Bismillah [IslamCity] Stop Gaza Slaughter

2008-12-31 Thread Abhiyya
Resistance to Israeli occupation – a right?
Posted December 29, 2008

Palestinians are a people under occupation who has the right to 
self-determination under the UN Charter, the Declaration on Principles of 
International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States 
in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations from 1970, and Article 1 
of both the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and 
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
The right to self-determination
Palestinians possess a specific history in an identifiable territory, a 
distinct culture, and a will and capability to gain self-governance.
The right to self-determination was acknowledged by the international community 
in UN General Assembly Resolution 181 of 29 November 1947, and recently by the 
International Court of Justice (ICJ) in its Advisory Opinion on the 
Wall (section 118). The ICJ stated that:

…construction, along with measures taken previously, thus severely impedes the 
exercise by the Palestinian people of its right to self‑determination, and is 
therefore a breach of


Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: History of Israel

2008-12-31 Thread Abhiyya
As received
With Regards


--- On Mon, 12/29/08, Burhan Abro wrote:

From: Burhan Abro
Subject: (SPN) History of Israel
Date: Monday, December 29, 2008, 2:30 PM

Israel is to become the watchdog. There is no fear that Israel will undertake 
any aggressive Policy towards the Arab states when this would explicitly 
contradict the wishes of the US and Britain. But if for any reasons the Western 
powers should sometimes prefer to close their eyes, Israel could be relied upon 
to punish one or several neighbouring states whose discourtesy to the West went 
beyond the bounds of the permissible.
The Israeli paper Ha'aretz, 30 September 1951

Dear friends,

While we look at the devastating news that is coming out of Gaza with 
disbelief, I think it is imperative that we know the full background of Zionism 
and how Israel was armed by the US and Britain to become the 3rd biggest 
military power.

For this purpose I thought of sharing with you friends a pamphlet that was 
published by the Socialist Workers Party of Britain in 1986, written by John 
It is called,

Israel: The Hijack State
America's Watchdog in the Middle East
(1986) by John Rose

http://www.marxists .de/middleast/ rose/index. htm

I read it a few months ago and found it a fact-based-eye- opener, even though 
it was published 20 years ago, its still very relevant.

The complete text is available on the above link. If anyone wants the bounded 
book form, then its is available with us at Int'l Socialists for a very very 
reasonable price.

International Socialists Pak.


Bismillah [IslamCity] To lie or not to lie !!

2008-12-31 Thread raja chemayel

This is a football club 
getting ready for a picnic , in Alaska.

casualties include both Hamas members and civilians. More than 1,000
people have been wounded and there have been some 360 fatalities.

humanitarian officials criticised Israel for bombing heavily populated
areas in Gaza where civilians would inevitably suffer. Israel accused
Hamas of hiding among civilians.

medical cases have been taken to the Egyptian capital Cairo. Egypt
itself has been subject to popular anger in other Arab countries for
complying with Israel's blockade of Gaza.

have been held around the Arab world and western cities, including
London where some protesters clashed with police.

I also read (and spy on) a Zionist-Group-List on the Internet
just like we have here, for example , people spying on us.

And yesterday , they posted to each other,
and among each others ,
that the Journalists inside Gaza , who are all Arabs,
are lying to the world by saying that the 370 dead of Gaza
are mainly civilians...!   unquote

I though of reporting this incident ,to you to describe
how can an
 idiot-criminal-mind remain. criminal and idiot.
They lie to each other and they end up believing
their own lieslike to Myth of
 the Promised-Land.
or the Myth of the Chosen-People .

Sherlock Hommos
also a Spy ...!


Bismillah [IslamCity] STOP GAZA SLAUGHTER!!!

2008-12-31 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
Before reading this article you should be aware that the person writing it is a 
female British Journalist who was captured by the Taliban a few years ago. 
Before being released she was encouraged by the Taliban to study the Qur'an. 
She did and now today she is a Muslim and has publicly praised the good 
treatment she received from the Taliban compared to the horrible treatment that 
innocent Muslims received from the freedom loving West at Abu Ghraib, 
Guantanamo and other places. I am sure that if all the demonizing reports about 
the Taliban were true that this former captive of theirs would want to have 
nothing to do with them or their religion. Feel free to Google Yvonne Ridley to 
read more about her story.

 Anarchy In The UK
(and the birth of SGS - STOP GAZA SLAUGHTER)

By Yvonne Ridley

December 28, 2008 Information Clearinghouse-- THE
murderous military campaign which has been unleashed by Israel has
provoked people across the world to demonstrate, rally and protest in
their hundreds of thousands..

Soon the
movement will turn into millions as more ordinary, decent citizens of
the world show their disgust at the barbarism of Israel ... and the
cowardly silence of our own leaders.

This is no longer a political issue, or a Middle East issue. It is a
case of what is right and what is wrong, and what is decent and what is

And ordinary people are now taking the initiative because they can no
longer rely on their political leaders to show any of the human
qualities demanded of them including strength, integrity or compassion.

British people, normally reserved and controlled, brought anarchy to
the streets of upscale Kensington yesterday as they stormed barracades
and pushed past police to head towards the Israeli Embassy in London.

There was more anarchy in Scotland as our friends over the Border
vented their spleen over the war crimes and massacre carried out by

And unless British Prime Minister Gordon Brown gets some lead in his pencil, 
the anarchy will continue.

