Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Happy New Year!

2009-01-01 Thread Mike Azar
Dear brother I read your below e-mail and it touched my heart soo much.. we all 
pray to Allah to protect the isalm and all muslims and to make all muslims one 
line side by side as they used to in the early islam glory...
Thanks for ur message.
Happy new year instead of every thing

--- On Wed, 12/31/08, wrote:

Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Happy New Year!
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 7:29 AM

Happy New Year!

Revellers in New Zealand already enjoyed the New Year, perhaps Japanese as 
well. Click here to know more

When people enjoy fire works I can clearly see the same fire works were enjoyed 
by our (British) and USA soldiers in Iraq and in Afghanistan and now the 
Israeli soldiers are enjoying in Gaza. The real fire works! I only can see the 
reflections of our bombardments in many countries. The differences: people 
enjoy fire works to perk them up, to cheer and the people in Iraq, Afghanistan, 
Gaza scream, the real fire works shatter their souls.
To support people in Gaza do not enjoy or join fire works.
It is hard to turn the TV or Computer on or grab a newspaper!
I wish someday these arrogant oppressors know that they are human being as well.
Please stop the attack now, this is unbearable!
Fortune-tellers predicted some good and bad things, click here to read.
Though it is not possible but wish no more wars.
- Arif



2009-01-01 Thread Zahi Damuni
  Many thanks to all who joined us yesterday in the Emergency Demo for Gaza 
  San Diego - The protest was covered by several TV channels with one (very 
well done) live (i.e., unedited) interview. Thanks also to all who donated for 
Gaza at the demo and to all those who signed the letters to their 
representatives. These letters will be sent out over the next few days.


  Federal Building . Downtown San Diego at Broadway and 1st

  Show your outrage and demand:



  1.1 million out of 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are 

  Sponsored By : Al-Awda San Diego, National Council of Arab Americans 
(NCA), the Free Palestine Alliance (FPA), MAS San Diego, International 
Socialist Organization, Activist San Diego, International Action Center (IAC), 
ANSWER, CAIR San Diego among others (List in formation)

  For more details and to add your organization to the sponsors list please 
email or call
  Zahi (760) 685-3243, Yousef (619) 980-0677, 

  Bring your Palestinian Flags and Signs, and tell your Friends and 


2009-01-01 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
Two events below.

--- On Wed, 12/31/08, Khaled Mouammar wrote:

(please forward far and wide)


*WHEN: 2pm on Saturday January 3rd, 2009
*WHERE: Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto (buses leave Palestine House 1:15pm sharp)

Join in demonstrating against the latest Israeli assault on the people of Gaza.
At least 400 Palestinians have been killed and at least 1600 have been injured 
in the on-going assault on the Gaza Strip that began on Saturday.

This is the single largest massacre in Gaza since Israel illegally occupied the 
area in 1967. The numbers of dead are mounting, especially as the already 
limited medical supplies are running out due to the brutal siege of Gaza since 

While the Western media reports that the raids targeted Hamas 'operatives,' the 
dead include women, children and men in all areas of life in Gaza. Operation 
Cast Lead has echoes of previous Israeli raids into Gaza that have been 
characterized by indiscriminate attacks on civilian population centers, mass 
detentions, violent house demolitions and other forms of collective punishment. 
Such actions need to be strongly and unconditionally condemned.

This attack comes just days after the so-called 'ceasefire' between Hamas and 
Israel expired. During this alleged ceasefire, Israel continued to impose its 
brutal siege on Gaza, restricting the flow of aid, medical supplies, fuel and 
other necessities of life into the territory. For the past two years Gaza has 
been undergoing the daily violence of a wide-ranging humanitarian catastrophe 
triggered by severely reduced access to energy, food, and medicines. In effect, 
Gaza is the world's largest open air prison. The UN and others in the 
international community condemned the humanitarian disaster created by Israel's 
siege during the time of this 'ceasefire'. Israel now claims that this 
operation is in response to Hamas refusing to renew this sham of a ceasefire. 
Once again, Israel is imposing collective punishment on the people of Gaza for 
electing a Hamas government.

Organizers are particularly angered by the Canadian government's on-going 
support for the Israeli apartheid regime - including the intensification of 
bilateral military, political and economic links between Canada and Israel. 
These latest war crimes occur in the context of official Canadian complicity 
with and support for Israel's illegal siege and starvation of the civilian 
population in Gaza.

At this moment, we can only reaffirm our commitment in the strongest possible 
terms to continue mobilizing to respond to the call by over 170 Palestinian 
civil society organizations for a comprehensive campaign of boycott, 
divestment, and sanctions (BDS) to end Israeli Apartheid. As H.E. Father Miguel 
D'Escoto Brockman, President of the United Nations General Assembly state in a 
recent speech: More than twenty years ago we in the United Nations took the 
lead from civil society when we agreed that sanctions were required to provide 
a nonviolent means of pressuring South Africa to end its violations. Today, 
perhaps we in the United Nations should consider following the lead of a new
generation of civil society, who are calling for a similar non-violent campaign 
of boycott, divestment and sanctions to pressure Israel to end its violations.

