I.N. Daily Wednesday December 8, 2004

Today’s items (this is the summary details are below)

Ø      U.S. deserter 'didn't want to have to kill babies'

Ø      Photos of US Navy Seals Torturing Iraqis

Ø      Iraq: the unthinkable becomes normal, John Pilger  

Ø      Canada missteps at U.N.

Ø      Israel shuts down two Hebron charities

Ø      Zionist Plan is working; Egypt is threatened with hanger and civil war

Ø      Egyptian anger over 'spy' release

Ø      Canadian government vote in the UN will encourage Israel, the occupying country, to continue with its illegal practices against the Palestinian people ,A letter From Elias Hazineh, President of the Canadian Palestine House

Ø      Canada vote with the U.S., Israel, Australia and three small Pacific islands against a resolution calling for realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people

Ø      The Good Germans

Ø      US admits the war for ‘hearts and minds’ in Iraq is now lost

Ø      The upside to losing Iraq? An empire falls

Ø      Uncle Sam has his own gulag

Ø      Ex-CIA official: We will lose terror war

Ø      If he is an Arab, all the family would be killed and their home been demolished

Ø      The imbalance of justice

Ø      The 4th International Academic Conference on “An End to Occupation, A Just Peace in Israel-Palestine”, Activating an International Network




U.S. deserter 'didn't want to have to kill babies'


Tuesday's Globe and Mail


An American army deserter who fled the 82nd Airborne Division to avoid being deployed to Iraq told his refugee hearing yesterday that no amount of training could convince him that killing the enemy was a noble pursuit.

Jeremy Hinzman, 26, testified that despite stabbing his bayonet into a plastic dummy during training, and repeatedly chanting "What makes grass grow? Blood, blood, bright red blood" and "Train to kill; Kill we will," he could not "dehumanize" the enemy.




Photos of US Navy Seals Torturing Iraqis




Iraq: the unthinkable becomes normal

John Pilger  

Green Left Weekly Online Edition  

December 7, 2004

Mainstream media speak as if Fallujah were populated only by foreign “insurgents”. In fact, women and children are being slaughtered in our name.

Edward S Herman's landmark essay, “The Banality of Evil”, has never seemed more apposite. “Doing terrible things in an organised and systematic way rests on 'normalisation’”, wrote Herman. “There is usually a division of labour in doing and rationalising the unthinkable, with the direct brutalising and killing done by one set of individuals ... others working on improving technology (a better crematory gas, a longer burning and more adhesive napalm, bomb fragments that penetrate flesh in hard-to-trace patterns). It is the function of the experts, and the mainstream media, to normalise the unthinkable for the general public.”



Canada missteps at U.N.


Toronto Star

Dec. 5, 2004. 01:00 AM


One of the bright spots in Paul Martin's prime ministership, we're told, is the figure he cuts abroad. He may seem awkward and ill-at-ease at home and weak in his dealings with George W. Bush, but over in Africa, he comes to life.

On his recent trip to devastated regions of Sudan, for instance, Martin looked positively confident as he held forth about the need for the international community to become more activist and involved, as part of a "new multilateralism."

It's a message that plays well with Canadians.

We know we're a rich and privileged people, but we like the image of ourselves as friends of the world's downtrodden and powerless.

But Martin's government made a move last week — in the name of the "new multilateralism" — that signalled a shift in the opposite direction, a move that will certainly be felt as a blow by one of the world's powerless and long-suffering peoples.

Canada quietly reversed a longstanding policy last week when it joined the U.S. and only a few other countries in voting against a couple of U.N. resolutions supporting Palestinian rights.

John Sigler, professor emeritus of political science at Carleton University, argues that this could damage Canada's ability to act as an honest broker in the Middle East — as it has in the past — just as British Prime Minister Tony Blair is attempting to launch a new peace initiative.

