Bismillah [IslamCity] Little knowledge

2008-10-30 Thread muslimah muslimah
Little knowledge 
Hazrat Usman Ghani was from the Umayyah family of Quraish

Hazrat Usman Ghani ather's name was Affan bin Abul-As

Hadrat Uthman (R.A.) accepted Islam when Abu Bakr (R.A.) preached to him

One of the daughters of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), Hadrat 
Ruqayyah (R.A.) was married to one of the sons of Abu Lahb (an arch-enemy of 
Islam). When the Holy Prophet(Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) started to preach 
Islam, Abu Lahb asked his son ‘Utbah to divorce her. Then the Holy Prophet 
married her to Hadrat Uthman (R.A.)

Uthman (R.A.) gets the title of Dhun-nurain

After the death of Hadrat Ruqayyah (R.A.), the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi 
wa Sallam) married his next daughter, Umm Kulthum with him and he was given 
the title of Dhun-nurain i.e., the man with two lights.

When the Muhajirin (Emigrants) from Mecca came to Medina, they had great 
difficulty in getting drinking water. Hadrat Uthman (R.A.) bought a well named 
bi’r-i-Rumah” from a Jew for twenty thousand dirhams for free use of Muslims. 
That was the first trust ever made in the history of Islam. The Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) gave him the glad tidings of Paradise for this 

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Prayer Followed By A Prayer With No Idle Talk Between The Two ...

2008-10-30 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah*
 Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalamau alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

Sunan of Abu-DawoodHadith 1283 Narrated by Abu Umamah[may Allah be pleased
with him]
*The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Prayer followed by a prayer with no
idle talk between the two is recorded in Illiyyun.*

*SURAH-Al-Mutaffifin (Defrauding, The Cheats, Cheating)*
*83:18. Nay! Verily, the Record (writing of the deeds) of Al-Abrâr (the
pious who fear Allâh and avoid evil), is (preserved) in 'Illiyyûn. **
19. And what will make you know what 'Illiyyûn is?*
*20. A Register inscribed.*
*21. To which bear witness those nearest (to Allâh, i.e. the angels).*
*22. Verily, Al-Abrâr (the pious who fear Allâh and avoid evil) will be in
delight (Paradise). *
*23. On thrones, looking (at all things).
24. You will recognise in their faces the brightness of delight.
25. They will be given to drink pure sealed wine.
26. The last thereof (that wine) will be the smell of musk, and for this let
(all) those strive who want to strive (i.e. hasten earnestly to the
obedience of Allâh).
27. It (that wine) will be mixed with Tasnîm.
28. A spring whereof drink those nearest to Allâh.*
*Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of
Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and
grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me).

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say,  O Allah, grant me
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek
refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell.
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition
whose isnad is gharib.


Bismillah [IslamCity] RECITATION

2008-10-30 Thread saleh al sharif

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very beautiful recitation , just leave your heart alone and listen !
a list of reciters:
for any help :[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Saudi Warns Expats Against Heading for Haj Without Permits

