Bismillah [IslamCity] If and when......

2009-05-30 Thread chemayelraja

If and when , Israel and/or the USA
shall bomb Tehran...
and supposing that ,
 they will wipe-off  the whole of Tehran
from the map

Then ,
the 25 Synagogues of Tehran
shall also be destroyed !!

Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom
Double Agent
24 May 2009


Bismillah [IslamCity] If and when ??

2009-01-12 Thread raja chemayel

Gazza won't save him !! 

If and when ,
Israel is really wining  this war on Gaza
1- Why Journalist are not allowed to watch and to report ??
2- Why Israel is recruiting another additional 2000 reservists ??
3- Why Israel needs 18 days to re-conquer its own-starved-Prison ??

Hamas is not claiming (yet) any victory
instead, Hamas refuses any cease-fire !!

You may draw your own conclusions .
or follow your wishful thinking..
just like me  !


Gazza is the bridge 
toward the Liberation

PS :
If and when Tony Blair wants
"a cease-fire"
he should not worry !!
Murarak and Sarcozy 
will not shoot at each other .
 Unless .
Hamas has Weapons of Mass Destruction 
send to them by President Saddaam
and Sarcozy wants them back to France.

If and when
"Israel is not aiming at Civilians in Gaza"
how come 85% of the dead-victims are civilians
and 97% of the wounded are Gazza-civilians ??

If and when Israeli-Occupation is not a theft
then what is it ??

If and when Israel is not a crime,by itself,
then what is it ??

If and and when Zionism is not racism plus colonialism
then what is it ??

If and when Israel shall not achive any victory
would that not be a defeat ??