Bismillah [IslamCity] Question: Is it allowed to wipe over socks or shoes or it is only over khuffs?

2009-02-16 Thread Albaseerah.Org

*Question:* Is it allowed to wipe over socks or shoes or it is only over

*Answer:* I should have said in the beginning when I mentioned the point of
wiping over the khuffs, that the khuffs are from the time of the Prophet صلى
الله عليه و سلم and therefore the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم commanded the
Sahaabah to wipe over the khuffs. The khuffs are usually made from leather,
but they may also be from cotton or other materials. It is not obligatory
that they are made from leather.

The proof for this is that the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم commanded some of
the Companions that were sent on an exhibition that they should wipe over
what they wrapped around their feet, and their turbans. Also, some of what
the Sahaabah would have worn may have had holes. It is therefore *
permissible* to wipe over the socks, even if it made from cotton or other
materials known these days. Some narrations also mention the socks as well,
and this (wiping) is from the actions of the Companions رضى الله عنهم and
therefore the socks are not the khuffs. Some of the People of Knowledge have
already compiled a little book on the wiping over the socks and the khuffs
with the tahqeeq of Imaam al-Albaani رحمه الله.

*Answered by: Shaykh Wasi-Ullaah Abbas

Title of Lecture: Fiqh Course FQ110 (Class #5)

Date answered: June 17th, 2006

Listen to Lecture: Click here

Read the Transcribed Lecture: Click

Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah of New york

Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah of New york

Bismillah [IslamCity] RIYADHU-US-SALEHEEN -Chap:3 # 37-38-40 Steadfastness

2009-02-16 Thread mohammed bawany
37. Abu Sa'id and Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, (PBUH), said, No 
fatigue, illness, anxiety, sorrow, harm or sadness afflicts any Muslim, even to 
the extent of a thorn pricking him, without Allah wiping out his mistakes by 
it. [Agreed upon] 
38. Ibn Mas'ud said, I visited the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), when he had a 
fever. I said, Messenger of Allah, you have a very high fever!' He replied, 
'Yes. I have the fever of two of you.' I asked, 'Is that because you will have 
two rewards?' He said, 'Yes, it is like that. No Muslim is afflicted by harm, 
whether it is a thorn or something worse, without Allah expiating his evil 
deeds on that account and his sins fall away from him like leaves from a 
tree.' [Agreed upon] 
40. Anas said, The Messenger of Allah (PBUH), said, 'None of you should wish 
for death because of some harm which has befallen him. If he has got to do 
something he should say, 'O Allah, make me live if life is best for me and make 
me die if death is best for me. [Agreed upon] 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Poll: Americans want Bush prosecuted

2009-02-16 Thread PoEtEsS
Poll: Americans want Bush prosecuted
 Fri, 13 Feb 2009 01:20:08 GMT;sectionid=3510203 
Americans want Bush to be investigated for wrongdoings.
 A majority of Americans say George Bush should face trial for his misdeeds, as 
US lawmakers are moving to probe into a raft of his illegal actions.
 Two leading Democrats, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers and 
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy recently stated they are 
weighing the setting up of commissions to investigate possible Bush 
administration violations, ranging from detainee and interrogation policies to 
warrant less wiretaps and the firing of US attorneys.
 A USA Today/Gallup poll found Thursday that 41 percent of Americans favor a 
criminal probe against the former president, 30 percent back an examination by 
an independent panel and 25 percent say neither should happen.
 On possible use of telephone wiretaps without a warrant, 38 percent favor a 
criminal investigation, 25 percent an independent probe and 34 percent say 
there shouldn't be either.
 On possible use of torture in terror investigations, 38 percent back a 
criminal investigation, 24 percent an independent probe and 34 percent neither.
 Close to two-thirds of respondents also said they'd like to see formal 
investigations of Bush policies, even if not criminal probes.
 These results are based on a telephone survey of 1,027 adults conducted Jan. 
 The American Civil Liberties Union and other rights groups are also going to 
launch a campaign next week in a bid to raise public awareness and urge the 
people to press lawmakers to fully investigate the US government's abuses in 
the war on terror and hold accountable those responsible.
 The...organization is calling on President Barack Obama and the US Congress 
to create an independent and impartial commission to examine the use of 
torture, indefinite detention, secret renditions and other illegal US 
counterterrorism policies, an Amnesty International statement added.

Happiness is the key to the foundation of satisfaction, contentment and 
acceptance…Zohra Moosa (Deaf Poet)


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] RIYADHU-US-SALEHEEN -Chap:3 # 48-51 Steadfastness

2009-02-16 Thread mohammed bawany
48. Abu Hurayra reported that a man said to the Prophet, (PBUH), Give me 
counsel. He said, Do not get angry. He repeated his request several times 
and he said, Do not get angry. [al-Bukhari]
51. Ibn Mas'ud reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, 'After I am 
gone there will be misappropriation and matters of which you disapprove. They 
said, O Messenger of Allah, what do you command us to do? He said, To 
fulfill the rights you owe to others and to ask Allah for what is owed to you. 
[Agreed upon]




2009-02-16 Thread Zaras Kitchen
*Web of Deceit *

*Saddam Hussein - The Trial You'll Never See*

*Made for European television this film was never broadcast in North

*Barry Lando and Michel Despratx's documentary

The horrifying truth is the extent to which we in the west have been
complicit. Check out Lando's new book Web of Deceit and his blog at


-- Forwarded message --
From: *yaghoob ebrahimi*


Have a wonderful Life with infinite happiness, *

*love, and peace. May all your dreams come true.
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Jummah Mubarak

2009-02-16 Thread PoEtEsS
As Salaamu Alaikum

The journey of life is travelled only ONCE so make TAWBA for the PAST,make 
SHUKR for the PRESENT  make DUA for the FUTURE. 

