Bismillah [IslamCity] Six Days of Creation (By: Sayyid Qutb)

2009-04-06 Thread Mohammad Usman




Six Days of Creation
Sayyid Qutb


In the name of God, the Lord of Grace, the Most Merciful

God it is who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between
them in six days, and established Himself on the Throne. You have none
to protect you from God, and none to intercede with Him for you. Will
you not, then, reflect? He regulates and governs all that exists, from
the celestial space to the earth; and in the end all shall ascend to Him
(for judgment) on a day the length of which is one thousand years by
your reckoning.(Prostration, Al-Sajdah: 31: 4-5)

Those whom God's Messenger (peace be upon him) is ordered to warn were
polytheists, people who associated partners with God. Therefore, the
surah explains God's attribute by which they know the truth of Godhead.
It also distinguishes who deserves to have this great name, God, and who
must never be associated with His status: "God it is who created the
heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days, and
established Himself on the Throne. You have none to protect you from
God, and none to intercede with Him for you." (Verse 4)

Such is God, and such are the effects and indications of Godhead. They
are seen all over the universe, felt in the realm that lies beyond human
perception, and recognized in the origins of man and the stages of his
development. God tells them about these in His true book.

"God it is who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between
them in six days." (Verse 4) The heavens and the earth and what is in
between them refer to the great many creatures about which we know very
little, while there is much more which we do not know anything about.
They constitute this huge kingdom of unlimited dimensions, which
fascinates us. We stand speechless, overwhelmed at the accurate design
and perfect system that run through it all. It combines this greatness
with captivating beauty in which neither sight nor any of our senses
finds defect. No one is ever tired of contemplating it. Repetition and
familiarity do not detract from its self-renewing appeal. This kingdom
includes such a great variety of creatures, with countless races and
species, endless shapes, sizes, characteristics, qualities, features and
tasks. They are all subject to the same law, coherently fulfilling one
great activity, looking up to one source from whom they receive their
directives and to whom they submit in complete obedience.

It is God who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between
them. Hence, He is the One who deserves this name. Their creation was
'in six days,' and these were certainly not the earth days, which we are
familiar with. Earth days are a measure of time which results from the
revolving of the earth around itself while moving in orbit around the
sun. When it completes one round, it completes one 24-hour cycle
applicable only to our earth, a tiny little planet when compared to the
universe. This time measure only came into existence after the sun and
the earth were set in their respective positions. It is also the one
most suitable for us who live on this planet.

Of what nature are the six days mentioned in the Qur'an? This is known
only to God, while we cannot define or measure them. They belong to
God's days, which He describes in the verse that says: "Well, in your
Lord's sight a day is like a thousand years of your reckoning." (22: 47)
These six days might have been six epochs that the heavens and the earth
went through until they reached their present status; or might have been
six stages of creation and formation, or six eons the length of which is
known only to God. They are definitely something different from the
earth days that we know. We take them as something belonging to the
realm beyond the reach of our perception, which means that we cannot
know exactly what they were. Mentioning them serves to remind us of the
elaborate planning of God's creation, in accordance with His knowledge,
wisdom and perfect creation.

"And established Himself on the Throne." (Verse 4) This expression
refers to the fact that God is above all creation. We cannot say
anything about the throne, except to take it as a name. The word istawa,
which is translated as 'established Himself' is different, as it clearly
indicates elevation and exaltation. The Arabic text also uses the word
thumma, which is the conjunction 'then', but it is clear here that it
does not indicate any chronological order, because no change of
situation applies to God. He, limitless is He in His glory, is not in a
certain situation, nor does He then move to a new one. This does not
apply to God. It is only an abstract order. His exaltation means that
His is a level high above that of His creation, and this is expressed in
the way the verse is composed.

With this absolute glory of God, the surah tells them of the fact that
applies directly to them: "You have none to protect you from God, and
none to intercede with Him for you." (Verse 4) W

Bismillah [IslamCity] The sweetness of Islamic faith (By: Adil Salahi, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia)

2009-04-06 Thread Mohammad Usman




The sweetness of Islamic faith
Adil Salahi | Arab News


Anas ibn Malik quotes the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying: "Any
person who combines these three qualities will experience the sweetness
of faith: 1) that God and His messenger are dearer to him than anything
else; 2) that his love of others is purely for God's sake; and 3) that
he hates to relapse into lief as much as he hates to be thrown in the
fire." (Related by Al-Bukhari).

The first thing to note in this Hadith is that certain qualities are
necessary before a person experiences the sweetness of faith. This
suggests that a person may look at the message of Islam and find it
reasonable and logical. He declares himself a believer and expresses his
unhesitating belief in God's oneness and in Prophet Muhammad's message.
Such a person is a Muslim, no doubt. He earns the reward of believers.
However, he needs to do more in order to experience what the Prophet
describes as "the sweetness of faith."

Such sweetness is like the fruit of a tree. Thus, when one is convinced
of the truth of faith, that person has planted a shoot, which one needs
to nurture and look after so that it grows into a tree and producdisbees
its fruits. Nurturing the tree of faith is by fulfilling God's orders,
doing what He wants us to do and refraining from what He has forbidden
us. Indeed when a believer begins to do that, committing himself to do
what God has bidden, he will soon find the effects of such commitment
within himself and in his life generally because God only orders us to
do what is good for us, and He forbids us only what is evil and harmful
to us or others. Thus, such committed person will realize that his
commitment brings him increasing benefits in this present life, in
addition to what he hopes to receive of God's reward. He would then love
his commitment and do it more than willingly.

Islam forbids all intoxicating drinks, putting extra emphasis on even
tasting an alcoholic drink. Take the case of a young Muslim studying in
Europe or America. He may find himself among a group of friends who are
all drinking. They try to persuade him to have a small glass of wine,
concentrating on its benefits and saying that drinking in moderation
causes no harm. He may feel tempted to join, but then he looks at one of
his friends on whom the effects of alcohol are beginning to tell and
realizes how that person is starting to lose control of himself. Our
Muslim friend will then step back, finding extra strength to resist the
temptation. The more he reflects on the effects of drinking the greater
is his love of the Islamic way that forbids all alcoholic drinks, even
in the smallest measure. His commitment to do God's bidding grows always
stronger. It is such strong commitment that is the mark of his love of
God and His messenger. 

