Bismillah [IslamCity] 'Pashtunistan' holds key for Obama

2009-02-17 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
 'Pashtunistan' holds key to Obama mission


Bismillah [IslamCity] Israeli Spokesman Says We Control Stupid Americans

2009-02-17 Thread Mohammed A
‘You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we 
control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, 
I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to 
challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? 
We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control 
everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t 
criticize Israel.”


Bismillah [IslamCity] The Left and Support for Islamist Anti-Colonial Resistance

2009-02-17 Thread Ismail Kashkash
The Left and Support for Islamist Anti-Colonial Resistance
Speech delivered by Nadine Rosa-Rosso
http://atheonews. blogspot. com/2009/ 02/left-and- support-for- islamist- anti\
http://atheonews. blogspot. com/2009/ 02/left-and- support-for- islamist- ant\

The massive demonstrations in European capitals and major cities in
support of the people of Gaza highlighted once again the core problem:
the vast majority of the Left, including communists, agrees in
supporting the people of Gaza against Israeli aggression, but refuses to
support its political expressions such as Hamas in Palestine and
Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The Left not only refuses to support them, but also denounces them and
fights against them. Support for the people of Gaza exists only at a
humanitarian level but not at the political level.

Concerning Hamas and Hezbollah; the Left is mainly concerned with the
support these groups have amongst the Arab masses, but are hardly
interested in the fact that Israel's clear and aggressive intention is
to destroy these resistance movements. From a political point of view we
can say without exaggeration that the Left's wish (more or less openly
admitted) follows the same line as the Israeli government's: to
liquidate popular support for Hamas and Hezbollah.

This question arises not only for the Middle East but also in the
European capitals because, today, the bulk of the demonstrators in
Brussels, London and Paris are made up of people of North African
origin, as well as South Asian Muslims in the case of London.

The reactions of the Left to these events are quite symptomatic. I will
cite a few but there are dozens of examples. The headline of the French
website 'Res Publica' following the mass demonstration in Paris on the
3rd of January read: We refuse to be trapped by the Islamists of Hamas,
Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah! The article continued: Some activists of
the left and far left (who only turned out in small numbers) were
literally drowned in a crowd whose views are at odds with the spirit of
the French Republican movement and of the 21st Century Left. Over 90% of
the demonstrators championed a fundamentalist and communitarian
worldview based on the clash of civilizations which is anti-secular and
anti-Republican. They advocated a cultural relativism whose harmful
tendencies are well known, particularly in England.

Res Publica is neither Marxist or communist, but one would be hard
pressed to find even the most remotely positive words about Hamas on
Marxist websites. One does find formulations such as Whatever we think
about Hamas, one thing is indisputable: the Palestinian people
democratically elected Hamas to lead Gaza in elections held under
international supervision.  Looking further at what we can think of
Hamas one finds on the websites of both the French Communist Party and
the Belgian Labour Party an article entitled How Israel put Hamas in
the saddle. We learn little more than the assertion that Hamas has been
supported by Israel, the United States and the European Union. I note
that this article was put online on January 2nd after a week of
intensive Israeli bombardment and the day before the ground offensive
whose declared aim was the destruction of Hamas.

I will return to the quotation of Res Publica, because it summarizes
quite well the general attitude of the Left not only in relation to the
Palestinian resistance, but also in regard to the Arab and Muslim
presence in Europe. The most interesting thing in this article is the
comment in parentheses: 'the Left and far Left (who only turned out in
small numbers)'. One might expect following such a confession some
self-critical analysis regarding the lack of mobilisation in the midst
of the slaughter of the Palestinian people. But no, all charges directed
against the demonstrators (90% of the whole protests) are accused of
conducting a war of civilizations. 

At all the demonstrations I participated in Brussels, I asked some
demonstrators to translate the slogans that were chanted in Arabic, and
they did so with pleasure every time. I heard a lot of support for the
Palestinian resistance and denunciation of Arab governments (in
particular the Egyptian President Mubarak), Israel's crimes, and the
deafening silence of the international community or the complicity of
the European Union. In my opinion, these were all political slogans
quite appropriate to the situation. But surely some people only hear
Allah-u-akbar and form their opinion on this basis. The very fact that
slogans are shouted in Arabic is sometimes enough to irritate the Left.
For example, the organizing committee of the meeting of 11 January was
concerned about which languages would be used. But could we not have
simply distributed the translations of these slogans? This might be the
first step towards mutual understanding. When we demonstrated in 1973
against the pro-American military takeover by Pinochet in Chile, no one
would have dared to tell the Latin 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Hugo Chavez wins Venezuela referendum

2009-02-17 Thread Abhiyya
Dear Hugo, congratulations for you and for your people for a victory that, by 
its size, is impossible to measure,
- Fidel Castro

