibility by Pakistan over 
Kashmir issue India was firmed with its stance over Kashmir. He demanded the 
removal of Maulana Fazalur Rehman from the office of head of Kashmir Committee. 
Shafi Joush also criticised the role of Maulana Fazalur Rehman and said that he 
has failed to perform any positive role so he should be replaced by a suitable 
person from his office.
Sadiq Jalal said that Zardari has already passed such controversial statement 
over Kashmir he should be careful in this regard.

Bismillah [IslamCity] CNBC World - Islamic Finance: Applying religion to economics

2008-10-15 Thread Shahid
CNBC World - Islamic Finance: Applying religion to economics

Bismillah [IslamCity] Responding To Zardari

2008-10-15 Thread waheedahsan
The mandarins of South Block owe a response to the Pakistan President 
who has stuck his neck out. They owe it to the people of Kashmir, 
divided and disenchanted for six decades. They owe it to India, 
continuing to bleed from a thousand cuts.  


Speaking to the Wall Street Journal President Zardari said he did not 
consider India to be a threat. He sought better relations with India 
through free trade. He described the militants in J&K as terrorists, 
not freedom fighters. The last observation invited flak in Pakistan. 
Not surprisingly Nawaz Sharif behaved like a characteristic South 
Asian opposition party. He appeared to deliberately distort the issue 
and oppose for the sake of opposition. 
Zardari's statement was misunderstood by Indian TV anchors, who 
either do not know the English language or lack elementary logic. 
Mehbooba Mufti made her own contribution to collective stupidity by 
contradicting Zardari. Nowhere had Zardari commented on the 
substantive Kashmir issue. Nowhere did he suggest that terrorists 
were either Pakistani or of Indian origin. He merely condemned acts 
of violence by those generally described as Kashmiri militants. Is 
there any doubt that killing school children and women through bomb 
blasts amounts to terrorism?

One day after his interview with WSJ Zardari clarified that he had 
not shifted his stand on the basic issue of Kashmir. To compound 
their stupidity TV commentators blared that by saying this he had 
backtracked. The dense fog of stupidity, obfuscation and mischief 
being deliberately created renders all the more compelling the need 
for an adequate official Indian response to Pakistan's President. 
Zardari has spoken with courage to take on his domestic opposition. 
He has moved even beyond Musharraf by opening the door to a peaceful 
solution that may involve out of the box thinking.

What most Indians need to understand is that a policy that 
perpetuates the status quo is in the long run self defeating. When 
Pakistan occupies half of Kashmir that we continue to claim as 
Indian, there is an unresolved problem. When it is recorded history 
that Pandit Nehru accepted Kashmir's accession with the caveat that 
it should be subject to the approval of the people of Kashmir, there 
is an unresolved problem. When almost all politicians in Kashmir 
continue to agitate peacefully for a new deal, ranging from more 
autonomy, to bifurcation of the state, to outright secession, there 
is an unresolved problem.

This scribe will not suggest how the government should respond to 
Zardari. He would avoid repeating himself. But it should be amply 
clear to the mandarins of South Block that some response must be 
given. They owe it to Zardari who has stuck his neck out. They owe it 
to the people of Kashmir, divided and disenchanted for six decades. 
They owe it to India, continuing to bleed from a thousand cuts.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Full text of the September 29, 2008, draft bailout bill

2008-10-15 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
Full text of the September 29, 2008, draft bailout bill:

House Comment Lines:

Ph:  202-456-1414


US Capitol Switchboard 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Do Not Publicize Sins........

2008-10-15 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah*
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

The Book Pertaining to Piety and Softening of Hearts (Kitab Al-Zuhd wa
Muslim :: Book 42 : Hadith 7124
Abu Huraira[may Allah be pleased with him] reported *Allah's Messenger (may
peace be upon him) as saying: All the people of my Ummah would get pardon
for their sins except those who publicise them*. And (it means) that a
servant should do a deed during the night and tell the people in the morning
that he has done so and so, whereas Allah has concealed it. And he does a
deed during the day and when it is night he tells the people, whereas Allah
has concealed it. Zuhair has used the word hijar for publicising.

