Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Do Muslims love Allah

2007-04-06 Thread shaheed_saleh
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ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã

Do Muslims love Allah-1

  Al Salaam Aleikum, if you ask Muslims, they all will say:
we love Allah, but if we apply the saying: actions speak louder than
verbs, we see most Muslims do not understand what the word love
means? How most Muslims show their love for Allah, this is a serious
issue? Some prefer the books of Hadeeth written by men, and those
books are not revelation from Allah sent through Angels like the
Qur'aan. Some would spend hours hearing and speaking about Muhammad
SAW and his family or certain members of his family, then they may
or may not spend few minutes speaking or remembering Allah, what
kind of love is this? Pagans of old days used to say they worship
and love stones and Idols because they used to think this is how
they love Allah best and those Idols will bring them closer to
Allah, are we like pagans of yesterday, I wonder how should we
evaluate our state today?

  Some twist the Qur'aan to fit the books of Hadeeth, if
Haddeth does not match Qur'aan, they start debating how certain
things we do; came from Hadeeth and not found in Qur'aan, then if
this is true, did Allah forget to mention in His book while Allah
claims in Ayah 6:38:

ãÇ ÝÑØäÇ Ýí ÇáßÊÇÈ ãä ÔíÁ

we left nothing without mentioning in the book, then those who say
how Qur'aan did not mention, or Hadeeth came to complete Qur'aan,
they are simply Kafir in those words from Allah that say: Allah left
nothing out without mentioning. Those who claim such evil would
always say: did Allah mention the number of Rakaa in Qur'aan, or the
number of prayers, we say: if you are ignorant about Qur'aan and
cannot find something, does not mean Allah forgot to mention such a
thing that relates to our relation with Him.

  Now, for those who falsely claim they love Allah, and
maybe doing the worst evil against Allah today, let us share with
them how the love of Allah shows in our actions. Loving Allah are
not just empty words we say and people fall for, Allah knows our
hearts, so be very careful, you can deceive all of us, you cannot
deceive Him. Ayah 57:16 says:

Ãóáóãú íóÃúäö áöáøóÐöíäó ÂãóäõæÇ Ãóä ÊóÎúÔóÚó ÞõáõæÈõåõãú áöÐößúÑö Çááøóåö 
æóãóÇ äóÒóáó ãöäó ÇáúÍóÞøö æóáóÇ
íóßõæäõæÇ ßóÇáøóÐöíäó ÃõæÊõæÇ ÇáúßöÊóÇÈó ãöä ÞóÈúáõ ÝóØóÇáó Úóáóíúåöãõ 
ÇáúÃóãóÏõ ÝóÞóÓóÊú ÞõáõæÈõåõãú æóßóËöíÑñ
ãøöäúåõãú ÝóÇÓöÞõæäó

is not time yet for the believers to have fear when they hear the
words of Allah, and what truth Allah sent, let them not be like
those who were given the books before, and after a long time they
hardened their hearts, and most of them deviated? Please pay
extreme attention to this Ayah, most of us are in serious danger
when they act against to the words of Allah mentioned here, so
please let us study those words closely, you will hear me repeating
those words a lot from here on. If you do not make the bases of your
faith over this rule, of having fear, honor and respect in
completely obedience, when the words of Allah are mentioned, you are
against Allah.

  How we can apply those words in our actions to show we
fear/love/honor/respect the words of Allah in totality, and we do
not place any other words on the same level or even on better and
higher level in this regard as most Muslims are doing today? In the
up coming days, I will share Qur'aan with you, which is greater than
the books of Hadeeth and the books of our Scholars, and Allah is
greater than all the men you place equal to Allah, though I can
share with you this, it is you who will be held accountable for your
actions after this. You need to place Allah and His words above any
other, do not make your books of Hadeeth over the words of Allah,
they are much less as less as we are from comparing ourselves with

  Is not time yet for you too to have fear/love/respect to
the words of Allah over any other under the heavens, especially the
books of Hadeeth, if you do not do this, rest assured you are in a
very sad state of mind, till you leave where you stand and come to
the words of Allah as priority over any other, especially what those
you call Aalim (Scholars) say different to this, you are on your way
to Hell, and Heaven will escape you no doubt.

  In the next message we will start a good look at what
Allah says, where Qur'aan should be placed in regard to every other
book under the Heavens, while today we are doing the worst by
leaving it behind our backs. Muhammad SAW said in Ayah 25:30:

æóÞóÇáó ÇáÑøóÓõæáõ íóÇ ÑóÈøö Åöäøó Þóæúãöí ÇÊøóÎóÐõæÇ åóÐóÇ ÇáúÞõÑúÂäó 

the messenger said: My LORD, my people left this Qur'aan behind
their backs, and departed from it. Are you in this sad state, do
you want to change, let me help, let me share with you what Allah
said for a change, you have been in a sad state listening to others
for too long. Is it time for Allah now, or not yes?