2008-10-30 Thread syed sadath
Saudi Warns Expats Against Heading for Haj Without Permits
Jeddah, October 19: Expatriate workers heading for annual pilgrimage without 
Haj permits will be deported, according to Makkah Governor Prince Khaled Al 
He said teams of security officers would be deployed in Makkah and other holy 
sites to look for pilgrims who do not possess Haj permits, and added that such 
illegal pilgrims would be slapped with deterrent fines.
“They may also be subjected to other punishments, deemed essential by higher 
authorities, including deportation,” the Saudi Press Agency quoted the governor 
as saying.
Prince Khaled called on Saudi sponsors and employers to instruct their workers 
intending to perform Haj to follow regulations and get Haj permits.
Thousands of Saudis and expatriates perform Haj every year without obtaining a 
Haj permit and without contracting with Haj service agents. They sleep in 
public places, especially in the pedestrian path between Mina and Muzdalifah 
and around the stoning area of Jamarat in Mina.
A concerted awareness campaign would be carried out through the media to 
enlighten Saudis and expatriates on the importance of obtaining Haj permits and 
following government instructions to ensure smooth operation of the Haj.
“The kingdom will not allow from this year anybody who violates Haj regulations 
to enter the holy sites,” the governor said, and  urged Saudi and foreign 
pilgrims to follow the government’s instructions that are aimed at protecting 
their safety and security. “Abiding by these instructions will have positive 
impact on the whole Haj operation,” he added.
Prince Khaled, who is chairman of the Central Haj Committee, said government 
departments and private agencies have expedited preparations for the Haj 
beginning on December 6.
He  warned that tough measures would be taken against those who transport 
illegal pilgrims to the holy sites. “The punishment for such violations will 
include imposing deterrent fines and impounding and confiscation of vehicles. 
Drivers will also be asked to pay back the money to the passengers and also pay 
the fare to transport them in licenced vehicles,” he said. Expatriates 
committing such violations would be deported.
He said private Haj companies and agencies providing pilgrim services have been 
instructed to accommodate maximum number of pilgrims at reasonable charges.
“They have to transport their pilgrims in licenced vehicles to Makkah and other 
holy sites.
“This system will help a large number of pilgrims perform Haj without violating 
regulations,” the prince said, and added that the ministry of transport has 
been instructed to supply adequate number of buses to transport pilgrims.
Last year Saudi authorities deployed more than 7,000 security forces in Mina to 
ensure the smooth flow of pilgrims and prevent their squatting in public 
places. According to one senior Haj official, the new law allowing pilgrims to 
perform Umrah all year-round was one of the main reasons for an increase in 
overstayers and illegal squatters during Haj.


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Jedda, Saudi - Free Tajweed Grammar Classes

2008-10-30 Thread Jusna Begum

can we have these courses in London?
Can we organise a free tajweed  Grammar Classes in London?
I can start with an offer of  free Venue... Inshaallah!!

Free   Free   Free

Dear Brothers in Islam,  Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
 “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it”. [Bukhari]
Good opportunity for Jeddah Residents who Speak Urdu
Learn Qur’an with Tajweed  Grammar
(Just spend 12 hours for learning Tajweed)
Weekly Twice
Invite to Others, (if) possible
Location: Near Masjide-Tawoon, Behind Badr Sama
   Polyclinic Aziziyyah Dist, Jeddah
Day  Time:Every Monday  Tuesday, after Isha prayers
Duration:   1 Hr 30 min.
Material:   Will be provided free of cost
Starting: Classes will be started on Monday, 13th Oct. 2008 after Isha 
Note:  Please look at location map attached herewith for easy access to the 
For more details, please contact:
   Shahnawaz Ahmed - Mob # 0509303991
Mahmood Shareef – CELL # 0564 108 358
Kindly forward this email to your friends who are living in Jeddah to get the 
best offer – Jazakallahu khairan………..

See the most popular videos on the web

Bismillah [IslamCity] RE: URGENT

2008-10-30 Thread Majid Katme

   20 Oct Assalamu Alaykum Please brothers and sisters,give us 
few minutes of your time today for this great Islamic and humane cause:TO 
a quick letter today to your Member of your Parliament,asking him or her to 
ON THIS COMING WEDNESDAY 22nd Oct. Please ACT and do your Islamic and humane 
duty. Thank you Wassalam  Alaykum Dr A.Majid Katme Pro-life Muslim Campaigner 
Tel: 07944 240 622 20 Oct/08MUSLIMS PLEASE 

Amendments for more abortions in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology 
Bill/Embryo Bill  will be debated in the Parliament.Unfortunately these 
amendments will increase the more  killing of the innocent unborn children 
through the barbaric procedure of abortion. Already about 600 unborn babies are 
killed in Britain every day by abortion.
The inhumane immoral recommendations are:

