RE: [IslamCity] Egypt: Sunni but Shia inclined [false statement]

2006-06-19 Thread Abu muslim al amreeki

By Shaykh al Islam Ibn Tamiyyah rahimallah
Ahl Al-Bait, 'Ummahat Al-Mu'minin and As-Sahabah
(The Prophet's Family, The Prophet's Wives and the Companions of the Prophet)
As-Sahabah (The Prophets Companions)
Among the fundamentals of the people of the Sunnah and the community is purity of heart and tongue toward the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) just as Allah has described them:
"Those who came after them (the Sahabah) say: 'Our Lord forgive us. Forgive our brethren who preceded us in faith. Purify our hearts of any rancor toward the believers. Our Lord, You are Gentle, Compassionate." (al-Hashr 59/l0)
Obey the saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him): 
"Do not revile my companions. By (Allah) in Whose Hand my soul is!, if any one of you spends gold (piled up) like (mount) 'Uhud it will not equal a pint of any one of them, nor its half." (al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu-Dawud, at-Tirmidhi Ibn Majah, Ibn Hanbal)
(The people of the Sunnah) accept what the Qur'an, the Sunnah, and the consensus brought them of the Sahabah's virtues and high ranks; So they prefer those who spent (their wealth) and fought before the victory -which is the treaty of al-Hudaybiyah*35 - over those who spent and fought after it. They prefer the Muhajirun (Immigrants) over the Ansar (Helpers). They believe that Allah said to the people of Badr - they were over three hundred-: "Do whatever you wish, I have already forgiven you." (Abu Dawud)
And "they believe that no one who pledged allegiance to the Prophet (peace be upon him) under the tree36 will enter Hell" (Muslim), as the Prophet (peace be upon him) had declared; but that Allah was pleased with them and they with Him - and they were more than one thousand and four hundred.
They assign to Paradise whoever the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) assigned there such as the ten**, and Thabit Ibn Qays Ibn Shammas, and others of amongst the Sahabah.
They accept what has been reported continuously from the Prince of the Believers, 'Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him), and from others, that the best men of this 'Ummah after its Prophet are: Abu Bakr; then 'Umar; third, 'Uthman, and fourth, 'Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with them all). All Traditions have indicated, and all Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them all) have agreed upon giving priority to 'Uthman out of regard for his allegiance (al-Bai'ah), although some of the people of the Sunnah are disputing over whether 'Uthman or 'Ali (may Allah be pleased with both of them) has the priority, after they (the people of the Sunnah) had agreed upon giving priority to Abu Bakr and 'Umar. Some people gave the priority to 
'Uthman and kept silent and considered 'Ali to be the fourth. However, some people preferred 'Ali. And some remained neutral. But the people of the Sunnah settled on preferring 'Uthman, even though this matter - the matter of 'Uthman and 'Ali - is not of the fundamentals. The majority of the people of the Sunnah do not consider disagreeing in this matter as being misled. Rather, it is in the matter of the "Question of the Caliphate" where they consider the disagreeing person to be misled.
Ahl as-Sunnah believe that the Caliph after the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is Abu Bakr; then 'Umar; then 'Uthman, then 'Ali, and that whoever contests the Caliphate of any one of these Imams is indeed more lost than an ass
Ahl as-Sunnah should not deal with what happened between the Sahabah of the disagreement, and they must say: Part of the Traditions which are narrated about their faults are untrue, and some of them added to or omitted from, or distorted; The part of them which is true, they are excused from, because either they expressed their personal opinion and were right, or they expressed their personal opinion and were wrong.
Ahl as-Sunnah do not think that each of the Sahabah is infallible of committing grave sins or light sins, but that they are liable to commit general offenses. Nevertheless, to them belongs priority in accepting Islam
and in doing good deeds which qualify them for forgiveness of what they may have committed, to the extent that their offenses are forgiven. The same offenses will not be forgiven of those who come after them because they (as-Sahabah) have a credit of good deeds which erase the bad deeds, a credit the generations after them do not have. It has been confirmed by the saying of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him):
"That they are the best of all generations," (al-Bukhari and Muslim) and: "That the pint of charity any one of them might have given is better than a pile of gold the size of Mount 'Uhud if it is given by anyone who comes after them." (al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Moreover, if anyone of them (as-Sahabah) committed any act of offense, without doubt he repented from it, or he did good deeds which wiped that offense from him, or he has been forgiven for the virtue of accepting Islam from its start or by intercession of Muha