ÑÈí ÒÏäí ÚáãÇ æÇáÍÞäí ÈÇáÕÇáÍíä æÇáÍãÏ ááå ÑÈ ÇáÚÇáãíä

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Noble Qur'aan

2007-01-15 Thread shaheed_saleh
ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
The Noble Qur'aan 2:89-1
Al Salaam Aleikum, some of you still ask: why you are
sending me those messages, and I say: my friend, I am sharing the
meaning of the words of Allah with all of you, I am trying to bring
Qur'aan closer to your hearts. It is wonderful that you believe
Qur'aan is from Allah but this is not good enough, it is wonderful
you are a Muslim but too short as long you do not understand what
Allah wants from us, what is your believing worth if you do not try
to understand the words Allah sent us, as if those words came to be
placed on the shelves till the end of time, not to be placed in the
Most Muslims today are doing the wrong things simply
because they do not read Qur'aan or trying to understand the
meanings of the words in the Noble Qur'aan, even some birds speak
words that they do not understand. Do you think a Parrot saying Good
Morning understands what they say or mean that, please do not be
like talking birds in regards to the words of Allah? Please come to
the Noble words of Allah, please help me share the wonderful
meanings of those words with all Muslims that you know of all over
the world, and please bring others, and share with them what we are
doing for the sake of Allah, can you do at least this much, if you
do not have time or the will, tell them to come to me, I will send
them Insha Allah, or give their address?
Today we are going to speak about Ayah 2:89 Insha Allah:
æáãÇ ÌÇÁåã ßÊÇÈ ãä Çááå ãÕÏÞ áãÇ ãÚåã
and when they were given a book from Allah attesting to what they
have, what are the meanings of those words? We have noticed how
Allah mentioned specifically Jews in Sourah 2 so far, 89 Ayahs about
them mostly, and now Allah is saying: when Qur'aan came to them
attesting to what they have, how Qur'aan attests to what they have?
My friend, I will keep repeating this till I reach the world, Jews
are not the people of the book today, even if they were 1400 years
back. However, though a lot have changed about Israelis, in the
1500s after Isa (Jesus) PBUH, Israelis and Christians collected an
amount of their books and dismissed those books as non Canon, or not
from the LORD, they decided as usual what is from God and what is
Most of what Qur'aan attested to was deleted, taken out,
and considered as blasphemy against the LORD. However, let us not
speak about Israelis today who became about 80% complete Atheists
and do not believe in any Deity of any kind, yet some say with
ignorance: God is with Israel, and those are the people of God even
today, in their Atheist state of mind. Why some would believe any
God would take Atheists as his own people, or God is with Atheists
who hates his Guts? Let us speak about those Israelis and Jews 1400
years back during the time when Qur'aan came to them through
Muhammad PBUH. During those times, Jews had remnants left over from
the true teachings of Moses and David also the prophets PBU all of
them, however, they did not believe in the message of beloved Isa
(Jesus) PBUH, before Muhammad PBUH brought Qur'aan, and still they
do not believe even after 2000 years since Isa brought the Injeel
from Allah.
Imagine, Christians have no clue that Isa PBUH had a book from Allah
named the Injeel, though it is mentioned in their so called New
Testament, how? If we read The book of Revelation 1/1 that says: The
revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto
his servants, which must shortly come to pass. Christians do not
understand what those words mean, they think this is about what
books of Hadeeth written about Jesus by Mathew, Mark, Luke and John,
while the verse says: Revelation given to Jesus, not Revelation
written about the man. Therefore, my friend, stop calling what
Christians have today by the Injeel, they call it by Bible, while
nowhere in their books the word Bible is mentioned, they call it New
testament, and this also is non Biblical name, the true names are
the books according to men like those we mentioned above. Please
stop calling their book by Injeel, because it is not, as I said:
Injeel is a book given to Isa PBUH, not books of hadeeth written
about the man.
On the other hand, though the books in Israeli hands today
differ than what they had during Muhammad's time, yet; let us give
an example of the truthfulness of the words of Allah, even today if
you do not mind. I have written a book and called it by:
Jewish-Christian Testimony
Islam is the Religion from the LORD
This book is ready, waiting till I find some financial help to put
it out Insha Allah to the world, and still waiting for the last
three years, because I could not find someone to help me
financially, and I do not have the financial power to do this on my
own, though I promise to give 50 % of my profits for anyone who wish
to make money from that book. Since even after all what Israelis
cancelled, even after all the alterations and the changes they made
to their books, bringing 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Come to Tafseer Al Qur'aan

2007-01-03 Thread shaheed_saleh
ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
Come to Tafseer Al Qur'aan 2-88-1
To make Arabic show: click view, Encode, Arabic.
Dear readers, Al Salaam Aleikum, happy Eid to all of you, let us
make Zikir for Allah. The best Dua is what is found in Qur'aan:
ÑÈäÇÁÇÊäÇ ãÇ æÚÏÊäÇ Úáì ÑÓáß æáÇ ÊÎÒäÇ íæã ÇáÞíÇãÉ Åäß áÇ ÊÎáÝ ÇáãíÚÇÏ
Our LORD, give us what You promised by your messengers, do not
shame us come Judgment day, you never fail to fulfill, my friend,
make this Dua during your prayers to Allah, ask Him not to shame us
come the day, and make us among those who enjoy Eternity in The
Gardens He prepared for us. May Allah make us among those Insha
   We are trying to reflect at Ayah 2:88, which says:
æÞÇáæÇ ÞáæÈäÇ ÛáÝ Èá áÚäåã Çááå ÈßÝÑåã ÝÞáíáÇ ãÇ íÄãäæä
and they said: our hearts are sealed, but it is Allah who cursed
them for their stubborn disbelieving, how few are those among them
who believe. Is it shocking to see words spoken 1400 years back
about people, so true today, and how people never change no matter
of the changing of the times? Few were always those who believe, few
always were those who realize the truth. Look at Israelis this Ayah
speaks about, even in their wrong practice they have today, 80% of
Israelis deny the LORD exists,  they are complete Atheists, imagine,
this nation had more messengers and prophets than any other nation
under the Heavens, yet only 20% today believe the LORD exists, and
the rest are among the worst who fight all those who believe in the
LORD from any faith, they are enemies to everyone who says: The LORD
is mine.
This Ayah came after Allah told us how Isa PBUH (Jesus)
came to Israelis, and how they rejected him, also they rejected all
who Allah sent, some they even killed. Now Allah is telling us the
real reason why they behaved as such, and what kind of sickness they
have, simply saying: their hearts are sealed, and cannot hear
anything except what they want to hear. Have you ever been in a
debate lately, where you spoke to an Atheist, no matter what you
say: this Atheist will say: you lie. You say Allah is our LORD, they
will say: show us this Allah, He is a negative, He does not exist
except in the sickness of your brain and from the illnesses of your
illusions, you made up what God you wish to worship, all Gods are
sick inventions of people's minds.
Lately I was trying to show some Atheists the Scientific
miracles of Qur'aan, I said: how Muhammad PBUB knew about the Big
Bang (21:30), how Muhammad PBUH knew about a lot of what took
humanity 1400 years to discover? Imagine, I could not find even one
reasonable among those, as if history repeats itself; Pagans are
Pagans regardless of the times. Then I went to Christians during
those Holidays, showed them little bit of how Allah spoke about Mary
and Jesus, the response was shocking, and they asked: do Muslims
know all what you told us? I think we have a lot of hope reaching
Christians, but reaching those who do not believe the LORD is a
fact; is simply hopeless.
Also trying to reach Israelis is close to hopeless, and
there is no hope in trying, they know Allah exists, most of them
deny, they know we Muslims believe in the LORD of Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob, yet they insult Allah and Muhammad. Christians went and
adopted their book, renamed it from the Jewish Tanach to that of the
Old Testament, they gave endless trillions of Dollars in support,
they gave them the best Arms, they said to them: we believe in your
God, we are Spiritual Jews and Israelis like you, we want you to
treat us as such, Israelis and Jews insult Jesus daily in their
temples of worship and Synagogues. Allah also told us 5:82:
áÊÌÏä ÃÔÏ ÇáäÇÓ ÚÏÇæÉ ááÐíä ÂãäæÇ ÇáíåæÏ æÇáÐíä ÃÔÑßæÇ æáÊÌÏä ÃÞÑÈåã
ãæÏÉááÐíä ÁÇãäæÇ ÇáÐíä ÞÇáæÇ ÅäÇ äÕÇÑì Ðáß ÈÃä ãäåã ÞÓíÓíä æÑåÈÇäÇ
æÃäåã áÇ íÓÊßÈÑæä
you will find the worst people in their animosity to the believers
are the Jews, also the Idol worshipers, and you will find closest in
their friendship to the believers, those who say: we are Nazarene,
because among them priests and Preachers, and they do not show a lot
of pride. Even if today they do not call themselves by Nazarene,
yet some of them come from the children of those, what happened, why
they changed this much, why hate spreads in their hearts against us?
My friend, we people act like little children, always blame
the others and do not wish to hold any responsibility ever. Did we
try to clear our image in their eyes, this image Jews are trying so
hard to ruin, and they have been doing this through the last five
hundred years in time? Since Allah says we have hope in those more
than any other, come let us make 2007 the year of peace, and the
removal of hate. It does not matter what they are, what matters
really that we can at least try. I am still at your side with all
what I know, we have to realize how small is this planet, and how we
need to live together, but not by the law of killing and raping as
Israelis are doing at Palestine.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The War Against Jesus