The Book Pertaining to Repentance and Exhortation to Repentance (Kitab
Muslim :: Book 37 : Hadith 6620
Abu Sirma [may Allah be pleased with him] reported that when the time of the
death of Abu Ayyub Ansari drew near, he said: I used to conceal from you a
thing which I heard from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and *I
heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as sayirig: Had you not
committed sins, Allah would have brought into existence a creation that
would have committed sin (and Allah) would have forgiven them.*

The Book of Purification (Kitab Al-Taharah)
Muslim :: Book 2 : Hadith 441
'Amr b Sa'id b al-As [may Allah be pleased with him] reported: I was, with
Uthman that he called for ablution water and said: I heard Allah's Messenger
(may peace be upon him) say: When the time for a prescribed prayer comes, if
any Muslim perform ablution well and offers his prayer) with humility and
bowing, *it will be an expiation for his past sins, so long as he has not
committed a major sin; and this applies to for all times.*

**Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of
Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and
grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek
refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition
whose isnad is gharib.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Arab world generally safe from world economic turmoil

2008-10-15 Thread Shahid

Arab world generally safe from world economic turmoil

Galal Fakkar | Arab News
JEDDAH: The individuals living in the Arab world, including the six GCC 
countries, will be less affected by the current international financial crisis 
whose brunt will be on banks having investment portfolios in the world markets, 
particularly in the US, president of the Federation of Arab Banks Adnan Ahmed 
Youssif told Arab News in an interview yesterday.

He expected the negative impact of the crisis on individuals only for the 
short-term. Youssif speculated that the crisis might continue for more than 18 
months and said the impact of the crisis on Arab banks will vary from one bank 
to another.

He said Islamic banks will be the least affected by the repercussions of the 
international financial crisis because of the nature of their transactions in 
the local markets and because they were not involved in the international 
banking system. Youssif said his organization had earlier warned banks in the 
region that such a crisis was imminent due to some signals derived from the 
performance of the American economy.

"This has reduced the influence of the crisis on the Arab banks," he said. He 
expected the return of some Arab investments from outside in the coming period 
within the precautionary measures being taken by banks and investors to avoid 
the impact of the crisis.§ion=0&article=115238&d=8&m=10&y=2008

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: British Company-Engineers Requirement in Saudi

2008-10-15 Thread syed sadath
As Salam Walekum Brothers,
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is 5 year plus.
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Three Simple Questions

2008-10-15 Thread raja chemayel

The Financial Crisis
who did it ?
who profited ?
and who are the Victims ?
The Invasion of Iraq
who did it ?
who profited ?
and who are the Victims ?
The Rape of Palestine
who did it ?
who profited ?
and who are the Victims ??
If you knew the answers  , already,
then , you are not necessarily a genius.
But if you did not know ,
then , come down to Planet-Earth.
Sherlock Hommos
8Th. of October 2008


Bismillah [IslamCity] Gaining the Reward of Performing Salah the whole night

2008-10-15 Thread Peace Seeker
Gaining the Reward of Performing Salah the whole night

1071. Uthman bin Affan (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the 
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying: 
"One who performs `Isha' prayer in congregation, is as if he has performed 
Salat for half of the night. And one who performs the Fajr prayer in 
congregation, is as if he has performed Salat the whole night.'' [Muslim] 

Commentary: This Hadith tells us that the reward of performing `Isha' and Fajr 
prayers in congregation is so great that it equals the worship of the whole 

1072.Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of 
Allah (PBUH) said, 
"If they knew the merits of Salat after nightfall (`Isha') and the morning 
(Fajr) Salat, they would come to them even if they had to crawl to do so.'' 
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim] 

1073. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of 
Allah (PBUH) said, 
"No Salat is more burdensome to the hypocrites than the Fajr (dawn) prayer and 
the `Isha' (night) prayer; and if they knew their merits, they would come to 
them even if they had to crawl to do so.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. 

Commentary: `Isha' and Fajr prayers were, and still are, very hard for the 
hypocrites for the reason that they performed Salat only to make a show of it 
and not for the fear of Allah. Therefore, Muslims should not show any laziness 
in them at all, lest they develop a resemblance with the hypocrites.

The above is taken from Urging to Observe 'Isha' and Fajr Prayers in 
Congregation - Riyadh ul saaliheen 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Terrorism, Police and Minorities in India By Asghar Ali Engineer,

2008-10-15 Thread Erooth Mohamed
 *[image: South Asia Citizens Web]*
*Terrorism, Police and Minorities in India*
by Asghar Ali Engineer , 1 October 2008

Secular Perspective, October 1-15, 2008

The police as such has strong minority bias right from the dawn of freedom.
Our freedom came at the cost of partition and partition further increased
Hindu-Muslim divide and the police could not remain unaffected by
communalization of society. Though communalism and communal violence has
changing graph in India it reached its crescendo during Ramjanambhoomi-Babri
Masjid controversy and during the decade of eighties communal discourse
became almost mainstream discourse and BJP indulged in this discourse
blatantly and unabashedly while the Congress, being a secular party, had to
exercise caution in using it. But nevertheless Congress too displayed its
communal bias in a more restrained and sophisticated way.