Palestine House

Demonstration Organized By:

Palestine House
Canadian Arab Federation
Women in Solidarity with Palestine (WSP)
Not In Our Name (NION): Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism
Muslim Association of Hamilton
International Jewish anti-Zionist Network – Toronto
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Muslim Unity
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
Canadian Druze Society
Canadian Syrian Social Club
Al Huda
Islamic Relief
Steel Workers Union
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE Ontario)
Educators for Peace and Justice

Please send further organizational endorsements to:
IRFAN- Canada, Fundraising for Gaza (Mississauga  London)

Dear Brothers  Sisters,
The situation in Gaza Strip had turned into a humanitarian crisis.
IRFAN- Canada is accepting donations for this cause and will be holding a few 
fundraising events within Ontario and other different areas across Canada to 
give a chance to the majority of the communities to participate in the relief 
of our brothers and sisters in Gaza .

The following events are planned to take place during this week inshaa Allah:
1)  Mississauga:
-  Location: Olive Grove School ( 2300 Speakman Dr. , Mississauga , ON 
L5K 1B4 )
-  Speaker: Dr. Munir El-Kassem  Abdalla Idris
-  Date: Friday, January 2nd, 2009
-  Time: 6:30 pm
-  Admission: FREE
-  Contacts: IRFAN- Canada Main office @ 905-897-8877
2)  London , Ontario:

-  Location: London Muslim Mosque ( 151 Oxford St. 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: Gaza Demonstration and Rally dates across the UK

2009-01-01 Thread J M

Gaza Demonstration and Rally dates across the UK

Following is a list of dates, places with timings where demonstrations against 
the Israeli raid on Gaza are scheduled.

Thursday 1st January 2009

5pm to 6pm. Centre, opposite the Hippodrome

2pm to 4pm. Outside Israeli Embassy, Kensington High Street, London, W4. 
Nearest tube Kensington High Street (turn right out of tube station and walk 
along the main road.

Friday 2nd January 2009

5pm to 6pm. Centre, opposite the Hippodrome

2pm to 4pm. Outside the Egyptian Embassy, 26 South Street, London, W1K 1DW. 
Call for Egypt to open the border immediately.

5pm to 7pm. Piccadilly Gardens. Vigil and leafleting.

Saturday 3rd January 2009

1pm. Infirmary Fields, Bradford - March and City Centre rally

3pm to 4pm. Centre, opposite the Hippodrome.

Assemble 10.45am for 11am start. Gaza protest march from Millennium Square 
(Gala Theatre) through Durham to Cathedral.

12 Noon. Foot of the Mound, Princes Street.

12 Noon at Bedford Square, Exeter High Street
Bring flowers and wear black if you can
One minute vigils every half hour
Well have petitions, leaflets, banners etc. Join in with friends, relatives, 

12 Noon. Outside Lloyds TSB St Vincent Street, then assemble for demo at 
Blytheswood Square at 2pm

3pm Vigil in Harold Place.

11am. Queen Victoria Square.

12 Noon to 2pm St. Lukes Church - top of Bold Street.

LONDON (Major Rally)
12.30pm onwards. Demonstration and rally: Assemble at Parliament 
Square/Embankment, SW1. Nearest tube Westminster.

Assemble: 12 noon on Cavendish St, All Saints Park on Oxford Rd. Manchester 
(further down from the BBC) March through city centre to Albert Square.

12 Noon to 2pm Greys Monument in Newcastle.

12 Noon to 1pm, Outside St. Peter Mancroft Church in the Millennium Library 

11am. Guildhall Square. Organised by Portsmouth Network for a Just Settlement 
of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Portsmouth Stop the War Coalition.

Assemble at 12 Noon. Outside Sheffield Town Hall.

12 Noon. Tunbridge Wells shopping precinct

1pm. St. Sampsons Square in York.

The Last Prophet (sa) of Allah (swt) stated: 'He who amongst you sees something 
abominable should modify it with the help of his hand; and if he has not 
strength enough to do that, then he should do it with his tongue; and if he has 
not strength enough to do even that, then he should (at least abhor it) from 
his heart; and that is the least of faith' [Sahih Muslim]


Bismillah [IslamCity] Israeli naval ship shoots Gaza aid boat

2009-01-01 Thread Shahid
Iranian group recruits volunteers to fight Israel

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - A group of influential conservative Iranian clerics 
launched an online registration drive on Monday seeking volunteers to fight 
against Israel in response to its air assault on the Gaza Strip. About 3,550 
people registered Monday with the Combatant Clergy Society's Web site. The 
weeklong online campaign gives volunteers three options on ways they can fight 
Israel: military, financial and propaganda.