2006-12-19 Thread shaheed_saleh
ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
The War against Jesus 2-87-8
To see the Arabic clearly, click View, encoding, Arabic, Arabic will
Let us start with a Zikir, Ayah 3:193 says:
ÑÈäÇ ÅääÇ ÓãÚäÇ ãäÇÏíÇ íäÇÏí ááÅíãÇä Ãä ÁÇãäæÇ ÈÑÈßã ÝÆÇãäÇ ÑÈäÇ ÝÃÛÝÑ
 Our LORD, we heard someone calling: believe in Your LORD, and we
believed, please forgive our sins, forget our bad acts, and accept
us among the righteous. The call for Believing started since Allah
made mankind, did you come to Believing in Allah my friend, with all
of your heart? Are you asking Allah to forgive your sins, are you
asking Him to overlook your bad acts, if not, when you will start
doing this?
Al Salaam Aleikum, as we are discussing Ayah 2:87, let us
brief you in summery about the evil war the majority of Christians
have against everything that is sacred. We saw how Isa (Jesus) PBUH
said: he did not come to the Christians, he came to the Israelis
(Mathew 15:24), even from what book they believe in, we saw how they
adopted Jesus without his knowledge, created a silly faith full with
nonsense, and did the worst Satanic evil of elevating Jesus to a
God. However, this is just the beginning of all the pain, and not
the end of it. We said how those Christians came from pagan
Background, full with fiction and nonsense of Greek and Roman's
Myth, because they had the worst evil guidance from Jews like a man
named Paul, also the evil work of the Masons, they packed all their
Heathen nonsense when they claimed believing In Christ Jesus. What
they brought with them, they brought every ignorance Heathens
believe in, and left behind them nothing, how?
Mathew (2:1) speaks about Magi fire worshipers believers in
Satan came to Bethlehem, gave present to the new born Jesus child,
today all Christians and most Muslims exchange gifts at Birthdays
adopting this Satanic ritual from Satan's worshipers Mathew brought
us. Pagan Rome before Pagan Christianity used to worship the Sun God
Mithra, used to celebrate its Birthday on the 25th of December,
today Christians and some Muslims celebrate this and moved it as the
day of Jesus instead.  Heathens worshiped the Sun God Mithra on
Sunday, today most Christians worship on the day of the Sun as well.
Their book of Jeremiah 10:3 says: because the false religion calls
those to worship trees, breaded with the hands of craftsmen, cut
from the forests, breaded with Gold an Silver, and nailed down in
order not to shake. Their book says this is the Heathen's way; this
is about Christmas trees all over Christian houses. They brought the
Heathen's Holy day of the Goddess Ester, Goddess of Fertility, and
they celebrate in the name of Jesus and Christian nonsense.  Their
Halloween is from Pagan culture of Rome, changed from Ghosts and
Goblins to the day of the Saints, imagine how they packed every
ignorance and evil practice from their old ways and renew it under
new pagan faith named Christianity today.
In the name of Jesus they killed endless lives from us and
from among themselves, in the name of Jesus they are racing for
prizes of who can do the worst evil on Earth, and in their support
to evil Zionism. Now, as if this is not enough, those Christians had
a war over Isa PBUH from day one, they killed his Disciples, burned
the Injeel Allah sent Isa PBUH, and adopted what they call the four
Gospels also added some messages from Paul and Peter to them. What
those Gospels are all about, that they call the truth from God, let
us look at how they insult Jesus first. They falsified the genealogy
of Isa first thing, they lie about the true Genealogy about him, if
you want to know how, send me a message. Next, after burning the
Injeel Allah gave him, they placed books that insult Jesus instead,
let us look at some examples.
Mathew 11:14 claim that Jesus said with emphasis: John the
Baptist is the Elijah, while John the Baptist in the book of John
1:21 said and assured how he is not the Elijah, in essence
Christians who preach this evil claim Jesus lied. In the book of
John 3:12 that claim Jesus said: no one ascended to heaven except
the son of man who came from Heaven, while their book of Geneses
speaks about Enoch ascending to heaven (Geneses 5:24), and in the
Old Testament mention Elijah ascending to Heaven (II Kings 2:11),
and he is supposed to come back before the Christ as they preach
about it. They claim the man lied on both counts saying: no man
Ascended to heaven, yet the blind wish not to see any of what evil
they believe in. Their Paul said he went to the third Heaven, just
to tell how Jesus lied about this, we Muslims know there is nothing
in the third Heaven, Paul invented a lie to insult Jesus. Reading
the death of Jesus according to them, Jesus said he will stay in the
belly of the ground three days and three nights, while they continue
to show it was not the belly of the ground but a cave in the
mountains for two days and one night claiming he lied 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Holy Ghost

2006-12-15 Thread shaheed_saleh
ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã

The Holy Ghost 2-87-7

To see the Arabic clearly, click View, encoding, Arabic, Arabic will

  In order to work as an Ummah, stop working as individuals,
someone sent me this link for learning Arabic on the Net, and I am
sharing it with you even without his asking, because I believe it is
our duty to read Qur'aan in the language Allah chose for it.

  Let us make a Zikir, Ayah 3:191 says:

ÇáÐíä íÐßÑæä Çááå ÞíÇãÇ æÞÚæÏÇ æÚáì ÌäæÈåã æíÊÝßÑæä Ýí ÎáÞ ÇáÓãÇæÇÊ

Those who mention Allah standing, sitting, even on their sides,
thinking about the creation of Heavens and Earth, O LORD, you did
not create all this for just a waste, please save us from hell.
Mention Allah in any shape you are, even if you are in sickness and
lying on your side, pray even with your eyes, ask Allah to forgive
you, this creation is not there for you to ignore the truthfulness
of the words Allah gave, Hell and Heaven are true and a fact.

Al Salaam Aleikum, we are still trying to understand
Ayah 2:87, this is our message number 7 about this Ayah, which says:

æáÞÏ ÂÊíäÇ ãæÓì ÇáßÊÇÈ æÞÝíäÇ ãä ÈÚÏå ÈÇáÑÓá æÁÇÊíäÇ ÚíÓì ÇÈä ãÑíã

And We gave Moses the Book, following him we sent messengers, and
we gave Isa (Jesus) the son of Mary what clarifies all things, We
also supported him with the Holy Ghost. We said the last time: the
situation of Isa PBUH is so dangerous, that is why the weak fell for
the evil whispers of Satan, making the weak to elevate Isa PBUH to a
God for worship. We said it takes each miracle Isa PBUH did with the
help of the Holy Ghost to make the ignorant misunderstand this help
came from Allah, and Isa cannot do any of it, as their book of John
5:30, Jesus saying: I can do nothing of my own accord, Ayah 43:59

Åä åæ ÅáÇ ÚÈÏ ÃäÚãäÇ Úáíå æÌÚáäÇå ãËáÇ áÈäí ÅÓÑÇÆíá

Isa is just a humble worshiper for Allah, Allah blessed him, and
made him an example for the children of Israel. Some of us may
wonder, what Allah is talking about, Isa PBUH is an example to the
Israelis, what about those so called Christians, is not Isa for
them? My friend, my messages are to share the words of Allah with
you in the best of ways, also to show you the truthfulness of those
words. Isa PBUH had nothing to do with Christians, Allah sent him to
Israelis, but a man named Paul claimed Jesus came for the whole
world, this is a clear indication how Paul defied what God they
believe in, how? In their book of Mathew 15:24; Jesus said: I am not
sent but unto the house of Israel. My friends, Christians never wish
to hear a word Jesus said, they have Paul, and they are content.
Qur'aan says Isa PBUH was sent as a messenger to Israelis (3:49), in
their book the man said: he was sent only to the house of Israel,
Christians are not the house of Israel, and this is what Allah said.
There book says about Jesus: to his own he came and his own rejected
him, Christians who accepted Jesus have no business accepting or
denying him, he is not sent for them. Yet, Christians adopted Jesus,
adopted the Jewish book, renamed it to the Old Testament to alter
and change it as they wish to fit prophecies about Jesus, then they
elevated the man into a God for worship, why?