The two other qualities develop in consequence of the first. A Muslim's
commitment to obey God in all that He bids us to do or refrain from will
begin to influence his social life. His relations with other people will
put much importance on their attitude to Islam and Islamic life. He will
love those who do what He does of obeying God and following the
Prophet's guidance. His relationship with them will be based on the fact
that they share a commitment and a method of living that places
obedience to God as paramount. They will all feel a bond uniting them in
a cause that brings only goodness in human life. Such bond generates a
sort of happiness that envelops them all, a happiness that can transform
every human society and bring the best out of it.

Experiencing all this, a true believer is always increasingly happy with
his faith and way of life. He will not barter it for anything on earth.
He realizes that this happy life will also bring him far superior
happiness in the life to come. He cannot imagine himself going back to
disbelief. Indeed, to him the very thought is so repugnant that he would
prefer to be thrown in the fire rather than be an unbeliever.


Authored By: Adil Salahi <


With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman



The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad 
(peace be upon him) 'Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an
hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer.' 

< Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas (r) >




Bismillah [IslamCity] Why should Allah punish you if you ...

2009-04-06 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah *
Bismillah hir rahmaan nir raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
4:147. Why should Allâh punish you if you have thanked (Him) and have believed 
in Him. And Allâh is Ever All­Appreciative (of good), All­Knowing.


Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth 
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me 
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)." 

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased 
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me benefit 
in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my 
knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from 
the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition 
whose isnad is gharib.

Transliteration:an Abi Hurairah (radiya Allahu anhu) qaal:
qaala Rasul Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam): "Allahumma infa'ni bima 
'allamtani, wa allimni maa yanfa'oni wa zidni 'ilman, alhamdulillahi alaa kolli 
haal, wa a'odtho billahi min haali ahlil naar."

  Connect with friends all over the world. Get Yahoo! India Messenger at

Bismillah [IslamCity] Ukraine, the NATO and Afghanistan

2009-04-06 Thread raja chemayel

The same Boris from Ukraine,
only his boss changed.

once forgotten when it raised the soviet flags
and now remembered and cherished.

Half of Ukraine is from the Orthodox-Church
and the other half is Catholic
one half wants big-brother-Russia back
and the other half believes in Condoleeza Rice stories
and now in the Hilarious Clinton's.

Soon Ukraine shall become even more "poor"
so that both halves of it,
 would want to fall
in the lap of the Hilarious Clinton.
and then Ukraine shall join the NATO
and then Kentucky Fried Chicken shall follow.

Consequently the Ukrainian-Army-soldiers,
being part of the NATO , shall join the
International-Coalition-Forces in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Statistically, eventually and coincidentally
the same soldiers who were in Afghanistan under
the Soviet Red Army shall return
 now under the banners of NATO.

And Hilarious Clinton shall jump to Kabul
and explain to the local population that :

"When Boris was red he came to rape and invade your Afghanistan
but now the same Boris is blue , which means that this not an invasion
nor an intrusion nor an occupation nor a colonisation
not even an annexation...
No my dear Afghans !!!
Boris is not an invader,anymore, because his cap is

I am confident that all Afghans shall hardly
differentiate between red and blue .

I am either colour-blind or
 eventually a bit more intelligent
than the average-afghan..
because I see no difference between both Boris.

Sherlock Hommos

PS :
in 2004 Polish-Soldiers went to Iraq to dismount that ammunition-factory
which they have sold , 5 years earlier.because they became NATO, too.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Baaz (

2009-04-06 Thread Mohammad Usman
















Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Baaz
*Please appropriately reference this biography to:,
Abu 'Abdullaah Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn 'Abdullaah ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan
Aal-Baaz was born in the city of Riyadh in Dhul-Hijjah 1330 A.H./1909

He memorized the Qur'an in his early age and then he acquired knowledge
from many of the great scholars of the Kingdom. Some of his teachers
were Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Lateef Aal-Shaykh, Shaykh Saalih ibn
'Abdul-'Azeez Aal-Shaykh and the eminent Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem
Aal-Shaykh who, in his time, was the Muftee of Saudi Arabia. Shaykh Ibn
Baaz accompanied the eminent Shaykh and learned from him for about ten
years. Thus he gained his religious education from the family of Imaam
Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab. 

Afterwards Shaykh Ibn Baaz was appointed as a Justice and he worked for
fourteen years in the judiciary until he was deputed to the education
faculty. He remained engaged in teaching for nine years at Riyadh
Islaamic Law College, Riyadh Religious Institute. Then he was appointed
Vice-Chancellor of the Islaamic University, al-Madeenah; but shortly
afterwards, he was made the Chancellor with all the administrative
powers. Later he was appointed President of the General Presidency of
Islaamic Research, Ifta, Call and Propagation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

He held the position of Grand Muftee of Saudi Arabia, the Presidency of
many Islaamic Committees and Councils, the prominent among these being:
Senior Scholars Committee of the Kingdom, Permanent Committee for
Islaamic Research and Fataawa
 , the Founding Committee of Muslim World League, World
Supreme Council for Mosques, Islaamic Jurisprudence Assembly Makkah; and
the member of the Supreme Council of the Islaamic University at
al-Madeenah, and the Supreme Committee for Islaamic Propagation, until
he passed away on Thursday 27 Muharram 1420 A.H./May 13 1999 C.E. May
Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala
 ) have Mercy upon his soul, aameen. 

What the newspapers had to say...


For more about the noble Shaykh, kindly refer to Scholarly Jewels

The Shaykh's official website:



With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman



The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad 
(peace be upon him) 'Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an
hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer.' 

< Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas (r) >





Bismillah [IslamCity] BJP minister, charged with inciting riots, surrenders

2009-04-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed

Ahmedabad/New Delhi : Maya Kodnani, who resigned Friday as Gujarat's
minister for higher education, surrendered later in the day before the
Special Investigation Team (SIT) that has named her as among those who
led mobs in the Naroda Gaam and Naroda Patiya localities here in which
106 people were killed during the 2002 communal riots in the state.

Kodnani quit from her post Friday morning after the Gujarat High Court
rejected her anticipatory bail plea. She was joined by former Vishwa
Hindu Parishad (VHP) general secretary Jaideep Patel who also
surrendered before the SIT.