Jumuah Mubarak! 

Happiness is the key to the foundation of satisfaction, contentment and 
acceptance…Zohra Moosa (Deaf Poet)


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] The Forgotten Terrorist Attack

2009-02-16 Thread DDN


Malcom Lagauche

Feb 12, 20009

In a few days, much of the world will celebrate Valentine’s Day, in 
commemoration of love. However, an event that occurred on Valentine’s Day 18 
years ago has diminished any affinity for celebrating love for many Iraqis.

On the morning of February 14, 1991, when I turned the TV on to see the latest 
lies being told to the public about the U.S. bombing of Iraq, I saw a chaotic 
situation in Baghdad. The Amiryah bomb shelter had just been struck by two 
2,000-pound superbombs. Information was sketchy, but it was evident that many 
people lost their lives.

The first statement from the U.S. administration was that the U.S. hit an Iraqi 
command and control post and the dead were military. Shortly after, the cameras 
showed charred bodies of women and children, so the U.S. story had to be 
revised. The administration then said that the building was a military target 
in which Saddam Hussein placed civilians to protect the military personnel.

Remember that the former vice-president of the U.S., Dick Cheney, was the U.S. 
Secretary of War in 1991. He said, We blame the Iraqi leadership for putting 
civilians in harm’s way. That statement was not only a lie, but one of the 
most absurd allegations one could make because it denigrated the hundreds of 
humans who lost their lives. Cheney, an avid hunter of caged quail, once shot a 
hunting partner. He can’t tell the difference between a small bird and a 
person, so nothing is new about his lack of brainpower or eyesight.

For a couple of hours, the world was told that the Iraqis led civilians to 
their deaths by putting them into a military target. Then, the truth began to 

The Amiryah bomb shelter was built as a civilian bomb shelter during the 
Iran-Iraq War. Even the engineer who designed it came on television and told 
the world that there was no way it could be a military asset.

After the lies were put to rest, it became evident that the U.S. had mistaken 
the target as a military venue, or it had deliberately bombed it knowing it was 
a bomb shelter. To this day, not one U.S. government spokesperson has ever 
mentioned the truth. In fact, after February 14, 1991, the subject has been 
left unspoken: even the lies.

Those inside the bomb shelter died horrific deaths. First, a 2,000-pound bomb 
crashed through the shelter creating a massive tunnel in which the second 
2,000-pound bomb then came. Both blew up leaving a huge hole and killing more 
than 500 people. Only seven humans survived the attack. Those who died actually 
saw the first bomb and had a few seconds of life left before the second 
burrowed its way into the shelter. Such an attack transcends the barbarity of a 
bombing in which the people die immediately.

The lines of burnt dead bodies lining the street presented a horrific scene 
reminiscent of Hiroshima after it was nuked by the U.S.

This is the 18th anniversary of the bombing of the shelter, yet few words have 
been written as a reminder of the horrific act. Before March 2003, at least 
Iraq commemorated the event and remembered the dead. The stooges in power today 
don’t want to remind the world of the lack of caring for human life the U.S. 
displayed in 1991 in the bombing of Iraq. Most weren’t even in the country 
then. No matter how much they stick their heads in the sand, nothing will never 
ease the pain of one of the most barbaric terrorist attacks in history. The 
silence from the U.S. and the Iraqi quislings is deafening.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Bashir Ahmad: The Scottish Parliament's first Asian member

2009-02-16 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Bashir Ahmad was a man of extraordinary grace, kindness and decency. The 
Scottish Parliament, in which he served all too briefly as its first Asian and 
first Muslim member, is much the poorer for his passing.
Bashir Ahmad: The Scottish Parliament's first Asian member


Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Dr. Zakir Naik - Defame And Destroy.

2009-02-16 Thread aslam mehmood
Zakir Naik always speak with references from Quran and Authentic Hadeeth and he 
never claim to belong any so called sects, you should also present references 
againt his speaches regardless of making the war of sufism and wahabism

Send your renowned scholars to have a debate with Dr. Zakir Naik instead of 
sending these hatred messages

To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 3:33:10 AM
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Dr. Zakir Naik - Defame And Destroy.