  We do need to remember where those Christians came from,
what is their true Background. The first Christians were made by
Paul at Old Europe, especially Greece and Rome (Italy), both of
which were full with nonsense about many Gods, and the story of
Hercules, whose father is the greatest among the Gods Zeus, and his
mother a human being, exactly like the story of Trinitarians, Jesus
from Mary the human, is the son of something called the father, who
is the God of Gods. It was so easy for those who drank this fiction
since childhood to make another man a God, without paying attention
to what is written in their books even. What happened then, we have
a man Jesus, and a God from the same, this confusion made them
invent a silly faith, how?

  Please ask them with love the following questions: How
Jesus is God and sitting on the right hand side of God? How a God
sits on his own right hand side, takes a nut to talk, and a sane to
understand. Ask them: how Jesus is God and the son to himself, since
they claim he was the son of God. How any God can be his own son,
and his own father in the same relation? Some ignorant would say: I
am the father to my child, and the son to my father, but here we are
talking about three completely different people, not three in one.
Ask them: How Jesus is God and the high priest of God according to
the book of Hebrews, is it usual for their Gods to become their own
high priests (self service Gas station)?  Ask them: the mother of
Jesus was Mary, what is the name of the mother of the father, did
God of the Old testament had a mother like Jesus God had one, Mary
could not be the mother 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Holy Ghost

2006-11-23 Thread shaheed_saleh
ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
The Holy Ghost 2-87-4
Al Salaam Aleikum, dear friends, I welcome all new readers,
let me introduce my work, since hundreds of you are new to this
mailing. I am trying to bring Qur'aan closer to the hearts. It is
obvious today how far people ventured away from the Noble Qur'aan.
We see people reciting Qur'aan in Arabic, Parsi, Urdu, or any other,
still when we ask them to give us explanation they cannot, why? Let
us pay that needed respect for the words of Allah, if you say you
believe in Allah, if you say you believe in Qur'aan, please listen
to what Allah says 2:121:
ÇáÐíä ÂÊíäÇåã ÇáßÊÇÈ íÊáæäå ÍÞ ÊáÇæÊå ÃæáÆß íÄãäæä Èå
Those who received the Book, they recite it in the proper manner as
it deserves, those truly believe in the book. My friend, I do not
wish to call you names, I do not wish to be harsh with you, however,
I cannot hold myself from saying: those who say they believe in
Qur'aan and Allah, yet they read the Qur'aan like talking birds,
those are Hypocrites, and in a dangerous state, please correct this
if you are in such a state. You have no excuse whatsoever any more,
I am reaching you even in your very living room, in your working
place, some of you are reading me in Net Cafes, you have no excuse,
I am here to help.
My brothers and sisters in Allah, I am here to help, can
you do yourself a favor, use this opportunity well.  My friend, this
is our forth message about Ayah 2:87, let us start with a Zikir:
ÇáÍãÏ ááå ÇáÐí ÃÍíÇäÇ ÈÚÏ ãÇ ÃãÇÊäÇ æÅáíå ÇáäÔæÑ
 Thanks only to Allah who brought us to life from the state of the
first death, and unto Allah we will be gathered again. Wonderful
words as an acknowledgment from our Prophet Muhammad PBUH, speaking
about the blessing of Allah in bringing us to this life to work and
enjoy from the state of the first death when our cycle of Eternity
started, assuring all of us how Allah will gather us again, and
there is no escaping this, what have you prepared for your meeting
with Allah and the Angels my friend? Are you using this available
time wisely, or all what you are about is just a waste?
Now back to Ayah 2:87, which says:
æáÞÏ ÂÊíäÇ ãæÓì ÇáßÊÇÈ æÞÝíäÇ ãä ÈÚÏå ÈÇáÑÓá æÁÇÊíäÇ ÚíÓì ÇÈä ãÑíã
And We gave Moses the Book, following him we sent messengers, and
we gave Isa (Jesus) the son of Mary what clarifies all things, We
also supported him with the Holy Ghost. We said the last time: this
Holy Ghost issue is greatly abused by Muslims and Christians, how
sad this is. We asked the question: who/what is the Holy Ghost, also
what are the Muslim and Christian mistakes regarding this Holy
Ghost, or in the way they misunderstood it?
Before we go today to our reflections allow me to ask: are
you stubborn at the Heart, are you a stiff neck person, have you
ever asked yourself this kind of a question, did you criticize
yourself in an effort to change before you will be questioned by the
Angels, are you self motivated to improve where you are, or you wait
till you fall before you stand up again? Here, we are trying hard to
correct some mistakes we Muslims make, are you willing to correct
and accept if what we say makes sense, since what we bring comes
straight from Allah? I had to keep this paragraph as it is for those
who just joined us today.
Let us try to understand the meaning of the words from
Allah: and we supported Isa PBUH with the Holy Ghost, what/who is
the Holy Ghost we asked? Very well, we spoke the last time about how
we are made from Dust in Ayah 23:12; Jinn are made from the essence
of fire in Ayah 55:15, how about the Angels? Angels based on the
very little we know about them are made from light, I heard no
speech that contradicts such talk till now. However, Christians'
illiteracy about this made them think how Satan who is from the
Jinn, is a falling Angel, while their book from Paul says: we all
know how Satan can disguise himself as an Angel of light, which
means clearly how Satan is not an Angel, can deceive his own to
believing what he wishes, but cannot deceive those who have good
knowledge about the basics.
Muslims heard from Christians how Satan was an Angel, some
Muslims repeated this nonsense as if it is the Gospel truth, they
went further to say: Satan was the most beautiful among the Angels,
the Peacock among the Angels. Dear Muslims, let Christians say what
they wish to say about Satan, however, please correct where you
stand from this issue, Allah says in Ayah 18:50:
ÅáÇ ÅÈáíÓ ßÇä ãä ÇáÌä ÝÝÓÞ Úä ÃãÑ ÑÈå
all Angels bowed, except Satan who is from Jinn, and who rejected
the order of His LORD to bow. Allah clearly says: Satan is from the
Jinn, we brought the Ayah 55:15 that shows how Jinn are made from
the essence of fire. On the other hand Ayah 7:12 says:
ÞÇá ÃäÇ ÎíÑ ãäå ÎáÞÊäí ãä äÇÑ æÎáÞÊå ãä Øíä
Satan said to Allah: I am better than Adam, You created me from
fire, and created Adam from Mud, we also said how Allah created the
Jinn from 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ramadan is Near

