[IslamCity] A hadith

2006-05-09 Thread saiyed shahbazi

Ibn 'Abbas said, "One day I was behind the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and he said, 'Boy, I will teach you some words: Be careful regarding Allah and He will take care of you. Be careful regarding Allah and you will find Him in front of you. When you ask, ask Allah and when you seek help, seek help from Allah. Know that if the whole community were to gather together to help you with something, they would not be able to help you in any way unless Allah had written that for you. And if they were to gather together to harm you in some way, they would not be able to harm you except with something which Allah had written for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages are dry."[at-Tirmidhi]saiyed shahbazi

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Holy quran



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[IslamCity] A Hadith on Dreams

2005-12-27 Thread Curtis Sharif

Bismillah, FYI  Peace, Curtis Sharif  Houston, Texas     From: "Rehana mohammdi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Mon Dec 19, 2005  4:24 am Subject: In The Name Of Allah   _In The Name Of AllahThe Most GraciousThe Most MercifulDREAM OF PROPHET MOHAMMAD (SalAllaho Alaihi Wasallam)It was the noble habit of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallamthat after the Fajr salaat he used to turn and face his companionsand ask them: "Did anyone of you see any dream last night?" Ifanyone saw a dream, he would relate it to him and he would give someinterpretation to it. As was his habit, he once asked them if anyone of them had seen any dream. They all said that they had not seenany dream. He then said: "I saw a dream last night that two peoplecame to me, took hold of my hand and led me towards a sacred place.I saw a man sitting and another standing with pincers in his hand.He was tearing open the sitting man's cheek until it reached hisneck. He then did the same with the other cheek. In the meantime,the first cheek came back to its normal position,
 so he did the sameto it again. I asked the angels: "What is this?" Theyreplied: "Carry on further."We continued further until we passed by a person who was lying downand another person was standing at his head-side with a heavyboulder in his hand. He took the boulder and, with full force, heburst his head. Once the boulder struck him, it fell and rolled awayto a far distance. When he went to pick up that boulder and by thetime that he returned, this person's head became normal again. So heburst it again. I asked them: "What is this?" They replied: "Carryon further."We carried on further until we reached a cave which was like anoven. It was very wide at the bottom and very narrow on top. A firewas burning in it and it was filled with many naked men and women.When the flames rose, all of them rose with it until they were aboutto fall out. When the flames subsided, they all also went down withit. I asked
 them: "What is this?" They both replied: "Carry onfurther."We proceeded further until we reached a river of blood. A person wasstanding in the centre of the river, and on the bank another man wasstanding with many boulders in front of him. The man in the centrewalked towards the bank and when he was about to come out, theperson on the bank threw a boulder on his face with such force thathe returned to his original place in the centre. When he tried tocome out again, he threw a boulder at him and sent him back. I askedthem: "What is this?" They replied: "Carry on further."We proceeded further until we reached a green and luscious garden.There was a huge tree and under it an old man and many children weresitting. Near the tree there was another man sitting. There was afire burning in front of him which he was blowing. Thereafter my twocompanions lifted me up and took me on top of the tree. Within thetree, a
 beautiful house was being constructed. They took me insideit; I had never seen such a beautiful house. There were many old andyoung men and women, and many children inside. After taking meoutside, we went to an even higher place. Over there was a housewhich was better than the first one. They took me inside; there werealso young and old people in it. I said to those two persons: "Youtook me around throughout the night, now tell me about all thesemysteries."One of them said: " The one whose cheeks you saw being torn apart isa liar. He used to speak lies until they used to become famouseverywhere. They will continue doing this to him right untilqiyaamah. As for the one whose head you saw getting smashed, he wasa person whom Allah had given knowledge of the Quran. He wasnegligent of it at night and did not practise on it during the day.He will be punished right until qiyaamah in this way. As for thosewhom you saw in the cave
 of fire, they were all adulterers. As forthe one in the river of blood, he was a devourer of usury(interest). The old man under the tree is Ibrahim alayhis salaam andall the children around him are the infants of other people. Theperson blowing the fire is the Guardian of Hell. The first housewhich you entered is for the general Muslims. The second house isfor the martyrs. I am Jibra'eel and this is Mika'eel." He thensaid: "Lift your head." I lifted my head and saw a white cloud aboveme. He said: "This is your house." I said: "Let me enter my house."He replied: "Your life is not completed yet. There's still some timeleft. If it was complete, you would have entered it now."Lesson: It should be known that dreams of prophets are revelations.All these incidents are true. Several things are learnt from thisHadith: (a) the severe punishment for speaking lies, (b) the fate ofan aalim who does not practise on his knowledge, (c)
 the punishmentfor adultery, (d) the punishment for devouring interest. May AllahTa'ala protect all Muslims from all these sins.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail