Bush In Cairo

News agencies have reported that US President George W. Bush is to make a 
lightning stop in Egypt on Wednesday at the end of an eight-day Middle East 
tour, in a sign of the cooling in ties between the two allies.
The US leader will spend only three hours at the Red Sea resort of Sharm 
el-Sheikh for talks with President Hosni Mubarak, a presidential source said, 
on a stop that is seen as more protocol than politics.
"President Mubarak shares the general discontent with Bush's policies in Iraq 
and Israel," Mustafa Kamal al-Sayyed, a politics professor at Cairo University, 
told AFP."He will receive (Bush) warmly but won't share his ideas," Sayyed 
said, noting that, in a keynote speech in Abu Dhabi on Monday, Bush made no 
mention of Egypt in a list of Middle East countries moving towards 
democracy.The courtesy visit even failed to rally more than a cluster of 
protesters around Cairo."He is a murderer of Palestinians and Iraqis, we cannot 
host him in Egypt, never!" cried Islamist opposition figure Mohammed Abdel 
Qoddus as he stood on the steps of the journalists' union building with about a 
dozen others.The opposition press, reflecting the public mood, ran headlines 
against Bush's visit while the state-owned press made scant mention of the 
stop."Send him back home," wrote the Egyptian opposition daily Al-Destur, while 
liberal opposition newspaper Al-Wafd described Bush as a "heavy guest."
The relationship between the long-time strategic allies has taken a slight 
downturn, particularly over Washington's criticism of Egypt's role in securing 
its border with the Gaza Strip.On the eve of Bush's visit, US Secretary of 
State Condoleezza Rice urged Cairo to do more to stop arms smuggling into the 
Palestinian territory, which has been under the control of Islamist group Hamas 
since June.The US Congress last month froze 100 million dollars in aid until 
Rice could certify that Egypt was doing enough to stem the arms flow.In 
comments published on Tuesday, the Egyptian leader said Bush must press 
Palestinians and Israelis to agree a balanced outcome in any Middle East peace 
accord.Mubarak told the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger the "Palestinians are 
scared they will only get a small territory."The American president "must push 
the two parties to find a just solution and must take into consideration the 
needs of the Palestinians," said Mubarak.

We feel that the US role in the Middle East and in Palestine is so pathetic 
that public opinion has totally turned against them.In Iraq for a decade it has 
been pursuing a policy of destruction , first in the name of sanctions then 
direct invasion for false claim of weapons of mass destruction.In Palestine it 
has failed for the last sisty years, its only contribution is  vetoing hundreds 
of resolutions  in the security council to favor Israel.There is no end to the 
story of deceit.

We hope the US realizes its foreign policy high-handedness and see reason, 
force Israel to vacate all west bank territories including Jerusalem, dismantle 
all its settlements.Later the issue of return for refugees may be negotiated by 
the UN.

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