Bismillah [IslamCity] Our big day - just two days to go!

2009-03-09 Thread Aisha Abbasi
Asa and peace,

Insha'Allaah you're all well :)

In TWO days time I'm going to be taking part in a 20 mile charity walk from 
West London to East London (Saturday 7th March - Southall to Green Street) on 
with 12 confirmed walkers alhamdulillah!! All proceeds from the walk will 
go towards Interpal.

I have at present raised around about £400 of my £1500 target with many people 
still donating and making pledges. Please try and get your pledges and 
donations in in the next couple of days, any amount is for the sake of Allaah, 
pennies, pounds etc.

With the atrocities that have been committed against the Palestinians many of 
the basic amenities which we take for granted, such as shelter, water, 
electricity, flour, milk, food and medicine and even paper has been stripped 
from them.

Interpal ( is an amazing charity! They help to raise aid and 
funds specifically for those people in need and are specifically involved with 
taking over food packages as well as raising funds to help Palestinians rebuild 
their lives.

Our walk is with the aim of raising at least £4000 amongst us through our 
friends and families, and some of us have our own personal targets. Again this 
is all in the way of Allaah swt, anything more than this figure would be 
absolutely amazing :)

Please donate at: and spread the word :)

Many thanks.


Aisha :)

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Bismillah [IslamCity] FW: Jakata Conference Calls For Growth of Islamic Finance

2009-03-09 Thread S A Hannan
Jakata Conference Calls For Growth of Islamic Finance 

Islamic finance and banking must be developed as an alternative to the
discredited Wall Street model of doing business, the World Islamic
Economic Forum resolved as it wrapped up Wednesday in Indonesia,
international news agencies have reported.
   More than 1,550 delegates including prime ministers, presidents,
princes and sheikhs from 38 countries issued a declaration calling on
the Islamic Development Bank to take the lead in promoting Islamic
finance.   They also called for 'effective regulations' in the
conventional global financial industry to 'mitigate risk and failure' in
the aftermath of the Wall Street collapse triggered by a credit crunch
in the US housing sector.  The declaration expressed support for the IDB
Task Force for Islamic Finance and Global Financial Stability to
'promote Islamic finance and banking as a viable alternative to the
conventional financial system.' It also called on 'governments and
Islamic banks to expand sharia (Islamic) compliant micro-credits' to
small businesses in the developing world.  'The declaration has a host
of policy recommendations that, if implemented widely, would enact real
change within the Muslim and non-Muslim world,' World Islamic Economic
Forum Foundation chairman Tun Musa Hitam said.The fifth Islamic economic
forum opened in Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country and the
largest economy in Southeast Asia, on Monday. Other items on the agenda
included the 'global food crisis' triggered by last year's price spikes
and falling production, alternative energy and the future of fossil
fuels. The delegates included corporate leaders from 87 companies as
well as governmental and non-governmental organizations. 
We agree with the recommendation of the forum. The latest financial
crisis that has engulfed, more or less ,  the whole world has proved
that old-style capitalism is not an ideal system. Apart from failure in
regulations, it has in-built problems, riba-based operations are
essentially faulty. Such operations do not produce responsibility and
care, on the other hand its positivist  ( value-free ) stance makes it
social - Darwinist in character and worshipper of  money and ties it
with theoretical purity. It is time for the world to turn towards
Islamic financial system , it should be seen not as a religious system
by the West but as a financial alternative mode. At least Muslim word
should accept it in full.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Event - The Life of the Beloved (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)

2009-03-09 Thread Talhat Rashid
Verily in
the messenger of Allah you have a good example for him who hopes for Allah and
the Last Day, and remembers Allah profusely. (Quran 33:21)

Institute in Association with Multi-Faith Centre and Chaplaincy

The Life of
the Beloved (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)

chronological study of the life of the Best of Creation

15th March 2009

Time:10.00am –

Universityof Central
Lecture Theatre
Marsh Building
Marsh Lane

Teachers:  Shaykh
Atabek Nasafi* Shaykh Tanveer Hussain*

This is a
FREE event; however registration is
required to attend

Lunch and refreshments provided.

Brothers and Sisters welcome.

For more information
please contact 07800 937333 / 07989 166006.

*Shaykh Atabek
Atabek began his religious studies in his native Uzbekistan at the young age of 
ten under local scholars
such as Sheikh Sayyid Karim Namangany and Sheikh Mohammed Jaan, under whose
guidance he began to memorise the

completed his studies at the age of 21 in various subjects including Arabic
Language, Hadith, Fiqh, Tafsir, Tajwid at Madrasa Abul Qasim and Jamia Islamia
in Uzbekistan.

In 1998
he moved to Damascus for higher studies with some of the finest
scholars of our time. He enrolled on a four year 'al-Ijaza al-Alimiyya'
programme at the Takhassus Institute which is affiliated to al-Azhar 
University, Egypt.  During this time his studies
included: Sharh Ibn Aqeel with Sh. Atiyya, Sharh Fiqh al-Akbar with Sh. Adeeb
al-Kallas, Lubab with Sh. Abdullah Rabiah, Aqida with Sh. Saeed Ramadan al-Buti,
Risala Qushariyya with Sh. Abdul Fatah Bizm, Hadith with Sh. Sadiq Darwish,
Da'wa with Sh. Tawfiq al-Buti.

continuing his studies at the institute he also focused on intensive private
lessons with Sheikh Muhammed Adnan Darwish and covered Fath Bab al-Inaya and the
Mu'atta Imam Malik.  He also studied Shudhoor al-Dhab, Sharh Qatar al-Nida, 
Thufatal Mureed, and Mukhtasar
al-Bukhari with Sheikh Rushdi

graduated in 2003 after spending the final year at al-Azhar University and was 
given certification by the Faculty
of Theology and Philosophy.

