Bismillah [IslamCity] 7 Israeli tanks destroyed, one helicopter downed 11 soldiers killed

2009-01-06 Thread Shahid
7 IDF tanks destroyed, one helicopter downed and 11 IDF soldiers killed
GAZA, (PIC)-- The Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said on Sunday 
night that its fighters killed 11 IOF soldiers and wounded 48 others since the 
start of the land offensive 24 hours ago.

The sources said that five soldiers were killed on Saturday night and six 
others were killed on Sunday, amongst them an officer with the rank of Colonel.

The Israeli occupation admitted to only one soldier being killed and 30 others 

Meanwhile, Abu Ahmad, the spokesman of the Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the 
Islamic Jihad, said that Palestinian resistance factions managed to destroy 
seven IOF tanks int eh Zaitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City, pointing out that 
the invading troops fell in many ambushes carefully prepared by the Palestinian 

Abu Ahmad added that the battle has not started yet as there are thousands of 
resistance fighters waiting for the invading forces.

The Qassam Brigades, for its part, said that its fighters destroyed two IOF 
tanks using B-29 anti-armour rockets.

Furthermore, the Qassam Brigades, said on Sunday morning that its fighters 
managed to hit an Israeli helicopter.

This was confirmed by Dizzi Rizova, the correspondent of the Bulgarian daily 
telegraph telling that she saw the pilot parachuting, adding 
that he was not wearing paratroopers uniform which means he bailed out of the 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Watch BBC Four at 2100GMT on Monday 5, 12 19 January

2009-01-06 Thread Iqbal Soofi
As Received

Watch today on BBC Four at 2100GMT on Monday 5, 12  19 January
Subject: Science and Islam
It is incredible that we are only now uncovering the debt that today's 
physicists owe to an Arab who lived 1,000 years ago. Professor Jim Al-Khalili 
presents Science and Islam on BBC Four at 2100GMT on Monday 5, 12  19 January.
Remember, the people who forget their history has no right to exist unless they 
realize the truth and evaluate to motivate self and the society where is 
sleeping a Jabir Ibn Haiyan (Father of Chemistry), Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahravi 
(Father of Modern Surgery), Ibn Sina, Al-Khwarizmi, Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi, Abbas 
Ibn Firnas, Al-Razi, Al-Farabi and hundreds who marked their legacy in the 
history of mankind.


Bismillah [IslamCity] 240,000 dollars awarded to man forced to cover Arab T-shirt !!

2009-01-06 Thread Zahi Damuni
Is it possible to win by wearing an Al-Awda shirt?! See story below.

To get your shirt today for only $15.00 plus shipping go to:

Story: 240,000 dollars awarded to man forced to cover Arab T-shirt

Try it. Wear it with pride!
It is your First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech!

Bismillah [IslamCity] Boycott Israeli products: Terrorism of Israel

2009-01-06 Thread Hafiz Ayaz Ali Qureshi

Visit www.inminds. boycott-israel. html   
http://www.hiroshim a-  http://www. boycottisraeligoods .org/   
More than 345 Palestinians are killed and more than 200 are injured in recent 
air strikes:
(Dont forget to visit above given links:
Pepsi Co., Coca-Cola, Mc Donald, Nestle, Johnson  Johnson, e.t.c. are American 
Products of Pepsi Co are Pepsi, 7up, e.t.c.
Products of Coca-Cola Co. are Coca Cola, Thumps up, e.t.c.
(Products of Pepsico and Coca Cola company can be recognized from the 
advertisements and labels of soft drinks)
Profit of Each Bottle of Pepsi and Coca Cola; or of any other products we 
purchase here, goes to America.

From this, America gives million and billions of dollars to Israel to purchase 
arms and ammunition(war planes, tanks, missiles, guns, bullets, e.t.c.), which 
are used for killing Muslims.
Israel has captured some parts of Palestine like, Baitul Muqaddas(Previous 
Kibla of Muslims), Gaza Strip, West Bank, e.t.c. Like any other 
country, Palestine is fighting for its freedom with Israel. Muslims of 
Palestine are fighting for the freedom of Baitul Muqaddas, Gaza Strip, e.t.c.
America uses the profit got from Pepsi Co., Coca Cola, e.t.c to Support Israel. 
America gives this millions of dollars to Israel, so that it can use these 
million and billion of dollars against the Muslims who are fighting to free 
Baitul Muqaddas. Many freedom fighters, including children and women are killed 
each year in Israeli bombardment and firing.
Statistics of the Palestinian losses during 29/9/2000 to 31/7/2004 in Israeli 
No. of Palestinian children(below 18 years) killed: 643
No. of killed females: 239
Total No. of killed people: 3473
Total No. of wounded Palestinians: 41,424
No. of houses completely demolished: 6,757
No. of houses partially demolished: 59,107
(For statistics of children, females and total no. of people killed, in 
Palestine, and other parts of the world, visit
Lets we 1.6 Billion Muslims, Boycott American and Israeli products and slap 
their economy.
Visit http://www.hiroshim a-  http://www. boycottisraeligoods 
.org/   http://www.boycotta