I am normally a law-abiding citizen, but the anger and shame I felt
drove me to join those who tore down the barriers on Saturday.

Gordon Brown is the very man who lectured us about what it is to be
British. Well let me turn the tables on this pathetic, self-serving man
who does not deserve to lead our country.

Being British is about fair play, justice and humanity ... standing up
for the underdog in the face of bullies.

Brown, like other leaders around the world, simply looked the other way
as the Israeli military jackbooted its way through the blood dripped
gutters once trawled by the Nazis to kill, massacre and maim.

In the final days of December 2008 Gordon Brown will be remembered for
acting like one of the silent cowards who hangs uncomfortably on the
edge of the schoolyard as the bully kicks and thumps the little, weak

And that feckless fool David Milliband is no better. While Brown told
journalists he was “deeply concerned” over Israeli actions, the British
Foreign secretary urged Israel to abide by its “humanitarian

And it was their weasly words which was directly responsible for the
lawlessness which erupted in the streets of London on Saturday, and
I’ll tell you why.

I was outraged and ashamed by the weakness shown by Milliband and Brown
and called my good friend Ghada Razuki. We have both been to Palestine
and we have both been to Gaza and we were both repelled by the pathetic
reaction of our government.

So we decided to launch SGS - Stop Gaza Slaughter - and call for a
rally. We began hitting the phones. Many organised groups were already
planning a demonstration for the Sunday and they urged us to wait.

One told me: “You do not have police permission”. Almost choking with
rage, I responded: “Permission? Permission to demonstrate and march and
exercise my democratic right to protest? This is Britain! And did
Israel ask anyone for permission to bomb Gaza?”

But Ghada did call the police and inform them that we were planning a
demo - in truth I thought around 30 of us might turn up to respond, but
it seems that we were not the only ones who were outraged by the
silence of Messrs Brown and Co.

“I thought you said only 30 were going to turn up, there must be 3,000
here now,” said one police officer. I just shrugged my shoulders and
said I had no idea a few text messages, FaceBook and a blog could have
resulted in such a turnout.

In truth I am sure many who arrived in Kensington on Saturday would
have come anyway. But what happened was pure ‘people power’ and this is
what happens when you have a leader who commands little or no respect.

When the people lead, the leaders will follow and I think in the next
few days Brown’s advisers will tell him that what the British people
want is a real man who will stand up to the bullies. 

And if he doesn’t there will be more anarchy and it will get worse.
This is neither a threat nor a promise - just a prediction. 

If Brown wants 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel Continues Air Strikes on Palestinians, 360 Casualties

2008-12-31 Thread Jawed Anwar

Israel Continues Air Strikes on Palestinians, 360 Casualties 
AGENCIES 30 December, 2008 09:00:53

ISRAEL says it is ready for long weeks of action as it continues its
fiercest air assault on Gaza for decades. Israel rejected world appeals
for a truce on Tuesday and warned its deadly assault on Gaza could ...  Full 
Syed Jawed Anwar

Bismillah [IslamCity] Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border

2008-12-31 Thread Abhiyya
“We had one meal today - khobbeizeh,” said Abu Amra, 43, showing the leaves of 
a plant that grows along the streets of Gaza. “Every day, I wake up and start 
looking for wood and plastic to burn for fuel and I beg. When I find nothing, 
we eat this grass.”
Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border

Marie Colvin

#yiv2018794131 div#related-article-links p a, #yiv2018794131 
div#related-article-links p a:visited {

AS a convoy of blue-and-white United Nations trucks loaded with food waited 
last night for Israeli permission to enter Gaza, Jindiya Abu Amra and her 
12-year-old daughter went scrounging for the wild grass their family now lives 
“We had one meal today - khobbeizeh,” said Abu Amra, 43, showing the leaves of 
a plant that grows along the streets of Gaza. “Every day, I wake up and start 
looking for wood and plastic to burn for fuel and I beg. When I find nothing, 
we eat this grass.”
Abu Amra and her unemployed husband have seven daughters and a son. Their tiny 
breeze-block house has had no furniture since they burnt the last cupboard for 
“I can’t remember seeing a fruit,” said Rabab, 12, who goes with her mother 
most mornings to scavenge. She is dressed in a tracksuit top and holed jeans, 
and her feet are bare.
Conditions for most of the 1.5m Gazans have deteriorated dramatically in the 
past month, since a truce between Israel and Hamas, the ruling Islamist party, 
broke down.
Israel says it will open the borders again when Hamas stops launching rockets 
at southern Israel. Hamas says it will crack down on the rocket launchers when 
Israel opens the borders.
The fragile truce technically ends this Thursday, and there have been few signs 
it will be renewed. Nobody knows how to resolve the stalemate. Secret talks are 
under way through Egyptian intermediaries, although both sides deny any contact.
Israel controls the borders and allows in humanitarian supplies only 
sporadically. Families had electricity for six hours a day last week. Cooking 
gas was available only through the illegal tunnels that run into Egypt, and by 
last week had jumped in price from 80 shekels per canister (£14) to 380 shekels 
The UN, which has responsibility for 1m refugees in Gaza, is in despair. “The 
economy has been crushed and there are no imports or exports,” said John Ging, 
director of its relief and works agency.
“Two weeks ago, for the first time in 60 years, we ran out of food,” he said. 
“We used to get 70 to 80 trucks per day, now we are getting 15 trucks a day, 
and only when the border opens. We’re living hand to mouth.”
He has four days of food in stock for distribution to the most desperate - and 
no idea whether Israel will reopen the border. The Abu Amra family may have to 
eat wild grass for the foreseeable future.

