Bismillah [IslamCity] Signs of Weak Iman and How to Increase It

2009-02-06 Thread Abida Rahmani


In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful
Assalam Alikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu
Signs of Weak Iman and How to Increase It
Signs of weak Faith: 
·    Committing sins and not feeling any guilt.
·    Having a hard heart and no desire to read the Quran.
·    Feeling too lazy to do good deeds, e.g. being late for salat
·    Neglecting the Sunnah. 
·    Having mood swings, for instance being upset about petty things and 
bothered and irritated most of the time.
·    Not feeling anything when hearing verses from the Quran, for example 
when Allah warns us of punishments and His promise of glad tidings.
·    Finding difficulty in remembering Allah and making dhikr. 
·    Not feeling bad when things are done against the Shariah.
·    Desiring status and wealth.
·    Being mean and miserly, i.e. not wanting to part with wealth.
·    Ordering others to do good deeds when not practising them ourselves.
·    Feeling pleased when things are not progressing for others.
·    Being concerned with whether something is haram or halal only; and not 
avoiding makroo (not recommended) things.
·    Making fun of people who do simple good deeds, like cleaning the 
·    Not feeling concerned about the situation of Muslims.
·    Not feeling the responsibility to do something to promote Islam.
·    Liking to argue just for the sake of arguing without any proof.
·    Becoming engrossed and very involved with dunya, worldly things, i.e. 
feeling bad only when losing something in terms of material wealth.
·    Becoming engrossed and obsessive about ourselves. 
Okay, how to increase our faith then ? 

Recite and ponder on the meanings of the Quran. Tranquility then descends and 
our hearts become soft. To get optimum benefit, remind yourself that Allah is 
speaking to you. People are described in different categories in the Quran; 
think of which one you find yourself in.  
Realize the greatness of Allah. Everything is under His control. There are 
signs in everything we see that points us to His greatness. Everything happens 
according to His permission. Allah keeps track and looks after everything, even 
a black ant on a black rock on a black moonless night.  
Make an effort to gain knowledge, for at least the basic things in daily life 
e.g. how to make wudu properly. Know the meanings behind Allah's names and 
attributes. People who have taqwa are those who have knowledge.  
Attend gatherings where Allah is remembered. In such gatherings we are 
surrounded by angels. 
We have to increase our good deeds. One good deed leads to another good deed. 
Allah will make the way easy for someone who gives charity and also make it 
easy for him or her to do good deeds. Good deeds must be done continuously, not 
in spurts.  
We must fear the miserable end to our lives; the remembrance of death is the 
destroyer of pleasures.  
Remember the different levels of akhirah, for instance when we are put in our 
graves, when we are judged, whether we will be in paradise or hell.  
Make dua, realize that we need Allah. Be humble. Don't covet material things in 
this life.  
Our love for Subhana Wa TaAla must be shown in actions. We must hope Allah will 
accept our prayers, and be in constant fear that we do wrong. At night before 
going to sleep, we must think about what good we did during that day.  
Realize the effects of sins and disobedience- one's faith is increased with 
good deeds and our faith is decreased by bad deeds. Everything that happens is 
because Allah wanted it. When calamity befalls us- it is also from Allah. It is 
a direct result of our disobedience to Allah. 
by: Abu Banan
http://www.missioni knowledge/ weakimanfix. htm


Bismillah [IslamCity] Friend Of Quran's Pleasure In prayer

2009-02-06 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah *
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
Abbad ibn Bishr

