Bismillah [IslamCity] Ring of fire: Indian Ocean to see solar eclipse

2009-01-30 Thread Shahid
Ring of fire: Indian Ocean to see solar eclipse
 A few lucky people in the Indian Ocean will be treated to a rare event when an 
annular solar eclipse . 
PARIS (AFP) - A few lucky people in the Indian Ocean will be treated to a rare 
event on Monday when an annular solar eclipse will transform the Sun into a 
dark disc with a blazing ring-shaped corona around its rim.

In solar eclipses, the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth, casting its shadow 
on the terrestrial surface.

In an annular eclipse, a tiny shift in distance that results from celestial 
mechanics means the Moon does not completely cover the Sun's face, as it does 
in a total eclipse.

Instead, for those directly under the alignment, the Moon covers most of the 
Sun's surface, and a ring-like crown of solar light blazes from the edge of the 

For those watching from the fringe of the track, the Sun is partially obscured, 
as if a bite has been taken out of it.

According to veteran NASA eclipse-watcher Fred Espenak, the total eclipse track 
will run from west to east on Monday from 0606 GMT to 0952 GMT.

It will traverse the Indian Ocean and western Indonesia before petering out 
just short of Mindanao, the Philippines.

The partial eclipse will be seen in a much wider swathe, including the southern 
third of Africa, Madagascar, Australia, Southeast India, Southeast Asia and 

It will be the only annular solar eclipse this year. The last was on 7 
February, 2007, and after Monday, the next one will be on 15 January, 2010.

The big event for eclipse junkies this year is on July 22, when a total solar 
eclipse will be visible from India and China, the world's two most populous 

Description: Binary data

Bismillah [IslamCity] Israeli war against Hamas scars Gaza's children; Help rebuild Gaza Community Mental Health Program

2009-01-30 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
Israeli war against Hamas scars Gaza's children

JEBALIYA, Gaza Strip – Surrounded by mountains of rubble that were once their 
homes, two dozen children sat on a rainbow-colored blanket and drew with 
They quickly filled the pages passed around by trauma counselors with pictures 
of Israeli tanks, dead bodies and Palestinians firing assault rifles — scenes 
they saw when Israel's war on Hamas came into their neighborhood.
We felt we will die soon, 11-year-old Sharif Abed Rabbo told the group, 
describing his family's escape. And I am sad I lost my house.
Psychologists say Israel's three-week offensive inflicted more severe trauma 
than previous conflicts in Gaza because civilians in the crowded sliver of 
territory had no safe place to run. A wartime study among hundreds of Gaza 
children showed a rise in nightmares, bedwetting and other signs of trauma, 
said psychologist Fadel Abu Hein.
Counselors and aid workers fear that Gaza's children, who make up 56 percent of 
the 1.4 million people here, will grow up hating Israel and become easier prey 
for extremists.
We are losing the next generation, said John Ging, the top U.N. aid official 
in Gaza. As a buffer against militancy, U.N. schools are launching human rights 
classes for their 200,000 students this week.
Children and teens were particularly vulnerable in Israel's military offensive, 
launched Dec. 27 to try to halt eight years of Hamas rocket fire on towns in 
southern Israel. The rocket attacks have frightened children there and 
frequently sent them running for cover.
In Gaza, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights counted 280 children among 
1,285 dead and said one in four of the more than 4,000 wounded was a minor.
Facing the Israeli invasion, Hamas gunmen often operated from densely populated 
Gaza neighborhoods, drawing massive Israeli fire that killed and wounded large 
numbers of civilians, along with fighters. Tens of thousands fled their homes, 
seeking shelter in U.N. schools.
Among the refugees was Ansam Rahel, 10, who fled shelling of her home in the 
town of Beit Lahiya and sought cover, along with her family, in the town's U.N. 
school. On Jan. 17, when an Israeli shell struck the shelter, Ansam was hit by 
shrapnel that sliced across the top of her head. A thick welt of stitches runs 
diagonally across her partially shaved scalp, and she covers it with a ski cap.
The little girl, who carries herself with quiet grace and sadness, is back 
home, but her life has changed. Her father is in Egypt, where her 5-year-old 
sister Dima is undergoing treatment for a serious war injury. Ansam said she 
takes painkillers and doesn't sleep well.
On Saturday, she briefly returned to her school to say goodbye to friends. She 
is not well enough to attend and was told by school officials she might be 
taken to France for further medical treatment. I didn't let them cry or feel 
pity for me, she said of her classmates.
Abu Hein, a psychologist who runs a community health center in Gaza City, said 
his teams interviewed 950 families, among them 2,180 children, in U.N. shelters 
across Gaza during and after the war.
A majority of parents told the team their children had become more clingy, and 
about one-third said their children insisted on sleeping in the same room with 
Since a cease-fire took hold a week ago, Abu Hein's center and other aid groups 
have sent teams to the most devastated areas, seeking out children for 
emergency counseling.
On Sunday, three of his counselors drove to the Abed Rabbo neighborhood of the 
town of Jebaliya, a few hundred yards from the Israeli border. The neighborhood 
came under heavy fire during Israel's ground offensive, which began Jan. 3. 
House after house in a radius of hundreds of yards were destroyed, with nothing 
left except mountains of rubble.
The counselors spread a large blanket on a small patch of grass, and children 
soon came running. About two dozen, from toddlers to young teens, sat in a 
circle and played games, raising their hands or clapping, to break the ice. A 
counselor then asked the older kids to tell what happened to them during the 
Asra Aref, 8, said her father raised a white flag when soldiers came closer and 
spoke Hebrew to them. The soldiers told him he has just five minutes to 
evacuate the house, she said. 
Counselor Farraj al-Hau tried to assure the children, especially the boys, that 
it's OK to be scared, that he was also frightened during the war. 
Then he asked the children to draw. The youngest ones just managed a few 
squiggles, but almost all the drawings of the older ones included tanks, 
helicopters or bodies sprawled on the ground. One boy drew a Palestinian gunman 
firing an assault rifle at a tank. In another picture, two blue dots meant to 
be land mines were planted under tanks. 
At one point, 5-year-old Saja Abed Rabbo, in pigtails and pajamas, started 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Drinking Water