Chavez wins Venezuela referendum

Chavez celebrated from his palace balcony in front of thousands of supporters 
Venezuela's president has won a referendum to scrap term limits for elected 
officials, allowing him to seek re-election indefinitely.
Hugo Chavez greeted cheering supporters at the presidential palace in Caracas 
on Sunday, moments after the country's electoral commission chief declared 
victory for the yes vote.
Long live the revolution, shouted Chavez, as he stood pumping his fist on the 
palace balcony in front of thousands of flag-waving supporters.
After leading supporters in singing the national anthem, he said: Today we 
opened wide the gates of the future. Venezuela will not return to its past of 
Tibisay Lucena, the chief of the national electoral council, said that with 94 
per cent of the vote counted, 54 per cent had backed the president's proposal - 
an unbeatable lead.
Festive mood
There was a festive mood on the streets of the capital, as Chavez supporters 
began celebrating the result.

In depth

Caracas split over Chavez changes

In pictures: Venezuela votes

QA: Chavez referendum

Profile: Hugo Chavez

Join the debate on Venezuela's referendum

Video: Venezuelans to vote on Chavez

Students battle over Venezuela vote

Video: Venezuela votes amid economic woes
People here are ecstatic, Al Jazeera's Rob Winder, reporting from Chacao 
district in Caracas, said.
There are hundreds of people in the street - people are riding around on 
motorbikes and dancing on the roofs of cars.
Chavez said he received a first message of congratulations from Fidel Castro, 
Cuba's former president and a mentor of Chavez.
Dear Hugo, congratulations for you and for your people for a victory that, by 
its size, is impossible to measure, Castro wrote, according to Chavez.
Venezuela has been divided by the referrendum, which seeks to ammend five 
articles of the country's constitution to grant the president, mayors, local 
councilors, legislators and governors unlimited bids for re-election.
The vote was Chavez's second attempt to remove the two-term cap for presidents.
The win means he can seek re-election when his second term in office ends in 
2013 and hold the presidency for as long as he continues to win elections.
Without the ammendments, the president is only allowed to hold two consecutive 
terms, which would mean that Chavez, elected in 1998 and again in 2006, would 
have to step down at the end of his second mandate.
Opposition defeated
The result is a huge blow for Venezuela's opposition which had made gains in 
city and state elections last year.
Opposition parties had pinned their hopes on a student movement spearheading 
the No is No vote, a reference to Chavez's failed effort in 2007 to push 
through constitutional changes to extend his presidency.

Chavez supporters poured on to the streets of Caracas to celebrate the win on 
Sunday [AFP]
Chavez had previously described winning the vote as key completing his 
transformation of Venezuela into a socialist state.
His supporters say he has given poor Venezuelans cheap food, free education and 
quality health care and empowered the poor, after decades of US-backed 
governments that favored the rich.
But analysts warn that Chavez's social programmes could be hard hit by tumbling 
oil prices.
Independently from this referendum Chavez is facing a very acute financial and 
political crisis in the very near term, Gustavo Coronel, a former board member 
of the Venezuelan state oil company and an opponent to Chavez, told Al Jazeera.
So far he has been instituting a policy of handouts that have been very good 
for him. He is very popular among the poor because he has received more than 
$700bn in the last 10 years, he said.
[But] the oil prices have plummeted ... I doubt this referendum really means a 
victory for him in the longer term. I think that, in fact, he might be fighting 
for his life before the end of the normal term of 2012.
About 100 international observers monitored the vote, but neither the 
Organisation of American States (OAS) nor the European Union had official 
observers in Venezuela.
For more on Hugo Chavez:
Global Financial Crises And Hugo Chavez
With Regards

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because 
of those who look on and do nothing

- Albert Einstein


Bismillah [IslamCity] New Airline to Cater to British Muslims

2009-02-17 Thread Shahid
Airline launched to cater for British Muslims

By | Nov 03, 2008
A new airline catering for Britain's Muslim community will start flights from 
Stansted and Manchester to Dubai from December.

Air Sylhet is backed by a group of private investors who are all 
British-Bangladeshi businessmen from the Sylhet region of Bangladesh.

Flights from both airports to Dubai need to go through Vienna because the 
airline has based its operating company in the Austrian capital to secure 
traffic rights more easily.

The launch comes at a time of intense uncertainty in aviation, following the 
failure in the past year of 28 airlines, including Stansted-based MaxJet and 
Eos, Luton-based SilverJet, Zoom, XL Airways, LTE Airways and, most recently, 
Sterling Airlines, which collapsed this week.

Many people think we are crazy, said Kabir Khan, the new company's marketing 
and communications director. But we feel that the market we are serving is 
immune to these kinds of conditions.

The airline will fly to destinations in high demand from the Muslim communities 
in Britain and central Europe, in particular for the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages 
to Mecca.

It also hopes to sell seats to non-Muslims looking either for city breaks in 
Vienna or holidays to Dubai.

