Bismillah [IslamCity] Virtues of the Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

2008-12-01 Thread ***hajikhan***

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said,
"On no days is the worship of Allah desired more than
in the first 10 days of Zil-Hijjah.
The fast of each of these days is equal to the fast of a whole year,
and the IBAADAT of each of these nights is equal to the
(Tirmizi & Ibn Maajah)

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Bismillah [IslamCity] When the differences makes a huge difference

2008-12-01 Thread raja chemayel


 were those thieves in uniform, in 1947,
  Jews  ?? or Israelis ??
Why do some Arabs call the Jews , "Jews"
and call also the Israelis. "Jews" ???
It has a simple explanation ,
which has to do with chronology :
Until the years 1948 nobody has heard of the "Israelis"
all the immigrants into Palestine were ,indeed, Jews
and thus they were logically called "The Jews"
(and not Lithuanians, Polish,Latvians, German, Russian,French...etc..)
It was only after the establishment of a State called
the "State of Israel" that consequently came into the vocabulary
a new name-term-expression-designation, known as Israeli..
being the new-artificial-synthetic-citizenship.
What happens later on , and until today is the unfortunate fact
that when Arabs (in general) speak about  the Israelis
they say " The Jews"...Al Yahood !
It is like the Amero-Indians who call all immigrants to the USA
the "white man" instead of calling them the colonisersor the Americans
Or like the white-man who robbed Africa is also called "White"
instead of "thief", or French or British or Italian or Potuguesertc.
Why do I say unfortunate ??
because it gives the impression that there exists
an-anti-Jew-feeling among the Arabs,
and not simply and clearly an-anti-Israeli sentiment !!
Needless to say how the Western-media and the Zionist-Media
and the ignorant-media react to that expression-definition-name,
to describe it and exploit it , as being anti-Semitic.
So please bear in mind,
that any Arab (especially the Palestinians)
who is older than 40 years shall use the "Jews"  expression.
As for the younger generation they will use "Israeli"  to describe
the same peopleif ever they are a "people" !!
but that is another story .
Raja Chemayel
an anti-Israeli ( although older than 40 years)


RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Website to find Hotels in Madina

2008-12-01 Thread ezzat
Kindly if you can advise for manual for Makah hotel with lay out I will be
very thankfull


Ezzat Adham



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Shahid
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 8:35 AM
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Website to find Hotels in Madina


Those going to hajj should definitely visit the site and see your hotel's
location so you don't become lost on the first time back from the masjid


Hotels in Madina anyone? 


By Faraz Omar Saudi Gazette

JEDDAH - A cool new service to find hotels in Madina has been launched. The
link -  madina - shows a
satellite view of the city with the Prophet's Mosque at the center. The
hotels around it are marked in color. 

Simply moving your mouse over the hotels gives you the name of the hotel and
the contact details. This gives people the option to see and choose hotels
according to their proximity with the Prophet's mosque.


The website, still at its initial stage of development, promises to offer
much more in the future. 

It plans to build an online market place for visitors to find any services
they need, from the comfort of their homes or offices.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Suspects were trained to lie

2008-12-01 Thread Abhiyya
“With his military intelligence background and knowledge of interrogation 
procedures, this strategy to derail investigation in the event of being 
arrested was designed by Purohit,” said a police officer involved in the probe
Suspects were trained to lie


Stavan Desai & Presley Thomas, Hindustan Times
Mumbai, November 26, 2008
“Injure yourself if you have to”; “complain of torture”; “make personal, 
embarrassing allegations against the police in court.”