It was the fourth year after the Hijrah. The city of the Prophet was still 
under threat from within and without. From within, the influential Jewish 
tribe, the Banu anNadir, broke their agreement with the Prophet and made plans 
to kill him. For this, they were banished from the city. This was in the month 
of Safar.
Two months of uneasy quiet passed. Then the Prophet received news that tribes 
from distant Najd were planning an attack. To pre-empt them, the Prophet 
gathered a force of over four hundred men, and leaving one of his companions 
Uthman ibn Affan in charge of the city, set out eastwards. Among this force was 
the young Madinan, Abbad ibn Bishr.
Arriving at Najd, the Prophet found the habitations of the hostile tribes 
strangely deserted of men. Only women were about. The men had taken to the 
hills. Some of them regrouped and prepared to fight. The time of Salat al-Asr 
(the afternoon prayer) came. The Prophet feared that the hostile tribesmen 
would attack them during prayer. He arranged the Muslims in ranks and divided 
them into two groups and performed the prayer as the Salat al-Khawf (the Prayer 
of Fear). With one group he performed one rakah while the other group stood on 
guard. For the second rakah the groups changed places. Each group completed its 
prayer with one rakah after the Prophet had finished...
On beholding the disciplined ranks of the Muslims the hostile tribesmen became 
uneasy and afraid. The Prophet had made his presence felt and something of his 
mission was now known at first hand in the central highlands of Arabia whence 
he departed peacefully.
On the way back, the Prophet pitched camp in a valley for a night. As soon as 
the Muslims had settled their camel mounts, the Prophet peace be on him, asked: 
Who will be our guard tonight? We, O Messenger of God, said Abbad ibn Bishr 
and Ammar ibn Yasir both of whom had been paired off as 'brothers' by the 
Prophet when he arrived in Madinah after the Hijrah.
Abbad and Ammar left for the mouth of the valley to take up duty. Abbad saw 
that his brother was tired and asked him: What part of the night do you wish 
to sleep, the first or the second? I shall sleep during the first part, said 
Ammar who was soon fast asleep quite close to Abbad.
The night was clear, calm and peaceful. The stars, the trees, and the rocks all 
appeared to celebrate in silence the praises of their Lord. Abbad felt serene. 
There was no movement, no threatening sign. Why not spend the time in ibadah 
(worship) and reciting the Quran? How delightful it would be to combine the 
performance of Salat with the measured recitation of the Quran which he so much 
In fact Abbad was enthralled by the Quran from the moment he first heard it 
being recited by the mellow and beautiful voice of Musab ibn Umayr. That was 
before the Hijrah when Abbad was just about fifteen years old. The Quran had 
found a special place in his heart and day and night thereafter he would be 
heard repeating the glorious words of God so much so that he became known among 
the Prophet's companions as the friend of the Quran.
Late at night, the Prophet once stood up to perform the Tahajjud Prayer in 
Aishah's house which adjoined the masjid. He heard a voice reciting the Quran, 
pure and sweet and as fresh as when the angel Jibril revealed the words to him. 
He asked: Aishah, is that the voice of Abbad ibn Bishr? Yes, O Messenger of 
God, replied Aishah. O Lord, forgive him, prayed the Prophet out of love for 
And so in the stillness of the night, at the mouth of the valley in Najd, Abbad 
stood up and faced the Qiblah. Raising his hand in surrender to God, he entered 
into the state of Prayer. Finishing the compulsory opening chapter of the 
Quran, he began reciting Surah al-Kahf in his sweet, captivating voice. Surah 
al-Kahf is a long Surah of one hundred and ten verses which deals in part with 
the virtues of faith, truth and patience and with the relativity of time.
While he was thus absorbed in reciting and reflecting upon the divine words, 
eternal words of illumination and wisdom, a stranger stalked the outskirts of 
the valley in search of Muhammad and his followers. He was one of those who had 
planned to attack the Prophet but who had fled into the mountains on the 
approach of the MusIims. His wife whom he had left in the village had been 
taken as a hostage by one of the Muslims. When he eventually found that his 
wife was gone, he swore by al-Lat and al-Uzzah that he would pursue Muhammad 
and his companions and that he would not return unless he had drawn blood.
From a distance, the man saw the figure of Abbad silhouetted at the mouth of 
the valley and he knew that the Prophet and his followers must be inside the 
valley. Silently he drew his bow and let fly an arrow. Unerringly it embedded 
itself in Abbad's 

Bismillah [IslamCity] light for the tongue to remember

2009-02-06 Thread ***hajikhan***


Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam said,
There are two statements that are light for the tongue
to remember, heavy in the Scales and are dear to the Merciful:
`Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim
[Glory be to Allah and His is the praise, (and) Allah,
the Greatest is free from imperfection)'.''

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. 

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Slaughtering people, blowing schools is not Islam

2009-02-06 Thread S A Hannan

  Slaughtering people, blowing schools is not Islam
  A major Pakistani politician Qazi Hossain Ahmad has condemned terrorism 
in most vehement terms.He said that slaughtering people and destroying girls' 
schools in response to  even   state repression is totally unjustified and such 
acts are not Shariah but mutilation of Shariah. 

  . Qazi sahib said Islamic system brings blessings and not persecution 
since neither the followers of Islam frighten people nor masses have any fears 
from Islam. He said Islamic shariah provides complete security to the lives, 
property and honor of the people. He said threatening barbers and forcing 
people to have beards is not Sunnah since the Holy Prophet (pbuh) never 
punished anyone for not having beard or observing purdah. In fact the Prophet 
(pbuh) motivated people towards these Islamic practices since the civilization 
is promoted with encouragement, he said.


  We feel that Qazi sahib, a great leader of Islam in the sub-continent has 
said the truth.Terrorism in any name can not be justifiesd and any authority 
outside the government of the state can not  take law into its hand. This is 
the view of all major leaders and organizations of Islam in the current time.






Bismillah [IslamCity] Slaughtering people, blowing schools is not Islam

2009-02-06 Thread S A Hannan

Slaughtering people, blowing schools is not Islam

 A major Pakistani politician Qazi Hossain Ahmad has condemned terrorism
in most vehement terms.He said that slaughtering people and destroying
girls' schools in response to  even   state repression is totally
unjustified and such acts are not Shariah but mutilation of Shariah. 

. Qazi sahib said Islamic system brings blessings and not persecution
since neither the followers of Islam frighten people nor masses have any
fears from Islam. He said Islamic shariah provides complete security to
the lives, property and honor of the people. He said threatening barbers
and forcing people to have beards is not Sunnah since the Holy Prophet
(pbuh) never punished anyone for not having beard or observing purdah.
In fact the Prophet (pbuh) motivated people towards these Islamic
practices since the civilization is promoted with encouragement, he
We feel that Qazi sahib, a great leader of Islam in the sub-continent
has said the truth.Terrorism in any name can not be justifiesd and any
authority outside the government of the state can not  take law into its
hand. This is the view of all major leaders and organizations of Islam
in the current time.




Bismillah [IslamCity] Iraq's Shocking Human Toll: About 1 Million Killed, 4.5 Million Displaced, 1-2 Million Widows, 5 Million Orphans

2009-02-06 Thread Peace [PS]

US Accountable!
Bush  Or Hilter

Iraq's Shocking Human Toll:
About 1 Million Killed, 4.5 Million Displaced, 1-2 Million Widows, 5 Million 
By John Tirman, The Nation. Posted February 2, 2009.