Although there is a one-hour stopover at Vienna, passengers do not need to get 
off, so these are effectively direct services, Mr Khan said.

The airline will use Airbus A320-200 aircraft, capable of carrying 180 
passengers. Flights will initially be economy-class only, but the front 20 
seats could be converted into business class if there is demand.

Return fares will start at £500 to Dubai, £450 to Jeddah and £200 to Vienna, 
excluding charges and taxes.

Flights will start on December 4 and will be on Mondays and Thursdays from 
Stansted to Vienna/Dubai, and on Fridays from Manchester.


2009-02-17 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

(ANSAmed) - ANKARA, FEBRUARY 2 - The trade volume between Turkey and Israel has 
reached to 3.3 billion dollars in 2008 from 1.4 billion dollars in 2002 when 
the Islamist-rooted Justice and Development came to power, daily Hurriyet 
reports. The official data showed that Turkey's exports reached 1.9 billion 
dollars in 2008 from 1.6 billion dollars in 2007. Turkey's imports from Israel 
rose 36% in 2008 to 1.4 billion dollars. One of the main trade items between 
two countries is the defense industry. Turkey had auctioned the modernization 
of the M-60 tanks to the Israel Military Industries (IMI) for 668 million 
dollars. The IMI also won the modernization of the 300 military helicopters for 
57 million dollars. Turkey signed three other deals with Israel for the 
modernization of war jets. The financial amount of these agreements is 850 
million dollars. The tension rose between Turkey and Israel after Ankara 
harshly criticized the Israel's operations in the
 Gaza Strip which left more than 1,300 people killed. The Turkish Prime 
Minister Tayyip Erdogan's reaction to storm out of the Gaza session in Davos is 
unlikely to effect the mutual relations, experts say. (ANSAmed). 
2009-02-02 13:48



Bismillah [IslamCity] Now in America

2009-02-17 Thread Hadayai Majeed
As Salaamu Alaikum,

This news came into me this morning about 7 am EST.  This is the second
Muslim woman in the US to be alledgedly killed by a family member in six
months.  The third incident in just over one year.  Tune into today at 10 am EST.  The show is in the
archive. May Allah forgive us for our shortcomings.

Please send to all you know.

 ma salaam
-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 8:32 am
Subject: Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife

   [image: The Buffalo News]
* Please note, the sender's email address has not been verified.
  Send to all you know. Tune into at 10 am EST.

 Click the following to access the sent link: Prominent
Orchard Park man charged with beheading his
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from any Web site. Click
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*This article can also be accessed if you copy and paste the
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Hadayai Majeed
Peace Women Across the Globe
Baitul Salaam Network, Inc.
Entrepreneur/Community Organizer

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] RIYADHU-US-SALEHEEN -Chap:3 # 30 Steadfastness

2009-02-17 Thread Wahid Osman
It is incomplete. There is something more after the word 'O my boy, tod  at 
the end.
Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

To: islamc...@yahoogroups.comfrom: Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 03:10:23 
-0800Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] RIYADHU-US-SALEHEEN -Chap:3 # 30 

30. Suhayb reported hat the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, Among those 
before you there was a king who had a sorcerer. When he was old, he said to the 
king, 'I am old, so send me a lad to whom I can teach sorcery.' He sent him a 
lad for him to teach. When the boy was on the way, he came upon a monk. He sat 
down to listen to his words and liked what he heard. Whenever he went to the 
sorcerer, he would pass by the monk and sit with him. When he came to the 
sorcerer, the sorcerer would beat him. He complained about that to the monk who 
said, 'When you are afraid of the sorcerer, say, My family kept me. And when 
you are afraid of your family, say, The sorcerer kept me.'
While all this was going on, he came upon a great beast which was barring the 
people's way and said, 'Today I will find out who is better, the sorcerer or 
the monk.' He took a stone and said, 'O Allah, if what the monk does is 
preferable to You to what the sorcerer does, then turn this beast aside so that 
the people can pass.' He threw it and killed the animal and the people went on. 
He went to the monk and told him and the monk said to him, 'O my boy, tod

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Muzaffar, only missing person found in 7 yrs

2009-02-17 Thread Abhiyya
Muzaffar, only missing person found in 7 yrs

AHMEDABAD: Muzaffar Shaikh, lost in 2002 riots from Gulbarg Society when he was 
only two-and-a-half-year-old, was found alive after over six years

and was brought up by a Hindu mom as Vivek. This is perhaps the most heartening 
tale among all examples of human composure revealed in connection with this 
grim incident.

This boy is the only one of all missing persons found during these seven years, 
when at least 31 missing persons will be added to the official list of the dead 
at Gulbarg Society.