With Regards



Bismillah [IslamCity] Why do Muslims who are not Palestinians and not Arabs angry on Gaza issue?!

2008-12-31 Thread Peace Justice

Name of Questioner

John   - United Kingdom


Why Do Muslims Support the Palestinians?




Why do Muslims who are not Palestinians and not Arabs get so angry and worked 
up about what is happening in Gaza (Israel's air strikes) now? Last time I 
checked, supporting Palestinians is not the sixth pillar of Islam.


Human Rights

Name of Counselor

Shahul Hameed
Salam, John.
Thank you for your question.
The answer to the question can be simply put thus: It is because Islam more 
profoundly than any other religion has taught its followers to be the upholders 
of justice, that they cannot tolerate the kind of brutal injustice inflicted by 
the Israelis.
And here is Allah's command about justice:
*{O you who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even 
as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be 
(against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts 
(of your hearts), lest you swerve, and if you distort (justice) or decline to 
do justice, verily Allah is well- acquainted with all that ye do.}* (An-Nisaa' 
This verse, among others, emphatically teaches Muslims to establish justice as 
witnesses for Allah (God). And Allah Almighty warns us against the tendency to 
follow our own lusts which may prompt us to avoid doing justice.
Any sensible person can see that justice is the key to world harmony and peace. 
Indeed human equality and justice are the bases on which all human rights are 
founded. This is a fact acknowledged by all those who value human dignity.
Whereas we can see that Zionism denies human equality, as it is founded on the 
racist idea that by birth the Children of Israel as God's Chosen People are a 
cut above the rest of the world. They claim that the Land of Canaan (Palestine) 
is promised to them exclusively by none other than God Himself.
In fact, their own Torah says that the Land of Canaan is given to Abraham's 
seed (Genesis 17:8-9), who should reasonably include all the children of 
Abraham. But from the angle of Zionist interpretation, Abraham's firstborn 
Ishmael and his children have no right to the Promised Land.
What is funny is that the secularist, postmodern civilized world led by the 
self-styled upholders of democracy, freedom and human rights supports, for 
all practical purposes, the racist claim that YHWH (God) about four thousand 
years ago had granted to the Israelis exclusive right to Palestine now occupied 
by the Zionists.
And the State of Israel illegally founded on Arab land in 1948 is allowed to 
hold hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs ransom. Their atrocities began 
with the massacre of over 250 Palestinian men, women and children of Deir 
Yassin committed by terrorist gangs led by Menachem Begin.
And then on they brutally murdered thousands of Palestinian men, women and 
children and destroyed their homes, farms, shops, and other workplaces ignoring 
world criticism.
In the West Bank and Gaza, the Israeli government inflicted collective 
punishments on the Palestinians such as curfews, house demolitions, and closure 
of roads, schools and community institutions. Hundreds of Palestinian activists 
were deported and tens of thousands of acres of Palestinian land were 
Torture of Palestinian prisoners has been a common practice, and scores of 
people have died in detention from abuse or neglect. And Israel has built 
hundreds of settlements on Palestinian land and permitted hundreds of thousands 
of its own Jewish citizens to move there, defying international law. (Karen 
Armstrong: The Battle for God (Harper Collins, London, 2001).)
The systematic occupation of more and more of Arab land by Israel has been 
going on all the while. It was made easy for Israel to do this by the United 
States. It is interesting to note that Israel goes on changing its border as it 
needs more and more land for its planned expansion at the expense of the 
The Intifada (the Uprising) and the recent martyr-operations of the 
Palestinians is the last ditch battle of a people for their basic human 
rights.. But the world media distort the facts to tell the world a different 
The Americans who support the racist claims of Israel have no qualms at all in 
bankrolling and arming the Israelis to deny the Palestinians their birthright 
to their homeland. Speaking of the present siege of Gaza by Israel, Ramzi 
Kysia, a member of the Free Gaza Movement writes:
Because of the siege, eighty percent of families in Gaza are now dependent on 
international food aid just to be able to eat…. Running water is now available 
to most households for only four to six hours a day. Sewage treatment centers 
no longer function properly….The humanitarian condition of the one 

Bismillah [IslamCity] PETITION Cease The Closure of Islamic Charity Accounts‏

2008-12-31 Thread Mohammed A

To:  Barclays Bank To:

John Varley and John O'Shea
Barclays Bank
1 Churchill Place
London, E14 5HP

For too long now, the banks have been closing down accounts of Islamic 

These close-downs have been indiscriminate and will affect thousands of worthy 

Among the people you will have placed in extreme hardship and facing hunger and 
poverty are children who are orphans.

There are widows who have no other means of survival or of feeding themselves 
and their hungry children.

There are people who are, or have been, victims of natural disasters such as 
earthquakes and floods of which we are sure you are aware.

We feel that your actions, of closing down accounts of much needed charity 
organisations, will only compound these issues and increase the hardships these 
people are suffering.

If you feel your reasons are valid, we urge you to inform us as to what they 
are, or to cease any further closures and re-instate any Islamic charities 
accounts that have already been closed.