2009-01-30 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah *
Bismillah Hir rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
The Book of Drinks (Kitab Al-Ashriba) 
Muslim :: Book 23 : Hadith 5030
Anas reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) breathed three 
times (outside the vessel) in the course of a drink and said: It is more 
thirst- quenching, healthier and more wholesome. Anas said: So I also breathe 
three times in the course of a drink.

Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth 
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me 
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me). 

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased 
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say,  O Allah, grant me benefit 
in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my 
knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from 
the state of those who go to Hell.
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition 
whose isnad is gharib.

Transliteration:an Abi Hurairah (radiya Allahu anhu) qaal:
qaala Rasul Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam): Allahumma infa'ni bima 
'allamtani, wa allimni maa yanfa'oni wa zidni 'ilman, alhamdulillahi alaa kolli 
haal, wa a'odtho billahi min haali ahlil naar.

  Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go to

Bismillah [IslamCity] Hikmah: The Simple Beauty Of Islam!!

2009-01-30 Thread shabbir khan
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
Hikmah: The Simple Beauty of Islam
The purpose of this essay, InshaAllah, is to present a basic introduction to 
Hikmah - that is, to the knowledge (al-ilm) which is Al-Islam.
It is unfortunate that for too long Muslims, trying to understand the nature of 
our existence, of reality, of al-ilm, have used the terms and often the 
arguments of the Greek and later philosophers. This was true, for instance, of 
Ibn Rushd and Al-Ghazali, among others.
The basis for a correct Muslim understanding of Hikmah, and all that derives 
from it, is the Quran and the Sunnah, and these alone. This is so because a 
Muslim is a person who, affirming the Shahadah, looks to Allah Subhanahu wa 
Ta'ala and His Messenger (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and regards the Quran 
as the true, the literal, kalam of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
What this amounts to, in practical terms, is that we refer to the Quran for our 
terms, for our concepts - as well as for Hikmah and al-ilm. To use the terms of 
Greek philosophy - or modern, Western, philosophy - is incorrect, and amounts 
to an imitation of the kuffar. Why? Because we are then seeking to interpret, 
or re-interpret, the Quran, and even the Sunnah, in such kaffir terms, whereas 
the Quran is unique and kalamu Allah - and, as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
The genesis of truth is Allah alone, so do not be among those who do not 
believe. (3:60 Interpretation of Meaning)