Shaykh speaks numerous languages including Uzbek, English, Russian, Farsi,
Turkish, Arabic and Urdu.

*Shaykh Tanweer
Tanveer studied the Islamic Sciences in Syria for 8 years with notable
teachers such as: Shaykh Dr. Samir al-Nass, Shaykh Abdul-Razzaq al-Halabi,
Shaykh Adeeb Kallas, Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi, and Shaykh Anas al-Hibri. Sidi
Tanweer is a graduate of M’ahad al-Fath al-Islami.

He now
resides in Oxfordshire, where he teaches at Shifa School, Shifa Evening School, 
and at the Sacred Sciences
Programme. Shaykh Tanveer is an Executive Director of the Shifa

Street, Preston
Street, Burnley

New Hall

Street, Preston
0800 083

Bella Italia
Lane, Preston

Kozy Karpets
211 Deepdale
Rd, Preston

48 Manchester
Rd, Preston


Bismillah [IslamCity] Gaza Animaton - Must See‏

2009-03-09 Thread Mohammed A


Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel's military supplies to India

2009-03-09 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Hari Sud
Column: Abroad View
Published: February 27, 2009

Toronto, ON, Canada, - India's main supplier of advanced military
hardware is Israel. In the 1990s India took a major decision to
procure arms from Israel after its much-touted Defense Research and
Development Organization failed to develop any high-end weapons

To keep abreast of its neighbors, from 1965 till 1997 India purchased
weapons from the Soviet Union, and later Russia - the preferred choice
for the last 40 years as its weapons were cheap, reliable, rugged and
direct copies of advanced weapons in the West. Almost 70 percent of
India's weapons are of Russian origin.

The fall of the Soviet Union halted its secret development and sales
of weapons, thereby letting the West develop countermeasures.

Short of cash, the new Russian Federation from 1990 to 2001 sold its
trade secrets to anybody who wished to buy them. In short, India lost
its advantage with Russian hardware, as China bought everything that
India already had. Also, countermeasures developed by the West for
Russian hardware became available to Pakistan. In short, India was at
a disadvantage on both fronts.

A lot of technology that India wanted from the West was unavailable
because the West viewed India and the Soviet Union as allies, due to
the Cold War attitude prevalent in Washington. Israel stepped in to
fill the breach, as it had enough influence to change U.S. policy on
this issue. It was a win-win situation for Israel and India.

India negotiated its first large-scale contract with Israel in 1997
for the Barak-1 weapons system. This was meant to knock down
Pakistan's Harpoon anti-ship missiles, supplied by the United States.
Since its initial supply of six Barak systems, eight more have been
added and negotiations on a multi-billion-dollar Barak-2 system is in

Prior to the contract, India's defense scientist and former President
Abdul Kalam paid a number of visits to Israel to get help in missile
development. Later India tested its Prithvi and Agni missile systems
to counter Chinese and Pakistani moves.

During the Kargil War in 1999, India received from Israel unmanned
aerial vehicles, laser-guided bombs and other hardware to knock out
Pakistani hilltop bunkers. Israel's support helped India appreciate
its sophisticated electronics and weapons systems.

Russia's former President Vladimir Putin, noting India's declining
interest in Russian weaponry, made offers to sell it more
sophisticated weapons like T-90 tanks, advanced destroyers, an
aircraft carrier and upgrades to existing air force hardware. India
accepted the offers, but Israel had already secured a foothold in
India's lucrative military hardware market.

End-user agreements between the United States and Israel limited the
transfer to India of any U.S.-developed or assisted military hardware
- but Israeli political interests in Washington made short work of all
U.S. objections.

Showing great interest in the Indian market, Israel in 2002
transferred the highly sophisticated Green Pine Radar to India,
despite U.S. objections. Today this radar is a key component of
India's ballistic missile defense tracking system.

The United States, realizing that Israel will find ways to sell India
its military technology, have now folded up their objections. It took
them more than 50 years to throw out their Cold War-era attitude; now
they are bidding for a US$10-billion Indian fighter contract.

In the last 10 years India's military imports from Israel have included:

• Barak -1 anti-ship missile system

• Unmanned aerial vehicles of various types

• Laser-guided bombs

• Technology for ballistic missile systems

• Green Pine radar


• Spyder surface-to-air missile system

• Aerostat radars

• Service contract to upgrade MIG fighter aircraft

• Electronic countermeasures and air-battle support electronics

The total contract value of these and other purchases is close to US$9
billion. This is a huge amount given that India and Israel established
diplomatic and trade relations only in 1992. The two countries'
intelligence agencies have had contacts for much longer, however.

Military contracts under negotiation between India and Israel include
the development of Barak -2, worth US$2.5 billion; additional AWACS at
$1.8 billion; UAVs worth $500 million; the Arrow anti-missile system
at $4 billion; and miscellaneous electronics worth $2 billion.

