An evil state that will disappear one day
      [ 01/05/2008 - 12:35 AM ]

      Israeli occupation: 1948-2008 a history of ethnic cleansing and genocide

      Comment by Khalid Amayreh in occupied East Jerusalem

      Just as Israel inaugurated its misbegotten birth with genocidal ethnic 
cleansing sixty years ago, the evil brat of Zionism is marking its 60th 
anniversary with yet another spate of bloodletting.

      On Sunday, 27 April, the Israeli "Defense" Forces (a more appropriate 
appellation would be the Jewish Wehrmacht) murdered a mother and her four 
children in Beit Hanoun, a northern Gaza suburb.

      The mother and her kids reportedly were having breakfast when an 
artillery shell fired from an Israeli Merkava battle-tank hit their home, 
killing them instantly and mutilating their bodies.

      The graphic, blood-splattered images of the mutilated children and their 
mother raised no eyebrows among Israeli leaders and the Zionist-Jewish public 
opinion. After all, these Nazi-minded and Nazi-hearted Zionists have been doing 
this for more than sixty years. And the world seems to be coming to terms with 
these crimes as a fact of life. This is at least how Israel views world 
reactions to its crimes against the peoples of the Middle East.

      Anyone familiar with the Zionist way of thinking would tell you that 
whenever a pornographic carnage is committed by the Israeli occupation army, 
Israeli leaders don't indulge in soul-searching over the barbarian behavior 
they engage in. Instead, they just activate their hasbara machine in order to 
control the resulting public relations damage and help exonerate Israel of any 
wrong doing before the eyes of the world.

      Thus, these evil child killers have told us that their victims were 
killed not by Israeli artillery shells, but rather by Palestinian explosives! 
Well, didn't these wicked liars claim that Muhammed Durra was killed by 
Palestinian snipers in order to tarnish Israel's image?

      This is of course not the first time the Israeli army murders an entire 
family in order to inflict "shock and awe" on a people as bent on living and 
surviving as Israel is bent on killing and murdering. Israel's history, after 
all, has been an uninterrupted concatenation of massacres and war crimes. In 
fact, one would exaggerate very little by saying that Israel itself is a crime 
against humanity, and for that matter a continuing crime against humanity.

      The latest carnage in Gaza didn't occur in isolation. The entire Gaza 
Strip has been languishing under a harsh blockade that has much in common with 
the Nazi blockade of the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland in 1943.

      This is a truth that many people in Europe and North America can't bring 
themselves to accept, at least openly, because it is not politically correct to 
do so. Well, does the West need to see a full-fledged holocaust in Palestine in 
order to cast the holocaust guilt off its shoulders? Must Palestinian children 
be slaughtered every morning and every evening in order to finally bring about 
the long-awaited recuperation of Europe from the holocaust complex?

      As a result of barring the estimated 1.5 million Gaza inhabitants from 
accessing food, work, medicine and fuel, the vast bulk of the population has 
been forced into abject poverty and virtual starvation.

      Ill people who can't find the needed medicine and required medical care 
in local health facilities, are left to succumb to their illnesses. It is 
believed that more than 200 innocent Gazan patients have so far died as a 
direct result of the callous Nazi-like siege.

      This happens as Israeli officials appearing on western TV screens keep 
assuring the mostly nonchalant or morally-apathetic western audiences that 
under no circumstances would Israel allow a "humanitarian  crisis" to develop 
in Gaza. Well, what, apart from lies, do we expect from Zionism, a Godless, 
satanic ideology based on murder, theft and mendacity?

      What do we expect from a state that sends its crack soldiers to raid and 
terrorize orphanages and boarding schools in Hebron in the dead of night?

      What do we expect from a state that confiscates donated food for orphaned 
children whose parents had been murdered by the Israeli army.a state that 
orders its soldiers to raid inventory warehouses and steal shoes, clothes, even 
underwear, of orphaned children under ten years of age?

      What do we expect from a state whose soldiers murder 12-year-old school 
kids, and then verify the kill by emptying 20 more bullets into the small 
victim's body to make sure that the dead or dying  little girl or boy doesn't 
pose a threat to the security and safety of the heroic soldier?

      What do we expect from a state whose army bulldozers crush peace 
activists to death and then tells the world that " the bulldozer driver acted 
in accordance with outstanding instructions and did nothing wrong."

      Obviously, a sate as such is a Nazi state par excellence.

      Well, I know that Israel has produced good scientists and built good 
hospitals and made impressive achievements in science, technology and other 

      But this doesn't mean much in moral terms. Nazi Germany, too, produced 
many good scientists, built many good hospitals and made impressive 
achievements in science and technology.

      Besides, what is the point of inventing advanced electronic devices and 
then using the technology in murdering and maiming sleeping children and women 
and other innocent civilians?

      Indeed, what is the point of building a prosperous state on a foundation 
of oppression, mass murder and ethnic cleansing?

      Israel may appear modern, vigorous and democratic to much of the outside 
world. But for us, the Palestinians, Israel is and will always be a murderer, a 
thief and a liar.

      Israel stole our country away from us, ethnically cleansed our people, 
destroyed our homes, bulldozed our towns and villages, poisoned our water wells 
lest we return, and then expelled the bulk of our people to the four corners of 
the globe.these are the very people Israeli leaders and spokespersons now 
shamelessly call "terrorists."

      Yes, Israel is militarily and economically powerful; it  has a huge 
stockpile of nuclear weapons, and pro-Israeli pressure groups control the 
American government as well as much of the media and show business in the 
United States.

      So what?

      Evil states, like evil people, don not last forever. And Israel will be 
no exception.



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