Furthermore, it needs to be made clear, at the outset, that the Quran does not 
have an outward (dhir) and an inner, or esoteric (batin) meaning, as maintained 
by several Sufis, and others. As Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

It is He who gave to you this Book wherein are muhkan Ayat that are umm 
al-Kitab, and others which are mutashabih. (3:7 Interpretation of Meaning)

Those mutashabih Ayat can often be understood by reference to Ahadith, to other 
Ayat - and if they cannot, there is certainly no hidden, or ancient esoteric 
knowledge, by some teacher, or Sufi master, to explain them. There is, or 
may be, InshaAllah, dhikr which may bring us closer to Allah Subhanahu wa 
Ta'ala, to hikmah.

He gives Al-Hikmah to whomsoever He wills. (2:269 Interpretation of Meaning)
Remembrance of Allah is best... (29:45 Interpretation of Meaning)
It is through remembrance of Allah that the heart discovers rest. (13:28 
Interpretation of Meaning)

What we need to remember in this respect is that our beloved Prophet (salla 
Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and the Shahabah (Radiallaahu Anhum) and the Tabiun 
did not seek to clarify, or explain, many of the unclear things in the Quran 
- a point made by Ibn Taymayyah in his Minhaj as-Sunnah in respect of the 
Minhaj al-Karamah of al-Hilli (the Shia). Why did they not do this? Because, as 
will become clear, al-Hikmah is Al-Islam, and Islam is a Way of Life - a means 
to live this mortal life in accordance with the Will of Allah Subhanahu wa 
Ta'ala. In simple terms: enjoining the good, forbidding the bad, and Jihad, are 
often more important than discussions about the meaning of some words. There is 
a great understanding of human nature - of the real purpose of our lives - 
here, as there is, of course, the perfect example of our beloved Prophet (salla 
Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) for us to follow.

Let those who would trade the life of this world for the life Hereafter fight 
in the Cause of Allah. And those who do fight in the Cause of Allah - whether 
they be killed or are victorious - will have bestowed on them, by Us, a great 
reward. (94: 74 Interpretation of Meaning)

Furthermore, we simply do not need the so-called explanations and expositions 
of Islam given to us over the centuries by those Muslims who have sought, for 
whatever reason, to use the terms, the language, the ideas, of the West, of the 
kuffar. In truth, there is no such thing as Muslim philosophy - there is only 
al-Hikmah, al-ilm - the truths - which Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in His Mercy 
has given to us. To know Islam, to live Islam, to understand Islam, is to know 
the source of these things.

Of course, the kuffar, and the modernist Muslims and apostates, would disagree 
with this, and may even call this ignorance (or whatever) - but always the 
basis for their disagreement with us is their acknowledgment, whether admitted 
by them or not, that the West, the ways, the thought, the philosophy, the 
ideas, the concepts, of the kuffar are somehow better or more important than 
what has been given to us by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, and that we, according 
to them, must use these kaffir things in order to have knowledge and wisdom. 
For such apostates and modernist Muslims, knowledge and wisdom are what the 
kuffar believe them to be - not what Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has told us they 
are. That is, these apostates and modernist Muslims have forsaken, or seem to 
have forsaken, that simple, beautiful, submission to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala 
which is 

Bismillah [IslamCity] CAN GOD SEE OUR ACTIONS?

2009-01-30 Thread Ahumanb


Bismillah [IslamCity] A decisive loss for Israel

2009-01-30 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
A decisive loss for Israel
Hamas has emerged from the war stronger. Now we look to Obama to repair the 
errors of silence
* Mousa Abu Marzook
* The Guardian, Thursday 22 January 2009
Full Article


Bismillah [IslamCity] FAITH : SAHI-ALBUKHARI

2009-01-30 Thread mohammed bawany
Volume 1, Book 2, Number 8:

Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, Faith (Belief) consists of more than sixty branches (i.e. 
parts). And Haya (This term Haya covers a large number of concepts which are 
to be taken together; amongst them are self respect, modesty, bashfulness, and 
scruple, etc.) is a part of faith.