The police was also communalized in the same way as political rhetoric. Even
when the Congress appealing to minorities to support it in return for its
secular credentials and also tried to assure minorities of protection and
security, it never tried seriously to inject secularism into the minds of
security agencies. The police record, as various inquiry commission reports
into various major communal riots show has been extremely poor and tainted.

While the Congress Government shunned from giving proper ideological
training the Sangh Parivar made constant efforts to communalize the police
in various ways. Apart from the fact that it recruited those trained in RSS
'shakhas' (branches) into the police force whenever in power in states or
Central Government, its strident communal rhetoric deeply affected police

To what extent the police has been affected by the communal virus became
abundantly evident during its conduct in investigating terror attacks. What
happened in Delhi in Batla House on 21st September is indeed hair raising
story of police prejudice against Muslims. It is indeed great mystery as to
who is behind terror attacks in various places. When Delhi had bomb
explosions on 13th September the police as usual assumed that SIMI is behind
it who has assumed the new garb of Indian Mujahidin (IM).

It raided Batla House on the morning of 21st September where five students,
all from Azamgarh district studying in Jamia Millia Islamia University,
Delhi. Let me emphasize one thing here that Jamia Millia Islamia has been
the centre of Nationalism and it was established at the height of civil
disobedience movement in post 1st World War by Nationalist Muslims of great
stature like Zakir Husain, Mohammad Ali Jauhar and others at the instance of
Mahatma Gandhi and when number of Muslim teachers and students boycotted
Aligarh Muslim University.

The Jamia has ever since has maintained its nationalist character and Zakir
Saheb and others made great sacrifices to keep it running despite severe
economic crunch. Later it became Central University. Even today it has
strong nationalist and secular credentials. It is unimaginable that those
studying there would be so badly affected by communal ideology so as to turn

But the police suspected these students and in fact claimed that Atif (or
Atiq) was the mastermind behind Delhi, Jaipur and Ahmedabad blasts and was
responsible for sending the e-mail in the name of Indian Mujahidin. The
Delhi police killed Atif and Sajid in 'encounter' and a police inspector
Sharma was also killed. The police also claimed to have found AK-47 and a
country revolver in the place where these students lived. It arrested one
Saif and claimed that two other escaped.

All leading human rights activists who carried out investigation on the spot
found serious gaps in the police claim and raised several questions blasting
the police theory of 'encounter'. Inspector Sharma who was killed was
'encounter specialist' in Delhi Police Force. Not only Delhi police, but
police all over India, particularly in Maharashtra, Gujarat are known to
carry out false encounters in league with underworld dons and accumulate
phenomenal wealth.

The police has not been able to answer these questions raised by human
rights activists and there seems to be genuine concern among people about
killing these 'dreaded terrorists'. They might have been quite innocent.
Police claimed that Sajid was 22 or 23 years old without producing any
proof. His parents showed certificates to prove his age was 18 years and he
had come to Delhi only three months ago to seek admission in 11th standard
in Jamia Millia Islamia.

This has created strong feeling of alienation among Muslims throughout
India. The police, after every blast arrests innocent young Muslim boys,
mostly from lower middle class and, accuses them of being involved in the
conspiracy to carry out terror attacks despite total lack of any proof.
After arrest it manages to obtain 'confession' from them and gives out story
of hav

Bismillah [IslamCity] BBC:Hijacked tanks 'for South Sudan'

2008-10-15 Thread Ismail Kashkash
Hijacked tanks 'for South Sudan'
The BBC has seen evidence suggesting that the Ukrainian ship being held by 
pirates off Somalia is carrying weapons and tanks destined for South Sudan.
A copy of the freight manifest appears to show contracts were made by Kenya on 
behalf of South Sudan's government.
Kenya has repeatedly said the weapons on board the MV Faina are for its army. A 
South Sudanese official said South Sudan had nothing to do with the tanks.
The MV Faina is currently surrounded by warships monitoring the situation.