Dr. Zakir Naik - Defame And Destroy.
Jamshed Iqbal
One comes across several interesting comments from the people who have been 
defending Mr. Zakir Naik on Indian Muslims Blog. Most of my brothers and 
sisters are impressed by his “immense knowledge” without knowing that his kind 
of knowledge (database or retention) has nothing to do with religion at all. In 
other words the knowledge he and his fans boast of is irreligious in its very 
essence, for any true religion is an ever-flowing fountain of “wisdom” not 
However, Mr. Naik is not an only man basking under this false impression but, 
it is pity that most of our so-called Muslim scholars are making the profits of 
same deceptive notion. And it is about this “subtle subversion” that Muslim 
world or Muslim identity has suffered a great deal. Therefore in this article, 
I would talk about a whole range of “scholars” of this nature and use the name 
of Mr. Naik as an “all-purpose unit” to bring my point home.
A wise man may have some knowledge but “it does not necessitate that every 
knowledgeable man is wise”. For knowledge comes with analysis but wisdom with 
synthesis. Analysis demands scattering the whole into parts and pieces, on the 
contrary, synthesis demands uniting and reassembling the parts, once again, 
into a whole.
Men of knowledge without wisdom are far more harmful for human family than mad 
men. For knowledge without wisdom lacks comprehensiveness of vision, feelings, 
beauty and empathy. Therefore it is not beneficial at all, and in religious 
terms, it is irreligious! How?
A man of knowledge studies the composition of the atom from a disinterested 
desire for knowledge, and incidentally places it in the hands of powerful 
lunatics as the means of destroying the human race.
In such ways the pursuit of knowledge may become harmful unless it is combined 
with wisdom; and wisdom in the sense of comprehensive vision is not necessarily 
present in specialists in the pursuit of any kind of knowledge.
The point is “so-called men of knowledge lack comprehensive vision that is 
necessary to make them wise”. Ask, for example, a man of science to define 
human being! If he is sociologist he will tell you that, “man is a social 
animal for he cannot live without society”. Ask the same question to a 
physicist and he would brief you about “material composition of a human being” 
and reduce it to material hump. Raise this question before a chemist and get 
ready to listen that “man is nothing but product or composition of different 
chemicals”. A chemist would also open your eyes by telling that “man is a 
chemical animal and his emotions and character is mainly controlled by chemical 
balance or imbalance”. Go to a biologist to listen, “human being is an organism 
composed of different organs”. See a human being have been dissected into piece 
and lost! Even if all of these definitions cannot include what makes a human 
being a human being!
Definitions, I mean to say, are the foundations of analytical thinking and they 
always fail to spot the core—the essence. For example, in above definition of 
human person, what makes human person a human person is nowhere, as no 
definition could be holistic! Moreover, in definition, metaphor or simile, as 
logic demands, is not allowed to make analytical thinking free from feelings 
but religious wisdom or morality is absurd or impossible without feelings! 
There is no room for aesthetics (beauty) in analysis and morality or wisdom 
gushes from these two springs as well!
I think Islam is very clear about this point as:
“Allah is beautiful and loves beauty”. Allah (The Supreme Reality) is truth and 
truth cannot be revealed unto those whose whole effort is demystification and 
Has analysis anything to do with “love”? Isn’t beauty a mystery so beyond the 
logic (Allah Him/Herself) ? Have analytical sciences, from so-called 
Enlightenment Age onwards, not been trying to demystify the mysterious 
phenomenon of existence or being? Was it not an organized effort to obliterate 
God from human consciousness? Has sciences (knowledge not wisdom) not been 
consciously trying to omit suggestiveness from natural phenomena to make it 
dull and ugly!
There have a tendency among Quranic scholars—the tendency to count! For example 
word (or Ism-e-Zat) Allah has been used so many times in Quran. Mr. Zakir Naik, 

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Dr. Zakir Naik - Defame And Destroy.

2009-02-16 Thread shafi muhammad
Dear All

Dr. Zakir Naik is struggling hard.  By his struggle many people from other 
have converted to Islam.  Only people who are Worshippers of Qaboors do not like
such noble persons.

We pray for God to give more courage to Dr. Zakir to spread the Islam to maximum
person.  You have also objected that he is teaching like Saudi Arabia Wahabi.  
Do you
think that Wahabi of Saudi Arabia are not true Muslims.  If they are not true 
then no one is true Muslims.  Understand.

Avaoid to send such mails in future.



To: islamc...@yahoogroups.comfrom: Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 15:33:10 -0800Subject: 
Bismillah [IslamCity] Dr. Zakir Naik - Defame And Destroy.

Dr. Zakir Naik - Defame And Destroy.
Jamshed Iqbal
One comes across several interesting comments from the people who have been 
defending Mr. Zakir Naik on Indian Muslims Blog. Most of my brothers and 
sisters are impressed by his “immense knowledge” without knowing that his kind 
of knowledge (database or retention) has nothing to do with religion at all. In 
other words the knowledge he and his fans boast of is irreligious in its very 
essence, for any true religion is an ever-flowing fountain of “wisdom” not 
However, Mr. Naik is not an only man basking under this false impression but, 
it is pity that most of our so-called Muslim scholars are making the profits of 
same deceptive notion. And it is about this “subtle subversion” that Muslim 
world or Muslim identity has suffered a great deal. Therefore in this article, 
I would talk about a whole range of “scholars” of this nature and use the name 
of Mr. Naik as an “all-purpose unit” to bring my point home.
A wise man may have some knowledge but “it does not necessitate that every 
knowledgeable man is wise”. For knowledge comes with analysis but wisdom with 
synthesis. Analysis demands scattering the whole into parts and pieces, on the 
contrary, synthesis demands uniting and reassembling the parts, once again, 
into a whole.
Men of knowledge without wisdom are far more harmful for human family than mad 
men. For knowledge without wisdom lacks comprehensiveness of vision, feelings, 
beauty and empathy. Therefore it is not beneficial at all, and in religious 
terms, it is irreligious! How?

