Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel needs a bigger "terrorist attack" for its war on Iran

2009-04-29 Thread Shahid
Israel needs a bigger "terrorist attack" for its war on Iran 
The mass anti-Muslim propaganda created after September 11, 2001 attack - had 
served its intended purpose - to scare the hell out of ordinary American 'Joe', 
whose only world knowledge is what is aired or printed by Zionist propagandists 
sleeping in bed with Israeli Lobby groups. However, after going through so many 
false "Red Alerts"; Al-Qaeda's threatening tapes; loosing freedom at home; 
increasing unemployment while Zionists at the Wall Street looting hundreds of 
billion of dollars at taxpayers' cost, and seeing no new 'Muslim terrorist 
attack" for the last seven year - the majority of Americans have stopped to 
trust their government's "official" hoax stories.

On March 11, 2008 - Admiral William Fallon, head of US Central Command resigned 
because Bush administration did not give importance to his opposition to US 
planned attack on Islamic Iran under Israel Lobby pressure.

On May 8, 2008 - Congressman John Conyers Jr. threatened Bush with impeachment 
if he attacked Islamic Iran without Congressional authority.

That's the reason that while Israeli leaders are bending backward to terrorize 
the Americans of Iranian threat - many senior American officials are not buying 
Israeli propaganda lies. So much so that even the committed Zionist, 
vice-president Joe Biden, who once said: "You don't have to be a Jew to be a 
Zionist" - in his CNN interview warned prime minister Netanyahu's new Israeli 
government: "It would be ill-advised to launch a military strike against Iran."

However, now that the trigger to Israel's 240-400 nuclear bombs is in the hands 
of a Zionist mass-killer, Benjamin Netanyahu, who gloated on the 9/11 carnage - 
could scare the hell out of Obama's Israel Lobby-controlled administration with 
the help of its White House Chief of Staff, a former Israeli soldier and son of 
a Jew-terrorist to fake another much bigger terrorist attack than the 9/11 - to 
swing American public opinion in favor of war on Islamic Iran. Former US Middle 
East negotiator, Aaron David Miller did predict that Netanyahu's first priority 
would be a strategic conversation with Barack Obama to scare the day lights out 
of the US president, the ultimate objective of which would be mobilizing not 
only the US but also the entire international community into addressing the 
Iranian situation in a manner deemed acceptable to the Zionist regime's agenda 
in the Middle East.

An Israeli government adviser told Jeffery Goldberg of The Atlantic: "The 
problem is not the military capability, the problem is whether you have the 
stomach, the political will to take action (against Islamic Iran)." And as far 
as the "Israeli will" is concerned - the world saw it during 30,000-strong 
Jewish army's 34-day war against Hizb'Allah's less than 2000 Muslim fighters.

However, Israel is quite famous for the assassinations of world leaders its 
government doesn't approve. Last week, Libya's Col. Ghadafi raised concern 
about the life of Barack Obama, saying that if he went against the interests of 
'certain powerful group' - he could end up like former US president Abraham 
Lincoln and president John F. Kennedy.

Richard Walker writing for the American Free Press (July 16, 2008), under the 
title Israeli War Games Called Precursor to Attack on Iran, said:

"Many pro-Israel figures in the United States have been lobbying for years for 
the U.S. to launch a sustained attack on Iran. In Israeli newspapers and in 
selected journals in the U.S. they continue to argue that Iran does not have 
the capability to retaliate in any significant way against the U.S. The 
argument was made recently by Patrick Clawson of the Near East Policy Institute 
in Washington. He claimed Iran was much too weak to respond to a massive U.S. 
assault. He was trying to convince policymakers that a strike against Iran 
would be easy. Behind his rhetoric is a shrewd recognition that Israel is not 
capable of delivering a knockout blow to Iran.