To allow abortions to be done with the signature of only one doctor instead of 
two as is required now.
To allow nurses and midwives to do abortions, when they are not medically 
qualified to deal with emergencies that could arise during an abortion.
Facilitating more new places and more drugs  for abortion
Extending abortion to Northern Ireland 
They also want to take out the conscience clause, which allows doctors to opt 
out of doing abortions or any other unethical or immoral medical procedure as 
in birth control.This is unfair, undemocratic and is an oppressive interference 
with our basic religious beliefs and human rights! Surely this should be 
opposed by every British citizen. We appeal to every Muslim man and woman to do 
their Islamic, humane duty in order to stop this growing madness in our 
LIFE IS SACRED IN ISLAM...and no innocent unborn child should be killed for any 
There is no single statement in the final holy Book AL QUR'AN or in the 
Sayings(Ahadith) of the final prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) which allow 
any abortion or even to destroy one fertilised egg!
Please write quickly to your member of the parliament (MP) and ask him or her 
to stop these or any other pro-abortion amendment to the embryo/abortion bill. 
To get the details about your Member of the Parliament (MP), please go to this 

On the 18th October,there was   A DAY OF  PRAYER  by the Christian believers  
in London  and all over Britain against these barbaric inhumane Amendments  
which will allow  more legalised killings of unborn children  through ABORTION?
British Muslims should  JOIN and do a special prayer(DU'A) asking GOD Almighty 
,the Creator and Owner of life , the ALL HEARING the ALL  HEARING,who is 
waiting for our requests and DU'AS/Prayers, to HELP US to  stop The EXPANSION 
of these new  KILLING FIELDS  ! For more details on the bill:Please go  to this can see also our Islamic Pro-life pages on this 
website by going
 Dr A. Majid Katme(MBBCh,DPM) Spokesman: Islamic Medical Association/UK
Tel: 07944 240 622  E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Address: 31 North Circular Road   Palmers Green  London N13 5EG

Bismillah [IslamCity] A small group of committed people can change the world

2008-10-30 Thread muqeemz
Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the
world. It is the only thing that ever has

- Margaret Mead

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Wealth , is simply a state of the mind

2008-10-30 Thread Abida Rahmani
I like your abstract style of expression. But why after all you are a Christian 
in Islam, you should be a Muslim in Christianity.
 One correction, Islam asks its followers to give 1/40th of their wealth every 
year and 1/10th is on the agricultural productions.This is comulsary, But one 
can donate more than that.
I know that Christians are are great donors and philanthropists and they are 
contributing a lot to the needy world.
(A Muslim in Islam)

--- On Sun, 10/12/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Wealth , is simply a state of the mind
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Date: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 2:23 PM

20Th's Century Temple of Salomon

20Th's Century Tower of Babel 

 The First Century man who tried to clean-up
the Temple of Jerusalem .


Wealth is an illusion
Money is just made of paper.

Wealth is an illusion
the banks are its temples.

The Stock Market
is, indeed , simply a market
for this same paper-illusion.
For once  , I shall not blame
George W. Bush nor the United States of America
neither has invented greed nor invented capitalism.
On the contrary I shall thank both of them
for demonstrating to us , to where all this leads to.
I shall not request the Stock Markets to convert to Islam
nor would I hope that this would happen one day
because, capitalism will not be an up-grading to (any) religion
but the contrary is the case.
Look , please , at Riyadh , Dubai and Kuwait
to be convinced of my opinion.
Dubai is re-building the Tower of Babel
and the Hanging-Gardens... all swimming in the open sea,
for whom and for what ???
(they are re-claiming the sea , when behind them is
the huge-empty-endless- desert ,and when the new-inhabitants
and even their labors are both imported )

Greed , greed and again greed !!
Iceland's economy  is now sold out to Russia
and the Temples of Capitalism are almost nationalised
which should have been done , right from the start.
Greed , greed and greed !!
Islam asks the believers to give back to the poor
a tenth of one's own profits ,  each year
which does humanise the capitalism
each tenth-year, completely.. ..and repeatedly.
It is a revolving and perpetual re-humanisation of capitalism.
We the Christians ought to find anything similar or better,
if we can .