Volume 1, Book 2, Number 9:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:
The Prophet said, A Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslims with his 
tongue and hands. And a Muhajir (emigrant) is the one who gives up (abandons) 
all what Allah has forbidden


Bismillah [IslamCity] NEWSWEEK report: Israeli troops fired on, killed children from 22 yards away

2009-01-30 Thread Yusuf Toropov

Khalid Abd Rabo … claimed that Israeli troops fired on his daughters and
mother as they left his home under a white flag, killing Suad, 9, and Amal,
2, and gravely wounding Samer, 4, who has since been evacuated to Belgium
for treatment. 'The children died before my eyes,' he said. 'Four days later
they came back and destroyed the house.' Khalid, who had been a policeman
with the anti-Hamas Fatah party, said the Israeli troops fired at them from
only 22 yards away. Source: Newsweek

If you think Israel should be able to murder children, shoot ambulance
workers, block humanitarian aid, target civilian homes, and use white
phosphorus as an antipersonnel weapon to burn off the flesh of noncombatants
... go ahead and click delete.

Or ... you can help stop the whitewash. Hold Israel accountable for war


Yusuf Toropov

Bismillah [IslamCity] TRUE CONCEPT OF JIHAD

2009-01-30 Thread Ahumanb


Bismillah [IslamCity] King Abdullah

2009-01-30 Thread yazidaddi
Asalam alaikum, in the next few days i will be talking about our so
called world leaders, if anyone in the group has anything to add
please post your opinions, maybe this way we can find solutions to
these problems. The first leader i will talk about is King Abdullah
(who is not worthy of his name) because he holds one of the strongest
positions in the arab nations. But while in this position he stood by
and allowed Gaza to be raped, he has failed to provide any true
humanitarian aid to the victims of Gaza knowing these are muslims, he
has failed his brothers and sisters as a muslim and as an example of
a leader. Even in his own country he has failed socially,
economically, and politically. His people are strugling while he
enjoys a life of luxury and power. Why is he a leader? What
qualifications does he have? How can he be replaced? If anyone has
anything please start saying it.

The Prophet (sallallahu aleihi wa sallam) said:

Allah does not punish the individuals for the sins of the community
until they see the evil spreading among themselves, and while they
have the power to stop it, do not do so. (Ahmad)

Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said:

This is why those who are in authority are of two groups: the
scholars and the rulers. If they are upright, the people will be
upright; if they are corrupt, the people will be corrupt.

The Noble Qur'an - Hud 11:85

And O my people! Give full measure and weight in justice and reduce
not the things that are due to the people, and do not commit mischief
in the land, causing corruption.

The Noble Qur'an - Hud 11:113

And incline not toward those who do wrong, lest the Fire should touch
you, and you have no protectors other than Allâh, nor you would then
be helped

Bismillah [IslamCity] Somalia:Al-Shabab: who are they and what they want?

2009-01-30 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Social movements and revolutions go through incubation and evolutionary periods 
under which progressive, reactionary, conservative, and radical elements come 
into display until one of them emerges as a winner.

This also applies to Al-Shabab or any religious group in Somalia. Even though 
these forces and their ideologies have been around for sometime, it is probably 
a year or two since they have emerged as a formidable resistance or political 

A year or so is not a very long period and therefore to be fair on them one 
cannot really say that much about their real identities and political agendas. 
However, concerns over their identities and political programs are crucial and 
legitimate. Therefore one should start asking some questions right now rather 
than “wait and see” until it is too late.

To enhance the debate, let me share with readers some soul-searching questions, 
which reflect the anxieties of many Somalis. Although I use the term Al-Shabab, 
these questions are for all those socio-political forces whether be it in 
Hargeysa, Boosaaso or Baydhabo, who might have similar ambitions or aspirations 
as of Al-Shabab.

Who are Al-Shabab?

Are they a concoction of clan demagogues whose main aim is to ensure their 
clan’s perpetual dominance over our country’s scarce natural resources?

Do they want to plant the seed of another totalitarian regime in Somalia only 
this time in the name of religion under which public and private spheres of its 
citizen will be controlled by a theological doctrine so that if yesterday it 
was “Aabbaha Ummadda iyo Hanti-wadaaga Cilmiga Ku Dhisan” – the father of the 
nation, tomorrow it will be the “Sheekha of Ummada”?