Why did India turn to foreign weapons suppliers? Fifty years ago
former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, in establishing the Defense
Research and Development Organization, envisioned 80 percent
self-sufficiency in arms by the turn of the century. That dream never
came true.

The DRDO had difficulty marrying high concepts with sound engineering.
Thus many major systems on the drawing board did not become potent
weapons. Although it had a staff of 30,000, 51 laboratories and a
US$2.5-billion budget, the organization operated under technical and

Bismillah [IslamCity] What is Islam...............a simple but nice presentation

2009-03-09 Thread Mohammed Farooq
What is Islam?

The word Islam is an Arabic word that carries a load of meanings. The main two 
are submission and peace. Submission: Total submission to and acceptance of the 
One and Only God (Allah) and His will. Peace: Inner peace (peace with oneself), 
peace with the Creator, as well as peace with all creations. It is through the 
total submission to the will of God that one reaches this form of peace. A 
Muslim is a person who believes in Allah as the One and Only God and in 
Muhammad as his last Prophet and Messenger. 

Relationship between God and Human:

The human, like all of Allah's creations, is in a state of total submission 
(Islam) to the will of Allah. The difference between humans and other 
creations, however, is that we have been given the ability to choose. When our 
minds submit to Allah, then we would have completely submitted to Allah, and we 
would be referred to as Muslims. At this level of total and complete 
submission, the relationship between Allah and the human is one of a complete 
peace. It is an Islamic characteristic to have complete obedience to Allah and 
acceptance of His will and commands. It is also an Islamic characteristic to 
acquire a unique feeling of satisfaction, fulfillment, and content as a result 
of this obedience and acceptance. 

The relationship between Allah and us humans in Islam is a direct one, with no 
mediators. In this direct relationship, we recognize that there is no other 
party that can help, give, take, support, provide, or grant forgiveness but 
Allah. In such a direct relationship, we do not associate any other deities 
with Allah. Moreover, our faith and submission to Allah become complete and 

Islam teaches that all humans are born sinless. We are only responsible for the 
sins we commit intentionally. Recognizing our human nature, Allah the Most 
Merciful, accepts our sincere repentance and forgives our sins.

Islam also teaches that true belief and righteous deeds are two key elements 
for one to attain Allah's pleasure and satisfaction. It takes both elements to 
establish healthy individuals and healthy societies.

It is a fundamental Islamic belief that we were created to serve (worship) 
Allah. Allah has entrusted us with the great responsibility of being His 
deputies and representatives on this earth. As He entrusted us with our lives, 
our physical beings, our wealth, and our families, He also entrusted us with 
our communities, our environment, and our earth. It is our responsibility to 
care for and maintain that trust. Carrying on this responsibility is part of 
serving and worshipping Allah. It the sincerity of the Muslim's worship that 
gives it its effectiveness and usefulness. Islam teaches us to worship Allah as 
if we were able to see Him, since although we do not see Him, He sees us.
Muslims believe the life on this earth is only a transition period that 
precedes the latter life. Winning the latter life is the goal of every Muslim. 
This is achieved through gaining Allah's satisfaction through believing in Him 
and following His commands and prescriptions. The reward for those who gain 
Allah's satisfaction and forgiveness is Heaven, and that for those who strayed 
is Hell. Muslims are advised by Prophet Muhammad to work for this life as if we 
are living forever, and work for the latter life as if we are dying tomorrow. 
This saying highlights the balance that Muslims are to work towards achieving 
in their life on earth.

Islam is a Way of Life:

Islam is a religion for both the individuals and the communities (including 
that of the whole world). The teachings of Islam do not separate religion from 
human affairs. Politics, economics, law, and all other aspects of human affairs 
are integrated into one system of worship to Allah. Islam provides both the 
individual and the state with a comprehensive constitution. Through this 
constitution, ethics, righteousness, legitimacy, correctness, and similar 
fundamentals are well defined and are not left to individuals to experiment 
with or differ about. Having been legislated by Allah, the Creator of this 
world, Muslims believe that the Islamic way of life is the most suitable one 
for us to follow.
In an Islamic community, the family system is very strong.

Family ties and closeness are not limited to the parents and the children, they 
extend to include all relatives of different degrees. Neighbors and friends 
play an important role in the family system. People do not interfere in each 
other's affairs, rather, counseling and advising within the Islamic frame 
constitute the basis of this closeness and relationship. As a result, the whole 
community, even the whole nation, becomes like one big family. With such 
attitude the elderly, the orphans, the disabled, or the needy (if there is any) 
do not face starvation, homelessness, or similar forms of suffering.