Please try to print this article in your Local Islamic Magazines

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now at

Bismillah [IslamCity] Announcement, War Crimes TV (

2009-01-06 Thread Frederick Johnson

Power of the Internet Used to Expose War Criminals and Genocide


War Crimes Limited (UK) has launched War Crimes TV, a new website dedicated to 
exposing the ugly truth of war crimes. By allowing users to report 
independently on war crimes, War Crimes TV is exposing the ugly truth of war 

This week, Jean-Baptiste Mattei, France's ambassador to the United Nations in 
Geneva, says both sides, in the conflict of the Democratic Republic of Congo, 
are carrying out executions and torture in the east of the country. He called 
on both the government and the rebels to stop the violence.

War crimes, which include genocide or the mistreatment of prisoners of war, are 
unlawful acts committed during a war and considered in violation of the 
conventions of warfare. It is over one hundred and fort years since the first 
Geneva Convention on wounded soldiers came into force and yet today war crimes 
are still being practised.

The aim of War Crimes TV is to facilitate the spreading of awareness of gross 
violations of human rights and allowing persons to report on them 
independently said Frederick Johnson of War Crimes TV.

The War Crimes TV website allows users to upload appropriate videos and to 
start related blogs and forums. By developing an independent community against 
war crimes the website will expose war crimes using the power of the internet.

About War Crimes TV
War Crimes TV is an independent website owned by War Crimes Limited (UK). It is 
in no way affiliated with, nor loyal to, any political organisation or a 
commercial entity.

Whilst War Crimes Limited (UK) and War Crimes TV are strongly against violence 
in it's entirety, to contribute to world peace they expose the ugly truth about 
the very reality of war and war crimes and to follow up with the necessary 
resources to bring awareness and education to the masses.

War Crimes TV - Beware...
Sign up here, upload your videos, photos or add a blog.

War Crimes TV - Beware...
Contact War Crimes TV 
 War Crimes Limited (UK)


Bismillah [IslamCity] why???????????????

2009-01-06 Thread muslimah muslimah
we are muslim 
our new year started with muharrum 
why in a calander the islamic date is absent or if present then why it is in 
small size . 
hona to ya chiya k islamic date bold ho or christian calander small ho 
hum 1430 yad ho 2009 dahknah peray 
common practice is opposite why 
why we dont love our own things


Bismillah [IslamCity] The Sincere Muslim Intellectual

2009-01-06 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal


--- On Thu, 1/1/09, Qaisar Latif wrote:
From: Qaisar Latif
Subject: The Sincere Muslim Intellectual
To: Qaisar Latif
Date: Thursday, 1 January, 2009, 10:54 PM

The Sincere Muslim Intellectual

Actions are only judged by the intentions which accompany them.
This phrase is repeated in mosques and classrooms across the world, and is found
in books too numerable to document. At first thought, we might assume that its
meaning is obvious and that it is essential to how people think of Islam.
However, concepts understood intellectually do not always translate into states
of being, which in turn give life to those very concepts. Such is the case in
many of the intellectual discussions on Islam that pervade our

Perhaps if you grew up in a country or house devoid of
intellectualism, you might protest out of fear that I am decrying
intellectualism. This would be a fair response. But for those of us, many in
North America and Europe, who are stimulated by discussion after discussion and
book after book, the situation is often radically different. Rachid
al-Ghannouchi reportedly said that Tunisians in Tunis need human rights, while
Tunisians in France need mosques. Different points of emphasis for different

What I have felt in the core of my being is the fact that I can
never know with absolute certainty when I am speaking or writing or teaching or
reading for the sake of Allah alone. I can distinguish tasks, such as when I am
reading Qur'an for my own benefit or when I am writing an academic paper for the
acceptance of my teacher, but I can never truly know what Allah thinks of how I
spend my time and energy. I seek the assistance and advice of those who I feel
are pious and intelligent and learned, attempting to shade my moral
responsibility under the nasihah (advice) of others, but I know that there is no
shade except the shade of Allah. I make istikharah (supplication for guidance)
in search of Allah's decision, but I can never be totally sure of the

