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(٣) الدرسُ الثَالِثُ - LESSON 3
تمـرين - Questions


In the next section we will have multiple questions Insha' Allah (God-Willing) 
to test your understanding of the principles we have learnt.  To answer the 

Click on the question number you would like to answer (this will be highlighted 
in blue once you click to show that it is the active question).

Click on the letters on the keyboard in the lower frame to type in the answer 
in Arabic automatically under the question.  The joining of letters is 
automatic, hence focus on simply spelling the letters and familiarise yourself 
with how the letters are joined.

Click on the next question and use the keyboard again to enter the answer.

Upon completion of all questions click on the Mark Answer button to obtain your 
Please enter the answers to the questions below using the keyboard and mark 
your answers as per commentary (above).

(۲) اِقْرأْ وَكْتُبْ :

The Arabic sentence above means "Read and write".  In each of the sentences 
below simply type the words again using the keyboard as in the previous 
questions and including the vowel-marks which have been omitted.  Once again, 
upon completing the exercise you can click on the speakers by each sentence to 
hear the correct pronunciation and hence answers.

الـمدرس جديد

الـمكتب مكسور

اللبن بارد

القميص وسخ

الـحجر كبير

الـمسجد مفتوح

الإِمام جالس والـمدرس واقف

اللبن بارد والـماء حار

الـمنديل نظيف

القمر بعيد


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