The BJP immediately distanced itself from Kodnani, saying the law
would take its own course, while the Congress said the party had it

"Once the decision has come from the Gujarat High Court, the party
asked her to resign. She resigned. Rest, the law will take its own
course," BJP spokesperson Balbir Punj told reporters in New Delhi.

"It was coming. Slowly, slowly, the crimes in Gujarat will unravel,"
Science and Technology Minister Kapil Sibal said in New Delhi.

Kodnani and Patel arrived together at the SIT office at the Old
Secretariat in adjacent Gandhinagar and surrendered to a senior
official. While Kodnani refused to comment, Patel told reporters: "I
have faith in the judiciary regarding the decision taken by it. I
respect the Gujarat High Court's decision."

In its plea to the Gujarat High Court, the Supreme court appointed SIT
stated that Kodnani was evading arrest even after being named by
witnesses who submitted that they saw the minister in the localities
on that day.

Witnesses in the Kodnani case also told SIT that they were being
harassed over the phone and told to drop charges against the minister.

The Godhra train burning led to widespread attacks on Muslims in the
state, leading to 1,180 people, mostly Muslims, being killed.

Earlier Friday, the Gujarat High Court rejected Kodnani's anticipatory
bail plea, stating that her role in leading mobs during 2002 sectarian
violence was "nothing less than organised crime".

In his order, Justice D.H. Waghela said: "Maya Kodnani was leading a
mob but still did not control them (mob). This is nothing less than
organised crime."

He also rejected the plea of Kodnani's defence lawyer who sought more
time for her to file an appeal in the Supreme Court.

Kodnani's surrrender came on the day the BJP's prime ministerial
candidate L.K. Advani and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi were to
address a public meeting here to kick off the party's Lok Sabha
campaign in the state. Advani will contest the election from

The state government put up a brave face, saying the court ruling
against Kodnani was not an embarrassment to the BJP.

"This is not at all an embarrassment," said a Gujarat government
spokesperson, adding that nobody could be pronounced guilty "till the
last word" had been spoken.

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Baitul Salaam Opens Outreach Office in Dekalb County, Stone Mountain, GA

2009-04-06 Thread Hadayai Majeed
As Salaamu Alaikum,


ma salaam

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Hadayai Majeed wrote:

> *As Salaamu Alaikum Imams and Amirs,
> *
> Thanks to many of you the Baitul Salaam Network, Inc. is opening an
> Outreach office in Stone Mountain, GA  inside the Risala Institute next week
> (moving in April 4), insh'Allah.
> *Our goal is to have a Muslim managed Social Service Agency
> that works with victims of abuse however will also be able to provide some
> assistance all who need:
> *1. Counseling (Professional and lay)
> 2. Assistance with Utility, food, locks changed, etc.
> 3. Basic emergency assistance (gift cards from Kroger, Publix, Target,
> Kmart, Home Depot, Walmart, DSW, Babies R Us, Toys R Us and Payless).  Use
> instead of giving money.
> 4.  Support Groups (alcohol/drug, self-esteem, abstinence, teen peer
> pressure), etc.
> *We are asking communities to donate $25 (small)-$100 (large) per month
> based on the size of their *
> *communities, insh'Allah. To assist with this project.*
> *At this time we raise money doing the following:**
> *
> Fund raise (through events), recycling eWaste, search engine promotion
> visit then use, recycle metals and we manage
> a promotional items web site at We have received
> a small grant  from Verizon Wireless through a volunteer who works for the
> company.  We also have been funded by family foundations and donations from
> celebrities and other wealthy individuals.
> We are also on Facebook.
> Visit to know more about us and to read our updates.
> Any professional counselors who are seeing patients at your home at this
> time and want an office locaition to see patients contact us. We can work
> out a mutually benefitting arrangement.  Call Sr. Hadayai at (404) 608-8649
> or email
> All donations can be sent to (new mailing address) Baitul Salaam Network,
> Inc., PO Box 115470, Atlanta, GA 30310.  You can also use
>  Our goal is to raise $4,000 per month to meet
> the immediate need while we improve our grant writing skills to move up to
> $250,000 per year this budget will allow us to pay staff, manage a top rate
> Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing program.
> --
> Hadayai Majeed
> Baitul Salaam Network, Inc.

Hadayai Majeed
Peace Women Across the Globe
Baitul Salaam Network, Inc.
Entrepreneur/Community Organizer

Bismillah [IslamCity] RIYADHU-US-SALEHEEN -Chap.26# 218 & 219 On INJUSTICE & COMMAND TO MAKE...

2009-04-06 Thread mohammed bawany
26. Chapter: On injustice and the command to make restitution in cases of 
Allah Almighty says, "Nor intercessor will the wrongdoers have, who could be 
listened to," (40:18) and the Almighty says, "For those that do wrong there is 
no helper." (22:71)
218. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "Do you 
know who is really destitute?" They said, "The destitute among us are those who 
have no money or property." He said, "The truly destitute person among my 
community is someone who comes on the Day of Rising with prayer, fasting and 
zakat, but having insulted this person and slandered that person and consumed 
the property of this person and shed the blood of that person and beaten that 
person. He will give this person some of his good deeds and that one some of 
his good deeds. If his good deeds are wiped out before he has paid what he 
owes, some of their wrong actions are taken and thrown on him and then he is 
thrown into the Fire." [Muslim]
219. Umm Salama reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "I am a 
human being and you bring your disputes to me. It may be that one of you is 
more eloquent in stating his case than another and so I give judgement in his 
favour according to what I hear. If I award him judgement at the expense of the 
right of his brother, I am cutting out a piece of the Fire for him." [Agreed 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Karzai on a String

2009-04-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Obama the Puppeteer
In November 1963, the US-sponsored president of southern Vietnam, Ngo
Dinh Diem, was murdered by members of that country's military. The
murder was (at the least) tacitly supported by Washington and was
partially due to Diem's attempts to operate independently of
Washington in regards to the war his military was fighting against
Washington's enemies--the National Liberation front and the northern
Vietnamese army. After a series of political machinations that
included a stint by Nguyen Cao Ky as prime minister, a general named
Nguyen van Thieu was named president after a show election in 1967. He
was chosen because he would do Washington's bidding. His
administration was known for its corruption and acquiescence to