A man of knowledge studies the composition of the atom from a disinterested 
desire for knowledge, and incidentally places it in the hands of powerful 
lunatics as the means of destroying the human race.
In such ways the pursuit of knowledge may become harmful unless it is combined 
with wisdom; and wisdom in the sense of comprehensive vision is not necessarily 
present in specialists in the pursuit of any kind of knowledge.
The point is “so-called men of knowledge lack comprehensive vision that is 
necessary to make them wise”. Ask, for example, a man of science to define 
human being! If he is sociologist he will tell you that, “man is a social 
animal for he cannot live without society”. Ask the same question to a 
physicist and he would brief you about “material composition of a human being” 
and reduce it to material hump. Raise this question before a chemist and get 
ready to listen that “man is nothing but product or composition of different 
chemicals”. A chemist would also open your eyes by telling that “man is a 
chemical animal and his emotions and character is mainly controlled by chemical 
balance or imbalance”. Go to a biologist to listen, “human being is an organism 
composed of different organs”. See a human being have been dissected into piece 
and lost! Even if all of these definitions cannot include what makes a human 
being a human being!
Definitions, I mean to say, are the foundations of analytical thinking and they 
always fail to spot the core—the essence. For example, in above definition of 
human person, what makes human person a human person is nowhere, as no 
definition could be holistic! Moreover, in definition, metaphor or simile, as 
logic demands, is not allowed to make analytical thinking free from feelings 
but religious wisdom or morality is absurd or impossible without feelings! 
There is no room for aesthetics (beauty) in analysis and morality or wisdom 
gushes from these two springs as well!
I think Islam is very clear about this point as:
“Allah is beautiful and loves beauty”. Allah (The Supreme Reality) is truth and 
truth cannot be revealed unto those whose whole effort is demystification and 
Has analysis anything to do with “love”? Isn’t beauty a mystery so beyond the 
logic (Allah Him/Herself)? Have analytical sciences, from so-called 
Enlightenment Age onwards, not been trying to demystify the mysterious 
phenomenon of existence or being? Was it not an organized effort to obliterate 
God from human consciousness? Has sciences (knowledge not wisdom) not been 
consciously trying to omit suggestiveness from natural phenomena to make it 
dull and ugly!
There have a tendency among Quranic scholars—the tendency to 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Dutch MP Geert Wilders deported after flying to Britain to show anti-Islamic film

2009-02-16 Thread Hafiz Ayaz Ali Qureshi
Dutch MP Geert Wilders deported after flying to 
Britain to show anti-Islamic film
controversial Dutch politician has been sent back to Holland after
trying to enter Britain to show his anti-Muslim film in the House of


By Christopher Hope, John Bingham and Bruno Waterfield

Last Updated: 6:19AM GMT 13 Feb 2009

Mr Wilders was told he could not come 
to Britain on public order grounds
Photo: EPA

Geert Wilders had been invited to Westminster to show his 17-minute
film Fitna, which criticises the Koran as a fascist book, by a member
of the House of Lords. But on Tuesday Jacqui Smith, the Home
Secretary refused Mr Wilders entry because his opinions would threaten
community security and therefore public security in the UK. Mr Wilders went 
ahead with his trip anyway, and flew from Amsterdam to London on a British 
Midland flight.When he arrived at Heathrow airport he was met by two plain 
clothed officers from the UK Border Agency.As he was being led away, Mr Wilders 
said: I am not nervous but is this how Great Britain welcomes a 
democrat?Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen said Holland would press for a 
reversal of the travel ban. Earlier
on the flight, Mr Wilders had launched a savage attack on the
Government. He said: They (the British Government) are the biggest
bunch of cowards in Europe. I'm coming because I am invited by
one of your members of parliament. I'm not provocative. I am an elected
political representative. I am a democrat. I use my freedom of speech.
I am using all the democratic means I have.Mr Wilders has urged the Dutch 
government to ban the Koran and warned of a tsunami of Islam swamping the 
Netherlands. His
film Fitna sparked violent protests around the Muslim world last year
for linking verses in the religious text with footage of terrorist
attacks. Mr Wilders had been due to attend a screening of Fitna, organised by 
Ukip peer Lord Pearson, in the Lords.Lord Pearson said the screening would go 
ahead yesterday with or without Mr Wilders. In
a joint statement, he and cross-bench peer Baroness Cox said they were
promoting freedom of speech and accused the Government of appeasing
militant Islam. They added: Geert Wilders' Fitna film,
available on the web, is not a threat to anyone. It merely suggests how
the Koran has been used by militant Islamists to promote and justify
their violence. They react in fury and menace to our intention
to show the film and have boasted that their threats of aggressive
demonstrations prevented its previous showing in the Mother of
Parliaments.In the Lords, Lord Pearson asked Lord West of
Spithead, a home office minister, said: Do you think this situation
would occur if Mr Wilders had said ban the Bible? Lord West
replied: I certainly don't think we are guilty of appeasement in any
way whatsoever. The Government and I are great believers in freedom of
expression. This is based not purely on Fitna, on that
particular film. It is based on a range of factors, including
prosecution in the Netherlands for incitement and discrimination and
for other statements as well. The National Secular Society
said Miss Smith had made a mistake in denying an application by a
democratically-elected politician from a sovereign state who wants to
come and express an opinion. The ban was supported by the
Muslim Council of Great Britain. A spokesman said: Geert Wilders has
been an open and relentless preacher of hate - there is little
difference between his views and those of the far right.
More Details:

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Bismillah [IslamCity] View Of Four IMAMS On Music

2009-02-16 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah *
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalaamu laykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
The view held by the companions was generally adhered to by the taabi'een and 
their followers, the four imams and the great majority of dependable Islamic 
scholars up to the present time. From among the taabi'een and their followers, 
there are such authorities as Mujaahid, Ikrimah, An-Nakha'i and Al-Hassan 

Imam Abu Haneefah(*108) has perhaps the harshest view of the four famous Imams 
of jurisprudence. His school of thought is the strictest, for he detested 
singing and considered it sinful. As for his disciples, they have explicitly 
confirmed the prohibition of listening to all musical amusements and pastimes, 
including wind instruments (mazaameer),(*109) all types of tambourines, hand 
drums (dufoof)(*110) and even the striking of sticks(al-qadeeb). They have 
asserted that such actions constitute disobedience to Allah and that the 
performer of such action is sinful, therefore necessitating rejection of his 
testimony.(*111) They have further stated that it is incumbent upon the Muslim 
to struggle to avoid listening to such things, even if he were passing by or 
stationed near them (without any willful intention). Abu Haneefah's closest 
disciple, Abu Yoosuf, stated that if the sound of musical instruments 
(ma'aazif) and amusements (malaahi) were heard coming
 from a house, the house could be entered without permission of its 
owners.(*112) The justification for this is that the command regarding the 
prohibition of abominable things (munkaaraat) is mandatory, and cannot be 
established if such entering rests upon the permission of the residents of the 
premises.(*113) This is the madhhab (position) of the rest of the Kufic 
scholars as well, such as Ibraheem An-Nakha'i, Ash-Sha'bi, Hammaad and 
Ath-Thowri. They do not differ on this issue. The same can be said of the 
general body of jurisprudence of Al-Basrah.(*114)

It is related by Ibnul-Jowzi that Ishaaq bin 'Eesaa At-Tabba'a asked Imaam 
Maalik bin Anas,(*115) the leading jurisprudent of Madeenah, about the view of 
the people of Madeenah regarding singing (ghinaa). He replied, In fact, that 
is done by the sinful ones. Abut-teeb At-Tabari said, As for Maalik bin Anas, 
he truly did prohibit singing and listening to it. He further related that 
Maalik said, If one purchased a slave-girl(*116) and found her to be a 
professional singer, he could return her to the original owner for 
reimbursement on the claim of having found fault in the merchandise.(*117) The 
ruling of prohibition (tahreem) is generally agreed upon by the scholars of 
Madeenah. The Maaliki jurisprudence and commentator, Al-Qurtubi, reports Ibn 
Khuwayz Mandaad as saying that Imam Maalik had learned singing and music as a 
small boy until his mother encouraged him to leave it for a study of the 
religious sciences. He did, and his view became that such
 things were prohibited.(*118) Al-Qurtubi confirmed Maalik's view by saying 
that the only exception to this general ruling was the type of innocent songs 
such as those sung to placate the camels during travel, or during hard labor or 
boredom or during times of festivity and joy, such as the 'Eed days and 
weddings - the latter to the accompaniment of a simple daff (hand drum). 
Al-Qurtubi then said, As for that which is done in our day, by way of the 
[blameworthy] innovations [bidah] of the Sufi mystics in their addition to 
hearing songs to the accompaniment of melodious instruments such as flutes, 
string instruments, etc., such is haraam [forbidden].(*119)

In the book, Aadaabul Qadaa, Ash-Shaafi'ee is reported as saying, Verily, song 
is loathsome [makrooh]; it resembles the false and vain thing [al-baatil]. The 
one who partakes of it frequently is an incompetent fool whose testimony is to 
be rejected.(*121) His closest and most knowledgeable disciples clearly 
stipulate that his position on this issue is that of prohibition (tahreem) and 
they rebuke those who attribute its legality to him.(*122) This is confirmed by 
the later Shafi'ite scholar, Ibn Hajar Al-Haythami. He related that one of 
Ash-Shaafi'ee's disciples, Al-Haarith Al-Muhaasibi (d.243 H) said, Song is 
haraam, just as the carcass [maytah](*123) is. Furthermore, the statement that 
singing is haraam is found in the treatise, Ash-Sharh Al-Kabeer, by the 
authoritative Shafi'ite scholar, Ar-Raafi'ee (d.623 H.). This is further 
corroborated by the accomplished Shafiiite jurisprudent, Imam An-Nawawi (d.676 
H.) in his Rowdah.(*124) Such is the
 correct view of the dependable scholars of the Shafi'ite madhhab. However, due 
to limited knowledge and personal fancy and desire, a few of their latter-day 
scholars disagree with this view.(*125)