Salim Shaikh and his wife Jebunnisa continued their search for six years for 
their lost son, and ultimately found him in Vivek at Veena Patni's house in 
Rakhial. Veena claimed that someone had come to her husband Vikram during 
rioting at Meghaninagar and left the little kid with him. Vikram brought the 
boy home, and he not only adjusted in this family, but also became a darling of 
other siblings.

Not having courage to claim the boy's custody from Patnis, this Muslim couple 
took the Supreme Court-appointed special investigation team's help to get their 
son back.

DNA tests confirmed that Vivek was the lost Muzaffar. The couple approached a 
lower court last year to obtain custody of the child, but the kid was not ready 
to leave his Hindu mom. Courtroom drama compelled magistrate to conclude that 
the boy should not forcibly be taken away from the woman who has looked after 
him for so many years.

However, biological parents got an opportunity to meet the boy when Jebunnisa 
moved high court, as judge helped the two families to reach to a compromise. 
From last November, there has been an arrangement wherein the boy spends one 
evening with his biological parents at their home in Vatwa, where they have 
shifted after Gulbarg was destroyed.

In the last order, court made a provision for biological parents to keep the 
boy from Saturday evening to Sunday afternoon. However, even after this 
sanction, Shaikh religiously takes out his motorcycle every Sunday afternoon 
and reaches Veena's house at Rakhial, where they spend some time with the boy.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE

2009-02-17 Thread Shahid

The creation of the Zionist State of Israel (on stolen Palestinian land), gave 
the world an excellent opportunity to examine the true nature of the Jews, and 
understand why so many Gentiles (around the globe) detest them.

Their arrogance, cruelty, virulent racism, and brutality (often captured on 
film by foreign correspondents), gives us a true picture of a nation without a 
conscience, without a soul, without morality, and without a God.

The arrogant Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, once stated the following: 
The Jewish Race is the MASTER RACE. We are divine gods on this planet. We 
are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, 
compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals; cattle at best. 
Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the 
inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of 
iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.

Menachem Begin merely uttered what all Zionists believe in their hearts.

The uncivilized, inhuman, and brutal treatment of the innocent, unarmed, 
Palestinian civilians (since 1948) is a clear manifestation of the Zionists' 
evil and racist mentality.

According to the prevailing Jewish mindset, all the despicable Israeli acts 
listed below, comply with the requirements of the Jewish Law. In other words, 
they are kosher.

1-Stealing 80% of the Palestinians' land is kosher.

2-Killing innocent, unarmed, Palestinian men, women, and children, is kosher.

3-Practicing Apartheid, and Genocide, in Palestine, is kosher.

4-Building an enormous dividing wall in Palestine, without the Palestinians' 
permission, is kosher.

5-Behaving like tyrannical, racist, bullies, is kosher.

6-Demolishing thousands of Palestinian homes (often with the occupants still 
inside), is kosher.

7-Burning thousands of Palestinian homes, orchards and farms, is kosher.

8-Unlawfully confiscating Palestinian properties, machinery and animals, is 

9-Raping, and murdering, Palestinian girls, is kosher

10-Massacres and Atrocities inflicted upon the innocent, unarmed, Palestinian 
civilians, are perfectly kosher.

11-Torturing approximately 125,000 Palestinian prisoners, for decades, is 

12-Forcing 1.3 million Palestinians (at gunpoint) to abandon their homes, their 
farms and their ancestral homeland, is kosher.

13-Breaking the arms and legs of children for throwing stones at Israeli tanks, 
is kosher.

14-Poisoning the water wells of Palestinians, with arsenic, to make them leave 
their homes and villages, is kosher.

15-Ignoring dozens of United Nations Resolutions, since 1948, is kosher.

16-Assasinating politicians, and leaders of the Palestinian Authority, is 

17-Terrorising Palestinian families, in the middle of the night, with Gestapo 
style raids, is kosher.

18-Treating the Palestinian civilians like sub-human creatures, is kosher.

19-Using American helicopters to destroy Palestinian cars, with all the 
passengers still inside, is kosher.

20-Deliberately harassing, and bullying, Palestinian civilians at countless 
check points, and road blocks, is kosher.

21-Desecrating Mosques and Muslim Holy Books, is kosher.

22-Crushing demonstrators to death, with bulldozers, is kosher.

23-Renaming dozens of stolen Palestinian towns and villages with Hebrew names, 
is kosher.

Behaving like demented, homicidal maniacs is perfectly normal for the Jews. It 
is the result of 4,000 years of inbreeding.

How can wicked, mentally deranged, immoral, murderers claim to be members of 
the Human Race?

How can a group of arrogant creatures (who belong to the same Semitic tribe as 
the Arabs), claim racial purity and racial superiority? Jews show their abysmal 
ignorance, and crass stupidity, when they accuse the Semite Arabs of 

How can cruel, evil, thugs who relentlessly break God's Ten Commandments claim 
to be God's Chosen People?. I regard their preposterous claim as GRIEVOUS 
BLASPHEMY. I honestly think that they are Satan's chosen lycanthropes.