Many Israeli experts who want the U.S. to go to war with Iran argue that Iran 
does not have the military capabilities to fend off sustained attacks from sea 
and air. That ignores the fact that Iran possesses the means to attack U.S. 
forces throughout the region, using its special units and surrogates such as 
Hezbollah, Hamas and Shiite sympathizers in Arab states. In Iraq, it could 
generate untold chaos with the backing of the Mahdi Army of Muqtada al Sadr who 
has already pledged that his militia would support Iran. Many Shiite elements 
within the Iraqi army might turn on U.S. troops that they now work closely 
with. Iran might even do a deal with the Taliban and al Qaeda, by supplying 
them with chemical or biological weapons to attack U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

Iran also has the capability to strike Israeli cities with long-range missiles, 
carrying conventional or biological/ chemical warheads and to attack U.S. 
shipping in the gulf. Whil

Bismillah [IslamCity] Smoking in Isl�m

2009-04-29 Thread adil naveed

Smoking in Islâm
by Ali Hasan Ali Abdul Hameed
Translated by Saleem Vawda


The unanimity of intellectuals on the pursuing of good and discarding of harm 
is a known fact. From the beginning of time, life revolved upon this accepted 
principle from all intellectuals and thinkers.
However, the intellects of people differ regarding that which is beneficial and 
harmful. This is because of differences of the human mental faculties in 
strength, weakness, soundness and deficiency. There are so many beneficial 
things which people understand to be harmful and leave aside, because of their 
suspicion of its harm. On the contrary, there are so many harmful things which 
people advance towards believing them to be beneficial, therefore practising 
upon them. This is due to the ambiguity of so many things whose reality is not 
apparent and therefore not understood. Is it something beneficial which has to 
be pursued or something harmful which has to be abstained from and discarded? 
The following hadith of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam substantiates this 
fact: "Halaal and haraam are evident and between them (halaal and haraam) are 
doubtful things which many people are unaware of.."
Verily that which is halaal is beneficial and that which is haraam is harmful. 
From amongst halaal and haraam are those things whose benefit and harm are self 
evident, for example, the benefit of honey and the harm of poison or the 
benefit of doing good and the harm of evil actions. But between these are many 
things whose benefit or harm are not known to everyone except to people of 
experience, correct understanding and intellect. From amongst these is the 
subject of smoking whose reality is vague and hidden from many people.
Therefore I decided to quote the opinions of intellectuals concerning this 
issue from different angles so that it becomes apparent, its reality comes to 
light and its vagueness is removed.

The History of Smoking
Smoking as it is known today came to light in approximately 1492 (AD). This was 
when some Spanish sailors found the tobacco plant at the time of the discovery 
of the American continent.
Smoking spread menacingly in Europe towards the end of the sixteenth century. 
This condition prevailed until the British King, James 1 launched an attack by 
passing a law against smoking in the year 1604. In Russia, a severe resolution 
was passed in the year 1634. It stated that the noses of those who purchase, 
sell or smoke tobacco will be severed, they will be lashed and if they happened 
to return to smoking, they will be banished to Siberia or executed.
During the seventeenth century, Denmark, Sweden, Sicily, Austria and Hungary 
passed regulations prohibiting smoking. Smoking first came to light in the 
Islamic states towards the end of the hundred and tenth year of hijrah and the 
first people to import it to these places were the Christians.

What Do Cigarettes Comprise of ?
Cigarettes comprise of many poisonous ingredients of which nicotine is not the 
only poisonous ingredient as many people misconceive, but includes other 
ingredients whose harms are more dangerous than nicotine. From amongst its 
poisonous ingredients are:

Carbon monoxide whose poisonous effect is known.
Poisonous lead which accumulates and the body fails to break it up.
Nicotine: This is a very poisonous substance so much so that a mere 50 mg of it 
can kill a person if it is injected into the arteries.
Radio-active polonium which settles in the lungs of the smoker and doesn't 
separate from it.
Tar: This is a sticky yellowish substance which makes the teeth yellow, causes 
tooth decay and inflammation of the gums. This is one of the most harmful 
Arsenic which is used as an insecticide, 10% of which settles on the lung.
Spirits and flavouring which are added by manufacturers to keep the tobacco 
Benzene vapour which plays a great role in lung cancer.

The Harms of Smoking
Mohammed Abdul Ghaffaar Al Afghani in his book "Ninety nine harms of smoking" 
has said that smoking results in many sicknesses which doctors have explained 
and they all amount to ninety nine.
Doctor SalahuDeen Abdur - Rabbe Nabi, a neuro surgeon in Cairo says: "When a 
person becomes enslaved to the habit of smoking, it has a very harmful effect 
on the smoker's health, especially to his heart. As a result, his heart beat 
and blood circulation becomes unstable and he experiences drowsiness from time 
to time due to the shrinking of his brain arteries. Sometimes during old age he 
suffers from high blood pressure and angina. Similarly his digestive and 
respiratory systems are harmed and the smoker loses his appetite. He is also 
afflicted by a cough which is known as the smoker's cough. When his nervous 
system is affected the smoker feels a prickly sensation, a numbness in his 
limbs and also a pain in the nerves."
In the annual conference of the American Doctors Council which took place in 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Prostitution in Bangladesh: A Colonial Legacy Leading to a Moral Disaster

2009-04-29 Thread Shahid
Prostitution in Bangladesh: A Colonial Legacy Leading to a Moral Disaster 

Exploitation, subjugation and physical annihilation against weaker nations are 
not the only crimes of the European colonialists. In Islamic countries, they 
went further to rock their moral fabrics that were built through centuries. 
Institutionalised practice of such immorality in the form of prostitution is 
such an immoral colonial legacy in Bangladesh. They nurtured and sponsored such 
a vice as a profession. These colonialists descended on that Muslim land from a 
different social, cultural and moral milieu. Secularisation left them bereft of 
moral values that could prevent them from institutionalisation of such a sin. 
Their hedonist lust took them to promiscuity, homosexuality, prostitution and 
other perversions that were unknown at least in the public arena. These were 
indeed severely punishable offence in any Muslim land. Unfettered sex was not a 
crime in their value system, but in Bangladesh they did not have institutional 
premise to put that in practice. Hence, they launched prostitution not only as 
a trade, but also an institution.

They established western cultural islands in almost all cities, especially in 
capitals, ports, and district and sub-district townships. They raised them as 
safe havens for free sex, gambling and other immoralities; and started 
franchising such sins in every corner of the country. The government patronage 
helped such vice spills over even to interiors. The trade also developed 
consumers amidst natives; the feudal, the zaminder, the business elite and 
those who were adequately taken away from religion also joined the rank. Later 
on, the colonialists deployed this sin as a tool to increase their income, 
their introduced toll on it. To make the Muslims morally corrupt and powerless, 
the colonialist had a more nefarious design. They targeted the institutions, 
which were indispensable for Islam's survival. These are the social venues that 
nurture the desired norms, values and behaviour necessary for developing a 
value-based Muslim society. Mosque, Islamic schools (madrasa) and family are 
such institutions, Islam sustains as a way of life to cater services for the 
mankind by means of these organs. If these institutions turn non-functional, 
Islam as a way of life can not exist either. Dismantling Islamic institutions 
was therefore the ulterior motive of the anti- Islamic forces in all times. 

Prostitution has been institutionalised by the secular forces to work with such 
purpose. It was introduced to destroy moral and family values- the core essence 
of an Islamic community. Besides, they introduced secular education to foster 
values that are compatible with the western vice and detrimental to Islamic 
faith. Education itself is a tool of guidance, the colonialists used it to 
guide people towards its own way, and much away from Islam. Cultural conversion 
was the profound outcome; and the new converts became the arch protectors of 
the corrupt colonial legacy. This is why, after the departure of colonialists, 
prostitution could continue in a Muslim country like Bangladesh with out any 
support from its original initiators. The native converts not only faithfully 
did the job; but also made those vice more robust and pervasive. The disease 
was endemic in the past, but now has scaled up to an epidemic proportion. Such 
punishable moral crime now draws full recognition from the secular law, the 
judiciary, the media and the government. The perpetrators are now labelled as 
sex worker. 

In Bangladesh, de-Islamisation is a major secularist agenda. Secular education, 
media, cinema, theatre, Internet - all are working as parts of a single package 
to do the job. They are being used not only to disrupt the societal norm, and 
but also to undermine the moral thresholds. The Islamic values, norms and 
practices that were developed through centuries are now facing constant 
cultural aggression. Promoting prostitution is now a major project of the 
global anti-Islamic coalition. They find it a better weapon to fight Islamic 
revival. They know that sowing vices in public life is the sure way of reaping 
corrupt faith. Culmination of such public sin in an individual renders him or 
her morally irreparable. Allah (SWT) has repeatedly revealed in the Holy 
Qur'an, He does not guide a sinner (faasiq). Hence, by joining prostitution or 
extra-marital sex, life takes an irreparable turn towards anti-Islam. The most 
trusted accomplices of the devils are thus produced through such institutions 
of sins. This is why promotion of prostitution or free sex becomes the key 
strategy of the anti-Islamic forces in Muslim countries. 