Bismillah [IslamCity] The lion, snake, rats and honey comb ....A Learning Story

2009-02-16 Thread Mohammad Usman




The lion, snake, rats and honey comb  A Learning Story


The lion, snake, rats and honey comb 

Once a man saw in his dream, that a lion was chasing him. The man ran to
a tree, climbed on to it and sat on a branch. He looked down and saw
that the lion was still there waiting for him. The man then looked to
his side where the branch he was sitting on was attached to the tree and
saw that two rats were circling around and eating the branch. One rat
was black and the other one was white. The branch would fall on the
ground very soon. The man then looked below again with fear and
discovered that a big black snake had come and settled directly under
him. The snake opened its mouth right under the man so that he will fall
into it. The man then looked up to see if there was anything that he
could hold on to. He saw another branch with a honeycomb. Drops of honey
were falling from it. The man wanted to taste one of the drops. So, he
put his tongue out and tasted one of the fallen drops of honey. The
honey was amazing in taste. So, he wanted to taste another drop. As he
did, he got lost into the sweetness of the honey. Meanwhile, he forgot
about the two rats eating his branch away, the lion on the ground and
the snake that is sitting right under him. After a while, he woke up
from his sleep. 

To get the meaning behind this dream, the man went to a pious scholar of
Islam. The scholar said The lion you saw is your death. It always
chases you and goes where ever you go. The two rats, one black and one
white, are the night and the day. Black one is the night and the white
one is the day. They circle around, coming one after another, to eat
your time as they take you closer to death. The big black snake with a
dark mouth is your grave. It's there, just waiting for you to fall into
it. The honeycomb is this world and the sweet honey is the luxuries of
this world. We like to taste a drop of the luxuries of this world but
it's very sweet. Then we taste another drop and yet another. Meanwhile,
we get lost into it and we forget about our time, we forget about our
death and we forget about our graves. 

May Allah wake us up from the sleep and save us before it's too late!

Everyone shall taste death. Then unto Us you shall be returned


With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman


The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) 'Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an
hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer.' 

 Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas (r) 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Going to School in Palestine!

2009-02-16 Thread Ugandan Muslims

Abu Mas'ud 'Uqba ibn 'Amr al-Ansari al-Badri reported that the Messenger of 
Allah, (PBUH), said, Anyone who shows the way to something good has the same 
reward as the person who does it. [Muslim]   E.g. if you encourage someone 
to go for Salah, or pay Zakat and the person actually goes ahead and prays or 
pays Zakat, Allah will reward him for the good deeds and at the same time give 
you (the one that encouraged them to do good) an equal reward as he has given 
them- without decreasing what he gave them.      So Encourage Other To Do Good 
And Refrain From Bad Deeds

--- On Sat, 2/7/09, wrote:
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Going to School in Palestine!
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Date: Saturday, February 7, 2009, 7:05 AM

http://img410. imageshack. us/img410/ 3899/schoolga7. jpg


Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel: Baby Organ Snatchers

2009-02-16 Thread Mohammed A
I understand that these articles are a little old, but it is well known that 
Israel has a firm grip on the media controling what goes in and  goes whatout, 
it wouldn't be suprising that these evil acts are still going on.
Israelis Harvest Organs from Palestinian Children

AL-KHALIL (IRNA) - The Zionist state has tacitly admitted that doctors at the 
Israeli forensic institute at Abu Kabir had extracted the vital organs of three 
Palestinian teenage children killed by the Israeli Army nearly ten days ago.

Zionist Minister of Health Nessim Dahhan said in response to a question by Arab 
member of the Zionist Parliament 'Knesset', Ahmed Teibi, on Tuesday that he 
couldn't deny that organs of Palestinian youths and children killed by the 
Israeli forces were taken out for transplants or scientific research.

I couldn't say for sure that something like that (taking out the organs) 
didn't happen.

Teibi said he had received credible evidence proving that Israeli doctors at 
the forensic institute extracted such vital organs as the heart, kidneys, and 
liver from the bodies of Palestinian youths and children killed by the Israeli 
Army in Gaza and the West Bank.

The Israeli authorities normally detain the bodies of martyred Palestinians for 
a few days without any explanation.

The Israeli Army on December 30 killed three Palestinian boys, aged 14-15 near 
Khan Younis in unclear circumstances.

The army issued conflicting reports on the killing, while Palestinian sources 
charged that Israeli troops murdered the three unarmed boys in cold blood.

The bodies of the three boys were handed over to the Palestinians for burial on 
6 January.

However, shortly before burial, Palestinian medical authorities examined the 
bodies and found out that the main vital organs were missing from the bodies.

The Israeli media have nearly completely ignored the affair.

Is Israel harvesting organs
of Palestinian youths?

Hector Carreon
La Voz de Aztlan

Los Angeles, Alta California - 1-10-2002 - (ACN) On August 13, 1996, La Voz de 
Aztlan reported on horrifying rumors that a network of Baby Organ Snatchers 
was operating in various cities along the U.S./Mexico border. The report, THE 
CORRUPTIVE INFLUENCE OF THE DOLLAR: The Shameful Trade in Mexican Baby Organs! 
led our publication to investigate similar abuses that are taking place around 
the world including the harvesting of transplantable organs and tissues from 
inmates at both China and U.S. prisons.