The group, which has considerable political and economic power in Iran, did not 
provide further details on the program including how it would contact the 
volunteers or implement the program. 

The conservative clerics decided to sign up volunteers after Iran's supreme 
leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, issued a religious decree on Sunday that said 
anyone killed while defending Palestinians in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip 
against Israeli attacks would be considered a martyr. 

Khamenei's religious decree was not considered a government decision and did 
not oblige the government to launch attacks against Israel. 

Israel's airstrikes on the Gaza Strip have sparked outrage in Iran and 
throughout the rest of the Muslim world. About 300 Palestinians have been 
killed and more than 1,000 wounded since the air assault began Saturday. Israel 
says it launched its campaign in retaliation for rocket fire aimed at civilians 
in southern Israeli towns. 

Also Monday, the Iranian Red Crescent sent a ship carrying 2,000 tons of food 
to Palestinians living in Gaza to be delivered via Egypt. An Iranian military 
plane also landed at Cairo International Airport carrying 24 tons of food and 
medicine destined for Gaza. 

The head of Iran's Red Crescent, Masoud Khatami, said three more ships were 
waiting to be loaded with humanitarian aid, and Iranian hospitals were ready to 
receive injured Gazans, according to the official Iran news agency, IRNA.


Israeli naval ship shoots Gaza aid boat

An Israeli naval ship shot on Tuesday a small boat carrying international 
activists with aid destined for Gaza under Israel siege, agencies said.

There were no reported casualties from the shooting involving the small cabin 
cruiser Dignity that sailed from Cyprus late on Monday. One passenger said 
nobody was hurt.

Free Gaza Movement told Reuters their boat, carrying 3 1/2 tons of medical aid 
with 16 people aboard, was rammed and shot at while in international waters 
about 70-80 miles off Gaza by Israeli naval vessel.

Yigal Palmor, a spokesman for Israel's Foreign Ministry, denied there had been 
any shooting, he said the two ships made physical contact. 

Palmor said that an Israeli vessel clashed with the ship. 

Israel said the Free Gaza Movement boat would be prevented to dock in the Gaza 

A passenger on the Free Gaza Movement boat said it was now trying to reach 
Lebanon after the shooting.

The boat was hit on its left side. There is a problem with the fuel and we are 
trying to head to Sidon, said Katia Christodoulou, a photographer for the 
Cyprus News Agency.
Free Gaza Movement said their boat was safe, but had sustained damage.

Israel declared the coastal territory a closed military zone after it 
launched air attacks on Gaza on Saturday, killing nearly 400 Palestinians.

Hospitals were already facing shortages of medicines and other medical products 
due to the Israeli siege imposed after the Hamas government seized full control 
of the territory in 2007.

As well as more than three tons of aid, the Dignity was carrying three doctors 
to help treat the more than 1,600 wounded in recent days.


Where is the Egyptian Navy? Why can't Egypt at least provide escort to relief 
We must not forget that Israel seized the Gaza strip from Egypt in the 1967 
war. Therefore, Egypt bears a special responsibility and the greatest duty to 
protect and assist Palestinians in Gaza. 
But what can we say when a 79 year old hypocrite (rather kaafir) can rule over 
and control 75 million Muslims! 


Two International Human Rights Activists witnessed the killing of two young 
girls in Beit Hanoun this morning. A young boy was also seriously injured in 
the attack. 

The two girls, one four years old, the other twelve years old were killed as 
they took out garbage from their home. The deaths came as Israeli missiles 
destroyed an agricultural co-operative, a PFLP community centre and a police 
station in the Beit Hanoun area. 

It is impossible to avoid civilian casualties in a densely populated area. No 
one is safe from the Israeli air strikes. I saw two girls, ages 4 and 12 hit by 
a bomb from an F16. They were outside clearing some rubbish 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Indian media stands exposed!!! Watch this video!!

2009-01-01 Thread Shahid
Indian media stands exposed! Watch this video! 

Watch this funny video to see how Pakistan was made a victim of a trial by the 
media. The media is both the accuser and the judge. Oh i almost forgot - they 
can also easily manufacture 'evidence' 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Friends Of Allah

2009-01-01 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah *
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
Wages (Kitab Al-Ijarah) 
Dawud :: Book 23 : Hadith 3520
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab:
reported the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) as saying: There are people from the 
servants of Allah who are neither prophets nor martyrs; the prophets and 
martyrs will envy them on the Day of Resurrection for their rank from Allah, 
the Most High.
They (the people) asked: Tell us, Apostle of Allah, who are they? He replied: 
They are people who love one another for the spirit of Allah (i.e. the Qur'an), 
without having any mutual kinship and giving property to one. I swear by Allah, 
their faces will glow and they will be (sitting) in (pulpits of) light. They 
will have no fear (on the Day) when the people will have fear, and they will 
not grieve when the people will grieve.
He then recited the following Qur'anic verse: Behold! Verily for the friends 
of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve.

Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth 
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me 
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me). 

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).


  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to

Bismillah [IslamCity] Indian media stands exposed!

2009-01-01 Thread Shahid
Indian media stands exposed! 

This is a pakistani video showing how the indians report terrorism with their 
own made up videos. It's in urdu.

If you know urdu then don't read this but watch the video. If you don't know 
urdu then you can read this so you know what's going on in the video.

It starts with the indians making a movie. the indians are dressed up as 
muslims with big beards and shooting at something. A woman (one pulling the 
strings) comes and asks if it will work (people will buy it) and the producer 
says the public is stupid and will believe it. The main character keeps saying 
he is khan and the producer keeps telling him to say 'kaan' not  'khaan' 
because that is how pakistanis say it. He can't so they change the name to 
'chaacha rehman'. second scene they are shooting in a someone's yard and the 
same woman comes and asks how will people believe this place is kashmire. the 
producer says they will only show the grass on the ground so people will think 
it's kashmire. When they are are shooting the video, the indian guys says in 
hindi to kill everyone and the producer cuts it saying pakistani people don't 
speak like that, speak like them. he says he can't because he doesn't know how 
they speak, so the producer tells him to say 'allahu akbar' instead. third 
scene, these actors are watching the news and their movie is shown on the news 
as terrorists attacking india and their leader has trained 500 more people. 
they get upset that their movie is on the news and not in the theaters which is 
what they ask the producer when he comes. he gets a call and tells them not to 
worry that they (the woman sponser) liked it and want them to make more movies.

Bismillah [IslamCity] india: More Muslims studying, but are not being hired

2009-01-01 Thread Shahid
More Muslims studying, but can't find jobs

27 Oct 2008, Subodh Varma, TNN

NEW DELHI: It's crunch time for Faidul, and Nazma, his mother, is worried. He 
is in class 10, and the sole hope of his parents for a better future. The 
three-member family lives in a small house in Pahari Imli, Old Delhi. They earn 
a meagre living making necklaces at home, from material provided by 
contractors. Faidul is an indifferent student, and Nazma is desperately looking 
around for somebody to help him. They can't afford a regular tuition. 

Once he clears 12th, he will get a job. Otherwise, he will have to spend his 
life like us, she says. But Faidul has to help in the necklace work at home 
apart from going to school. Between them, Nazma and Faidul symbolize the hope 
and the shackles of a large section of the Muslim community. 

Like other under-privileged sections in India, Muslims have taken to education 
in a big way, hoping to escape from poverty. Attendance of Muslim children in 
schools has increased much more rapidly than other religious communities. This 
rush to school is even more marked in rural areas and among girls. 

But is better education leading to better jobs? It is too early to say, but 
trends of employment still show much lower opportunities, even for educated 
Muslims. In rural areas, while 7% of Hindu graduates were unemployed, among 
Muslims this was more than double at 15%. In urban areas too the unemployment 
rate among Muslim graduates was double that of Hindus. 

A comparison of data collected by the National Sample Survey Organisation 
(NSSO) in 1999-2000 and in 2004-05 shows that in rural areas, attendance of 
Muslim boys (5-14 years old) increased by nearly 12% compared to about 9% for 
other communities, and for Muslim girls it increased by 16% compared to about 
13% for others. As a result, 76% of Muslim boys and 71% of girls were attending 
school in 2004-05, quite close to boys (84%) and girls (71%) from the Hindu 

In urban areas, the pace of increase in school attendance in the 5-14 years age 
group was practically the same for Muslim boys compared to other communities, 
while it was almost double, at 12%, for Muslim girls compared to Hindu girls. 
Here too, the gap is fast closing, except that the pressure of finding work 
appears to be telling on the boys more, costing them their education. A 
similar, though somewhat muted, trend is visible in the older age group of 
15-19 years. 

Attendance rates among Muslim boys have increased at nearly twice the rate as 
Hindu boys, both in urban and in rural areas. The participation of Muslim girls 
too has increased at a faster pace than their Hindu counterparts in this age 
group. The highest increases have been shown in the Christian community. 

In the 20-24 years age group, there has been a very rapid increase in 
attendance in higher education centers among Muslim youth, except for men in 
urban areas, where there has been a decline in attendance. In the urban areas, 
the gap between the two communities becomes deep in the older age groups, 
primarily because of steep fall in attendance of Muslim males. Like Faidul, 
they are under pressure to earn as well as learn. 

But, does better education lead to better jobs? The NSSO reports reveal a mixed 
picture. Between 1993-94 and 2004-05 the proportion of employed who had studied 
beyond secondary level increased much more for Hindus than for Muslims. In 
rural areas the increase was about 6% for Hindus, but only by about 3% for 
Muslims among men, and around 3% for women from both communities. In urban 
areas, among men, the increase was about 7% for Hindus compared to 5% for 
Muslims while among women it was 8% for Hindus and 6% for Muslims.