2006-09-11 Thread shaheed_saleh
ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
Ramadan is near
 Al Salaam Aleikum, Though I usually share with you wonderful 
Tafseer for Qur'aan, but recently things got little difficult, and 
some of my accounts were closed; now it is harder for me to share 
with all my contacts. Last Ramadan we had the most wonderful 
moments, with knowledge so great Al Hamdu Lillah. I asked people to 
join Ramadan list, many came, and everyone was extremely happy. 
Anyone who want to read what I sent last Ramadan can see in my 
group, under Ramadan 2005 if you wish, if you are not a member, ask 
me to invite you. 
 Ramadan is near, may Allah accept from all of you. I am asking you 
please come and join my Ramadan list, where I am planning on showing 
you one of the most wonderful features of Qur'aan, which is Qur'aan 
and Science. We will study and equip ourselves to teach others, if 
someone asks: prove Qur'aan is from the LORD, we will be able to 
prove even to Atheists Insha Allah. All of you know Qur'aan is so 
wonderful, but when non Muslims come and ask us to prove it is not 
from Muhammad PBUH, but from Allah, most of us do not know what to 
say, how about if I share with you for answering and for your own 
knowledge as well. 
 You are right my brothers and sisters, Qur'aan is wonderful, but 
aren't you interested in finding at least how? This Ramadan I will 
not completely disappear from others, I will be sending messages 
from time to time as time allows it, but those who want to join me 
in Ramadan will be receiving daily, things that they never heard in 
their lives as Muslims, also non Muslims never heard as well. 
 How many of you will join my Ramadan this year, last year were 
hundreds, will I have one thousand of you today, make my Ramadan, 
make our Ramadan so wonderful, come, let us see the wonders of 
Qur'aan, come and be part of my Ramadan this year, and allow me to 
be part of yours too. To join my Ramadan list, just send me an E 
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], tell me to add you, you are already 
on this list of my contacts, but not all of you have time or are 
interested in learning the wonders in the Noble Qur'aan, I am 
calling on those who still love Allah, and wish to make their 
Ramadan the best. Come take from me, get together with your friends 
in Masjids and repeat what you heard from me to all of them daily as 
Ramadan love those Gatherings as such. 

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Is there anything in common

2006-08-27 Thread shaheed_saleh
 Boycott Israel, Look for Code 7   290 on code Bar this is made in 

 Is there anything in common-1
 Wishing all of you the best, I received an E mail, with many 
questions from Joe, and this is what he asked me: Do you believe in 
the same Jesus as Christians do? and is Allah the same God as the 
God of Abraham, is Allah the same God worshipped by the Christians 
and the Jews?
  When I ask is Jesus the same worshipped by you as buy the 
Christians I mean his attributes, his personage, is he the same one 
who is taught about in the New Testament?. or has the New Testament 
been changed?. are the words in red in the New Testament the words 
of Jesus?
   Why was Jesus born of a Virgin birth and Mohammad was not? what 
significance did the Virgin birth have, and why did Allah decide to 
bring Jesus into the world without a earthly Father, unlike 
Mohammad?. And lastly does Allah give unto us as we deserve, here on 
earth, or do we only receive his mercy, prosperity, and blessings, 
in paradise?. if in paradise what is it we benefit here on earth?. 
Please answer all my questions as I am grateful 
 As all of you can see, many questions, not simple as Joe thinks, 
but more complicated than he can imagine, also I am not going to 
answer as he or anyone else wishes, I will answer in the way that is 
best Insha Allah. Some of you may not like what I am saying, that is 
why I would rather take one question at the time, finish answering 
all the objections, then move on to the next if you do not mind. 
Though some of you may not see it this way, but those questions are 
so important, and need to ask, also need to answer in an educated 
manner, not with Ignorance. 
Let me list those questions in the order through which I will answer:
(1) Is Allah the same God as the God of Abraham, is Allah the same 
God worshipped by the Christians and the Jews?
(2) Do you believe in the same Jesus as Christians do?When I 
ask is Jesus the same worshipped by you as buy the Christians I mean 
his attributes, his personage, is he the same one who is taught 
about in the New Testament?
(3) Why was Jesus born of a Virgin birth and Mohammad was not? what 
significance did the Virgin birth have, and why did Allah decide to 
bring Jesus into the world without a earthly Father, unlike Mohammad?
(4) lastly does Allah give unto us as we deserve, here on earth, or 
do we only receive his mercy, prosperity, and blessings, in 
paradise? if in paradise what is it we benefit here on earth?
Now, I do apologize because there is no way I can answer all the 
questions properly in one message, you will come to know why soon 
enough. Let us start answering the first question, is Allah the same 
God of Abraham, also the same worshiped by Jews and Christians? A 
question that is abused by so many, and how we have the wrong answer 
from about 98 % plus of the world's nations, and perhaps it is about 
time we solved the riddle. However, we need to know who is the God 
of Abraham before we come to know if we all are worshiping the same, 
also we need to see: are Christians worshiping the God of Abraham as 
they say, as we are asked this question, it is our right to ask the 
 Is Allah the same God Joe asked, before we answer, let us ask all 
of you, please allow me to do this, please tell us the name of the 
man of the LORD who told you the weird word God is the name of the 
LORD? If you look at Jewish Scripture, the commandments warns you 
against misusing the name of the LORD, it says in some versions: 
though shall not misuse the name of the LORD, other versions say: 
thou shall not take the name of the LORD in vein then why those who 
say they believe in the LORD call him by God? The name of the LORD 
does not translate, it should transliterate, or stays the same in 
any language. Look at the ignorance of some, In English he becomes 
God, in French he becomes Dio, in German he become Gut, in Spanish 
he is Monsenior, what it his real name please tell us? Please stay 
with the word God, we are not speaking about Tetra Gramaton four 
letter word of Yehwa yet. 
 Now a question to the Christians, can you prove to us how Jesus 
spoke English to tell you the name of the LORD is God? Even some of 
my readers are Arab Christians today, ask those Christians: what is 
the name of the LORD mentioned in their books, they will say out 
loud: Allah, then the name Allah is not Muslim related only, but it 
is the truth even if we differ in the way we see such. Those who 
call the LORD by God are going against his commandments, yet they 
think they are good believers. Some Christians may tell us: we do 
not read the books word for word, we read THE WORD, meaning, alter 
and change even OT to fits THE WORD meaning Jesus. Even for those we 
say: if you look at what Jesus according to Mathew said: Hallowed be 
thy name, then we see those who claim to be Christ like making the 
name of the LORD hollow and empty, meaningless, 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Tell me what should we do