In the middle of March 1970, while Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia
was out of his country, the United States government engineered his
removal from power. He was replaced by military strongman and CIA
puppet Lon Nol. Sihanouk had consistently refused to allow US troops
to operate in Cambodia. Simultaneously, he ignored the presence of
Vietnamese troops fighting the United States military in Vietnam. Of
course, this angered the Pentagon. Indeed, the United States Air Force
had been illegally bombing the country of Cambodia for close to a year
without telling the US public and much of Congress. Within weeks of
the CIA coup in Cambodia, Richard Nixon ordered a ground invasion of
Cambodia. That invasion was met with a massive wave of public protest
across the US and much of the rest of the world. The protests resulted
in the deaths of six students in the United States, untold numbers of
injuries, and a national crisis that was only calmed after Nixon
agreed to withdraw the ground troops.

Since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the United States has
put in place a number of men to lead that nation according to
Washington's desires. Some of these men were appointed and were
clearly pawns of Washington, while others came to power wearing a
pretend cloak of legitimacy provided by elections controlled by
Washington's occupation authority. All of their governments were known
for their corruption. The current leaders exist at Washington's
pleasure, even though they pretend otherwise. This is obvious from the
backtracking done by the current Prime Minister al-Maliki regarding
the withdrawal of US forces from his country. Back in December, much
was made of the fact that he was insisting on a complete and
unconditional withdrawal from Iraqi cities by June 2009 and a total
withdrawal from the country by 2011. Recent statements by Mr.
al-Maliki indicate that he is no longer insisting on this timetable.

I mention these governments and their fates in light of recent news
coming out of Kabul, Afghanistan. According to many news reports over
the past few months, Washington is growing frustrated with the regime
of Hamid Karzai. If one recalls, the government of Mr. Karzai is a
creation of Washington as much as those of Nguyen Van Thieu or Lon
Nol. In other words, he owes his current position of power to powerful
elites in DC, not to any people or factions in Afghanistan. Yet, he
has spoken out repeatedly against US air raids in Afghanistan that
indiscriminately kill civilians. Like the governments mentioned above,
Mr. Karzai's government is rampant with corruption. History tells us
that Washington is quite willing to look the other way when it comes
to corruption as long as the crooks under their control do its
bidding. Indeed, the very presence of US forces and money is part of
the dynamic which encourages such corruption. Apparently, Mr. Karzai
is no longer considered to be playing by those rules and attempts to
unseat him are growing. According to reports out of European capitals,
Washington intends to create a new appointed position in the Afghan
government--a chief of staff or prime minister--that will be given the
real power to carry out Washington's goals for the Afghanistan it
wants to create. By creating this position and filling it with a man
willing to do Washington's bidding, Mr. Karzai's presidency will be
rendered politically impotent. Reports about these and other changes
in Washington's Afghan strategy are currently being dismissed by Obama
administration spokespeople. As for Karzai, he responded by saying
(without irony) "Afghanistan will never be a puppet state."

I suppose Mr. Karzai should be grateful that he isn't being murdered
like Mr. Diem.

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] Could a woman read the Qur'an when she is in her period? (Answered By: Adil Salahi, Arab News, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia)

2009-04-06 Thread Mohammad Usman




The Discourse
Edited by Adil Salahi

Q. Could a woman read the Qur'an when she is in her period? When does
she resume reading the Qur'an, if not? Is it true that women should
cover themselves in front of non-Muslim women? Should a woman cover her

(A.M. Ghouri)

A. The majority of scholars are of the view that it is not permissible
for a woman to read the Qur'an when she is in menstruation. They base
their verdict on a Hadith which quotes the Prophet as saying: "I do not
permit the Qur'an for any man who is in the state of ceremonial
impurity, i.e. janabah, or any woman in menstruation." When this state
is removed after taking a bath at the end of menstruation, reading the
Qur'an is perfectly in order. 

Having said that, I should add that some scholars, notably Imam
Al-Bukhari, maintain that the Hadiths that prohibit such reading for a
woman in her period are not very authentic. Al-Bukhari is quoted as
saying: "There is nothing I know that aspires to any high degree of
authenticity on this subject." Therefore, it is very difficult to give
any firm view on this matter, but it is perhaps better to conform to the
view of the majority of scholars. This is more in keeping on the safe

Some scholars are of the view that Muslim women should cover themselves
in front of non-Muslim women in the same way as they do in front of men.
Their point of evidence is the Qur'anic verse mentioning the people in
front of whom a woman need not cover herself. The list includes "their
women", and these scholars interpret this as meaning Muslim women. Other
scholars take it to mean all women. Again with covering women's feet,
the point is subject to controversy. However, if we take the Hadith that
states that a woman must cover herself with the exception of her face
and her hands, we realize that the feet are included in what is to be
covered. However, if this causes difficulties, as for women who work in
farms, it is permissible to leave the feet uncovered.

Q. Some people download the Qur'an or parts of it into their mobile
phones, and then either listen to it on the mobile or read it as it
appears on its screen. Is this acceptable? 

(M. Mamu)

A. When you download the Qur'an, in full or in part, to your computer or
mobile phone, your device becomes loaded with a sound or a copy of what
you have downloaded. The device itself does not become the Qur'an or a
copy of it. It simply has a program which, when operated, reproduces
what has been downloaded in the specific format it has. This is totally
different from having a copy of the Qur'an which you hold or carry in
your briefcase. Anyone who sees such a copy knows what it is, but no one
looking at your mobile phone or computer can guess what programs it has,
or what things it stores, unless that person switches the device on and
looks at its contents. 

There is nothing wrong with such downloading, listening to, or reading
of the Qur'an, as long as the purpose for what it has been stored is a
sound one. Needless to say, the Qur'anic program on your mobile should
be closed if you are in a place to which you would not carry a copy of
the Qur'an. Thus, when you go to a bathroom, you switch off your
Qur'anic program on your mobile, or switch the mobile off.

Q. If a person is traveling to Jeddah on business and after he has
finished his business he would like to perform Umrah. Can he start his
ihraam in Jeddah, or does he have to go to the meeqat near Taif or
Madinah for the purpose?