Bismillah [IslamCity] JUMMA MUBARAK

2009-01-01 Thread Zaras Kitchen
[image: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at=2

Bismillah [IslamCity] MYGD Annual Youth Day - January 24, 2009 Insha'Allah

2009-01-01 Thread Bilal Zaidi
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

Insha'Allah MYGD will be hosting it's annual Youth Day on January 24th, 2009

The overall theme is *Taking the Initiative: My Deen, Our World*

Confirmed speakers include Amjad Tarsin, Mohammed Tayssir Safi, and Ashhar

Register online at for a discounted admission fee of $10

[image: MYGD - Muslim Youth of Greater

Bismillah [IslamCity] Shoes and Jokes

2009-01-01 Thread S A Hannan

Shoes and Jokes


AFP has reported from Costarica that  the Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula 
da Silva, joked to reporters Wednesday,  ‘Don’t throw any shoes..He was talking 
to the media  just  three days after an Iraqi journalist became famous for 
launching his footwear at the US president, George W Bush, in Baghdad.  Lula’s 
comment, delivered with a smile, prompted laughter from the press pack covering 
a Latin American summit in an exclusive beachside resort in the northeastern 
Brazilian state of Bahia. ‘It’s really hot here,’ Lula, a plain-speaking former 
union leader, went on. ‘If you take off your shoes, Bahia’s heat means you’ll 
stink up the place.’

Brazilian president was joking but in our view, it is no longer a matter of 
joke, it has become a real probability in future  against dictators, corrupt 
and cruel leaders and human rights violators. It has become a new weapon for 
protest against leasers who are not within easy reach of the people. Shoe 
throwing is almost normal in street demonstrations . Such shoe missiles  have 
never been used  in press conferences of the presidents or prime ministers. 
Leaders should take lesson and should be more careful in future .They should 
not take our suggestion as joke

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Bismillah [IslamCity] For Ever After...

2009-01-01 Thread adil naveed
For Ever After...
By Khalid Baig
In all societies and at all times marriage has been considered an occssion for 
great joy. The word most used with wedding is celebration. In fiction, 
which reflects our inner desires, they lived happily ever after. Obviously 
seeking success in marriage has been a pre-occupation of all societies.
Today in the U.S. -- a society as advanced as human endeavour alone without 
Divine Guidance can make it -- the average length of ever after is about 
seven years. That is the average period a new marraige lasts today. But even 
this period is not entirely a period of happiness. As the Surgeon General 
report indicated a few years ago, home had become the most dangerous place for 
the American woman. The leading cause of injuries to them is beatings by 
husbands and boy friends.
Obviously Science and the Age of Reason have not exactly delivered the happiest 
homes on earth. The secret to marital bliss eludes the Western civilization, 
although arrogance and conceit keep it from admitting fundamental flaws and 
looking elsewhere for solutions. Otherwise it would have found the solution in 
Islamic prescription for success in married life is based on taqwa, fear and 
consciousness of Allah. Taqwa -- the basis for all aspects of Islamic life -- 
is especialy relevant to the household. That is why Sura Nisa, where many 
commands regarding rights and responsibilities of spouses are given, begins 
with repeated reminders of taqwa. 
A hadith explains why. It descrbes a scene from the court of Iblis (Devil) 
where his assitants are reporting their achievements but he is not pleased. 
Then comes an assistant and says: I did not spare so and so until I sowed the 
seed of discord between a husband and his wife. The Devil embraces him in joy 
saying Well done.
To fight the Devil, one needs Allah's help and it comes with taqwa, that is 
living with the awareness that Allah is watching us and will hold us 
accountable for our actions. A direct and far reaching consequence of this 
awareness is that a fight for rights is replaced by a concern for 
responsibilities. One's rights are other's responsibilities. A Muslim husband 
and wife will be concerned with discharging their duties toward each other. Not 
a very atractive prospect for those itching to start a fight for rights. But it 
provides for a home that is a model of peace, love and harmony. 
Islam emphasises organization and discipline, the five daily congregational 
prayers being a good reminder of that concern. If two Muslims travel together, 
they are required to choose one as the leader. Quite naturally the principle 
extends to the home as well, and husband is the head of the household. He is 
responsible for handling all outside affairs and providing finances, 
protection, and over all direction. Wife is his assistant in the home, 
responsible for taking care of the home and the children. A very famous hadith 
explains it: Everyone of you is incharge and everyone will be accountable for 
those given in their charge. The man is incharge of the household and the woman 
is incharge of the home and the children. [Bukhari]. This hierarchy of 
authority and responsibility is key to the stability and proper functioning of 
the society. 
Authority does carry risk of misuse. The solution does not lie in eliminating 
authority but in including suitable protections against the possible abuse. On 
the legal level this is achieved by delineating the boundaries of this 
authority. The basic ground rule in the Islamic society is that no one can ever 
ask for anything againt the Shariah. But that is not it. Actually a wife's 
legal obligation is very limited. In fact her only legal obligation is to stay 
in the home of her husband. She is not legally bound even to cook food, much 
less serve the parents or other relatives of her husband. The delicate balance 
between the legal and the moral here is very illuminating. On the moral plane 
she is expected to take care of household chores, but this is to be taken as a 
favor by the husband. 
Too many husbands take these services for granted. Realizing this necessary 
function as kindness would call for greater kindness in return. And a heavy 
emphasis on kindness keeps the husband's authority in check: The best of you 
are those who are best in dealing with their wives and I am the best in dealing 
with my wives. [Tirmidhi]. 
A problem may still arise between the husband and wife. No two human beings can 
always meet the expectations of the other. Human beings are niether perfect nor 
perfectly matched. What is a husband to do if he sees something in his wife 
that he does not like? Unless the issue of concern is an unacceptable behaviour 
according to Shariah -- in which case he should use appropriate pursuasion to 
change it -- the husband is asked to ignore the negative and focus on the 
positive. No believing man should totally detest a believing woman [who is his 
wife]. If he dislikes 