2006-08-08 Thread shaheed_saleh
Al Salaam Aleikum, more messages will come your way Insha 
Allah, this is a long process, I gave you enough work for sometime, 
I sent you three Reports from the Middle East showing the truth 
about Israelis, if you do not have those messages, please send 
asking [EMAIL PROTECTED] for those messages, that is not all, 
we have a true battle to uncover the Israelis. Some of you still 
wonder what they should do with this information, let me please shed 
some light please? 
You have friends, you have family members, you have Masjids 
and houses of prayer for Muslims, and Christian Churches, those 
papers need to be distributed at Muslims houses of worship because 
we are seeking those who can help us, the task is so big to reach 
all those millions of supporters to the Israelis to show them the 
truth about Israel. Distribute at Churches because the worst evil 
blind support is coming from Christians, also the Zionists among 
Christians, because Christians do believe how Israel has Biblical 
rights to Palestine, which are non Biblical lies, and to killing us, 
also thinking how Israelis are the people of God, all what they do 
is a must to help Israel as they think, and they need to help and be 
servants to those Jews. The Israelis have used this blindness so 
bad, they are abusing the lack of knowledge of Christians to destroy 
our lives as Muslims, Bush is one of those stupid, look how he 
occupied Iraqi with lies to help the peace of Israel, how he is 
threatening Syria, how he is going after Iran because they clearly 
say how Israel does not belong on Muslim land at Palestine, but he 
is scared because Iran is strong today.
My friend, you are on a very Noble mission, your efforts 
will save so many millions of lives those supporters of Israel are 
willing to destroy us to help Israel, they hate us because we tell 
the truth about Israelis, and they don't know how we are telling the 
truth, but the truth that they think they believe in which is evil 
lies, they are blocking the real truth from reaching them, we need 
to work hard so that they may see what is the real truth is. 
Israelis have been working so hard to make the Zionists believe 
them, and willing to do anything for their sake, most Christians are 
on Israel side, but believe me those Christians come out from the 
school of love, it will take little effort, but they will open their 
eyes to the truth, what information I am giving you to share is 
capable of opening even their hearts to the truth. Trust me how they 
don't know this information, while they read the books all of their 
lives, and their priests don't wish to show them. 
If you live at the US, if you have someone who lives there, 
also you have houses of worship in any country you live in away from 
the US, this is where we need to seek help from people. You need to 
write those at the US to help, you need to make copies and 
distribute them with informing the people why this information is 
being provided, it is important to expose Israel, and their 
supporters like this stupid Bush, this war Monger who seek the lives 
of all Muslims. Even if you stood at houses of worship yourself to 
distribute those papers, Allah will provide us with more people who 
are willing to help, always include a sentence at the end saying: 
please give this information to others if you will. I have a header 
message to go with the messages I am giving you, please see 
attachment for this cover message, or send ask me at the address I 
provided above for this. 
Again, standing at Masjids to bring others to help, our 
number to increase for this battle, distributing at Churches, going 
on demonstrations to bring the media to hear us when we go in big 
gatherings, leave on care windows, make copies and distribute them 
peacefully, not causing any troubles. The purpose is to reach as 
many millions as possible, especially from those who support Israel, 
also the media, the radio stations that has Satan Advocates who help 
Israel. Please go in groups to the streets, when TV Station comes, 
tell them this is why you are here, just to expose Israel, if there 
is not other way to draw Media attention.   

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 

[IslamCity] Rejecting Allah is evil

2006-06-28 Thread shaheed_saleh
ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
Rejecting Allah is evil 2-83-11
 Al Salaam Aleikum, dear readers, we are still looking at the 
wonderful names of Allah, we are still looking at His name Al Azees: 
ÇáÚÒíÒ. It is so sad how people react to the orders of Allah 
sometimes, while they know how Allah's name is Al Zees, which means 
He needs none of those who offend Him, and does not need their 
worship as well. Look at what Allah says in Ayah 5:95:  
 æãä ÚÇÏ ÝíäÊÞã Çááå ãäå æÇááå ÚÒíÒ ÐæÇäÊÞÇã
And whosoever returns to hunting animals while they are in Ihram 
State during Pilgrimage, Allah can do without them, and He will 
punish as well. If we look at this order from Allah, we will see 
how Allah is giving a break to nature to balance itself, we hunt 
animals through the year, and if no one stop us, we will bring some 
kinds of animals to extension, and Allah wants our children to enjoy 
what He gave us, then He gives a break to nature to balance itself 
once a year. Please learn Qur'aan well, please know this is the best 
thing that ever happened to us under the Heavens, please take good 
care of the words Allah sent us, and He promised to preserve.  
Next part in Ayah 2:83 says:
æÅÐ ÃÎÐäÇ ãíËÇÞ Èäí ÅÓÑÇÆíá áÇ ÊÚÈÏæÇ ÅáÇ Çááå æÈÇáæÇáÏíä ÅÍÓÇäÇ æÐí 
ÇáÞÑÈì æÇáíÊÇãì æÇáãÓÇßíä æÞæáæÇ ááäÇÓ ÍÓäÇ, æÃÞíãæÇ ÇáÕáÇÉ æÁÇÊæÇ 
ÇáÒßæÇÉ Ëã ÊæáíÊã ÅáÇ ÞáíáÇ ãäßã æÇäÊã ãÚÑÖæä
We made a covenant with the children of Israel (Jacob), do not 
worship anyone or anything besides Allah, and be dutiful and 
extremely good toward your parent, your relatives, the Orphans, and 
toward those who are in need, and talk to people in the most polite 
way, also do perform your prayers, and give out obligatory Alms, 
then you turned your backs to every order we gave you, and 
unwillingness to obey. We finally came to our last words about this 
Ayah, after we sent out about ten messages, praise to Allah only.
 A friend asked me: since Allah does not need our worship, since 
Allah is greater than needing anything from us, then why He insists 
on making us worship Him? I looked in the eyes of my friend, seeing 
how the eyes were looking at me like a little child, full with 
curiosity, what I will say, the words are so true, since Allah 
doesn't need our worship, why He insists? I smiled, looked out side 
the window for few seconds, then took a deep breath, and turned back 
to my friend who seemed troubled thinking as if loosing the last 
hope to find an answer, but this is not true. 
I said: my friend, yes, it is very true, Allah does not need our 
worship, it is true how Allah gave us all what we need to live 
today, it is true Allah can remove us from this system and bring 
others if He wishes, but also true how this worship is done for our 
sake not His. Allah expect two different things from people, from 
some He expects thanks for all the blessings He provided us with 
today, from others He expect worship and obedience because He 
prepared more wonders beyond any imagination in the Hereafter in 
Heaven. Then what happens? Those who are supposed to pay thanks for 
Allah who created everything for them, then created them to enjoy, 
they did not pay any thanks, on the contrary they did even worse, 
they went after Insulting Allah and every man He chose for His 
messages, they even did so with utmost evil all the way. They also 
went thanking creation for what Allah created, as if they wish to 
deny even this much He did for their sake.
On the other hand those who He expected them to worship, they did 
exactly as told, they spent their days in praising, their nights in 
prayer through the darkness of the night, their prayers shined like 
the Sun in the Heaven. For every order Allah made, they said yes we 
hear and we obey, for every issue He sent them they gave justice, 
knowing how all this is a test, those who pass will make it to the 
big reward. Those who are good need us to stand a long time to 
wonder about what they exactly did, to get His satisfaction, and try 
to follow their examples Insha Allah. However, we will do this some 
other time, let us today speak about those who deserved His anger, 
and ask why they did?
I understand why some people would not worship Allah, thinking He is 
the LORD of Muslims, and they hate us Muslims, they will not worship 
what we worship, if only those know how even Arab Christians, also 
Arab Jews call the LORD by the name of Allah, perhaps those will 
come to ease of their hate a little, and come to think, perhaps they 
should not hate us, because we are not to judge each others today, 
the LORD will judge all of  us come the day. I do also understand 
those hopeless who do not believe there is a LORD to start with, 
those are lost for good, till they change where they stand before it 
is too late. But what I don't understand is; those Jews, not all of 
them, about 80% do not believe any more there is a LORD, I am not 
talking about those, I am talking about those Jews who know there is 
a LORD, and 