These are some instructions members of the radical Hindu group Abhinav Bharat – 
under investigation for its involvement in the Malegaon blast – were given at a 
training camp conducted by Lt Col Prasad Purohit at Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh, 
earlier this year.
The September 29 blast in a crowded marketplace in Maharashtra’s powerloom town 
claimed six lives.
Investigators found details of these training sessions in Purohit’s laptop, 
which was recovered after his arrest on November 5. Hindustan Times had access 
to the armyman’s detailed lecture notes. Officials said at least 30 senior 
Abhinav Bharat members attended these sessions, referred to in the laptop as 
personality development workshops.
The allegations made by Purohit, Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur and the other 
co-accused at the special Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) 
court on Monday are very similar to the instructions in Purohit’s sessions. 
“With his military intelligence background and knowledge of interrogation 
procedures, this strategy to derail investigation in the event of being 
arrested was designed by Purohit,” said a police officer involved in the probe.
Maharashtra Director General of Police A.N. Roy said these are delay tactics. 
“It is becoming common to level allegations against investigators, to slow down 
the probe and to make investigators wary,” he said.
The court on Monday denied the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) custody 
of seven of the 11 accused, a major setback and embarrassment for the police. 
The sadhvi was the first to file an affidavit that the ATS had tortured her.
“It’s a procedure straight out of the Al Qaeda manual. Once a precedent is set, 
everybody follows suit,” said advocate Raja Thackeray, who specialises in 
criminal matters.
The allegations are similar to those made by the July 11/7 train blasts accused 
and Indian Mujahideen members, arrested for their links with the blasts in 
Ahmedabad and Delhi.

With Regards 



Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: Terrorism Is Becoming Endemic : All Should Unite To Combat This Scourge

2008-12-01 Thread S A Hannan

Terrorism Is Becoming Endemic : All Should Unite To Combat This Scourge i


News agencies have reported that teams of heavily armed gunmen stormed luxury 
hotels, a popular tourist attraction and a crowded train station in at least 
seven attacks in India's financial capital, killing at least 78 people and 
wounding at least 200, officials told AP last night. The gunmen were 
specifically targeting Britons and Americans, media reports said, and may be 
holding hostages. The Times of India reports that unknown outfit Deccan 
Mujahideen claimed responsibility of the attacks.The gunmen also attacked 
police headquarters in south Mumbai, the area where most of the attacks, which 
began late Wednesday and continued into Thursday morning, took place. "We are 
under fire, there is shooting at the gate," said constable A. Shetti by phone 
from police headquarters. Hours after the first attacks, A.N. Roy, a senior 
police officer, said police continued to battle the gunmen. "The terrorists 
have used automatic weapons and in some places grenades have been lobbed, the 
encounters are still going on and we are trying to overpower them," Roy said. 
Johnny Joseph, chief secretary for Maharashtra state, of which Mumbai is the 
capital, said 78 people had been killed and 200 had been injured. The motive 
for the attacks was not immediately clear but Mumbai has frequently been 
targeted in terror attacks.  “I was in the main lobby and there was all of a 
sudden a lot of firing outside," said Sajjad Karim, part of a delegation of 
European lawmakers visiting Mumbai ahead of a forthcoming EU-India summit. He 
turned to get away "and all of a sudden another gunmen appeared in front of us, 
carrying machine gun-type weapons. And he just started firing at us ... I just 
turned and ran in the opposite direction," he told The Associated Press over 
his mobile phone.Hours later, he remained holed up in a hotel restaurant, 
unsure if the incident was over, and whether it was safe to come out.


We are appalled at this heinous crime and violence. Things are still unfolding 
and we would know soon the enormity of the matter and the possible 
perpetrators. Terrorism has become a very serious problem in most places and 
countries. It is in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia. The sub-continent , 
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal , SriLanka  are all affected by this. How to 
tackle this is a difficult issue. Of course there are the issues of foreign 
policy of some countries, poverty, ethnic questions, demand for independence 
.But we also find senseless killers or groups of killers run by maniacs. It is 
very difficult to tackle the last group.  


Another thing is availability of weapons, some how terrorist groups can manage 
weapons and explosives. Wars, smugglers and different intelligence agencies are 
responsible for this The world community has to come together and do some thing 
about it, no single country or groups of country can not solve this 
hydra-headed problem

Bismillah [IslamCity] Faith - Sweetness of Faith

2008-12-01 Thread syed sadath

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah 
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu 
Narrated by Anas(Radhiallaho anho): 
Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said,
"Whoever possesses the following three qualities will have the 
sweetness (delight) of faith: 
The one to whom Allah and His Apostle becomes dearer than anything  else. 

Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah's sake. 

Who hates to revert to Atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the 
Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol.1 : No.15


  Get an email ID as [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] Click here

Bismillah [IslamCity] "Hindu Terror": Suspects were trained to lie & Double talks of Sangh Parivar

2008-12-01 Thread Erooth Mohamed
   - *Hinduism turns to 'fascism', promote and trains to 'lies' and
   - *Sangh Parivar's double talk... 'patriotism'!!*

*Suspects were trained to lie*
Wed,26 Nov 2008

"Injure yourself if you have to"; "complain of torture"; "make personal,
embarrassing allegations against the police in court."

These are some instructions members of the radical Hindu group Abhinav
Bharat – under investigation for its involvement in the Malegaon blast –
were given at a training camp conducted by Lt Col Prasad Purohit at
Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh, earlier this year.

The September 29 blast in a crowded marketplace in Maharashtra's powerloom
town claimed six lives.

Investigators found details of these training sessions in Purohit's laptop,
which was recovered after his arrest on November 5. *Hindustan Times* had
access to the armyman's detailed lecture notes. Officials said at least 30
senior Abhinav Bharat members attended these sessions, referred to in the
laptop as personality development workshops.

The allegations made by Purohit, Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur and the other
co-accused at the special Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA)
court on Monday are very similar to the instructions in Purohit's sessions.

*"With his military intelligence background and knowledge of interrogation
procedures, this strategy to derail investigation in the event of being
arrested was designed by Purohit,"* said a police officer involved in the

Maharashtra Director General of Police A.N. Roy said these are delay
tactics. *"It is becoming common to level allegations against investigators,
to slow down the probe and to make investigators wary,"* he said.

The court on Monday denied the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS)
custody of seven of the 11 accused, a major setback and embarrassment for
the police. The sadhvi was the first to file an affidavit that the ATS had
tortured her.

*"It's a procedure straight out of the Al Qaeda manual. Once a precedent is
set, everybody follows suit,"* said advocate Raja Thackeray, who specialises
in criminal matters.

The allegations are similar to those made by the July 11/7 train blasts
accused and Indian Mujahideen members, arrested for their links with the
blasts in Ahmedabad and Delhi.

*Sangh Parivar's Double Talk:
Beware Perverse Patriotism*
*By B G Verghese*
17 November, 2008

*I*t causes deep concern that the armed forces may have been penetrated by
ideologically driven groups.

One must beware of perverse patriotism, disturbing signs of which have been
recently manifest. The arrest of an Army officer on suspicion of having
assisted alleged Hindu right extremist terror bombings in Malegaon and
possibly elsewhere appears sinister. At the moment here are only allegations
that must be thoroughly investigated before definitive conclusions are

Nevertheless, enough has been established to cause deep concern that the
armed forces may have been penetrated by dangerous, ideologically driven

The civil and, specially, uniformed services are non-political servants of
the people acting under the directions of the government of the day, owning
allegiance to the Constitution and not to any extraneous ideology or group.

The defence minister has taken note of whatever has happened and intends to
get to the root of the matter so that incipient mischief is nipped in the
bud. Meanwhile, the single incident that has come to light should not be
considered a trend but an aberration.

What is surprising, however, is the response of the spokesmen of the
Parivar. They disown any association with sadhvi Pragya and other civil
suspects held for the Malegaon bombing. Yet they take the line that Hindus
cannot be terrorists and that the armed forces are a part of Indian society
which has been horrified by the pusillanimous and apologetic approach of the
UPA government to terror attacks and cannot therefore be blamed for
patriotic reactions.