(M. Intesaruddin)

A. When you travel to Jeddah for business, your intention is not to
perform Umrah, although the possibility is in the back of your mind. It
is not your primary purpose. Therefore, you carry on with your business.
If in the evening you decide to perform Umrah, you start your ihraam at
your hotel in Jeddah, or wherever you are staying, or where you have
conducted your business. Suppose you come to finalize a deal with a
business client, expecting that it may take a couple of hours or a
couple of days, but you finish it in half a day, or even less. You have
not booked yourself in a hotel or arranged to stay with a friend
overnight. You then decide to perform Umrah, you may do so, starting
your ihraam wherever you happen to be in Jeddah. This is agreed by all


With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman



The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad 
(peace be upon him) 'Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an
hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer.' 

< Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas (r) >

IMPORTANT: Questions are answered by: Sheikh Adil Salahi. He can be
reached at:

Questions on religious matters may be sent to the following address
which is being normally forwarded to the appropriate channel for reply
and clarification:

Islam in Perspective Section, Arab News, P O Box: 10452, Jeddah-21433,




Bismillah [IslamCity] hadith: characteristic of hypocrisy

2009-04-06 Thread Shahid
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: 

  The Prophet said, 

  "Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite 
and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one 
characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up. 

  1. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays. 
  2. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie. 
  3. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous. 
  4. Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting 
  Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 33: 

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Sufis in Uk celebrating the Prophet's birthday.

2009-04-06 Thread Kayleigh 'Aisha' Davies
Ws, there is a large Barelvi community where I live and they just celebrated it 
too, they have completely dodgey beliefs-bid'ah basically- yet they call 
themselves sunni...makes me wonder because apparently they celebrate milad un 
nabi saw because there's 'an authentic hadith'.

Funny since i've never seen anything in the six books of ahadith where it says 
that celebrating his saw b'day is permissable, in fact we should not be copying 
the kufar whatsoever as we are told in many authentic ahadith.

Nothing in this dunya is worth Jahannam
The Daroon place to be!

Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 11:59:37 -0500
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Sufis in Uk celebrating the Prophet's birthday.

Sufis in Uk celebrating the Prophet's (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) birthday.

Take a look at all the unislamic things they do:

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Sayeeda Warsi Britain's most powerful Muslim woman

2009-04-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Baroness Warsi named Britain's most powerful Muslim woman

LONDON (AFP) - Britain's most powerful Muslim woman is Baroness
Sayeeda Warsi, who notably helped rescue a Briton jailed in Sudan for
calling a teddy bear Mohammed two years ago, a panel of judges said

Warsi, a 38-year-old member of the House of Lords, said her Pakistani
origins and her "strong faith" contributed to her career success,
highlighted by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Other names in the top five of the Muslim Women Power List, chosen by
a panel of the commission's judges, were BBC News presenter Mishal
Hussain, Grange Park Opera chief executive Wasfi Kani and Farmida Bi,
a banking partner for law firm Norton Rose LLP.

"I personally come from a family of all girls and was brought up to
believe that anything was possible and being a Muslim woman should in
no way be seen as a barrier but as an asset to achievement," Warsi

"I'm extremely proud to be named as the most powerful British Muslim
woman and I'm sure my Pakistani origins, my strong faith and my
Yorkshire upbringing has played a huge part," she added.

Trevor Phillips, head of the commission, said, "Our list of female
Muslim high achievers challenges many stereotypes, celebrating some
truly impressive individuals."

Warsi was one of two British peers who secured the release of Gillian
Gibbons in 2007.

Gibbons, a 54-year-old teacher from Liverpool, was arrested in
November 2007 and sentenced to 15 days in prison for insulting
religion by allowing children at an English school in Sudan where she
worked to name a teddy bear Mohammed.

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] Allah showers kindness and charity

2009-04-06 Thread Mian Muhammad Shahid Sharif

Sayyiduna Abu Dardah ( radi Allahu anhu ) narrates
that the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said:
Every day and night Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala showers 
kindness and charity on His slaves.
And no kindness is better 
than the inspiration of His remembrance 
that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala grants to any of His slaves.
{ Tabarani, Majma-uz-Zawaid }

Bismillah [IslamCity] Analysis: General Shankar's threat to Bangladesh

2009-04-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Bangladesh Open Source Intelligence Monitors
"Grassroot Open Source Intelligence can include information we get
from books, magazines, the Web, music, movies and other open sources.
These information sources often overlap and intermix. Valuable
intelligence can be found in a very wide range of people, media and
other sources. Keep your eyes and mind open for good grassroots
intelligence. The human race needs all the intelligence we can get our
hands on." Steve Hammons

Analysis: General Shankar's threat to Bangladesh
by Dr. M.T. Hussain

1. General Shankar's clear threat to Bangladesh

Indian former Army Chief General. Shankar's interview published
originally in the Indian daily Asian Age on the 24th and lifted in
Bengali translation in the daily Noya Dignata on the 26th March in
Dhaka though an unofficial viewpoint from the stalwart may not be seen
by some as anything serious, but certainly gives a clear danger signal
for the sovereignty of Bangladesh. However, his frank opinion in the
matter should be appreciated.

2. Shankar's verbatim

TIME" not only gave a very clear ominous message in its clarity but
also for the timing Bangladeshis have been mourning the brutal
massacre of over five dozens of brilliant patriotic army officers of
the country on the 25-26 mayhem in full knowledge of the P.M. and her
colleagues in the cabinet at the BDR Peelkhana head quarter. Thus Gen.
Shanker has further added to the account of critical worry for
Bangladesh's sovereignty.

3. Ominous signals from Delhi and now from Shankar

Since the very inception of the mayhem ominous signals had been
pouring in Dhaka from Indian government and their media, Shankar's one
being the latest of the tirades against the smaller peaceful neighbor
Bangladesh. Was it of any dignity of Shanker that he threatened Dhaka,
on the one hand, and advised Delhi to keep Bangladesh in her full
control, on the other? One must wonder if the same BDR massacre had
been planned and engineered for Delhi by Delhi to make an excuse of
the control over Bangladesh's sovereignty tighter than as had been
ever? How should the government having overwhelming majority member in
the Parliament need Delhi's support for management of its own affairs?
Or did India make a ploy of the mayhem to destroy Bangladesh's
patriotic army and the BDR?

