EU sees wide bias against Muslims 

MADRID - Muslims still face substantial discrimination in Europe, especially at 
work, and many fail to report racist incidents because of a lack of trust in 
authorities, a European Union human rights agency said Thursday.

In a survey of Muslims in 14 EU member states, the Agency for Fundamental 
Rights said one in three Muslims had faced discrimination, and 11 percent of 
those questioned said they had experienced a racially motivated crime.

The highest level of discrimination against Muslims occurred in the workplace, 
the agency said.

"Employment is a key part of the integration process. It is central to the 
contributions that migrants make to society, and to making such contributions 
visible. Discrimination may hamper the integration process," agency director 
Morten Kjaerum said in a statement.

The agency urged EU governments to tackle discrimination by making people aware 
of how to file complaints about discrimination and racism.

The report was part of the first-ever EU-wide survey on the experiences of 
immigrants and ethnic minorities, which reported last month that more than half 
of those groups believe discrimination is widespread where they live in Europe. 
Gypsies and Africans reported the most abuse.

Thursday's survey suggests similarly high levels of discrimination against 

In line with other minority groups, 79 percent of Muslims responding to the 
survey said they do not report discriminatory incidents and cases of racist 
crime to any authority, the agency said.

Young Muslims in particular have little faith in the police as a public 
institution. The survey said people without citizenship and new arrivals in a 
country were even less likely to report discrimination.

It said 59 percent of Muslim respondents believe "nothing would happen or 
change by reporting" and 38 percent said "it happens all the time" and 
therefore they do not make an effort to report incidents. "Truly accessible 
mechanisms are needed, where victims of racism can report in confidence," said 
Kjaerum. - AP

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