This apologia comes close to showing sympathy for and indirectly condoning
what is undoubtedly a grave dereliction of duty and rank indiscipline. It
echoes the chorus from across the border in praise of "freedom fighters" as
opposed to terrorists, "our" boys versus the dreadful "other". Such
pernicious double talk is scarcely in keeping with the Parivar's insistent
demand for "strong" action against terror.

The same attitude of "patriotic anger" was revealed in the disgraceful
conduct of young ABVP hoodlums who broke up a Delhi University meeting on
Democracy and Fascism last week and spat on one of the invited speakers, SAR
Geelani, who was discharged by the Supreme Court in the parliament bombing

Bismillah [IslamCity] If ever anyone deserved a hand and foot amputated from opposite sides...

2008-12-01 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Police in southern Afghanistan have arrested 10 men in connection with an
acid attack on schoolgirls earlier this month, officials say.
The men are all Taleban insurgents and some have confessed to taking part in
the attack, the authorities say.
Several girls received severe burns when acid was thrown in their faces on
12 November in Kandahar city.

. . .

Gen Daud said the men were Afghans who had travelled from Pakistan.


 Gregory Waleed Kavalec
"There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare."

   -- SunTzu, Art of War

Bismillah [IslamCity] The world in the time of the Uighur Empire

2008-12-01 Thread Shahid
Uighurs used to have an empire of their own. It consisted of modern East 
Turkestan as well as parts of Mongolia.

The Uighur Empire was a central Asian steppe confederation, like most empires 
that have existed there. However, unlike many of its predecessors, the Uighurs 
actually started to settle down and build their own cities and culture. 

However, steppe confederations were not usually very long-lived, and the Uighur 
empire was no exception. In the late dark ages, the Kyrgyz tribes (who then 
lived in central Siberia) sent an army of 80,000 horsemen to attack the 
Uighurs. They proceeded to burn down the capital and other major cities, 
leaving Mongolia in chaos again.

The world in the time of the Uighur Empire (Khaganate):

related news:

Uighurs fear Islamic practices will disappear under China's rule:

Bismillah [IslamCity] What will Foster Love Amongst Muslims?

2008-12-01 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah*
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

The Book of Faith (Kitab Al-Iman)
Muslim :: Book 1 : Hadith 96
*Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessing be
upon him)* observed: You shall not enter Paradise so long as you do not
affirm belief (in all those things which are the articles of faith) and you
will not believe as long as you do not love one another.* Should I not
direct you to a thing which, if you do, will foster love amongst you: (i.
e.) give currency to (the practice of paying salutation to one another by
saying) as-salamu alaikum.*

*Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of
Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and
grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek
refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition
whose isnad is gharib.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Donate Qurbani/Udhiya for the Less Fortunate - Follow the Way of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH)

2008-12-01 Thread Waseem Baloch

As Salaamu Alaikum (Peace Be Upon You),

Eid-ul-Adha Qurbani (Sacrifice) 2008 Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught Muslims the way of remembering the
act of Abraham (peace be upon him). He stayed for 10 years in Madina and
performed Sacrifice/Qurbani at Eid-Ul-Adha. (Tirmidhi)

Hidaya Foundation (
arranged Eid-ul-Adha Qurbani (Sacrifice) Project internationally as
well as here in USA.  The Qurbani/Udhiya will be performed after Eid
Prayers have been performed in USA.  The costs are
provided in the table below.  To donate online via electronic check or credit card, please click on a Qurbani option

   One Animal
   Share of Animal 




Zakat Distribution
Hidaya Foundation distributes Zakat funds, which are used to support
Orphans, widows, poor elderly, families in extreme poverty, deserving students,
health care needs of less fortunate and marriage support for poor girls.  To better understand
how to calculate Zakat on stock option, 401k, etc. kindly visit: 

To donate your Zakat online, please visit:

You may mail checks payable to: Hidaya Foundation, P.O. Box 5481, Santa Clara,
CA 95056

Waseem Baloch
Hidaya Foundation
(866) 244-3292 Toll Free

Hidaya Foundation (
is a US based non-profit 501 (C)(3) charitable organization, with Tax ID#
77-0502583. Its mission is to implement projects in economically depressed
areas of the world.<>