When members of the family, neighbors, or friend's circle grow old, they are 
looked upon as valuable 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Opening for Electrical and Mechanical Engineers for Qatar

2009-03-09 Thread Shakeel Ahmad
-- Forwarded message --
From: Al Taiyaba Management Consultancy
Date: Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 11:14 AM
Subject: Opening for Electrical and Mechanical Engineers for Qatar

*Requirement of Engineers for Qatar*:

We are looking for following two categories:
*1.Senior QC Engineer-Electrical- (Position Code-QC-Senior
Engineer-Elect-Qatar)Must be BE-Elect with 10 yrs QC experience for building
projects, including Airport Projects or Diploma in Engineering with 15 yrs
of experience.Salary range 15k to 18k(package)+annual leave+medical
insurance card.*
*2.Office Engineer-Mechanical- (Position Code-Office
Engineer-Mechanical-Qatar)Must be BE-Mechanical with 5 to 6 yrs experience
including Airport Projects as back office support Engineer to projects.He
must have good exposure to material submittals and coordinations. Airport
project Experinece is preferred.Salary range 10k +bachelor accom+food+annual
leave+medical insurance card.*

*How to Apply?*
All applicants can *email their CVs* to  with *Postion
code in the subject of the email*.
*Application without position code will not be considered.*


Managing Director,
Al Taiyaba Management Consultancy,
P O Box-95388, Sharjah, UAE.

PS: Actions may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness
without action, so act we MUST.
Wishing you and all your loved ones greatest of times ahead!
Aspiring 2 c u happy!

Shakeel Ahmad
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Recommended website for PMP exam preparation:

Remember, growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

We make a Living by what we get, we make a Life by what we give.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of
you have no today to be thankful for.

Bismillah [IslamCity] The ICC , Darfour , Harriri and my parking-place

2009-03-09 Thread raja chemayel
The , ICC Court House ,
 is 553 meters away from my office

The ICC , International Criminal Court
is 3 block away from my office in the Hague.

And I think that I am the nearest person to it
among all my readers  ( or all my deleters )

From the backyard of my office I could dig a tunnel
right under that ICC-Building , but the Dutch Secret Police
would not like it , at all .
( and they would never recruit me, later on )

Recently my illustrious-neighbours have started
a the Hariri-case and today the Bashir-Darfour-case.

I do not think that those judges , 3 blocks away ,
do care for my opinion
but if you insist on hearing it,
I would say :

 - The Harriri Case is politically motivated and has completely
ignored the plausible-theory of a missile sent from a gun-ship-helicopter
flying 30 miles away from the
 crime-scene .
It was much more convenient to suspect and accuse Syria
which has , in fact , protected and sponsored Harriri
for more than a decade.

B- Darfour and President Bashir is a classical case of a civil-war
where competing- tribes fight for
the  water-resources
and where some tribes are pro-government ..and other tribes are
helped by some foreign-powers who are interested in more than the waters.

So if and when
an Israeli Helicopter assassinates another Arab Leader
and , if and when
a civil-war is financed and motivated by some foreign-powers
we shall consequently have new cases at the ICC , International Criminal Court ,
it will get crowded in my neighbourhood ,
and we shall have no places to park our cars ,
here in The Hague .

Raja Chemayel
a suspicious-neighbour of the ICC
until all Criminals are judged
Fifth of March 2008

PS :
Near the ICC building , is a 360 degree-screen-movie-theater
which is also fun to visit...much funnier than the ICC.


Bismillah [IslamCity] FW: Lahore attack On Cricketers --Asia Post editorial dated 5.3.09

2009-03-09 Thread S A Hannan
Lahore Attack On Cricketers 

News agencies have reported that gunmen attacked Sri Lanka's cricket
team in a gun and grenade assault Tuesday in the Pakistani city of
Lahore that killed eight people and wounded seven members of the
squad.The attack sparked condemnation from around the world .The plan
was apparently to kill the Sri Lankan team but the police came in the
way and forced the attackers to run away, Lahore's police chief
Habib-ur Rehman said.They appeared to be well-trained terrorists, he
told reporters.Rehman said up to 12 gunmen ambushed the team's convoy
close to the Gaddafi stadium with rockets, hand grenades and automatic
weapons, unleashing a fierce gunbattle with security forces.The gunmen
fled after the ambush, triggering a giant manhunt. Witnesses said the
upmarket district, home to many designer boutiques, was transformed into
a battle zone as gunmen hidden behind trees opened fire in a
sophisticated, coordinated attack.The bus came under attack as we were
driving to the stadium, Sri Lanka's captain Mahela Jayawardene told
Cricinfo.The gunmen targeted the wheels of the bus first, and then the
bus. We all dived to the floor to take cover.He said most of the
injuries appeared to be minor and caused by debris.It could have been
worse -- Rehman said the attackers fired a rocket which missed the bus,
then threw grenades underneath which failed to explode.He said weapons
recovered from the scene suggest the terrorists were well prepared and
organised.A police official said two civilians and six policemen
guarding the players were killed in the attack as the team was heading
for the third day's play in the second Test against Pakistan.
Sri Lanka said it was rushing its foreign minister to Pakistan in the
wake of the assault, which Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse called
a cowardly terrorist attack.Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and
Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani also strongly condemned the
terrorist attack and ordered an inquiry.Pakistani officials said the
attack bore all the hallmarks of the November 2008 assault on the Indian
city of Mumbai, which was blamed on Pakistan-based Islamic
militants.India's immediate reaction was to say that Pakistan needed to
dismantle its infrastructure of terrorism and that security for the
Sri Lankan cricketers had been hopelessly inadequate.The attack also
came as the Sri Lankan army pressed its final offensive against ethnic
Tamil rebels in the north of the country in a civil war that has cost
tens of thousands of lives.
This is another serious develoment  as it shows  how the terrorist
net-work in the sub-continent  is operating  It shows it can reach
anywhere .In Pakistan itself there have been many attacks of this sort
in an Islamabad hotel, the assasination f Benazir Bhutto, the killings
in masjids and  hospitals.It is indeed a big issue how to contain
terrorism , world wide cooperation is needed .It is easy to blame a
country or a community . The issue is much bigger than that .Its roots
are in Palestine, where sixty years has gone with no solution of the
problems, Palestinians in their qwn country living as foreigners and the
foreighner immigrants are the rulers. In Afganistan , a festering war is
continuing  on and off for thirty years .We do not denythat curriculum
in some institutions may require revision but this is not the main
issue.The main issues are political injustices.Iraq has only magnified
it .We hope that the world gets rid of all sorts of terrorism. 