Jesus has used once only his physical-force 
and it was against those money-lenders (bankers).
and the other good news is.
the slums of Bombay and of Rio and the slums of Cairo,
indeed , all the slums of the whole world ,
shall not suffer , this time , at least !!

Hold on !!

Jesus is coming back to us ,
holding a Holy Koran in his left hand ,

and a big stick in his right hand !! .

Raja Chemayel
a Christian in Islam
monday 13Th. October 2008

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Wary of Islam, China Tightens a Vise of Rules

2008-10-30 Thread Shahid

Wary of Islam, China Tightens a Vise of Rules
KHOTAN, China — The grand mosque that draws thousands of Muslims each week in 
this oasis town has all the usual trappings of piety: dusty wool carpets on 
which to kneel in prayer, a row of turbans and skullcaps for men without 
headwear, a wall niche facing the holy city of Mecca in the Arabian desert.

But large signs posted by the front door list edicts that are more Communist 
Party decrees than Koranic doctrines.

The imam’s sermon at Friday Prayer must run no longer than a half-hour, the 
rules say. Prayer in public areas outside the mosque is forbidden. Residents of 
Khotan are not allowed to worship at mosques outside of town.

One rule on the wall says that government workers and nonreligious people may 
not be “forced” to attend services at the mosque — a generous wording of a law 
that prohibits government workers and Communist Party members from going at all.

“Of course this makes people angry,” said a teacher in the mosque courtyard, 
who would give only a partial name, Muhammad, for fear of government 
retribution. “Excitable people think the government is wrong in what it does. 
They say that government officials who are Muslims should also be allowed to 

To be a practicing Muslim in the vast autonomous region of northwestern China 
called Xinjiang is to live under an intricate series of laws and regulations 
intended to control the spread and practice of Islam, the predominant religion 
among the Uighurs, a Turkic people uneasy with Chinese rule.

The edicts touch on every facet of a Muslim’s way of life. Official versions of 
the Koran are the only legal ones. Imams may not teach the Koran in private, 
and studying Arabic is allowed only at special government schools.

Two of Islam’s five pillars — the sacred fasting month of Ramadan and the 
pilgrimage to Mecca called the hajj — are also carefully controlled. Students 
and government workers are compelled to eat during

Ramadan, and the passports of Uighurs have been confiscated across Xinjiang to 
force them to join government-run hajj tours rather than travel illegally to 
Mecca on their own.

Government workers are not permitted to practice Islam, which means the 
slightest sign of devotion, a head scarf on a woman, for example, could lead to 
a firing

 New York Times
October 19, 2008

Bismillah [IslamCity] Need Your Prayers (Dua)....Please

2008-10-30 Thread - - Mohd Wasim - -
*Assalamu Alaikum,

Dear All,

My Brothers and Sisters i really need yours PRAYERS ( DUA ) I mentally
depress Since Last year and now a days also Please Remember in your precious
Prayers so allah will give his kindness to me. Its a Warm Request to you All

Mohammad Wasim.
Assalamu Alaikum.*

Bismillah [IslamCity] Saudi Warns Expats Against Heading for Haj Without Permits

2008-10-30 Thread Shahid
Saudi Warns Expats Against Heading for Haj Without Permits 

Jeddah, October 19: Expatriate workers heading for annual pilgrimage without 
Haj permits will be deported, according to Makkah Governor Prince Khaled Al 

He said teams of security officers would be deployed in Makkah and other holy 
sites to look for pilgrims who do not possess Haj permits, and added that such 
illegal pilgrims would be slapped with deterrent fines. 

They may also be subjected to other punishments, deemed essential by higher 
authorities, including deportation, the Saudi Press Agency quoted the governor 
as saying. 

Prince Khaled called on Saudi sponsors and employers to instruct their workers 
intending to perform Haj to follow regulations and get Haj permits. 

Thousands of Saudis and expatriates perform Haj every year without obtaining a 
Haj permit and without contracting with Haj service agents. They sleep in 
public places, especially in the pedestrian path between Mina and Muzdalifah 
and around the stoning area of Jamarat in Mina. 