Bismillah [IslamCity] reward of a Hajj and an Umrah

2008-12-01 Thread ***hajikhan***

Narrated by Anas ibn Malik (May Allah be pleased with him)
Allah's Messenger (sallallaho alaihi wa sallam) said:
For the one who observes the dawn prayer in congregation,
then sits down to remember Allah till the rising of the sun,
and then observes two rak'ahs (after the sun has risen),
there is for him the reward of a Hajj and an Umrah.
Allah's Messenger (sallallaho alaihi wa sallam) added: ...
Perfect, perfect, perfect.
{ Tirmidhi }

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Bismillah [IslamCity] SCHEDULE

2008-12-01 Thread ilm_b4_action
Our Dear Brothers And Sisters,

Assalaam 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh | |
Invites You To Attend Our Upcoming Lectures

All Lectures In Arabic & English
Expected Scholars For This Month ...

Saturday, November 29th 2008

Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Jarboo

Ex Deen - College of Aqeedah
Professor, Islamic University, Al-Madinah

1:00 pm EST (New York)
6:00 pm GMT (London)
9:00 pm (Makkah)

Saturday, December 13th 2008

Shaykh Ali Al-Huthayfi

Imaam and Khateeb of Prophet's Masjid
Professor, Islamic University of Madinah

1:00 pm EST (New York)
6:00 pm GMT (London)
9:00 pm (Makkah)

Saturday, December 20th 2008

 Special Session 
--- Marital Discord - Family Issues ---

Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Ghudyaan

Member of Council of Senior Scholars
Member of Lajnah Ad-Daaimah lil iftaa

1:00 pm EST (New York)
6:00 pm GMT (London)
9:00 pm (Makkah)

Saturday, December 27th 2008

Shaykh Abdul-'Azeez Aal Shaykh

Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia
Chairman of Council of Senior Scholars
& Chairman of Permanent committee
of Islamic Research and Fatawaa

1:00 pm EST (New York)
6:00 pm GMT (London)
9:00 pm (Makkah)


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Upcoming Lectures - Schedule

Bismillah [IslamCity] US charity guilty of funding Hamas

2008-12-01 Thread Ismail Kashkash


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

US charity guilty of funding Hamas

The verdict came after Holy Land's first trial last year
ended in a mistrial
A US court has convicted a Muslim charity and five of its former leaders of all 
108 charges in the largest "terrorism" financing trial in US history.
The Texas jury reached its verdict on Monday after eight days of deliberations 
over whether the former Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, once 
the largest US Muslim charity, had given money to the Palestinian group Hamas.
The charity, which was shut down seven years ago, was accused of giving more 
than $12m to support Hamas, which was designated a "terrorist organisation" in 
1995 by the US government.
The hour-long verdict, following a seven-week trial, came after a first trial 
ended in October 2007 with one man acquitted on 31 charges but jurors unable to 
agree on verdicts for others.
Several relatives of those convicted on Monday wept as the verdict was read out 
in the Dallas courtroom, with one woman shouting "my father is not a criminal".
Ghassan Elashi, Holy Land's former chairman, and Shukri Abu-Baker, the
charity's ex-chief executive, were convicted of a combined 69 charges, including

supporting a specially-designated "terrorist" organisation, money-laundering 
and tax fraud, The Associated Press reported.
Mufid Abdulqader and Abdulrahman Odeh were convicted on three counts of 
conspiracy, and Mohammed El-Mezain was convicted on one count of conspiracy to 
support a "terrorist organisation".
The Holy Land foundation itself was convicted on all 32 counts.
'Political' case
While prosecutors said the foundation raised money for Hamas they did 
not accuse the charity of directly financing or being involved in "terrorist" 