Apathy is an unforgivable sin. Evil spreads like a cancer when good men (and 
good women), do nothing to stop it. On Judgement Day, we will be asked to 
justify our total lack of compassion and callous indifference to the pain, 
suffering, persecution, injustice, and the bullying of millions of innocent 
fellow humans. How will we plead?


Bismillah [IslamCity] part 4: Al-Islaam the Religion of Peace and Mercy

2009-02-17 Thread Albaseerah.Org
asalamualikum - part 4 - visit the thread to read last 3 parts:

*Al-Islaam the Religion of Peace and Mercy
Shaikh Abdul Azeez As-Sa'eed
Delivered on July 23rd, 2005*

*Advice to those not in the Muslim lands in dealing with the People*

And you, O brothers, live in a land, a land other than the Muslim land and
what is hoped and expected from you is that you show mercy toward the people
and present the correct face of Islaam, and I will clarify for you some
affairs that you should follow so you will be guides to Islaam and cause for
the honour of Islaam and the Muslimeen:

*Your concern with the Disbeliever is in calling him to Islaam*

First of all make your concern with the non-believers that you guide them to
the religion of Allaah and that you present Islaam upon its correct face and
call them to it night and day without tiring, because the Prophet, peace be
upon, him said: *'If Allaah guides upon your hands one man it is worth more
for you than the red camels.'*[12]

And also Allaah said:
وَمَنْ أَحْسَنُ قَوْلاً مِّمَّن دَعَا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحاً
وَقَالَ إِنَّنِي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ
*{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allaah and
then stands firm (acts upon His Order), and]
invites (men) to Allaah's (Islaamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds,
and says: I am one of the Muslims.}* [Al-Fussilat 41:33]

*Call to Islaam upon Knowledge*

And second of all is that your calling should be upon insight, upon clear
insight from the Book and the Prophetic tradition of the Prophet i.e. his
Sunnah, peace be upon him, so do not attribute to Islaam anything that is
not from it and do not bring into it that which was not in it, but make
clear to the people, make clear to them Islaam in its correct and beautiful
form, that has room for all people.

*Do not kill the Disbelievers unjustly*

And upon you is staying away, O brothers, from what some of the ignorant
have fallen into of believing that the killing of the disbelievers, whether
they are fighting against you or peaceful toward you, killing them, their
believing that killing them is permissible. Even to the point that they
believe Islaam orders that, and that Islaam makes permissible for them to
break their contracts, truces and trusts that are between them and the
Muslims. Or that they enter into their lands with visas in which they agreed
when taking them, to abide by their laws and not harm them, and then they
decide to break this contract with the people that gave them the contract
and granted them security.

This does not mean that the believer that hates the people of rejection and
disbelief and hates their faith – that he does not stick to the
implementation of what the Religion has come with from mercy and justice,
even with the disbeliever. Nay it is upon him if he loves Allaah سبحانه و
تعالى and His Messenger صلى الله عليه و سلم and calls to Islaam upon clear
insight that he holds fast to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and what he
came with in his dealing with the disbeliever, even though it is upon the
believer that he hates them because of what they hold in them of disgusting
disbelief and rejection, and he hates their religion and that he believes it
is false and incorrect.

*Encourage them to accept Islaam*

O brothers, the Prophet, peace be upon him, would become very happy if a
disbeliever became Muslim. The Prophet, peace be upon him, visited a Jewish
boy who was a neighbour of his and he advised him to enter into Islaam, and
the boy pronounced the testification that there is no Lord except Allaah and
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. The boy said it and the Prophet was
happy, while he was leaving the house the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
*'All thanks is due to Allaah the One who saved him by me, from the
Hell-fire.'*[13] So the Prophet was happy for him and his Islaam. Likewise
the believer becomes happy for the Islaam of a disbeliever because he wants
that all of the creation become Muslim and be guided. He wants good for

*First Matter - Fulfil your contracts with the Disbelievers*

Here we will note a point concerning a Muslim dealing with a disbeliever, so
that the Muslim does not fall into anything that Allaah سبحانه و تعالى and
His Messenger صلى الله عليه و سلم hate: First it is upon the Muslim to
complete and be true to the contract between the Muslims and the
disbelievers, because Allaah سبحانه و تعالى said:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ أَوْفُواْ بِالْعُقُودِ
*{O you who believe! Fulfil (your) obligations}* [Al-Maa'idah 5:1]

And He سبحانه و تعالى said:
وَأَوْفُواْ بِالْعَهْدِ إِنَّ الْعَهْدَ كَانَ مَسْؤُولاً
*{…And fulfil (every) covenant. Verily, the covenant will be questioned
about.}* [Al-Israa' 17:34]

And He سبحانه و تعالى said:
وَأَوْفُواْ بِعَهْدِ اللّهِ إِذَا عَاهَدتُّمْ
*{And fulfil the Covenant of Allâh (Bai'ah: pledge for Islâm) when you have
covenanted…}* [An-Nahl 16:91]

And in the opposite of this, it 

Bismillah [IslamCity] hadith: Prophet's Miracles

2009-02-17 Thread Shahid
Narrated Anas: 

  A bowl of water was brought to the Prophet while he was at Az-Zawra. He 
placed his hand in it and the water started flowing among his fingers. All the 
people performed ablution (with that water). Qatada asked Anas, How many 
people were you? Anas replied, Three hundred or nearly three-hundred. 