2009-01-01 Thread Ahumanb


Bismillah [IslamCity] Israeli's logic....and Raja's comments

2009-01-01 Thread raja chemayel

simply ,
because I agree !!


Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 5

2009-01-01 Thread Dr. Adel Elsaie
Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 5

Please remember that Monday is our Islamic Youth Awakening day.

1. Glorious Quran on Good Manners:

Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way [17/53,
2. Words of Wisdom from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH):

There is a polish for everything that takes away rust; and the polish for
the heart is the remembrance of Allah. (Bukhari)
*3. *Muhammad (PBUH), The Best Man Ever Lived:

Love for the Prophet is a Condition of
Ahmad Shafaat

4. Videos Of Prophet Muhammad:

Prophet MUHAMMAD in Hindu
He prophesized also in Christian, Jewish, Buddhist.and Parsee scriptures, by
Dr. Zakir Naik

5. Great Muslims who Changed History, Most of the companions of the Prophet
(PBUH)  were Youth:

Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (10 years old), Talhah ibn Ubaydullah (14 years old),
Said ibn Zayd ( 15 years Old), Sad ibn Abi Waqqas  (17 years old), Umar Ibn
Al Khattab (26 years old) Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf (30 years), Othman Ibn Affan
(34 years old), Abu Bakr (37 years old)
Abdullah ibn Jahsh
blessed him with martyrdom


Dad…Why Is It So Hard To Say  I Love You? , Prophet's Love For
*Sariya* *Islam *

7. Islamic Inspirational Songs

Mohammad nabeena-hamada helal

Yes you can be strong Muslim, please sign the petition :  Muslim Youth Code
of Honor

Required a million signature each year Until that last Muslim Youth sign in.

Please circulate this posting to your brothers and sisters, Jazakum Allah

Please note that this posting is for adults too.

Dr. Adel Elsaie

Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslims - India's new 'untouchables'

2009-01-01 Thread Shahid
Muslims -- India's new 'untouchables'
The condition of the country's Muslims has deteriorated, and the world has 
overlooked the nation's problems.
By Asra Q. Nomani 
December 1, 2008 
The news of the attacks in Mumbai eerily took me back to a quiet morning two 
years ago when I sat in Room 721 of the Taj Mahal Palace  Tower hotel, reading 
the morning newspaper, fearing just the kind of violence that has now exploded 
in the city of my birth. The headlines recounted how the socioeconomic 
condition of the people of my ancestry, Muslims in India, had fallen below that 
of the Hindu caste traditionally called untouchables, according to a 
government report.

Muslims are India's new untouchables, I said sadly to my mother, in the room 
with me. India is going to explode if it doesn't take care of them. Now, 
indeed, alas it has. And shattered in the process is the myth of India's 
thriving secular democracy.

Mumbai police said over the weekend that the only gunman they'd captured during 
the attacks -- which left nearly 200 dead and more than 300 wounded -- claimed 
to belong to a Pakistani militant group. But even if the trouble was imported, 
the violence will most certainly turn a spotlight of suspicion on Muslims in 
India. Already, my relatives are hunkered down for a sectarian backlash they 
expect from anti-terrorism agencies, police and angry Hindu fundamentalists.

India, long championed as a model of pluralism, used to be an example of how 
Muslims can coexist and thrive even as a minority population. My extended 
family prospered as part of an educated, middle class. My parents, who settled 
in the United States in the 1960s when my father pursued a doctorate at Rutgers 
University, were part of India's successful diaspora. I love India, and on that 
trip, I wanted to show it off to my son, Shibli, then age 4.