"When you're supposed to be able to face your accusers fully and against secret 
evidence and secret witness, I think that leads to reasonable doubt"
Lydia Gonzalez,
League of United Latin American CitizensProsecutors said the charity was 
spreading Hamas's ideology by funding schools, hospitals and social welfare 
programmes controlled by the group in the Palestinian territories, and 
permitting it to divert funds to the activities of fighters.
However, the charity's supporters said the government was politicising the case 
as part of its so-called war on terror and ignoring the foundation's charitable 
mission in providing aid to the poverty-stricken Palestinian territories.
Government officials had raided Holy Land's headquarters in December 2001, 
and George Bush, the US president, later announced the seizure of the charity's 
assets as "another step in the war on terrorism".
But defence lawyers said their clients had been put on trial partly because of 
their family ties to members of Hamas - Khaled Meshaal, Hamas's political 
leader exiled in Syria, is the brother of defendant Mufid Abdulqader.
Unidentified Israeli witness
Al Jazeera's Tom Ackerman, reporting from Dallas, Texas, where the court case 
took place, said a former US state department official testified that he was 
never told that Hamas directed the US charity during intelligence briefings.
But an unidentified Israeli witness told the court that the aid was funnelled 
through Hamas channels.
Lydia Gonzalez of the League of United Latin American Citizens, said the 
defendants did not get a fair trial.
"When you're supposed to be able to face your accusers fully and against secret 
evidence and secret witness, I think that leads to reasonable doubt."
Muslim groups say the prosecution has made American Muslims more hesitant to 
fulfil their religious obligation of helping the needy and the foundation's 
defenders accuse the government of selectively prosecuting the charity.
"The same charities that these guys gave to the American Red Cross is still 
giving to, the USAID is still giving to," Mustafaa Carroll of the Council on 
American-Islamic Relations, said.


Al Jazeera and agencies



Bismillah [IslamCity] Uighurs fear Islamic practices will disappear under China's rule

2008-12-01 Thread Shahid
Uighurs fear Islamic practices will disappear under China's rule

Uighur Muslims, who could not study freely Islamic teachings under the China's 
long-year restrictions, fear Islamic practices will be forgotten and disappear.
"I wanted to study teachings like the Hadith," the man, 25-year-old Muslim, who 
identified himself only as Hussein, told San Francisco Chronicle, referring to 
a collection of the Prophet Muhammad's, sayings. "I'm too old now. It makes me 
As children, Hussein and millions of other young Uighurs never attended the 
religious schools known as madrassas or prayed at mosques because of a 
government ban on Islamic education for those under 18. Since Hussein never 
learned about religious laws governing marriage and family, he feels unprepared 
to have children, and he wonders whether future generations will be able to 
practice their faith before adulthood. 
"Maybe in 10 years, there will be no more religion in East Turkistan, said 
Since the end of the Olympic Games in late August, the Chinese government's 
pressure on Uighurs has escalated, according to Alim Seytoff, general secretary 
of the Uighur American Association, based in Washington, D.C.
Uighurs have long complained of restrictions on Islam, which include studying 
Arabic only at government schools, banning government workers from practicing 
Islam and barring imams from teaching religion in private. 
The rights groups say in some towns, prayer in public places outside the main 
mosque is forbidden and an imam's sermon is limited to no longer than a 
At most major towns in East Turkistan, soldiers search cars and scan identity 
cards at checkpoints ringing the perimeters. 
East Turkistan's Communist Party officials have also curtailed Islamic dress 
and diet. During Ramadan that ended in September, local authorities required 
some Uighur-owned restaurants to remain open during the day, when Muslims 
normally fast. Government employees have been told to shave their beards, and 
police have been ordering women to remove their veils. 
"It's virtually martial law there," said Seytoff of the Uighur American 
Association. "East Turkestan is a police state. As long as you're a Uighur, 
you're a criminal suspect in China." 
Dilshat Rishit, spokesman for the Germany-based World Uighur Congress, 
estimates that close to 700 people have been detained since August. 
"People can be arrested anytime or anywhere without warrants or charges. People 
are panicking," said Rishit. "These strategies will worsen the conflict between 
Uighurs and the Beijing government." 
Some Uighurs say that even though they worry about security, the growing 
influence of the Han Chinese over the economy poses a larger threat to their 
livelihood. A hotel employee in Kashgar named Omar said that most Uighurs 
experience job discrimination on a regular basis. 
"Even if a Uighur knows English, Russian and French, and does a good job, a 
Chinese will still get the position," he said. 
The struggle of Uighurs
The Uighurs are a Sunni Muslim ethnic group related to the Turkic peoples of 
Central Asia. 
Nicholas Bequelin, who monitors the province for Human Rights Watch, says that 
continued Han migration, rapid economic development and authoritarian rule are 
a long-term strategy to crush Uighur dissent. Han Chinese now comprise more 
than half of East Turkistan's population of 20 million people. 
"This isn't reactive repression. It's a deliberate policy to control, monitor 
and sterilize Uighur culture so it can't be a vehicle for autonomy," said 
Historical records show that the Uyghurs have a history of more than 4000 
years. Throughout the history the Uyghurs developed a unique culture and 
civilization and made remarkable contribution to the civilization of the world. 
The Uyghurs embraced Islam in 934, during the reign of Satuk Bughra Khan, the 
Kharahanid ruler. Since that time on the Islam continuously served Uyghurs as 
the only religion until today. 
After embracing Islam the Uyghurs continued to preserve their cultural 
dominance in Central Asia. World renowned Uyghur scholars emerged, and Uyghur 
literature flourished. Among the hundreds of important works surviving from 
this era are the Kutat-ku Bilik by Yusuf Has Hajip (1069-70), Divan-i Lugat-it 
Turk by Mahmud Kashgari, and Atabetul Hakayik by Ahmet Yukneki. 
East Turkistan was occupied by the communist China in 1949 and its name was 
changed in 1955. The communist China has been exercising a colonial rule over 
the East Turkistan since then. 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Arabic Language Lesson 1.5: Exercise 2