4. Great Game

The General has referred to the 'great game' of India Pakistan
rivalry. He was right in this assertion, but that goes back in history
not just of the post 1947 period, much less of the post 1971 period.
The rivalry was there in historical elements embedded in faith,
culture and day- to- day way of life of two main peoples of the Indian
subcontinent. Incidentally, Bangladesh shares little from the caste
ridden Indian Brahmanism. Instead Muslim egalitarianism is the main
essence of Bangladeshi people that made them somewhat closer to
Pakistani people, but not less with the Indian Muslims, as well.

5. 1975 August coup misrepresented

Gen Shankar's open mind need be appreciated first for the fact that
1971 was a winning game for his own country India. But it is curious
and mysterious to know from him that the August 1975 coup of Dhaka was
a defeat for India and victory for Pakistan. Pakistan had nothing to
do in August 1975 political change in Dhaka. That was India's defeat
in the sense that India's lackey had been ousted but in no way was
victory of Pakistan. The victory was for Bangladesh. The successful
coup of August was brought about not by anybody from outside but by
the heroic freedom fighters of 1971 and by the Bangladesh Army
followed immediately by jubilation by the common people in Bangladesh.
Because, Mujib by then in little over three years of misrule had
become a liability for Bangladesh's freedom and sovereignty. His
becoming liability had many onus of Delhi that the people confused in
1971 but finally discovered the real hegemonic designs of the
Brahmanist Indians who never ever accepted the 1947 partition of the
then British India, and so stood against the existence of Pakistan
after 1947 and then particularly, Bangladesh in post 1971 period now
nearly four decades.

6. Indemnity was inherent in the August coup

The August coup of 1975 have not failed but was a victorious one, and
so had no liability of any wrongdoing in the coup operation according
legal maxim of FACTUM VALET. That was how the coup operators enjoyed
indemnity and freedom. After 21 years, in 1996 Sheikh Hasina getting
saddled in power of the country went in frenzy to hang those heroes of
1975 August coup. She could not finish the job in deep vengeance
though engineered in the process gross miscarriage of justice by abuse
of power in her extreme vengeance during 1996-2001 that she now has
undertaken to accomplish in the second term.

7. Bangladesh's sense of identity misrepresented

Bangladesh is an overwhelmingly Muslim nation not only by population
strength but also fo

Bismillah [IslamCity] U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact

2009-04-06 Thread Shahid

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact

  Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997) Cost 
to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S. Aid to Israel

  Foreign Aid Grants and Loans: $74,157,600,000

  Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid): $9,047,227,200

  Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments: $1,650,000,000

  Grand Total: $84,854,827,200

  Total Benefits per Israeli: $14,630
  Grand Total: $84,854,827,200

  Interest Costs Borne by U.S: $49,936,680,000

  Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers: $134,791,507,200

  Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli: $23,240

Special Reports:

  a.. Congress Watch: A Conservative Total for U.S. Aid to Israel: $91 
Billion-and Counting
  b.. Congressional Research Report on Israel: US Foreign Assistance by Clyde 
Mark (213K pdf file)
  c.. U.S. Aid To Israel: The Strategic Functions
  d.. U.S. Aid to Israel: What U.S. Taxpayer Should Know
  e.. U.S. Aid to Israel: Interpreting the 'Strategic Relationship'
  f.. The Cost of Israel to U.S. Taxpayers: True Lies About U.S. Aid to Israel

U.S. Aid to Israel: What U.S. Taxpayer Should Know

by Tom Malthaner

This morning as I was walking down Shuhada Street in Hebron, I saw graffiti 
marking the newly painted storefronts and awnings. Although three months past 
schedule and 100 percent over budget, the renovation of Shuhada Street was 
finally completed this week. The project manager said the reason for the delay 
and cost overruns was the sabotage of the project by the Israeli settlers of 
the Beit Hadassah settlement complex in Hebron. They broke the street lights, 
stoned project workers, shot out the windows of bulldozers and other heavy 
equipment with pellet guns, broke paving stones before they were laid and now 
have defaced again the homes and shops of Palestinians with graffiti. The 
settlers did not want Shuhada St. opened to Palestinian traffic as was agreed 
to under Oslo 2. This renovation project is paid for by USAID funds and it 
makes me angry that my tax dollars have paid for improvements that have been 
destroyed by the settlers.

Most Americans are not aware how much of their tax revenue our government sends 
to Israel. For the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, the U.S. has given 
Israel $6.72 billion: $6.194 billion falls under Israel's foreign aid allotment 
and $526 million comes from agencies such as the Department of Commerce, the 
U.S. Information Agency and the Pentagon. The $6.72 billion figure does not 
include loan guarantees and annual compound interest totaling $3.122 billion 
the U.S. pays on money borrowed to give to Israel. It does not include the cost 
to U.S. taxpayers of IRS tax exemptions that donors can claim when they donate 
money to Israeli charities. (Donors claim approximately $1 billion in Federal 
tax deductions annually. This ultimately costs other U.S. tax payers $280 
million to $390 million.)

 When grant, loans, interest and tax deductions are added together for the 
fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, our special relationship with Israel 
cost U.S. taxpayers over $10 billion.

Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest 
costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus 
making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. 
This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average 
Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American 

I am angry when I see Israeli settlers from Hebron destroy improvements made to 
Shuhada Street with my tax money. Also, it angers me that my government is 
giving over $10 billion to a country that is more prosperous than most of the 
other countries in the world and uses much of its money for strengthening its 
military and the oppression of the Palestinian people.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Hate speech are not new in Indian politics

2009-04-06 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Abdul Hannan
As election temperature increases across India, political parties and
their candidates are trying to use new political stunts to catch
public's attention.

Earlier, in Utter Pradesh Mulaym Singh joined hands with Kalyan Singh,
in Bihar RJD and LJP came closer, in Jharkhand former Chief Minister
Shebu Suren is searching for the allies to strength his hand on power,
Ms Mayawati, Chief Minister of Utter Pradesh agrees to support Third
Front if it is ready to support her demand to become the Prime
Minister of India.