Now that Bush is gone, perhaps we can honestly face the damage we have wrought 
and the responsibilities we must accept from it.
We are now able to estimate the number of Iraqis who have died in the war 
instigated by the Bush administration. Looking at the empirical evidence of 
Bush's war legacy will put his claims of victory in perspective. Of course, 
even by his standards -- stability -- the jury is out. Most independent 
analysts would say it's too soon to judge the political outcome. Nearly six 
years after the invasion, the country remains riven by sectarian politics and 
major unresolved issues, like the status of Kirkuk.

We have a better grasp of the human costs of the war. For example, the United 
Nations estimates that there are about 4.5 million displaced Iraqis -- more 
than half of them refugees -- or about one in every six citizens. Only 5 
percent have chosen to return to their homes over the past year, a period of 
reduced violence from the high levels of 2005-07. The availability of 
healthcare, clean water, functioning schools, jobs and so forth remains 
elusive. According to Unicef, many provinces report that less than 40 percent 
of households have access to clean water. More than 40 percent of children in 
Basra, and more than 70 percent in Baghdad, cannot attend school.

The mortality caused by the war is also high. Several household surveys were 
conducted between 2004 and 2007. While there are differences among them, the 
range suggests a congruence of estimates. But none have been conducted for 
eighteen months, and the two most reliable surveys were completed in mid-2006. 
The higher of those found 650,000 excess deaths (mortality attributable to 
war); the other yielded 400,000. The war remained ferocious for twelve to 
fifteen months after those surveys were finished and then began to subside. 
Iraq Body Count, a London NGO that uses English-language press reports from 
Iraq to count civilian deaths, provides a means to update the 2006 estimates. 
While it is known to be an undercount, because press reports are incomplete and 
Baghdad-centric, IBC nonetheless provides useful trends, which are striking. 
Its estimates are nearing 100,000, more than double its June 2006 figure of 
45,000. (It does not count nonviolent excess deaths -- from health emergencies, 
for example -- or insurgent deaths.) If this is an acceptable marker, a 
plausible estimate of total deaths can be calculated by doubling the totals of 
the 2006 household surveys, which used a much more reliable and sophisticated 
method for estimates that draws on long experience in epidemiology. So we have, 
at present, between 800,000 and 1.3 million excess deaths as we approach the 
six-year anniversary of this war.

This gruesome figure makes sense when reading of claims by Iraqi officials that 
there are 1-2 million war widows and 5 million orphans. This constitutes direct 
empirical evidence of total excess mortality and indirect, though confirming, 
evidence of the displaced and the bereaved and of general insecurity. The 
overall figures are stunning: 4.5 million displaced, 1-2 million widows, 5 
million orphans, about 1 million dead -- in one way or another, affecting 
nearly one in two Iraqis.

By any sensible measure, it would be difficult to describe this as a victory of 
any kind. It speaks volumes about the repair work we must do for Iraqis, and it 
should caution us against the savage wars we are prone to. Now that Bush is 
gone, perhaps the United States can honestly face the damage we have wrought 
and the responsibilities we must accept from it.

See more stories tagged with: iraq, iraq war, bush administration, iraq 
occupation, united nations, iraqi refugees, iraq body count

John Tirman is Executive Director of MIT's Center for International Studies.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Khutbah in English--Adil Salahi | Arab News

2009-02-06 Thread S A Hannan

On Sun , Adil Salahi wrote:

Khutbah in English
Adil Salahi | Arab News

I have recently moved to the UK to pursue my studies. Friday prayer is 
offered in the university, but I wonder whether the practice of giving the 
khutbah in English is acceptable. I find this strange. May I also ask whether 
it is permissible to offer Maghreb prayer only a short while before Isha, if 
one has missed it at the appropriate time because of a lecture or some urgent 
business. (Z. Majah)

Islam requires the Muslim community to hold the midday prayer on Friday 
in congregation, and that it should be preceded by a speech in which the imam 
discusses some issues that are important to the community, the general 
situation of the Muslims, and reminds his audience of their duties to God, and 
the Day of Judgment. For the congregation to benefit by the khutbah, or the 
sermon, it must be delivered in a language they understand. If the 
congregation, or a clear majority, is composed of people who do not speak 
Arabic, what benefit would they have if the imam gives his sermon in Arabic? 
The very purpose of the sermon will be defeated.

In universities and colleges, the sermon is given in English because it 
is the common language understood by those who attend. This is the proper way. 
Unfortunately, in most mosques in the UK, and other places as well, the sermon 
is given in Arabic when only a small percentage of the audience understands it. 
It is often the case that the imam himself does not understand Arabic. He reads 
the sermon from a book, and makes it very short. In most cases, it is given in 
less than four minutes. Ninety percent of the audience could not understand a 
word. Even Arabic-speaking people might not understand because of the speed 
with which it is delivered. This is a poor reflection on the status of the 
Muslims today. Wherever the community does not speak Arabic, the sermon should 
be in its own language. Thus, it should be delivered in Turkish or Urdu or 
Malay, according to what is spoken locally.