Yet around me, I see people rushing to be heard, rushing to
speak, and rushing to lead. Am I better for taking it slow? Are they better for
having the drive to act? I can never know. I do know that Allah will debase the
scholar who speaks for his own vainglory, and will honor the one who writes and
teaches and learns for His sake alone. Also, I know that the complexity of our
lives demands sophisticated intellectual discourse. The mind constructs or
deconstructs, and the heart becomes darkened or enlightened. Allah is the One in

Perhaps you might object to the insinuation that I might be able
to know the intentions of others. This too would be fair. I speak from my
experience, and all I can say in my defense is that if I have felt it, and
struggled with it, then it must be a reality for others. But even more than
that, this struggle has been documented in the works of some of the greatest
Muslims who have ever lived. If they felt it too, then at least I know that I am
in good company.

The pragmatist says, I need a job, or You have to get
ahead, or You have to have your voice heard, or Things are pressing and
there is no time for reflection, but that always rings hollow to me. Perhaps I
am wrong or spoiled or out of touch. Perhaps not. At the end of the day, which
is death, perhaps our works will be accepted. Perhaps not. I fear standing
before the Lord of the Worlds and being told, You wrote this article to be
praised by the people, and I hope to be told, Peace for you now, no more need
to worry. You did fine.

Even in writing this article, I may be betraying
that which the article intends to promote. But the fear of punishment cannot
override the urge to act when one can reasonably justify the action as
righteous, and when one has also sincerely attempted to be sincere. For almost a
decade, I have contemplated publishing something: Islamic theories on religion,
critiques of secular historiography, personal conversion narratives, theoretical
perspectives on the nature of subjectivity in intellectual traditions that
strive for objectivity, and so on. But something has always held me back. I can
only hope that this preliminary attempt is timely and acceptable in the eyes of
Allah. If Imams al-Nawawi and al-Bukhari thought it appropriate to begin with
the hadith of sincerity, then who am I to begin from a different

This is a struggle we all must face in the core of our souls, and
it cannot be avoided. It is immensely hard, but it must be done. Whether one is
a graduate student, a professor, a murid (disciple), a talib al-'ilm (student of
knowledge), a shaykh, a transnational Muslim intellectual, or whatever, we must
face this challenge. If we ignore it and assume we are fine, then we are lost.
Of that I am certain, and God 

Bismillah [IslamCity] due (sorry for yesterdaY)

2009-01-06 Thread muslimah muslimah

Ask your sister or brother to recite ya lateef 111times after every obligatory 
salah with durood 11 times before and after. She shall get a match soon, 
Ya Jaami
Ya Lateef
Ya Wadood
We pray for you earnestly, may you get a proper match and the desire of you and 
your parents is fulfilled. Amen! Recite the below three duas hundred times each:

and Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) Knows Best

Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband

ASalam alikum
yesterday i send a mail in which arabic was missing so i m so sorry i check it 
but when this mail deliever to u this font is missing
 i m sorry for that


Bismillah [IslamCity] Hadith :If you supplicate for others, Angels will suplicate for you

2009-01-06 Thread Hadith Share
Hadith : If you supplicate for others Angels will suplicate for you

Abud-Darda' (Radhiallaho anha) reported:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) saying,
Whenever a Muslim supplicates for his (Muslim) brother in his absence, the 
angels say: `May the same be for you too'.''
This Hadith makes it evident that one who prays for someone in his absence also 
stands to benefit from it because the angel appointed for the task of praying 
for those who pray for others will pray for him, saying, O Allah! Grant him 
also the same which he has asked for others.''
Please forward this Hadith to your relatives  friends
and may Allah SWT reward you.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel clamps down on West Bank, Jerusalem mosques

2009-01-06 Thread Peace Justice
Israel clamps down on West Bank, Jerusalem mosques -
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Israel clamps down on West Bank, Jerusalem mosques
Story Highlights
Men younger than 50 barred from Jerusalem mosques

West Bank border crossings closed until Saturday; few protests seen

Overnight airstrikes hit Gaza mosque, Hamas military headquarters

Foreigners gather at crossing to get out of Gaza

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israel barred men younger than 50 from entering
Jerusalem mosques for Friday prayers and closed West Bank border crossings in
hopes of preventing protests or violence over its bombing campaign in Gaza.
The assault continued for a seventh day Friday after overnight airstrikes on
a mosque, the Hamas military headquarters and other targets.
One person was killed in the raids. Palestinian medical sources said at least
421 people have been 