Bismillah [IslamCity] Takes Strength

2009-03-09 Thread PoEtEsS
Takes Strength

It takes strength to be firm
It takes courage to be gentle.
It takes strength to stand guard.
It takes courage to let down your guard
It takes strength to conquer.
It takes courage to surrender.
It takes strength to be certain.
It takes courage to have doubt.
It takes strength to fit in.
It takes courage to stand out.
It takes strength to feel a friend's pain.
It takes courage to feel your own pain.
It takes strength to hide your own pains.
It takes courage to show them.
It takes strength to endure abuse.
It takes courage to stop it.
It takes strength to stand alone.
It takes courage to lean on another.
It takes strength to love.
It takes courage to be loved.
It takes strength to survive.
It takes courage to live.

--Author Unknown


Happiness is the key to the foundation of satisfaction, contentment and 
acceptance…Zohra Moosa (Deaf Poet)


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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2009-03-09 Thread sbpn39
Can we match two persons, one who spread VULGARITY in mails and by doing this 
SINFUL ACTIVITY he gains bad deed in his account which multiplies rapidly as 
much as many people check it and forward it to others and God knows better by 
this way of multiplication how many bad deeds would be written in the account 
of the person who initiated this mail or forwarded it to others.
On the other hand a person who tries to follow religion in its true spirit and 
preach people to obey ALLAH, spread true knowledge about religion, invite 
people to check the authenticity of their faith and think about life after 
death instead of remaining busy in worldly affairs.  Just imagine if a single 
person returns to the true path after reading such mails how much good deeds 
will be written in the account of person who initiated this mail.  We cannot 
imagine the impact of multiplication of this good act.  It will be known to us 
only after death.
God has given us choice and it is our duty to choose right path.  Soon we have 
to die and we will loose all the luxuries of life.  Only good deeds will be 
with us. We definitely have to reply to our Creator one day.  So why not 
prepare for it now.  God will definitely show us right path if we try to find 
out.  Let’s try together to repent and achieve permanent success of hereafter 
by following true religion.

May ALLAH guide us right path. Aameen
(Pls reply at naee...@gmail. com )


Bismillah [IslamCity] Terrorists Aim For Destabilisation, Media Attention

2009-03-09 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Article link:

By Beena Sarwar

04 March, 2009
Inter Press Service

KARACHI, Mar 4 (IPS) - South Asia seems to be caught in a vortex of
violence as the countries that form this region - from Sri Lanka at
the southern-most tip, Bangladesh to the east, Nepal crowning the
north, Pakistan along the west and India in the middle - deal with
internal nightmares that their governments routinely blame on

Wednesday's armed attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in the
historic city of Lahore in Pakistan has sent shockwaves through a
country already racked by regular suicide and other attacks.

Eight Pakistani policemen died and several were injured saving the Sri
Lankan cricketers, eight of whom were wounded in the attack.

At the other end of the sub-continent, Bangladesh is still reeling
from the shock of a border guards' mutiny over pay and working
conditions, resulting in soldiers massacring over 70 officers,
including some of their wives.

Some analysts fear that the horrific incident might elicit copycat
responses elsewhere too, where soldiers are unhappy with the tasks
they are made to do.

Meanwhile, India has yet to recover from the horror of the attacks in
Mumbai that claimed some 180 lives. New Delhi had, as a direct result
of the attacks, called off participation of the Indian cricket team in
the Pakistan tests.

Sri Lanka, in the last stages of a heavy-handed army operation against
the Tamil separatists who have been fighting a guerrilla war against
the state for over two decades, could hardly have imagined that its
cricket team would come under fire in Pakistan, a friendly country.

Still, as the Sri Lankans told journalists after the Lahore attack,
they had come here well aware of the risks.

Analysts point out that Tamil separatists are unlikely to be
responsible for the attack, given the back foot that they are
operating from.

The Sri Lankan team, in Lahore for a five-day test match where they
already played for the first two days, were en route from their hotel
to the stadium early in the morning on Mar. 3 when the gunmen

The firing reportedly began from three directions as the van slowed
down near a roundabout close to the red-brick cricket stadium. Shaky
television footage showed men with guns and backpacks taking position
and firing. Their first target was the police escort.

According to the van driver, one of them flung a hand grenade which
rolled under the van without damaging it. He said that the cricketers
flung themselves to the floor of the van as he accelerated to escape
the gunfire, managing to get the bullet-riddled van with the
cricketers to the stadium.

There is universal condemnation for an act which many believe is an
attempt to further discredit and isolate Pakistan. Many are praying
for the quick recovery of the injured cricketers who were airlifted to
Sri Lanka.