Do they want to create a Saudi Arabian model state – a total monarchy – in 
which peoples’ right to elect their leaders is denied? Are they zealots who 
would use their narrow interpretation of Islam to silence any opposition and 
dissent in opinion and in faith?

Are they ideologues who do not like concepts of human rights, democracy, 
freedom, liberty, public participation in politics and would see them as alien 
concepts that must be erased from our nation’s conscience?


Are they moderates who - even if they have political ambitions - would work 
very hard to pave the way for the creation of a modern secular state based on 
the Malaysian model win which Islam lives side by side with other faiths such 
as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism? Thus creating a more tolerant society that 
is happy with it self and can also live with its neighbours in peace and 

Are they reactionaries who would desecrate and dismantle national heritage, 
emblems and symbols that national heroes paid a heavy price for their 

Are they cultural revolutionaries who would scorn culture and would eradicate 
national folklore and dance so that shir, gabley-shimber, dhaanto, saar, 
heello, jiifto, sheeko-xariir, buraanbur, geeraar, maahmaah, gabayo, maanso, 
heeso jaceyl, and countless beautiful cultural expressions will be destined to 
the dustbin?

Are they revolutionary forces that would be prepared to sacrifice millions of 
lives in order to destroy identities and create new ones consequently repeating 
and reminding the world of the atrocities committed under bloody revolutions of 
Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot?

Are they Arabised fanatics who would prefer Abu Hafsa, Abu Cusman, Um Cumar 
over indigenous Somali names such as Geedi, Xaayow, Garaad, Gacal, Raage, 
Dhaayow, Keenadiid, Ceydiid, Maandeeq, Dheerow, Caraweelo, Culusow, Ceynte, 
Samatar, Marwo, Meygaag, Eenow, Deerow, Iidow, Madoobe, Mukuy?

Are they Wahabiyah enthusiasts who would exterminate Qaadiriya, Saalixiya, 
Ahmadiya, Rufuaaciya, Saylaciya and other Sufi sects whose teachings based on 
tolerance, love, wisdom, philosophy, reason and non-violent methods had enabled 
Islam to spread to all corners of Somalia from Saylac-to-Ras Kaambooni? The 
Sufi orders that encourage their disciples “xerta” to study different schools 
of thoughts including the Shaaficiya School of jurisprudence. The Sufi sects of 
national heroes such as Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle, Sheikh Hassan Barsane, Sheikh 
Aweys Al-Qadiri, Sheikh Nur Hussein who played a major role in defeating 
colonial powers.

Are they Wahabiyah fans who would outlaw Ziyaarada qubuuraha – a visit and 
reverence of the shrines of the saints such as Sheikh Aweys Al-Qadiri of 
Biyooley? A tradition deeply held by many Somalis.

Are they Wahabiyah fanatics who would issue fatwa, declaring Sufi sects 
followers as heretics under the pretext of the usual mantra “bidcah wat 
takfiir”? Because according to their version of Islam these practices resemble 
idol worshipping, and as a result of their actions stir up division, suspicion, 
animosity within the religious community.

Are they zealots whose main purpose is the application of and adherence to the 
Wahabiyah doctrine? An order whose strict interpretation of Islam failed the 

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Totalitarian-Terrorists and the phosphoric-immunity

2009-01-30 Thread raja chemayel
Mr. Truth

The Totalitarian-Terrorists
the Phosphoric-Immunity

Mark Regev the
declared to the Media that
 unreliable , inaccurate and bias's   unquote

The reason Regev has given is,  that Hamas
shall take revenge on them , if and when they
would say anything negative about Hamas.
Concluding that Hamas is not only a Terror-Organisation
but it were also a Totalitarian-Organisation.

His conclusion is that all the reports about the atrocities
and the Genocide are non-reliable
and that Israel itself is conducting its own investigation !!

This means that an Israeli Colonel shall investigate
with his own Israeli-Pilot ,  if the Phosphoric-Bomb
which was transported in the F.16 plane
was dropped on a Palestinian-school .or it
was returned back to the air-base 
 ?? unused !!

In other words , Israel wants to wait until it
concludes its own investigation before answering
to the world's media accusations.