Today we received a disturbing report from the Middle East that Israel is doing 
the same thing with Palestinian youths that they routinely arrest and kill at 
their detention camps. The Tehran Times published today a report alleging that 
Israel has tacitly admitted that doctors at the Israeli forensic institute at 
Abu Kabir had extracted the vital organs of three Palestinian teenage children 
killed by the Israeli Army nearly ten days ago. The report says that the 
Israeli Minister of Health, Nessim Dahhan, tacitly admitted to the horrific 
practice in an answer to Arab member of the Knesset Ahmed Teibi. Nessim Dahhan 
said in response to a question by Ahmed Teibi, on Tuesday, that he couldn't 
deny that organs of Palestinian youths and children killed by the Israeli 
forces were taken out for transplants or scientific research. Ahmed Teibi, 
according to the report, had received credible evidence proving that Israeli 
doctors at the forensic institute extracted
 such vital organs as the heart, kidneys,and liver from the bodies of 
Palestinian youths and children killed by the Israeli Army in Gaza and the West 

The report explains that the Israeli Army killed three Palestinian boys, ages 
14-15 near Khan Younison on December 30, 2001. The army issued conflicting 
reports on the killing, while Palestinian sources charged that Israeli troops 
murdered the three unarmed boys in cold blood. The bodies of the three boys 
were handed over to the Palestinians for burial on January 6, however, shortly 
before burial, Palestinian medical authorities examined the bodies and found 
out that the main vital organs were missing from the bodies.

La Voz de Aztlan believes that the harvesting by Israel of organs and tissues 
from dead Palestinian youths for transplants and research is a very distinct 
possibility that should be investigated by the World Organization Against 
Torture in Geneva as well as by United Nations agencies concerned with the well 
being of children. The harvesting of Palestinian organs may be related to the 
clandestine research being conducted at the super secret biological laboratory 
at Nes Ziona, Israel that is located near the MOSSAD headquarters in Tel-Aviv.

On November 15, 1998, the much respected London Sunday Times reported on the 
work at Nes Ziona to develop ethnically specific bio-weapons that would target 
Arab populations. The report quoted Dr. Vivienne Nathanson, British Medical 
Association Head of Health Policy Research 

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Dr. Zakir Naik - Defame And Destroy.

2009-02-16 Thread Muhammad Shafi
Dear All concerned.
There is no Wahabism Islam in the World.  A man with the name of Muhammad Bib
Abdul Wahab who is follower of Mazhab of Imam Ahmed Bin Hamble (RA).  Imam Ahmed
Bib Hamble (Hambly Mazhab) is one out of four Mazhabs.  It is said that these 
Mazhabs are on Haq.  Even then some persons having no knowledge of Islam do not
hesitate to blame the Mazhab of Imam Ahmed Bin Hamble (RA).
When we say that these four Mazhabs came into existance more than 100 years 
after the completion of Islam, and are not on the right path, even then some 
says that these four Mazhabs are on the right path.  This is the admission of 
those people who blame
Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab (Hambly Mazhab) as on right path and on the other hand
these people blame Hambly Mazhab as on the wrong path. 
However, Islam is a name of Quran o Hadith, the follower of these two books 
are also consideredWahabi by Qabar Parast group.   Even I have seen some 
non-sense people who are basically from Mazhab Hanfi declare to the follower of 
Hanfi Mazhab as Wahabi.  They have no sense of Islam.
Mr. Zakir Naik from India is a great schollar of Islam.  He has won so many 
Munazras with
ghair Muslims. 
He is true follower of Islam.  I have seen on Internet that so many Hindus and 
other people
have converted / accepted Islam with his struggle and knowledge.
May Allah give him more courage to spread true Islam in the continent.
Please do not hear / take care of such mails which are spread to defame 
schollare of Islam.

--- On Tue, 10/2/09, wrote:

Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Dr. Zakir Naik - Defame And Destroy.
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Date: Tuesday, 10 February, 2009, 4:33 AM

Dr. Zakir Naik - Defame And Destroy.
Jamshed Iqbal
One comes across several interesting comments from the people who have been 
defending Mr. Zakir Naik on Indian Muslims Blog. Most of my brothers and 
sisters are impressed by his “immense knowledge” without knowing that his kind 
of knowledge (database or retention) has nothing to do with religion at all. In 
other words the knowledge he and his fans boast of is irreligious in its very 
essence, for any true religion is an ever-flowing fountain of “wisdom” not 
However, Mr. Naik is not an only man basking under this false impression but, 
it is pity that most of our so-called Muslim scholars are making the profits of 
same deceptive notion. And it is about this “subtle subversion” that Muslim 
world or Muslim identity has suffered a great deal. Therefore in this article, 
I would talk about a whole range of “scholars” of this nature and use the name 
of Mr. Naik as an “all-purpose unit” to bring my point home.
A wise man may have some knowledge but “it does not necessitate that every 
knowledgeable man is wise”. For knowledge comes with analysis but wisdom with 
synthesis. Analysis demands scattering the whole into parts and pieces, on the 
contrary, synthesis demands uniting and reassembling the parts, once again, 
into a whole.
Men of knowledge without wisdom are far more harmful for human family than mad 
men. For knowledge without wisdom lacks comprehensiveness of vision, feelings, 
beauty and empathy. Therefore it is not beneficial at all, and in religious 
terms, it is irreligious! How?