We, the undersigned, request you treat this matter with the utmost urgency.


The Undersigned



Bismillah [IslamCity] Fasting the day of ‘Aashooraa’

2008-12-31 Thread ***hajikhan***

Abu Qatada (Radiyallahu 'anh) relates that
the Holy Nabi (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) said,
“For fasting the day of ‘Aashooraa’, ( the 10th of Muharram )
I hope that Allah will accept it as an expiation for
(the sins committed in) the previous year” .

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now at

Bismillah [IslamCity] Stand with Gaza or leave Iran

2008-12-31 Thread Peace [PS]
- Original Message -
From: Anisa Abd el Fattah
To: ;
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 4:33 AM
Subject:  Stand with Gaza or leave Iran

 'Stand with Gaza or leave Iran'
Wed, 31 Dec 2008 00:43:16 GMT

  Iranian students in front of the Egyptian Interests Section in Tehran

Iranian students say the Egyptian Interests Section in Tehran will be closed 
unless Cairo rectifies its policies toward the Palestinian people.

The students, who stormed a British embassy compound earlier in the evening, 
sent an open letter to the director of the interests section on Tuesday and set 
a 48-hour deadline for the Egyptian government to condemn the Israeli 
atrocities in the Gaza Strip.

They warned that if Cairo refuses to do so, the interests section will be 
closed, ISNA reported.

The students urged Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to end the country's 
support for the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip.

Iran's Islamic Revolution proved that the stability of governments is 
dependent on public support rather than reliance on fake superpowers, reads 
part of the letter.

The students declared that the Egyptian government should break its silence in 
regard to the Israeli attacks on the Palestinian people, and if it fails to do 
so, its interest section personnel should leave Tehran by 12 noon on Thursday.

However, the Iranian government has made no statement on the students' demands.


Bismillah [IslamCity] -ZIONIST Collateral DAMAGE!-

2008-12-31 Thread BANKster_Cons-Piracy_DENIERS_!
 -ZIONIST Collateral DAMAGE!-
Take Heed Zionist IsUNreal:
The End You Fear is being hastened by your Evil!
No one will care when it is DONE TO YOU!
In Pictures: Massacre of Gazan Children
We are looking for voluntary translators from Arabic into English.
Please write to the e-mail address:  


Bismillah [IslamCity] India: Hindus ban Christmas, Christians Fear Violence

2008-12-31 Thread Shahid
India: Christians in Orissa Fear Violent Christmas
Dec 4th, 2008

Hindu extremists move to stop yuletide celebrations as suffering in Kandhamal 

NEW DELHI, December 3 (Compass Direct News) -- Christians in Orissa state are 
anticipating Christmas with fear as Hindu extremists have called for a 
state-wide bandh, or forced shut-down on all sectors of society, on Dec. 25 - a 
move that could provide Hindu extremists the pretext for attacking anyone 
publicly celebrating the birth of Christ.

Last year one of the area's worst spates of violence came during the Christmas 

The state's chief minister has said there should be no such shut-down but 
stopped short of prohibiting the Hindu extremists' plan. The federal government 
has expressed its disapproval of the proposal, but the Hindu extremist umbrella 
organization Sangh Parivar has vowed to press ahead with the shut-down, 
reported newspaper Outlook India on Nov. 20.

Though such shut-downs were declared illegal by India's Supreme Court in 1998, 
the president of the Laxmanananda Saraswati Condolence Society (SLSSS) sent a 
threatening notice to the Orissa government on Nov. 15, warning that the Hindu 
extremist group would impose a bandh on Christmas unless the state government 
arrested those who murdered Hindu leader Laxmanananda Sararawati on Aug. 23.

A Maoist group on Sept. 1 admitted killing Saraswati and four of his aides, and 
police on Oct. 6 confirmed that Maoists killed them, but the Hindu extremist 
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council or VHP) has continued to blame local 
Christians for the assassinations, stoking anti-Christian sentiment that led to 
a wave of violent attacks for more than two months. At least 500 people, mostly 
Christians, were estimated to have been killed, according to a report by a 
Communist Party fact-finding team, and at least 4,500 houses and churches in 
Orissa's Kandhamal district were destroyed.

Ratnakar Chaini, president of the SLSSS, has demanded the release of Hindu 
leaders arrested in connection with the killing of Christians in the violence 
following the assassination of Saraswati.

In a massive rally in Delhi on Nov. 15, Chaini called for the shut-down in 
order to ensure a completely peaceful Christmas.

The general secretary of the Christian Legal Association (CLA) took the Hindu 
extremist's comment as sarcasm.

How can they have a peaceful Christmas if there is a bandh? Tehmina Arora 
told Compass. There can be no celebration, no going out the house also. So 
there can be no question of peace.

Inflammatory speeches at the rally by Chaini and other Hindu extremists against 
Christianity and its leaders in India led Christians to believe the shut-down 
would serve as the pretext for another spate of violence against those publicly 
celebrating the holiday.

The Hindu extremists' rally also included pledges that all Christian converts 
would be re-converted to Hinduism.

If Hindus decided to take on anyone to protect our religion and culture, then 
nothing can stop us, Chaini said. Unchecked conversions by churches would be 
opposed with tooth and nail.

