Bismillah [IslamCity] Boycott Israeli products: Terrorism of Israel

2008-12-31 Thread Zakir Momin
Visit  http://www.hiroshima-  http://www.
More than 345 Palestinians are killed and more than 200 are injured in recent 
air strikes:
(Dont forget to visit above given links:
Pepsi Co., Coca-Cola, Mc Donald, Nestle, Johnson  Johnson, e.t.c. are American 
Products of Pepsi Co are Pepsi, 7up, e.t.c.
Products of Coca-Cola Co. are Coca Cola, Thumps up, e.t.c.
(Products of Pepsico and Coca Cola company can be recognized from the 
advertisements and labels of soft drinks)
Profit of Each Bottle of Pepsi and Coca Cola; or of any other products we 
purchase here, goes to America.

From this, America gives million and billions of dollars to Israel to purchase 
arms and ammunition(war planes, tanks, missiles, guns, bullets, e.t.c.), which 
are used for killing Muslims.
Israel has captured some parts of Palestine like, Baitul Muqaddas(Previous 
Kibla of Muslims), Gaza Strip, West Bank, e.t.c. Like any other 
country, Palestine is fighting for its freedom with Israel. Muslims of 
Palestine are fighting for the freedom of Baitul Muqaddas, Gaza Strip, e.t.c.
America uses the profit got from Pepsi Co., Coca Cola, e.t.c to Support Israel. 
America gives this millions of dollars to Israel, so that it can use these 
million and billion of dollars against the Muslims who are fighting to free 
Baitul Muqaddas. Many freedom fighters, including children and women are killed 
each year in Israeli bombardment and firing.
Statistics of the Palestinian losses during 29/9/2000 to 31/7/2004 in Israeli 
No. of Palestinian children(below 18 years) killed: 643
No. of killed females: 239
Total No. of killed people: 3473
Total No. of wounded Palestinians: 41,424
No. of houses completely demolished: 6,757
No. of houses partially demolished: 59,107
(For statistics of children, females and total no. of people killed, in 
Palestine, and other parts of the world, visit
Lets we 1.6 Billion Muslims, Boycott American and Israeli products and slap 
their economy.
Visit http://www.hiroshima-  http://www.

Please try to print this article in your Local Islamic Magazines


Bismillah [IslamCity] Photos of hiroshima-nagasaki bombing and its human effects

2008-08-13 Thread Zakir Momin
To view photos of hiroshima-nagasaki bombing and its human effects visit

Hiroshima  Nagasaki Remembered
60 years later


Photographs of the damage to Hiroshima after the atomic bomb.

Images of the atomic bombing on Nagasaki.

Photographs of the Enola Gay, Bock's Car and the atomic bombs.

Human Effects
Images of the effects of the atomic bombs.


The Story of Hiroshima
The Story of Nagasaki
Historical Documents
Selected Biographies
Other Online Sources
About This Site
Related Reading
Rain of Ruin: A Photographic History of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
by Donald Goldstein
Nagasaki Journey: The Photographs of Yosuke Yamahata, August 10, 1945
by Rupert Jenkins (Editor)

Copyright © 2005 AJ Software  Multimedia. All Rights Reserved. This project is 
part of the National Science Digital Library funded by the Division of 
Undergraduate Education, National Science Foundation Grant 0434253.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Boycott of Israeli and US companies gaining momentum

2008-08-13 Thread Zakir Momin
Boycott of Israeli and US companies gaining momentum

The Muslim News
By Shatha Khalil and Abdul Adil 
Issue 158
28 June 2002 
Throughout the world campaigns calling for the boycott of Israeli goods are 
gaining momentum. The boycott is growing in the Muslim world where not only 
Israeli goods, companies who support Israel are targeted, but US giants like 
Starbucks and Pepsi have also been affected. Israeli academics and artists are 
also being boycotted in the Western world 

The campaign to boycott Israeli goods is “perceived to be a way to hit back at 
‘the Zionist state’ and those governments perceived to be its main backers” 
explains Africa Analysis (May 3). 
In Lebanon, the religious leader Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah issued a 
fatwa on this subject: “All American and Israeli goods and products should be 
boycotted in a way that undermines American and Israeli interests so as to act 
as deterrence to their war against Muslims and Islam that is being waged under 
the pretence of fighting terrorism. This boycott should become an overwhelming 
trend that makes these two states feel that their economies are in a real and 
actual danger.” 
Shaykh Yusuf al-Qardawi has also issued a fatwa calling for the boycotting of 
Israeli and American products and companies. 

The Egyptian Agricultural Professions’ Trade Union (EGTU) has also backed the 
campaign. It is boycotting all Israeli agricultural co-operation, production 
and fertilisers and aims to take disciplinary action against anyone not 
enforcing the boycott. 