Bismillah [IslamCity] The road to Gaza

2009-01-06 Thread raja chemayel


who does still need any enemies ?
The road to Gaza passes by Cairo
The tunnels towards liberation
start in Gaza .
Beirut has its (our) Sayyed
ready like a lion
Damascus has its Lion
waiting to be called Sayyed .
Riyadh and Kuwait have
rich-Camels riding on selfish-Bedouins
and Rabat is not better,,,
The roads to Gaza leads us to Jerusalem
Jerusalem is sold by Abbas
If Baghdad were still standing on its feet
Gaza would not be attacked, today.
The destruction of Gaza started
by the hanging of President Saddam
and the Pharaoh of Cairo knows that,
so he closed his eyes
and his doors.
Raja Chemayel
the third day in 2008
the third day of 2008


Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] UAE Lauches 2008 Sister's Leadership Program for Americans

2009-01-06 Thread anwar haque

IIP, Asif Plaza

I Block

Fazl-e-Haq Road

Blue Area Islamabad 44000


Phone: 051-2875585, 03335129849

* *

* *


* *

*Saturday, January 03, 2009***

* *

A funeral prayer was held in Pakistan's largest Masjid i.e. Faisal Masjid
for the Shuhadha (Martyrs) of Falasteen. Thousands of Muslims prayed right
after Fard Jummah Prayer in the Faisal Masjid for over 400 innocent
children, women and men who were gunned down by the one and only Terrorist
of the world i.e. Israel. The Israel of course has many of its puppies and
puppets including India, USA, UK, France and Russia etc as well as terrorist
agencies and organizations like Mossad, Shabak, RAW, KGB, CIA, FBI, MI 5,
MQM, Qadyanis (600 of who are working in Israeli army), Daroozis, Bahahi
etc. etc. who carry out various terrorist attacks and blame Islam and

Doctors' Forum (DF) in collaboration with Movement for Justice  Merit (MJM)
had requested and urged all Pakistani Muslims to hold peaceful
demonstrations against Israeli and Indian Terrorist after Jummah Prayers
outside major Masajid throughout Pakistan. DF  MJM strongly condemned
Israeli terrorism against the genuinely elected Hamas Government. Its siege
of Gaza and blind attacks on Gaza strip killing about 500 innocent human
beings; mostly women and children is highly deplorable and shows the world
who is the real terrorist!. From 9/11 to Mumbai attacks are all handiwork of
Racist Zionists and Brahmins. Both terrorists share many things in common
e.g. cow worshiping, extreme racism, blatant lies. DF  MJM requested all
Imams of Masajid to deliver Khutbas on the current issues of Muslim Ummah
particularly against Israeli terrorism in Palestine and Indian aggression
and occupation of Kashmir, Juna Gar and Hyderabad Dakkan etc.

DF  MJM assured Pakistan armed forces that doctors and paramedical staff as
well as other people from all walks will fight gorilla war again India along
side with armed forces. The war will Insha Allah end only after dismantling
Brahmin Empire which has deprived Delits, Christians, Muslims and Sikhs as
well women of their genuine rights.

DF  MJM requested all Pakistanis to get ready for protracted war against
India and its agents in case India attacks Pakistan. DF  MJM requested
Pakistan armed forces to stop supplying the weapons and other things to NATO
which are in fact being used against Pakistanis. All armed forces must be
withdrawn from WANA areas and employed against Pak Indian borders.

All Colleges and Universities must start imparting military training to all
Pakistanis like Israel is imparting training to its citizens.

DF  MJM requested all Pakistanis to learn Quranic Arabic and get connected
with Allah Ta'lah through holding His rope i.e. Quran firmly and tightly and
not letting ourselves divided. It is also important to correct the institute
of Salah or prayers. It has to be an active and alive two way communication.
DF  MJM urged all Pakistanis to Forward these message to your friends. The
editors should write editorial against open Israeli aggression which is
reminiscent of Shatilla and Sabira camps where 3500 innocent women and
children were massacred by Israelis on 16-18th September 1982. Subsequently
9/11, 2002 was created to suppress the Muslim protest against Shatila Sabira
campl. 9/11 was created only five days before the candle light vigils in New
York, London, Paris and Sydney.