The Sangh Parivar, including the state unit of the VHP, said in a press 
statement that the government has been shielding those guilty of murdering 

Prohibition Demanded

Archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar Raphael Cheenath told Compass that the 
intention of the Hindu nationalists in calling the shut-down was malicious and 
done for political advantage - a way of garnering tribal peoples' support for 
Hindu nationalist candidates by setting up Christians as disobedient 

If the government allows the bandh to take place on Christmas Day, it will 
mean that they are allowing more attacks and violence against the Christians, 
said Archbishop Cheenath.

Violence has broken out against Christians on previous shut-downs in Kandhamal 

There is a great deal of apprehension, because it was on previous bandhs that 
there have been attacks against the Christian community, said Arora of the 
CLA. The district collector informed us that they were taking strong steps to 
ensure that the bandh would not be taking place. Unless the district collector 
and state administrator take serious steps to see that it is not enforced, it 
would again be a violent attack against the Christian community.

Orissa church authorities headed by Archbishop Cheenath met a team of visiting 
government ministers on Nov. 19. Subsequently Christian leaders delivered a 
memorandum demanding the proposed shut-down be prohibited as illegal. The 
memorandum demanded the state punish the people and organizations involved in 
such activities.

The team of central government ministers visiting riot-hit areas on Nov. 19 
advised the state chief minister to ensure that there be no shut-down on 
Christmas Day. Finding the Kandhamal situation tense and Christians fearful, 
the team leader, Union Agriculture Minister Sharah Pawar, said 

Bismillah [IslamCity] -ZIONIST Collateral DAMAGE!-With Pics.

2008-12-31 Thread BANKster_Cons-Piracy_DENIERS_!

 -ZIONIST Collateral DAMAGE!-
Take Heed Zionist IsUNreal:
The End You Fear is being hastened by your Evil!
No one will care when it is DONE TO YOU!
In Pictures: Massacre of Gazan Children
We are looking for voluntary translators from Arabic into English.
Please write to the e-mail address:  
In Pictures: Massacre of Gazan Children

December 30, 2008

PNN -Israeli forces killed two girls in an air attack on Beit Hanoun

in the northern Gaza Strip early Tuesday. Local sources report that

a missile destroyed a house belonging to Talal Hamdan
in Beit Hanoun today, killing his two daughters of 12 and 4 years old.
A son is reported seriously injured.
Yesterday Israeli forces killed four sisters and a four year old boy.
Over 40 children have been killed since Saturday.

The bodies of two girls, aged four and 11, who were killed
in an Israeli air strike in Beit Hanun in the northern Gaza Strip Strip
December 30, 2008.

Palestinians carry the body of 4-year-old Lama Hamdan during
her funeral in the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip
December 30, 2008.

Palestinians bury the body of 4-year-old Lama Hamdan
at Beit Hanoun cemetery in the northern Gaza Strip December 30, 2008.

Palestinians mourn beside the bodies of three children in Rafah
in the southern Gaza Strip December 29, 2008.

Three Palestinian children from the Balosha family, of five who were all killed
in the same Israeli missile strike, are seen in the morgue before their burial
at Kamal Edwan hopsital in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza Strip, Monday, Dec. 29, 

Palestinian children from the Balosha family, who were all killed
in the same Israeli missile strike, are seen in the morgue before their burial
at Kamal Edwan hopsital in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza Strip, Monday, Dec. 29, 

Palestinian women mourn over the bodies of three Palestinian children
from the Balosha family, of five who were all killed in the same
Israeli missile strike, in the morgue before their burial at Kamal Edwan
hopsital in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza Strip, Monday, Dec. 29, 2008.

A Palestinian man buries the body of 4-year-old Dena Balosha
at Beit Lahiya cemetery in the northern Gaza Strip December 29, 2008.

A Palestinian man carries the body of his 4-year-old daughter
Dena Balosha during the funeral for her and her four sisters
in Jabalya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip December 29, 2008.

A Palestinian mourner shouts as he lifts the body of a child
from the Balosha family, of which three children and two teenagers,
were killed in an Israeli missile strike,durng their funeral
in the Jebaliya refugee camp, northern Gaza Strip, Monday, Dec. 29, 2008.

A Palestinian man buries the body of 5-year-old Sodqi al-Absi
in Rafah cemetery in the southern Gaza Strip December 29, 2008.

A Palestinian mourner carries the body of 4-year-old Dena Balosha,
foreground, one of five members of the same family including three children
and two teenagers who were killed in an Israeli missile strike,
during their funeral in the Jebaliya refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip,
Monday, Dec. 29, 2008

The father of Palestinian Dena Balosha, 4, left, one of five members
of the same family including three children and two teenagers
who were killed in an Israeli missile strike, carries her body
during their funeral in the Jebaliya refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip,
Monday, Dec. 29, 2008.

bedroom of 5 killed girls

Samera Baalusha (34) carries her surving child Mohamad (15 months)
while she waits to see the body of her daughter Jawaher Baalusha
(aged 4) during the funeral held for her and four of her sisters who were killed
in an Israeli missile strike, on December 29, 2008 in the Jebaliya refugee camp,
in the northern Gaza Strip

Palestinian mourners bury 8 children killed in Israeli air strikes

Dec 29 - Palestinian mourners on Monday (December 29)
buried 8 children who were killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza Strip.