A concerted awareness campaign would be carried out through the media to 
enlighten Saudis and expatriates on the importance of obtaining Haj permits and 
following government instructions to ensure smooth operation of the Haj. 

The kingdom will not allow from this year anybody who violates Haj regulations 
to enter the holy sites, the governor said, and  urged Saudi and foreign 
pilgrims to follow the government's instructions that are aimed at protecting 
their safety and security. Abiding by these instructions will have positive 
impact on the whole Haj operation, he added. 

Prince Khaled, who is chairman of the Central Haj Committee, said government 
departments and private agencies have expedited preparations for the Haj 
beginning on December 6. 

He  warned that tough measures would be taken against those who transport 
illegal pilgrims to the holy sites. The punishment for such violations will 
include imposing deterrent fines and impounding and confiscation of vehicles. 
Drivers will also be asked to pay back the money to the passengers and also pay 
the fare to transport them in licenced vehicles, he said. Expatriates 
committing such violations would be deported. 

He said private Haj companies and agencies providing pilgrim services have been 
instructed to accommodate maximum number of pilgrims at reasonable charges. 

They have to transport their pilgrims in licenced vehicles to Makkah and other 
holy sites. 

This system will help a large number of pilgrims perform Haj without violating 
regulations, the prince said, and added that the ministry of transport has been 
instructed to supply adequate number of buses to transport pilgrims. 

Last year Saudi authorities deployed more than 7,000 security forces in Mina to 
ensure the smooth flow of pilgrims and prevent their squatting in public 
places. According to one senior Haj official, the new law allowing pilgrims to 
perform Umrah all year-round was one of the main reasons for an increase in 
overstayers and illegal squatters during Haj.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fundamental Principles Part 4

2008-10-30 Thread yunus ali

Knowledge of your Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), and he
was: Muhammad ibn 'Abdullaah ibn 'Abdul-Muttalib ibn Haashim; and Haashim
was from (the tribe of) Quraysh; Quraysh were from the Arabs; and the Arabs
have descended from Ismaa'eel, the son of Ibraaheem - the chosen beloved (*
khaleel*) - may the most excellent blessings and peace be upon him and upon
our Prophet. He lived for sixty-three years: forty years before prophethood,
and twenty-three years as a prophet and a messenger. He was sent as a
prophet with *'iqra'* [i.e. the beginning of *Soorah al-'Alaq*], ans as a
messenger with [*Soorah*] *Muddaththir*. His land was Makkah and he
performed *hijrah* (prescribed migration) to al-Madeenah. Allaah sent him to
warn against *shirk* and to call to *tawheed*.

The proof is the Saying of Allaah, the Most High,

 *O you (Muhammad sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) wrapped in garments! Arise
and warn your people; and venerate and worship your Lord, and purify
yourself, your garments and your deeds; and shun the idols; and do not give
anything in order to receive something more in return; and patiently
persevere for the sake of your Lord in the face of any harm you
encounter.*[Soorah al-Muddaththir (74):1-7]

 The meaning of *Arise and warn your people* is that he was to warn
against *shirk* and to call to *tawheed*. *Venerate and worship your
Lord*means honour and venerate Him with
*tawheed*. *Purify yourself, your garments, and your deeds* means purify
your actions from any *shirk*. *Shun the idols*, *ar-rujz* means the
idols, and *hajr* of them means shunning them, and freeing and
disassociating oneself from them and their people.

He carried out this duty for ten years, calling to *tawheed*, and after ten
years he was taken up through the heavens [i.e. the *mi'raaj*]; and the five
Prayers were obligated upon him, and he prayed in Makkah for three years,
and then he was commanded to perform *hijrah* (prescribed migration) to

*Hijrah* is migrating from the land of *shirk* to the land of Islaam. *
Hijrah* from the land of *shirk* to the land of Islaam is an obligation upon
this *ummah* and it continues until the Last Hour, and the proof is the
Saying of Allaah, the Most High,