But on that visit, across India from Mumbai to the southern state of Tamil Nadu 
and north to Lucknow, the hub of Muslim culture, I was deeply saddened. Talking 
to vegetable vendors, artisans and businessmen, I heard about how the condition 
of Muslims had deteriorated. They had become largely disenfranchised, poor, 
jobless and uneducated. Their tales echoed those I'd heard on previous trips, 
when my extended family recounted their humiliating experiences with 
bureaucratic, housing, job and educational discrimination.

Indeed, the government report I read about in the newspapers two years ago 
acknowledged that Muslims in India had become backward. Fearing for their 
security, the report said, Muslims are increasingly resorting to living in 
ghettos around the country. Branding of Muslims as anti-national, terrorists 
and agents of Pakistan has a depressing effect on their psyche, the report 
said, noting Muslims live in a sense of despair and suspicion.

According to the report, produced by a committee led by a former Indian chief 
justice, Rajender Sachar, Muslims were now worse off than the Dalit caste, or 
those called untouchables. Some 52% of Muslim men were unemployed, compared 
with 47% of Dalit men. Among Muslim women, 91% were unemployed, compared with 
77% of Dalit women. Almost half of Muslims over the age of 46 couldn't read or 
write. While making up 11% of the population, Muslims accounted for 40% of 
India's prison population. Meanwhile, they held less than 5% of government jobs.

The Sachar committee report recommended creating a commission to remedy the 
systemic discrimination and promote affirmative-action programs. So far, very 
few of the recommendations have been put in place.

Since reading the report, I have feared that Islamic militancy would be born 
out of such despair. Even if last week's terrorist plot was hatched outside 
India, a cycle of sectarian violence could break out in the country and push 
some disenfranchised Muslim youth to join militant groups using hot-button 
issues like Israel and Kashmir as inspiration.

What has irked me these last years is how the world has glossed over India's 
problems. In 2006, for instance, former U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen, 
whose Cohen Group invests heavily in India, said the U.S. and India were 
perfect partners because of their multiethnic and secular democracies. When 
I asked to interview Cohen about the socioeconomic condition of Muslims, his 
public relations staffer said that conversation was too in the weeds. But, to 
me, the condition of Muslims needs frank and open discussion if there is to be 
any hope of stemming Islamic radicalism and realizing true secular democracy in 
the country.

India's 150 million Muslims represent the second-largest Muslim population in 
the world, smaller only than Indonesia's 190 million Muslims. That is just 
bigger than Pakistan's 140 million Muslims or the entire population of Arab 
Muslims, which numbers about 140 million. U.S. intelligence reports continually 
warn that economic, social and political discontent are catalysts for 
radicalism, so we would be 

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] read and think

2009-01-01 Thread aaarab
Wa A'alaikum Assalaam;

Subhhana Allaah.? We have become DDB.? It is unfortunate that even the 
learned ones among us appear to confuse the Deen wit its attributes.? The 
presence of practioners and the practice of attributes of Islam do not qualify 
for the presence of Islam.? It is a simple matter that need to be understood 
-?the presence of Muslims does not mean the presence of Islam.? 

Islam is much more than a worship practice.? Islam is applied when a Muslim 
community is established.? The community is in existance when Baia'ah and Imarh 
are applied.? The latter ones lead to?the establishment of the fundemental 
principles of intities that?functiol based on trust and adghearance to the 
teachings of the Deen.? The presence of Imarah dictates the presence of Bait 
AlMaal, the collection of Zakah and the practice of the Deen collectively 
beyond the individual realm of worship.

As long as we continue to view our?individual practices and 
understandings?superior to our collective will, we have to accept the DDB 
charisticts as?soley ours and are to remain with us.

May we?see, hear?and understand.



-Original Message-
From: unknownsen...@unknowndomain
Sent: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 1:08 pm
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] read and think

ASalam alikum 

when i read this verse of Quran i was shocked at? today muslim is not behaving 
like deaf and dumb 


?18 Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return (to the path).?? surah? bakara?

Dont you think today muslim is behaving like lind deaf and dumb?
?? islam is present in our mosques only or it is in out hearts and home 
?? if it is in our homes 
? why our home are not look 
like home of RAsool(Allah bless him)and his companion?
 where is the leaders 
like HAZRAT umar (Allah bless him) who awoke in night in search of people 
problums ?

?where is people who die for islam ?


Bismillah [IslamCity] Milestones of successful Marriage

2009-01-01 Thread ilm_b4_action
Bismillaah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem

Saturday 20th December 2008 presents,

A Lecture Given By Noble Shaykh

*** Shaykh Ali Al-Huthayfi ***

Imaam and Khateeb of Prophet's Masjid 
Professor, Islamic University of Madinah 

TITLE: Milestones of successful Marriage

The lecture will be focusing on issues related to

Family - Marital Relations - Evaluating Marriage -
Marital Stress - Marital Intimacy Etc.