To supplement this evil design, the Bangladesh government has put hurdles 
against lawful sex and liberalises the avenues of illicit sex. To reduce the 
population growth, the law fixes the minimum age of marriage at 18. It brought 
debacle to the growth of moral h

Bismillah [IslamCity] An NSA wiretap reveals congressional corruption involving Israel.

2009-04-29 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Harman was recorded saying she would “waddle into” the AIPAC case “if you
think it’ll make a difference,”
according to two former senior national security officials familiar with the
NSA transcript.

In exchange for Harman’s help, the sources said, the suspected Israeli agent
pledged to help lobby Nancy
Pelosi , D-Calif., then-House minority leader, to appoint Harman chair of
the Intelligence Committee after the
2006 elections, which the Democrats were heavily favored to win.

Seemingly wary of what she had just agreed to, according to an official who
read the NSA transcript, Harman
hung up after saying, “This conversation doesn’t exist.”

Unfortunately for you, Representative Harman, it does.  On NSA tape.


Gregory Waleed Kavalec
And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among
 -- Quran 30:21

Bismillah [IslamCity] Thought for the day

2009-04-29 Thread PoEtEsS
As Salaamu Alaikum


The one who possesses cheerfulness becomes like a magnet of goodwill.  


"Prayer, wisdom, knowledge and faith are the best gifts that I have……"Zohra 
Moosa (Deaf Poet)


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Bismillah [IslamCity] LONDON DAWAH

2009-04-29 Thread Abu Jumanah
In Whitechapel, London.

In Croydon, London.

In Brixton, London.

In Birmingham,

By Sh. Abdul-Aziz Al-Sadhan (From Riyadh and a student of Sh. Ibn Baz) & Sh. 
Faisal Al-Jasim (Kuwait)

Date: Friday 24 April 2009
Time: After Maghrib (8.23 pm)
Venue: Green Lane Masjid
All brothers & sisters welcome

This lecture will be broadcast LIVE on paltalk, Section: Islam, 
Room: Green Lane Masjid
The lecture will also be video streamed LIVE on the Green Lane Masjid channel 
on ustream.
The Life of Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz (Rahimahullah)
Connecting ourselves with the Ulama (scholars):

In Leicester;


Bismillah [IslamCity] LONDON DAWAH

2009-04-29 Thread Abu Jumanah
This Tuesday 8pm, Shaykh Faisal Jaasim (author of The Ashaa'ira Fe Meezaan 
Ahlus-Sunnah commended by Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzan)  will be lecturing at Masjid 
al-Huda, 91 Mile End Road, London E1 
All Welcome;
Also in Croydon;
Also at Brixton; Masjid Ibn Taymiyyah, Shaykh Abdul Aziz as-Sadhaan (a student 
of Imaam Ibn Baz)


Bismillah [IslamCity] hadith: Angels come to see what the sick says

2009-04-29 Thread Shahid
Yahya related to me from Malik from Zayd ibn Aslam from Ata ibn Yasar that 

  the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w), said, 

  "When the slave is ill, Allah ta'ala sends two angels to him." He said, "They 
look at what he says to his visitors. If he praises Allah and lauds Him, when 
they come to him, they take that up to Allah, the Mighty, the Majestic, and He 
knows best, and He says, 'If I make my slave die, I will make him enter the 
Garden. If I heal him, I will replace his flesh with better flesh and his blood 
with better blood and I will efface his evil actions.'" 
  Partial Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 50, Number 50.3.5 

Bismillah [IslamCity] VIVA PALESTINA

2009-04-29 Thread Abu Jumanah
Here is a letter from George Galloway dated 14 April 09 to the Charity 
Commission Investigation Unit after they started harassing his mission VIVA 
PALESTINA aid convoy for the people of GAZA and confiscated £100,000 of the aid 
money. Please publicise the issues raised by Mr Galloway in his letter about 
harassing of Muslim Charities in Britain helping the Palestinians as compared 
to the treatment met to the Jewish organisations helping the aggressor Israeli 