Further to the actions of the EGTU, consumer power in Egypt has forced J 
Sainsbury to pull out of its Egyptian operations after two years. The 
Supermarket, which denies any involvement with Israel, is to sell its 100 
supermarkets and neighbourhood stores in the greater Cairo area to its minority 
local partner, subject to regulatory approval. 

Many department stores in Britain last year yielded to the pressure of the 
boycott lobby and temporarily removed goods made by Israel from their shops, 
however these policies have been short-lived. Selfridges, which had seen weekly 
pickets held outside its doors, withdrew goods produced in the illegal 
settlements in the Occupied Territories over the Christmas period; however, 
they returned them a fortnight later after protests from Jewish customers. The 
Store later told The Muslim News: “We do not feel we can take sides in this 
political issue.” 
Harrods, the largest department store in London, whose owner is the Egyptian 
Muhammad Al Fayed, also removed products made in the Occupied Territories; 
however, they were re-instated a week later. Instead the store has adopted a 
sticker policy informing people where products are made. “By giving our 
customers this extra information, we are allowing them to make a more 
considered purchase based on their own beliefs and philosophy,” justified Peter 
Willasey, the Communications Head of Harrods, to The Muslim News. 

American multi-national companies have been greatly affected by the boycott 
campaign, many have seen their sales fall by between 20 and 50 percent since 
the second intifadah, 19 months ago. Many have tried to win back customers by 
offering to donate 20 percent of their profits to Palestinian orphans, while 
also advertising in local newspapers and television channels saying the boycott 
campaign is hurting local workers. Many have simply denied any connection to or 
funding of Israel or its actions. 

“Coca-Cola, which has served the Israeli market for 30 years, refused to abide 
by the Arab League economic boycott of Israel (which lasted until 1991). For 
decades, this cost Coca-Cola the opportunity to sell its products in Arab 
countries,” explained The Southern Shofar, the Jewish newspaper of Alabama. 
Coca Cola and its Chairman Roberto Goizueta was honoured by the Economic 
Mission at the Israel Trade Award Dinner. 
However, the Company denies any such involvement, a spokesperson told The 
Muslim News: “The Coca-Cola Company does not support political or religious 
causes and does not take a stance on issues that do not directly affect the 
soft drink industry. We cannot and do not take the side of one country over 
another in any dispute.” 

Other multi-national companies have also hit back against allegations of 
economic support. Marks and Spencer, who supports Israel with $233 million in 
trade every year (Jerusalem Report, June 5, 2000), and sells $240 million worth 
of Israeli exports annually, told The Muslim News: “People are free to buy 
merchandise from anywhere, however the benefit from buying from us is that we 
clearly label the origin of the product, allowing people to make an informed 

In a book on Marks and Spencer, Lord Marcus Sieff - long time Chairman of Marks 
and Spencer - wrote that one of the fundamental objectives of Marks and Spencer 
is to aid the economic development of Israel (Management: The Marks  Spencer 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Boycott American and Israeli Products

2008-08-04 Thread Zakir Momin
Boycott American and Israeli Products
Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Mc Donald, Nestle, Johnson  Johnson, e.t.c. are American 
Profit of Each Bottle of Pepsi and Coca Cola; or of any other products we 
purchase here, goes to America.
From this, America gives million of dollars to Israel to purchase arms and 
ammunition(war planes, tanks, missiles, guns, bullets, e.t.c.), which are used 
for killing Muslims.
In budget of Israel and America, a huge amount is reserved for purchase of arms 
and ammunition.
Goods produced by Israel can be identified by their bar codes, which start with 
729, while American goods' bar codes start with 00 all the way to 09.
(For list of American and Israeli companies in your country, visit
Statistics of the Palestinian losses during 29/9/2000 to 31/7/2004 in Israeli 
No. of Palestinian children(below 18 years) killed: 643
No. of killed females: 239
Total No. of killed people: 3473
Total No. of wounded Palestinians: 41,424
No. of houses completely demolished: 6,757
No. of houses partially demolished: 59,107
(For statistics of children, females and total no. of people killed, in 
Palestine, and other parts of the world, visit
Lets we 1.6 Billion Muslims, Boycott American and Israeli products and slap 
their economy.
Forward this message to as many Muslims as possible.
Try to print this article in your local Islamic Magazines.