They were our guests, they came to Pakistan when most people were not
willing to come, one man in Peshawar told a television journalist.

We are a friendly and cricket-loving nation, said another passer-by.
Now no cricket team will want to play here.

The incident has more or less put paid to Pakistan's aspirations of
hosting the next World Cup in 2011, say observers.

The attackers struck at a sport that is hugely popular across South
Asia, a quick throwback to a common colonial past (for all the
countries except Nepal which was never under British rule), a legacy
that includes the English language, administrative systems and

In normal times, India and Pakistan's cricket teams on the wicket
pitch elicit responses akin to surrogate battlefields. A
Pakistan-India game is referred to in parts of India as 'Qayamat'

Despite the keen rivalry, love of the sport is a unifier. 'Cricket
diplomacy' has featured among the permissible people-to-people
contacts that have grown immensely over the past decade or so.

Cricket is not the bone of discord between the two countries, Gul
Hameed Bhatti, group editor sports of the country's largest media
group, Jang told IPS. Basically the problem is the tensions between
both countries, and cricket becomes the casualty. This incident has
thrown cricket and other sports back into the dark ages. I don't see
anyone agreeing to come and play here now.

Bhatti added that he had long feared that this was a disaster waiting
to happen because the situation in the rest of the country is so
volatile. It was unrealistic to think that sportsmen could remain
isolated from it''.

Nor, say analysts, can other areas of society, like culture. In early
November, explosions on the penultimate night of a major international
performing arts festival in Lahore caused panic. There were no
casualties although some people sustained minor injuries. Artists,
foreign and local, defiantly rallied around to make the festival's
last day a resounding success.

Ironically, the festival was held in the cultural complex next to the

Bismillah [IslamCity] Nations summoning one another to attack Muslims.

2009-03-09 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
Nations summoning one another to attack Muslims.
(Minor Sign -51)
“Thawban reported the Apostle of Allah (peace is upon him) as saying: “The 
people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite 
others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small 
numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time but you 
will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will 
take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy cast enervation (weakness) into 
your hearts. Someone asked: What is Wahn (enervation, weakness). The Apostle of 
Allah: He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.” 
(Related by Imam Ahmad with strong chains of reporters, and Abu Dawud).
The love of the worldly affairs, gaining wealth and sexual desires, and dislike 
of death are the main factors summoning one another to attack Muslims. In 
history there are several occasions repeating this fact. Once, Zionists planned 
to overpower the Muslims during Crusade War. Allah sent down His Grace and 
great Help to Salah-ud-Din Al-Ayyubi and defeated the Zionist lobby’s plot and 
freed the Bait-ul-Maqdis Mosque. One other (Secondly) was when the Tartars 
attacked Muslims and Arabs, but Muslims were triumphant against the Tartars 
cheating and deceptions. The   third important instance was when the Jews and 
Christian collaborated to end the Khilafat (Caliphate) rule from Turkey. And 
the final evidence is the endeavor of Jews and international Zionist lobbies to 
create a homeland for Jews who migrate around the world to Palestine land which 
belongs to the Arabs. By the Grace and Help of Allah, once more Muslims will 
overcome this crisis. Allah
DOOMSDAY-Portents  Prophecies
Author: Sidheeque M. A. Veliankode
Published by Al-Attique Publishers Inc. Toronto, Canada and



Bismillah [IslamCity] Obama on Zionism and Hamas!