George Galloway Writes To The Charity Commission

Open Letter

by George Galloway

LONDON, ENGLAND -- (OfficialWire) -- 04/14/09 -- George Galloway

Louise Edwards

Compliance Investigation Unit (London)

Charity Commission Direct

PO Box 1227

Liverpool L69 3UG

To the Charity Commission,

I have been travelling for many weeks in North Africa and the Middle East, 
Europe, and North America. I have returned to a London address I seldom visit 
to find a blizzard of correspondence from you. Your correspondence, when read 
together, as I have just done, seems to represent a wildly disproportionate and 
inappropriate reaction to our recent delivery of aid to the suffering 
Palestinians in Gaza, and must raise the question: Why?

The peremptory letters from you, and by you I mean the Charity Commission, are 
full of bluster and threat, issuing absurd deadlines to people it does not seem 
to occur to you are not even receiving your letters, either because they are 
working abroad (Ms Razuki and Mr Al-Mukhtar), travelling abroad on high profile 
political business (myself), or you are writing to them at the wrong address.

In my own case, Easter Saturday opened with your, latest, threat to go before a 
High Court judge in a bid to force me to appear before you. That will not be 
necessary. I look forward to telling you to your faces what I think of you. 
Which is this.

I have become increasingly concerned about the abuse of your powers displayed 
in your brazenly obvious political double standards. About your attempts, under 
the guise of regulating British charities, to police the democratic efforts of 
political activists in Britain in a way never envisaged by parliament.

About your preparedness to waste large sums of public money in political 
stunts, either at the behest of others or in the hope that you are properly 
anticipating their wishes. And above all, in the context of this issue, your 
almost laughably obvious prejudice against the Palestinian cause and against 
Britain's two million-strong Muslim community.

Just one example will suffice for now, although I have more, much more.

During Israel's 22-day attack on virtually defenceless Palestinian civilians in 
Gaza - condemned by virtually everyone in the world from the United Nations to 
the Pope and including the British government - an organisation The Zionist 
Federation took out a full page advert in the Jewish Chronicle on 9th January 
asking readers to send "care packages" to "our [ie Israeli] soldiers fighting 
on the front line" in Gaza and to send charity vouchers to a British registered 
charity Operation Wheelchairs Committee (charity number

263089) for the same purpose.

Although this was immediately drawn to your attention you appear to have done 
absolutely nothing at all about such an abuse of charitable status. The Zionist 
Federation is presumably not a registered charity any more than Viva Palestina 
was. The Zionist Federation appeal was for money for "care packages" with 
donations possible online to and to the charity Operation 
Wheelchairs Committee. By the logic of your actions towards Viva Palestina, 
surely you should have immediately declared the Zionist Federation to be a 
charity with all that that entails. But you did not do so. Why? In any case, 
the Operation Wheelchairs Committee is a charity, soliciting for funds in this 
advert to support a foreign army involved in a widely condemned military 
action, in which thousands of civilians were killed, maimed and orphaned. Yet 
the Charity Commission did nothing. No freezing of bank accounts, no press 
releases, no carefully briefed "concerns", no
 threats of High Court judges.

It will only take the reader (I am publishing this letter as widely as I can) a 
moment's thought to imagine what the Charity Commission's attitude would have 
been if a British - Muslim - Charity had taken a full page advertisement in a 
different British newspaper raising money for "care packages" for "our [ie 
Palestinian] soldiers fighting on the front line" in Gaza.

Not only would you have gone into overdrive and immediately begun freezing 
their assets, the hue and cry in the press you would have fed, would have seen 
the charity's trustees under arrest.