Many Doctors from PIMS, Students and other highly educated people
demonstrated against Israel and India right after Jummah Salah outside
Faisal Masjid. They were carrying the placards with slogans of condemnation
of Israeli and Indian Global and State Terrorism and showing solidarity with
the people of Falasteen. They saluted the democratically elected Government
of Hamas and condemned the Bahai puppet of Israel i.e. Mehmood Abbas. The
demonstrators chanted the slogans and declared Allah's total supremacy over
all things and force by the thunderous sounds of Allaho Akbar i.e. the God
is the Greatest. DF  MJM requested all peace loving people to totally
boycott Israeli and Zionist products and do every thing possible against
Zionist designs including shunning all vulgarities, interest based
transactions, too much indulgence in materialism and wasting time. By
holding fast the rope of Allah i.e. Quran Muslims will be directly connected
with Allah Ta'lah. There is a dire need to inject Quran in the veins of
Muslims and correct the Salah which would provide required strength and
tranquility. DF and MJM noted that while Muslims treated Jews exceptionally
well in Spain, the Zionists used Christians to ignite crusades and later
converted many Masajid in Spain  in Synagogues. DF  MJM offered Full
Medical Help to the thousands of innocent victims of Racist Zionists who
consider all Non Jews as talking animals whose killing is kosher to them.
Alas such fabricated teachings of Talmud will not provide any rescue them
from hell 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Safar al-Hawali: What Our Sisters Can Do for Palestine

2009-01-06 Thread laila sultan
Safar al-Hawali: What Our Sisters Can Do for Palestine

Q: The situation of our patient, struggling Palestinian sister under the 
tyranny of those known for treachery and deception - may Allah fight them - 
makes us truly sad. In fact, it is an extreme disaster for us, as their honor 
has been violated, their families have been destroyed, and their daughters 
tortured and exposed. Despite this, they continue to carry upon their shoulders 
the responsibility of standing on this frontline of the frontlines of Islam 
against the Zionist enemy. In fact, they also carry the responsibility of 
raising a generation - rather, generations - of sons and daughters to continue 
the struggle. So, what is our obligation towards these oppressed women? How can 
we stand by them on this front and assist them in various ways while 
simultaneously admitting to our major shortcomings in this? And Allah is the 
source of help...

A: The Muslim nation is one that is oppressed everywhere in the world, and the 
burden of this oppression that falls on its men falls even heavier on its 
women. In fact, the burden on women is generally greater, as she is prone to 
weakness by her nature from one direction, as well as from the pressures of 
family from another. So, she was not designed to withstand this subjugation, 
imprisonment, oppression, or long period of struggle as men are. Despite this, 
she is rewarded for her patience with Allah.

And our obligation is without a doubt great. Every man is obligated to realize 
that he has brothers there, and every woman is obligated to realize that she 
has sisters there. We must come to feel the reality of the brotherhood of faith 
and that we are like a single body, such that if one limb complains, the rest 
of the body rushes to heal it. So, the believers are brothers, as Allah 
mentioned, and our enemy is one. The one who ate the white bull today is the 
same one who will eat the red bull tomorrow, and the black one the day after. 
In fact, he might eat them all tomorrow.

So, it is not allowed for us to remain the way our enemies want us to be, and 
what they want is for every community to be busy only with its own problems and 
concerns, and to have every community busy with its desires or efforts to 
acquire more wealth. Our communities are of two types: one type that simply 
works to make more money, and another that is busy with its desires and wasting 
of time. Both are extremely dangerous, and distract us from paying attention to 
fulfilling our obligations towards our brotherhood of faith.

Our sisters are afflicted with things that make one's body shiver in the 
blessed, patient, struggling land of Palestine, as well as Iraq, Afghanistan, 
Kashmir, the Philippines, Eritrea, Somalia, Chechnya, Bosnia, and many other 
regions. In fact, this oppression even takes place in countries that claim to 
be free. So, in France - which some refer to as the place from which light 
emerges and shines over the rest of the world, and Paris is the Capitol of 
Light, etc. - its secularism, freedom, and human rights have become so 
constricted despite these empty slogans. They have become constricted around a 
piece of cloth with which the Muslim woman covers her hair, and this proves 
that this nation is truly being tested in order for Allah to purify its ranks 
and to elevate its status.

Therefore, we are facing a test in which we must have practical solutions, and 
it is not enough to simply cry and grieve and be sad and pained. For example, 
my sisters, I advise every sister who has a job - even if both spouses work, or 
they have a sufficient income or job, as the obligation would be greater in 
such a case - to support a single Palestinian family, and to then turn to the 
other countries to find out how we can provide them with relief efforts, and 
how we can fulfill our obligation of sending them beneficial books, tapes, and 
efforts, as well as the hijab. There are many girls in the nearby Arab 
countries who would wear the hijab if only they could afford it...

Every family in this country that Allah has blessed - and we praise Allah for 
these blessings - should take one family or child and support it. As I 
mentioned, my noble sister, our sisters over there have provided the greatest 
examples. There does not exist a mother in the world that possesses the 
characteristics of resistance, defiance, and patience as the Palestinian mother 
does, and the Iraqi mother is on the same road, thanks to Allah and His 
Guidance. They are demonstrating the most amazing defiance! This is a clear 
confirmation that the religion of Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم) is dominating 
and victorious, and that Allah has control over His affair except that most 
people do not realize this, and that the good end will be for this nation by 
Allah's leave, as well as the defiance of these sisters.