 *As for those whose souls the angels take in a state of having earned
Allaah's Anger; then the angels will say to them: 'In what condition were
you regarding your Religion?' They will say: 'We were weakened by the great
numbers and strength of the people of shirk in our land who prevented us
from eemaan and from following the Messenger.' They will reply: 'Was not
Allaah's earth spacious so that you could leave your land and homes where
the people of shirk dominate and go to a land where you could worship Allaah
alone and follow His Prophet?!' So these people will find their abode in
Hell, and what an evil destination that is. Except for the weak ones from
the men, women and children who were unable to migrate or find a way to do
so. As for such, it may be that Allaah will pardon them, and Allaah is ever
One who pardons and forgives the sins of His servants.* [Soorah an-Nisaa'

 Also the Saying of Allaah, the Most High,

 *O My servants who believe in Me and My Messenger Muhammad (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam), indeed My earth is spacious, so flee away from whoever
prevents you from obedience to Me, and make your worship and obedience
purely and sincerely for Me, and do not obey anyone in disobedience to
Me.*[Soorah al-'Ankaboot (29):56]

 Al-Baghawee, *rahimahullaah*, said:

 This *Aayah* was sent down with regard to the Muslims who were in Makkah
who did not migrate; Allaah addressed them with the title of
*eemaan*. [1]

 The proof for the *hijrah* found in the *sunnah* is his (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) saying:

 *Hijrah will not be discontinued until repentance is discontinued, and
repentance will not be discontinued until the sun rises from its place of
setting.* [2]

 So when he (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) settled in al-Madeenah he
ordered the rest of the prescribed duties of Islaam, such as: the *zakaat*,
the Prayer, the *hajj*, *jihaad*, the *adhaan*, and commanding good and
forbidding evil, and the rest of the prescribed duties of Islaam. He spent
ten yeats establishing that, after which he passed away, may Allaah extol
and send blessings of peace upon him and his Religion remains, and this is
his Religion: There is no god except that he guided this *ummah* to it, and
no evil except that he warned them against it. So the good that he called
them to was *at-tawheed*, and all that Allaah loves and is pleased with; and
the evil that he warned against was *ash-shirk* and all that Allaah hates
and rejects. Allaah sent him as a Messenger to all of the people, and Allaah
made it obligatory upon all of the *jinn* and mankind to obey him. The proof
is the Saying of Allaah, the Most High,

 *Say, O 

Bismillah [IslamCity] The real travesty - Harsh Mander

2008-10-30 Thread Abhiyya

They found (and surreptitiously photographed with mobile phone cameras) half a 
dozen or more bullet injuries on the top of 17-year-old Sajid’s skull. It is 
evident that he was held down and shot many times into his head. This could not 
be the “encounter killing” of a beleaguered police force defending itself 
against dreaded terrorist fire. It is deliberate, cold-blooded killing. 
Eye-witnesses say that Atiq’s body had many marks of injury apart from bullets, 
including the peeling off skin from near his waist.

Date:19/10/2008 URL:

The real travesty

Calling for a judicial enquiry into the Batla House encounter is a not a 
travesty. Denying the need for one is…

The boys have been killed, and then charged post-facto of heinous terrorist 
outrages. They have no way now of defending their names or their lives.

Photo: R.V. Moorthy

Unanswered questions: Protestors in Delhi demanding an enquiry.

These days, there is much to mourn in the national capital of Delhi. I mourn 
the slaughter of a child who ran helpfully behind two men on a motor-cycle who 
left behind a package, and his head was blown away because the package 
contained a bomb. I mourn the death of a police inspector on duty in the Jamia 
Nagar “encounter”. But I mourn no less the shooting of two young boys in the 
hands of the police, with no chance to defend themselves from charges that they 
“masterminded” terror bomb blasts not just in Delhi, but also in Ahmedabad, 
Hyderabad and Bangalore.
One of the boys, Sajid, was all of 17 years old, and had come to Jamia to 
prepare for an entrance examination for Class XI. Atiq had voluntarily sought 
police verification when he took the small room on rent. He gave his accurate 
details when he took a driving licence. He was preparing for his examinations, 
and a documentary filmmaker, Ameeq, who knew him for many years, said he met 
him a week before the killing, and he said he dreamed of becoming an Air Force 
pilot. He posted his face on a social networking website, and said his 
favourite films were “Mother India” and “Rang de Basanti”. He could afford to 
rent only a tiny room in the Muslim ghetto of Batla House where students from 
many parts of the country who cannot get hostel rooms hire cramped apartments. 
He shared this with Sajid and three other friends. One of them was appearing 
for an examination in a management school the morning of the killings.Presuming 