Please spread the word, E-MAIL your friends, family members and your 

You, your entire family, your friends, your neighbours ALL INVITED. 

Post Your Questions HERE:

IMPORTANT NOTE = This week we have New Tel Number and Access code for 
Conference Calling System.

Methods of Broadcasting
You may listen to the lectures via following options, Absolutely 
FREE !!!

1- Masaajid, Islamic Centers and Groups = Use our Telephone 
Conference Calling system. Use telephone number listed below. Please 
email for more details.

Telephone Number: 
Password = 302367 

2- Individual Listeners = Live Broadcast from our website 
3- Pal-Talk = ReligionIslam   Live Senior Scholars of Ahli 
Sunnah English Arabic
For monthly schedule (Date + Time) please visit

Bismillah [IslamCity] Through Science to the Almighty ALLAH (SWT)

2009-01-01 Thread Mohammed Farooq
Through science to the Almighty

Dr. Albert McCombs Winchester, who is an expert in biology, has expressed his 
views as follows:

''.after many years of study and work in the fields of science, my faith in 
God, rather than being shaken, has become much stronger and acquired a firmer 
foundation than heretofore. Science brings about an insight into majesty and 
omnipotence of the Supreme Being which grows stronger with each discovery.'' 
(Evidence p.165)

When the great scientist Galileo looked through the telescope and discovered 
multitudes of new stars in the Milky Way, the four moons of the planet Jupiter, 
the phases of the planet Venus, the details of the moon, and other celestial 
phenomena, he wrote as follows:

'' I am quite beside myself with wonder and infinitely grateful to God that it 
has pleased Him to permit me to discover such great marvels.' (The Growth of 
physical Science by Sir James Jeans, p.173, Cambridge, 1951)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan of Islamic Centre, has written a nice book entitled 
'God Arises'. (Published by Maktaba al Risala, c-29 Nizamuddin West, New 
Delhi,1987) in which he has collected the evidence of science and the saying of 
the scientists on the existence of Almighty God. He has narrated an inspiring 
incident in this book, which I shall relate. Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi had 
visited England in the year 1909. On a Sunday when it was raining hard, he met 
Sir James Jeans, the famous astronomer of the Cambridge University, going to a 
church with a Bible clutched under his arm. Mr. Inayatullah Kan expressed his 
astonishment that a person of such a universal fame like him is going to pray 
in a church. Sir James Jeans asked Mr. Inayatullah Khan to come to his house 
and have tea with him in the evening. Accordingly, Mr. Inayatullah Khan went to 
his house in the evening. Sir James Jeans was lost in his thoughts, he asked 
What your question was? But without
 waiting for an answer, he gave an inspiring description of the creation of the 
celestial bodies, their motions and the astonishing order to which they adhere. 
His voice and his movements clearly showed that he was deeply impressed by the 
Power and Majesty of God. He said You know Inayatullah Khan when I behold God's 
marvelous feats of creation, my whole being trembles in awe at His majesty. 
When I go to church I bow my head and say, 'Lord, how great you are' and not 
only my lips, but every particle of my body joins in uttering these words. I 
obtain incredible peace and joy from my prayer. Compared to others, I receive a 
thousand times more fulfillment from my prayers. So tell me, Inayatullah Khan, 
now do you understand why I go to Church?

Hearing this Mr. Inayatullah Khan told Sir James Jeans that his words reminded 
him of a verse of the Holy Qura'n which he would like to quote if permitted. 
Sir James Jeans replied: Of course. Mr. Inayatullah Khan then quoted the 
following verse:
'' And among the mountains are streaks, white and red, of diverse hues and 
others raven black; And in like manner, there are men and beasts and cattle, of 
various colours. Only those of His servants who possess knowledge fear 

Sir James Jeans was deeply impressed by these words of the Holy Qura'n he 
''What was that? It is those who have knowledge who fear God. Wonderful! How 
extraordinary! It has taken me fifty years of continual study and observation 
to realize this fact. Who taught it to (Hazrat) Muhammad (peace and blessings 
of Allah be upon him)? Is this really in the Qura'n? If so, you can record my 
testimony that the Qura'n is an inspired Book. (Hazrat) Muhammad (peace and 
blessings of Allah be upon him) was illiterate. He could not have learnt this 
immensely important fact on his own. God must have taught it to him. 
Incredible! How extraordinary! '' (God Arises p.215 with reference to Nuqoosh 
Shakhsiyat (i.e.; Impression of Personalities) ( p .1208 -1209)

In short, the words Only those of His servants who possess knowledge fear Allah 
present a profound truth. The study of the universe not only leads us to the 
conclusion that God exists but also inculcates the love of God (Qura'n 
2:164-166) and the fear of God.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Extraordinary Mothers

2009-01-01 Thread Shahid
It is Allah's mercy that these predators became mothers to their prey.

6mb video.

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