Some schools of thought severely limit the time range of Maghreb 
prayer, allowing it only within a brief time range after it becomes due. Other 
schools of thought extend its time range to the moment when Isha becomes due. 
Each view has its evidence. It is always better to offer one’s prayer at the 
beginning of its time, but when one has some difficulty, it is better to resort 
to the easier view. God always wants what is easier for people, as He has 
stated in the Qur’an.

Bismillah [IslamCity] I want to tell the world

2009-02-06 Thread Abida Rahmani

I want to tell the world

 * * **

I want to tell the world
A story


About a home With a broken lantern




And a burnt doll


About a picnic That wasn't enjoyed







About an axe That killed a tulip








A story about a fire That consumed a plait





a story about a tear that couldn't run down


I want to tell a story About a goat That wasn't milked


About a mother's dough That wasn't baked






About a wedding That wasn't celebrated




And a baby girl that didn't grow up






About a football That wasn't kicked


About a dove That didn't fly


I want to tell a story About a key That wasn't used






About a classroom That wasn't attended









About a playground That was silenced


About a book That wasn't read






About a besieged lonely farm
And about its fruits That weren't picked

About a lie that wasn't discovered





A story about a church That's no longer prayed in


And a mosque That no longer stands


And a culture No longer rejoiced









I want to tell a story About a muddy grassy roof





About a stone That faced a tank



And about a stubborn flag That refuses to lie down








About a spirit that cannot be defeated




I want to tell the world A story


Now Light a little candle for Palestine


You can do it

Light a candle One little candle
Watch the darkness fade away

Just try it out

One ray of light
Wipes away the gloomiest
Jet-black nights
As the dawn breaks

Just observe

Can you see that
All the might of darkness
In the world
Cannot extinguish
The faintest flicker
Of a beam of light

Light a candle
One little candle
Watch the darkness fade away

You can do it

Hey.. WORLD Did you hear me


Bismillah [IslamCity] This is secular India!

2009-02-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed
INDIA claims to be the biggest democracy of the world and a champion
of human rights but frequent incidents of violence against minorities,
their exploitation and their status expose the myth of Indian
secularism. All minorities in India are exposed to almost similar
dangers and threats but the plight of Muslims is all the more

It was in this backdrop that thousands of Muslims rallied in New Delhi
on Thursday to protest killing and imprisonment of Muslims, saying
innocent members of the community became targets after bomb attacks in
India in recent years. The constitutional and legal measures for the
protection of rights of the minorities do provide protection to
minority population against the exploitation and violation of their
rights as well as equal opportunities for their advancement and
development, however, the plight of Muslims in India is found to be
grim which has been well depicted in the report of high power
committee under the Chairmanship of Justice Rajinder Sachar. In terms
of numbers, the Muslims are only next to the Hindus, constituting
about 20 per cent of the population, yet they are considered by the
Hindus even less important than the Jains and Buddhists who are only
0.43 and 0.41 per cent of the population respectively.

The representation of Muslims in Parliament, state legislatures,
administrative services, armed forces, police and paramilitary forces,
educational institutions and the private and public sectors is far
below their proportion. A prominant Hindu writer S. Harrison admits
that the dominant note in the Hindus attitude towards Muslims today is
that, Hindus have a natural right to rule in modern India as a form
of long overdue retribution for the sins of the Mughal overlords. The
cumulative outcome of all this is that according to Jai Prakash
Narayan, The Muslim population has been so much cowed and demoralized
that they are not acting according to their convictions. They are
afraid that if they expressed their real feelings, their loyalty will
be suspected. These are just glimpses of how Muslims have been
treated in India since long but their conditions are highly pathetic
because of growing Hindu extremism and terrorism. Apart from being
made to suffer a host of disabilities, political, cultural and
economic, the Indian Muslims are subjected to a campaign of
interference with their religion as well. It usually takes the form of
slanderous attacks on Islam made in school text books, or in the
press, desecration of mosques and shrines, or deliberate incitement of
feelings of religious hatred against the Muslims.

Despite the fact that most of the bomb blasts and terrorists attacks
in India are carried out either by Hindu extremists or sponsored by
state intelligence agencies, the wrath falls on the Muslims. The
latest admission of Lt. Col. Shrikant Purohit, who carried out bombing
of Samjhota Express, that he had active links with Hindu extremists
also confirms it beyond any doubt that extremism in India is on the
rise and the prime targets are Muslims. The world community should,
therefore, also take notice of what is happening to minorities
especially to Muslims in India.

Extremists, Hindu Militants, IncredibleIndia, Secular, Violence

Bismillah [IslamCity] Iran launches homegrown satellite

2009-02-06 Thread Abhiyya

Iran launches homegrown satellite

Iran has launched its first domestically made satellite into orbit, state media 
TV commentary said Monday's night-time launch from a Safir-2 rocket was 
another achievement for Iranian scientists under sanctions.
The satellite was designed for research and telecommunications purposes, the 
television report said.
to read on:
With Regards



Bismillah [IslamCity] MUSLIM WISDOM

2009-02-06 Thread Zaras Kitchen
*Children of Adam! *
*Distribute your surplus wealth in the name of Allah; *
*it will earn you more merit. Do not hold it back. *
*You must not be remembered for miserliness, *
*so begin with those closest to you.*

*-The Prophet Muhammad (SAW),*


Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] If you support Justice and Truth