In the meantime  and concertedly
Ehud Olmert has issued a general immunity decree
covering all Israli-military-personel

Just in case the World is not wrong ,
and Israel might not be innocent.

Sherlock Hommos , P.Hd

PS :
Mr. Regev has also declared that :
Those weapons are legal , because NATO
and Democratic-countries , has them too .

Not even Richard Nixon could come up

with such an argument 


Bismillah [IslamCity] BBC The Gaza Appeal: Right Wrong

2009-01-30 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
The Gaza Appeal
The BBC's decision to refuse the charity request is mistaken
The death and suffering in Gaza is entirely the fault of Israel. That is a 
biased statement. The death and suffering in Gaza is entirely the fault of 
Hamas. That is a biased statement. There has been death and there is suffering 
in Gaza. That is a simple statement of fact. It is worrying that the the BBC is 
not able to make this distinction.
The BBC's decision not to screen the appeal for funds for humanitarian aid is 
an error. First, it elevates bizarre media preoccupations about the 
Corporation's image above the need to help people in an emergency. The BBC is 
choosing an odd moment to demonstrate concern that its Middle East coverage be 
seen as balanced.
Second, the fear expressed that footage of the conflict might confuse viewers 
is patronising. Viewers are easily able to tell the difference between a 
humanitarian appeal and a news report.
And, third, the BBC's market power is such that it needs to be very careful 
when using it in such circumstances. It has the ability to deny the consortium 
of charities access to a large part of their audience. It ought only to refuse 
such a request when it feels it entirely unreasonable. However, the most 
important reason why the decision is a mistake is not without irony. The BBC is 
evidently concerned that to show pictures of the suffering, and plead for 
assistance, is to take sides, presumably against Israel.
But this reveals that they believe that, once you have seen the suffering, you 
can only take one side. Naturally, this is not true. The point is that people 
are suffering, terribly. Giving aid to Gaza is something that can and should be 
done, whoever you think is to blame for the conflict.
Editorial, The Times

The charities are guilty, not the BBC
The Corporation is right not to run the Gaza appeal. Oxfam and others are 
clearly anti-Israel
Andrew Roberts
Full Article 

No comments from me.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Bolivia to take Israel to The Hague

2009-01-30 Thread Abhiyya
The Andean state says it is intended to make regional allies take a unified 
stance against the Israeli political and military leaders responsible for the 
offensive on the Gaza Strip and make it to stand trial at the international 
body in the Hague, said Sacha Llorenti, whose portfolio covers civil society

With Regards

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.

--- On Sun, 1/25/09, Iqbal Soofi wrote:

From: Iqbal Soofi
Subject: Bolivia to take Israel to The Hague
Date: Sunday, January 25, 2009, 9:38 PM

Bolivia to take Israel to The Hague
Fri, 16 Jan 2009 19:35:31 GMT

Israel ignores international calls to end Gaza invasion.Bolivia is seeking to 
take Tel Aviv to International Criminal Court over the brutal atrocities the 
Israeli forces have committed in Gaza.

The Andean state says it is intended to make regional allies take a unified 
stance against the Israeli political and military leaders responsible for the 
offensive on the Gaza Strip and make it to stand trial at the international 
body in the Hague, said Sacha Llorenti, whose portfolio covers civil society.

Moves to begin the legal process will begin probably next week, Bolivia's 
deputy justice and human rights minister Wilfredo Chavez told journalists 
during the visit to Geneva, AFP reported on Friday.

Bolivia followed in the steps of its ally Venezuela and severed diplomatic ties 
with Israel over its massacre of the Gazans and snubbing the international 
calls for an 'immediate' and 'durable' truce, said the Latin American 

The Bolivian president Evo Morales told a group of diplomats in the 
administrative capital of La Paz that he will request the International 
Criminal Court (ICC) to file genocide charges against Israeli President Shimon 
Peres and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

The ICC is competent to adjudicate war crimes, crimes against humanity and 
genocide committed after 2002.

Israel and its closest ally, the United States, are not among the 108 
signatories of the Rome Statute creating the Hague-based court in 2000 to 
investigate and prosecute war crimes.

After 21 days of non-stop bombardment and aggression, the Israeli invasion of 
Gaza has left 1,133 Palestinians killed and more than 5,200 wounded.


--  Iqbal Soofi
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