[IslamCity] Are you A Money Lover 2:83-10

2006-06-15 Thread shaheed_saleh
ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
Are you A money lover 2-83-10
Al Salaam Aleikum, dear readers, how many times you heard 
the call for prayer, why this call is made, what it really says, do 
you know what lies behind the obvious words coming through the 
Microphone? What about Tahiyaat (Durood), where this came from, what 
does it mean, how it is a reminder to us on daily bases, do you know 
that too? Why we praise Allah in bowing, why we exalt Him in our 
kneeling, did you think about this? A lot more we are explaining in 
the book about prayer, and I challenge the best among you, you 
should find something new when you read the book, also some advices 
are included for those who have no mercy for others next to them in 
line, also many bad practices most of us are doing, and need to 
stop. Why you are not interested in ordering your free copy today, 
do you think you know all what needed to be known, you are dead 
We spoke a little about the name of Allah in Al Azees: 
ÇáÚÒíÒ, the Dear One. Now looking at Ayah 2:260 when Ibraheim PBUH 
asked Allah to see how He revives the dead, Allah said: didn't you 
believe yet? Ibraheim PBUH said: I sure did, but jut to have a peace 
in mind, Allah told him to cut the birds, and call them they will be 
revived, then He said: 
æÃÚáã Ãä Çááå ÚÒíÒ Íßíã
And bear in mind that Allah can do away with people belief, has no 
needs, yes my friend, Allah does not need our believing in Him, yet 
we have great need to believe. Open your heart for Allah, let Him 
Next part in Ayah 2:83 says:
æÅÐ ÃÎÐäÇ ãíËÇÞ Èäí ÅÓÑÇÆíá áÇ ÊÚÈÏæÇ ÅáÇ Çááå æÈÇáæÇáÏíä ÅÍÓÇäÇ æÐí 
ÇáÞÑÈì æÇáíÊÇãì æÇáãÓÇßíä æÞæáæÇ ááäÇÓ ÍÓäÇ, æÃÞíãæÇ ÇáÕáÇÉ æÁÇÊæÇ 
We made a covenant with the children of Israel (Jacob), do not 
worship anyone or anything besides Allah, and be dutiful and 
extremely good toward your parent, your relatives, the Orphans, and 
toward those who are in need, and talk to people in the most polite 
way, also do perform your prayers, and give out obligatory Alms, 
yes, Allah included Alms this time, what are Alms, and why in plural 
One day I heard a scholar saying after he visited the West, 
I saw some of the practices in the West, I found it amazing, I found 
people who do not believe in Qur'aan, yet are doing what it says, 
and we Muslims are people who believe and do none of such. This 
statement from him came as a shock to my ears, and I started 
wondering, why the man would say such a horrible thing about us 
Muslims? My friend, we need to act smart, not just look like we are. 
It is true our Qur'aan is the only truth under the Heaven today; it 
is true our belief is the only right among all the errors done by 
mankind, all this looks good, but we do not. It is not enough that 
what we have to be as good as good can get, but how much of that is 
showing in your life and mine, that is what counts for each one 
among us. What came from Allah need no argument, but what comes from 
you should be always evaluated to see which way you are heading, 
remember not all ways lead to Heaven my friend, some or most ways do 
lead astray. 
I noticed how those who believe in inventions they made up; donate 
billions to survive and make their belief a great success, I see 
those who are holding to the only truth acting stingy, and acting 
cheep, when we ask them to give money to the poor, the response 
would be why should I? Well, let me give you the reasons, how about 
one thousand of them, would that satisfy, then here it is: Allah 
says do so, and if you do not obey Allah, you are in danger big, big 
time, are those thousand reasons good enough, or you need more to 
count a million of the same kind? In this same Ayah Allah told us 
how we need to take good care of those people in need, now Allah is 
saying give out Alms (Zakat), what is the difference between the 
two? Giving in both cases is done for the sake of Allah, not for 
what thanks people would give back, second, giving to those in need 
in obvious cases you were lucky to find, how about those cases you 
cannot reach? 
My friend, no matter how small this world gets, still only Allah can 
see the little Black Ant, on that dark Black Rock, during the 
darkest Night, walking about to find its way Home. You and I do not 
know where all those people who are in need are, sometimes we 
establish organizations to guide those to us, like the tower of 
light we plant on Shores, leading the lost in the Sea, those 
Organization lead the lost, and I do not mean those in need, but we 
are. Those organizations bring the needy where we can see, and reach 
as Allah ordered us. You still don't know where this tower is, are 
you still lost, how about obvious cases like Palestine, can you help 
those who have been put to starve by the terrorists of the world, 
including Israelis and the rulers of the US, can you send your help, 
can you see that tower of light to guide you to how you can send 
your money to help 

[IslamCity] Is Your Prayer in Good Shape?