  Sahi Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 772 

Narrated Anas bin Malik: 

  I saw Allah's Apostle at the 'time when the Asr prayer was due. Then the 
people were searching for water for ablution but they could not find any. Then 
some water was brought to Allah's Apostle and he placed his hand in the pot and 
ordered the people to perform the ablution with the water. I saw water flowing 
from underneath his fingers and the people started performing the ablution till 
all of them did it. 

  Sahi Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 773 

Narrated Anas bin Malik: 

  The Prophet went out on one of his journeys with some of his companions. They 
went on walking till the time of the prayer became due. They could not find 
water to perform the ablution. One of them went away and brought a little 
amount of water in a pot. The Prophet took it and performed the ablution, and 
then stretched his four fingers on to the pot and said (to the people), Get up 
to perform the ablution. They started performing the ablution till all of them 
did it, and they were seventy or so persons. 

  Sahi Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 774 

Narrated Humaid: 

  Anas bin Malik said, Once the time of the prayer became due and the people 
whose houses were close to the Mosque went to their houses to perform ablution, 
while the others remained (sitting there). A stone pot containing water was 
brought to the Prophet, who wanted to put his hand in it, but It was too small 
for him to spread his hand in it, and so he had to bring his fingers together 
before putting his hand in the pot. Then all the people performed the ablution 
(with that water). I asked Anas, How many persons were they. He replied, 
There were eighty men. 

  Sahi Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 775 

Narrated Salim bin Abi Aj-Jad: 

  Jabir bin 'Abdullah said, The people became very thirsty on the day of 
Al-Hudaibiya (Treaty). A small pot containing some water was in front of the 
Prophet and when he had finished the ablution, the people rushed towards him. 
He asked, 'What is wrong with you?' They replied, 'We have no water either for 
performing ablution or for drinking except what is present in front of you.' So 
he placed his hand in that pot and the water started flowing among his fingers 
like springs. We all drank and performed ablution (from it). I asked Jabir, 
How many were you? he replied, Even if we had been one-hundred-thousand, it 
would have been sufficient for us, but we were fifteen-hundred. 

  Sahi Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 776 

Narrated Al-Bara: 

  We were one-thousand-and-four-hundred persons on the day of Al-Hudaibiya 
(Treaty), and (at) Al-Hudaibiya (there) was a well. We drew out its water not 
leaving even a single drop. The Prophet sat at the edge of the well and asked 
for some water with which he rinsed his mouth and then he threw it out into the 
well. We stayed for a short while and then drew water from the well and 
quenched our thirst, and even our riding animals drank water to their 

  Sahi Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 777 

Narrated Anas bin Malik: 

  Abu Talha said to Um Sulaim, I have noticed feebleness in the voice of 
Allah's Apostle which I think, is caused by hunger. Have you got any food? She 
said, Yes. She brought out some loaves of barley and took out a veil 
belonging to her, and wrapped the bread in part of it and put it under my arm 
and wrapped part of the veil round me and sent me to Allah's Apostle. I went 
carrying it and found Allah's Apostle in the Mosque sitting with some people. 
When I stood there, Allah's Apostle asked, Has Abu Talha sent you? I said, 
Yes. He asked, With some food? I said, Yes Allah's Apostle then said to 
the men around him, Get up! He set out (accompanied by them) and I went ahead 
of them till I reached Abu Talha and told him (of the Prophet's visit). Abu 
Talha said, O Um Sulaim! Allah's Apostle is coming with the people and we have 
no food to feed them. She said, Allah and His Apostle know better. So Abu 
Talha went out to receive Allah's Apostle. Allah's Apostle came along with Abu 
Talha. Allah's Apostle said, O Um Sulaim! Bring whatever you have. She 
brought the 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Our Role Today is The Same as the Role of the Great Messengers of Allah

2009-02-17 Thread Ahmed
Our Role Today is The Same as the Role of the Great Messengers of Allah

Many of us wonder today: What is our role as Muslims in this non-Islamic 
society? Asking this question is a good thing in itself because it indicates 
the beginning of the awareness in the mind of the Muslims, after a long absence.
This is an important and a dangerous question because it searches for an answer 
for a fundamental and a vital issue in our lives; if the correct answer is not 
found, then we will end up with the wrong one which may threaten our future and 
the future of Islam in America other non Muslim countries.
There is a good chance that the wrong answer will be found because of many 

•The ignorance of many Muslims in the reality of Islam and its role in saving 

•The lack of awareness of the reality of this age, the status of the Muslim 
Ummah, the events that occur on the world level, the conspiracies of the 
enemies to put down and destroy Islam and end its role in the world or give it 
a marginal role by redefining Islam with a new fake definition.