2009-02-06 Thread haque8888
Bismillah hir Rehman nir Raheem

Many Heroin Drug Addicts Consumed by RAW, Moosad, CIA etc in Pakistan

Anwar Ul Haque

The CIA, Moosad and Indian RAW with help of people like Satan Malik and
local mafia, MQM and some Qadyanis are consuming drug addicts as suicide
bombers and other criminals in Swat and other places of Pakistan. These
mentally unstable and drug addict people will do any thing for drugs.
Apparently they are offered 1.5 kilo of heroin if they take some brief case
etc. Poor guys go there and they are blown up with remote control device.
The blame is then put on Islam and Muslims via label of Taliban.
The use of drugs for such purposes on large scale was started by Ismailis
and there is very good book written by a German historian titled The
Assassins. The book was translated by a MD doctor of California, USA. Abdul
Haleem Sharar of Indian subcontinent wrote a novel on this true history. The
Assassins were called Fiadyeen. They sided with Richard against Salahuddin
Ayoubbi. They tried to kill Salahuddin but failed. The Assassins however
killed many good, pious and competent Muslims. Even now once in a while Aga
Khan eliminates his opponents e.g. Akber Ali who dared to establish a small
masjid in front of Karaimababd Karachi Jamat Khana and started five times
prayers there when he failed to pray inside the Jamat Khana. He was a devout
Ismailee. Another example is Mualana Ubaidullah Chitrali who wrote a small
pamphlet in Urdu exposing Aga Khan's plans in Chitral and Gilgit etc. The
Chief Editor of weekly Takbeers Syed Slahuddin was gunned down when
published the maps and designs of Aga Khan. Now ready made Fidayeens are
available in karachi i.e. MQM which is fully supported by Aga Khan like he
is supporting Jiy-e-Sind. In the past Aga Khan supported Mukti Bahini
against Pakistan army. Aga Sadrrudin supplied light arms using UNO planes
via England. Of course the global terrorists Israel, USA Govt, UK Govt,
Russia and India fully support such mafias.
In Pakistan many drug addicts are thus killed and their population in
Islamabad and Peshawar has markedly decreased according to a well informed
For sure the schools in Swat are destroyed by the same forces using these
drug addicts and then holding Islam and Muslims responsible. Yesterday same
lobby in the form of Jugno Mohsin and Imtiaz were carrying out propaganda
against Pakistan on GEO 50 minutes, Their talk was nauseating and was an
Indian lobby propaganda trying to instill fear among Pakistanis who are
determined to break the Brahman state into pieces if they attacked Pakistan.
Both forgot Indian killing of 100,000 Kashmiris, Babri Masjid and yearly
killings of Muslims and other minorities in India. Muslims which constitute
over 20% Indian population are given just 3% share in Govt. jobs and that is
also of very low grade jobs.

Anwar Ul Haque
116. st. 49 F 11/3 Islamabad 44000
Phone: 03335129849


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Ahmed ALmahdy wrote:

   Dear All,

   We've been watching and hearing about Israeli crimes against Lebanese
 and Palestinian people (or Arabs in general) for a long time. However, many
 times we *miss the context* in which these crimes are executed. ** ( ) is a website that aims to highlight that
 context through *documenting* important milestones in the *Israeli history
 *. Throughout this website, you will have the following information
 1. *Massacres* information since 1947 till 2009
 2. *Statistics* that compare killing, destruction ...etc caused for and by
 Palestinians and Israelis
 3. *Quotes* that were said by Israel founders and leaders across history
 4. *Articles* describing the conflict and pointing out causes and
 5. *Photo* Gallery showing the real terrorist face of Zionism
 6. *Videos*
 *and more*
 Please have a visit to the website, and forward its link to your friends
 and let's try to learn more about this conflict.

 If you like this website, *you can provide help* through:
 1. Spreading its link in your social networks
 2. Forwarding this email to whom you know
 3. Link to this website in your blogs and websites
 4. Send your comments and/or contributions in the *Contact Us* section of
 the website
 5. Hit the website regularly to improve its page rank in search engines
 6. Put the URL of this website as your signature in your personal email


 *We urgently need a volunteer who can translate from (Voice Arabic to
 English), contact  for this participation, or
 any other kind of participations.*

 Thank you for your time!

 Jzakom Allah khairan,


Anwar Ul Haque

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Muslim TV News channels to watch online

2009-02-06 Thread Gul Badshah Khan
Brother Dina,
Please take care , these Muslim Tv does not belong to Muslims. This is Qadiyani 
group covering under Islam and making foolish to innocent Muslims.
But Alhamdolillah, now all operators know these things ,so they well before 
inform Muslims regarding this Fitna , so Muslims are removing these channels 
from their receivers.
Please you also spread news among Muslims and save their Aqeeda from these new 

--- On Fri, 1/16/09, wrote:

Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslim TV  News channels to watch online
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 7:19 AM

All Muslim TV channels online, including some news channels, maybe useful for 
those abroad:
http://www.muslimco .com/