In the northern Gaza town of Jabalya, hundreds took to the streets
to attend a funeral procession for five girls of the same family
who were killed in one Israeli strike.

In this image taken from APTN video, Palestinian men carry two
injured children into hospital after Israeli aircraft struck Hamas security
compounds across Gaza in Gaza City on Saturday Dec. 27, 2008.

A wounded Palestinian boy is carried by his father following
an Israel air strike in Gaza December 28, 2008.

A Palestinian boy is carried to al-Shifa hospital following
an Israel air strike in Gaza December 28, 2008

A Palestinian security force officer carries a wounded girl
into the emergency room at Shifa hospital in Gaza City,
Saturday, Dec. 27, 2008.

A Palestinian girl wounded in an Israeli missile strike is carried
into the emergency area at Shifa hospital in Gaza City, Saturday,
Dec. 27, 2008.

A Palestinian man carries his wounded child to the treatment 

Bismillah [IslamCity] BREAKING NEWS!! Real reasons for Gaza Holocaust EXPOSED!!!

2008-12-31 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
The following is a MUST LISTEN for anyone who wants to know the truth behind 
the Israeli massacre in Gaza. In clear and no uncertain terms Israeli 
government officials and official documents show that the attack on Gaza was 
planned more than 6 months ago. What is also key is how they developed the 
narrative of missile attacks from Hamas as propaganda for goyim consumption 
to justify their attacks. 

Please share this information with everyone that you can so that the true evil 
and diabolical nature of the Zionist regime can be exposed and how indeed they 
view the rest of the world as human cattle to feed disinformation to in order 
to justify their dastardly deeds. The link to this VERY IMPORTANT audio 
exposure is:

We ask that the media, Muslim and non-Muslim  take 
responsibility for truth and cease spreading the erroneous Israeli propaganda 
that this lop sided massacre is in response to Palestinians firing missiles 
into Israel which caused no Israeli casualties during the cease fire. As 
revealed by 
Israeli government officials and their own documents, this massacre of the 
inhabitants in Gaza is something the Israeli government has been deliberately 
planning for more than six months.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Petition - Revoke Peres's honorary doctorate

2008-12-31 Thread Aisha Abbasi

 sign the above petition, initiated by our friends at the KCL Stop the War 
Society. The petition expresses our displeasure at the recent Honorary 
Doctorate awarded to Shimon Peres.Forward to as many people as possible, this 
is unjust and dispicableJazakAllah Khair.

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Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] THE NEW YEAR

2008-12-31 Thread Abu Jumanah
The beginning of the Islamic Year
By Shaykh Muhammed bin Saalih Al-Uthaimeen
This week marks the beginning of a new Islamic year, which was initiated after 
the Hijrah, or emigration, of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and 
which marked the formation of the first Muslim nation within an independent 
Islamic territory under the rule of Muslims.
The Muslims had no formal annual calendar until the caliphate of 'Umar bin 
al-Khattab, May Allah be pleased with him. In the third or fourth year of his 
caliphate, 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, received a message from Abu 
Moosaa al-Ash'ari, may Allah be pleased with him, who suggested that their 
future correspondence be confirmed with the appropriate date.
Therefore, 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, gathered some of the surviving 
companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and consulted them on 
this matter. Some of them suggested adopting the Persian Calendar; others 
proposed adopting the Roman Calendar; others still proposed that the Muslims 
should form their own calendar and that it should start from the birth of the 
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam while a final group believed that should 
start from his death.
After a discussion they, may Allah be pleased with them all, agreed unanimously 
to adopt the position of those who held that the Islamic Calendar should start 
from when the Prophet (saw) emigrated from Makkah to Madinah and that the first 
month of this new calendar be that of Al –Muharram. This is because 
Al-Muharram. This is because Al-Muharram is a sacred month and because it 
follows Dhu'l-Hijjah which is the month in which the Muslims perform the Hajj, 
or the pilgrimage, which is the last of the five pillars of Islam that was 
enjoined upon the Muslims. Al-Muharram also follows the month in which the 
Ansaar ( the Madinan supporters of the Prophet (saw) pledged allegiance to the 
Prophet (saw) which was prior to his migration to Madinah. This pledge of 
allegiance was one of the introductory acts of the emigration itself and 
therefore Al-Muharram was deemed the most suitable month to start the Islamic 
Calendar by the companions of the Prophet (saw).
It is truly saddening that some Muslims have chosen to use the Gregorian 
Calendar instead of the Hijri calendar, the Gregorian Calendar has no relation 
with Islam and although it has been in existence for longer than that of the 
Hijri Calendar, that is no excuse for the Muslims to adopt it. It is well known 
that the companions of the Prophet (saw) would hate that any Muslim would use 
the Roman or Persian Calendar.
We have just ushered in the new Hijri year. Allah said that which translates 
as: Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the 
register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of 
these, four are sacred. That is the correct religion [i.e. way], so do not 
wrong yourselves during them… (At-Tawbah: 36).
These are the months that Allah has appointed for the whole of mankind. He has 
said that which translates as; They ask you [O Muhammad], about the new moons. 
Say 'they are measurements of time for the people and for Hajj (pilgrimage). 
(Al-Baqarah: 189).
Therefore, we know that these months, based on the lunar calendar, were 
appointed for all of mankind and not just for the Arabs. This is due to the 
fact that the lunar months can very easily be detected and calculated by the 
sighting of the crescent-moon, which marks the end of the month and the 
beginning of a new one.
This is not the case with the Gregorian Calendar, which does not rely on any 
logical or visible signs as regards its calculation of months; rather, each 
month in this calendar ranges between 28 and 31 days without a single logical 
reason for such variation.
Dear Muslims! Allah has appointed the Islamic Calendar for all mankind. When 
Imaam Ahmad was asked about the Persian Calendar, he showed extreme abhorrence 
towards it.
O Muslims! We are in the new Hijri year. It is not from the Sunnah to celebrate 
it or to congratulate one another on its advent. For the Muslims, the passage 
of years does not constitute a real cause of happiness; rather, what counts is 
the amount of time spent in obedience to Allah during these years. The years 
that have passed will be considered as successful if they were spent in 
obedience to Allah and miserable if they were spent in disobedience of Allah. 
We must bring ourselves to account, redeem ourselves from our bad deeds and 
duly perform our responsibilities towards our wives, children and relatives.
Servants of Allah! Fear Him and perform the responsibilities about which you 
will be questioned on the Day of Resurrection. Allah the Almighty says that 
which translates as:  O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your 
families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are 
(appointed) angels, harsh and severe, they do not disobey Allah in what He 

