2009 Mexican Government Scholarship for Foreignerswww.anuies.mxScholarship 
This scholarship is offered to an unspecified number of people.Open for 
applications until August 7, 2008.

This award is to be used for research. This scholarship is paid unspecified.

Research Information
This scholarship is for any field of research.
Application Details
You can download a PDF with more information about the scholarship here.
Terms and conditions are subject to change.
Web Address: Payment Information
The value of this scholarship is unspecified (total may 
vary).http://becas.sre.gob.mxwww.edumexico.orgwww.conacyt.mxThe Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs of Mexico has officially opened its Call of Scholarships to 
receive applications from Non-Mexican citizens interested in applying for any 
of the following types of activities for the calendar year 2009: Masters 
Degree, Doctorate Degree, medical Specialisation; Research Fellowships; 
Post-doctoral Study; Visiting Professors; Specialisation; Artistic Fellowships; 
Expert Conferences; Research on Mexican Studies; Research on the Mexican 
Revolution; Research on the Mexican Independence. Please refer to PDF for 
further details. Other information websites about Mexican educational 
institutions are:

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