2009-03-09 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
Obama on Zionism and Hamas
Here is an excerpt from The Atlantic online mag's interview of  Obama with 
Zionist Jeffrey Goldberg:
Obama and I spoke over the weekend about Hamas, about Jimmy Carter, and about 
the future of Jewish settlements on the West Bank. He seemed eager to talk 
about his ties to the Jewish community, and about the influence Jews have had 
on his life. Among other things, he told me that he learned the art of moral 
anguish from Jews. We spoke as well about my Atlantic cover story on Israel’s 
future. He mentioned his interest in the opinions of the writer David Grossman, 
who is featured in the article. “I remember reading The Yellow Wind when it 
came out, and reading about Grossman now is powerful, painful stuff.” And, 
speaking in a kind of code Jews readily understand, Obama also made sure to 
mention that he was fond of the writer Leon Uris, the author of Exodus.
Here are excerpts from our conversation:
JEFFREY GOLDBERG: I’m curious to hear you talk about the Zionist idea. Do you 
believe that it has justice on its side?
BARACK OBAMA: You know, when I think about the Zionist idea, I think about how 
my feelings about Israel were shaped as a young man -- as a child, in fact. I 
had a camp counselor when I was in sixth grade who was Jewish-American but who 
had spent time in Israel, and during the course of this two-week camp he shared 
with me the idea of returning to a homeland and what that meant for people who 
had suffered from the Holocaust, and he talked about the idea of preserving a 
culture when a people had been uprooted with the view of eventually returning 
home. There was something so powerful and compelling for me, maybe because I 
was a kid who never entirely felt like he was rooted. That was part of my 
upbringing, to be traveling and always having a sense of values and culture but 
wanting a place. So that is my first memory of thinking about Israel.
And then that mixed with a great affinity for the idea of social justice that 
was embodied in the early Zionist movement and the kibbutz, and the notion that 
not only do you find a place but you also have this opportunity to start over 
and to repair the breaches of the past. I found this very appealing.
JG: You’ve talked about the role of Jews in the development of your thinking
BO: I always joke that my intellectual formation was through Jewish scholars 
and writers, even though I didn’t know it at the time. Whether it was 
theologians or Philip Roth who helped shape my sensibility, or some of the more 
popular writers like Leon Uris. So when I became more politically conscious, my 
starting point when I think about the Middle East is this enormous emotional 
attachment and sympathy for Israel, mindful of its history, mindful of the 
hardship and pain and suffering that the Jewish people have undergone, but also 
mindful of the incredible opportunity that is presented when people finally 
return to a land and are able to try to excavate their best traditions and 
their best selves. And obviously it’s something that has great resonance with 
the African-American experience.
One of the things that is frustrating about the recent conversations on Israel 
is the loss of what I think is the natural affinity between the 
African-American community and the Jewish community, one that was deeply 
understood by Jewish and black leaders in the early civil-rights movement but 
has been estranged for a whole host of reasons that you and I don’t need to 
JG: Do you think that justice is still on Israel’s side?
BO: I think that the idea of a secure Jewish state is a fundamentally just 
idea, and a necessary idea, given not only world history but the active 
existence of anti-Semitism, the potential vulnerability that the Jewish people 
could still experience. I know that that there are those who would argue that 
in some ways America has become a safe refuge for the Jewish people, but if 
you’ve gone through the Holocaust, then that does not offer the same sense of 
confidence and security as the idea that the Jewish people can take care of 
themselves no matter what happens. That makes it a fundamentally just idea.
That does not mean that I would agree with every action of the state of Israel, 
because it’s a government and it has politicians, and as a politician myself I 
am deeply mindful that we are imperfect creatures and don’t always act with 
justice uppermost on our minds. But the fundamental premise of Israel and the 
need to preserve a Jewish state that is secure is, I think, a just idea and one 
that should be supported here in the United States and around the world.
JG: Go to the kishke question, the gut question: the idea that if Jews know 
that you love them, then you can say whatever you want about Israel, but if we 
don’t know you –- Jim Baker, Zbigniew Brzezinski –- then everything is suspect. 
There seems to be in some quarters, in Florida and other places, a sense that 


2009-03-09 Thread mohammed bawany
14. On Moderation in Worship
Allah says, Ta Ha. We did not send down the Qur'an to you to make you 
miserable, (20:1) and the Almighty says, Allah desires ease for you; He does 
not desire difficulty for you. (W2:184; H2:185)
142. 'A'isha reported that that once the Prophet, (PBUH), came when a woman was 
with her. He asked, Who is this? She replied, So-and-so, and told him about 
the amount she prayed. He said, Stop! You must only do what you are able. By 
Allah, Allah does not grow weary [of giving rewards] as you grow weary, and the 
deen He likes best is the one in which there is constancy. [Agreed upon]
143. Anas said, Three people came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet, 
(PBUH), to ask about how the Prophet worshipped. When they were told, it was as 
if they thought it was little and said, 'Where are we in relation to the 
Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), who has been forgiven his past and future wrong 
actions?' He said, One of them said, 'I will pray all of every night.' 
Another said, 'I will fast all the time and not break the fast.' The other 
said, I will withdraw from women and never marry.' The Messenger of Allah came 
to them and said, 'Are you the ones who said such-and-such? By Allah, I am the 
one among you with the most fear and awareness of Allah, but I fast and break 
the fast, I pray and I sleep, and I marry women. Whoever disdains my sunna is 
not with me.' [Agreed upon]


Bismillah [IslamCity] RIYADHU-US-SALEHEEN -Chap.13# 130-32-33-35-41 Clarification of Path of Good.....

2009-03-09 Thread mohammed bawany
13. Chapter: On The Clarification Of The Many Paths Of Good
Allah Almighty says, Whatever good you do, Allah knows it, (W2:213; H2:215) 
and the Almighty says, Whatever good you do, Allah knows it. (W2:196; H2:197) 
The Almighty says, Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it (W99:8; 
H99:7) The Almighty says, Whoever acts rightly, it is to his own good. 
(W45:14; H45:15)
130. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, Five 
prayers, and Jumu'a to Jumu'a, and Ramadan to Ramadan are expiation for 
everything between them if major wrong actions are avoided. [Muslim]
132. Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, 
Whoever prays the two cool ones (i.e. the Subh and 'Asr prayers) will enter 
Janna. [Agreed upon]
133. Abu Musa reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, When a slave 
of Allah is ill or travelling, the same is written for him as what he would 
normally do if he were healthy and at home. [al-Bukhari]
135. Jabir also reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, No Muslim 
plants something without what is eaten from it being sadaqa for him. Even what 
is stolen from it is sadaqa for him. And no one visits it without that being 
sadaqa for him. [Muslim]
In one variant of it, No Muslim plants something from which man, animals or 
birds eat without it being sadaqa for him until the Day of Rising.
In another variant of it, No Muslim plants a tree or sows a crop from which 
birds, man or beasts eat without it being sadaqa for him.
141. Abu Musa reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, Every Muslim 
should give sadaqa. He said, What about if someone has nothing to give? He 
said, He should get work and earn something and give sadaqa. He said, And if 
is unable to do that? He said, He should help someone in need. He said, 
What if he cannot find anyone? He said, He should command what is right or 
good. He said, What if he cannot do that? He said, He should refrain from 
evil. That is sadaqa for him. [Agreed upon]


Bismillah [IslamCity] What Is the Meaning of The SHAHADA (Testimony of Faith)?