Bismillah [IslamCity] MYGD Youth Day 2009

2008-12-31 Thread Bilal Zaidi
*Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah*,


Bismillah [IslamCity] How we like our leaders

2008-12-31 Thread shireen....



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Last update - 02:15 30/12/2008
How we like our leaders
By Amira Hass

This isn't the time to speak of ethics, but of precise intelligence. Whoever 
gave the instructions to send 100 of our planes, piloted by the best of our 
boys, to bomb and strafe enemy targets in Gaza is familiar with the many 
schools adjacent to those targets - especially police stations. He also knew 
that at exactly 11:30 A.M. on Saturday, during the surprise assault on the 
enemy, all the children of the Strip would be in the streets - half just having 
finished the morning shift at school, the others en route to the afternoon 

This is not the time to speak of proportional responses, not even of the polls 
that promise a greater share of Knesset seats to the mission's architects. This 
is, however, the time to speak of the voters' belief the operation will 
succeed, that the strikes are precise and the targets justified.

Take, for example, Imad Aqel Mosque in Jabalya refugee camp, bombed and strafed 
shortly before midnight on Sunday. These are the names of the glorious military 
victory we achieved there - Jawaher, age 4; Dina, age 8; Sahar, age 12; Ikram, 
age 14; and Tahrir, age 17, all sisters of the Ba'lousha family, all killed in 
a precise strike on the mosque. Another three sisters, a 2-year-old brother 
and their parents were injured. Twenty-four neighbors were wounded and five 
homes and three stores destroyed. This part of the military victory did not 
open our television or radio news broadcasts yesterday morning, nor did they 
appear on many Israeli news Web sites.

This is the time to speak about the detailed maps in the hands of IDF 
commanders, and about the Shin Bet advisers who know the exact distance between 
the mosque and nearby homes. This is the time to discuss the drone planes and 
the hot air balloons fitted with advanced cameras floating over the Strip day 
and night, filming everything.

This is the time to rely on legal advisers studying the operation to find the 
right phrasing to justify collateral damage. Time to praise Foreign Ministry 
spokespeople who in their polished language, with their elegant South African 
or charmant Parisien accents, say it is the fault of Hamas, which uses 
neighborhood mosques for its own purposes.

Talk of double standards has always been moot. Maybe there was a huge weapons 
store in the mosque. Maybe Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades militants met there every 
night and from there planned to launch their upgraded fighter jets.

Where does the IDF Chief of Staff sit when he draws up war plans? Not in the 
Sahara, or even in the Negev. What would happen if someone blew themselves up 
at the entrance to Tel Aviv's Cinematheque movie theater, and those who sent 
him said sorry, but he was headed for the Defense Ministry down the street?

This is not the time to recall long-forgotten history lessons to say this is 
not the way to topple a government. Nor is it the time to make rational 
recommendations for balanced statesmanship. The time for such things has 
passed, along with the New Order we once arrogantly tried to establish in 
Lebanon, which only brought us Hezbollah. Along with the Orientalists' plans to 
reduce the popularity of the PLO, which only paved the way for the emergence of 
a militant Islamic nationalist movement.

The time of such recommendations has passed, along with the grab of Palestinian 
lands and hyperactive construction of settlements in the Oslo era, which only 
laid the cornerstone for the second intifada and the fall of Fatah.

The era of reason and judgment died long ago, even before the targeted 
assassinations of Fatah activists in the West Bank, which soon turned into 
shooting attacks on soldiers and the emergence of another few thousand young 
people taking up arms, not to mention the phenomenon of suicide bombers.

It is never the right time to say we told you so, because once it is possible 
to say those words, they are already invalid. We cannot revive the dead, nor 
repair the damage caused by arrogance and megalomania.