On the face of it, any of these boys could have been my son or your brother. It 
is, of course, possible as the police claim, that this is the technique of 
“sleeper terrorists” to appear to be ordinary, law-abiding citizens, and 
thereby escape detection. But, it is equally possible that they were innocent, 
and were framed in an illegal encounter staged by a government which felt under 
great duress to demonstrate results after public anger was high in the wake of 
a series of bomb explosions. The law of the land, as guaranteed by our 
democratic constitution, requires the presumption that a person is innocent 
until proved guilty. But the boys have been killed, and then charged post-facto 
of heinous terrorist outrages. They have no way now of defending their names or 
their lives.
We have only the police’s word that they are terrorists. But, in all 
democracies, because the police is known to be fallible but also to extract 
“confessions” under duress including torture, statements before the police are 
not admissible as evidence. In all other cases, the media and the public at 
large are uniformly sceptical of police versions of events. In innumerable high 
profile criminal cases in recent times, the confident claims of the police have 
fallen by the wayside. This time there were contradictory and competitive 
claims from other police establishments, unwilling to let Delhi seize the 
thunder, that they had found “masterminds” and one police chief even claimed to 
have found the mastermind of masterminds!
But in our rage and fear of terrorist attacks, and our willingness to believe 
the worst about young men of the “guilty” Muslim community, we have wilfully 
suspended our disbelief in the police claims in this encounter.
Community leaders had insisted that the body of the two slain boys be given the 
ritual bathing before their hasty burial under the shadow of the police. They 
found (and surreptitiously photographed with mobile phone cameras) half a dozen 
or more bullet injuries on the top of 17-year-old Sajid’s skull. It is evident 
that he was held down and shot many times into his head. This could not be the 
“encounter killing” of a beleaguered police force defending itself against 
dreaded terrorist fire. It is deliberate, cold-blooded killing. Eye-witnesses 
say that Atiq’s body had many marks of injury apart from bullets, including the 
peeling off skin from near his waist.
Even assuming that 

Bismillah [IslamCity] All Muslims have the same faith, but not all Muslims have the same logic

2008-10-30 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec


  Gregory Waleed Kavalec
Surely those who say, 'Our Lord is God' and then go straight,
no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow. -- 46.13

Bismillah [IslamCity] Trillion: It's the new billion

2008-10-30 Thread Shahid
Trillion: It's the new billion
The federal dollars being tossed in amid the financial crisis have altered the 
shock value of high numbers.
By Erin McClam, - October 13, 2008 
There's an old saying attributed to Everett Dirksen, the Illinois senator who 
dotted his speeches with colorful rants against government borrowing: A billion 
here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money.

Not these days, you're not.

The thicket of figures hurled at Americans since Wall Street began to melt down 
last month boggles the mind and crashes the calculator. We are utterly numb 
from numbers.

Bailout of the U.S. financial system: $700 billion. Sweeteners to get the bill 
through Congress: $140 billion. Federal loan to insurer American International 
Insurance Group Inc.: $85 billion. John McCain government mortgage buyback 
proposal: $300 billion.

Billions and billions and billions and billions, tossed out there as quickly 
and casually as if by a Carl Sagan impersonator on speed. The Fed announced 
Wednesday that it would lend AIG an additional $37.5 billion, and we hardly 

It was not always this way. Five years ago, early in the Iraq war and at about 
this time of year, the Bush administration infuriated opponents by calling for 
an additional $87 billion in war funding.