2009-03-09 Thread Ugandan Muslims
 The Testimony of Faith (Shahaada)
This is the testimony that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and 
that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. This testimony is the key with which 
one becomes a Muslim.
The meaning of the first part of the testimony, 'none has the right to be 
worshipped but Allah', is:

Allah is the Creator of all that exists.
Allah is the Proprietor of all that exists and the Disposer of all affairs.
Allah is the One Who deserves to be worshipped alone.
The meaning of the second part of the testimony, 'Muhammad is His slave and 
messenger' contains the following meanings:

To obey the Prophet in what he ordered.
To believe in everything he said.
To refrain from what he prohibited and warned against.
And that you do not worship Allah except by what he legislated.

Abu Mas'ud 'Uqba ibn 'Amr al-Ansari al-Badri reported that the Messenger of 
Allah, (PBUH), said, Anyone who shows the way to something good has the same 
reward as the person who does it. [Muslim]
E.g. if you encourage someone to go for Salah, or pay Zakat and the person 
actually goes ahead and prays or pays Zakat, Allah will reward him for the good 
deeds and at the same time give you (the one that encouraged them to do good) 
an equal reward as he has given them- without decreasing what he gave them.
So Encourage Other To Do Good And Refrain From Bad Deeds


Bismillah [IslamCity] Brown to Iran: Bow or be alone

2009-03-09 Thread Qalb-e-Mehdi
Iran opens international Palestine summit

An international conference in support of Palestinians, which is to focus on 
Israeli war crimes in Gaza, has begun in the Iranian capital. Bringing 
together legal experts from the world's leading rights groups, the conference 
started work in Tehran on Wednesday morning.


Brown to Iran: Bow or be alone

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said during a 40-minute speech at the US 
Congress on Wednesday Our shared message to Iran, it is simple: We are ready 
for you to rejoin the international community, but first you must cease your 
threats and suspend your nuclear programs,


The Obama-Medvedev Turbo Shuffle

By Pepe Escobar

The President Barack Obama administration urgently needs to do a couple of 
things: learn to play chess; and watch the DVD of the Godfather saga, 
especially larger-than-life parts I and II.


When Securitization Blew Up; So Did the Economy

By Mike Whitney

One thing is certain, this isn't a normal recession. In a normal recession 
aggregate demand declines, economic activity slows, and GDP shrinks. While 
those things are taking place now, the reasons are quite different. The 
present slump wasn't brought on by a downturn in the business cycle or a 
mismatch in supply and demand. It was caused by a meltdown in the credit 
system's central core.



How Wall Street Paid For Its Own Funeral

By Marina Litvinsky

The 231-page report, Sold Out: How Wall Street and Washington Betrayed 
America, shows that the financial sector invested more than 5 billion dollars 
on purchasing political influence in Washington over the past decade, with as 
many as 3,000 lobbyists winning deregulation and other policy decisions that 
led directly to the current financial collapse.


Take the Money and Run

By Ernest Partridge

A bank robber does not gain legal possession of his loot. Neither should 
today's robber barons, notwithstanding the fact that the theft was 
accomplished under the guise of quasi-legality. The loot can be recovered 
legally, if the public demands it and the Congress responds accordingly, 
through the enactment and enforcement of appropriate legislation.


'Israel seriously considering military action against Iran':

The report also says Israel's time frame for action is growing shorter, not 
only because of Iranian advances, but because Teheran might soon acquire 
upgraded air defenses and disperse its nuclear program to additional locations


Iran: US on wrong path over Israel:

Iran's supreme leader, has said that Barack Obama, the US president, is 
pursuing the same wrong path as George Bush, his predecessor, in supporting 

Our missiles can hit Israeli nukes:

All the nuclear facilities in different parts of the land under the 
occupation of the Zionist regime are in the reach of Iran's missile defenses, 
Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander in chief of the Revolutionary Guards, told 
Iran's ISNA news agency, according to Reuters.


Iraqi Police Get Schooled by a Frustrated US Soldier

Video (Viewers Discretion advised)

A US Soldier responsible for training tells them how he really feels.This sums 
up our soldier'd frustration and why we couldn't pull out of Iraq for so long.


Scholar Presaged U.S. Descent to Destitution

By Logan Jenkins

We don't believe we can afford to stop waging conventional warfare


We Will Remain a Pariah in the Middle East

By Ron Paul
A US puppet government protected by 50,000 American soldiers is not the road 
to peace.


In Case You Missed It?

A Shattering Moment In America's Fall From Power

By John Gray

The global financial crisis will see the US falter in the same way the Soviet 
Union did when the Berlin Wall came down. The era of American dominance is 


The Yoo-Bybee Memoranda

Blueprints for a Police State

By Marjorie Cohn

Seven newly released memos from the Bush Justice Department reveal a concerted 
strategy to cloak the President with power to override the Constitution. The 
memos provide legal rationales for the President to suspend freedom of 
speech and press; order warrantless searches and seizures, including wiretaps 
of U.S. citizens; lock up U.S. citizens indefinitely in the United States 
without criminal charges;