2006-06-06 Thread shaheed_saleh
ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
Is your prayer in Good shape 2-83-9
Al Salaam Aleikum, I want to announce the good news, your 
free book about good prayers is now available, please order your 
free copy today, come to know if you are doing prayer the proper 
way, and learn a lot more about what Ahan call for prayer means and 
says. Come to know what the Tahiyaat (Durood Shareif) means, and 
where it came from, learn good Duaa too. Check if your prayer is 
done properly, even if you think your prayer is in good shape. Those 
who still wish to have the books about Sourah one and 114, they are 
available now in my group, under Free Books, join us. 
We spoke a little about the name of Allah of Al Azees: 
ÇáÚÒíÒ, the Dear One. We all remember in Sourah 12:88 how Yusuf PBUH 
was called, when he was the second in command to the king of Egypt: 
Al Azeez, which means: O one who stand on High honorable ground. 
Always this word is given to someone who is high in position, with 
relation to people, and my friend, there is no Higher than Allah 
ever among His creation, or in His KINGDOM, praise to Allah in the 
Glory of His Holiness. Azeez came few times in the noble book, 
always indicating great respect, and that is exactly what we owe 
Allah my friend, nothing less is acceptable, Al Hamdu Lillah. 
Dear readers, we are still speaking about Ayah 2:83, yes my friend, 
and let us look at what came in next. Next part in this Ayah says:
æÈÇáæÇáÏíä ÅÍÓÇäÇ æÐí ÇáÞÑÈì æÇáíÊÇãì æÇáãÓÇßíä æÞæáæÇ ááäÇÓ ÍÓäÇ, 
æÃÞíãæÇ ÇáÕáÇÉ
We made a covenant with the children of Israel (Jacob), do not 
worship anyone or anything besides Allah, and be dutiful and 
extremely good toward your parent, your relatives, the Orphans, and 
toward those who are in need, and talk to people in the most polite 
way, also do perform your prayers, Now we see Allah ordering the 
performance of prayer, this order came to every nation Allah sent a 
prophet and messengers to. You would say: what are you talking 
about, Allah sent prophets only to the children of Israel, then he 
sent Jesus to the Christians, when they used to be called Gentile, 
which means: Non Jew.
Ya Allah how wrong those are who believe in such, which has 
such lack of information to all extremes. My friend, beloved 
brothers, wonderful sister please listen, please pay attention for 
just a little. Allah sent about 24000 prophets and messengers, Allah 
says in Ayah 35:24:
æÅä ãä ÃãÉ ÅáÇ ÎáÇ ÝíåÇ äÐíÑ
Not even the least among the nations in history that did not 
receive a man from the LORD to warn them about Hell, guide them 
towards Heaven, Israelis were the least in number and importance 
through history, they had many men of the LORD, no one can deny, but 
they were not every nation through history, how? Israelis started 
from Jacob PBUH, who left and stayed in Egypt with his son Joseph 
PBUH (Yusuf), then Israelis continued living their for many hundreds 
of years, four hundred and thirty of those years they spent in 
slavery, then they came to Palestine, lived there for a short time, 
after which they were taken slaves to Babylon, then slaves under 
Persia, till Cyrus the king of Persia returned them to Palestine, 
they stayed a very short time slaves under Rome, before Christian 
Rome kicked them out for the last 2000 years, they came back little 
by little since 1917, announced a state over the Palestinian blood 
Yes, Israelis were always just one small nation, yet not 
one nation was left without Heavenly teaching from a fair LORD. 
Every nation had this order: do perform prayers, and believe me 
prayer is one of the most important among the good you and I can do, 
why? Dearest; please listen, prayer is done for your sake not His, 
the first thing we will be questioned about is prayer, trust me. In 
prayer we are actually performing all five pillars of Islam, we make 
the Shahadah (Testimony of Only One LORD) many, many times, only by 
reading Al Fateha we mention the Shahadah and the names of Allah 14 
times, multiply by four Rakaas Al Fateha repeated, 14 * 4 == 56 times 
Allah is mentioned in each prayer, not to mention other Sourahs we 
recite, and this is done at least 17 Rakaa every day at least, 952 
times you say Shahdah of there is only One LORD just reciting Al 
Fateha five prayers every day, imagine that. What other nation 
mention what it worships as we do, looks like some of us are 
dedicated to His memory, so indulged in His name, praise to Allah in 
His Glory forever and ever. 
During prayer you are doing prayer itself, which is the 
second in the Pillars as you see, in prayer you are fasting, no 
drinking or eating of any kind, in prayer you are making Zakah, 
because every good word you utter you receive a reward for, and 
Muhammad PBUH said: every good word is a Sadakah (Good Deed done), 
and in prayer my friend you put your face toward Mekka, as if you 
are performing 

[IslamCity] Do you Love Yourself 2-83-7

2006-05-11 Thread shaheed_saleh

ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
Do U Love yourself 2-83-7
 Dear readers, Al Salaam Aleikum, Yes, two free books are 
waiting for you, to show you the wonderful meanings of the words of 
Allah in Sourah 1, and Sourah 114, what are you waiting for, please 
check them out, what you will loose? Simply send me an E mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], or even to this mail address you are 
receiving from ordering your books free. A reader asked to know how 
she can perform prayer the best way possible, a Booklet will come 
your way soon Insha Allah, for all those who wish to know how to 
pray the best way possible. Also to explain to you the words of the 
Athan call for prayer you hear and perhaps never thought about, also 
why we say Allahu Akbar with every move? A lot of beautiful 
information coming soon Insha Allah prepare yourself to order those 
free books.
 Today I am sorry to tell you that I am under ignorant war 
with msn, and Hotmail, looks like they realized the great success I 
am making reaching thousands of readers with valuable teaching, how 
I am building a wonderful Network, now they are closing my accounts 
one by one, they closed five of my hotmail addresses, yesterday they 
closed [EMAIL PROTECTED], which had many Muslim groups on 
it, now I am blocked from posting there for the time being. Please 
help me and tell me if there is a competitor to hotmail I can use 
without being blocked like this from sharing what I wish to share. 
Also, please do not use any of the filters against Spam, this way I 
can send you my messages, because looks like I am going to play a 
stupid game of hide and seek with this war against me, and will be 
using different mail addresses to continue reaching my readers 
without any interruptions. 
Dear readers, we are still speaking about Ayah 2:83, yes my friend, 
still have things to say before we barely finish the first part that 
is. Next part in this Ayah says:
æÈÇáæÇáÏíä ÅÍÓÇäÇ æÐí ÇáÞÑÈì æÇáíÊÇãì æÇáãÓÇßíä
We made a covenant with the children of Israel (Jacob), do not 
worship anyone or anything besides Allah, and be dutiful and 
extremely good toward your parent, your relatives, the Orphans, and 
toward those who are in need, very well, we did not talk about 
those people who are in need the Ayah mentioned? The word Allah used 
here is: Miskeen, which may mean a lot of things, like poor could 
fit, cannot afford a good living may fit, those who are so poor they 
cannot afford a meal every day. If you look at all of us, we all are 
Miskeen in one way or another believe it or leave it. However, this 
discussion today is not about us, but about what Allah mentioned. 
Let us get 
acquainted with what Allah wants my friend.
 Before we get into this discussion let me ask you please: 
how many were the times when you were approached by a poor person 
begging for your help, or the little that you may give, and what was 
your reaction? Imagine, this poor soul came asking, did not say how 
much he/she wants, this means you are free to give whatever you can 
afford, or like to give, no restrictions, yet, the question is: how 
did you respond. Well, I do not wish to hear your answer, I know I 
asked, yet I want you to hear what you have to say, please listen to 
your heart, what have you done when this happened? 
 My friend, tell me, have you ever thought: O this is not 
poor, this is a millionaire, and a lazy Bum that doesn't want to 
work, is it really, do you know that for sure, or you are just 
guessing? How many times you thought or been told: don't give them, 
they are drug abusers, they will take your money, and buy drugs with 
it, O really now, people all of the sudden are so informed, and they 
have sure knowledge for a change, how wonderful. My friend, do those 
people who think this way ever read the Noble Book of Allah, did 
Allah tell us to check when a Poor soul come begging, to see his/her 
Background, how about asking for their Resume next time? Well, let 
me tell you something real, when you give money to the Poor, if you 
are giving to the Poor, please do as you wish, but if you are doing 
for the sake of Allah, then no questions asked, just please give, 
you are giving Allah my friend, while you think you are putting in a 
human hand, which isn't.
 Fine, let me tell you what our Imam Muhammad PBUH told us: 
give this who asks; even if he looked like a Prince and riding the 
fanciest horses. My friend, do you like stories, please come, relax, 
make yourself comfortable, and let me share this with you if you 
don't mind. Looking at Sourah 68, Ayahs 17-33, here what the story 
 Once upon a time, there was a rich family of Old, they had 
a huge rich property, a property that produces all kinds of 
wonderful fruits, and all kinds of Vegetation. Year after year Allah 
blessed this family greatly, and after many years of success, little 
by little the family stopped helping the poor, and the Miskeen, 
stopped to