Last week, the Somali government said the ship's owners were involved in direct 
negotiations with the pirates, who are demanding a $20m (£11m) ransom.
'Diplomatic embarrassment'
A copy of the MV Faina's manifest given to the BBC appears to confirm that the 
contract was issued on behalf of South Sudan, although the Kenyan defence 
ministry is named as the consignee.
Contract numbers for tanks, rocket-propelled grenade launchers and 
anti-aircraft guns contain the initials GOSS, which military sources tell the 
BBC is a reference to the Government Of South Sudan.
This is an acronym commonly used in Sudan.
But Francis Nazario, head of South Sudan's mission in Brussels, said he had 
seen the manifest and it did not prove anything.
"What I know is that we have nothing at all to do with the content of this 
ship, and the ship was not heading for South Sudan," he told the BBC's Focus on 
Africa programme.
"I think if there was anything like that we would not hide it because 
constitutionally we have the right to do so, to bring arms from anywhere."
The Kenyan government has not yet commented on the document but it has been 
presented to the defence and foreign relations committee of Kenya's parliament.
Kenya has repeatedly insisted that the shipment was part of a programme to 
restock its military.
The BBC's Karen Allen in Nairobi says that this will be a huge embarrassment to 
the Kenyan government.
Although the import of military hardware is not illegal, it does put Kenya in a 
tight spot diplomatically, our correspondent says, not least because it was 
Kenya which helped broker an end to the civil war between South Sudan and the 
government in Khartoum in 2005.
Meanwhile, a Kenyan court has ordered the release of Andrew Mwangura, a 
spokesman for the Kenyan chapter of the Seafarers Assistance Programme, who had 
been arrested after he said the tanks were bound for South Sudan.
Mr Mwangura was charged with making alarming statements and illegal possession 
of marijuana.
The MV Faina is currently moored off the coast of Somalia, close to the town of 
Hobyo. There have been conflicting reports about where its cargo was destined 
for since it was captured two weeks ago.
Military balance
Last week, Western military experts told the BBC that the tanks on board the MV 
Faina were going to Sudan and that the shipment indicated an arms race between 
North and South Sudan had begun.

They are reported to both be building up their forces ahead of a referendum on 
independence for the South in 2011.
The military experts, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said a previous 
delivery of tanks had taken place last November.
Helmoed Heitman, Africa correspondent for Jane's Defence Weekly, also said he 
had reports that more than 100 T-72 and T-55 Russian tanks have been received 
by the southern Sudanese in recent months.
"If these reports are true, they could change the regional military balance," 
he told the BBC.
"Kenya could be seen as playing the same role as Cuba did during the Angolan 
civil war - when they armed the MPLA."
The experts said the tanks would most likely be dug in along Sudan's 
north-south border, with the tanks using their guns to protect military 
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/10/07 16:09:25 GMT


Bismillah [IslamCity] Why do Hindus violently assault Christians?

2008-10-15 Thread waheedahsan
Bishop Angelo Gracias of the Roman Catholic diocese of Bombay
separates fact from fiction and explains why claims of forced
conversions by Christians are lies. He says no religion is as
missionary as Hinduism, while Christian have the right to convert.

By Angelo Gracias

Mgr Agnelo Gracias, auxiliary bishop of Bombay, looks at anti-
Christian violence in Orissa and other Indian states. Separating fact
from fiction, he explains why claims that Christians engage in forced
conversions are lies, asserts that Christians have a right to
evangelize and that anyone has the right to convert, and shows that
there is no religion as missionary as Hinduism.

Let us look at the phenomenon of the recent attacks against
Christians. We shall examine first the alleged reasons for these
attacks, and then go into what are perhaps the real causes for the
attacks. And since conversion is one of the main reasons brought
forward, in a third part, we shall examine the issue of conversion.

I. Alleged Reasons for the Attacks:

1. Christians are being attacked because of the killing of Swami
Laxmananda Saraswati in Orissa. Investigations point to the
involvement of Maoists in the killing.

In fact, the killing was condemned by Christians. Leaders like
Cardinal Oswald Gracias, the Archbishop of Bombay, condemned the
killing in his press conference. The official Catholic body of the
Church, the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) also
condemned it in its press release. The Chairman of the Orissa
Catholic Bishops Conference, Bishop Thomas Thiruthalil, condemned it.
If I may quote the words of his press conference, "The Catholic
Community in Orissa was once again terribly shocked by the brutal
murder of Swami Laxmananda Saraswati and four of his close
associates... We, the Catholic community in Orissa deeply condemn the
barbarous incident…"

In spite of this, the VHP and Bajrang Dal whipped up the mobs to
attack hristians. They wanted a pretext to launch their attacks.

2. Christians are being attacked because of a pamphlet denigrating
Hinduism supposedly published by the New Life Movement.

If such a pamphlet has actually been circulated, one must first
investigate who published it and punish the evil-doers, not use it as
a pretext to attack Christians indiscriminately. New Life has denied
that they published any such pamphlet. It is extremely unlikely that
any Christian group would have engaged in such a foolhardy act at
this point of time. For all one knows, the pamphlet might have been
published by some anti- Christian group themselves to stoke up
communal flames!