2008-12-01 Thread Waseem Anwar

LESSON 1- الدَّرْسُ الأوَّلُ
تمـرين (٢) - Exercise 2

In parts 4 to 6 of lesson 1, we will test the knowledge that we have learnt in 
Lesson 1 so far.

Please click on the correct option for each question below and click on the 
Mark button upon completion.  In this lesson you will not be given the meaning 
of sentences, please visit the earlier parts of lesson 1 to learn the meanings 
if necessary.

Question 6: 

   Question 7:

لاَ، هـٰذا قَلَمٌ.

أهـٰذا قَمِيْصٌ؟


نَعَمْ، هـٰذا نَجْمٌ.

أهـٰذا نَجْمٌ؟

لاَ، هـٰذا نَجْمٌ.

لاَ، هـٰذا قَمِيْصٌ.

نَعَمْ، هـٰذا قَمِيْصٌ.

لاَ، هـٰذا كُرْسِيٌ

لاَ، هـٰذا بَيْتٌ

لاَ، هـٰذا بَيْتٌ

Question 9: 
   Question 10:

لاَ، هـٰذا قَلَمٌ

أهـٰذا بَيْتٌ؟


لاَ، هـٰذا مَسْجِدٌ

أهـٰذا مِفْتَاحٌ؟


نَعَمْ، هـٰذا بَيْتٌ

لاَ، هـٰذا قَلَمٌ

لاَ، هـٰذا كُرْسِيٌ

نَعَمْ، هـٰذا مِفْتَاحٌ

لاَ، هـٰذا مَسْجِدٌ

لاَ، هـٰذا بَيْتٌ

Total Correct Answers = 0
Your Mark is 0%


Bismillah [IslamCity] New Muslim Request

2008-12-01 Thread Ahmed ALmahdy

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please send me a list of English Islamic websites that are 
Trustful, Clear, Correct for
understanding Islam and be convinced with the truth.

I want the maximum number of websites as I am planning to make an online page 
for it.

So, let's make everyone contribute here in building the BIG list for daawa.

Jzakom Allah Khairan.


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