•The defeated mentality is dominant among many Muslims today. This came as a 
result of defeat and the absolute astonishment at what the non-Muslims have as 
civilization, technologies, and even culture.

•The vain desires, the love of this worldly life and the hatred of death, by 
undervaluing the hereafter, influenced the minds and personality of many 

•The many misguiding and forced solutions presented to Muslims by their enemies 
who work very hard in a deceiving manner to tell us what is our role today in 
this society. These enemies forced the wrong and false answers onto us 
deceivingly in many ways. They also removed the correct original answer and 
attacked it by describing it and the people who believe and carry this answer 
with the worst descriptions. This is so that the Muslim will get away from them 
and hate the correct answer instead of adopting it and working to establish it. 
Allah (swt) says in Surat Al-Anfal, (Verse 30), what can be translated as, 
They were plotting and Allah too was planning, and Allah is the Best of the 

•What makes things more complicated and the vision more erroneous is that some 
loyal sincere Muslims fell into the trap that the enemies of Islam have set up 
and skillfully designed. These sincere Muslims with their followers and those 
whom they influence took the wrong way that was defined for them. These Muslims 
became the fuel and the workers in a conspiracy that they did not plan and will 
not benefit from either in the short term or the long term. Furthermore, if 
someone pointed out their mistakes, that they are adopting, they would find 
justification for the errors in the religious texts that justify their 
position. This is done without deep investigation and verification until we 
become like the prophet (sws) said in a trial that makes the intellectuals 

What is our role in this age and in this society as Muslims?

To answer this question, first of all, we do not need to devise a new role. 
This is because our role had already been defined to us by Allah (swt) a long 
time ago. Many great messengers played that role, and achieved many reforms and 
saved the humanity throughout the course of history.
All we need today is to rediscover and explore this role and know its 
characteristics by removing the ruins and debris away from it until we can 
clear its beautiful picture, and then to adopt it and behave according to it. 
If we do that, then we will save ourselves and the entire humanity with the 
help of Allah (swt) like the messengers did.

All of us know and believe that Allah (swt) the One who created the creations 
did not leave people without guidance; on the contrary, he devised to all 
humanity a complete and comprehensive system of life. Which was carried by the 
messengers from one generation to the next. This role of the messengers had 
never changed or altered with the differences of age or place that they were 
sent in from Noah until the prophet Mohammad (sws)the seal of all prophets and 

Today, Muslims are in fact the followers and true inheritors of those 
messengers and are the extension of truthfulness. Allah (swt) has sealed the 
messages and the messengers with the prophet Mohammad (sws) and made their role 
to be played by the messengers' heirs who are the Muslims till the Day of 

This role has not changed with time nor has it changed with place; its phases, 
goals and ends have remained unchanged. What have changed are its means and 
tools that may differ according to time and place.
Now, I will present the role of the messengers and their tasks so that we know 
our role in this life.

Conveying the message in the clearest way:

The messengers are the ambassadors of Allah (swt) to his servants and the 
carriers of his revelations. Their first task is to deliver and convey this 
trust which they carried to the servants 

Bismillah [IslamCity] ruling: The knowledge required by one who calls people to Allaah

2009-02-17 Thread Shahid
  Question # 126992: The knowledge required by one who calls people to 
Allaah, may He be exalted 


What is the knowledge needed by the one who calls people to Allaah, and who 
enjoins what is good and forbids what is evil?.


Praise be to Allaah. 
It is essential for the person who calls people to Allaah, and enjoins what is 
good and forbids what is evil to have knowledge because Allaah says 
(interpretation of the meaning):

Say (O Muhammad ???   ): This is my way; I invite unto Allaah 
(i.e. to the Oneness of Allaah - Islamic Monotheism) with sure knowledge, I and 
whosoever follows me (also must invite others to Allaah, i.e. to the Oneness of 
Allaah - Islamic Monotheism with sure knowledge) [Yoosuf 12:108]. 

Knowledge is what Allaah says in His Holy Book, or what His Messenger 
(blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) says in his saheeh Sunnah. So one 
should learn the holy Qur'aan and the Sunnah, to find out what Allaah has 
enjoined and what Allaah has forbidden, and to know the way in which the 
Messenger (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) called people to Allaah 
and denounced evil, and the way in which his Companions (may Allaah be pleased 
with them) called people. He can gain insight into that by studying the books 
of hadeeth, and paying attention to the holy Qur'aan, and studying the words of 
the scholars on this topic, because they discussed it in great depth and 
explained what is obligatory. 