This is an incontestable example of your persistent bias. Because in contrast 
to your inaction on a British charity raising money for the Israeli army and in 
the absence of such a hypothetical Muslim charity, you have lau

Bismillah [IslamCity] Growing Old in Islam is a Blessing

2009-04-29 Thread Mohammed A
Allah Says in a Hadith Qudsi:

When My servant reaches the age of 40, I relieve him of 3 calamities:
madness, elephantiasis and leprosy. When he reaches the age of 50, I
subject him to an easy reckoning. When he reaches the age of 60, I
endear to him his return (to Me). When he is 70, I make him dear to the
Angels. When he is 80, I write his good deeds and cast away his evil
deeds. When he is 90, the Angels say: he is Allah's prisoner on earth;
his earlier and later sins are forgiven and his intercession is
accepted. When he reaches the age of senility, Allah records for him
(his good deeds) equal (in value) to what he did when he was in sound
health. If he does anything bad, it is not written. (Tirmidhi)



Bismillah [IslamCity] A Tree Similar to Muslims (By: Adil Salahi, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia)

2009-04-29 Thread Mohammad Usman






A Tree Similar to Muslims
Adil Salahi | Arab News


Abdullah ibn Umar quotes the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying when
he was with a group of his companions: "There is an evergreen tree which
is comparable to a Muslim. Can you tell me which tree is that? Those
present began to mention different types of tree that grow in different
places. I knew that it was the date tree, but I felt too shy to say
that. The Prophet's companions then asked him to tell them which tree
was that, and he said that it was the date tree." (Related by

Other reports of this conversation mention that the Prophet (peace be
upon him) was with ten of his companions including Abu Bakr (r), Umar
(r), Abu Hurayrah (r) and Anas ibn Malik (r) in addition to Abdullah ibn
Umar (r) who reports it. It is also mentioned that a plate containing a
portion of the inside of the top part of a date tree and its bast was
brought to the Prophet and he tasted it. He then recited the Qur'anic
verses that say: "God compares a good word to a good tree. Its roots are
firm and its branches reach to the sky. It yields its fruits at all
times by its Lord's leave." (14: 24-25) According to these reports, the
Prophet gave further description of the tree mentioning that it always
provides good shade and other benefits, and that its fruits are found in
houses throughout the year. 

Although date trees were everywhere in Madinah, the Prophet's companions
did not see the comparison given by the Prophet. Hence they mentioned
different types of trees. The Prophet did not accept any. He ultimately
told them that it was the date tree. The comparison is hinted at in this
version of the Hadith by mentioning that it is an evergreen tree. In
other versions its usefulness is further elaborated. Hence the
comparison is closer. A Muslim must always be of benefit to his family,
friends, community and to the humanity in general. He is indeed of
benefit given the fact that he conducts his life in accordance with
Islamic teachings, which urge every Muslim to be kind to all people, to
steer away from sin and evil and to lead a virtuous life. 

Apparently Abdullah ibn Umar (r) told his father after they left the
Prophet that he had guessed rightly. He also told him that he felt too
shy to speak out when he saw his father and other leading companions of
the Prophet, including Abu Bakr (r), giving wrong answers. Umar said:
"Had you spoken out, I would have been exceedingly delighted." This is
undoubtedly a father's feeling. Umar would have felt very proud of his
son, had he mentioned the right answers in front of such a highly
respected group. 

We note how the Prophet (peace be upon him)  uses the occasion to teach
his companions, and every Muslim in subsequent generations. The fact
that he was eating of the date tree presented the sort of analogy he
used. He sets the question to arouse his audience's interest. It is not,
however, an idle puzzle given to pass time or to test the intelligence
of the audience. 

It has a further aim, which is to highlight a feature that every Muslim
must be keen to have, namely, being ready to give benefit to one's
community at all times and in all possible ways. The date tree provides
a refreshing sight by being evergreen, and it gives shade and fruits
that can be kept fresh throughout the year. When a Muslim knows his
faith well and implements it, he brings benefit to his community in
different ways; most importantly, by his conduct that shuns every evil
and steers him away from all sin.


Authored By: Mr Adil Salahi <

With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman



The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad 
(peace be upon him) 'Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an
hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer.' 

< Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas (r) >




Bismillah [IslamCity] hadith: Soothsayers (fortune tellers) and their source of knowlegde

2009-04-29 Thread Shahid
Narrated 'Aisha:  
  The Prophet said, "While the angels talk amidst the clouds about things that 
are going to happen on earth, the devils hear a word of what they say and pour 
it in the ears of a soothsayer as one pours something in a bottle, and they add 
one hundred lies to that (one word)." 
  Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 508