RE: [IslamCity] Afro-Americans, oil is more valuable than you!

2005-09-18 Thread Abu muslim al amreeki

Assalam Alaykum wa Rahmtullahi wa Barakatuhu.
The greater the hardship, or trial or tribulation the greater the reward. The greater the difficulty the greater the reward. The greater the trial or tribulation or difficulty that you are put through the greater the reward will be for you and for me from Allah (Tabarak wa ta'ala). If Allah loves a people, He puts them to trial, He tests them and places them in difficulty. Allah the Exalted states in Surah Baqarah : "We will test you with something of fear, and hunger and loss of wealth, and souls and vegetation. And give glad tidings to those who have patience. Those who if in any difficulty or trial, or tribulation occurs to them or happens to them, they say: 'Verily We are from Allah and to Allah we return.' They are those who will receive prayers from their Lord and Mercy and it 
is those who are guided."The great reward is in accordance to how great o­nes trial, difficulty or test is. The greater the test and trial, the greater the reward. And everyone must have tests and everyone will have problems & trials and everyone will be put to difficulty, everyone will have moments of grief, moments of sadness moments when things are not as they feel or would like them to be. But the difference is the believer is patient, the believer believes in the decree of Allaah, the believer seeks the reward of Allaah (subhana wa ta'ala) at that time. The believer praises Allah. The believer will be rewarded in his time of difficulty. The believer has burns and the Kaafir has burns. The believer needs an operation and a Kaafir needs an operation. The believer loses a mother and a Kaafir loses a mother. The believer loses his wife and the 
Kaafir will lose his wife. Everyone experiences difficulty. Everyone experiences trials and tribulations but the believer because of what Allaah (subhana wa ta'ala) has given him of Imaan and for what he has of patience and being pleased with the decree of Allaah, and seeking a reward from Allaah and seeing the wisdom of Allaah (subhana wa ta'ala) in his difficulty, he will be raised and he will receive great rewards. Abu Dawud mentions in the Sunnan, related by Ahmad : It is in the Saheehah (when you hear as-Saheehah it means it is authenticated by Shaikh Naasir ud-Din al-Albaani in his authentic books of narrations – Hadith No. 959) :The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said : "This my Ummah, is a Ummah that has mercy upon it, 'Marhooma'- a Ummah that has mercy that's been wrapped in Mercies; there is no punishment for this Ummah in the Hereafter except 
their punishment that they experience in the Dunya --- killing and death and dying, trials and tribulations, earthquakes and the like." And the wording of Abu Dawud is : 'This Ummah reminds of the Ummah, that Allaah has placed His mercy upon. This Ummah will not have any punishment in the Hereafter, this punishment is in this world with fitn, trials, tribulations and punishments and difficulties, and earthquakes and killings, murder, death.. like this.'As recorded in Buhari and Muslim: The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said : "Whoever Allah wants good for him, he puts them to test. He puts them through difficulties. Like a diamond or some metal that has to be burnt and then that which is bad from it is removed so that you have that which is the pure diamond or the pure gold or whatever. Put 
them to tests, trials and difficulties." As narrated by Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah : (This is the Hadith that we started with) - The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said : 'The greater reward is with the greater trial or the greater the trial or difficulty of test or hardship is then the greater the reward. And when Allah loves a person He will tests them. So he who will be pleased and then He will be pleased. He who is displeased, then He will be displeased.'(Sahaba's name not clear) 'The people as long as they are in good health, good shape, good condition they are covered. You don't know their true character because they are in good situation, they are in good circumstance. As long as they are in a good circumstances they are covered. But if a trial or difficulty or a hardship comes upon them, then you 
will see their reality. They will go to their reality. The Mu'min will run to his Imaan, the Mu'min will run to his belief, the believer will run to his belief, his Imaan and the hypocrite will run to his hypocrisy, and the hypocrite will run to his hypocrisy. "Without being shaken, you don't not know what comes to the top and what goes to the bottom. Without being shaken you don't know a man from those who are faking; you won't know women from those who are faking. You won't know those who truly believe from those who don't. Those who make a claim o­n their tongue and is not really in their hearts and from their limbs from those who are willing to die for this matter. This can o­nly be shown by trials, the tribulations and tests and difficulties."Imam Ahmed brought