Bismillah [IslamCity] The best love letter

2009-02-06 Thread Jusna Begum

You will be happy that you read this all the way through!As you got up this 
morning, I watched you, and hoped you would talk to me, even if it was just a 
few words, asking my opinion or thanking me for something good that happened in 
your life yesterday. But I noticed you were too busy, trying to find the right 
outfit to wear. When you ran around the house getting ready, I knew there would 
be a few minutes for you to stop and say hello, but you were too busy. At one 
point you had to wait, fifteen minutes with nothing to do except sit in a 
chair. Then I saw you spring to your feet. I thought you wanted to talk to me, 
but you ran to the phone and called a friend to get the latest gossip instead. 
I watched patiently all day long. With all your activities I guess you were too 
busy to say anything to me. I noticed that before lunch you looked around, may 
be you felt embarrassed to talk to me, that is why you didn't bow your head. 
You glanced three or four tables over and you noticed some of your friends 
talking to me briefly before they ate, but you didn't. That's okay. There is 
still more time left, and I hope that you will talk to me yet. You went home 
and it seems as if you had lots of things to do. After a few of them were done, 
you turned on the TV. I don't know if you like TV or not, just about anything 
goes there and you spend lot of time each day in front of it not thinking about 
anything, just enjoying the show. I waited patiently again as you watched the 
TV and ate your meal, but again you didn't talk to me. Bedtime I guess you felt 
too tired. After you said good night to your family you popped into bed and 
fell asleep in no time. That's okay because you may not realize that I am 
always there for you. I've got patience, more than you will ever know. I even 
want to teach you how to be patient with others as well. I love you so much 
that I wait everyday for a nod, prayer or thought or a thankful part of your 
heart. It is hard to have a one-sided conversation. Well, you are getting up 
once again. And once again I will wait, with nothing but love for you. Hoping 
that today you will give me some time. Have a nice day! Your friend, ALLAH PS - 
Do you have enough time to send this to another person? If you aren't ashamed 
to do this, please follow the directions. Not ashamed? Pass this on..only 
if you mean it. Yes, I do Love God. He is my source of existence and Savior. 
Allah keeps me functioning each and everyday. Without Him, I will be nothing. 
Without him, I am nothing, but with Him This is the simplest test . . . if you 
Love God, and are not ashamed of all the marvelous things he has done for you. 
Send this to your list!

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Gary Busby From England Talks About Islam

2009-02-06 Thread Dina Khattab
  *Gary Busby From England Talks About Islam*

Sulaiman (Gary) Busby is someone who found Islam after a long journey of
searching. He spent long time learning and studying Islam before deciding
that it was indeed the truth. He is a person who rarely accepts new ideas
without very thorough and logical investigation. Something that places his
mind at rest in a way that leaves no doubts. At first he was skeptical,
indeed he was kept in the dark about Islam whilst he lived in the Gulf Arab
state of Qatar. Later after a trip to Turkey he began to investigate more
what Islam really was about. Soon, he began to develop a thirst for more
knowledge and information. This video explores his mindset before and after
accepting Islam and his reasons for doing so:


Bismillah [IslamCity] Leave (O mankind, all kinds of) sin, open and secret

2009-02-06 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah *
Bismillah hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
Surah Al Anaam
6:120. Leave (O mankind, all kinds of) sin, open and secret. Verily, those who 
commit sin will get due recompense for that which they used to commit
O Allah , I seek refuge in Allah along with all believers from committing sins 
openly  secretly all life.

Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth 
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me 
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me). 

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased 
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say,  O Allah, grant me benefit 
in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my 
knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from 
the state of those who go to Hell.
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition 
whose isnad is gharib.

Transliteration:an Abi Hurairah (radiya Allahu anhu) qaal:
qaala Rasul Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam): Allahumma infa'ni bima 
'allamtani, wa allimni maa yanfa'oni wa zidni 'ilman, alhamdulillahi alaa kolli 
haal, wa a'odtho billahi min haali ahlil naar.

  Check out the all-new Messenger 9.0! Go to

Bismillah [IslamCity] ILM DAWAH presents: Thematic study of the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad SAW

2009-02-06 Thread Raisah Siddiki
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

ILM DAWAH presents: Thematic study of the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Two day intensive  -  Makkan  Medina period - 14th and 21st March 09

Why must we study Seerah?

1] Studying the life of Prophet Muhammad [sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam] is like 
studying history of Islam

2] Life of Rasul Allah [sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam] is a testimony of his 

3] To develop the proper love of Rasul Allah [sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam] in 
our hearts

4] Studying seerah is essential for helping us develop an Islamic identity and 

5] To follow the way of the Rasul Allah [sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam]

6] Studying seerah is ibadah

7] To help understand the Quran

8] His life illustrates the methodological steps of the Islamic Movement

9] Simply put - the Seerah is the life of the greatest person ever!

Allah [sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam] was the greatest man on earth.
There is no other yardstick to measure greatness or nobility or
anything. Michael Hart wrote a book called The 100: A Ranking of the
Most Influential Persons in History and he listed Rasul Allah [sal
Allahu alayhi wa sallam] as number one.

Of course this ranking
means nothing to us, we already know without a doubt that our Rasul
cannot be compared to any other human. But it just shows that even
non-Muslims who have truly studied the seerah admit without hesitation
that his life was the best life.

As We Study The Seerah, See Yourself As A Character In It.

Tutor: Sheikh Ahmed Saad
Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Saad, born into a family of scholars and Huffaz from 
Egypt. He finished the memorization of the whole Qur'an at the age of ten and
studied traditional Islamic sciences at the hands of his late father
and then started the studies at Al-Azhar until he graduated from
Al-Azhar University with BA Honours in Islamic studies in English.

Currently Imam Saad lives in London where he serves as the Imam of the
North London Central Mosque. He has been actively involved in
Interfaith and Da`wa activities in London

Courses notes provided.