A man of knowledge studies the composition of the atom from a disinterested 
desire for knowledge, and incidentally places it in the hands of powerful 
lunatics as the means of destroying the human race.
In such ways the pursuit of knowledge may become harmful unless it is combined 
with wisdom; and wisdom in the sense of comprehensive vision is not necessarily 
present in specialists in the pursuit of any kind of knowledge.
The point is “so-called men of knowledge lack comprehensive vision that is 
necessary to make them wise”. Ask, for example, a man of science to define 
human being! If he is sociologist he will tell you that, “man is a social 
animal for he cannot live without society”. Ask the same question to a 
physicist and he would brief you about “material composition of a human being” 
and reduce it to material hump. Raise this question before a chemist and get 
ready to listen that “man is nothing but product or composition of different 
chemicals”. A chemist would also open your eyes by telling that “man is a 
chemical animal and his emotions and character is mainly controlled by chemical 
balance or imbalance”. Go to a biologist to listen, “human being is an organism 
composed of different organs”. See a human being have been dissected into piece 
and lost! Even if all of these definitions cannot include what makes a human 
being a human being!
Definitions, I mean to say, are the foundations of analytical thinking and they 
always fail to spot the core—the essence. For example, in above definition of 
human person, what makes human person 

Bismillah [IslamCity] ICC Prosecutor Threatens Peace in Sudan

2009-02-16 Thread Ismail Kashkash

Embassy of The Republic of the Sudan: ICC Prosecutor Threatens Peace in Sudan

WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was released today 
by the Embassy of The Republic of the Sudan - Washington:

In yet another vivid demonstration of the true inspiration behind the 
Prosecutor's actions, the anticipated issuance of an arrest warrant for 
President al-Bashir, is preempted by a dubious announcement through the media. 
New York Times reported on Wednesday evening that some anonymous United 
Nations' officials confirmed to the Secretary General Ban Ki Moon the approval 
of an arrest warrant by the judges who allegedly would make an official 
announcement shortly. If in fact such an announcement is imminent, it's a 
proceeding that requires a degree of care and some level of professionalism 
from a prosecutor. It is rather embarrassing for the Court, that it had to 
release a statement this morning denying having reached a decision let alone 
issuing an arrest warrant. Still the NYT has disseminated the story again this 
morning and has widely been reproduced by other media outlets.

This incident is reminiscent of Ocampo's behavior when he initially made his 
intentions to charge the President public. He first leaked the information to 
the media and soon after embarked on a political campaign that continues to 
this day, touring city to city from one country to the next in a desperate bid 
to elevate his profile internationally. And of course this is all done at the 
expense of our people in Darfur whose suffering should be the focus of the 
world, but attention on their plight was suddenly eclipsed and quickly receded 
into the shadows while spotlight was diverted by the man whose irresponsible 
actions have only exacerbated their miserable conditions.

It is to be noted that Ocampo and those pulling his strings are fully cognizant 
of the implications of such a motion and the grave threat it poses to the peace 
and security of the country. To verify this fact does not require expertise on 
the matter, the evidence, since the prosecutor concocted the charges in July of 
2008 abounds. Violence in Darfur (killing of civilians, attacks on Humanitarian 
aid workers, ambushes, killing of peacekeepers, attacks on cities) escalated 
dramatically as the perpetrators of those egregious crimes saw an ally in 
Ocampo. He ensured their immunity from international scorn as the Government 
invariably received the blame for all incidents including instances where it 
was protecting its civilians. He would consolidate impunity for the rebels.

Yet perhaps even more poignant is the timing of this leak. Sudan is at a 
pivotal moment as the Government and the Rebels began discussions just a day 
ago. The hopes of all the people of Sudan are pinned on these talks, which have 
rightly received international support. However, it is clear now that the 
Prosecutors latest stunt will severely undermine these hopes as the rebels will 
undoubtedly begin to consider recourse to violence because this indictment is, 
to them, a green light to continue their atrocities and abandon peace talks. 
This is an incident preceded by a series of others where the pattern of 
sabotaging efforts at the decisive moments has been noted. It must be made 
clear that the Sudanese will hold Ocampo accountable for the fate that may 
befall them as a consequence of his reckless actions.

Sudan also regrets deeply the deplorable posture assumed by some members of the 
United Nations Security Council who, in clear grasp of what such a move 
portends for the peace and security of the country, choose political games in 
the face of an existential threat to millions of lives. We call on the world to 
denounce and reprimand the prosecutor for worsening the conditions of an 
already besieged people who need nothing else but peace. The African Union has 
made its position clear and does not wish to be the victim or the guinea pig of 
the ICC. And the Arab League has also voiced its concerns about a court that 
has already botched its first case against an alleged Congolese warlord. We 
call on the Security Council to heed to the calls of the vast majority of the 
world that demands the dismissal of these dubious charges and help with the 
efforts of peace building in Darfur.

SOURCE Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan


Bismillah [IslamCity] The flying Dutchman

2009-02-16 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Finally, a good job from our Govt.
Editorial: The flying Dutchman