This is the time to speak of our own satisfaction and enjoyment. Satisfaction 
from tanks once again raising and lowering their barrels in preparation for a 
ground attack, satisfaction from our leaders' threatening finger-waving at the 
enemy. That's how we like our leaders - calling up reservists, sending pilots 
to bomb our enemies and manifesting national unity, from Baruch Marzel to Tzipi 
Livni, Netanyahu to Barak to Lieberman.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Targeting Charities Completely Unacceptable

2008-12-31 Thread S A Hannan

Subject: MCB Press Release: Targeting of Charities Wholly Unacceptable


22nd December 2008 

Targeting of Charities Wholly Unacceptable 


The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) regards the measures taken by leading banks 
against Islamic charities unacceptable and disturbing. Several major charities 
and institutions affiliated to the MCB have been served closure notices by 
their bankers in recent months, the latest being the Ummah Welfare Trust, who 
were given a 30 day period by Barclays to close its account.

‘We are deeply worried by these developments because in every reported instance 
no explicit reasons are given by the banks,’ said Dr Daud Abdullah Deputy 
Secretary General. ‘Clearly those worst affected would not be the officials who 
administer the charities but the tens of thousands of impoverished people who 
rely on their humanitarian aid and support’, he added.

Where there is no proven breach of British law or the statutory regulations 
governing their charity status the MCB sees no justification for these summary 
closures and denial of services. In the event of breaches, these should be set 
these forth in writing. ‘We have already communicated our concerns to the 
highest level of government, the Charity Commission and the banks concerned and 
have been assured that the matter is dealt with utmost urgency’, said Dr 

Given the growing anxiety caused by the actions of the banks the MCB urges the 
government to expedite its interventions to ensure our charities are afforded 
the same facilities as other British institutions without prejudice or favour.


For further information please contact the MCB: 
The Muslim Council of Britain,
PO Box 57330,
E1 2WJ
Tel: 0845 26 26 786
Fax: 0207 247 7079

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] Happy New Year!

2008-12-31 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Happy New Year!
Revellers in New Zealand already enjoyed the New Year, perhaps Japanese as 
well. Click here to know moreclick here to read.
When people enjoy fire works I can clearly see the same fire works were enjoyed 
by our (British) and USA soldiers in Iraq and in Afghanistan and now the 
Israeli soldiers are enjoying in Gaza. The real fire works! I only can see the 
reflections of our bombardments in many countries. The differences: people 
enjoy fire works to perk them up, to cheer and the people in Iraq, Afghanistan, 
Gaza scream, the real fire works shatter their souls.
To support people in Gaza do not enjoy or join fire works.
It is hard to turn the TV or Computer on or grab a newspaper!
I wish someday these arrogant oppressors know that they are human being as well.
Please stop the attack now, this is unbearable!
Fortune-tellers predicted some good and bad things, 
Though it is not possible but wish no more wars.- Arif


Bismillah [IslamCity] The Ghurabaa - Nasheed With English Subtitles

2008-12-31 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah *
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
The Ghurabaa - Nasheed With English Subtitles


Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth 
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me 
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me). 

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased 
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say,  O Allah, grant me benefit 
in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my 
knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from 
the state of those who go to Hell.
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition 
whose isnad is gharib.


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Muharram - The first month in the Islamic Calendar

2008-12-31 Thread ***hajikhan***

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra ( radi Allahu anhu ) reported:
the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said,
After the Fasts of Ramadhan, the best fasts are those observed
during Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala),s month of  Muharram.
{ Muslim }

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Boycott Israeli products: Terrorism of Israel

2008-12-31 Thread Zakir Momin
Visit  http://www.hiroshima-  http://www.
More than 345 Palestinians are killed and more than 200 are injured in recent 
air strikes:
(Dont forget to visit above given links:
Pepsi Co., Coca-Cola, Mc Donald, Nestle, Johnson  Johnson, e.t.c. are American 
Products of Pepsi Co are Pepsi, 7up, e.t.c.
Products of Coca-Cola Co. are Coca Cola, Thumps up, e.t.c.
(Products of Pepsico and Coca Cola company can be recognized from the 
advertisements and labels of soft drinks)
Profit of Each Bottle of Pepsi and Coca Cola; or of any other products we 
purchase here, goes to America.

From this, America gives million and billions of dollars to Israel to purchase 
arms and ammunition(war planes, tanks, missiles, guns, bullets, e.t.c.), which 
are used for killing Muslims.
Israel has captured some parts of Palestine like, Baitul Muqaddas(Previous 
Kibla of Muslims), Gaza Strip, West Bank, e.t.c. Like any other 
country, Palestine is fighting for its freedom with Israel. Muslims of 
Palestine are fighting for the freedom of Baitul Muqaddas, Gaza Strip, e.t.c.
America uses the profit got from Pepsi Co., Coca Cola, e.t.c to Support Israel. 
America gives this millions of dollars to Israel, so that it can use these 
million and billion of dollars against the Muslims who are fighting to free 
Baitul Muqaddas. Many freedom fighters, including children and women are killed 
each year in Israeli bombardment and firing.
Statistics of the Palestinian losses during 29/9/2000 to 31/7/2004 in Israeli 
No. of Palestinian children(below 18 years) killed: 643
No. of killed females: 239
Total No. of killed people: 3473
Total No. of wounded Palestinians: 41,424
No. of houses completely demolished: 6,757
No. of houses partially demolished: 59,107
(For statistics of children, females and total no. of people killed, in 
Palestine, and other parts of the world, visit
Lets we 1.6 Billion Muslims, Boycott American and Israeli products and slap 
their economy.
Visit http://www.hiroshima-  http://www.

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