The real political situation will come out after the election but
so-called secular and none secular parties are busy in political

Varun Gandhi's hate speech against Muslims in an election campaign in
Pilibhit, Utter Pradesh, also is the part of the politics. An
interesting thing is that BJP, which is famous on its fundamentalist
ideologies and Varun Gandhi is the BJP candidate from Pilibhit,
initially distanced itself from Varun's statement.

Election Commission (EC) found that Varun violated the code of conduct
during election campaign and asked BJP to not present him as its
candidate from Pilibhit, BJP charged EC of biased action, Rajnath
Singh, BJP president, has said that Varun Gandhi is the BJP's
candidate from Pilibhit.

Reacting on Varun's remark, Mrs. Priyanka Gandhi advised Varun to read
Gita to avoid passing such comments.

After making hate speech, Varun Gandhi is on the lips of every one,
may be that he belongs from Gandhi family, and such ideas is against
of Nehru/Gandhi family ideology, but if Varun Gandhi passes such
comments, he has a reason behind it. His mother Menaka Gandhi
contested polls from Pilibhit and won in 1989, in 2004 she joined BJP,
probably Varun Gandhi cannot prevent himself from the Hindutva

Since 2004 Varun Gandhi is in BJP. Though he is graduate and an
educated person, it was necessary for Varun to speak something in the
favor of BJP, he spoke well in Pilibhit election campaign and tried to
bring out his and BJP's communal hardcore image before the people, now
he is a Hero in Hindutva ideological class. Hate speech or communal
politics is not new in post independence India. It is very old trend,
particularly during the election or nearing the time of election.

Two years ago, at the time of UP assembly elections, a CD was lunched
by BJP in which Muslims was targeted, at that time, an FIR was longed
against few BJP leaders, after that BJP alleged that it is not
involved in such activities and this is work of low rank workers.
Kalyan Singh, Bal Thackray, Advani, Uma Bharti, Sadhvi Rethambra,
Vinay Katiyar and various other BJP or the leaders of its sisters
organizations are famous for their hate speeches.

It is unfortunate that in Indian politics votes not taken on
development, on elimination of poverty, on non-violence which was the
historical slogan of Mahatma Gandhi or against exploitation. Last time
BJP used "India Shining" slogan to get public votes and NDA government
not only got defeated but central government gone out of their hands,
because India was shining in televisions, in newspapers, in films, in
cinema theaters, though in reality, the people of India were suffering
for basic necessities. The ground situations were very different than
advertisements in which India was shining. Later BJP conceded that
India Shining slogan was its mistake.

Communal politics always recharged BJP and boosted it to emerge as
national level party. If Varun Gandhi seeks to win the votes on
communal ground, it is nothing new.

EC's decision against Varun my force him to not to contest in election
but it is no guaranty that in future such incidents will not take

The real power is in the hands of the public, if they decide to reject
such communal comments and force BJP to leave such politics, surly a
new era will start in which all community in India to take the real
juice to enjoy the real freedom of democracy. Question is - those days
will come?

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] The pledge every Muslim gives (By: Adil Salahi, Jeddah-KSA)

2009-04-06 Thread Mohammad Usman





The pledge every Muslim gives
Adil Salahi


Ubadah ibn Al-Samit  reports: "God's messenger said to us: 'Pledge to me
that you will associate nothing as a partner with God, and that you
shall not steal, commit adultery, kill your children, lie about who
fathers your children, or disobey in anything reasonable. Anyone of you
who remains true to his pledge shall have his reward from God. The one
who commits any of these in private and God grants him secrecy will
remain subject to God's decision in his case: He may forgive him and He
may punish him.' We gave him our pledges in these terms."

Ubadah, the reporter of this Hadith, was one of twelve men from among
the very early Muslims from Madinah who came to meet the Prophet (peace
be upon him) in Makkah during the pilgrimage season and assure him of
their loyalty to him. They wanted to advocate Islam among their people
and to ensure that Islam would have a solid base in Madinah. The Prophet
(peace be upon him) met them at a place called Aqabah in Mina, where all
pilgrims stay for two or three days. The meeting took place at night so
that the unbelievers who continued to hold power in Makkah would not be
able to frustrate their purpose. This pledge was a first step toward the
establishment of the first Muslim state in history. A year later 73 men
and two women from Madinah met the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the
same place where a new pledge was given and agreement that all the
Muslims of Makkah would be joining their brethren in Madinah was made.

The terms of this pledge are very clear. We will discuss them in detail
next week, God willing. Some of the sinful actions the pledge outlines,
such as stealing and adultery, carry a mandatory punishment when they
are proven or a confession is made. Others have a discretionary
punishment determined by a Muslim judge in accordance with legal
provisions and the circumstances of the case. What the Prophet (peace be
upon him) states in this Hadith is that when punishment is administered
in this life, this puts an end to the case. No further punishment is
inflicted by God on the perpetrator, either in this life or in the life
to come.

Should a sinful action, or a crime, be committed and the perpetrator
escape punishment then the case is left to God to decide in His wisdom,
on the Day of Judgment. He may punish the perpetrator or pardon him.
This principle applies to all Muslims and all actions that Islam
forbids. The correlation of this principle is that we are all encouraged
to repent of any sin and offence we may commit. Repentance means a
genuine regret and a determination not to indulge in such an action
again. Such repentance earns forgiveness from God. Hence the Prophet
makes clear that any offence that remains unpunished in this life is
left to God to decide. Only God can judge whether repentance is genuine
or not. An offender may assure us that he has repented, but only God can
tell whether this is true. 

Two points need to be made clear. The first is that Islam encourages
genuine repentance. It acknowledges that any one may yield to temptation
and commit a sin. God will forgive any sinner who regrets his action and
resolve not to repeat it. Islam prefers this to confessing the crime and
seeking to be punished for it. Repentance is a much better way of
encouraging good behavior. The second point is that God forgives all
sins except those that represent aggression against other people. If
someone steals or spreads false rumors about another, and then genuinely
repents, God forgives him the part that is owed to Him, which is the
violation of God's law. What is owed to the other person is not forgiven
until God brings the two people concerned and asks the victim whether he
is willing to forgive the offender. If such forgiveness is granted, God
will reward that person for his kindness. If it is not, then God will
punish the offender or He, in His grace, will take over the matter and
ensure that the victim is amply compensated.