Canada's U.N. ambassador, Allan Rock, tried to play down the significance of the policy shift, complaining that the U.N. passes too many resolutions about Palestinian rights.

It's true that the U.N. passes a lot of resolutions highlighting the plight of the Palestinians.

By comparison, there are few resolutions highlighting the suffering of the Israelis, who have clearly been subject to decades of terrorist attacks by Palestinian militants. So things might seem unbalanced in favour of the Palestinians.

But that conclusion would lose sight of the larger picture, and the reality of power in the Middle East and the world.

The Palestinians may be able to point to reams of U.N. resolutions in their favour, but that doesn't translate into any actual power or actual rights.



Israel shuts down two Hebron charities

By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank

The Israeli army has closed two charities in the
Hebron area which locals say give food and money to poor and orphaned Palestinians.

The offices belonged to the Islamic Charity Association, which was outlawed in June 2002 because of its support to families of bombers and those arrested by Israel.

The Israeli occupation army said it sealed the main zakat committee in the small town of Dura, 10km southwest of Hebron, and the village of Bani Naim, just east of the southern West Bank city.

Zakat is the obligatory alms required of Muslims, calculated as a percentage of a person's income.


Zionist Plan is working; Egypt is threatened with hanger and civil war  

Egyptian cotton makers fight to survive

By Jeremy Howell

BBC Business reporter in Cairo, Egypt


The Egyptian government is expected to sign a special trade agreement with the US and Israel next week.

The agreement's aim would be to help its textile industry which is under threat from harsh competition from Asia once global trade rules come into effect in January.



Egyptian anger over 'spy' release

There has been a public outcry in Egypt at the exchange of a convicted Israeli spy for six Egyptian students charged with plotting to kill Israeli soldiers.

Someone that has harmed Egypt and the Egyptian people should not have been swapped with innocent students,  Yusri Salem, Father of Mohammed Yusri , one of the students


Opposition politicians and even the students' families criticised the deal.

The father of one student said a spy who had harmed Egypt should not have been bartered for "innocent students".

Azzam Azzam himself - a member of Israel's ethnically Arab Druze minority - has categorically denied he acted as an agent for the Israeli state.



Canadian government vote in the UN will encourage Israel, the occupying country, to continue with its illegal practices against the Palestinian people

A letter From Elias Hazineh, President of the Canadian Palestine House


The Honourable Mr. Paul Martin, Prime Minister

Office of the Prime Minister, 80 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ont. , K1A 0A2


Dear Sir

Re: Canada’s Vote in the UNGA against the report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian.

I am writing to express the Palestinian Canadian deep concern regarding the Government’s shift towards supporting continued Israeli violation of international law and countless UN resolutions. The Canadian Government support of Israel expressed itself by voting for the first time in the UN General Assembly, against the report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.

This shift of Canada’s position contradicts the long balanced policy of Canada.

In our opinion, the new position of Canada does not help in bringing the two parties (Palestinians and Israelis) to the peace negotiations. In the contrary, it will encourage Israel, the occupying country, to continue with its illegal practices against the Palestinian people and their land. By not voting in support of  the findings of the International Court of Justice, Canada gave Israel  the opportunity to continue building the Apartheid Wall, which separates the two people who are supposed to live as good neighbors, confiscate more Palestinian  land and demolish Palestinian houses leaving thousands of people homeless, refugees and displaced.

Palestinian Canadian were pleased by your statement which you confirmed Canada’s commitment to help facilitate the Palestinian elections, and to be more involved in any future peace negotiations.

We understand that circles within your government are great supporters of Israel, however, we do not think that it is proper for Canada’s foreign  policy should be dictated by these circles.

The Palestinian Canadian Community has been proud of the balanced and objective positions of Canada foreign policy. We are gratified by aid Canada is providing to UNRWA, Palestine Authority and other NGOs who are working to enhance the lives of the Palestinian people and institutions in Occupied Palestine.