The sister who is forced to give birth on the side of the road, the sister who 
is killed, the sister who is 

Bismillah [IslamCity] FBI Finds no Pakistan Link to Mumbai

2009-01-06 Thread S A Hannan
- Original Message -
From: Mahmudul Hasan

FBI Finds no Pakistan Link to Mumbai

  By  Aamir Latif, IOL Correspondent

  Indian claims the Mumbai attackers were Pakistanis and had 
some links to Pakistani security agencies. (Mumbai)

ISLAMABAD — America's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have 
found no link between attacks on India's financial hub of Mumbai and Pakistani 
intelligence agencies, US and Pakistan officials have confirmed.

The FBI team thinks, on the basis of evidence and meetings with 
Pakistani intelligence officials, that neither is Ajmal Kasab a Pakistani 
citizen nor have Pakistani agencies any involvement in the Mumbai attacks, a 
US embassy official told

The confirmation came after an FBI team visited Faridkot, a small 
village some 200 kilometers south of Lahore, said to be of Kasab, the only 
surviving gunman.

A five-member FBI team, headed by William Robert, the agency's 
director for South Asia, visited Faridkot two days back, according to a US 
embassy source.

At least 172 people were killed when ten gunmen attacked two 
five-star hotels, a hospital, a popular cafe, a railway station, and a Jewish 
center in Mumbai last month.

India claims Kasab and the other nine attackers are all Pakistanis 
and blame the attack on Lashkar-e-Taiba (LT), an outlawed Pakistani group 
fighting Indian rule in Muslim-majority Kashmir.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik has denied that FBI agents have 
visited Faridkot.

No such visit is in my knowledge.

But the report was confirmed by a senior Pakistani interior 
ministry official.

The FBI has established this fact after visiting Faridkot, which 
is being reported by Indian media as the ancestral town of Ajmal Kasab, and 
meeting various officials of Pakistani intelligence agencies, he told IOL on 
condition of anonymity.

Indian Proofs

US embassy sources said the FBI team has been trying to verify 
Indian proofs about Pakistani involvement in the attacks.

The agents visited India before coming to Pakistan and questioned 
Kasab for more than nine hours.

Indian media reports said the FBI sleuths sought minor details 
about Kasab’s native village and about his alleged links to the Pakistani 

The team also took DNA samples of the nine slain gunmen to 
ascertain it matched with anyone in their data bank or had any relations with 
persons killed by US troops in Afghanistan.

Despite concluding that Kasab was no Pakistani, the FBI team did 
not ruled out possible links between the Mumbai attackers and militants groups 
in Pakistan.

He might have connections with Pakistan-based militant groups, 
said the US embassy official, referring to the LeT.

Pakistan has recently banned the Jammat-ul-Dawa (JD), one of the 
country's latest charity organizations, over alleged links to LeT.

Founded by Hafiz Saeed, a former professor of Islamic studies at 
University of Engineering Lahore, JD operates hospitals, schools and relief 
centers across Pakistan.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Yvonne Ridley: PIRATES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN Courtesy:

2009-01-06 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

NOT content with committing war crimes and human rights atrocities in full view 
of the world, Israel has now confirmed itself as a rogue state by launching 
into international piracy.
The SS Dignity
Dawn had not yet broken over the Mediterranean waters in which the SS Dignity
was sailing when an Israeli naval gunboat appeared from the inky black
and rammed the aid-bearing ship. The act of aggression on a peace
mission was launched in international waters 90 miles off Gaza, without
any warning to the captain of the Dignity or the crew.
claimed the incident was an accident and that its naval officers had
made numerous attempts to communicate with the Dignity. It was an
accident that was to repeat itself three times.

Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor told one press
agency that the naval vessel tried to contact the aid boat by radio for
identification and to inform it that it could not enter Gaza. “After
the boat did not answer the radio, it sharply veered and the two
vessels collided, causing only light damage,” Palmor said.
I wonder how many traffic cops around the world have heard that line from a 
drunken or reckless driver in the wake of a crash.
The Israeli spokesman then went on to accuse the international
activists of “seeking provocation more than ever.” Isn’t it amazing how
Yigal and Co suddenly go belly up and adopt a victim mentality? I
wonder how he will react to the news that onboard the ship, among the
cargo of much-needed medical supplies and humanitarian aid were TV crew
s from CNN and Al Jazeera as well as other media. For goodness sake,
the Dignity was on a peace mission, armed with nothing more than
humanitarian aid - hardly a match for the tooled up, hi-tech Israeli
Navy and its deadly arsenal.
Sorry to be so direct, but Palmor is a purveyor of deceit, a liar -
and a very unconvincing one at that. You see all sea-faring people know
that there is a certain radio channel and frequency which remains open
24 hours a day. I know myself, because the Israeli Navy used that exact
same frequency on one of the two Free Gaza boats as they set sail back
in August 2008 to break the siege of Gaza by sea. That emergency
frequency carried messages of threats and intimidation as clear as a
Radio communications were used without any difficulty on the Israeli
Navy several times by human rights activists from the Free Gaza
Movement warning the gunboats to back off when they fired at Gazan
fishermen. The westerners were on the tiny fishing ships to stop the
naval bully boys terrorizing the unarmed fishermen.
And by the way, what the hell is Israel
up to by banning or trying to prevent boats from entering waters not in
its territory? This is the Mediterranean. Just when did Israel assume complete 
authority of the Med?
It is also worth pointing out that Dignity was clearly flying the
flag of Gibraltar, and was piloted by an English captain with a
passenger list including revered politician Cynthia McKinney from the
US. The Israeli Government Press Office director was faxed the entire
passenger list and press release shortly after Dignity set sail.
Cynthia is a former Congresswoman from Georgia, and the 2008 Green
Party US presidential candidate. She was traveling to Gaza to assess
the ongoing conflict.
I know her and I can tell you she is one sassy lady. If the Israel Navy thinks 
this little incident is going to sink without trace then they truly are in for 
one rude awakening.
After reaching port safely in Lebanon, where thousands greeted the
Dignity, Cynthia said: “Israeli patrol boats…tracked us for about 30
minutes…and then all of a sudden they rammed us approximately three
times, twice in the front and once in the side…the Israelis indicated
that [they felt] we were involved in terrorist activities.”
She was joined by another woman of substance, Dr. Elena Theoharous,
MP who is a surgeon and a Member of the Cypriot Parliament. She was
going to Gaza to assess the ongoing conflict, assist with humanitarian
relief efforts, and volunteer in hospitals.
Also on board is another good friend of mine, Caoimhe Butterly, an
organizer with the Free Gaza Movement. She said: “The gunboats gave us
no warning. They came up out of the darkness firing flares and flashing
huge floodlights into our faces. We were so shocked that at first we
didn’t react. We knew we were well within international waters and
supposedly safe from attack. They rammed us three times, hitting the
side of the boat hard. We began taking on water and, for a few minutes,
we all feared for our lives. After they rammed us, they started
screaming at us as we were frantically getting the lifeboats ready and
putting on our life jackets. They kept yelling that if we didn’t turn
back they would shoot us.”
Furthermore, the attack was filmed by the journalists, and crew and
passengers and no doubt we will see the full extent of that footage and
the damage caused by Israel.
Of course 

Bismillah [IslamCity] German Chancellor Merkel defends Israeli onslaught on Gaza

2009-01-06 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
How painful is this! She is a Zion. She is not alone and this is fact!
It is rather impossible to think that some people even supporting this 
manslaughter job by Israel!
Israel is killing people surrounded by fence!I wonder, how these people support 
this assault to find a solution.
What a weird world!
I have added some similar articles in this message regarding Gaza.

German Chancellor Merkel defends Israeli onslaught on Gaza
By Dietmar Henning
2 January 2009
Please click here to read the full article

The assault on Gaza offers the best hope of peace
There is no excuse for the loss of life, but Israel is right to seek the 
destruction of Hamas, says Con Coughlin.
By Con Coughlin
Last Updated: 9:46AM GMT 02 Jan 2009
Please click here to read the full article

Hamas is the obstacle to Middle East peace
31/12/2008 | By Ron Prosor | comment
Israel's critics have got it wrong - extremists in Gaza must be defeated before 
a better future can be built, writes Ron Prosor, Israel's Ambassador to the UK.
Please click here to read the full article

Hamas: the betrayal of the Palestinian cause
In contrast, Hamas has dislodged. the Palestinian cause from its foundations,
and turned ... betrayal of the Palestinian cause, but they would have ...
Please click here to read the full article


Bismillah [IslamCity] JUMMA MUBARAK

2009-01-06 Thread Zaras Kitchen
*'Those who are concerned only with this fleeting life, *
*will soon suffer in the manner we choose. *
*We determine people's fate as we please. *
*We have prepared hell for those in love with this fleeting life; *
*they will burn within its flames, despised and helpless.' *
*But the true believers who are concerned with *
*the life to come, and strive for it with all their souls, *
*will have their efforts rewarded by God.