There is a common misapprehension that Christians disdain other
religions. The stand of the Catholic Church on this point is clear.
With regard to other religions, Vatican Council II spelt out the
Church's position very clearly: "The Catholic Church rejects nothing
of what is true and holy in these religions. She regards with sincere
reverence those ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and
teachings which, though differing in many aspects from the ones she
holds and sets forth, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that Truth
which enlightens all men". Therefore the Church exhorts
Catholics "prudently and lovingly, through dialogue and collaboration
with the followers of other religions, and in witness of Christian
faith and life, to acknowledge, preserve and promote the spiritual
and moral goods found among these people, as well as the values in
their society and culture" (Nostra Aetate, art 2).

3. Christians are being attacked because of conversions; the bogey of
conversions is constantly used by the VHP and Bajrang Dal. Let us
look at this issue squarely:

If there were so many thousands of conversions, as claimed, the
number of Christians should have skyrocketed. The opposite is true.
The Census of India shows a decline in the percentage of the
Christian population of India vis-à-vis the total population: 2.6 per
cent in 1971; 2.44 per cent in 1981 and 2.32 per cent in 1991, 2.3
per cent in 2001! This decline continues.

Forced conversions? The Catholic Church is totally against the use of
any form of force. Vatican Council II has declared: "The Church
strictly forbids forcing anyone to embrace the Faith, or alluring or
enticing people by worrisome wiles. By the same token, she also
strongly insists on this right that no one should be frightened away
from the Faith by unjust vexations on the part of others" (Ad Gentes,
art 13).

Canon Law is explicit: "No one is ever permitted to coerce persons to
embrace the Catholic faith against their conscience" (Canon 748.2).

Conversion by allurements? This is an oft-repeated lie. Blessed
Mother Teresa wrote in 1979: "Do not belittle the Hindu religion
saying that our Hindu poor people give up their religion for 'a plate
of rice'. To my knowledge, I have not seen this being done, though we
feed thousands of poor of all castes and creeds, though thousands
have died in our hands, beautifully in peace with God."


Bismillah [IslamCity] Yemen dismantles Israel-linked 'terrorist' cell; Says group operated under 'slogan of Islam'

2008-10-15 Thread Peace Seeker
Says group operated under 'slogan of Islam'
Yemen dismantles Israel-linked 'terrorist' cell

SANAA (Agencies)

Yemen announced on Monday the dismantling of a "terrorist cell" which Yemeni 
President Ali Abdullah Saleh said was linked to Israeli intelligence services.

"A terrorist cell was arrested five days ago and will be referred to the 
judicial authorities for its links with the Israeli intelligence services," 
Saleh was quoted as saying by the official Saba news agency.
He said the group operated under the "slogan of Islam." Israel is considered an 
enemy by Islamist militants.

It was not immediately clear if Saleh was referring to militants belonging to a 
group calling itself Islamic Jihad, who were arrested last month. A Yemeni 
security official told Reuters that authorities had found evidence of contacts 
by those militants with Israelis.

  The Yemeni president made the statement during a meeting with 
politicians, security and military officials, and tribal leaders at Al-Mukalla 
University in the eastern province of Hadramawt.

  Saleh did not say how many people were arrested or give details on their 
links to Israeli intelligence.
  "Details of the trial will be announced later," he told the gathering.

  "You will hear about what goes on in the proceedings," Saleh said, urging 
Yemen's political parties to close ranks and cooperate to confront acts of 
terrorism, Saba reported.

  In August, Yemeni security forces arrested five suspected al-Qaeda 
militants in Hadramawt, days after the authorities revealed they had uncovered 
a new "terrorist" cell near the port city of al-Mukalla.

  Yemen, ancestral homeland of al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, has been 
battling suspected al-Qaeda militants since before the September 11, 2001 
attacks in the United States.

  The impoverished Arabian Peninsula country has in past months seen a 
series of attacks on security services and oil installations claimed by groups 
linked to al-Qaeda.

  The latest attack in September targeted the U.S. embassy in the capital 
Sanaa, where 18 people were killed when militants detonated a booby-trapped car 
before firing a volley of rockets at the heavily fortified mission. The attack 
was the second since April targeting the U.S. embassy.

  The twin suicide car bombings on the embassy were the biggest militant 
operation in Yemen since the attacks on the French tanker Limburg in 2002 and 
the U.S. warship Cole in 2000.

  The government joined the U.S.-led war against terrorism following the 
September 11 attacks on U.S. cities in 2001.

  It has jailed scores of militants in connection with bombings of Western 
targets and clashes with authorities, but is still viewed in the West as a 
haven for Islamist militants.

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