Our community is extremely concerned by this vote. We will continue to monitor future vote at international forums hoping that Canada will maintain a policy of objective and constructive engagement in the Middle East.




Canada vote with the U.S., Israel, Australia and three small Pacific islands against a resolution calling for realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people

Thomas Walkom

Toronto Star



"When he ran for the Liberal leadership last year, Paul Martin promised to bring Canada closer to the U.S. As Prime Minister, he is certainly keeping this pledge.

Much attention has focused on missile defence as symbol of this new relationship. This is not misplaced.

Martin and Defence Minister Bill Graham have made little secret of their wish to sign on to President George W. Bush's ambitious (and, many argue, ill-conceived) scheme, one that proposes to shoot down missiles with other missiles.

But the so-called new relationship is being fleshed out elsewhere, too.

In the tricky area of Middle East politics, Canada has moved incrementally closer to the U.S. position (which, in turn, flows from the Israeli stance) of demanding an end to Palestinian terror tactics before addressing Palestinian grievances.

That was hinted at last week by Allan Rock, Canada's U.N. ambassador.

Rock criticized U.N. resolutions on the Israeli-Palestinian issue for being what he called too one-sided. "References to Israeli security needs are often overlooked in the General Assembly," he said, adding that the world body does not pay sufficient attention to terrorist attacks by Palestinians against Israel.

In line with what Rock called Martin's "new multilateralism," Canada then proceeded to vote with the U.S., Israel, Australia and three small Pacific island nations against a resolution calling on the U.N. to "exert all efforts to promote the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people."

This is one of those rote resolutions that comes before the U.N. every year and passes by a wide margin. Usually Canada, in concert with Japan, the United Kingdom and most European nations, abstains. This year, in this particular vote, Canada threw its lot in with the small minority of nations that support Israel root and branch.

Rock's argument was not that Canada opposes Palestinian rights. Rather, he said, he was trying to make the U.N. a more businesslike place by opposing resolutions that have little real chance of success."



The Good Germans

John S. Hatch 


12/06/04 "ICH" -- It is a commonplace that at the end of WWII scarcely a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer could be found, or even anyone with an inkling that a Holocaust had been taking place. Even as rocks flew through Jewish shop windows and homes were burned, the Good Germans didn't know. Even when Jews began disappearing in huge numbers from right under their noses, the Good Germans weren't aware. Later on, even amongst Holocaust deniers I used to wonder if there were a mitigating percentage, however small, who as otherwise decent human beings simply could not accept the horror that human nature can be so vile. To admit the truth would be to recognize that life was essentially meaningless and insane, with suicide as the only logical course, a choice which the all-powerful instinct for self-preservation attempted to prevent. Thus self-deception for self-preservation; an unhappy compromise. It was the Nazi-exploited Nietzsche who pointed out (in the late 1800's remember) that one must first know the truth in order to bury it. Everybody knew, in one way or another. Violence, after all, is what One-Thousand Year Reichs do, and they must start very early. 



US admits the war for ‘hearts and minds’ in Iraq is now lost

Pentagon report reveals catalogue of failure

By Neil Mackay, Investigations Editor


THE Pentagon has admitted that the war on terror and the invasion and occupation of Iraq have increased support for al-Qaeda, made ordinary Muslims hate the US and caused a global backlash against America because of the “self-serving hypocrisy” of George W Bush’s administration over the Middle East.

The mea culpa is contained in a shockingly frank “strategic communications” report, written this autumn by the Defence Science Board for Pentagon supremo Donald Rumsfeld.

On “the war of ideas or the struggle for hearts and minds”, the report says, “American efforts have not only failed, they may also have achieved the opposite of what they intended”.

“American direct intervention in the Muslim world has paradoxically elevated the stature of, and support for, radical Islamists, while diminishing support for the United States to single digits in some Arab societies.”