14th / 21st March 09

10am - 6pm

People's Palace, Queen Mary University London,
Mile End Road,
London E1 4NS

Fee: £30

Please Call/Email To Reserve Your Place -

07985104607 / 07983782782 /


Bismillah [IslamCity] Some Noble Teachings of the Qur'an

2009-02-06 Thread Ahumanb
Some Noble Teachings of the Qur'an
The Qur'an offers freedom of faith (10:108, 6:104, 10:99, 39:41, 11:121, 73:19, 
43:88-89, 2:272, 76:29, 18:29, 42:48, 76:2-3, 3:20, 88:21-22, 16:82-83, etc.), 
freedom of religion (2:256, 109:6, 22:67-69, 42:15, 10:41, 2:139, 42:6, etc.), 
and freedom of freethinking (15:3, 17:84, 6:110, 10:11, 11:121, 52:45, etc.).
The Qur'an teaches to believe in all the previous Messengers of God as they 
represent the chain of evolution (2:1-4, 3:84, 2:285, 4:152, 37:37, etc.).
The Qur'an teaches that Islam is for everyone (2:62, 22:17, 21:107, 2:111-112, 
5:69, 34:28, 103:1-3, 22:67, 10:47, 35:24, 16:36, 68:52, 49:13, 4:1, 2:213, 
10:19, 17:70, etc.).
The Qur'an teaches love, mercy, kindness, and forgiveness (1:1-2, 85:14, 
21:107, 60:7, 4:17, 7:199, 39:53, 16:119, 3:159, 15:85, 16:119, 19:96, 2:160, 
2:163, 4:27-28, etc.).
The Qur'an is the only non-Jewish scripture in the world where Jews have been 
honored and protected in so many verses (2:40, 2:47-52, 2:57-58, 5:20, 5:44, 
10:47, 10:90-93, 14:6, 17:2-3, 20:47-52, 20:77-80, 44:30-32, 45:16, etc.), good 
Jews have been praised and they have also been offered salvation if they follow 
the true teachings of Moses (2:62, 2:121-122, 3:113-115, 3:199, 5:12, 5:65-66, 
5:69, 29:46, etc.).
The Qur'an is the only non-Christian scripture in the world where Jesus and 
Mary have been honored with very high respect (3:42-55, 5:44-46, 5:110, 43:59, 
Chapter 19 on Mary, etc.), good Christians have been praised and they have also 
been offered salvation if they follow the true teachings of Jesus (2:62, 
2:121-122, 3:113-115, 3:199, 5:65-66, 5:69, 5:82, 29:46, etc.).
The Qur'an teaches that the pre-Qur'anic people will be judged according to 
their own deeds and actions (2:134, 10:47, 35:24, 16:36, 40:78, 4:164, 17:15, 
62:5, 5:44, 20:133-4, etc.).
Unlike Bible that prescribes death penalty for idolatry and polytheism 
(Deuteronomy 17:3-5, 13:6-15; 2 Chronicles 15:13; etc.), the Qur'an doesn't 
have any temporal punishment for the same (22:17, 6:107-8, 22:67-69, 17:84, 
49:11, 4:48).
The Qur'an is the only religious Book that strongly condemns female infanticide 
(16:58-59, 81:8-9, 6:137, 6:140, 6:151, 17:31).
The Qur'an teaches in various ways to free the slaves that come into possession 
as a result of war (90:12-13, 9:60, 5:89, 2:177, 4:3, 4:25, 4:92, 24:33, 58:3, 
8:67, 47:4, etc.).
The Qur'an strongly condemns terrorism and oppression (4:75, 22:39-40, 9:13-14, 
42:39-43, 38:28, 2:190-193).
The Qur'an strongly condemns unjust killing and suicide (5:32, 2:195, 4:29-30, 
4:91-93, 17:31, 17:33, 6:151, 25:68, 3:21, etc.).
The Qur'an teaches self-defense and tolerance (60:7-9, 2:190-3, 6:107-8, 6:68, 
49:11, 39:3, 16:126-128, 73:10, 19:46-47, etc.).
The Qur'an advises Muslims not to take terrorist, intolerant, and hypocrite 
Jews and Christians as friends and protectors (5:51, 5:57-61, 60:8-9, 
The Qur'an strongly condemns priesthood and religious peddlers (2:41, 2:79, 
5:44, 3:187, 9:9, 9:31, 9:34, 2:174, 12:104, etc.).
The Qur'an strongly forbids eating up others' property (2:188, 4:2, 4:10, 
4:161, etc.).
The Qur'an strongly condemns defrauders (83:1-4, 55:7-9, 17:35, 6:152, etc.).
The Qur'an teaches not to follow feeble oath-monger, slanderer, greedy, and 
hinderer of the good (68:10-13, 49:11-12).
The Qur'an protects religious temples (22:40).
The Qur'an teaches to follow the middle and straight path (17:29, 25:67, 2:143, 
23:62, 4:171, 17:9, 2:286).
The Qur'an gives equal status and rights to men and women (4:1, 4:7, 4:124, 
3:195, 16:97, 33:35, 49:13, etc.).
The Qur'an gives rights to orphans, needy, and widows (2:177, 2:115, 2:220, 
2:240-241, 4:2, 4:8, 4:10, 4:36, 9:60, 17:26, 17:34, 93:9-10, 89:17-18, 6:152, 
107:1-3, etc.).
The Qur'an encourages men to give dower to women as free gift whom they marry 
The Qur'an teaches to give charity to poor and needy (2:43, 2:177, 2:277, etc.).
The Qur'an protects women's dignity from wicked men (24:4, 24:23).
The Qur'an teaches that widow can re-marry, if she wishes (2:234-240).
The Qur'an teaches that woman can get divorce, if she wishes (2:228-232).
The Qur'an teaches that divorced woman can re-marry, if she wishes (2:229, 
The Qur'an teaches to be kind, helpful, and respectful to your parents (29:8, 
17:23, 46:15, 19:14, 6:151, 4:36, 2:215, 2:83, 71:28, etc.).
The Qur'an forbids marrying one's mother, daughters, sisters, and many other 
close relatives (4:22-23).
The Qur'an encourages both men and women to be modest and chaste (7:26-28, 
24:30-31, 33:59, 2:268, 17:32, etc.).
The Qur'an prescribes hundred stripes as a symbol of punishment for adultery 
and fornication to keep the society healthy (24:2).
The Qur'an strongly discourages intoxicants and gambling (5:90-91).
The Qur'an forbids eating dead animals, ferocious animals, blood, and pork 
The Qur'an condemns bad magic that may harm 