RE: [IslamCity] Hamza Yusuf the divent lair.

2005-09-18 Thread Abu muslim al amreeki

by Michael Enright on the September 11 Tragedy Aired on September 23, 2001Extract from the interview 

Michael: Well we know now it was more plunder than religion.
Shaykh Hamza: Well, that's true. And unfortunately a lot of religious wars tend to be for other than religion. But the word jihad is probably one of the highest concepts that the Arabs and the Muslims have. It represents really the best of humankind. In the Qur'an it is never once used to express a military meaning. Not once. 
Comment: This is not true. Open any Quran commentary book and find for yourself. (See for example: surah 4 verse 95, surah 9 verse 41, and surah 61 verses 10-13) 
Interestingly, even Hamzah Yusuf himself knows that this statement is not entirely accurate. In his tape “The Life of The Prophet Muhammad,” tape number 9 Hamzah Yusuf - talking about the prophet SAAWS and his companions in Madinah- said: 
“They are in a state of perpetual vigilance and war. This is jihad, his life is really a life of jihad, of struggle against the people who were bent on not seeing Islam spread which is important to us to take as a lesson if we really want to spread Islam” 
Michael: It means… does it not mean to go to war with yourself?
Shaykh Hamza: Well, that's one of the meanings. It literally means – if you look at the word, the root word is "jihad" which means to struggle, and juhd in the Arabic language means a struggle literally. So jihad is the act of struggling. And the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, said that the greatest jihad is to struggle with your own soul's insidious suggestions. 
Comment: The root word of Jihad is actually “jahada.” It means 'fighting the enemies or doing ones utmost in fighting' (see lisaan Al-Arab by Ibn Mandhoor, Vol. 2 page 396. First edition, published by Dar Ihya at-Turath al-Arabi, Beirut 1988). 
The hadith mentioned at the end is a weak hadeeth (See the book of weak hadiths by Imam al-Albani, and the book of weak and fabricated Hadiths for Imam al-Shawkani). Sufis in general always quote this Hadith because it relieves them from waging the true Jihad. 
Shaykh Hamza (continues): And I think that really clarifies to the Muslims. Building a hospital in the Arab world – and I've lived in the Arab world, I speak Arabic very well – building a hospital, the Arabs will literally say what a great jihad that was when it was completed. 
Comment: This is not an accurate statement. Arabic is my native tongue and I have studied it – at least one session every day - for 22 years. That phrase would never be used to describe such an effort. Instead, the Arab might say: what a great juhd which means “effort”. 
However the Shari' (legal) meaning of the term ‘Jihad,' is “ The war Muslims wage to make the word of Allah superior against kuffar (disbelievers) who do not have a covenant with Muslims after being invited to Islam and rejecting the invitation. Reference: The Fiqh encyclopedia by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Kuwait” 
Shaykh Hamza (continues): The idea of spending money for anything good… those firefighters who were pulling people out of the World Trade Towers, they would be considered, that's an act of jihad. They would be considered mujahideen if they were described in Arabic. And I'm not exaggerating at all. That really is at the essence of this word.
Comment: Again, this is not accurate. In Islamic literature, when the word “mujahideen” is used without any qualification, it means one and only one thing: those who fight in the battlefield for the sake of Allah. Please refer to the Quran (See for example the commentary on surah 4 verse 95) and search for the word Jihad and Mujahideen to gain a better understanding of how they are used. 
The following hadith in Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4 Book 52, No. 44 shows how the prophet SAAWS understood the word “jihad” and “mujahid” (singular of mujahideen,” please compare this hadith to what Hamzah Yusuf said: 
Narrated by Abu Huraira (RA): A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "Instruct me as to such a deed that equals Jihad (in reward)." He replied, "I do not find such a deed." Then he added, "Can you, while the Muslim fighter is in the battle-field, enter your mosque to perform prayers without cease and fast and never break your fast?" The man said, "But who can do that?" Abu- Huraira added, "The Mujahid (i.e. Muslim fighter) is rewarded even for the footsteps of his horse while it wanders about (for grazing) tied by a long rope." 
However, if one does use the terms 'Jihad' or 'Mujahid' in a context other than their literal meaning, one must supplement these words with specific references that modify its literal meaning. These two words may be qualified to mean other types of jihad e.g. you may say jihad against the devil which means being vigilant towards the devil's tricks. Therefore, each time the word jihad is used without any qua