-Qur'an, Al-Isra, Surah 17:18-19 *



2009-01-06 Thread danrum_pr
ADNAN OKTAR (HARUN YAHYA): I even think that Israel will be able to
relax and trade freely and to the fullest extent in the region. There is
step by step progress in that direction. I believe this target will be
achieved in the near future. They will also find things easier and
attain salvation within the Turkish-Islamic Union because Israel will be
under the protection of the Turkish-Islamic Union. It will be freed from
the problem of terror, from violence. Its walls will be torn down. At
the moment, Israel is a kind of prison. It is surrounded by walls on all
sides. Those walls will be brought down. Israel will be able to relax
and trade with the region with no difficulty. The pressure on it will be
lifted. And therefore the pressure that Israel puts on Muslim states, on
Muslims countries, will also be lifted. An age of total peace and
security will dawn. That is why I can say that the immediate
establishment of the Turkish-Islamic Union is the main and foremost
question facing the world. (Al Baghdadi TV, August 5, 2008)

In his statements on the Palestinian-Israeli problem, Adnan Oktar
stresses that the Turkish-Islamic Union is the only way to bring peace
and security to the region, and that this will represent salvation, not
only for Palestinian Muslims, but also for Israel. Mr. Oktar suggests
that both sides treat one another with love and compassion, and says
that everyone can live together as brothers in this land, that is sacred
to all believers. He stresses that with the foundation of the
Turkish-Islamic Union, the union will act as guarantor for everyone and
will protect both Israel and Palestine. Mr. Oktar's calls for moderation
and love and the path he has shown have begun to have effect. The
Palestinian side recently took out a full-page Hebrew announcement in
the Israeli press stating that they were on the side of peace and wanted
to see the peace plan made a reality straight away. One of the most
striking aspects of the announcement was the flags of Muslim countries
that decorated its border. The use of the flags of just about all Muslim
countries in the announcement shows that the call for peace and
brotherhood represents the voice of the whole Turkish-Islamic world and,
even more importantly, indicates that the Turkish-Islamic Union is the
force that will bring peace to the region.

One of the striking aspects of the reports on the subject appearing in
the press is that they analyze the way that FOR THE FIRST TIME the
Palestinian side has attempted direct dialogue with the Israeli people
and the significance of turning to a democratic path.

BBC, 20 November 2008

ADNAN OKTAR: You will not be able to recognize the Turkey of the future.
It will literally be a regional super-power, as a result of which Israel
will be saved, Armenia will be in a better position, Palestine will be
in a good position, and Israel will enjoy a peace and security it has
never known before in its history. The Palestinian problem will be
completely resolved. Turkey is the key to all this. And there is open
demand for it. In other words, Iraq also wants it. Iraq in fact wants to
unite with Turkey. In the same way, Syria also wants to unite with
Turkey and wants Turkish administration. But as separate states, of
course. They want Turkey to take over as a spiritual leader. And when
Turkey puts it… (Kıbrıs Ada TV-August 1, 2008)

Porttakal News Portal, 21 November 2008

‘Let's make peace' announcement issued

Şalom, 26 November 2008

Peace ‘ad' from the Palestinian administration

ADNAN OKTAR: Christians are also our brothers. And Jews are our
brothers. Armenians and Georgians are all our brothers, because they are
all people we took to our bosoms in the Ottoman community of nations,
people who served the Ottoman Empire, who served Turkishness. They are
people who served Islam and the Qur'an. The greatest craftsmen and
artists emerged from among the Armenians, for instance. Or from among
the Greeks. Jewish scientists and Jewish artists performed great
services and worked in the palaces. But this strife was produced
subsequently. The Masons acted quite treacherously, using the corruption
of racism, suggesting the supposed existence of hatred and
conflict… They became unwilling to admit to being Jews. That
was a Masonic ruse. But they are the People of the Book and are our
brothers. They love the Prophet Abraham. They love Ishmael. And Isaac
and Jacob. They believe in the one Allah. We love the same prophets. We
love the same angels. And they are all earlier forms of the true faith.
They are old true faiths. Islam is of course the last true faith,
insha'Allah. But they are also the People of the Book. Allah states that
they are the People of the Book in the Qur'an. That is why this hatred
and enmity must come to an end. Israel will be as free as possible.
Armenia will be free. (Uşak ART TV-August 19, 2008)

NTVMSNBC, 21 November 2008

The report says this is the FIRST TIME that a Palestinian