Bismillah [IslamCity] U.S. professors call for academic and cultural boycott of Israel

2009-02-06 Thread Shahid
For first time, U.S. professors call for academic and cultural boycott of Israel

By Raphael Ahren

In the wake of Operation Cast Lead, a group of American university professors 
has for the first time launched a national campaign calling for an academic and 
cultural boycott of Israel.

While Israeli academics have grown used to such news from Great Britain, where 
anti-Israel groups several times attempted to establish academic boycotts, the 
formation of the United States movement marks the first time that a national 
academic boycott movement has come out of America. Israeli professors are not 
sure yet how big of an impact the one-week-old movement will have, but started 
discussing the significance of and possible counteractions against the campaign.

As educators of conscience, we have been unable to stand by and watch in 
silence Israel's indiscriminate assault on the Gaza Strip and its educational 
institutions, the U.S. Campaign for the Academic  Cultural Boycott of Israel 
stated in its inaugural press release last Thursday. Speaking in its mission 
statement of the censorship and silencing of the Palestine question in U.S. 
universities, as well as U.S. society at large, the group follows the usual 
pattern of such boycotts, calling for non-violent punitive measures against 
Israel, such as the implementation of divestment initiatives, similar to those 
applied to South Africa in the apartheid era.

The campaign was founded by a group of 15 academics, mostly from California, 
but is, currently expanding to create a network that embraces the United 
States as a whole, according to David Lloyd, a professor of English at the 
University of Southern California who responded on behalf of the group to a 
Haaretz query. The initiative was in the first place impelled by Israel's 
latest brutal assault on Gaza and by our determination to say enough is enough.

The response has been remarkable given the extraordinary hold that lobbying 
organizations like AIPAC exert over U.S. politics and over the U.S. media, and 
in particular given the campaign of intimidation that has been leveled at 
academics who dare to criticize Israel's policies, Lloyd wrote in an e-mail to 
Haaretz Monday. Within a short weekend since the posting of the press release, 
more than 80 academics from all over the country have endorsed the action and 
the numbers continue to grow.

Asked if the group would accept the endorsement of Hamas supporters, Lloyd 
said, We have no a priori policy with regard to the membership or affiliation 
of supporters of the boycott so long as they are in accord with the main aims 
stated in the press release.

He argued that, on several occasions Hamas has sought direct negotiations with 
Israel, a pursuit that constitutes de facto recognition of Israel, and has 
openly discussed abandoning its call for the destruction of the state of Israel 
conditional on reciprocal guarantees from Israel.

Lloyd wrote that to the best of his knowledge, all supporters of the 
anti-Israel boycott were also opposed to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Asked if 
logic wouldn't dictate that he and his colleagues boycott themselves, he 
responded, Self-boycott is a difficult concept to realize. But speaking for 
myself, I would have supported and honored such a boycott had it been proposed 
by my colleagues overseas.

More @


This message is a part of our campaign for world recognition of the Palestinian 
state and the Palestinian people.

One major company who does not do so is: Nokia..

If they will not respect the Humanity of the Palestinians and their right to 
exist, then we might as well be offended and hence BOYCOTT the Nokia stuff.

This is the link for messaging the Board of Directors (You can do it 
anonymously and in total confidence).

  This is an example you could use:

  Dear Board of Directors,

  I have been going through the Nokia site and I have not found the State of 
Palestine stated anywhere in the Middle east, and I wonder..

  Is the Feelings of all Arab and Muslim people not important to you?

  My message is only the first of a great campaign we're starting to give the 
Palestinians their right to exist on your site.

  The Middle East is a Huge market for your products, so you do not want to be 
on our boycotting list and reap the same fruits other companies are reaping.

  I am expecting to hear from you soon.


عجبآ لنداء بمقاطعة الكيان الصهيوني يأتي من داخل الأمم التي حملت هذا الكيان 
الخبيث جنينآ والتي ربته ورعته وسلحته وحمته مولودآ بينما لا نسمع أي همس أو حتى 
تفكير أو خاطر من حكومات المسلمين بأي نوع من المقاطعة!٠٠٠
صدق الشيخ العالم المصري محمد عبد المقصود (حفظه الله) حين قال كنا على الأقل