RE: [IslamCity] Medical Certificate for Men Before Wedding in Saudi Arabia

2005-08-07 Thread Abu muslim al amreeki

assalam alaykum wa Rahmtullahi wa Barakatuhu.
One thing from News we learn that it Tell on side of a story and we can not base, from their verson of the story, what the sister  had to through.  Or we read some thing on the news and run with what they have tould us, not be a witness to what happen.  And the ponit of the news story is FAST WEDDING. Not about medical work before marriage.>From: Alan Border >Reply-To:>To:>Subject: [IslamCity] Medical Certificate for Men Before Wedding in Saudi Arabia>Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 01:59:52 -0700 (PDT)>>Fasting Wedding in Saudi Arabia>Arab News   (Comments in RED are 
Mine)>>§ion=0&article=67350&d=22&m=7&y=2005&pix=kingdom.jpg&category=Kingdom>>TAIF, 22 July 2005 — A young Saudi though slow to start was quick to finish a wedding. And his marriage, which took three hours from proposal to honeymoon, was a record of sorts, Arabic newspaper Al-Madinah reported. The young man, wracked with doubt whether his proposal would be accepted by the would-be bride’s family, screwed up his courage and proposed.>>He was pleasantly surprised when the family accepted his proposal and asked him to marry her on the same day. Not one to let an opportunity slip away, the youth went to the hospital for the medical certificate and as he made his way home withdrew the SR3, 000 dowry money. The whole process from the moment he proposed and to the couple’s honeymoon took 3 
hours. The members of both families too were surprised at the swift sequence of events that brought about a happy ending.>>Comments – Mine>>It seems that in Saudi Arabia the prospective bridegrooms have to provide a medical certificate to prove that they are not infected with any sex related diseases. This necessity is applicable only to men. The basis of this it seems is that it is normally accepted that promiscuity in Muslim societies are at a very low level compared to other societies. Even within that small percentage majority of the culprits are men compared to women. This is because men have more freedom to move around, meet people etc than women.>>But it is unfair to stigmatize only the men by asking them to prove their medical fitness. We are living in an era where Muslim women are screaming for gender equality in all areas. In that 
context it is unfair on the part of the Saudi authorities to single out only the men for medical testing.>>AB>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]"For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy Quran 88:25-26)Copyright © 2005 by AB>>Those wishing to reproduce the above article are most welcome.>>But please reproduce it in its entirety lest the message will get blurred.->  Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home pageEnjoy 25MB of inbox storage and 10MB per file attachment with  MSN Premium.  Join now and get the first two months FREE*

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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