Authored By: Adil Salahi <


With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman



The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad 
(peace be upon him) 'Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an
hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer.' 

< Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas (r) >




Bismillah [IslamCity] part 3: Al-Ghuloo (Extremism) and Shiddah (Harshness)

2009-04-06 Thread Albaseerah.Org
*Al-Ghuloo (Extremism) and Shiddah (Harshness)*
*Shaykh Abdullaah al-Ghudyaan*حفظه الله
Delivered on: Saturday July 1st, 2006

*Evidence from the Sunnah for Being Gentle and Lenient with Women

*Likewise, from the evidences from the Sunnah that point to the importance
of gentleness is that which Anas رضي الله تعالى عنه narrated when he said *"the
Prophet* صلى الله عليه وسلم *was traveling on a journey, one of the people
that was with him, one of his Companions in that journey - began to sing
some poetry (to let the camels go fast). So the Prophet* صلى الله عليه وسلم
*said to him: ‘Yaa Anjashah! Have lenience with the qawaariyyah, (the glass
vessels) (referring to the women)." *[4]

This hadeeth indicates to us the legislation of using *ar-rifq* (gentleness)
with a particular group of people, and that group of people are the *women*.
And that is because Allaah سبحانه وتعالى has given the men certain
characteristics and has given the women other characteristics. From these
characteristics is that a man has a lack of emotion and that women are *more
emotional*. And that men have a stronger ability to be rational and the
women have a *weaker ability to be rational*. Therefore the *men should not
deal with the female as he would deal with a male*. Rather he should deal
with her and he should interact with her according to her nature. Whether it
is his wife, his daughter, his mother, his sister, his aunt, or any of his
other female relatives, he has to deal with them with a degree of lenience
and with a degree of gentleness that he would not use with the men.

*The Benefits of Being Gentle and Lenient*

Likewise from the evidences that point towards the legislation of using
gentleness which has been established or affirmed on the Prophet صلى الله
عليه وسلم on the authority of Abu ad-Dardaa’ رضي الله عنه who said that* The
Prophet* صلى الله عليه وسلم* said that: “whoever has been given his share of
gentleness or his portion of gentleness, then he has been given his share of
good and whoever has been prevented his share of gentleness then indeed he
has been prevented from his share of good." *[5] And on the authority of
Jareer ibn 'Abdillaah al-Bajalee رضي الله عنه who said, *The Prophet* صلى
الله عليه وسلم *said: “Whoever has been prevented from rifq (gentleness) has
been prevented from all that is good" *[6]

These two hadeeth point to two things: the first of them is that *good
results are in direct relation to gentleness*. They are the result of
gentleness. They are built upon gentleness, meaning that the one who is
gentle and the one who has this characteristic will have good results.
Likewise, evil effects or evil results are the results of the one who does
not have these characteristics. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم mentioned in
this hadeeth that gentleness results in good and that using the opposite of
gentleness; whether you want to call it harshness, or being hard, or
whatever - it brings about evil results. And from these two hadeeth we gain
a general principle and that is *that good results come from using
ar-rifqor using gentleness and that evil results come from using

*Evidence from the Sunnah for Gentleness and Leniency Between Family Members

Likewise, from the evidences is that which has been established on the
authority of 'Aa’ishah رضي الله تعالى عنها who said that: *“The Prophet* صلى
الله عليه وسلم *said, 'O 'Aa’ishah, be lenient. Indeed if Allaah wants for
the people of a home to have goodness then he directs them to the باب (baab)
or to the door of gentleness." *[7] In this hadeeth the Prophet صلى الله
عليه وسلم is drawing our attention to using gentleness and leniency between
the members of a household. And this gentleness and leniency must be used
even according to the differences that you may find between the members of
one household. For example their gender differences – they may be males and
females; or the differences related to their ages. So, you may have a father
and a son, and there is a difference in age that may relate to the strength
of their relationship between each other or the weakness of that
relationship – meaning that some of the relatives might be closer than
others in the same home. No matter what the situation may be and no matter
what their differences may be; *they have to be lenient with each other*.
And this will make the house be from the good houses. However if the primary
interaction between the members of a particular household is that they hit
one another, they curse one another, they speak evil to one another and the
like, then this is the type of house that all blessings will be removed

Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah of New york

Bismillah [IslamCity] Mentality of some Muslim Brothers

2009-04-06 Thread Shahid
Mentality of some Muslim Brothers
"Let me expound on the mentality of some of our brothers as well.
I know of a brother who has NO JOB, just got married with the intention of 
using his wife's wealth, and when asked why he has no job, he says he wants to 
be a business man.
What in the bleep is wrong with this picture???
Some of the youth are out of their minds.
What kind of a Muslim man has no job? What kind of Salafee man leaches off of 
his wife? What kind of a Muslim man can actually look in another brother's eyes 
with that kalaam and feel confident and proud?
This is not an isolated incident here but this is the thinking of a lot of 
brothers. It's amazing! I am simply dumbfounded by it.
Brothers have no job because they do not want to flip burgers or work in a 
supermarket because of the haraam!
Guess what, if you cannot find any other job and you have exhausted all of your 
resources looking then you have no choice. Your FAMILY has to EAT. You still 
must fulfill your obligation to your wife and kids.
Let's cut that welfare student of knowledge stuff out.
The scholars work.
I do not know of one scholar or student here in KSA or anywhere else without a 
Now here's the even funnier part.
These same brothers wonder why their wives don't obey them. They want to break 
out the ahadeeth then. They want to come with the supportive wife kalaam. They 
are mistreating the women and talking about rights?! Those brothers have the 
right to be divorced by their wives.
The time has come for the Muslims to grow up and wake up.
These brothers need to be called out by the community for their behavior.
I am not talking about those who are genuinely making an effort and struggling. 
We all come on hard times once and a while. If you are struggling then I ask 
Allaah to make it easy for you because indeed after the hardship comes ease 
(for those who are actually making an effort to better themselves). I am 
referring to the actual losers and thugs and we know who they are."


This article was originally about salafee brothers but since this problem 
exists among the Muslims of other schools of thought also so the term salafee 
has been switched with the term Muslim.