The upside to losing Iraq? An empire falls

By Robert Jensen

12/03/04 "Austin American Statesman" -- The United States has lost the war in Iraq, and that's a good thing. 
I don't mean that the loss of American and Iraqi lives is to be celebrated. The death and destruction are numbingly tragic, and the suffering in Iraq is hard for most of us in the United States to comprehend. The tragedy is compounded because these deaths haven't protected Americans or brought freedom to Iraqis - they have come in the quest to extend the American empire in this so-called "new American century." 
So, as a U.S. citizen, I welcome the U.S. defeat, for a simple reason: It isn't the defeat of the United States - its people or their ideals - but of that empire. And it's essential the American empire be defeated and dismantled. 

Uncle Sam has his own gulag

Behaving like the Soviet secret police won't make America safer

By ERIC MARGOLIS, Contributing Foreign Editor


The Lubyanka Prison's heavy oak main door swung open. I went in, the first western journalist to enter the KGB's notorious Moscow headquarters -- a place so dreaded Russians dared not utter its name. When they referred to it at all, they called it "Detsky Mir," after a nearby toy store.

After interviewing two senior KGB generals, I explored the fascinating museum of Soviet intelligence and was briefed on special poisons and assassination weapons that left no traces. I sat transfixed at the desk used by all the directors of Stalin's secret police, on which the orders were signed to murder 30 million people.

Ex-CIA official: We will lose terror war
By Krishnadev Calamur
Washington, DC, Dec. 3 (UPI) -- The United States will ultimately lose the war on terror because of its policies in the Middle East and because of concerns over the human rights of militants worldwide, the former head of the CIA's team that hunted Osama bin Laden said Friday.

If he is an Arab, all the family would be killed and their home been demolished

Original News; Jewish extremist settler jailed


The imbalance of justice

Letter to Ha'aretz Newspaper and Independent UK

From: Marlene Newesri, New York City



Dear Editor:

The imbalance of justice metered out by Israeli courts to Palestinians (who are usually denied due process or are assassinated) as opposed to Jews is obvious in the recent sentencing of Jewish settler Shahar Dvir-Zeliger, who received only eight years for his role of belonging to a Jewish terrorist cell that attacked and killed several Palestinians, including a baby, and also engaged in other terrorist activities. This sentencing comes one week after a Palestinian man received 67 life sentences for his participation as a member of Hamas preparing bombs that killed and injured 60 Israeli citizens.

If the Judge who ruled in the Dvir-Zeliger case thinks that Jewish citizens of Israel belonging to terrorist organizations needs to be eradicated by "severe punishment," his very lenient sentence is further evidence that the life of a Palestinian is worthelss, with a green light to continue the killings.   

No doubt Dvir-Zeliger will serve only four of those 8 years, and his home will not be demolished as a "deterrent" for future Jewish terrorists, as this barbaric policy only applies to Palestinian families. 


The 4th International Academic Conference on

An End to Occupation, A Just Peace in Israel-Palestine

Activating an International Network

 January 3rd – 5th, 2005

 Hind Al-Husseini College, Faculty of Arts, Al-Quds University

Ben Jubeir Street, Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem

Organizing committee

Arnon Hadar- International Coordinator,

Anat Biletzki, Waleed Deeb, Lily Feidy, Uri Hadar, Eyad Sarraj, Salim Tamari, Oren Yftachel


Organizational comments

 * The conference location is at:  Hind Al-Husseini College, Faculty of Arts, Al-Quds University

Ben Jubeir Street, Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem


* Transportation to Al Quds will leave the pick-up area in the Notre Dame Hotel every morning at 8.00 am. Announcements will be made concerning the return journey towards the end of each day.

* For room reservation at the Notre Dame Hotel contact

Fax= 02-627-1995 / 626-2815


* Participants will be asked to make a contribution towards covering the conference costs.

* Please follow the updates on the FFIPP website at www.ffipp.org





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International News

[Zionism is Racism, Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism]


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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

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[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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