The one who wants to set himself up as a caller must pay attention to this 
matter, so that he will have proper insight into the Book of Allaah and the 
Sunnah of His Messenger (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him), so that he 
will put things in their right places: he will call people to good when it is 
appropriate, and enjoin what is good when it is appropriate, with insight and 
knowledge, so that he will not denounce evil in a way that is more evil than 
it, and so that he will not enjoin what is good in a manner that will result in 
an evil worse than not doing the good thing to which he is calling people. 

The point is that it is essential for him to have knowledge so that he will do 
things properly. End quote. 

Majmoo' Fataawa Ibn Baaz (27/340)

Bismillah [IslamCity] The wrong-half of the Lebanon

2009-02-17 Thread raja chemayel

While ,
the truth-seekers are not allowed to cross over to Gaza
the Truth itself is still imprisoned inside Gaza.
While ,
fascism is growing ever so rapidly in Israel
the neo-fascist may form a coalition-government
with the extreme-fascists  but without the pseudo-fascists.
While the wrong-half-of-Lebanon commemorates
the death of Rafik el Harriri , the speakers were :
1- his own son who is simultaneously the step-son of King Fahd
    and whose Godfather is Monsieur Jacques Chirac
2- An ex-President who has elected on the back of Israeli-Tanks
3- A Feudal-Druze-War-Lord who claims who claims to be a socialist
    because his father was one.
4- A Christian-War-Lord who was trained and armed by Israel
    who has killed more Christians than Muslims.
5- Another Christian leader whose father was on the payroll of MI6
    and whose bother was slaughtered (1981) by the Christian-War-Lord
    mentioned here-above (Nr. 4)
    and whose father was saved by the US Marines-fleet (1958)
    and Arafat's Helicopter has saved the same father ( 1977 )
6- Speakers Nr. 4 and Nr. 3 have done nothing else but than waging
    personal-sectarian-wars against each other , 17 years long
    one of them occupied my home town and later, the second ,
    slaughtered its inhabitants.
And the irony and the masquerade is that
this group calls itself
the Cedar Revolution and or the Future
as if the Future is theirs only
and as if the Cedar was also bought by the Harriri Clan...
I prefer that someone else to teach us
about democracy and Mahmoud Abbas
or Husny Mubarak...for example !!
Raja Chemayel
PS :
345.886 persons have attended that rally in Beirut
which amounts to  one million  according to this Future-clan


Bismillah [IslamCity] My Visit to Guantanamo Bay

2009-02-17 Thread Hafiz Ayaz Ali Qureshi

Brothers and Sisters
Assalam U Alaikum

My Visit to Guantanamo Bay
YVONNE RIDLEY 01 February, 2009 21:05:00

Guantanamo Bay is, without doubt, the world's most notorious prison
which left an indelible stain on the Bush Administration.  One of the
first acts of US President Barack Obama was to order its closure and
there is speculation that ...  Full story

Syed Jawed Anwar

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now at

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: The flying Dutchman

2009-02-17 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Comment from someone regarding this subject:
Labour bares its appeaser’s teeth to unbending Muslims

From: Arif
Sent: Saturday, 14 February, 2009 15:56:25
Subject: The flying Dutchman

Finally, a good job from our Govt.
Editorial: The flying Dutchman


Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 13

2009-02-17 Thread Dr. Adel Elsaie
Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 13

Please remember that Monday is our Islamic Youth Awakening day.

1. Glorious Quran on Good Manners:

Say with your mouth what is in your heart [3/167]
2. Words of Wisdom from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH):

When Allah created his creatures He wrote above His throne: 'Verily, my
Compassion overcomes my wrath. (Bukhari  Muslim)
*3. *Muhammad (PBUH), The Best Man Ever Lived:

Status of Prophet
Nabil Haroun

4. Videos Of Prophet Muhammad:

Life of Prophet Muhammad saws - Yasir Qadhi -

5. Great Muslims who Changed History, Most of the companions of the Prophet
(PBUH)  were Youth:

Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (10 years old), Talhah ibn Ubaydullah (14 years old),
Said ibn Zayd ( 15 years Old), Sad ibn Abi Waqqas  (17 years old), Umar Ibn
Al Khattab (26 years old) Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf (30 years), Othman Ibn Affan
(34 years old), Abu Bakr (37 years old)
Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf
of the ten companions whom the Prophet promised Paradise

The Gift of Youth,
By Alveena Salim

7. Islamic Inspirational Songs

NATIVE DEEN - Small Deeds video

Yes you can be strong Muslim, please sign the petition :  Muslim Youth Code
of Honor

Required a million signature each year Until that last Muslim Youth sign in.

Please circulate this posting to your brothers and sisters, Jazakum Allah

Please note that this posting is for adults too.

Dr. Adel Elsaie