Yes, the $87 billion helped do in the presidential bid of John Kerry, who voted 
for it before he voted against it. But the point was that $87 billion was a 
jaw-dropping amount. That Halloween, people actually wrote $87 billion on 
T-shirts and went as blank checks.

Now, in the Age of the Meltdown, the numbers we are asked to comprehend are so 
massive that it takes something even larger to get our attention.

Here's something: Between the stock market peak of Oct. 9, 2007, and exactly 
one year later -- which is to say, encompassing the Wall Street free fall -- 
$8.3 trillion was vaporized.

Write it out and it looks like a spill on the Cheerios aisle: 

And that's still less than the national debt, which is more than 
$10,200,700,000,000 and growing.

That's right: Trillion is the new billion.

How are we supposed to get our minds around all this? How are we to avoid an 
embarrassment worthy of Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers movies, who was 
cryogenically unfrozen after decades and gamely made the diabolical suggestion 
that he hold the world ransom for . . . a puny $1 million?

(His evil advisors gently told him $1 million was not exactly a lot of money 
anymore. Come to think of it, even his second suggestion, a way more evil $100 
billion, wouldn't raise an eyebrow on Wall Street now.)

Ronald Reagan had an idea. In 1981, to call attention to a national debt 
approaching $1 trillion, he asked Americans to imagine a stack of 
thousand-dollar bills 67 miles high.

Setting aside the limitations this posed in terms of the availability of 
thousand-dollar bills, the comparison seems almost quaint. The national debt 
just passed $10 trillion -- so big the additional front-end digit of 1 is 
eating into the space for the dollar sign on the National Debt Clock in New 

Another suggestion comes from John Allen Paulos, a professor of mathematics at 
Temple University and author of A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper. He 
suggests thinking of the numbers in terms of time: 1 million seconds is about 
11 1/2 days; 1 billion seconds; 32 years; 1 trillion seconds; 32,000 years.

It might help to think of these quantities in terms of jail sentences, Paulos 
said in an e-mail interview.

OK, bad example.

And one small problem. Although it is by far the most popular line ever 
attributed to Dirksen, there is no record anywhere that he ever actually said 
it, said Frank H. Mackaman of the Dirksen Congressional Center in Pekin, Ill.

Oh, the senator hated excessive government debt, all right. He told stories 
about potholes and about cats trapped in wells. The moral: Never dig deeper to 
get out. He just didn't make that one famous quip.

No matter. The fact remains that whether it's the federal bailout or chaos in 
the market or new tax breaks, it's not just a billion here, a billion there 
anymore. We are definitely talking real money -- trillions of it.,0,3108876.story

Bismillah [IslamCity] Job for executive secretary (bilingual)

2008-10-30 Thread syed sadath

As Salam Walekum
Dear Brothers,
I would like to inform you that below email in RED I received from one of my 
friend and I am forwarding to our Group.
Brother Sadath
First I would like to thanks you that you are helping the NRI’s Muslim brothers 
by providing them a very helpful information in different fields. May Aallah 
reward you a healthy and long life (Ameen).
Please forward it to the NRI Muslim brothers.
A well reputed company in Riyadh region required an executive secretary 
(bilingual), who have the following qualification.
1. Graduate in any stream.
2. Should have good experience in office daily routine work.
3. Should have good knowledge for complete Microsoft office.
3. Can read, write  type English  Arabic.
4. Preference will be given who can translate (English +Arabic).
5. Age limit not more than 40 years.
6. Transfer able Iqama.
A handsome package will be provided to the right candidate.
Interested persons can forward their detailed CV in word format to ([EMAIL 
May Allah rewards you for your help to the Muslim brothers.
With Regards


Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Yahoo! Messenger. Download 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Job Opportunity: Writing for

2008-10-30 Thread a.awady
My name is Aisha El-Awady. I am an editor at the Health and Science 
section of the web portal We are currently recruiting 
writers for our section. 

Our areas of interest are health, science, nature, environment, 
technology, science fiction and faith and the sciences. If you are 
interested in writing for us, please send us your CV and a sample of 
your writings to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
Aisha El-Awady