(Below given paragraph is taken from article placed on internet. To read full 
article visit
Boycott of Israeli and US companies gaining momentum: (By Shatha Khalil and 
Abdul Adil,28 June 2002)
Throughout the world campaigns calling for the boycott of Israeli goods are 
gaining momentum. The boycott is growing in the Muslim world where not only 
Israeli goods, companies who support Israel are targeted, but US giants like 
Starbucks and Pepsi have also been affected. Israeli academics and artists are 
also being boycotted in the Western world.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Fatwas of Sunni Shia scholars on boycott of israel american products

2008-08-03 Thread Zakir Momin

Taken from:


Fatwas given by Islamic Scholars on the Boycott of Israel
for more Fatwas visit

Palestine is the land of the first
Qiblah of the Muslims

Every leading Ulema from every school of thought in Islam is united in their 
support for a boycott of Israel and those that support Israel. Presented below 
are a few examples.

Imam Syed Ali Khamenei (Islamic Republic of Iran)

Shaykh Yusuf Al Qaradawi (Egypt/Qatar)

Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadhlullah (Lebanon)

Ayatullah as-Sayyid Ali as-Seestani (Iraq)

Imam Syed Ali Khamenei
(Islamic Republic of Iran)

The purchase of any item which helps strengthen Zionism is not permissible ...

The following Fatwas are from
Fatwa No 12798 ( 15th May.2001 )
Regarding the purchase of Zionist goods:
The purchase of any item which helps strengthen Zionism is not permissible 
unless it reaches the point of necessity.

Fatwa 8822 (from Leaders Office, Qum, Iran)
Date: 27 Feb 2002
1) Is it permissible to buy products from the United States of America or 
american products?
2) Is it permissible to buy goods from companies that allocate parts of their 
profits to support USA or support USA?
3) Is it permissible to buy goods from companies that spread immorality 
(unislamic atmosphere) and support immorality (unislamic atmosphere)?
12) Any transaction with a company which ist profit is for helping the enemies 
of Islam and Muslims or for supporting the Zionism regime is not permissible.
3) If buying goods from these companies would support them and assist them in 
spreading corruption and immorality, it is impermissible.


Shaykh Yusuf Al Qaradawi
(Egypt / Qatar)

Each riyal, dirham …etc. used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to 
be fired at the hearts of brothers and children in Palestine. For this reason, 
it is an obligation not to help them (the enemies of Islam) by buying their 
goods. To buy their goods is to support tyranny, oppression and aggression.

20 Muharram 1423 AH
4 April 2002
Question: Are we allowed to buy items from Israeli sources, even though this 
money may be used to help the Jewish war machine?
Answer by Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi:
It is Jihad to liberate the Islamic lands from those who attack or conquer 
them. These are enemies of Islam. This Jihad is an absolute obligation and a 
sacred duty; firstly on the people of that land. If the Muslims of that land 
can't offer sufficientresistance, then Muslims of neighboring countries are 
obliged to assist. If this is still not sufficient then all the Muslims of the 
world must assist.
Palestine is the land of the first Qiblah of the Muslims, the land of Isra' and 
Mi`raj, the land of Al-Aqsa and the blessed territory. The conquerors are those 
with the greatest enmity to the believers, and they are supported by the 
strongest state on earth - the USA, and by the world Jewish community.
Jihad is obligatory against those who take land and expel the inhabitants, 
spill the blood, violate the honor, destroy the houses, burn the fields, and 
corrupt the land. Jihad is the first obligation of all obligations, and the 
first duty of the Ummah. Muslims are commanded to do this, first those from the 
land in question, after that their neighbors, and finally all Muslims. We must 
all be united against the aggressors. We are united in Islam, including unity 
of belief in the Shari`ah, unity of belief in the Qiblah, and also united in 
pain and hope. As Allah Almighty says: Verily this Ummah of yours is one 
Ummah. (Qur'an, 21:92). Allah Almighty also says: Surely the believers are a 
single brotherhood. (Qur'an, 49:10). There is a Hadith of the Prophet, peace 
and blessings be upon him, that states: The Muslim is the brother to the 
Muslim, he can't oppress him, he can't give him up, he can't let him down. 
[Transmitted by Muslim].
Now we see our brothers and children in Al-Aqsa and the blessed land of 
Palestine generously sacrificing their blood, giving their souls willingly in 
the way of Allah. All Muslims must help them with whatever power they have. 
(See the Noble Qur'an, 8:72).
If people ask in the name of religion we must help them. The vehicle of this 
support is a complete boycott of the enemies' goods. Each riyal, dirham …etc. 
used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to be fired at the hearts of 
brothers and children in Palestine. For this reason, it is an obligation not to 
help them (the enemies of Islam) by buying their goods. To buy their goods is 
to support tyranny, oppression and aggression. Buying goods from them will 
strengthen them; our duty is to make them as weak as we can. Our obligation is 
to strengthen our resisting brothers in the Sacred Land as much as we can. If 
we cannot strengthen the brothers, we have a duty to make the enemy weak. If 
their weakness cannot be achieved